Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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ACHARMTNCJ and Interesting event
of yesterday' was the tea given
by the Professional Woman's
League honoring: Miss Phyllis Neilson-'
Terry, at the University Club. The
rooms were thronged with members of
the league and- their friends, and the
president. Miss Bain, received with the
charming honoree.
The tea table was attractive with a
basket filled with pink and white
bouvardia, and was presided over by
Mrs. Charles P. McCullough and Miss
Vella Winner. Various members of the
organization assisted in serving.
Another surprise was the engage
ment of Miss Clara Marsch to Dr.
Byron E. Loomis. The news was made
known at a pretty luncheon and card
party for which the bride-elect was
hostess, complimentary to Miss Gene
vieve Butterfield, another of the re
cent brides-to-be. Corsage bouquets,
which marked covers for the guests,
had the announcement cards attached.
A basket filled with Spring flowers
decked the table.
Following the luncheon, for which
covers were placed for 10, additional
(ruests Joined the party, and four tables
were arranged for bridge. The bride
elect Is a daugher of Mrs. Mary Marsch
tnd a sister of Mrs. Martin Alger. Dr.
Loomis is popular socially and also
"well known in his profession. The
couple will wed In the early Spring.
The marriage of Miss Mary Meldrum
and Frederick Shields, of Spokane,
will be an Important event of today's
calendar. It will be solemnized by Dr.
John H. Boyd at the residence of the
bride-elect's cousin, Mrs. Joseph N.
Teal, and will be a very simple affair.
Professor and Mrs. A. Shroff, of the
University of Oregon, were in town
yesterday, and were entertained by Mrs.
J. C. Elliott King with a motor trip
about Portland's picturesque and scenic
roads. Professor Shroff gave a talk
In the morning to the Wednesday Morn
ing Art Class, which was most in
teresting. Tom Dobson, a Portland singer, left
yesterday morning for Spokane, accom
panied by Lester Donahue, who gave a
brilliant piano recital before the Mac
Dowell Club Saturday at the Mult
nomah Hotel. Today Mr. Dobson and
Mr. Donahue will be honor guests at a
dinner to he given by Miss Ruth Win
ters at the Hotel Davenport. They
will leave tonight for Chicago, where
they will give a benefit concert Sunday
The British National Red Cross So
ciety's card party on Tuesday night was
a brilliant affair and added many dol
lars to the fund for the far-reaching
work of the organization. Forty
tables were arranged for the players,
who also enjoyed the charming musical
programme arranged by Frederick
Crowther. During the evening. Miss
Phyllis Nielson-Terry, the charming
Englishwoman who was here this
week, stopped In for a few minutes'
visit with tha assemblage.
The Elks Ladles' Club will meet this
afternoon to play auction bridge.
Playing begins at 2 o'clock promptly.
HAVANA Cuba, Jan. 10. (Special.)
Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Patterson, of
Portland, Or., arrived here recently and
plan to pass the balance of the Winter
here and In Jamaica. They motored
from Portland to New York and shipped
their car to Havana, where they are
enjoying motoring on the picturesque
roads about the interesting island.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson expect to re
turn to Portland early In June.
The Mult-Row Dancing Club will
give their third formal dance tonight
at Multnomah Hotel. The committee In
charge has prepared for an enjoyable
The Pan-Hellerrtc Association will be
entertained by the Chi Omega frater
nity Saturday afternoon from 2:30
o'clock until 5 at the home of Mrs.
Jacob Gray Kamm, 215 Fourteenth
Friday evening next will be regular
Laurelhurst Club night for members
only. Bridge and 600 will be the di
version and Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Lamb
are host and hostess.
On Tuesday afternoon, January 16,
the Ladies' Card Club will entertain
their friends and on every Tuesday af
ternoon thereafter.
A merry house party was given by
Mrs. J. Strudgeon on Saturday at her
residence In Park Rose, In honor of
Jlrs. C Thomas, who Is visiting Port
land from Alaska.
Included In the party were: Mrs. L.
Sheldon, Mrs. J. Eulrich, Mrs. A.
frichug, Mrs. G. Stopper, Mrs. P. Thlex,
Mrs. Koontz, Mrs. J. Straub, Mrs. J.
Nelson, Mrs. F. Vogler. Mrs. F. Harnke.
Mrs. G. Eaton. Mrs. H. Arnold. Mrs. C.
Thomas, Miss Frances Meyer, Miss Car
rie Straub, Miss Lucile Nelson.
During the afternoon BOO was played,
Mrs. J. Eulrich and Mrs. F. Harpke
carrying on the prices.
Tea was served, the hostess being
assisted by her sister, Mrs. H. Arnold.
Tonight the Kenton Club will be the
scene of a. merry masked ball. Mem
bers of the club are sponsors for the
affair, which promises to be an un
usually gay event.
The Bnal B'rlth basketball teams
will give their second dance of the
1916-1917 season in the clubrooms,
Thirteenth and Mill streets, tonight.
ine proceeds will got toward purchas
ing equipment for the athetes. Dr.
Alfred Schilt is chairman of the com
mittee. Patrons and patronesses, are
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ruary 6 at the library upon facts con
cerning tha JTavy. A committee was
appointed to co-operate with like com
mittees from other organizations In en
tertaining the National Education As
sociation, which Is to meet in Portland
next Summer. - -
Oak Grove Parent-Teacher Associa
tion will hold Its regular meeting Fri
day night at the Oak Grove school. O.
M. Plummer. a member of the Portland
School Board, will speak on "Tha
School of the Future."
The Portland Grade Teachers' Asso-
iation will give a co-operative lunch
on on Saturday at noon In the Mult
nomah Hotel. The Principals" Associa
tion will be the honored guests. Miss
Viola Ortschild is in charge of the pro
gramme. The grade teachers met yes
terday at 4:30 o'clock In the Library. -
Clarence Reams. Walter Evans and
udge John Stevenson will be the
peakers today at the luncheon to be
given by the Portland Womans" Re
search Club at the Hotel Portland.
Mrs. Jane Burns Albert will sing.
(Concluded on Pae 13. Column S.
"The Happy Way
to Health,r is not
through mountains of pills
or rivers of dope. It is
through proper selection of
food, pure air and rational
exercise. If you have health
you can keep it by eating
Shredded Wheat, the food
that supplies all the nutritive
material needed for work or
play and in a digestible form.
Keep yourstomach clean and
your bowels active by eating
Shredded Wheat, the food
that supplies strength and
builds healthy tissue with
out overtaxing the digestive
organs. Always the same
price, always the same high
quality. A delicious, nour
ishing meal for a few cents.
Copyright by Underwood.
The turban, popular in the Far East for centuries has at last come to the
United States. Milady will now parad e in one that is almost Identical to
those of the Far East, except that the y have quite a little style and are made
of better materials. One model Is of black satin with a silk braid of white
for the crown. Its only trimming is a ball of black silk directlv in front.
By EDnnKNiGfirJtoLMES '
Portland Psychology Club
Library, o'clock.
Ockley Green Parent-Teacher
Association School, 2:30 o'clock.
Thompson Association Thomp
son School, 2:30 o'clock.
'St. Johns Association St. Johns
Library, 2:30 o'clock.
Oak Grove-Milwaukia Social
Service Club With Mre. R. R.
Davenport, Oak Grove.
Sunday School Workers' Union
This morning, 10:30 o'clock.
Gill study room.
Portland Woman's Research
Club Luncheon, Hotel Portland,
noon; Mrs. Philip Gevurta, chair
man. Social Workers Library, 10:3S
THE Bard of Avon duly was honored
yesterday when the Portland
Shakespeare Study Club held their an
nual luncheon In the Hotel Multnomah.
Clever responses made to rollcall con
sisted of well-chosen quotations from
the poet Mrs. Julia C. LaBarre presided
as toastmistress. Mrsv Anton Giebisch.
president, in the opening address said,
"Shakespeare expresses life for all
time. To know him Is to know life. In
his lines may be found the answers to
questions of all kinds."
Mrs. T. S. Townsend gave the history
of the club from its founding In 1908.
She paid tribute to the presidents and
to the various leaders who had inspired
ana Helped the members.
Aiiss ixona iawier sang & soprano
solo and responded to an encore. She
was accompanied by Lowell Patton.
"The Humor, of Shakespeare" In Its
various types was discussed by Mrs.
J. C. Elliott King. She spoke of some
of the leading characters of his plays
and gave the high lights of humor that
are distinctive features of different
Miss Vella Winner, who told of "The
Drama and the Press," recalled several
occasions when she had interviewed re-
nouned actors and actresses. Miss Win
ner is a member of the Shakespeare
Club. Miss Aileen Brong, another
member, contributed a reading, giving
an effective Robert Service selection
The youngest member of the club
Miss Nina Joy, sang "Who Is Sylvia?"
She was accompanied by Miss Nina
Walker. An Irish lullaby was Miss
Joy's encore.
Mrs. Allen Todd, former president of
the club, sent greeting to her club sis-
ters and by ' unanimous vote a loving
message was sent In return. Mrs. Todd
has been 111 for several months.
A toast to "Our Friends." by Edith
Knight Holmes completed the pro
gramme. -
Mrs. Edward Alden Beals was yes
terday re-elected unanimously to the
office of regent of Willamette Chap
ter, Daughters of the American Revo
lution. The annual meeting of the
chapter was held in the home of Mrs,
W. E. Pearson. Delegates to the state
and National conventions were elected.
The state convention will be held
March 9 and 10 In Eugene. The chap
ter indorsed Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson
for the state regency and Mrs. George
Guernsey, of Kansas, for the National
regency. -
Following Is the complete list of of
ficers of Willamette Chapter: Regent,
Mrs. Beals: vice-regent, Mrs. W. H. T.
Green: recording secretary, Mrs. Eu
gene Smith; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. William Ingold; "treasurer, Mrs.
Murray aianville; historian. Mrs. XL F.
Walters; registrar. Mrs. Walter F.
Asner. xo the state convention were
selected as delegates-. Mrs. E. A. Beals,
Mrs. W. D. Scott, Mre. John Bagley,
Airs. .Marry Keer, Mrs. R. F. Walters,
Mrs: J. N. Knight, Mrs. Manvllle. Mrs,
S. L. Albaugh. Mrs. E. K. Scott. Mrs,
J. J. Read; alternates. Mrs. U.G.Smith.
Mrs. William Evans, Mrs. Thomas
Sharpe. Mrs. H. H. Ward, Mrs. Edna
Workman, Mrs. George L. Brown. Mrs
W. E. Pearson, Mrs. F. Reed. Mrs. R.
C. Wright and Mrs. Anna Palmer.
Delegates to the National convention
are: Mrs. William Scott and Mrs
Asher, with Mrs. Charlotte Hall and
Mrs. John Bagley as alternates.
St. Johns Parent-Teacher Circle will
meet today t 2:30 o'clock In the St.
Johns Library. Refreshments will be
served after the programme.
Albina Homestead Parent-Teacher As
sociation will meet In the assemblv
hall. Friday, at 3:15 P. M. Miss Segel
win nave charge of the children's ex
erclses, which will consist of "Cowboy
Drill." by boys, and "Goodnight Drill "
by girls. Addresses will be given bv
J. it. .fUTceii on importance of Speak
ing the English Language Correctly,"
and Mrs. Edna A. Bell will speak on
"Music Education of the Child.1
Parents are Invited to attend.
Highland Parent-Teacher Association
will meet tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock.
Miss Pauline Pease will speak. Mrs.
Ross Miller and Jennie BoDine will
contribute to the programme.
The Women's Co-operative League
will be "at home" on Saturday from
to 4 o clock in, the old Westminster
Church, East ' Tenth and Weidlcr
streets, in the building which the club
women hope to purchase as a club
house for women's organizations.
The occasion will be termed "Inspec
tion day." AIT" clubwomen in Portland
who are Interested in having a club
house are invited to attend. The Co
operative League has secured an op
tion on the property where the church
formerly was located and the price is
reasonable. The building, the architect
says, can be renovated at small ex
pense. The rooms are so arranged that
several meetings could be held in the
place at the same time.
In other cities women's clubhouses
have been a success and have paid the
stockholders substantial dividends and
it is the aim of the Portland clubwomen
to have a club home managed so that
it would be a success.
East Tenth and Weidler is only
diock away irom me isroaawav car.
with direct service to the West as well
as to the center of the East Side. Mrs.
G. J. Frankel is chairman of the com
mlteee of women who have secured the
option .on the property.
Sunnyside W. C T. U. will meet today
at 2:30 o'clock at 110 East Salmon
street. "Sabbath Observance" will b
tne subject.
Roscoe Nelson will read "Mary Goes
First" on Tuesday night in the Little
Theater, under tha auspices of the
Drama League.
Baptist women and others Interested
in missions are anticipating the visit
or Helen Barrett Montgomery, who
will be in Portland In April. Mrs. Mont
gomery is president of the American
Women's Baptist Foreign Missionary
oociety. Mrs. Henry Peabody will
visit Portland later in the year. - Mrs.
reaoody was here about three years
ago. She is one of the most promt
nent women of the East In mission and
social service work.
The regular meeting of the Portland
Education Association was held In Li
brary Hall Tuesday afternoon.
It was decided to ask Commande
Blackburn to address the teachers Feb
.Sunday School
- - LE.SSON '
. 14. John 1:10-3 Johm the Bap
tist and Jesua. '
fTlHE lesson of last Sunday gave ua
A. the tribute of John, the writer of
this story, to Jesus. This lesson gives
us the tribute of John, the forerunner
of Jesus, as recorded by this writer.
John. We have to keep the two Johns
properly distinguished in our thought.
Luke Is the only one who tells any
thing about tne birth and lineage of
John the baptist, or baptizer. He be
gan his ministry about the Spring ef
A. D. 26. coming out of his long retire
ment and study with wonderful knowl
edge of the people, of his times and of
his own definite mission. He preached
three things the presence of their
long-expected Messiah and therefore of
the kingdom of heaven which they had
looked for, though It was to be a very
different thing from what they expect
ed and desired; repentance as the only
way of entering that kingdom, not de
scent from Abraham nor ceremonial
perfection; proof of repentance by bap
tism and an amended life. He made
the same demands on all, but when
Jesus came to be baptized John saw at
once that here was a man who didn't
need to repent. But Jesus said that, as
he had accepted man's lot on earth, it
was fitting that ha should submit to
every right law, do all forms of right
eousness. The baptism of Jesus was
probably early In January, A. D. 27.
rati LESSON.
' I.
John' Witness to Himself 19-24.
"And this is the witness of John,
when the Jews sent unto him from Je
rusalem priests and Levites to ask him
Who art thou? And he confessed, and
denied not; and he confessed, I am not
the Christ. And they asked him. What
then? Art thou Elijah? And he saith
am not. Art thou the prophet? And
he answered. No. They said therefore
unto him. Who art thou? that we may
give an answer to them that sent us.
What sayest thou of thyself? He said,
I am the voice of one crying In the wil
derness. Make straight the w.ay of tha
Lord, as said Isaiah the prophet. And
they had been sent from the Pharisees.
1. Peril. John was In peril. He bad
preached with awakening power and
had drawn the people out from tha cit
les and from all over the country to see
and hear the strange man who was
waking the echoes down near the Jor
dan. The Pharisees were stirred and
their authorities sent a delegation all
the way to the Jordan to ask him one
question, not who he was, for they
knew he was the son of Zacharlah and
Elizabeth; not whom he referred to in
his preaching, for they knew he meant
the Messiah; but about his prophetic
character and his own relation to the
Messiah, whether he himself was the
Messiah or an old prophet come to life,
or what?
Their motive was stealthy, selfish.
Those Pharisees were losing their hold
on their dupes, just In proportion as
John got people to repent and expect
the Messiah, and many of them had
come out from the city and been bap
tized, not as a sign of repentance, but
as a means of getting hold of this new
movement and controlling It In their
own interest. But John soon saw
through them, and, as Luke and Mat
thew tell us, called them & brood of
writhing, wriggling serpents, trying to
crawl into the crowd he was gathering
for his Master, and told them to go and
repent and prove their repentance by
the fruits of it. Now this delegation
they send has a shrewd purpose and
they have three surmises. He might be
Elijah come to life, for it was said that
Elijah would come again, but the
prophet meant that another man would
do a corrective, preparatory work like
that of Elijah. Jesus afterward said
that John had come in the spirit and
power of Elijah. Another surmise was
that he was "that prophet" spoken of
in Deut. xviil:15; another, that he might
consider himself the actual Messiah.
2. Humility. John had a three-fold
temptation to resent their question in
an. ugly spirit, knowing their vicious
habits and their satanlc spirit; to
claim more honors than he was entitled
to, gloating over the prestige he had
gained; to claim the most exalted mis
sion of the Messiah. But not for a sin
gle moment did he give way to vlndlc
tlveness, nor vanity, nor ambition. Per
haps he knew that he was to be a sec
ond Elijah, but not once did he claim
that honor. He waited for his Master
to award it to him.
3. Service. His was the mission of
humble service. Had he claimed to be
the Messiah, or one of the old prophets
come to life,' they would not have
known better and would probably have
believed him for a while, but he took
the place of a servant to the Messiah.
Two figures show his humility. One is
that of a voice. He is only a voice, slm
ply the vibration of air, "tha nearest
thing to nothing" we know. But it is
more than that; It is the Instrument
for expressing the majestic truths
which tha mind thinks and the exalted
passions of the soul. The voice dies
out, but the truths and emotions live.
Not an idle voice, for it is-the servant
of the king going on ahead of him, as
was the case in the Orient when the
king made a Journey and sent his serv
ants ahead to tell the people to get the
roads ready, leveling down and filling
up and taking out rough stones. That
was John's work. The other figure is
that of sandal-bearer to a master, an
honor too great for him.
Wo cannot fail to notice his re
straint. He really tells them nothing
much except what will attract admiring
attention to his coming Master.
John's Witness to Christ 23-43.
And they asked him. and said unto
him. Why baptlzest thou then, if thou
be not that Christ, nor Ellas, neither
that prophet?
John answered them, saying, I bap
tize with water; but there standest one
among you, whom ye know not.
He it is. who coming after me. Is
preferred before tne, whose shoe's
latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
These things were done In Bethabara
beyond Jordan, where John was bap
tizing. The next day John seeth Jesus com
ing unto him, and saith. Behold the
Lamb of God, which taketh-away the
sin of the world.
This is he of whom I said. After me
Cometh a. man which Is preferred be
fore me; for he was before me.
And I knew him not; but that he
should be made manifest to Israel,
therefore am I come baptizing with
And John bare record, saying, I mv
Not a Cheap Piano, Though Low Priced
J Why buy a cheap Player Piano, whose only recommendation is price, when for
the same amount of money you can get a really fine instrument the Aeolian Play
er Piano ? It is superior to many players of other make, regardless of price, be
cause of many patented improvements.
1 However, the wonderful musical results obtainable with the Aeolian Player
Piano are not dependent upon some single or sensational feature but rather to
well balanced perfection throughout the instrument. It has a pneumatic system
which is truly remarkable for its simplicity and efficiency. It is unexcelled in ease
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of the entire range of pianistic effects.
I Aeolian Player Pianos $440 and $495 your present piano accepted as part
.payment, with easiest terms on the balance.
We also carry Sleimvay and other Pianos, Pianola Pianos, Vic'trolas
and Records, Player Rolls, Cabinets, etc
Shermanlay & Go.
Sixfh and Morrison, Opp. Postoffice.
the Spirit descending from heaven like
& dove, and It abode upon him.
And I knew him not; but he that
sent me to baptize with water, the
6ame said unto me. Upon whom thou
shalt see tha Spirit descending, and
remaining on him, the same is ha
which baptizetb. with the Holy Ghost.
1. Supremacy. In all that he said
about himself ho was giving honor to
his Master. According to Zech. xiii. 1.
they thought baptism was for the Mes
siah or Elijah or "that prophet" to
perform then why did he do it? Here
is a five-fold witness to Christ and it
seems that Christ was that moment
there listening to what ho said. First,
his superiority to a mere servant, "be
fore him and preferred before him."
.r. i T V, .Via ..r.atnst IftV. SeC-
lllill. garv w uuu luv o - - - .
I . Tnlin err. UTIOM
ona, lais prc-ciiaicm.w . , .
that fact wonderfully, saying he was
"from above." Third, His power to
save from sin. Lambs offered in sacri
fice made only a pictorial atonement,
but Christ is the real Lamb of God
that makes an actual awmiii"".
i . . , VAttra nwnv OUT
not oniy dcd, -
sin. The delegation evidently remained
on the groimas ana inn " w
the second day. Fourth, the source of
spiritual life. The Spirit of God abode
on him and gave him all power. In
him was life and the life was the light
.. i.ifih nin iiTitnue relation to
Son of God. a, no" other person
ever was or couia dc. . . f
2. Satisfying. jonn Knew
testimony jonn K
To the worker his own work Is usu
ally ultimate; It reaches as far as the
horizon and up to the zemin; turn mi
ls all the more likely to be the case
Is the man. But John
. i.. -..unAwiAris-AA that his own
nut vuij " . .
work was merely a commencement, but
saw with perieci ciciucd
i i . nni,A it pnmnlit. Stalker.
neeaea 10 ,1"1"u - r . . . .
False claimants to the rough mantle
of the prophet Elijan nave bh
-i v. , Vi a i..n r ii rir second In
number only to the false Messiahs that
have arisen, bui uems -
make Elijah, much less do loud claims
Compare the Cost
Count the SaviTtg
Is used by
countl ess
housewi v e s
who have determined that
they must have the best at
the lowest cost. Crescent is
a perfect leavener, its price is
At All Grocers
25c per Pound
Seattle. W.ihlnctoa.
establish the right to speak In the
prophet's stead. The hungry wilder
ness more than a "City of Zion" often
proves a prophet's calling; self-sacrifice
mora than amassing millions.
1. How can you be a record-maker
for Christ?
2. Why have you not received all the
honors you are entitled to?
3. How can a growing and powerful
person keep himself humble?
4. In what does your true success as
a Christian consist?
6. How may you be as sura of Christ
aaJohn was?
Ccntralia Men's Mother Dies.
CEXTRALIA. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Dennis Walter, mother of
L. A. and Fred Walter, prominent Ccn
tralia business men. died yesterday in
Plymouth, Ind. Fred NValter left Im
mediately for Plymouth to attend the
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