Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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    1 16
Final Contests of Fore Part
of Season Due Friday
. and Tuesday.
former Winnipeg Amateur Credited
With Total of 2 1 Points, 17 Be
ing From Goals and Four
. From Assists Made.
Pacific Coast Ice Hockey Standings.
V anrnuver ......... 5
Spokane ............ 5
Portland 5
I.. Pet. For Agst.
: ,&4.- 4.i 41
S .MW 60 C2
5 .500 42 45
i .453 54 51
Standridge., he winning five and los
ing' one against the 1916 tailenders.
In 1914, Standridge. pitching for San
Francisco, made the following record:
Vs. Los Angeles, won five and lost one;
vs. Oakland, won 5 and lost 4; vs. Port
land, won three and lost three; vs. Sac
ramento, won one and lost seven; vs.
Venice, won four and lost four.
In 1916, pitching for Los Angeles,
Standridge made the following record:
Vs. Oakland, won five and lost one; vs.
Portland, won one and lost five; vs.
Salt Lake, won four and lost two; vs.
San Francisco, won four and lost one;
vs. Vernon, won five and lost two.
Northwest State Normal of Alva,
Okla., Loses 34 to 32.
ROSEBURG. Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
The Roseburg High School basketball
team last night defeated the Northwest
State Normal School five of Alva, Okla-,
by a score of 34 to 32. The game was
attended by a big crowd.
Since , leaving their home city the
visiting team has played a total of 48
games, 4 6 of which they won. The
members of the Oklahoma, team were
met at the depot by the entire student
Totals 21 21 1S9 180
Next Games.
Tomorrow Portland at Spokane.
Tomorrow Vancouver at Seattle,
Tuesday Seattle at Portland.
Three more games and the first half
of the 1916-1917 season of the Pacific
Coast Ice Hockey Association will be
history. Tomorrow night two contests
will be staged. Portland meeting the
Spokane Canaries at Spokane and Seat
tle playing Vancouver. Tuesday night
Portland will play Seattle in the Ice
ralace. This is the only match slated
for that night.
The 6-to-4 defeat of the Uncle Sams
by the Canadians Tuesday night and
the 3-to-l victory of Seattle over the
Canaries jumbled the league standings
again. The Uncle Sams were forced
into the cellar, while Seattle jumped
out in front.
From all accounts it was "too much
Lehman" that was responsible for the
trouncing handed the Oregonlans. It
was a rough match and full of real
action, particularly the last period. The
Seattle aggregation took the lead soon
after the engagement started, and it
never was headed.
At last Dick Irvin, the former Win
nipeg amateur, has reached the top of
the ladder in the individual scoring
honors. At the start of the present
campaign he was used only as a sub
stitute, but in the last four matches
lie has been a. regular, scoring 12 goals
in that time. He registered two goals
and one assist against Vancouver Tues
day night, and as a result he passed
Dr. Gordon Roberts in the standings.
Irvin is credited with 21 points so
far this season, 17 of them coming from
goals scored and four from assists. Dr.
Roberts has 14 goals and six assists,
good for 20 points.
f The Uncle Sams remained in Seattle
all day yesterday, and today will go
to Spokane, where they will play to
morrow night. William F. Scott, man
ager of the Portlanders, is somewhat
disappointed as to the score Tuesday
night, but he was satisfied with the
' way his aggregation was working, so
. nothing but a victory will be accepted
after tomorrow's embroglio.
A win for Portland and a win for
Vancouver will mean that second place
will be a tie between Seattle and Port
land at .500. Vancouver, who was in
the cellar the first part of this week,
will then be in the lead, while Spo
kane will be out of luck.
The first game of the Portland In
terscholastic League ice hockey season
will be played tomorrow night be
tween Lincoln High and the Jeffer
son High. Play will start at 8 o'clock,
and everything will be completed
within an hour so that the regular
ekating session can be held.
The coaches for both squads will not
be able to witness the fray. Tommy
Murray, the Portland goal keeper, is
v.oaching Lincoln, while Captain Char
ley Tobin, of the Uncle Sams, is look
ing after Jefferson.
Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
versus O.-W. R. & N. will be the sched
i le for next Monday night in the Port
land Amateur Hockey Association cir
cles. The Police dropped a 2-to-4 af
fair to the Northwest Auto Hockey
Club last Monday night. Harry Moun
" tain and Dean Lane each sagging the
net twice for the winners.
In 10 games Vancouver's representa
tives have recorded 50 goals for an
average of five each game, while Port
land is second with an average of 4.91
goals each match. Seattle has put up
the strongest defense, allowing but
:t.77 scores in all games. The Mil
lionaries have allowed 5.20, while Port
land is charged with 4.67.
" Does any one believe that Jim Jef-
fries. Jack Johnson and Jess Willard
" reached the top through their "brains
' and courage." or through their physi
' cal bulk and their developed knack?
' Beavers Take Pitcher Into Camp
Five Times Out of Six.
Portland was the only club in the
Coast League that failed to be duly
Impressed by Pete Standridge's 1915
' trip to Eastern climes. "With Los An
geles in 1916, Standridge made a better
showing against every club but Port
land than he had made in 1914 when he
was pitching for San Francisco. In
1914 Sacramento was the only club that
could win more than it lost against
Standridge and it has his measure to
the tune of seven wins and only one
defeat. In 1916 Standridge in part
wiDed out this stain by picking in Sac-
lamento's heir. Salt Lake, for four wins
and two defeats.
In 1916. Portland with five wins and
only one defeat was the only club that
could win more than It lost against
Standridge. Oakland, on the other
hnnd. was the easiest picking for
body of the Roseburg High School,
headed by a band. A parade through
the business streets of the city followed.
X i "
I t 1
Thomas J. Darmody.
Thomas J. Darmody is encoun
tering difficulty in getting Ivan
Olson, ex-Beaver and present
Brooklyn 6hortstop, from the
Dodgers, according to the latest
reports from Brooklyn. Darmody
made a hit with the Los Angeles
fans by naming Olson to head the
Tigers next season. Everyone
thought that he must have se
cured the Brooklyn club's consent
before giving out the announce
ment, but late reports from the
big-league city cause one to be
lieve that he did not.
Those on the inside think that
he will eventually land Oleon,
who should make the Vernon club
a hard one to beat. Olson should
prove popular with the fans, and
in that way be just the opposite
of Ham Patterson, recently deposed.
COe (20O Seat Only). SI. 1.50 Box S3.
At Meeting: to Be Presided Over by
Judge Cameron Arrangements for
Benefit Game to Be Made.
Arrangements for the benefit unrr-e
game for the British Red Cms. nnd
will be made at a meeting of the Port
land Soccer Football Association to
night in room 701 Chamber of Com
merce building. Judge Cameron will
preside and call the Eatheriner to nrH..
at o ciock . Al.
All interested are reauested to e-m rt
touch with Frank Billington at Wood
lawn 4408 or R. M. D. ("Bob" Rankin.
at Tabor 876. Two teams will be se
lected rrom tne many players around
Portland. The squads will be known
as the Reds and the Blues. The Reds
are practically the entire Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club plavers.
Those in charge of the meetine to
night request that all the officers of
tne old Portland Soccer Football Asso
elation be present so that the ore-an
izaiion can be dissolved and formed
again.' New by-laws and constitution
will be drawn up and officers elected
It is the intention to revive the SDort
similar to the days when the Nationals
were predominating over all other
teams around Portland. The silver
trophy donated by Judge Cameron has
been put up again as a perpetual af
fair. Games will be played on all holi-j
days and days set aside by the com-
A practice game will be staged Sat
urday afternoon on Multnomah Field
and all candidates for the Reds and
Blues are requested to be present. An
other workout will be held Sunday
morning on Multnomah Field, starting
at 10:30 o'clock.
Chicago an Wins From Daboutl, Wel
terweight Champion of Europe.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. Jack Britton,
of - Chicago, welterweight champion,
outboxed and outfought Albert Baboud.
of France, welterweight champion of
Europe, in a lu-round bout here to
night. Britton earned the honors In
every round except the third, which was
Britton weighed 143 pounds and Ba
boud 148. In the opening round after
landing several left jabs. Britton sent
a right across to the jaw, for the only
knockdown of the contest.
Doty Five to Play Tono.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) The Doty High School basket.
ball team, which has defeated Centralis
Chehalis, South Bend, Raymond. Lebam. I
Tt TT.ll anri VanavfnA ...111 1 i !
Ainieuc uuo live Saturday night at
Doty. The Doty team has not lost a,
game this season.
Hammond Club 28, Astoria High 21
ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 10. (Special. 1
After a slow first half that ended in a
9-to-9 tie, Hammond Club broke away
from the Astoria High School quintet
in the second half tonight and won
the game, 28 to 21. This was the sec
ond game of the city basketball league.
Ex-Gopher to Coach Grlnnell.
GRINNELL, la.. Jan. 10. Oscar
Solem, a former Minnesota University
footlball player, was tonight elected
coach of the Grlnnell College foot
ball squad for 1917.
Dartmouth Hockey Team Wins.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Dartmouth de
feated: Princeton at hockey here tonight
by a score of C to 8,
A A 0 . : 'SS
B WJ 4 v.S !rLJ n 1 1 . 7 A f Tpfcj
Eugene Host to Oregon Foot
ball Team at Banquet.
Dean of Gridiron Experts Sends
Word of His Admiration at Way
Eleven Played Banquet At
tended by 2 00 Persons.
EUGENE. Or.f Jan. 10. (Special.)
Eugene's formal celebration of Ore
gon's football victory over Pennsyl
vania at Pasadena New Year's day
closed tonight with a victory-banquet
tendered by the Eugene Chamber of
Commerce to the players. Coach Hugo
Bezdek and Trainer "Bill" Hayward;
200 persons were present.
The cheers which began when the
news was telegraphed that Tegart had
carried the ball over the line for the
first touchdown, reached their climax
tonight when C. A. Burden, toastmas
ter and formerly athletic director at
the University of Oregon, produced a
bundle of congratulatory telegrams,
coming from all parts of the country;
all of them praising the Oregon eleven.
Governor Sends Congratulation.
Governor James Withycombe said:
"I greatly regret that I cannot be
present to congratulate Oregon's foot
ball players upon their splendid vic
tory. We are all proud of them."
Among the other messages wag one
from Walter Camp, head coach, of the
Yale football team. He said:
"My advices have convinced me that
not only Coach Bezdek, Captain Beck
ett. Huntington, Parsons and Tegart
deserve the greatest credit, but espe
cially the real football spirit that was
shown by the whole team in overcom
ing what looked like a depressing be
ginning and fighting back with in
creased power, and also by altering
their attack suddenly to forward pass
ing when the opposing secondary de
fense came too close to their line and
stopped the running game."
Other messages were from college
presidents, football authorities and
football enthusiasts In various parts oi
the country. One was from Edwin P.
ishattuck. of New York City, a member
of the first Oregon football team.
Many Respond to Toasts.
The address of welcnm -wa
by Joseph Koke, president of the Cham
ber of Commerce. P. L. Campbell, pres
ident oi tne university or Oregon, re
sponded with a speech which was brim
ful of enthusiasm.
Those who responded to toasts were:
Clyde R. Seitz, A. C. Dixson. Dr. S. D.
Reed, Rev. Mr. Moran. E. O. Immel,
Hugo Bezdek and Johnny Beckett.
President of Hockey Association to
Give Johnson's- $ 1 5 Away.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) Frank Patrick, president of the
Pacific, Coast Ice Hockey Association,
announced tonight that the $15 fine as
sessed to "Moose" Johnson in the office
of the local ice arena after the Van
couver-Portland hockey , game last
night would go to eome deserving char
ity of Portland.
Johnson, who is the stellar defense
man of the Uncle Sams, is said to have
abused Referee Irvine and it was over
heard by President Patrick, who imme
diately took action. A custom of the
Pacific Coast Ice Hockey Association is
that the fine money must go to some
Rose City Athletic Club to Be
Scene of Events.
Portland and Seattle Boxers Will
Clash for Lightweight Honors.
Mitchie and Monpier
Also to Sleet.
Five Portland favorites have received
choice positions on the boxing card
scheduled for tomorrow night at the
Rose City Athletic club's headquarters.
East First and East Morrison streets.
"Muff Bronson will meet Lloyd Mad
den. Northwest lightweight champion:
Frankie Huelat will measure punches
with Sammy Morris: Weldon Wing will
fight Joe Hill, who arrived from Ta
coma yesterday, and Pete Mitchie and
Vincent Monpler. of Portland, will clash
In another big bout.
Reinforcing these four' headline bat
tles are two preliminaries.
Bronson has made a hit in Portland
by defeating Lee Johnson and fighting
Madden, of Seattle, to a draw. The
Seattle boxer packs a right-hand punch
which may disturb "Muff if he con
nects. The bad cold which attacked
Bronson after a fishing trip of last
Sunday apparently disappeared yes
terday, and be worked with all of his
old-time zip
Vincent Monpler is a worthly op
ponent for Pete Mitchie, The latter
has whipped most of the lightweights
around Portland and is about due to
step into the Madden-Bronson class.
Following is the complete pro
gramme to be presented: 135 pounds, at
6 o'clock. "Muff" Bronson vs. Lloyd
Madden; 140 pounds. Pete Mitchie vs.
Vincent Monpler; 125 pounds, Sammy
Morris, of San Francisco, vs. Frankie
Huelat; 118 pounds. Joe Hill vs. Wel
don Wing; 190 pounds, Ben Bordsen
vs. Art Wilson; 130 pounds. Jack Ilad-
ley vs. "Buck" Smith, of Astoria.
Now that Les Darcy, the pugilistic
pilgrim from Australia, is in New York,
fans of this country are speculating on
his ability as a fighter. Until he be
gins actual training for whatever en
gagements may be made for him they
will have to depend upon heresay evi
dence, which certainly puts Darcy all
to the good.
Walter Miller will wrestle Chris
Gesek in Spokane tonight at 14$ pounds
at 3 o'clock. He has written here that
he would like to meet anyone who can
be secured for him in Portland. He
says that he has heard that John Berg
says he can beat him two falls in one
hour. Miller says he is willing to back
himself with J500 in that sort of a
match with Berg.
According to Charlie Carr. ex-big
league first baseman who was a Port
land visitor Tuesday. Jack Dillon, the
Indianapolis "man-killer," will be
through as a fighter unless he takes
better care of himself. "Dillon Just
recently opened up a cafe In Indianap
olis," said Carr. "He never used to
smoke or drink, but does now and
seems to have lost interest in fight
ing." Carr and Dillon are fast friends,
as they both reside in Indianapolis.
When Pete Herman outpointed
Johnny Williams at New Orleans Tues
day night he jumped right into the
"big time" of the bantamweight divi
sion. "Kewple" Ertle. who is recog
nized as the bantamweight champion
In most parts of the country, may not
show the same fear of meeting Herman
in a long contest that he has displayed
in signing up with Williams.
Most fans hope that Herman and
Ertle will soon get together in a 20
round bout and that one or the other
will be able to gain a clean-cut decision
so that the bantamweight tangle will
be unraveled.
CRITIC," Says Dedman
"No other class of business men are better able to
judge the value of a good smoke; many members of
The Oregonian 'family are smoking Juan de Fuca
Havana Bonded in the Commodore size."
If the pet pipe has fallen off in cir
culation, take It to the pipe craft
shop in the window.
Ci eat Co.
Ill Broadway, 'lev en steps from Wash. St.
Opposite Owl.