Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Mr. Lawson's t charges, that confi
dential Information leaks from the
Government departments and from
Congress to Wall Street and i3 there
, used in speculation, have not been
supported by him with names or with
! proof, but he reiterates them with
ranch sound and fury. He makes the
flat statement that decisions of the
Supreme Court have leaked; that a
Cabinet Minister and a Senator have
speculated;, that leaks of impending
court decisions and impending1 legis
lative ) action are common; and that
members of Congress habitually use
Information obtained in their official
capacity for speculative purposes.
Similar charges have been made by
the mysterious A. Curtis through Rep
resentative Wood. Senator Stone, who
holds the Important position of chair
man of the Senate committee on for
eign relations, has admitted that con
fidential Information leaks out.
These charges are a sequel to Mr.
Lawson's "Frenzied Finance." They
are the outcome of his craze for the
limelight, of his unique advertising
methods and of his desire to get even
with his enemies In Wall Street. But
It will not do, for these reasons, to
dismiss him as a "four-flusher," as
seems to be the disposition of some
Congressmen. He Is on the Inside of
the Wall-Street game and has the
means of knowing the relations be
tween Congressmen and other public
officials and the stock market. Hte Is
- In a position to pick up all the stories
of this, that and the other man's
deals which pass current on "the
Btreet." His statements dovetail with
those which have been made, through
Mr. Wood and by Representative
Gardner. All of these charges cor
roborate a widespread belief that the
practice Is common among members
of Congress and executive officers of
, using for private profit Information
which comes to them confidentially
In their public capacity. The public
believes that from this practice It Is
but a step to action In their public
capacity for private profit, without
regard to the public Interest. In this
state of opinion,, the conclusion Is in
evitable that, when men In a position
to know make so much smote, there
Is some fire.
There ha been a steady growth of
demand among the people for a higher
standard of Integrity In their public
servants. During the Civil War Con
ETessmen did not scruple to act as
brokers in obtaining Army contracts
for clients and to share the profits,
nor to appear as attorneys before the
departments In prosecuting claims
. against the Government which they
were sworn to serve. Laws were
passed forbidding Congressmen to
serve a private client, and under those
laws an Oregon Senator was convicted.
When ex-Senator Foraker was found
to have served the Standard Oil Com
pany as an attorney he was driven
from public life. Postal officials who
profited by Government contracts
were sent to the penitentiary. The
people are becoming more exacting
In their demand for undivided service
from public officers. There may be
a legitimate way In which knowledge
of public affairs may be used by an
official in his private business, but
the line is not easily drawn and men
are prone. If they follow this prac
tice, to permit private gain to Influ
ence their official acts. For this rea
son the people are coming to the opin
ion that a public official should ac
cept his salary as full payment for all
his time and energy, or at the very
least that he should not engage In
any personal activity which relates In
any way to his public duty.
Because this Is the state of public
opinion. It Is absurd for Private Sec
retary Tumulty or any other official
whose name Is mentioned In connec-
tlon with the charges to demand an
apology from any man who makes
them public. If Mr. Wood had not
brought the Curtis letter before the
House, the statements which it con
tains would still have traveled from
mouth to mouth; Mr. Tumulty's good
name would still have been involved
and In such a manner that he would
have had no opportunity to clear
It. He should welcome that oppor
tunity and should not be content with
a mere denial; Jie should insist upon a
thorough inquiry, that he may be en
abled to corroborate his denial and
thus to clear his good name. For the
same reason, Mr. Iawson should not
hesitate to give names to a tribunal
endowed with power and will to make
full Inquiry, even though he may Im
plicate one higher than a Cabinet
Minister. The Oregonian does not give
credence to this insinuation, but it
would be far better to drag It into
the light and either confirm or kill
It than to let It be bruited about and
lurk in the people's minds to destroy
, their confidence in their elected ser
vants. Scandal is not killed by sup
pression; It can be killed only by dis
proof or-, by cutting out the rotten
part of the body politic. If It be proved.
hame would be brought upon the
Nation t if such charges were to be
proved, but ten times greater shame
would come If they were to be hushed
up lest they Implicate one In high
It Is the more Imperative that our
legislative and executive officials be
cleared of all suspicion of hase traffic
In any event growing out of the war,
because of the position which the
American Nation has assumed toward
the nations that are at war. The
President, on behalf of the American
people, has undertaken to speak as
the champion of humanity, civiliza
tion and law in a world where pas
sion has caused all to be Bet at naught.
The American people have under
taken, out of their abundance, to suc
cor the hungry, the wounded, the sick,
the prisoners and the oppressed In
the war zone. If, after taking this
exalted stand, the United States were
to shirk the most searching Inquiry
through fear that some high official
might be merely accused of making
sordid gain from the President's ef
forts for peace, the Nation would be
come an object of contumely in the
eyes of the world and its Influence for
good would be permanently Impaired.
"Ladies said the President In his
blandest and most persuasive phrases
(we repeat from memory) to the lat
est delegation of hopeful feminine bal
lot reformers at the White House
ladies, I am at heart a convinced suf
fragist; but, alas! my party my
erring and ignorant party has not
yet seen the light. How can I, as
leader of my party, do anything for
you, however much I may yearn to
do it, until I am so Instructed by my
dear and loving party? Withal, my
party has done more for you, dear
ladies, than the wicked and unre
generate Republican party.
Can you beat it? He said It, when
he knew that three out of four states
which have given the ballot to women
are usually Republican and the fourth
part may fairly be classed as doubt
ful; while not a single one of the con
firmed Democratic states has so ex
tended the franchise.
He said it in full view of the great
Panama tolls reversal, when, having
changed his mind on the subject, he
required his party to perform a com
plete somersault.
He said it face to face with the
record of repudiation by the Demo
cratic party, chiefly under his Inspira
tion and direction, of at least six
several pledges of the Democratic
platform of 1912.
Somehow the ladles are skeptical.
They Insist upon putting their pickets
at the White House and not at the
The Thaw millions . . . have made
the law an instrument for thwarting its
own purpose. Without unlimited money no
such parody on Justice would have been pos
sible. The very law which should have either
brought White's slayer to the electrlo chair
or should at least have put him where It
would be Impossible for him to kill another
that law turns Thaw loose, free to kill an
other person whenever his Insane rage gains
control of hie acta. Prom The Oregonlan
July IT, "1915.
Inevitably the paronola of the dan
gerous and murderous Thaw would
manifest itself through some desperate
or disgusting act of Sadist eccentricity.
It is a shame to American Justice, and
it is a scandal to the medical profes
sion which produced purchasable "ex
perts" to pronounce him sane, that
this most notorious pervert should
have been freed to pursue his In
famous practices. For nine years, un
der pressure of the Thaw money, the
Thaw degenerate was kept In custody;
for a year and a half he has pursued
his pleasures. It was certain that he
would have to be taken in custody
The form of sexual perversion and
mental degeneracy which finds satis
faction in inflicting punishment on
young boys, or young girls. Is asso
ciated with a homicidal taint. The
wonder Is that eighteen months have
passed without another murder by
Once more It Is clear that the mur
derer who Is shown to be Insane as
well as the murderer who pleads in
sanity should, upon determination of
his Irresponsibility, be sent to an asy
lum for the criminal insane, and kept
The need for far-sighted patriotism
among business men is nowhere better
Illustrated than In the present move
ment to build up the coal-tar Industry
In its vast ramifications. A striking
address was made recently before the
American Association for the Advance
ment of Science by George II. Bruce,
In which attention was called to the
fact that if this new Industry Is not
now put upon a lasting basis, failure
will be attributable to the refusal of
manufacturers and others to take this
broad view. All other conditions are
Mr. Bruce finds that there Is a
tendency on the part of some manu
facturers to "exact the very last penny
for their goods from the purchaser,"
as a result of which the latter buys as
little as possible and lives In hope that
he soon will be able to get more goods
from abroad. At the same time, he
"passes the high cost along," and the
ultimate consumer rises In wrath be
cause he Is asked to pay more than he
believes is fair, even under abnormal
conditions. The cumulative effect of
It all is the reverse of a lively Interest
In the development of a home market.
All except the manufacturer are im
patient for the return of pre-war con
ditions, when, they promise them
selves, they will return to their orig
inal sources of supply as soon as pos
sible. It Is pointed out that one of the
chief needs of the United States Is a
campaign of education to show the
manufacturer that he is serving not
only his own interests but those of
the whole country by foregoing now a
possible opportunity to make an ex
ceptional profit. For one thing, by
doing so he stimulates consumption,
which under abnormal conditions has
been reduced to the minimum. He
also enables others to get a foothold
in business, and he increases the pros
perity of the country as a whole. It
would seem to be a truism that what
ever makes for general well-being is
also In the Interests of the individual.
Removal of the feeling of dependency
upon the foreign market is partly
practical and partly psychological. It
is, however, an essential factor In the
continuance of a home market after
foreign competition has been restored.
Those who are looking to the future
are urging that such a business policy
be adopted that "Made In America"
shall have an exceedingly deep root.
Real preparedness in a business
sense will Include organization for the
standardization of prices not with a
view to exacting the largest possible
profit but in the other direction, that
of profit upon such a basis as will de
velop trade. It is such a patriotic
spirit that distinguishes a nation from
a mere people and that in the end
makes for the greater prosperity of
all concerned, including the individual
who foregoes for the time being the
last Item of profit that he might exact
under present temporary market con
ditions. The railroad brotherhoods are dis
covering the evil consequences of per
mitting their relations with their em
ployers to become the subject of legis
lation and litigation. Until they con
sented to the establishment of the
basic eight-hour system by act of Con
gress they were free to make their
own bargains with the railroads. From
the moment when they accepted from
Congress that which they had been
unable to obtain from their employers
their action became subject to the re
strictions which Congress might place
upon their liberty by law and which
the courts might impose In construing
the law. The brotherhood men's eyes
are open, and they are growing so
angry that there are mutterings of a
strike, either for enforcement of the
Adamson law or for acceptance of the
terms which they demanded before
the law was passed. If they should
strike, they would probably come In
conflict with any law which may be
passed to supplement the Adamson
law, or with the courts, or with both.
Their position has been made that
much worse by the law which they
extorted from Congress under a time
OLD stuff.
From our highly respectable and re
spected contemporary, the Brooklyn
Kagle, we take a paragraph in an
interesting account of the bimonthly
meeting or uie united Retail Grocers'
Prohibition Is an attack upon American
liberties. Our right to eat and drink when
and what we please should never be en
croached upon. Those In favor of no-llcense
ctalm that, because some 'abuse drink It
should be abolished. The correct Idea is
that they should be punished. Simply be
cause a man commit murder, all agencies may be employed to commit the
leiony need not. of necessity, be abolished.
These are the overfamillar words of
the president of the association, who
had moved a resolution against pro
hibition, and It was unanimously
Our Interest In the matter lies chief
ly In the disclosure of the kind of
argument used in Mew Tnrt ,nit
the advance of prohibition. It is an
invasion or our American liberties.
That plea did veomnn cn-in. n
every state now sobered, or sought to
io Booerea. tnrougft prohibition. It
makes no imnprwaUn i, .
- . . mo ii nu 4 j i u -
hlbltionlst. He is unable to distin
guish between the right to drink ad
libitum and the right to get drunk.
iei. us give a rrlendly tip to the
Brooklyn crocers. nn ,i.
- ""bbco, - J tl. L
they devise some new stuff.
The new coins have mrl thir r.
pearance and hnvn mot t-ha
criticism that they are not so attract
ive as uie old coinage. But it is prob
ably true that familiarity, which com
monly breeds contempt, has in this
Instance lnsDlre.d
Any figure on a twenty-dollar gold
piece, for example. Is rlenno
the man or woman who Is not . pri
vileged to see it too often. So with
other coins.
It Is to be fintrl firrf ii.
legend, "In God We Trust," has its
tubioraary place of honor, though a
recent President who Is nn r,w
great statesman and arbiter elegantar-
lum in an art concerns brushed It off
by his mere fiat. Tet there it is, to
the lasting honor "tof the rmr.Hr. wnion
thinks more of faith than of strict
consistency in a free' republican gov
ernment nomina.ll v r I
The new ten-dollnr nii ttTiiti
peared a vear new pTfitoi aeun ka
cause of the St. Gaudens eagle with
the breeches. He reappears in the
new rirty-cent piece ("half dollar" is
the Inscription) and with his spread
ing wings he has overcome the bad
impression of his nether covering and
looks like the magnificent bird he Is.
Compare him with th
spread-eagle on the old coins and the
cnange is certain to please.
One may not be able to understand
the reason for the old Roman fasces
tounaie or sticks) on the ten-cent
pieces, unless It. Is in
old lesson that In uninn the- -
strength. The head of Liberty, on the
onverse, is. However, most noble.
Withal, the Lincoln head on the recent
DfinnV in inpnmnnpahl, a elmnlA - I
- - . . . gimtiic, mi
nified and impressive conception. In
ocotiana, tney say, the penny was
Invented SO t ri A Rr-nteb m4i
charity; in America, undoubtedly, it
ia to preserve in a wonderrul design
the National idea of its greatest man.
The common impression that be
cause they do not live In the r-nnpPtoH
districts of cities the people of the
rural aistrlcts, particularly the chil
dren, are beyond the need of measures
for health imnrnvflmpni la utmnffiv
controverted by the children's bureau
or the .federal Department of lAhnr
which finds by examination of the
census figures and from its own In
vestigations that the number of deaths
among country babies and country
motners is largely In excess of whnt
it ought reasonably to be. It Is shown
as a matter of fact that the mortality
rate among Infants In the country is
higher than In the
districts of the cities which have been
studied, and that there is a markedly
high death rate In the same rural dis
tricts among mothers, from ri-avnt-
able maternal causes. The amaztrjr
snowing is made that 16,000 women
aie in ine united states each year
from conditions Incident to matprnltv
and that the country districts have
more man their full share of this
It is a erood slim that th
of the farminer districts "h n vn thorn.
selves evinced keen interest in the
movement for the betterment of tbi
situation. The problem of the coun
try is rouno to De rar different from
that of the city. In the congested
districts of the latter onen on-
position often Is encountered; not all,
but many, of the people view with
suspicion any effort made to help
them and to educate them. This is
particularly true of the regions In
which newly arrived forele-nera ern
gregate. In the country, on the other
hand, resistance to the movement for
betterment of mothers and their chil
dren is practically unknown. Recent
experimental health conferences have
shown this. Parents have brought
their children to these conferences for
examination and advice about their
dally care, although not for medical
diagnosis or treatment, and have been
willing to travel long distances, often
over bad roads and at a sacrifice of
the work of the farm.
Argument for better care of rural
childhood is based on reports of state
hoards of health all mu. , .
t showing a high percentage of physical
aeiects. it is round that there is
"room for great permanent improve
ment In maternal and child welfare
In the rural districts." The movement
derives added Importance from the
fact that the Illness or death of a
mother inevitably lessens the chance
of her baby for life and health. The
question therefore Is of the highest
public interests-ranking at least with
the effort to Improve conditions In the
crowded cities. We must 'preserve
our rural population if people In the
cities are to continue to live.
The "simple life of the country" is
healthful only in degree. It is true
that grownups often develop robust
ness from the nature of their work,
which gives plenty of exercise and Is
much of it out of doors. There Is,
on the other hand, the factor of neg
lect of simple matters of hygiene,
such as care of the teeth, due to re
moteness from physicians and dentists,
and there are many defects In the diet
of the growing child In the "one
crop" communities. It Is the purpose
of the rural welfare movement to con
duct a campaign of education to cor
rect present defects, so that every
dweller in the country shall be as
healthy as he ought to be.
- -
Discovery by British raiders that
three lines of German trenches near
Arras had been practically abandoned
dees not speak well for the efficiency
of British scouting, though the air
In Winter is so thick as to render air
scouting difficult and at times impos
sible. The Germans may have cal
culated that the attack was only a
raid, to be followed by quick retire
ment, that the evacuated trenches
would not be tenable by the British
and that It would be economy of men
to withdraw temporarily rather than
lose men In a fight.
But the Incident suggests other pos
sibilities. The Germans may have
made their western line extremely thin
by withdrawing troops for-the Rou
manian campaign. Recent reports of
peace terms which Germany is dis
posed to offer imply that the Kaiser
has abandoned all hope "of territorial
acquisitions In the west, and that he
would yield much In that quarter In
order to gain much In Eastern Europe
and Asiatic Turkey. If he were volun
tarily to withdraw his troops from
France and Belgium, either In antici
pation of the allied onslaught in the
Spring or soon after the attack began,
he would surrender the coal and iron
resources of that section, but he would
much shorten his line. More than
that, he would deprive France and
Britain of a large part of their
cause for" continuing the war, would
strengthen the peace party In those
countries and would influence neutral
opinion in his favor. If France and
Britain were still to continue the war,
they would expose themselves to the
charge that they did so In order to
aid Russia In recovering lost territory
and In annexing part of Turkey, also
In order to crush Germany and Aus
tria. Germany would then be fur
nished with plausiblerround for say
ing that her enemies were engaged In
a war of conquest, not of emancipa
tion. Skillful maneuvers, both military
and diplomatic may be executed by
Germany In order to put Itself in the
right and its enemies in the wrong"
In the eyes of neutrals, and In order
to encourage the growth of a peace
party In the entente countries which
will force an end of the war, while
Germany can still point to evidence
that she has come out victor.
With the crushing of Roumanla, the
internal turmoil In Russia, the Ger
man bids for peace, the agitation for
withdrawal of the allied army from
Salonikl and the preparations for
more vigorous proseeutlon of the war
In the west, the great conflict Is about
to enter upon a new phase. The de
velopments of that phase in the course
of this year promise to be a valuable
guide to correct conclusions as to the
terms of settlement. It may be the
beginning of the end.
An out-of-the-way illustration of
the way the war has affected remote
industries Is found In the new boom
that the "wild silk" Industry of Japan
Is now undergoing. This silk is called
habutal and derives its wildness not
from the appearance of the finished
product upon the wearer but from the
fact that It is made from the cocoons
of the wild silkworm, which flourish
in many parts of the Islands but
which did not come conspicuously
into public notice until 1907, when
there was a preliminary boom, fol
lowing the depression that had fol
lowed the Russo-Japanese War. Ex
ports of silk in general, meanwhile,
have Increased to an amazing extent,
the amount for the first nine months
of 1916 having been $92. 077,000, as
compared with $48,832,000. an in
crease of $43,245,000 for the period.
The Increase Is due In part to In
creased quantities of th
6ut also to much higher prices paid
Dy me people or the United States
and France, the latter country still
being a heavy buver. desnitn wm-
There la fine mental
the public schoolchildren
ins the price of a loaf
American money on the
exercise for
in calculat
or bread in
basis of the
the British
pounds of
how many
loaf cost 7
price fixed for wheat by
food controller. If 604
wheat cost 60 shillings,
cents would a two-pound
A colored man has been appointed
member of ths Rom-rt r rr
New Tork, and If he Is not qualified
v wuuiu not. nave Deen aone. A com
petent Afro-American nt . i
- O ICbWUl"
tion; it is the Incompetents, after llt-
hh ymjiicm jops. wno are turned down.
There may be pain and mental an
guish In the fracture of an artificial
leg; there may be hair on the ht
of a eawhorse; there may be sweat
on me Drow or an ivory dome; but
unbelievers must be shown to realize
the phenomena.
A law to retrulatA n. rmtntr at,mi
committee might give that body some
standing, but cannot give it any
jjuwer. xo do sure, it can nil a va
cancy, but who ever resitms a. nomi
A small brother Is killed -and a
mother is seriously wnnnnpil hu hn,.a
who did not know the guns were
loaaea. Whose business is it to know?
Wealthy scions of foreign nobility
have an unpleasant habit of proving
poverty-stricken swindlers r,f miiihi.
American tuft-hunters.
Frogs that croak and pussy willows
that bloom in January are not signs
of Spring. They Indicate a foolish
freak of nature.
This Is not seasonal weather and
numerous deaths from oneumonia. are
warning to people to guard their
Express agents will be the "lucky
men" if an emererflnrv Iaw taVnti
wlth a lot of undelivered packages on
Bid anyone note the humor In the
rollcall on the vote in the Senate to
make the Capital "dry"?
- If there Is anything In a name. Lord
Shaughnessy is the man to settle the
Irish question.
The chicken show during opening
week of the session is the real article.
Leading question Just now: "Have
you used your right?"
Harry Thaw should be kept In next
time they get him.
Stars and Starmakers
By Leone Cass Ban,
I've broken all my 1917 resolutions
already, but it hasn't shattered my
nerve, for the made-over models are
mora to. the liking than the originals.
"There's something; so sad about the
dying" of the old year." said Maxlne
Elliott In an interview when she land
ed t'other day In New Tork.
Nothing sad about It that I can see,
except paying Its funeral bills.
"For Heaven's Sake. TJee a Little
Seme," Is the title of a new vaudeville
sketch now on the boards in the East.
Personally I commend the title to those
nobody-homes who sit behind me, or
beside me, and prattle about having
read "the book" and point out wherein
the stage version and the reading; ver
sion do not agree.
Actor rushes Into print with chatter
about a Christina present he received
from his wife 3000 years 'old the pres
ent, not the wife.
I didn't know they made cigars or
neckties that far bmok.
See where Henry Miller Is going to
put on a big all-star revival of ."The
Great Divide" In New Tork.
My Idea of the great divide of today
is fifty-fifty.
See where an actress expresses as
her last wish permission to be .burled
alongside all of her six husbands.
Well, It's a quaint Idea. And com
mendable. But how can It be done?
And besides', what's the Idea? Wants
to keep them from Quarreling, I reckon.
When I was home for the Christmas
holidays my paw read In Dr. Evans'
health . colyum that refd noses are
caused by tight clothing, collars, cor
sets, belts, dresses and garters and
that one must remove the cause.
"That may be all right In your city
of roses," ses my paw, "but it's a bit
chilly in Billings, Montana, to follow
such advice Just now."
Just read wjiere an actor has re
fused a legacy of several thousand dol
lars from his mother-in-law. Now,
that's carrying prejudice Just a little
too far, I think.
"Dreary season Tor Vaudeville Jokes"
headlines an article.
Yeh, but Just think of the Jokester's
audience. If he has one. At least the
Jokesmlth gets paid for his part of the
Just read where some fool actress
Is writing a book on the essential dif
ferences between cobbing out loud and
sobbing Inside in emotional dramatics.
Now, isn't that going to bo the sweet
little cheery comfort book to snuggle
up by the fireside and read one of these
Ruth Gates, of the Alcazar Players,
rise to observe that if folk keep on
they're going to make tennis a regly
sport one of these days.
"It's getting human now," she says.
"I see they're playing It on ice courts."
Nat Goodwin says that most drinks
improve with age. I had one at Christ
mas that hadn't been helped any with
growing old gracefully. It was egg
nogg. Actress in Milwaukee (Wis., not
Or.) was robbed of $10,000 worth of
real Jewelry and some cash while she
was -laundering her hair In the bath
tub. That dame will get no sympathy
from hairdressers.
Culminating a romance of three
years, Juliette Llppe, the actress, and
Dr. Guetav Kolischer, of Chicago, were
married in Mt Vernon the day after
Christmas. Broadway learned recently.
The pair had met out in Chicago when
Miss Llppe was playing a vaudeville
engagement there In 1913.
Miss Llppe was seen on Broadway
this season as a member of the "Flora
Bella" company. wltbLlna Abarbanell,
and started out on tour with the or
ganization a few weeks ago. The week
after her marriage the production was
booked in Newark, and Mies Llppe was
prevailed on to continue in her part
until another actress could be obtained
to replace her.
They will make their home In Chi
cago. Miss Llppe has decided not to return
to the stage.
Patricia Colllnge has been requested
by the Saturday Evening Post to write
an article on "Why Irish Are Irish."
She was born In Tuam, Ireland, but she
declined the offer. Here Is a line from
her letter: "I don't know why I was.
But 1 couldn't help it. I don't know
why they are, but they are, aren't they?
If Mr. Lorimer. or whoever It Is that
asked me this question, had been born
in Tuam, as I was, he wouldn't have
asked the question, would he? Any
way, I'm glad that I don't have to
write the article."
About this time ot year certain phe
nomena take place Just as surely as
the months roll around.' The leavea
turn crimson and fall; the days grow
shorter and nights colder and the birds
fly south. Just bo certain are vaude
ville patrons that about this time
Cressy and Dayne will appear. And,
true to the stage barometer, Cressy
and Dayne will be at the Orpheum next
Delving Into a ecraphook shows that
Cressy and ' Dayne made their first
vaudeville appearance at the Union
Square Theater In New Tork City Jan
uary 19, 1900. Their first vehicle was
a New Hampshire episode called
"Grasping the Opportunity." It must
have been good, for friends of the
couple who knew vaudeville conditions
said to them: "Tou are fixed for life;
you Can play that act as long as you
"All right." replied Cressy. "next
year I will be fixed for two lives, for
I have another playlet Just as. good"
Up to that time anyone who got a
successful vaudeville offering never
changed It, so probably we are be
holden to Cressy and Dayne for
prompting some vaudevlllians to
change their acts every season or two.
During the season of 1908-9 there
were 128 one-act plays being played In
the vaudeville theaters In the United
States and of these 86 carried the name
of Cressy as author. "A City Case."
Cressy's very latest one-act play,
which is his Orpheum vehicle this sea
sen. Is his 142d vaudeville production.
An interesting engagement was made
yesterday for "Dance and Grow Thin"
at the Century's Cocoanut Grove, when
Gertrude Hoffman signed a Dilllng-ham-ZIegfleld
contract. It has been
nearly four years since Miss Hoffman
has appeared outside of vaudeville.
Lnnnal la Praised by OoateWporartes
la Orearon and 'Washington.
Castle Rock rvrash.) Independent. .
The New Year special edition of The
Dregonlan Is certainly a hummer. It
s the very heat iilitti..n..i v-
Coast that anyone could send East and
wo wouia urge everybody to get at
least two copies and send to friends or
New Enterprises Attracted.
Tillamook Headlight.
The New Year's Issue of The Ore
gonlan Is another splendid booster's
edition that will help to bring new
settlers and new enterprises into Ore
gom "We must all take our hats off
to The Oregonlan when It comes to
boosting the state.
Great Benefit ta Entire State.
St. Helens Mist.
The New Year edition of The Orego
nlan was a credit to that great news
paper and excelled all previous efforts.
The Information contained aa to Ore
gon and her resources was clearly and
truthfully set forth and will sooner or
later be of great benefit to the entire
state. The Oregonlan is to be con
gratulated. Annual la Work of Art.
Rarrisburg Bulletin.
The Oregonlan annual is a work of
art-t . you have a copy that you
don't care to file away as a keepsake.
Just send It to some friend In the East.
Page after page of Oregon wonders
and Oregon progress are displayed In
picture form, speaking stronger than
words of the magnificent state we live
Oregonlan Annual a "Hummer."
Goldendale (Wash.) Sentinel.
The Portland Oregonlan issued the
regular- annual Industrial edition on
New Year's day and readers cannot
make criticism of the excellence of
that Issue, Profusely Illustrated,
brimming with Industrial articles from
the penj of able writers, this leading
Oregon newspaper Is living up to the
standard established years ago. when
their first annual was Issued.
Orreon's Offering to Xtnfonier.
Monmouth Herald. "
The New Year's number of The Ore
gonlan is calculated to make people
who live In the state proud of Oregon.
It is not as spectacular as California,
but It is more practical. Oregon offers
to the newcomer more than any other
state In the Union. It has more un
develojJed land that is better worth
the labor of the settler than any other
state in the West. Although an old
state. Oregon has been neglected by
capital. Development reached the
est Coast In the south and north and
has bent with the coast, finding a meet
ing ground in Oregon. Railroads are
projected in Eastern Oregon that will
bring thousands of people into the
state. The Oregonlan has the develop
ment of the state well pictured out and
makes the best sort of missionary lit
erature to send back to the home com
Four of Fire Physical Senaes Closed
Against Outer Distraction.
VANCOUVER, Wash, Jan. 10. (To
luo r.auor.j lnrough an editorial r
cently you gave Lady Nicotine deserved
recognition. There Is, however, some
thin- C ...
.B ... juur mucie wnicn leads one
to infer that the worthy editor has
never surrendered unconditionally to
aiT u'""u,anraen or this enchantress.
txiiuw one possessed or less fortitude
to confess to having been held under
the spell of the bewitching siren for
oumo inree score years. Further per
mit him to admit being addicted to the
reading habit."
While reading trash, one can smoke,
but so soon as we turn to innii,, ik
demands thorough concentration ot
thought, our pipe dies out.
Now, while years of experience and
observation have proved to mo that
this statement la correct.- I am willing
to admit that the editor Is warranted
in uis suspicion tnat connection exist
between smoking and Intcllli-cnt rco.i
lng. However, the connection does not
cxisi wmte we read. It begins only
after we have put the boolc nH
sit down to smoke. Mentally, man Is
a ruminant. Reading Is but partial
mastication of mental nutrients. In
order that the greatest percentage of
meniai nutrition be derived from that
which we read, we are compelled to
ruminate and thoroughly masticate this
mental lood; otherwise it would be In
digestiblo and of little worth.
Now, when wo undertake to rami.
nate. it is absolutely necessary to free
wio mina or an distracting influence.
Mental distraction is noasihin rri
through one or more of the five physi-
1 cuaiTd. ii 1 1 smoKinrr. we Deirulle
four of these senses. We feel. see. taste
and smell the smoke. This leavea nnlv
the sense of hearing undiverted. If our
reading den be thoughtfully located,
this sense will cause no annoyance.
When all five senses, through elim
ination of distracting influence, are re
duced to their lowest degree of action,
the activity of the conclous mind ceases
in proportion and a state of semi-coma
follows. While the mind Is In thin eon-
dltlon. we think clearly, thought does
noi wanaer; tnerefore, we can direct
its undivided force In a given channel.
Let us not imagine that we have un
earthed a new thought. The seers of
Lalednnla beguiled their senses through
strumming some monotonous rune on
a harp. The seers of Beandinavia saw
their visions through the Influence of
winds from the North Sea blowing Into
conch shells; the seers of the ancient
Hebrews through the mesmeric influ
ence of the gems which adorned the
breastplate of the high priest.
Kate of Mexican Refugees.
BOISE. Idaho, Jan. 8. (To the Edi
tor.) What has become of some 5000
Mexicans soldiers, old men, women
and children who fled from Villa at
OJInaira pome three years ago across
the Rio Grande and were Interned at
EI Paso and later sent to Fort Win
gate. New Mexico? J. K. NEAL.
All the Mexicans referred to, who were
temporarily cared for by the United
States Government at El Taso and Fort
Wingate long ago returned to Mexico
or scattered about this country, as they
pleased. They received temporary re
lief arid support and then were turned
loose to do as they Individually desired.
Delaved Naturalization of Citizen.
EST ACAD A Or.. Jan. 9. (To the Ed
itor.) A man came to this country be
fore 190 and took out his first papers
In 1910. He failed to make application
ror final papers with the time limit
provided. What steps will he have to
take to get his final papers now?
He must take out his first naturaliz
ation papers again and wait two years
before filing for his final papers.
Owen Wller's Address.
LEXINGTON, Or.. Jan. 9. (To the
Editor.) I would like to know the ad
dress of the writer known as Owen
Wlster. H. L. M'ALISTER.
Home address, Butler Place. Logan
Station. Philadelphia; offce. West Lai
Trust Building. Philadelphia.
Life of Gene Stratton Porter.
PORTLAND. Jan. 10. (To the Edi
tor.) "Sincere Reader" will find an In
teresting article by Gene Stratton
Porter, her life and her books, in the
September number (1916) of The
Ladies' Home Journal.
In Other Days
Half a Century Ajta.
From The Oregonlan January 11. 1SST.
On November 6 the Union Pacific
Railroad was completed to a point T0
miles distant from Omaha. Tbo road
is located to a point 800 miles west of
The author of "Ecce Homo" has at
last been found, it is said, in the per
son of Professor Seeley, of the Uni
versity College, London.
The funeral Service of Sherry Ross
will be held at the Methodist Church
at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The Tanner troupe of minstrels wen
ted by a tolerable house last night.
They will appear again tomorrow night.
The "Quintessence of Old Virginia
dance by O'Neil Is the biggest thing
in Its way ever seen here.
General Hennlngsen. a soldier of for
tune, who fought on the losing side of
four wars the Carlist War in Spain,
the Hungarian War. the Nlcaraguan
War and the Civil War has now en
tered the whisky business In Richmond.
Twentr-flTB Years Aaro.
From The Oreironlan January 11. Ig12
San Francisco. San Jose won the
championship and pennant, defeating
Portland yesterday. The series was a
tlo after the morning game, but Port
land forfeited the decisive game after
Glenalvin called his men from the field
as the result of a row.
Buffalo Bill la making the hair of
the canny Scots stand on end with hor
rified delight at the daring feats of his
cowboys. The-school children of Glas
gow have In turn startled William by
singing. "Yankee Doodle."
The majority of the delegates that
met Saturday at the Marquam Grand
Theater and organized the Deraocratto
Society of Oregon, returned homo yes
terday. ReT- E. A Telfer, of London, will lec
ture at St. Paul's Methodist Church.
Sixth and Hall streets, this evening.
London, Jan. 10. Alarm has been
caused in royal circles by the serious
Illness of the Duke of Clarence and
Avondale, eldest son of the Prince of
The steamer O. W. Shaver made a
trip down where the Telephone la fat
yesterday, taking 100 steamboat men
and their friends. Pacquet & Co, who
have the contract for raising the Tele
phone, have things almost ready to
commence operations.
Movement for Eeonomr Should Not
Stop With. States.
PORTLAND, Jan. 10. (To the Edl-tor-
The letter of Senator A M. La
Follett appearing In The Oregonlan.
January 6 Is timely and pioneers the
way for the agitation of a question that
Is going to receive more attentl. ,. Bad
as conditions are for -i-sldents outside
the corporate limits of the city of
Portlandv they do not know what high
taxes are or impositions by hoards of
city inspectors.
Taxes have been mounting higher and
higher each succeeding year. Every
ordinance framed and adopted seems
to run against the Interest of the prop
erty owner. Ho has absolutely no
rights to be considered or voice in the
management of our city affairs. The
officials inform him what his taxes
shall be, what improvements shall be
constructed, and what price he shall
pay therefor. If he protests and is ob
durate ho is cited to ordinance number
14766S40. which covers U case, and
that the ordinance must bo complied
with forthwith.
On the high cost of living it Is neces
sary to cut the hours of labor and In
crease the wage. The less revenue
from property, the more depressing
times are, the more improvements
forced and the higher comes the ex
penses. It is time the property owners In this
city should wake up and stand as a
unit against unnecessary taxes and un
necessary improvements. By reason
of this situation Portland property to
day has almost no marketable value.
No candidate seeking political prefer
ment within ,the city should bo elected
without first pledging himself to the
strictest economy and to give some
consideration to those who have the
bills to pay. CB. LA FOLLETT.
Tsey Were Resl Ones, bat Habits and
Origin Not Inveatlgsted.
MAPLE LANE, Or, Jan. 7. (To the
Editor.) I see numerous persons are
troubled with snakes. In childhood 1
believed horsehairs would turn to
snakes; saw thin wrigglers which were
supposed to be such phenomena. Like
many other things, never experimented
to find out if true. Just believed.
When it comes to tho Joint snake, I
can verify the "animal." It is a slender
reptile tapering to a sharp pointed talL
When struck with a stick near the
middle It will break in two. The tall
will perform antics like a hen with the
head off. while the head will scarcely
move. But I never ascertained by ex
periment If these two parts would
unite. Once I killed one that had lost
about three Inches of tail.
These snakes are apparently harm;
less, as they try to escape In haste, and
perhaps tho swiftest moving snake 1
ever saw, the body being smoother
than many other varieties seen. Stripes
run the full length of the body. I think,
and. If memory serves mo right, are of
black and white with a slight greenish
tinge. But as It is perhaps 10 years
since I saw any I may be In error as
to color. Do not know what they are
called In tho textbooks, I saw them
in the Sliddle West, but not many
As to hoopsnakes. I give way to
some other story teller.
Alone by the fireside dreaming, I sat
one New Year's evo.
While the dying embers pictured that
time does not reprieve!
My past life came before me, of virtue
and of sin
Life's thread was In the bobbin that
the loom of time did spin!
Could the past years be Tecovered Td
But the shuttle. Time, has woven the
skeins 1 did release!
Each soul must wear the garment that's
tailored from life's thread.
It may be white and silken; It may
be shoddy and red!
Watch close the thread you're spinning
for vain are our regrets.
And God Is surely writing the deeds
the world forgets!
Lest thorns of conscience prick you
when twilight sun doth shine.
Waste not a precious moment In
the weaving mill of time!
Junction City. Or.
WKneaaes to Mortgage Deed.
NEWBURO. Or.. Jan. 9. (To the Edi
tor.) Do the laws of California re-'
quire the names of witnesses to a mort
gage deed, to make It valid? They did
not some years ago, only the name of
giver of mortgage and attestation of
notary publlo to the giver's nignature
being necessary. , R. F. G.
Names of witnesses are not required.