Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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.City and State Officials and
i I
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Action Results in Appointment
Civic Organizations Are
to Help Hotelmen.
of D. Campbell as Bridge
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Effort to Bring Tourists to State!
to learn of Resources Will Bo
MadeManagers Also Among
Those AVho riedge.
Co-opcratlon of all local and
convention - getting agencies
pledged last night at the Portland Ho
tel to the Greeters' Association of Ore
iron In obtaining for this city the na
tional' 1917 convention. Speakers rep
resenting the state and city govern
ments and local civic and commercial
organizations spoke and pledged their
bid to the hotelmen.
The speeches were preceded by an
elaborate dinner served in the grille
room that was tastily decorated with
mass of red flowers and ferns.
, It ex Lampman Gives Readings.
The dinner was served at 8:30 o'clock
ftnd during the progress of It, musical
numbers were interspersed and read
ings given by Hex Lampman.
More than 100 Greeters and their
Hvives and sweethearts were present,
and practically all of the hotel man
agers and all the clerks that could beg
off duty for a few hours attended.
Charles D. Schreiter, president of the
Oregon association, extended the wel
come to the guests of the Greeters. He
via followed by Paul Jensen, past
president of the Seattle chapter and
chief clerk of the Frye Hotel.
Governor Withycombe dwelt upon the
wealth of natural resources of the state
end asserted that he would do all in
Ibis power to bring tourists to this state
to learn of Oregon and those resources.
4 Mayor's Secretary Promises.
Mayor H. R. Albeo was unable to be
present, but be was represented by his
private secretary, Will H. Warren.
Mr. Warren said that the city offi
cially would always aid those organ
izations in getting what they wished
If it would aid in the upbuilding of the
city and add to its moral and material
Dr. K. H. Pence, late of Detroit, now
rastor of Westminster Presbyterian
Church, was an extemporaneous speak
er who won his auditors with flashes
of humor and a fluent use of the hotel
man's vernacular. He was chaplain
cf the Detroit chapter of Greeters.
M. J. Slatky, manager of the Nor-
tonia Hotel, reviewed the work of the
Greeters in this state and told what
they were contemplating in trying to
Eet the convention here.
Mark Woodruff, secretary of the pub
licity and conventions bureau of the
Chamber of Commerce, said t at there
was no other agency that so con
tributed to a city's growth as did the
publicity derived from the entertain
ment of a mass of visitors, and asserted
that the Chamber of Commerce would
do its share. He pleaded for co-operation
from the Greeters in helping to
tret the Grand Army of the Republic
convention in 1918.
Other speakers and the subjects as
signed them were Eric V. Hauser, pres
ident of the Multnomah Hotel, "Co-op
erative Efforts of the Greeters"; R. W
Childs. manager of the Portland, and
president of the Oregon Hotel Men's
Association. "Relation or the Proprie
tor to the Greeter," and Phil Metschan
manager of the Imperial, "The North
Pacific Coast Tourist. Association
10. E. Larimore. manager of the Ore-
Bon Hotel, was the toastmaster,
Ritual Never Before Used Here Is to
Be Introduced, and Banquet Is to
Be Blar Feature Later.
Shrlners from all the Northwest will
come into Portland January 27 to par
ticlpate in the great Pacific Korth
western ceremonial and to help heat
the sands for between 90 and 100
The Eleventh-street Theater will be
the meeting place during the cere
monial, which will begin at 2 o'clock.
The morning will be devoted to the re
ception of visiting Shrine delegations.
El Katiff. of Spokane; Nile Temple,
of Seattle, and Afifi Temple, of Tacoma.
will bring delegations accompanied by
their bands and patrols, and plans are
made for a banquet for 1000 Shrlners
at the Multnomah Hotel.
J. E. Buckingham is chairman of the
committee on arrangements. The cere
monial will be put on in costume, with
a ritual that has never been used here
before. Rehearsals are being held
every Saturday afternoon by the pa
trol in preparation for the event.
Following the banquet the remain
fng section of the degrees will be put
on at the Eleventh-street Theater, and
those who are making the preparations
Co say "that never was the zem-zem
water more bitter, nor the sands more
hot, nor the milk of the wild camel
more wild than they will be for the
novices who must make their pilgrim
ages at that time.
High Jinks and Installation of Of
ficers to Be Held Tonight.
In Tama-Tama costume the members
' tf the Ad Club and their ladies will
frolic at the high Jinks of the club to
night at the Benson Hotel.
Vaudeville acts from several thea
ters will be given, and a special in
stallation ceremony has been worked
out by W. P. Strandborg and M. Mos
essohn. E. S. Higgins is the chair
man of the committee on the jinks.
The officers to be installed are:
President, C. S. Bratton; first vice
president, J. L. Duffy; second vice
president, R. H. Atkinson; secretary
treasurer, Sidney W. Mills; directors,
Percy Arlett, Roy Burnett, D. C. Free
man, M. E. Lee, J. M. McLaughlin, Roy
D. Stone and Dr. S. E. Wright.
Physician Frightens Burglar.
The home of Dr. Samuel Slocum, 322
Summit avenue, on Westover Terrace,
was entered last night by a burglar,
who escaped with a gold pin. The po
lice believe the prowler was scared
away by Dr. Sloeum's return before
be had conyleted rifling: the house.
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Threat Made to Use Dynamite
if Negro Isn't Produced.
Kcntuckians Demand t That Black
Be Sent For From Neighboring
Jail That They 3Iay Lynch
Him Trial Set lor Today.
MURRAY, Ky, Jan. 10. An Infuriat
ed mob composed of hundreds of men,
negroes as well as whites, at 10 o'clock
tonight surrounded a hotel here and
threatened to dynamite the building
unless Circuit Judge Charles Bush and
Commonwealth Attorney Denny Smith
agreed to send the Sheriff after Lube
Martin, a negro who is charged with
having murdered Guthrie Duiduid, a
The men said they intended to lynch
the negro.
When refused admission by the
managers of the hotel the mob threat
ened to break in the rear doors, but
soon found that more than 100 deputies
had been sworn in and were guarding
the place. Then threats of dynamiting
the building were made.
Earlier in the day to prevent a lynch
ing at the hands of a mob. Judge Bush
and Attorney Smltht agreed to try Mar
tin tomorrow instead, of at the next
term of court.
Martin had been held at Hopkins
vine, ivy., ror Bare keeping, and was
brought to Murray last night. Because
or a fear of mob violence he was held
in the Courthouse all night, guarded
by a large force of Deputy Sheriffs.
nts morning when his case was
called for trial counsel who had been
appointed to defend him asked for a
continuance because of the discovery of
new evidence which there had not been
an opportunity to develop. This was
When persons In the courtroom
learned of the continuance granted
Martin, a large crowd immediately sur
rounaea the Judge and commonwealth s
attorney, demanding the negro be
brought back for trial immediately,
tnreatening, lr this was not done, to
lynch him. Attorneys on both sides
then agreed to have the negro taken
to Paducah in the morning and placed
on maL
Boys Confess to Robberies of Sev
eral Grocery Stores.
More than $500 worth of rmeeri.i
.nu. supplies, stolen within the iast
uiuuiu, whs recovered yesterday when
Stephen J. Helm, 19 years old, and
iransion Walton, 16 years , con
lessea to the robberies of several
stores. ihe stolen goods, unmow
depleted in quantity, were discovered
m the rooms of the thieves, at Ports
mouth, avenue and Lombard street.
Helm and Walton were arrested Tu 3
day night by Patrolmen Hatt and An
derson, tor the theft of two bicycles
from an Exeter-street repair shop. City
Detectives Leonard, La Salle, Hellyer
and Tackaberry found tobacco canned
goods and enough miscellaneous gro
cenes and other goods to stock a small
Paper Company Won't Have to Pay
J. W. Fournler $15,000.
Second trial of the $15,000 damage
suit brought against the Blake-McFall
Company by J. W. Fournler. growing
out of an automobile collision at East
Twenty-fourth and Burnslde streets on
July 15, 1914, resulted in a verdict for
the defendant from a Jury in the court
or Circuit Judge Karanaugh yesterday.
The Jury disagreed in a former trial
last October.
Contributory negligence was the de
fense. The automobile Fournler was
driving collided with one owned by the
jsiaKe-MC ait company.
"I guess I got excited and lost my
head," Fournler told Deputy Sheriff
Beckman directly after the accident.
was Beckman's testimony which may
have had deciding weight with the
German Under Secretary Says Hun
ger Will Outlast War.
AMSTERDAM, via London, Jan. 10.
Dr. Michaelis, German Under-Secretary
of the Interior, contributes to the
Volke Zeitung of Cologne an article
warning Germany that peace will not
bring an immediate solution of the food
problem. He says:
"We must 'expect for a conslderabl
time, perhaps for many years, further
limitation of consumption auU ration'
ing as regards the most Important food
stuffs. Germany, in the coming years
of. peace, will have recourse almost ex-
lusively to such foodstuffs as axe pro
duced within her own borders. Ton-
age will be very scarce and deteriora
tion of the rate of exchange also will
oblige Germany to import as little as
Pointing out that the German har
vest, even when a full yield is ob
tained, can be made to suffice only if
rationed. Dr. Michaelis says:
Thus even after peace it will be
necessary to keep the belt pulled tight,
and there must be further sharp ra
tioning. The yearning cry, 'Give us
peace, give us more bread,' has no inner
basis. Of this we must remain con
scious" and not cry for peace on ac
count of the scarcity from which we
Effort to Elect Commercial Club Presi
dent to Vacancy Causes Dispute
and Meeting; Adjourns.
CAMAS. Wash..' Jan. 10. (Special.)
Last night s session of the City Council
was marked by the taking of office by
the recently-elected Socialist Mayor,
O. T. Clark, and four new Councilmen.
Dean D. Mathis, S. C. Bradeson, Harry
Jones and J. W. McAllister were sworn
in as members of the Council. City At
torney Currie. - City Treasurer O. F
Johnson and City Clerk Farr also took
the oath.
Mr. Clark has the support of one
Socialist on the Council. Mr. McAllister.
After the inauguration of the new
members, a stormy session ensued when
an effort was made to fill a vacancy
from the Third Ward, occasioned by
the recent resignation of E. E Copely
Jack Mittchell, who lost on the Social
ist ticket by two votes to D. D. Mathis,
was nominated, but failed to be elected.
A. C. Allen, president of the Commer
cial Club here, and only recently a resi
dent of the Third Ward, due to the
changes just made in precinct bounda
ries, was nominated. It was while his
election was hanging fire and changes
in the ward boundaries were being bit
terly criticised that a motion to adjourn
was made and carried.
Mr. Clark is in charge of the fire-
fighting apparatus at the local plant of
the Crown Willamette Paper Mills
Company, and is well liked about town.
He was elected to office by a big ma
Jority over H. McMaster, proprietor of
one of the largest mercantile estab
lishments here, and previous Mayor.
Chinese Now Offer $800 for Slayer
of Lew San, Portland Tailor.
The reward offered for the slayer of
Lew Sun, Chinese tailor, who was mur
dered brutally in his shop at 91 North
Second street, some time Sunday, has
been increased to $800 from the $300 of
fered yesterday by the Chinese Peace
Society. The remainder of the reward
is posted by the Four Brothers Society.
The funeral or Lew bun will be con
ducted this morning from the chapel
of Dunning & McEntee, with interment
in Lone i ir Cemetery. The servlcewlll
be in Chinese.
Roland Kravse.
Roland Krause, H, a sopho
more at Reed College, has won
the appointment to the United
States Naval Academy at Annapo
lis as the result of having passed
with the highest grade among 40
applicants. Mr. Krause will re
port at Annapolis February 20.
Mr. Krause has been majoring
in chemistry at Reed College and
has won a name for himself as a.
student. He will complete this
semester's work at Reed before
leaving for Annapolis.
Mr. Krause is a graduate of
Washington High School and has
been a member of the Oregon
Naval Militia.
4 -
Loss of Water Rights for Pais
ley Tract Is Blamed.
Protection for Prospective Settlers
Who Get Stock Instead of Land
Will Bo Considered Before
$50,000 Bond Is Canceled.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) The
Northwestern Townsite Company of
Philadelphia and the Portland Irriga
tion Company desire to abandon devel
opment of the Paisley project of more
than 12,000 acres in Central Oregon.
They will ask to be relieved from car
rying a $50,000 surety bond now held
over by the Land Board on an exten
sion of time which was granted to
September 11 of this year, according to
word which has been received by Sec
retary McAllister, or the board.
The Northwestern Townsite Company
notified the Portland Irrigation Com
pany by telegram not to appeal from
the decision of Judge Daily on the
question of adjudication of water rights
on the Chewaucan River, owing to the
excessive cost of filing a transcript,
which, it is said, would be more than
$1800, and it is understood that the
project will be abandoned entirely.
The Desert Land Board has been
asked to set a date at which a hearing
from the two companies can be had in
conjunction with the' State Water
Board, and a tentative date has been
set for next Tuesday.
In the matter of the adjudication of
the water rights an appeal was taken
from the decision of the State Water
Board, and in the Circuit Court it was
held that the Chewaucan Cattle Com
pany was entitled to all of the waters
of the Chewaucan Kiver. it was rrom
this river that the Northwestern Town
site Company and the Portland Irriga
tion Company expected to obtain the
water supply for irrigation of the
Another important phase of the sit
uation will be the status of the pros
pective settlers who have purchased
shares of stock in the Portland Irriga
tion Company. The associated compa
nies. which were contesting for th'
rights to the waters of the Chewaucan,'
had developed no Irrigated lands, but
they had Issued stock and sold it to
prospective settlers, this stock being
sold in lieu of lands, such lands to be
turned over for the stock at such time
as the project was irrigated.
It Is probable that the Desert Land
Board and State Water Board will as
certain positively what will be done to
protect the purchasers of this stock
before they decide to accede to a can
cellation of the $50,000 bond now held
The Paisley project was one coming
under the provisions of the Carey act
and has been hanging fire for some
time pending settlement of the water-
right question.
E. Snodgrrass
Are Named
Is Promoted Froi
Other Officers
by Directors.
EUGENE, Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
T. G. Hendricks, president of the First
National Bank since its organization 34
years ago, retired as the head of the
institution at a meeting of the board
of directors last night, and P. E. Snod
grass, vice-president, was elected as
his successor. Mr. Snodgrass had been
vice-president of the bank since the
death of S. B. Eakin. who with Mr.
Hendricks founded the bank, which
was the first in the city of Eugene.
"I reel tnat I nave served my time
as head of the First National Bank otho funeral.
Eugene. Mr. Hendricks stated today.
"I have been honored with the posl-
tion since the uanic was established in
1883. During that time I have watched
the bank grow from a business of $12.
000 to more than $2,250,000 at this
The new board of directors of the
bank is as follows: P. E. Snodgrass. F.
Lw Chambers, Luke L. Goodrich. Dar
win Bristow, Ray Goodrich, W. T. Gor
don and G. R. Chrisman.
Other officers of the bank elected
are: F. L. Chambers and Ray Good
rich, vice-presidents; Luke Goodrich
cashier; Darwin Bristow -and W. T.
Gordon, assistant cashiers.
Xew Increase In Central Territory
Effective February 1.
Portland lumbermen yesterday were
advised of another advance on all lum-
ber rates in the Central Freight Asso
ciation territory, ranging from 1 . to 2
cents per 100 pounds. The sdvance will
become effective February 1.
Officials of the West Coast Luuber
men's Association say that the advance
will be contested and will ask the In
terstate Commerce Commission to sus
pend the increase pending a hearing.
The proposed advance applies to a
umber-consuming territory to which
West Coast lumber shippers do not have
the through rate advantages. It there
fore would be a local rate increase
based on Chicago and St. Paul. The
advance would apply on all lumber
shipments from the Pacific Coast to all
points lr Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and
West Virginia.
Capital and Labor Dependent on Each
Other. He Declares Religion
Harmonises Relations.
A plea for a better understanding
Detween labor and capital wu mad
last night by Father E. V. (l'Hr.
addressed several hundred persons in
cne central Library. "Charltv and fin-
ciai justice" was the subject chosen
lor ine lecture, which was one of
series Deing presented by Father
O'Hara. Next week he will sneak on
American Citizenship." The relation
of the Catholic Church to the every
day problems forms the basis of the
"Social Justice." said h tnuV (
largely concerned with the distribution
or the means of a decent livelihood
amonsr the masses of the population.
i no. classical exposition of th nrlnrl.
pies of social justice is the letter of
rope Leo XIII, Issued a Quarter of i
century ago, 'On the Condition of La
oor. it nas been justlv called bv
writers oi ev.ery school 'the charter o
the rights of labor."
It was not by class mnnrrla (hi
Leo would remedy the misery which he
a.w pressing so neavlly on the work
ing classes. He proclaimed that the
great mistake li to suppose that class
is naturaiiy nostlle to class. The dlrec
contrary is the truth. Each needs the
otner. capital cannot do without labor,
nor labor without caDital.
iteiiglon teaches the workincrman to
carry out nonestly and falrlv nil mull
ame agreements freelv nti-Ari intn
neugion teaches the employer that t
is snameruiand inhuman to treat men
liKe chattels to make money by."
X cal
Since 1855 Skipper Had Been Familiar
Figure In Lower Colombia
River Navigation.
ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 10. (Sncll 1
Captain P. E. Ferchen, for many years
one oi me Desi-Known Columbia River
pilots, died at his home in this eity this
morning following an extended illness
witn the ailments Incident to advanc
ing years. Captain Ferchen was born
in oermany in March, 1832. and thu
lacked but two months of being 85
years oia. ne served m the Germ
navy tor several years and came to
America in 185Z.
He wae employed on towboats In th
iower Aiisstsslpi River until 1865
wnen ne came to Astoria and entered
the bar pilot eervice, being a member
oi ine crew or the old pilot-boat Call
lornia. On leaving- the bar uprvlra
captain fercnen engaged In steamboat
ing on tne river ror a time and upoi
obtaining master's papers was appoint
eu a river puot Detween Portland an
Astoria, a position he filled success
fully until he retired from active serv
ice a few years ago on account of fall
ing neaitn.
Captain Ferchen left a widow, tw
daughters and one son. The latter are
Mrs. J. F. Grosbauer, of Ban Francisco
Mrs. Fritz Strubel, of Oakland, an
truest Ferchen. of San' Francisco. H
was a member of the Astoria Lodn
of Masons, which will have charge of
I l,
obbery Suspects Brought Back.
Jesse Jarvls and John W. Gorman.
colored, were brought back to Portland
last night from Puget Sound by De
tectlves Hellyer and Leonard to face
charges of assaulting and robbing W.
li maxwell, proprietor of the Amerl
can Club, a colored association at 10
North Ninth street. The alleged attack
took place on December 31, when th
club was robbed of about $400 cash,
two diamond rings, three watches and
two plain rings.
Larson Funeral Held.
The funeral of Mrs. Amanda Larson
was held at the chapel of J. P. Flnley
& Son yesterday. Rev. H. E. Sandsted
officiating. Mrs. Hilda Lindberg sang.
Pallbearers were O. Wiberg, K. Quist,
E. Mullbock. R. Hollinger, S. Wodtly
and J. Numeister. Interment was
Rose City Cemetery. Mrs. Larson is
survived by her husband. Louis Larson,
and three children, Esther, Violet and
Thad Larson.
Co-Workers Hold That as Multno
mah Foots) Most of Cost of Inter
state Span, Management Should
Be Under Its Control.
When Rufus C. Holman, chairman of
the Multnomah County Board of Cora'
missloners and chairman of the Inter
state Bridge Commission, cast his de-
iding vote yesterday in favor of a
Clark County appointee for superin
endent of the new bridge across the
Columbia, aligning himself against
Governor Withycombe and Commis
ioners Holbrook and Muck, of Mult
nomati. he started something.
Governor Withycombe said that the
action was disloyal to Oregon. Com
missioners Holbrook and Muck were
outspoken in their opinion of the vote
which gives to Clarke County, which
nvested $500,000 in the bridge, the
management of the structure, with the
appointment of all employes on the
bridge, denying any voice in the matter
to Multnomah County, which invested
$1,250,000 in the project.
Mr. Holman did not accompany tne
Oregon delegation to the meeting In
Vancouver yesterday afternoon, nor did
he return with them. Relations were
too strained to permit of this.
Open Break Is Reached.
What will happen at the next meet
ing of the Multnomah County Commis
sioners Is conjecture, but the deposing
of Mr. Holman as chairman apparently
Is contemplated. Mr. Holbrook probably
would succeed him. Commissioners Hol
man and Muck worked well together
during the first meetings of Mr. Muck's
stewardship. Mr. Muck nominated Mr.
Holman for chairman.
Friction developed at later meetings
came to an open break with the session
at Vancouver yesterday.
There is nothing in the law to pre
vent the naming of. a new chairman,
though the one appointed has served
but a week. The statutes provide that
the commissioners of a county may se
lect their own chairman, and that this
chairman "may be removed at pleas
air. Holbrook last night spoke of the
unexpected "flopping" of Mr. Holman
as "cut and dried" and "a disgraceful
selling out of Oregon interests."
Denny Campbell, an employe or Por
ter Bros, who had the contract for the
steel erection of the main river bridge,
was the Vancouver man named superin
tendent. He was not known to the
Oregon delegation with the exception
of Mr. Holman.
Governor's Man lses.
The superintendent proposed by Gov
ernor Withycombe, as ex-offlclo chair
man of the Oregon committee, va J. F.
Commissioners Carson, Klgglns and
Miller, of Clarke County, stood pat for
their man. and Mr. Holman, who held
the balance of power, voted with them.
Increase of the proposed salary of
$125 a month for the superintendent to
$150 and the award to him of power to
select his own aides, subject to appro
val of the Commission, were matters
proposed by Governor Withycombe and
passed unanimously prior to the vote
on superintendent.
Commissioners Asked Not to Abun
don Vancouver Approach.
Emphatic protest against the aban
donment of the approach from Van
couver avenue, upon completion of the
Union-avenue approach to the Inter
state bridge, has been made to the Com
missioners of Multnomah County in
petition filed by the Albina Business
Men's Association, to which is append
ed the names of scores of leading Port
land business men.
Ultimate injury to the city would be
entailed in abandoning the Vancouver-
avenue approach, protests the petition.
called forth by rumors that the Com-
ssioners have been considering some
ch action. Abandonment would in
convenience the entire West Side and
all of Albina from Rodney avenue to
the river, it is contended, as well as
Clarke County. Washington.
The appeal, made by the organization
of which S. A. Matthieu is president,
and T. L. Adams, secretary, makes its
first stand on a sentimental basis for
the perpetuation of Vancouver avenue
long the old military road serving Ore-
gon and Washington. It then descends
to the practical.
"Union avenue does not now, and
never can. serve the paramount In
terests of this city insofar as inter
state traffic 1 concerned," the petition
reads, "for the reason that the ap
proach we now have Is a much more
direct route, and also about five
eighths of a mile shorter.
"Moreover, we feel perfectly safe in
asserting that the approach by Van
couver avenue always will be the roost
feasible for two principal reasons
first, it is the shortest available route
possible, and second, it parallels Will
iams avenue, which Is only one block
east and at present a fully paved street
with car service as far out as Killings
worth avenue.
"A further reason is that when Will
lams avenue Is extended north (a proj
ect being agitated) it will intersect
perfectly with Vancouver avenue near
the Columbia boulevard., thereby af
fording choice of two avenues for traf
fic, both supplying the easiest possible
grades, and both accommodated by one
bridge over the slough and one fill
not over one-half mile in length.
"We have said this is the shortest
available route because there seems to
be but one other at all to be consid
ered; we refer to the possible connec
tion with Mississippi avenue which
mltrht be equally accommodating- as
1You Need Not
But You Must Drive It Out of
Your Blood to Get Rid of
It Permanently.
You have probably been In the habit
of applying external treatments, trying-
to cure your Catarrh. Tou have
used sprays, washes and lotions and
possibly been temporarily relieved.
But after a short time you had an
other attack and wondered why. You
must realize that catarrh is an infec
tion of the blood and to get permanent
relief the catarrh infection must be
driven out of the blood. The quicker
you come to understand - thin, the
J quicker you will set It out oi your
Skin Troubles
Quickly relieved by Cuticura even
when all else seems to fail. The
Soap cleanses and purifies, the
Ointment soothes and heals.
Sample Each Free by Mall
VVlth 83-p Jhook f.n th .kin. AMna peat-ran!:
"Cuticura. Dept. JJF, Boitoa." Sold nrri.h.nk
When Tour ihOM nlnrh or votir rorni and
bunions ichc so that you arc tired all over,
(tet Allen's Foot-Kase. the antiseptic powder
to be shaken into the shops and sprinkled In
the foot-bath. It win take the sting out oT
corns and bunions and five 1 nut ant relief
to Tired. Arhlnc, Swollen, Tender feet. Over
lw.wo packages are being; used by the Ger
man and A Hied troons at the front. SoM
verywlic re, 'ZZ,c. Dont accept any aubatitale.
regards distance, but for trucking and
teaming Its grades in comparison would
De absolutely prohibitive, and the ex
pense for fill and paving would be
immensely greater."
Case Is Being? Tried at Klamath Falls.
Defendant Says Fatal Shot Was
Fired In Straggle far Gun.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Taking of testimony in the
trial of William Doyle was begun be
fore Judge D. V. Kuykendall in Circuit
Court here today. The Jury was com
pleted last night. Only three wit
nesses were examined today.
Judging from questions put to pros
pective jurors by counsel in the case,
the state will rely on circumstantial
evidence. He Is accused of the murder
of Mary A. Wilcox and her daughter.
Magglo Jones, near the southeastern
corner of Klamath County on February
S. 1916. Doylo has been in Jail here
ever since.
Doyle is the only living person who
witnessed the tragedy. At the Cor
oner's Inquest, the day after the killing.
Doyle declared that the women had
killed themselves and that ho was in
nocent. According to Doyle's story,
given at the time of the inquest, ha
had planted the grain crop on the ranch
the Fall of 1913. the agreement being
that he was to farm the tract on shares.
He said that the women had been try
ing to get him off the land for some
time and had made threats against
On the morning of the shooting, said
Doyle, there had been some quarreling
about the situation. He alleges thai
the Jones woman entered the room he
was in with a rifle and was starting
to aim at him. He said that he grap
pled with her. and that after the
weapon had been discharged tu the air
once he took it from her.
Immediately after the sound of the
shot, Doyle said, the Wilcox woman
came running in, armed with a shot
gun. All three grappled for this. While
they were struggling, Doyle, said, the
gun was discharged, killing the two
women .ilh the one charge.
District Attorney William M. Duncan
is being assisted in the prosecution by
Judge Thomas Drake, of this city, and
the court has appointed W. II. A. Ren
ner to defend Doyle. .
Commissioners Favor Site for
cation of Training School.
Should there be no legal restrictions,
the Board ot County Commissoners
favors the appropriation of a portion
of the old county farm on the Canyon
road for the site of the state public
school, such as will be asked from the
Legislature in a bill fostered by the
Parent-Teacher Association council of
Though avoiding any definite pledge,
the Commissioners went on record yes
terday as desiring to work in harmony
with Mrs. Alva le jStephens. chairman
of the council. The proposed school is
for dependent and delinquent children.
Mrs. E. n Singleton, head of the
County Farm, asked that the budget
provision for an automobile for uee in
transportation to and from the farm
be acted on. Accordingly advertisement
for a 6-paspenger automobile will be
made at once. An appropriation of
WOO for this purchase was provided in
the budget.
Rocsburg Elects Portland Woman.
ROSEBUKG. Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
At the regular meeting of the Rojc-
burg School Board held here Monday
night Miss Emma Krb. of Portland, was
employed as Instructor in the commer
cial department of the local high school.
Miss Krb has arrived in the city and
will assume her new duties tomorrow.
From Catarrh
system. S. S. S., which has been In
constant use for over 60 years, will
drive the catarrhal poisons out of your
blood, purifying and strengthening It,
so it will carry vigor and health to the
mucous membranes on Its Journeys
through your body and nature will
poon restore you to health. You will
be relieved of the droppings of mucus
in your throat, sores in nostrils, bad
breath, hawking and spitting.
All reputable druggists carry S. S. S.
in stock and we recommend you give
It a trial immediately.
The chief medical adviser of the
Company will cheerfully answer all
letters on the subject. There is no
charge for the medical advice. Address
Swift Specific Company. 40 bwift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Ga.