13 REMNANTS BROKEN LINES ODDS AND ENDS SPECIAL LOTS AT LOW PRICES. HUNDREDS OF UNADVER TISED SPECIALS WILL BE FOUND IN ALL DEPTS. Embroidery Flouncings $1.25 Grades 79c Main Floor 45-inch Embroidery Flouncings in at tractive new patterns on fine voile material. Extra -good workmanship. This is fresh, crisp new 7Qr. stock. Excellent $1.25 quality. Special yard 7C $2.50 Indestructible Voile Robe Flouncings 98 Trunks, Bags Fourth Floor It pays to buy luggage of depend able qualities. We handle only reliable makes in Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags. See special showing in Dept., 4th Floor. 01ds,Wortman & King Tea Room Fourth Floor A delightful place to take down-town luncheon with your friends. Unexcelled cuisine, i n c o m par able service. Lunch eon served from 11:30 to 2:30 P. M. 15c to 18c Embroideries Special, 10c Yd; Main Floor Thousands of yards dainty Embroidery Edges, headings and insertions in this notable offer ing. Fine neat designs on Swiss cloth. Em- 1 H broideries of excellent 15c to 18c grades, yard 1"C 27-inch Baby Flouncings, etc. 75c grade at 49 Reliable Merchandise TELEPHONES MARSHALL 4800 A 6231 The Standard Store of the Northwest Reliable Methods TIIE MORNING OREG ONIAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 11, 1917. INVENT Double S6?H Trading Stamps Today ggSS All Over the Store 1 1 Two Extraordinary Bargains in 9 Women s Suits $9.98 and $16.98 A CO Q.Qtliere are Suits in jTXI' Qy.yOwool poplins, cheviots, velve teens, velours and novelty mixtures Suits in this season's best styles; some in plain tailored models, others in dressy cuts, with fancy belts, col lars and cuffs. Good range of plain colors, also broken plaids, etc. Near ly all sizes. Inventory Sale CQ QQ Prices on these Coats only $770 A f. O C O Suits for worn. -a VlU.yQm ani miSSes, special lines taken from our regular stock. All new Winter models, desirable for street wear, for sports wear and for dress occasions. Various materials, including velveteens in navy, black, brown and green. Some are trimmed with fur. The Inventory QQ Sale Price on these Suits PlU.yO Sale of Waists at $1.19 Center Circle, First Floor Thursday we shall feature a new shipment of dainty lingerie Waists at special price. There are any number of pretty styles some m fancy effects, others in tailored models. Materials are cotton voiles, lawns, madras and organdie. All sizes. Thursday DOUBLE STAMPS THURSDAY WITH ALL PURCHASES $1.19 Supply Your Needs iri This Sale of Muslin Underwear Department Second Floor With exceptionally low prices prevailing in this department during the Inventory Sale it is decidedly to your ad vantage to buy Muslinwear to last for months to come. Note the prices. WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS in attractive styles with low neck and short sleeves. Longcloth and QQ,-. COMBINATIONS and Envelope Chemise of fine sheer materials, trimmed with laces and em- QQ nainsook Sale price now'u' broidery. $1.25 goods now $2.75 and $3.00 Spanish Hand-made Night Gowns, special at $2.15 $4.50 and $5.00 Spanish Hand-made Night Gowns, special at $3.75 Women 's Kimonos At 98c Center Circle, First Floor Wom en's Flannelette Kimonos under priced for Thursday. Several at tractive patterns and colors. Styled with V neck and short sleeves. In long and short models. The QQ sale price on these Kimonos 7 Ok Women's Kimonos At $1A9 Center Circle, First Floor Wom en's Kimonos in light or dark col ors. Short sleeves, roll or pointed collars. Fitted or ioose styles, some are trimmed with plain or plaited ribbon. Sale price on C" AQ these fine Kimonos only pi-7 Boys' School Suits 0 With Two Pairs Pants $4 .45 . Boys Store, Main Floor Splendid Suits for boys' school wear. Smart Norfolk styles with pinch-back. Loose or stitched belts, patch pock ets. Pants full cut and reinforced at vital points. Materials include cheviots, tweeds and Q1A A.tZ corduroys. Ages 6 to 18 years. Special V Boys' Mackinaws $7.50 Kind $5.95 Main Floor Boys' Mackinaw Coats at a reduced price. Good heavy quality wool materials in rich dark plaids and checks. Belted or pinch back models with patch pockets and large storm collars. Ages 4 to 18 years. Standard (TC QS? $7.50 Mackinaws on sale today at only PJ7) All Boys' Overcoats Reduced Main Floor Our entire stock of Boys' Winter Overcoats inthe In ventory Sale at big reductions. Par ents should take advantage of this sale-and save money on Overcoats. $ 5.00 Coats, $ 3.75 $ 630 Coats, $ 4J88 $ 730 Coats, $ 5.63 $ 830 Coats, $ 638 $10.00 Coats, $ 730 $1230 Coats, $ 938 $1330 Coats, $1025 $15.00 Coats, $1125 Worthmore- Sheets Underpriced Main Floor Worthmore Sheets are made from extra good grade sheet ing and iron flat without wrinkling, Note special low prices in force: 54x90" Worthmore Sheets 70 63x90 Worthmore Sheets 7o 63x99 Worthmore Sheets 880 63x108 Worthmore" Sheets 9O0 72x90 Worthmore Sheets H36 72x108 Worthmore Sheets 1)50 81x90 Worthmore Sheets 880 81x99 Worthmore Sheets 9:i0 81x108 Worthmore Sheets $1.03 New Button Boot For Women Alain floor Just received, new model in button boots for women, Black patent or kid vamps with cloth tops. New style low heel. Neat toe tips. Forgone (PC AQ day Thursday a pair pJtO Gossard Corsets Will Advance in Price January 15 Get Yours Now We are exclusive Portland agents for Gossard Corsets and, of course, show a complete line of models at all prices. Visit the Corset Salons and let our expert corsetieres help you select yours. The New Prices , Effective January 15 $2.00 Grades $2.50 $2.50 Grades $3.00 $3.00 Grades $:$.50 $3.50 Grades $4.25 $4.00 Grades $5.00 $5.00 Grades $0.50 $8.00 Grades $10.00 $12.50 Grades $15 Co-operating With the Parent-Teacher Association TT7! i WE OFFER t- WholesomeFoods A t Special Prices Model Grocery, Fourth Floor In fur therance of the efforts of the Parent Teacher Association to reduce the high cost of living we offer for Thurs day the following special bargains: 15c Dried Prunes, the large 1 meaty kinds, the pound only Graham or Whole Wheat Cry ff Flour, special, the sack at P- As above in 10-lb. sack only 400 OWK Excellence Flour on T1 QA sale Wednesday, the sack PJ.'" Royal Baking Powder, 1-lb. can 390 Otter Seeded Raisins, package 9c1 SEE PARENT-TEACHER MENU IN WEDNESDAY'S PAPERS. Coffee Day Fourth Fir. OWK IMPERIAL Roast Coffee, delicious flavor and aroma; well worth TO, 40c Thursday at, pound -'7 OWK TEAS English Break fast, Ceylon or Uncolored "2Q- Japan 50c grades at, lb. J7 J Oregon Made BROOMS x 35c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c Third Floor Oregon-made Brooms are the best on the market at the price. Made from finest grade broom corn, well filled and best of work manship. Every broom guaranteed. Priced today 350, 450, 500, GO0, 700 and 750 Training The Child , by Wi LLiAM Byron Forbush. PhD. (Coprlght. 1916.) IF YOU were asked, off-band: Which will be the wiser, to educate your child In such a way as to develop his strongest side or to give him an all round training, I venture to guess that you would vote in favor of malting him an all-around man. The trouble Is, it cannot be done. If you have a child who is "born Ions" in come particular direction and "born ehort" in others you can by neglect pre vent his length from lengthening, but you cannot possibly pull out his short ness to even average length. What you will accomplish is this: He will never become the extraordinary man according to his own bent that nature intended, and he will wrestle In dis couragement with the effort to do even respectable work along the lines where he was born weak. Square Pesra vs. Round Holes. Tou are an artist, let us say. and your child shows talent as a musician. If you insist upon giving him an art education he will at length do passable routine work, uninspired and unprom ising. He may also thereby lose the opportunity to be the superb musician which technical training would have opened the way for him to become. "But my son is as smart as the next one. I guss if he puts his mind upon it he can do good work in any field to which he applies himself." Here Is the great fallacy. "Smart ness," that is, general alertness, is not transferable through every channel at will. You can send electricity through a copper wire but not through a lead ilDe. There Is power enough, but lead is not a good conductor. Neither will industry ("putting his mind, upon it") make un for a native Incapacity. You recognize this fact in limited fields. You would not think of trying to make an artist of a person who was color blind. But we are not so willing to recognize that there are several other kinds of blindness that are con genital and incurable. "William Haw ley Smith quotes as examples a certain Judge who could never learn to "tell time: an LLl D. who never could learn to spell: a great statesman (Charles Sumner) who was "little more than an imbecile, mathematically," and a sue cessful 6chool teacher who never was able to tell her right hand from her left without a strain of mental ertort. Go and Kind Out. Mr. Smith asks you to test the im portance of native capacity by asking sensible men in different employments about it. In every way of life you will get this answer: "Winners in our line must be born, not made." He insists that not one man out of four can be come even a good foreman if he was not born that way. "The popular the ory that any man can do anything he undertakes to do, whether he "has any head' for it or not. if he tries hard enough and keeps trying long enough," he 'concludes to be the most cruel of fallacies. The attempt to do this cre ates most of the discouragements In school, accounts for nearly all the mis fits In vocation and does a good deal to explain why to so many million peo ple life does not seem worth living. Do you wish your child to be happy? Then find out where he was "born long." If there is something that he has shown a strong interest in for a num ber of years, get him a chance to play with or study or work 'at it to the furthest possible extent. Let him have also broad training, culture, accom plishments, if you can. But don't force him from his own right of way upon any siding of your own fancy. When he gets ready to choose his calling . insist that the main issue is that he shall be able to shout everj morning, with Marcus Aurelius, "L I am going with gladness to that work for which I was born into this world." He may decide to become a barber, when you wanted him to be a minister. Well, he had better be a good and happy barber than a discouraged min ister. For "happy i3 the man who has found his work." manded to be home at 6 o'clock, but he had become interested in chopping small trees and earning money for the kindling. "Aren't you ever going to be more obedient, Harry, about coming to supper on time?" his mother asked hm in despair. "Do you really want me to be more punctual? I will, if you really want it." The mother, who was an unusual woman, thought a moment and answered: "No; if that extra hour kes all the difference to you, you wait until 7 and have supper with father and me." She realized that his rst absorption in a piece of work and the ambition that was'awakenlng were more important than conformity to her command. This sensible attitude. Instead of reaking down obedience, would make the boy more glad to conform. By co- perating with him she made him wili ng to co-operate with her. Jane, the Peeper. To the Editor: Jane has developed a very disagreeable habit of pryine into prl- ate places, opening boxes and letters and trying to overnear conversation tnat Is not intended Tor her. I have never met any thing of the sort before, and I am sure I don't know what to do to cure her of the habit. MRS. . The habit is not Intentionally un pleasant. It strikes me as partly due to idleness. If her time were more fully occupied with work and play she would not pursue this amusement, which re quires some leisure and forethought to carry out. She seems to be imagi native and very likely has read about buried treasure and mysteries found in chests and attics. I well remember as boy being sure that behind a certain door in my home there was a secret passage, and that within a tall secre tary there was a concealed drawer and spring. Many children are on the look out for such mysteries. I am impressed that Jane plays alone too much and that if she is with other children who scorn these sneaking ways she will be come ashamed of them. You have perhaps already talked plainly with her about this. You have reminded her that she has secrets that she does not want her little brother to know, and so she must not pry into those of others. I know of a mother who told her-child the myth of Pan dora, whose curiosity let loose from her box a, flock of troubles. She ar ranged it that whenever this little girl exercised her curiosity unduly she suf fered the appropriate trouble. After she had surprised and exposed the. plans for a picnic she had to make he inquisitiveness take the place of going to the picnic herself. Is It Safe for Mother to Change Ber Mlndf , To the Editor: Tou dropped a remark the other day to the effect that sometimes in discipline a parent found it wise to revise his attitude. Can you give me actual illustration of a case where it wai sate for a mother to change fter mlndT DISCIPLINARIAN. I got this one from Ella Lyman Cabot. Harry had been strictly cojp. the Portland yesterday, where they are occupying their newly furnished quar ters. Mr. Childs arrived here in Au gust to become manager of the Hotel Portland, having formerly occupied the post of secretary of the Boise Com mercial Club. Mrs. Truman Adams, of Alameda Park, left on the steamer Northern aciflc for San Diego January 6 for a of some weeks. SOCIETY (Continued From Page 12.) Mr. and Mrs. Simon Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Politz. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rubin; committee, Leonard Kaufman, Lawrence Rosenthal, Harry Fisher, Milton Margulis, Sam Goldstein, Will iam Spellman'. Meyer Cohn. Dr. J. W. Herns, Sanford Sichel, Victor Hoeflich Dolly Weiser, Helen Block, Selma Meyer, Sara Herns, Minuett Snub, Mary Kartlin, Martha Levitt, Polly Silver, Tillie Neusbaum, tella Swir sky, and Rae Delar. Miss Susie B. Paige has returned to Spokane to resume her work as ele mentary teacher at Brunot Hall, after having passed the holidays with her parents. Royal Arch Masons, Knights Temp lar and their friends attended the third of the series of Knights Templar par ties given last night by Commandery No. 1 in the Masonic Temple. Cards were a feature of the affair, the non players entering into the festivities of the dancing in the ballroom. Attractive prizes were awarded ' the high scorers in the card games, and delicious refreshments were served at the close of the gaieties. . mm Mrs. B. E. Tate and Madame Valair ill give an informal musicale tonight at Eilers Hall, to Introduce Miss Alice Genevieve Smith, a charming and clever harpist. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Childs, who were married recently in Boise, arrived at CONFERENCE TO BE HELD FREE METHODIST CHl'RCH TO OPEN QUARTERLY MEETING TONIGHT. Paclf vSsit The Catholio Order of Foresters will give the first of a series of pre-Lenten parties in the assembly room of St. Lawrence Hall this evening. A prom enade concert will take place after cards. The committee in charge con sists of E, J. Barrett. Charles Mathes, William Balletset and E. J. Bedard. Mrs. E3. W. Langdon, who' broke her arm through a fall a few days ago, has left the hospital and Is again at her home, 664 East Twenty-second. SEVERAL SPEAKERS FINED Municipal Judge Will Not Remit Any More Penalties. The first "batch" of speeders to be arrested since the advent of 1917 ap peared .before Municipal Judge Lang guth y'esterday to testify to the vigi lance of Motorcycle Patrolman Ervin. With the exception of S. M. Blowers, all pleaded guilty. Mr. Blowers was fined $8; E. F. Bolen, S8; W. O. John son. 12: M. D. Owens, $12, and C. D. Eddy. 12. With the imposition of these fines Municipal Judge Langguth announced that fines in his court for speeding will henceforth match the ability of the of fender to pay, and the old system of remittance fines will be done away with. Mlnlxtera From Various Circuits In Oreajon to Attend A sjsresnl ve Cam paign for Rest of Year Planned. The third general quarterly meeting for the Portland district of the Free Methodist Church of the Oregon Con ference will convene at 7:30 o'clock to night in the First Free Methodist Church. East Ninth and Mill streets. Rev. Frank L. Burns, district super intendent, will be in charge. Meetings will be held every night and each aft ernoon until and includinerSunday. Min- Cadet Club to Give Party. The Cadet Club of the United Artl' sans Assembly will give another step. ping party Thursday evening at the West Side Woodmen of the World Hall. Miss Florence Hanlon, captain of the Cadets, has appointed the following committee on arrangements: Eleanor Shaw, Anna Hoffman. Dorothy Modrow. Bessie Krayer, Irene Ralcy. Jeanette Ralcy, Bobbie Hoagland and Louise Heuesch. There will be tables for I "five hundred" also. A others WishW f iv j "ax. I J V Jf I .v.i. - i v. I f i Kite maj gt uiruugu i.u I N."fc5- rynR ordeal of motherhood with as J -T y little pain as possible this can ,T " a reality when Mother"" Friend" lf) ?K. confinement. Get 1 lsJT I Sfes "Mother's Friend- at your s. Isters from the various circuits will be present and will preach from time to time, as the district superintendent ap points. The Rev. Burns will preach Sunday morning. Special music will be arranged for the entire conference, and the public is invited to all meetings. Rev. Alexander Beers, the pastor. Is planning an ageressive campaign for the remainder of this conference year. Bishop Walter A. Selew, of Jamestown. N. Y., will conduct special revival meet ings the last of this month or the first of next month. Bishop Selew is one of the prominent men of the denomination and has many friends in Portland and throughout the conference. It Is planned to have Bishop Selew to deliver a num ber of missionary addresses during the meetings. Bishop Felew has been around the world in the interest of missions and is the president of the general missionary board of the Free Methodist Church. The bishop will be accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Selew, who Is prom inent in missionary and church work. The bishop and his wife will be enter tained at the home of Rev. Alexander and Mrs. Be-ers. 64SVi East Madison street. CANCER EXPERT LECTURES Former Student of Columbia Uni versity Urged to Attend Talk. Lewis Irvine Thompson, president of the Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation of Oregon, has been asked by the Alumni Federation of New York to urge all former students of Columbia University to attend the lectures to be delivered at the Portland Hotel this afternoon and evening by Dr. Francis Carter Wood, director of the George Crocker research fund of Columbia University founded for the discovery of a cure for cancer. Dr. Wood will talk on the subject of cancers at 4 o'clock and again at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Port land Academy of Medicine. All Co lumblamen are invited to he present. r 1 II ILEE wMTE