THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TELEPHONES. City Editor Sunday Editor .Advertising Department romposins-room ....... Frinti-.g-room superintendent liuildlng . .Main 707O. A SOPS . . Main 707O, A 60S15 . .Main 7070, A 6J!5 ..Main 7070. A 0I5 . .Main 7070. A BOWS . .Main 7u0. A 6035 . .Main 7u70. A tiotto AML'sKilLNTS. ELKVENTil STREET Eleventh and Morri son) Spectacle film "Intolerance." After noons. :10. nifiill. 8:10. BAKEI: (Broadway or Sixth between Alder and- Morrison) Alcazar Stock Company la -Holling Stones." Tonight at 8:1S. PAXT.4GES (Broadway at Alder) TJn equaled vaudeville. Three snows dally 7 and U:05. SIVPODKOME (Broadway and Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures; 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 P. M-, Saturday. Sunday, holi days continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. STRAND (Park. West Park and Stark) Vaudeville and motion pictures continuous. "Woman's , Find Reduced. Anna Howard, an aged woman who appealed to the Circuit Court from a fine of $150 for bootlegging imposed by Municipal Judge Langguth. pleaded guilty yester day and the fine was reduced to $100 by Circuit Judge Gantenbein. Dr. McMahon, chiropractor; life cures. Adv. CANNERY TO BE ENLARGED Gresham Fruit Growers Show loy alty to Home Institution. HE1LI6 TO SEE STARS Famous Russian Dancers Are to Appear Tomorrcw. SCENERY MOST ELABORATE GRESHAM, Or.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) H. E. Davis and Theodore Brug ger' were elected directors for three years. W. A. Proctor and D. E. Towle Forty Clever Performers and Fifty ft. ...... J II' S T n.A I Christian Science Lecture Tonight. A free lecture on Christian Science will he delivered by William W. Porter, C. S. B., member of the board of lecture ship of the Mother Church. the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mass., in the edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist. Nineteenth and Everett streets, this evening. January 11. at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be repeated Friday evening, January 12, at 8 o'clock. in ine same place. Third Church of Christ, Scientist, under whose, ausnices these lectures are to be given, extends a cordial Invitation to the public. Films to Show Industries. Motion picture films illustrating various com mercial and industrial methods and processess of manufacture will be shown at Reed College during the as sembly hour today. Films will be shown relating to the business of the Union Meat Company, the Northwest Steel Company, the Peninsula Indus trial Company, the Coast Culvert & Flume Company, the Independent Cracker Company and Fleischner, Mayer & Co. This is a part of the extension course on commerce and In dustrial methods. Funeral op Child Is Todat. The funeral of Ward Dobbs Walkup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walkup, will be held today at 2:30 o'clock from Hol man's parlors. The baby was 2 years 2 months and 4 days old at the time of his death Tuesday morning. He was 111 but a few hours. He had Just been brought back from San Francisco, where he was taken for his christen ing and to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Walkup. His other jrrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Dobbs live in Prinevllle. ' Audubon Bird Meetino Planned. The regular weekly meeting of the Audubon Bird Club will be held Satur day at 8 P. M. in the clubrooms, 309-10 T. M. O. A. building.. "Winter Bird Feeding" will be the subject. Tom Mc Camant, William Brewster, Jr.. W. D. strong and others of the club will give their experiences of last Winter and photographs of their feeding stations will be shown on the screen. These meetings are always open to the public and all who are interested will be welcomed. Clothes Needed tor Woman. The Public Welfare Bureau 444 Courthouse, Is interested in obtaining clothing for v unserving woman, snort ana stout in build, who is in need of some shoes dresses and a warm coat. The woman, takes in washing and has a family to eupport. The bureau is befriending a boy of 14 years very tall for his age, who cannot go to school because he has no suitable clothes. Anyone will Jng to assist these two may notify the bureau. Main 7051 or A 1517. Merchants to Confer Todat. The Greater Portland Association will hold Its regular weekly luncheon and meet ing in the Portland Hotel Grill at 12:15 today. The question of the proposed co operative delivery system for the mer chants in the association will be dis russea. i-iarry mcney will speak on The Psychology of Salesmanship" and F. T. Haskell on a system of advertis ing and publicity for the association. President Clark will preside. Surface Asked fob Arthur Street. -Proceedings are to be started for the construction of a permanent street on Arthur street, between Front and Sec ond streets, where the roadway now consists of a plank bridge over a part of Marquam Gulch. On petition of 28.5 per cent of the property to pay the cost of the work, proceedings will be ftarted by the City Council. The plan Js to fill in under the bridge and to macadamize the roadway. More Than 300 Sign Protest. Protests of residents of Montavilla against the assessments for the con struction of the East Stark street and JUontavilla trunk sewer system were referred by the Council yesterday to Commissioner Bigelow and City At torney LaRoche for investigation and report. The protest against the as sessments is signed by more than 300 persons. They contend that the assess ments are not equitable. Prudential. Agents Go East. Headed by John Pauer, district man ager at Portland for the Prudential In surance Company, a party of seven agents for that concern in the Pa cific Northwest left the city yesterday over the O.-W. R. & N. Co.'s line for Newark, N. J., en- route to the con vention of agents for that corporation. They will be in the East for two weeks r more. Elihu K. Jones Buried. The fu neral services for Elihu K. Jones, who was killed by the explosion of an auto mobile tank at his residence Sunday evening, were held Tuesday at Holman's chapel. Dr. E. Benson officiated and Otto Wedemeyer sang. Pallbearers were: Thomas Viggers, A. W. Allen. J. II. Ballin. J. R. Terwilliger. F. P. Sheasgreen and A. Roberts. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery. Goat Association Sued. Failure to keep a contract involving the sale of mohair and wool is charged against the Northwest Angora Goat Association in a suit for $1238.92 filed against officers of that association in the Circuit Court by J. T. Spaulding yesterday. The as tociation is charged with failure to sell, on order, nearly 5000 pounds of mohair and wool that had been shipped to tne concern for disposal. City Hall Cigar Stand to Open. Another blind man, the third in ten years, is to take charge of the cigar) stand at me city Hall, which was con ducted by Tom Long, a blind man. up to Monday, when he died in the County Hospital. The new applicant is A. W. Sheridan. Mr. Sheridan practically has completed negotiations for the stand. Mr. Long originally obtained the stand from a blind man. Council Thanks S. Benson. In ap preciation of the donation by S. Benson of $300 to cover the cost of getting the Federal Government to give the city a large tract ot land adjoining Benson Park for park purposes, the City Coun cil yesterday adopted a resolution of thanks. The resolution was prepared By commissioner leaner and was adopted by unanimous vote. Professor Morgan to Lecture "World Movements and Their Causes the Pulse of Nature" is the subject of the second lecture on "How Nature Determines History," which Professor William Conger Morgan, of Reed Col lege, will give in Library Hall, of the Central Library, this evening at 8 o'clock. The lecture is free. Postal Receipts Gain 6 Per Cent. Postal receipts of the Portland Post office for the first ten days of 1917 are $42,266.30. For the corresponding period last year they were $39,706.60, showing an Increase this year of more than 6 per cent Miss Failing to Lecture. The , sub ject of the art history lecture, by Miss Failing at 3:30 today. Is "Mediaeval Sculpture." The lecture will be Illus trated by lantern slides. Dr. L. Bogan. dentist. 455-459 Morgan feldaT, Marshall 96. Adv. was elected a director for one year at the meeting of the Gresham Fruit growers' Association held in the Grange hall Monday of this week. Other busi ness transacted included voting to en large the output of the cannery. Secretary James Elkington read the financial report showing assets of $9560.33 and liabilities . of $12,787.27. This was considered an excellent show- ........ ......? I " Pi s ' : It !:::.? -I'' J ft I 1 " it ' i J r t i . . ..... w .v.,-.,. ., ...J1L,y,,i,v.J f Lender vf 50 With Russian I 4 Pierre HonteanZi Piece Orchestra Dancers. ing for the second year of the cannery, when the fact is taken into considera tion that the cannery started out its second year with a heavy deficit, and the fact of the loss by fire. The entire meeting seemed to be dominated by a desire to be loyal to the home institution. When a call for fruit was made 25 acres of berries were pledged, a total of nearly 50 tons. in Orchestra Are Coming With Big Company TTnder Direction of Steers & Co man Friday. For the tour of the Imperial Ballet RuBse, which opens a brief engage ment at the Heilig tomorrow night, under the direction of Steers & Coman, the full strength of the famous Serge de Diaghileff organization has been mobilized and more than two score performers and 50 musicians are mak ing the trip. The complete set of Bakst scenery and decorations for the 11 dances Is also carried and there are stellar performers besides the bal let corps, which numbers 24. Jointly at the head of the organiza tion are Adolf Bolm and Waslav Ni jinsky. The latter won especial fame in America because of his detention in Bohemia at the opening of the American tour, due to incidents of the great war and some weird character writings found on his effects, supposed to be- secret codes used by a spy. but which were written characterizations of dance movements. Bolm opened the tour in America, however, and won plaudits which were unexampled. In the cast of stars also is Lydia Lopokova, whose freshness and in genious personality makes her doubly attractive because she has no supe rior in the actual translation of the Russian dancing art. Sokolova and Pflanz, who appear In Portland, in Russia are star attractions by themselves, as they have each ap peared in the Imperial Theater under the personal direction of Diaghileff. Bakst, the most distinguished artist in line and color today, seems to have reveled in his opportunity with the Ballet Russe. Heading the great symphony orches tra of 50 pieces is Pierre Monteaux and the music is from Europe's fore most composers. M. Monteaux is acknowledged to be the greatest living conductor of bal lets. He has directed, the Diaghileff Ballet Russe Symphony Orchestra In all the principal cities of Europe and in the Americas. His personality in spires and his genius leads the musi clans. CAMERA CLUB ELECTS A. A. Bailey Is President; Colored Picture Process to Be Shown. A. A. Bailey was elected president of the Oregon Camera Club at Its annual election Tuesday night. The other of ficers elected are: Will If. Walker, vice president: R. S. Milln, secretary-treas urer: Jacques Letz. V. R. Trine and C. A. Benz, members of the board of directors. It was announced that the Judd Cup, that has been contested for by club members for a number of years, will be placed in competition late in the Fall of 1917. At the monthly entertainment to be held January 16 the Paget process of color photography will be exhibited. There will also be a. number of bird pictures. FOOD IS CHEAPER TODAY REDUCTIONS GIVEX HOUSEWIVES WHO CARRV BASKETS TO STORE, Parent-Teacher Circle Inaugurate Sys tem of Better Bnytnsr to Help In Lowering Coat. Today will inaugurate the series of better living days for which active ne gotiations have been conducted by members of the Parent-Teacher cir cles of Portland. Co-operation be tween tradespeople and housewives has been taken as the means for obtaining certain economies at reductions. of which the consumer is to be the bene ficiary. Useless deliveries are to be done away with as much as possible, and purchasing with the market basket is to be encouraged. Where staples are used in a household from time to time, the housekeeper is advised to buy in large amounts, and reap the benefit of the saving. Plain foods well cooked are the rec- VANUUUVhK tXrtUIS ZDUU economists. The folly of purchasing expensive cuts ot oeei wnen otners Sessions of Oddfellows' Grand Lodge to Be Held in June. VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) The annual convention of the grand lodge of Oddfellows of Wash ington will be held in Vancouver, June 4, 5, 6. 7 and 8. At that time there will be at least 2500 visitors in this city. Committees are at work provid ing accommodations for this number. Residents of the city will be asked to throw open their homes to the visitors. they do in Pendleton at the Roundup. The grand lodge, the grand encamp ment, the Rebekah assembly and the department council of Patriarchs, Mili tant will all hold sessions here, WOMAN, SHOT, MAY LIVE Mrs. Laura Wliitnier, AVounded by Son, Seems to Be Better. containing equal nutriment are sold at lower prices is to be fully demon strated: for the menus published by the committee contain nothing but foods which are high In efficiency and low in price. While 40 cents a day had been set as the price of comfortable living in Chicago, the Parent-Teacher committee In Portland is demonstrating that a family of six can be maintained for a salary of $18 a week. Many of the dishes that are recommended will ap peal to any palate. FINES TO CAUSE PROBE COUNCIL ORDERS IXVESTIG ATIOX OF MUNICIPAL COURT. Increasing Prosperity is With Portland NOW! It has been a long; time coming. Prosperity is here to stay for a number of years. Prepare to make the best of it. You need a helpful banking connection. Open an account now with 1 w Time and money are the two points on which we can interest the business man. Without waste of time, without waste of cash, we can give you gar ments that will fit into your scheme of life. Overcoats and suits for every occasion, for every occupation in cluded in the two big special offerings here at $14 and $20. See some in the win dows. Morrison at Fourth St. Wear Ralston Shoes. S. & II. Stamps Given. Capital and Korplnn -2,000,000. NATIONAL BANK Third and Oak Mrertn, Portland. Or. I I Imperial Hotel Broadway, Stark and Washington l'ORTUXDS LEADCl-Q HOTEL Ideally located tn the heart of t hints on Broadway's throbblnjc center. The .os teal Uatel for those oa - business or pleasure. Ointnic-noom m Special jr'rature. " l'hil MeW han. Jr.. Mer. Home of the Big Shows IPP0DR0ME BROADWAY AT YAMHIU. SIX BANNER VAC UK VILLI ACTS TODAY TO SLNUAV. Weekday 10c Kvenlnara, Pundit y a. llolitlar 15c with the right of the Judge to remit fines. Members of the Council said the complaints have more to do with the failure to collect fines when imposed than with the remission of fines. Auditor Barbur has asked that the court notify the Auditor's office of all installment fines imposed, so that the fines may be charged up against the person penalized and an effort made to force payment as Installments fall due and that before fines are remitted the person benefited present a request for a remission to the Council, approved by the Municipal Judge. VAN DER KOORS Quack Illusionists, Featuring Felix, the Mind-Reading Duck.. GORDON BROTHERS AND COMPANY iBirodOflng Boh, the Bating Kangaroo. THE TWO LOWES DIBIAIS AND FLOYD European Lariat Experts. Smart Songs and Sayings. JEAN M'ELROY POWDER & CAPINIAN The Olrl With the Harp. Singing and Dancing Comedian. THE FINAL CHAPTER FEATURE PHOTOPLAY. Closing tiplsode In MVte'rv0eriaL "THE SHIELDING SHADOW The thrills and adventures end and nil is explained. Ion't miss the finish. Shown 3 to Si Si4S to 11 Weekday. Sat. -Sun., Continuous ltlS to 11. MIGNON' TO BE PRESENTED Finished Performances on January 2 2 and 2 4 Promised. ' Late rehearsals of the opera "Mignon." which the Portland Opera Association will produce in the Eleventh-street playhouse Monday and Wednesday nights. January 22 and 24, give promise of finished performances. under the direction of John Claire Monteith the following committee will canvass for tickets: Karl Herbring, Ivan Humason, Harold Hurlbut. War ren A. Erwin, Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed, George Wilber Reed. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Mrs. Preston Carter Smith, Harvey Scougall, Mrs. George Hotcb kiss Street. Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller, J. Ross Fargo. Joseph Flnley. Charles Swenson, Madame Lucie Balair. Mrs. Fred L. Olson, Hamilton Johnstone, Paul Wessinger and Maynard Raymond. A 'VI -Zi M:-. 5 '.' i " (5 jt'-i-i? Ss 2?L il. 2-' 3 sr . -'5f O O Wf-a5Si-131iS!32'!:5sS N I The h:YAKL is j& new, moaern itta elfgantly appointed hotel, pos.-ttrsjitnc I one ot th. most t'eautU'ul corner lob- H 1 btes In th Ncrthwest. located at H I llh and Alder sts., opposite Olds, H I Wortman & King! bfc department I I store, la heart of retail and theater H I district. Katea, $1 and up. Bui H R meet all trains. "W car also runsB a from I'nton ltpot direct to HOTEL, H 'lEWARD. W. M. SEWARD, Prop. H National Foreign Trade CounclL A special train bearing commercial and financial men will be run from Cali fornia. Delegates from Portland. Seat tle. Tacoma and Spokane will join the California delegates at Ogden, and from that point all the Pacific coast, delegates will proceed East in one large train. CARD OP THANKS. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neigh bors who so kindly assisted us in our late bereavement in recent accident and death of our daughter and sister, Lilly Luscher. J. Luscher and Family. Adv. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. TOBACCO SOLD TO MINORS Four Foand Gnllty and One Dealer Demands Jury Trial. Five cases on charges of giving or selling tobacco to minors were heard bv Municipal Judge Langguth yester day morning. The arrests were made on Information recently procured by Police Sergeant Brothers, Patrolmen Nelson and Reek when a number of youths appeared in court for having the forbidden weed In their pockets. I. T. Driver, tobacco dealer, demand ed a Jury trial, which was eet for Jan uary 12. Lewis Mitchell and Thomas Rantor were each fined $15. M. W. Legg and Bernard Murray, found guilty of giving tobacco and cigarettes to minors, had their cases continued in definitely, after being fectured by the court. "OXLY FOUR MORE DAYS ' 11 ST. PLAYHOUSE MORRISON AT ELEVENTH, Phonea Main 47S7 and A 1124. TODAY, 2:10; TONIGHT, 8:10 TOMORROW, SAT. AND SUN". D.W.Griffith's STUPENDOUS $2,O00,O00Spectacle Auditor Report That City Geta Small Part of Installment Penalties, and Recommend Bond City Commissioner Bigelow and City Attorney LaRoche will make an in vestigation of the methods of imposing fines and handling money in the Muni cipal Court, and will report findings to the City Council. The Council ordered the investigation yesterday on the strength of a report made by City Auditor Barbur showing that the city gets but a very small percentage of th installment fines imposed by the BALLET RUSSE TOMORROW l'bJuVJf because, he has municipal funds in his possession. City Attorney LaRoche said the Council should go slowly in interfering Physicians yesterday announced the probable recovery of Mrs. Laura Whit mer, who was accidentally shot by her Eon on Tuesday night at their home on Taylor's Ferry road. She rested Well yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital. The .22-caliber bullet entered her body between the sixth and seventh ribs on the right side and pierced the liver. The son was removing cart ridges from a rifle when the gun was accidentally discharged. I. W. W. AGITATOR FINED Effort to Keen Customers Out of Boycotted House Related. Twenty-five dollars, which he didn't have, or half that number of days In jail, was the sentence imposed by Municipal Judge Langguth on James O'Neill, agitator of the I. W. W.. who was arrested at the Northwest Bakery and Coffee House, on Burnside street. Julius Knisnel. a waiter In the res- 1 taurant, testified that O'Neill selied prospective patrons of the place by the coatsleeves, haranguing them. "Don't go in, it's a scab house!" witnesses said were his words. The restaurant is one of those on which the L W. W. have declared a boycott. INTOLERANCE SYMPHONY ,J Vl ORCIIESTR OPERATIC CHORIS, .30 ALL SEATS RESERVED Seats Are Xow Selling at the Ileilig for Friday and Saturday. Friday night "Les Sylphldes," "Cle- ! opatre," "Prince Igor," "La Princess Enchantee. Saturday matinee "Les Papillons," "Le Spectre de la Rose," Scheherazade." faaturday .night "Car- naval." "Prince Igor." "L'Apres Midi D'Un Faune," "Thamar. ' Prices Lower box Beats $6, upper $5; floor $5; balcony $5. $4, $3. $2. $1.50; gal. $2 $1.50; gal. adm. $1. Adv. AFT'S EYE'S PRICES Lower Floor ------ T5 Baleoay ------ GOS S5c Lower Floor $1.00 Balcony Sl.OO. 75. 50 King; Coal Best for Price. Also Rock Springs. Tono and Bri quets. Ice Delivery Co., successor to In dependent Coal St Ice Co. Mn. $34. Adv. Coast to Be Well Represented. From reports received by Portland railroad men the Pacific Coast will be well represented at the fourth annual National Foreign Trade Convention. which will be held at Pittsburg Janu- orv 25-27. under the auspices of the REMKMRER- WILL I'OM'I'IVKLY CLOSE NEXT SUNDAY XKiHT, 5 i Exclusive fabrics, in spired design ing, individual cutting, faultless tailoring and authen tic style distinguish every Norman Bros. custom- made gar ment. Acquaint your self with this estab lishment if you are seeking c 1 o th e s of character. 9 New Arrivals 9 in Portland Should First Find Their Way to Hotel Cornelius RATKS tt A DAY AND I P, t V. C'ornrllus. rreaidetit. II. K. i leti-lirr, MiMUMter Irk and AloVr. Vortluud. Or. Very Attractive Winter Ksites. riiiijligliii Ol tejTAILORS Wi pgg NORTHWESTERN BAM. BID6. 1 fjj nlLlj " i ' IT I I III HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and Watilntrton tSta. Kelcrorcrd Concrete Building poMUveljr i'lreproot. Victor Brandt, Koaa Tlnnofraa. Proprlrtor Manmsjer. Special Kates by the Week or Month. ht isniii 'assa- 1 m - V . 1 I 1 I - 1 I - - 1 t - . .1 OhoBuqO Green Chile Cheese puts th punch In a sandwloh! 03 FOR A DRY. TICKLING THROAT THE NEW lOa BOX PROVES T1IFIK WOKTU B'TTulsr Siz.. ttc. Wc. II. At !rupir(,ts. BROWN'S iu.TRQCHES JOHN L BROWN & SON. Boston. Mi Over $1,000,000.00 Assets for Future Protection of Policyholders TRADE-DAY COAL. Western Pocahontas, $6.23; Bitumin ous Rock, $7.25; Washed Buckwheat, $4, if ordered today. Portland & Suburban Coal Co.. Broadway 358, A 3358. Adv. all it3 WRITES business in healthful Oregon. INVESTS all its funds in Oregon securities exclusively and in 1916 CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the kind friends who did so much during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Albert Kroll. and to the Sons of Herman. Schil ler Lodge. No. 3, and Knights and Ladies of Security, f.urena council. No. 204, for their kindness and svmoathv v- tended with the beautiful floral designs. RT'Dtf 1,' I Til A T I , , l - - .'- AdV. A."N L f A.U1LI. CARD OF THANKS. To the loyal friends whose untiring devotion and assistance in the illness of my beloved husband I wish to tender my deepest gratitude; also to all who contributed to make the last rites so comforting ana uplirtlng. ROSETTA E. HALL. Wife. Adv. WILBUR W. Brother. Exceeded All Previous Records Made in Oregon by any life insurance company operating in this state since organization of Orcgonlifc Oregon's Successful Life INSURANCE COMPANY BEST FOR OREGONIANS HOME OFFICBK.od S$SZ PORTLAND, OR. E. N. STRONG. . ABSt. Mgr. A. L. MILLS. President. C. S. SAMUEL. ' Uen'l Mgr. c HICAGO AND RETURN 72.50 ST. LOUIS AND RETURN Via $70 UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ON SALE January 20 and 21. Return limited to February 18. Stopovers al lowed en route, both ways, within limit. Make Reservation Now Get your tickets at CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third Street. Broadway 4500, A 6121 Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agt. San Francisco's likeable HOTEL American or Enropeia Rile Right SeiTloa Right Obadiah Rich, Manager A Modrrnte-rrlrnl Hotel iff Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD lauBt Morriaon St ear (inad Ave. T5r. 1 I'er Dan With Bath. SI. 25 Miss Buckenmeyer's Dancing School LINN K A HALL. 60S Irving; Street, Near Tweaty-rirat. New Classes Now Forming for Adults and Children. COURSE OF TWELVE LESSONS 3 Private Instruction by Appointment. Private C'laaaea Formed l( Deaireu. Marshall 1734. A T2.V4 EGG NOODLES GENl'INK CHINF.SE VAid NOOni.ES. MAM r'ACTlKEU l I r; X 1-fc.M. I . 1 l 11V HK til tl.ll'V. Also High-Grade Sauce for All Sorts of CHINESE TEA. HOLES ALE AND RETAIL. SUN MEEN & CO.'Vaone aV5- WANTED, CHAIRS TO CANE BY. SCHOOL FOR BLIND rO?. PARTICULARS. CALX ' MR. J. F. MYERS, UAIN 54a Phone Your Want Ads to Main 7070, A 6093 THE OREGONIAN '