TIIE 3IORXIXG OIiEGOXl.N. TnUESDAT, JANUARY 11, 1917. 13 W. HL DANIELS GETS COMMISSION SEAT Interstate Commerce Official Confirmed by Senate Fol , lowing Bitter Fight. SECRET DEBATE GIVEN OUT Custom of Withholding From Public of Executive Session Proceed ings Broken, Progressives Iefing Old Itules. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Confirma tion of Winthrop M. Daniels, of New Jersey, to succeed himself as a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission was voted by Ihe Senate tonight and, contrary to custom, a part of the de bate on the nomination was made pub lic revealing the bitterness of the fight waged against it in executive sessions. The vote, taken after opposition had delayed action for nearly a month, stood 42 to 15. All of the Senators of the so-called Progressive wing of the Republican party and one Democrat, Senator Iiollis, voted in the negative. Excerpts from the executive debate Include a -speech by Senator Cummins attacking Commissioner Daniels' fit ness for a place on the Commission be cause of rulings he handed down as the Tublic Utilities Commissioner of New Jersey and declaring that In granting increases to the railroads in the ad vance rate case the Interstate Com merce Commission, led by Mr. Daniels, "ignored the law.and exercised an au thority which never has been and never will be conferred on any Commission." Senator JVevr lands I Defender. A reply by Senator Newlands, de fending the Commissioner's part of both of these cases, also was given out. It was one of the few instances in recent times when such a course has been adopted regarding debates behind closed doors, and recalled the sensa tional attack on rules of secrecy made by Progressive Republicans when Mr. Daniels first was nominated to the Commission in 1913. At that time Sen ator La Follette and several other Sen ators, after vainly fighting confirma tion for several weeks, announced that they would defy, the secrecy rule thereafter regarding debates on nomi nations. , In his argument against confirma tion today. Senator Cummins went at length into the railroad control situa tion and-declared he believed the Fed eral Government "had reached the part ing of the ways." t-overnmcnt Ownership Preferable. "I believe that our system of the control and regulation of common car riers is on final trial and if the Com mission is to be made up of men of Mr. Daniels' trend of mind the system must be abandoned," said the Iowa Senator. "For one, I have no hesitation in de claring that if his views are to prevail I am for absolute and immediate Gov ernment ownership and operation of our transportation facilities. "if the charges for service rendered by our public carriers are to increase year after year in the rapid rate which the principles which he advocates will not only authorize but require, the bur den, now heavy, will become insupport able." An exhaustive review of the "cam paign" for a general freight rate in crease begun by the railroads in 1910 was given by Senator Cummins, who eaid the movement proceeded until it seemed to bring under Its influence all the forces of the Government. JURY REACHES 'VERDICT BAILIFF ACCEPTS SEALED MISSIVE AND JCRYMES GO HOME. Judge Gets Surprise When lie Reads We Cannot Agree on Verdict for j Either Plaintiff or Defendant." Anyone who has ever served on a Jury in the Circuit Court can appre ciate this incident. Court attaches still are puzzled by it. They are not quite sure whether it was an unwitting mistake of members of a jury panel or a clever ruse. The Wilberg-Oppegard Investment Company was suing the New Amster dam Casualty Company in the court of Circuit Judge Tucker, involving the validity of a certain bond. Arguments concluded Saturday afternoon and the jury was Instructed to retire and de. liberate upon its verdict. It was not to report until it"" had reached a ver diet, but if was stipulated by the at torneys in the case that, in case a de cision was reached after court had adjourned for the night a sealed ver dict could be submitted, to be read Monday, and the jury discharged. At 10:55 Saturday night the jurors summoned Bailiff MacBratney. "We have reached a verdict and we want to go home," they told him, hand ing over a sealed envelope containing a verdict. This seemed satisfactory and the Jury was released for the night. Judge Tucker opened the verdict Monday to find to his astonishment that.it read: "We the jury in the above entitled action cannot agree on a ver diet for either plaintiff or defendant.' A "hung" Jury was expected to con tinue deliberations and to attempt to reach an agreement until released by order of the judge. 2 FIREMEN SUSPENDED E. H. HAWKINS AND J. II. CAMPBELL FACE BOOTLEGGING CHARGES. Upon Investleatlon by District Attoi ney. Mayor Orders Suspensions. Chiefs Hold All-Night Hearing:. On charges of complicity in a. bootleg ring, captain is. a. Hawkins and En glneer J. H. Campbell, of fire engine company No. 2. were suspended from the fire service yesterday by Mayor Albee. The charges against the two and H. Tracy and J. W. Bannon. ex members of the same engine company were presented to Mayor Albee by th District Attorney s office and th Mayor forthwith ordered the suspen Fiona penning a Hearing before th Board of Fire Chiefs. From 8 o'clock last night until after 2 o clock this morning Captain Hawkin and Engineer Campbell were on trial before the Board of Fire Chiefs at the City Hall, where an effort was made to get at the bottom of the scandal Seven witnesses testified! The hearing was a private one, cauea ny ;nier Dowell, who, it is understood, "asked permission from the Mayor to did' charge summarily the men involved if, after the hearing, it was warranted in the minds of the Board of Fire Chiefs. The developments, together with the testimony, will be. laid before -Mayor Albee this morning. At 1:30 -Vclock this morning it was announced that the chiefs were not finished with the testimony- and that several hours more would be needed. The firemen involved were being given opportunity to de fend themselves as the witnesses pro duced testimony one after the other. Aside from the fact that the object of the hearing" was summary dismissal If the facts warranted it. nothing was divulged as to the evidence adduced at the hearing. The two men have been in the serv ice 10 years. Captain Hawkins, in ad dition to having worked up to his posi tion, la a member of the board of trus tees of the firemen's relief and pension fund and is treasurer of an organiza tion of firemen brought together re cently to campaign for a two-platoon system for the firemen. It is said that about the middle of November Hawkins and Campbell went in two automobiles to Hornbrook. Cal., KLAMATH FALLS ATTORNEY IS APPOINTED UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. 9 mm. V. ,4 t Bert C. Thomas. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, Jan. 10. (Special.) Bert C. Thomas, an attorney of this city, today re ceived notice of his appointment as United States Commissioner for the District of Oregon, to re side at Klamath Falls. Tho ap pointment was made by Charles E. Wolverton, United States Dis trict Judge at Portland, for a period oj four years. This appointment is made nec essary by reason of the fact that William Mason Duncan, who has been serving as Commissioner here, resigned the position after his election,as District Attorney last November. Mr. Thomas was special agent of the General'' Land Office at Portland from 1911 to 1913 and entered the practice of law here in 1914. and brought back, a large amount of liquor, which was stored in the homes of the two firemen on the East Side. On November 29, It is said, Campbell and Tracy made another trip to Horn- orook and on the. return were, stopped in Albany. Campbell, it is said, escaped rom there and Tracy was retained for time. In some manner the name of Hawkins became involved and it was through this that the investigation tarted locally. TWO INDIANS SENTENCED Liquor Charge Proved, but Older Man May Get Commutation. Shem Lafayette and William Metcalf, wards of the Government on the Slletz Indian Reservation, were both found guilty yesterday in Federal Judge Beans court of taking liquor onto the reservation. Sentence will be passed this morning. The minimum penalty each can re ceive is a fine of $100 and 60 days in the county Jail. Metcalf has been in trouble before. but Lafayette, who is old. has never been. He was made the tool of Met calf in the purchase, of the liquor, it was said; but each was guilty of tak- ng it onto the reservation and getting drunk. Some effort may be made to have Lafayette's jail sentence shortened or commuted, as he is old and confine ment would probably seriously impair his health. DOG AVENGESDR. STEINER Bulldog Attacks Mr. Olcott's Pet That Bit Hospital Official. SALEM, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) Dr. Steiner, superintendent of the State Hospital, has a pet bulldog. When he heard that his master had been victim of a bite from Secretary Olcott'a dog. Puppo, apparently he brooded over the matter. Anyway, he arrived at the State Cap itol tonight, sought out "Puppo," and attacked him in the rotundo of the capitol to the delight of the male spec tators, and the terror of the female clerks. The contestants were pulled apart and the fight declared a draw, with neither hurt. ACCUSED CHANGES PLEA P. S. Adams Admits Assault Upon W. P. Edwards at Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) Judge William H. Chapman, of the Superior court at Tacoma, was called here to hear the case against P. S. Adams, charged with second de gree assault, W. F. Edwards being the complaining witness. Adams had pleaded not guilty, and asked that a change of venue be granted, and it was. When Judge Chapman opened court today Adams pleaded guilty to second degree assault, a misdemeanor. The Jury was excused until tomorrow morn ing. - Students to Draw Designs. Students in the art classes In the Portland publio schools are to be in vited to design posters for the National Education Association convention. This arrangement was announced by the general committee yesterday, through L. R. Alderman, superintendent of schools. It is proposed to arrange with the railroads to have the best design, if decided worthy of use for advertis ing the convention, printed and distrib uted in the East by all of the lines over which delegates will be coming to Portland. .' Auto Stolen From Iligii School. " G. E. Murphy, of the Chamber or Commerce building, reported last night that his automobile was stolen about 7:30 o'clock from its parking place in front -f the Lincoln High School. Tho automobile is a light vehicle, and bears 1917 license number 13290. BINDER TWINE RISE NOT DUET0IV1AKERS Senate Special Committee Exonerates Manufactur ers in United States. SISAL MONOPOLY BLAMED Backing by American Bankers of Yucatan Concern Which Controls Supply Declared Responsible. Prosecution Is Doubtful. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The Inter national Harvester Company and other American manufacturers of - binder twine have been exonerated of re sponsibility for its increased price in the report of the Senate special com mittee, which investigated the Yucatan sisal monopoly. "There was no evidence," says the report, "showing, that the American manufacturer is responsible for the in creased price of binder twine, but, on the contrary, it is conclusively shown that the price is based on the cost of the raw material." CHICAGO. Jan. 10. (Special.) Cyrus H. McCormick, president of the Inter national Harvester Company, gave out tonight the following interview: "I have before me a telegraphic sum mary with direct quotations from the report unanimously rendered by the Senate subcommittee which spent sev eral months last year investigating the importation of Yucatan sisal fiber and the manufacture of binder twine in the United States. Bankers Are Blamed. "This report, signed by Senators Ransdell. of Louisiana; Gronna, of North Dakota, and Wadsworth of New York, finds, in effect, that the grain farmers of the United States are being taxed $12,000,000 a year increased cost of their binder twine, solely througli the operations of a foreign monopoly financed and made effective by a com bination of American bankers. "It shows plainly that neither the In ternational Harvester Company nor any other American twine manufacturer is or has been in any degree responsible for the increase of the price of binder twine, but that it Is wholly due to the control of the sisal production by 'the Yucatan monopoly, financed by Amer ican capital. v "The report recommends to the De partment of Justice such action as the facts developed by the subcommittee's inquiry warrant. It also recommends such representation by the State De partment to the de facto government of Mexico as may relieve American agri culture from the excessive increases in the price of binder twine imposed by the Yucatan monopoly. "Before the Yucatan monopoly be came effective through its financial support by American bankers, the av erage price of sisal fiber over a long period was bib cents a pound. The present price ia 14 H cents. Monopoly on Foreign Soil. 'The report says in part: ' "As this monopoly is beyond " the territory of the United States, it is dif ficult to see how it can be reached, though possibly the actions of its agents In this country may come with- n the purview of our anti-trust laws. The - . Pan-American Commission Corporation (the company formed by Chicago, New York and New Orleans bankers to finance the Yucatan mo nopoly) ... Is an American corpo ration and amenable to our laws " if they have been violated. Without the aid of these 'American bankers, wno kept $10,000,000 constantly at the dis posal of the Comision Reguladora (the Yucatan concern), it would have been unable to effect and carry out its monopolistic combination to control the sisal market and fix the price regard less of the law of supply and demand and entirely at Its own option.' It is to be hoped that this report and further action by the Government may result in bringing relief to the farmers who .are being compelled to pay millions for the benefit of this Yucatan monopoly. SEERESS IS AT STRAND WOMEN ASK WAH-LET-KA MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT FUTURE. Comedy Offerings and Acrobats Who Perform Daring Feats Are Also " on Well-Rounded Bill. Wah-let-ka, who lifts the veil and peers profitably into one's future, is packing 'em in over at the Strand on the new bill. This is Wah-let-ka'e third visit, and Manager Pierong, of the Strand, says that he thinks of playing a Wah-let-ka season, so that all the women in Portland will have -a chance at first-hand information on their pasts, presents and futures. Apparently every woman in Portland is endeavoring to get In touch with Wah-let-ka through the medium of either the theater or by writing to her. Every mall brings a huge stock of queries from folk who are interested in her amazing power of prophecy, and who ask her help in solving personal problems. Wah-let-Ka is a Cherokee prophetess who has a highly cultivated ability to probe into the future, and she makes generous use or ner power ror the en tertainment and help of the Strand audiences. Arrangements have been made for her to give an especial mat inee lor women next Saturday morn ing. Besides this exponent of the occult art on the new bill, there are three other entertaining acts and a Bluebird photodrama. The latter is one of the biggest dramatic stories offered lately. tt is entitled "xne fiper-s Price," fea turing Dorothy Phillips in a story o one man's perfidy and the vengeance wreaked upon him by the wronged woman. Vincent and Berg are a duo of eat ling-gun comedians, who dash briskly into song and Interpolate bright patte along with it. The Parker brothers are acrobats; who venture their lives and limbs in daring physical feats. Of high-class order and wholly artls tic is the instrumental and vocal music offered by a pair of artists. De Muth and Butler. Bids on Fir Timber to Be Asked. Government proposals for . 713,000 feet of fir timber are available and the Chamber of Commerce will obtain full specifications at once for the bene fit of local concerns which desire to bid on the contract. The timber is re quired for delivery on Government bills of lading at Racine. Wis. Notifi cation of the proposals was sent to the Chamber by Major W. Kelly, Corps of Engineers, United States Army. Igli Cost of Materials and Labor Forces tlie Inevitable PROSPECTIVE CHEVROLET BUYERS have our protection on prices' until Janu ary 15, when all models will increase from In other words, if your order for any of the Chevrolet models is in our hands before January 15, your car will cost the present prices. - The New Prices F. O. B. Portland Touring Carw630.- Enclosed Car $705. Roadster $615 The Old Prices F. O. B. Portland Touring Car $570. Enclosed Car $650.- Roadster $570 The Difference Is a Worth-While Saving Buy Today. SOLD ON TERMS. Mr. Automobile Buyer, Consider Values What cars have the WILLARD battery? You know it is found only in the better cars, the higher-priced cars. What automobiles use a two-unit startingand lighting system? Again you know that only the cars hich cost more use this more ex pensive system. 514 ALDER STREET MEETING IS TONIGHT Forty-Five Efficiency Club's Date Is Advanced. DEFINITE WORK PLANNED Movement to Be Supported to Have Age Limit Removed From Civil Service RulesLeglsiature to Be Memorialized. Attention, members of Forty-five. Efficiency Club! I Tonight." Instead of tomorrow night as originally planned and scheduled. the Forty-Five Efficiency Club will hold a meeting: at the Public Library in room H. Inability to engage the hall at the Library for Friday night is the reason tor moving the meeting night up and the president, J. D. Mann, an nounced last night that the only room available tonight will be room H. It had been hoped to arrange for Library Hall, but another meeting precluded the arrangement. The efficiency board of the Forty- Five Efficiency Club met Tuesday and arranged to frame a Joint memorial to the Legislature asking that body to join with the club in a memorial to be sent to the President asking him to lend his suDnort to a movement to have the age limit removed from the Civil Service regulations. This will De me first of several actions against the growing age embargo sentiment that the club proposes to take. Tho, executive board of the club Is composed of C. J. Barnard. W. P. Adams. W. C. Lynch, D. C. Zlnk and H. A. Hin shaw and its meeting was also at tended by Fred Spoerl, one of the active member of the chb and first tempo rary president, and by President J. D. Mann and Secretary E. J. Barry. The Fortv-Flve Efficiency Club nas been organized as a serious unit of men past'is years in age and still In possession of their physical and mental faculties, who have joined in a Nation wide move to remove whatever fancied or real sentiment exists against old age or advanced maturity. The club in reality started out in a semi-humorous way for the purpose of taking a slap over the left at Vr. William osier ana his theories that a man at 60 or over was good for the scrapheap only. The meeting last Thursday ntght at which the club formally was organized was attended by more than 800 Port land men of all walks of life, in broad cloth and overalls. 6500 SHEEP BRING $60,000 Baker Sheepman to Fatten Band In Xorth Powder District. BAKER. Or.f Jan. 10. (Special.) One of the largest sheep deals In this vicinity was reported today, tu. u. Johnston, of this city, having pur chased 6500 head from S. W. Falkner, of Enterprise. While the exact amount Involved was not given out. It Is known to be more than $60,000. Mr. Johnston plans to feed the sheep In the North Powder district this Win ter and probably market them next season. SOLDIER SLAIN AT BORDER Regular Found on Mexican Side With Throat Slashed. LAREDO.' Tex., Jan. 10. The body of Corporal John R. Stewart. Company G. Ninth United States Infantry, was found on the Mexican aide of the Rio Grande here last night with the throat cut. Stewart's former homo Is not known by Army officers here. HIBERNIANS INSTALL HEAD Joint Ceremony Is Held Ladles Auxiliary. With M. J. Driscoll was installed as county president of tha Ancient Order of THE PRODUCT Valve-in-Head " Motor 8000 Miles to Set of Tires eh1.; E. Boone & Co Hibernians at the Joint Installation of the Hibernians and the Ladles Auxil iary Monday night at the hall on Rus sell street. - Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan was installed as president of the auxiliary. The other officers of the Hibernians were as follows: President. P. J. Han ley; vice-president. F. A. McMenamin: recording secretary. E. J. Murnane; financial secretary. P. J. Shevlin; treas urer, John Farrell; chairman of stand ing committee, J. L. Levrldge: ser-sreant-at-arms, Thomas Doherty; senti nel, M. J. Freeman; chaplain. Father Cronln, of Cathedral pariah. Officers of the auxiliary are:- Presi dent. Mrs. Hogan; vice-president, Mrs. Mary Limerick; recording secretary, Mrs. Fannie Deery; financial secretary. Miss Mary Francis McCarthy: treas urer. Mis Catherine Qulnn: chairman of standing committee, Mixs Nellie Qulnn; sergeant-at-arms, Mtss Mar garet Conroy. and sentinel, Mrs. A. McLoughlin. LAND COM PANY TAN G LED :tl,000 CLAIMS FILED AFTER JESSE HAELL GOES TO JAIL. Chance for Stockholders to Recover Is Slight, and Mortsrarea Are Foreclosed at Intervals. OREGON C1TT, Or., Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) Tom P. Randall, receiver for the Northwestern Association, today filed his report In the Clackamas County Circuit Court. The report shows the tangled condition of the association's affairs. The head of the concern. Jesse Hazell, recently completed a sentence of a year in the Multnomah County Jai! on a charge of using the malls to defraud. Claims for more than $31,000 have been filed with the receiver, although many contract holders. It is thought, have not reported. The association pro posed to plant and sell small orchards In this county on the installment plan. The chance for any of the 4 In vestors to recover any of the money they sank in the Clackamas County orchard tracts is considered remote. The property at Redlands, which was to have been divided into small tracts and planted in fruit trees, was heavily mortgaged, even while the association was selling contracts, and since the appointment of Mr. Randall as receiver. foreclosure decrees have been obtalnea against the land. Circuit Judge Campbell today signed decrees foreclosing on 100 acres of the land in an action brought by Walter and Lewis Gruel for $3000 and for .the First National Bank for $2000. ROSE GARDEN IS SOUGHT MEETING AT CHAMBER TOXIGHT WILL PLAX CAMPAIGN. Public Movement Will' Be Started to Have National Soelety Establish Test Beds In City I'ark. More than 100 delegates represent ing civic, commercial" and other clubs of Portland will be at the meeting to night at the Chamber of Commerce to organize a branch of the National Rose Society and launch a determined cam paign to win the proposed National test garden for 1'oruana. A Drelimlnarv meeting of the com mittee on arrangements was held Wednesday night at the Chamber and a tentative constitution was aaoptea which will be submitted to the mm meeting tonight. F. W. MulKey. chair man of this committee, will preside over tho meeting, and the purpose and plan of the movement will be ex plained to the delegates by George L. Baker. J. A. Currey and J. O. Conville, SuDerlntendent of Parks. The offer for the test garden was first made to Portland, out it nas oeen ascertained that both Seattle and x coma are making a strong bid for it and it will depend upon the active in terest displayed by Portland rosarians whether the big garden is to be brought here as a, part of the park system or not. Lecture to Be Given Tonight. A course of lectures on the "Philos ophy Of Emanuel Swedenborg" will be given at the Public Library, room G. tonight at 8 o'clock by Rev. William R. Reece. The first five of the series will be based on "The Divine Love and Wisdom." The subject for tonight will be "God-Man, the Immanent Cause.1 4? B to What automobiles use the valve-in-head motor ? They are among the country's best at any price, known everywhere as cars with "pep" and power. And yet, Mr. Buyer, you find these things, which are but typical of this car, in the world's lowest-priced electrically equipped automobile. OF EXPERIENCE Cantilever Springs 25 Miles to Gallon of Gas JUDGE FREES PRISONER MI'MC'IPAI, COURT VAtiRANCV AL LEGATION HK1.D INSl FKIC1EXT. Georgce Shaw Ufli Out of County Jail on Writ of Habeas C'orpaa and Appeal Mill He Taken. George Shaw was released from the County Jail yesterday on a writ of habeas corpus granted by Circuit Judge Gantenbein. because of the insufficiency of the complaint which had been made against Shaw in the Municipal Court. The jurisdiction of the city court over state offenses was not passed upon by Judge Gantenbcin. though raised In the petition for a writ filed by Attorney Carl Mack. Deputy District Attorney Collier, ap pearing for the state, held that the complaint gave sufficient facts air?i further maintained that a writ of habeas corpus was an improper pro ceeding for the reason that after judg ment had been, passed tho only recourse for tha prisoner was appeal or a writ of review. Time had passed for appeal or writ of error and only a pardon by the Governor should release Shaw, ar gued "Mr. Collier. Judge Gantenbeln held that a habeas corpus writ might be used when time for appeal had expired, and asserted that the prisoner had served two and a half months of a six months' term for vagrancy, which had been sufficient punishment. Mr. Collier announced that he would appeal to the Supreme Court for the ruling. As to the Jurisdiction of the Mu nicipal Court in a state case Mr. Collier asserted that it was clearly not the Intent of the Legislature when It abol- - IN SEBSDM (CALtrOBN IJV ) E A Reliable Remedy for Kidneys and Bladder Foley Kidney Pills Also Do Remarkable Work Where There Are Urinary Irregularities Irregular, painful bladder action la another convincing evidence of . kidney trouble. The urine becomes concentrated, causing great Irrita bility of the bladder. There la a de sire to pass water frequently with a painful burning Bensatlon. This Ir regularity becomes a 6erlous nuisance at night, causing loss of rest and . Bleep to one already weakened by kidney trouble. There Is also the added danger of chilling the body, a condition to be very carefully avoided at such a time. Foley Kidney Tills control this situation promptly and effectively. They cause a normal, healthy flow, relieving the concentrated condition that produced the Irritability and burning sensation. The bladder ac tion Is regulated to avoid the too frequent calls, and easy restful nights, without pain or backache, without loss of sleep or bad dreams, is a quick result MAIN 396G ished the Justice Courts and create. 1 ",0 ict L ouria to take the Jurisdic tion in rrimlnul mn ti .... . , . ...Mm7o iiipiii uiner Judges who had exercised that power OLD RAILS SOLD AT COST Tacoma Company Cnos Steel fori Years and Itealiiies $7 800. TACOMA. Jan. 10 (Special.) Aftr being in use for 26 years the Tacoma Railway & Power Company has Fold approximately four miles of railroad steel used on the Steilacoom line at the Fame price for which it was pur chased. The old steel, which had cost $30 a ton, was stored In the yards of th company, and when the war caused steel to soar, rails also went up. About 260 tons of the old rails have now been disposed of to logging companies for use on spurs for the same price, mak ing approximately $7800 which the company has received. INDUSTRY COSTS PROBED Chamber Bureau Considers Charges for Switching: Are Too High. Under the conviction that switching charges and other industrial condi tions are in many respects inequitable, and that these conditions hamper ma terially the industrial development or the city, the Bureau of Manufactures and Industries of the Chnmbtr of Commerce yesterday oftained authori zation from tiie executive board of the Chamber for the appointment of a committee o five to make a thorough Investigation and to recommend reme dial action. The committee will be named in a few dsys. Inftien letter "GAS" can Remade Tre'H inalle it D OIL COMPANY WW Mr. J. Jr. Hayes of Spring Place, Ga.. R. F. U. No. 3. writes us: "I suf fered with a terrible backache in the small of my back, and urinating was Irregular and excessive in quantity. It was very red and I suffered u ter rible stinging and burning sensation. 1 could hardly stoop over and It in terfered with my work. I be pan tak ing Foley Kidney Pills, arnl after awhile my urine became repular. the Ktinging and burning stopped, .nd my backache disappeared entirely." Foley Kidney Pills are sold every where In 50c and $1.00 sixes. The $1.00 size is the more economical buy. as it contains 2 times as many mM the 60c tilt.