VOL. LVIXO. 17,516. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917. PRICE FIVE CIEXTS. SUFFRAGISTS BEGIN "SILENT PICKETING" WAGES INCREASED BOPP AND 4 AIDES NON-UNION MEN'S LEGISLATORS BEGIN BLIND CIGAR MAN'S BLIZZARD FANS WAY ALL OVER COUNTFiY ROOMS BLOWN UP SAD STORY TOLD ARE FOUND GUILTY BUDGET CUT EARLY OVER NORTH STATES PAY ENVELOPES lO TO 100 PER BOMB DAMAGES TOLEDO HOTEL TOM LONG'S DOMESTIC TRAG CENT FATTER FOR LABOR. HOUSING STRIKEBREAKERS." EDY SECRET MANY YEARS. Women Flaunt Banners at White House. LONG VIGIL FATIGUES SOME police Not to Interfere as Long as Order Is Kept. INDIANS STARE IN WONDER Mildly Militant Signs Sujiiig, Wliat Will Woman. Workers Display "Mr. President, You Do For Suffrage?" ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Twelve women with suffrage banners stood at the main sates of the White House (rounds today inaugurating what lead ers of the" Congressional Union for "Woman Suffrage call mildly militant "silent picketing" to force their cause upon President Wilson's attention. "Pickets" were at the wo entrances from 10 o'clock this ' morning until dark, tired ones being relieved from time to time, and tonight it was said that other gates would be guarded to morrow and daily until March 6, when the suffragettes plan to bring their campaign for a Federal amendment to a close with a big parade. Women Hold Banners. The women, wearing, yellow, purple and white ribbons across their chests, stood three on either side of the gates, over each of which was held a banner inscribed, "Mr. President, What Will Xou Do For Woman Suffrage?' White House officials and the city police made no effort to Interfere and it was said that as long as the women created no disorder no official atten tion would be paid to them. The Presl- dent himself passed the "pickets" only once, and then was not recognized by the women. Mm. Wilson passed In and out several times. Darkieu End Vlsrll. Last Pew Months Bring Advances to Hundreds of Thousands for Skilled and Common Work. CHICAGO, Jan. 10. (Special.) Hun dreds of thousands of workers through out the country found their pay , en velopes of the laet few months Con tained increases of from 10 to 100 per cent, according to a survey which has been made of the recent wage ad vances. ! About 50,000 clothing- workers, most of them in Chicago, received increases of from 10 to 15 per cent. Imnj-edl-ately manufacturers all over the coun try followed suit. The great harvest ing machinery companies granted, in creases of 10 per cent in the wagets of common labor, and the lumber :eoille advanced common labor from $1.50 and tl.75 to 2 and J2.G0 a day. Printaing house employes numbering upwaril of 20,000 got a 12 per cent advance. . Leather manufacturers in Chicago granted increases of from 10 to 15 ; per cent. More than 20,000 in and aro)and Chicago benefited by these advances. An average wage increase in ; the manufacturing centers of Michigan of about 13 per cent is reported in ' -the survey. . f Nearly all employes, with the excep tion of office and clerical help. In every Wisconsin industry profited! by wage advances during the year. i Minnesota reports general wage,- In creases ranging from 5 to 20 per oent. Skilled and common labor alike .has been benefited by recent wage ' in creases in Kentucky. ' JURY IS OUT FIVE HOURS GREECE ACCEPTS TERMS Reply to "Ultimatum of Entente. Al lies Is Delivered. LONDON, Jan. 11 (Thursdirtfr). Greece's reply accepting the tenuis of the ultimatum of entente allies wo,s de livered Wednesday evening, says Jteu ter's Athens correspondent. ; - PARIS, Jan. 10. A dispatch to) the Havas agency from Athens sayes "The crown council was hastily .sum' moned today and the cabinet also is in session. It is declared a concilia tory tendency is prevailing and that a r eply will be made to the entente ultimn turn in due time." PLUNGER REGAINS. WEALTH Although 6 o'clock was the hour set I IilTermoro AIso Repays $2,000,000 for the end of the vigil, when darkness fell the tired women gave up the task at 6:So and marched back to headquar ters with banners flying. According to the union officials, the number of pickets will be increased from day to day. Various etates will have charge of the work on different days, it was said. Colleges, organiza tions and professions also will be rep resented. The announced purpose of the pick eting is to make it impossible for President Wilson to enter .or leave the White House without being confronted with reminders of the suffrage cause. President Too Early for Pickets. L?re plc!ts . ea"d PITTSBURG SLEUTHS lonspiratorsConvicted . on All Charges. Court Balances Testimony in - Reviewing Case. "ENTERPRISE" IS DEFINED Judge Hunt Holds That Military "Expedition" Would Require Sol diers, but "Enterprise" Would Be Effort to Harm Foe. Men Employed by Telephone Com pany, Wliose . Linemen and Operators Are Out. TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 10. Four rooms in a downtown hotel where strike breaking linemen In the employ of the Ohio State Telephone Company are housed were wrecked: by a. bomb tonight. The clerk at the hotel said that the room In which the explosion occurred was occupied by C. C. Connors, . of Cleveland, a marine engineer, whose boat is tied up here for the Winter. Connors was uninjured.- The bomb fell Into the room below, which is occupied by two strikebreakers, who were ab- flcut l i me Time. iwo rooms on- mo third floor and two directly beneath them were wrecked Doors and win dows were blown out.' Steam and wa ter pipes were broken off and a. part of the hotel was flooded. Every available policeman In the city Is working on the case. The strike of linemen and operators of the Ohio State Telephone Company has been in effect two months. of Debts Not Legally Liable F r. NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Jesse L. Li-ier- more, who made a fortune In cotton in Wall street and later went into bank ruptcy, has amassed another fortjune in grain, cotton and "war brides," -and paid off old debts of $2,000,000, although he had been discharged from bank ruptcy and was not legally liable to his creditors, it became known, tonigrht. In ' ascribing the "psychology of the game Livermore said that confidence in one's self is the first requisite to success." FAIL Members of Thaw Household Deny Knowing Where Harry Thaw Its. golf. Although groups of men and women quickly gathered about the pickets. they refused to enter into any conver sation. president Wilson returned to the White House from the golf links and smiled as his automobile passed through a eate flanked by the "silent sentinels," who made no demonstra tion. Six Comanche Indians from Okla homa arrived at the White House while the suffragists were on guard. They stopped and viewed them with client wonder. Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the Congressional Union, brought the oickets to the White. KmiBn on Ployed them at their posts. She Ud DAYLIGHT SAVING PLANS ON not remain on guard herself. PITTSBURG. Pa Jan. 10. Respond ing to a second request received lrom the New York police. Captain of , De tectives Archibald Mackrell late to night detailed four men to attorns t to locate Harry Thaw, but no clew which might lead to his arrest was found. The dectectives visited the T haw home, where they were informed, he was not there. Members of the ha use- hold denied that they knew whero he could be located. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. Franz Bopp, German Consul-General here, and four of his attaches or employes were found guilty tonight by a jury in the United States District Court of having violated this country's neutrality. "Guilty on all charges," announced the foreman. A deep silence was upon the room. All eyes were riveted on Bopp to see how he "would receive the verdict. Flask, Sigh and Shrug; Noted. A crimson' flush was the Consul- General's acknowledgment of the ver dict that and a shrug of the shoulders followed by a sigh and the remark to Von Brlncken, "Well, at least it is over." From the time the Jury retired until they brought the, verdict into court less than five hours had elapsed and two hours of that was spent at dinner. Shortly after retiring they asked for some of the telegrams that had been exhibits in the case. These exhibits were left with the Marshal when the Jury went to dinner, but were called for on their return. The verdict was reached about half an hour after they got back from dinner. Deliberations Kept Secret. The members of the Jury would not say how many ballots had been taken. All inquiries as to what had gone on in the jury room were met with the statement that they had decided, not to discuss the matter with anyone. Consul-General Bopp said: "In spite of the verdict I must still maintain my innocence and we will leave nothing undone in our efforts to secure a reversal. I cannot say that I am happy at the outcome, but I can not say I am surprised. Time Too Short, Is Statement. Our case was very complicated and we were allowed only, four and & half hours in which to make our arguments. That that was insufficient time is best evidenced by the fact that it took Judge Hunt four hours to deliver his charge to the jury. I believe also the outcome would have been in our favor but for the long and unusual charge of the judge and particularly his Instructions to the jury as to the facts. We will appeal, of course." For Mrs. Annette A. Adams, Assistant EAVESDROPPER'S JOB GONE Secret Sounder Reveals Lobbyists Hired Expert Telegrapher. SALEM. Or, Jan. 10. (Special.) Installation of a secret sounder on the Instruments in the Capitol branches of one of the telegraph companies here has revealed that during the session of 1915 certain lobbyists obtained the services of an expert telegrapher, whose sole duty was to remain in the lobby of the rotunda and listen to mes sages going over, the wires and trans mit the information so gained to his employer. At least that is the charge made and It Is asserted considerable complaint developed from some members of the Legislature that their inside tele graphic Information was spreading abroad and as a result the secret soun der was Installed. 0 Joint Committees Lop Off $6333 at Start ALL ARE FIRM FOR ECONOMY Salaries of' State Employes Are Under Scrutiny. SESSION COST TO BE LESS Members, of Ways and Means Com mittees -Agree That Expenses of Legislature Will Be Re duced by Six Per Cent. Ft of Some Get Tired. - . Tired feet caused some of the sent! nels to leave their posus, but recruits took their vacant places promptly. As the day wore on they showed signs of fatigue, -however. They held their ban ncrs high at first, but after a few hours all stood with the staffs upon the sidewalks and. shifted from foot to foot. At intervals officers from Congred sionai union headquarters walked In front of the White House to inspect the pickets. The suffragists said that the guard would be maintained until Derore inauguration, when a suffrage parade is to be held here, and that the number of women on duty around the White House would be increased daily until that time. They estimated that by the time the President is inaugu rated on March 5 several thousand suf fragists will be patrolling the White House. Five Thousand Expected to Atl end New York Convention. NEW YORK, Jan, 10. Plans" an nounced here today for the Narjional Daylight-Saving convention to be held In New York on the last two daj-s of this month indicate that 5000 delegates will attend. The purpose of the movement under taken by the New York daylight-sa vlng committee is to have the Nation's clocks turned forward one hour du. ring the five months beginning May 1. CANAL SLIDES HALT SHIPS TEXAS HAS LIQUOR BILLS Measure In Et-ch House Proposes Submission to Voters. AUSTIN. Tex., Jan. 10. Although Governor Ferguson in his message to the Legislature today made no men tion of prohibition, shortly after con clusion of its reading resolutions look ing toward submission of the question to the voters of the state were sub mitted in both houses. The woman suffrage question is ex pected to be brought before the leg islative body Boonr. (Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.) ALASKA DRY BILL FAVORED House Committeeman Says Drastic Measure to Be Reported. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10 At a hear ing on a drastic prohibition bill for Alaska before the House territories committee it was developed that there are 325 retail liquor dealers and six breweries In the territory. Chairman Houston indicated the committee would report the bill favor ably and that its effect would be to make the territory "bone dry." STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) The 11 members of the two ways and means committees proved to be a unit on the question of economy at their first joint session today when they made their initial onslaught on the budget, and all indicated their in tention of seeing that the Legislature remains within the provisions of the 6 per cent limitation amendment. Before the meeting ended they already had cut $6333 from the budget. Entering an agreement to go through, the budget as their first move. Indorse those requests which they believe should remain untouched and then make sifting investigation of every other request by the various state activities, the committee placed its final O.- K. on only five requests, ten tatively adopted seven more, and in dis cussion of the remainder indicated that the great majority of them will be sub jected to the pruning knife. They also entirely eliminated three requests. Knife Wielded at Start. The committee showed ' itself as of no bias for official position. Its first act was to lop $1000 from the estimate of the executive office of a $5000 ap propriation to assist - in the appre hension of criminals under the prohibi tion law. It reached a conclusion, before it had examined the budget at any great length, after a suggestion by Senator Wood, that no stenographer in the state's employ shall receive more than $T5 a month. This will affect the sal aries of numerous employes at the State Capitol and in offices elsewhere. Chief Clerk Schroeder, of the committee, was Instructed to secure from the Secretary of State a complete list of salaries paid to his employes. Cat la Employes Pay Considered. Senator J. C. Smith suggested a cut In the appropriation of the salary for the Governor's private secretary and his suggestion met some favorable echo from other members of the committee. The cut suggested was from X3000 a year to $2400. As an upshot, communications will be sent by the clerk to the Governor, State Treasurer and other officials and heads of institutions to secure their salary Ex-Wife and 17 -Year-Old Daughter Located In Idaho Struggle for Living Recounted.. 4 During the long, dark years that Tom Long, blind cigar dealer, who died Monday, toiled behind his little stand at the City Hall he kept quietly to himself the burden of a sad story of a domestic tragedy that put him where he met the end a derelict. The story came to light yesterday when Mr. Long's ex-wife and his 17-year-old daughter were located and notified by Mayor Albee of Mr. Long's death. The tragedy came about 15 years ago, when Mr. Long resided in Idaho Falls. Idaho, a happy and well-to-do business man, with a wife and a daughter. Trouble came between him and his wife and resulted In Mr. Long taking to drink to drown his remorse. He went downhill steadily and soon be came separated from his family. It was at this time that he was seized with blindness. His name at that time. It is said, was LI 11 Is. Unwilling to return and foist him self on his family, it is said, he quietly recovered himself, quit liquor and came to Portland to get a new start in life under a new name. He got into the City Hall cigar stand and started a winning fight to overcome and for get. He had always hoped for a return of his sight. But his eyes remained dark, and then about a year ago came financial reverses and failure of health. With these things he lost his grip. The ex-wife, whose name is now Mrs. Mattie Mosley, of Idaho Falls, and the daughter. Miss Margaret LUlis, who is in a convent in Ogden, Utah were notified yesterday by County Coroner Dammasch. Chicago Buffeted apd . Left ShiyerJng. EAST AND SOUTHEAST IN PATH Cold Sends Travel Toward Pa cific Coast States. STORM STARTS IN CANADA UTAH DRY BILL INTRODUCED Measure Would Make Possession of Liquor Misdemeanor. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Jan. 10.. The first bill introduced in the Utah Legislature is a House state-wide pro hibition bill of drastic nature. It would prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor in Utah after August 1. 1917, and make the possession of intoxicants a misde meanor. ALLIES' REPLY. DELIVERED Premier Briand Hands Answer Peace Note to Ambassador. (Concluded on Pug 6. Column 6.) THE SIEGE IS ON. Channel Depth Rednced to 17 J. by Earth Movements. 'eet PANAMA. Jan. 10. Movements of earth 800 feet in length east of Cutebra slide and of 1000 feet north of (Gold MOST WOUNDED RECOVER H1U have reduced the deDth of tho caannei ox me x-a.na.xna. l&d&i at i nese Seventy Per Cent of Germans Back to Trenches. Sent BERLIN, Jan. 10. Of the total num ber of officers and men in the Ger man army who were wounded during the second year of the war 70 per cent fully recovered and went back to the trenches, according to official figures published today by the German govern ment. Only 6.4 per cent of the wounded were completely unfit for military service. points to 17 feet. Seven ships 'were delayed in passing through the C anal today. Traffic probably will reopen tomor row. CAPLAN BEGINS SENTENCE Dynamiter Accomplice Is ing to File Appeal. Prqpar- British Take Tnrkish Trenches. LONDON, -Jan. 10. It was announced officially tonight that Turkish trenches on the front of 1000 yards northeast of ut-el-Amara, on the Tigris front, bad en captured. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. Duvid Caplan, sentenced to 10 years imprison ment for manslaughter in connection with the dynamiting of the Los . An geles Times in 1911, arrived here tdday and left almost immediately for ; S-n Quentin penitentiary to begin, serving his sentence. , He Is preparing an appeal through I ...nAMi the WOMAN ' to LONDON. Jan. 10. Premier Briand delivered to Ambassador Sharp at Paris today the allies' reply to President Wil son's peace note, says an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from the French capital. NDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 49 degree; minimum. -42 decree. TODAY'S Partly cloudy; southwesterly winua. Legislatures. State mt; be "bone-dry" about February 1. Fas T. Idaho floor leader denies Joker in militia bill. Paso 7. Governor Lister Inaugurated. Face T. Savins to state by consolidation bills not clearly snown. Page . BUI for new military code la drafted. Pass G. Senate bills are fewer. Pace 6. Legislators start cutting stats budget early. Page 1. War. German raider said to have been sunk by British cruiser. Pago . Foreign. Russian situation regarded as acute. Page 3. National. Suffragists b-gin 'tollent picketing at White House. Pass X. $1 and $2 gretnbacks to be Issued. Page S. House disposed to drop "leak" inquiry. Page 8. Binder twine manufacturers blameless for rise In prices. Page 1-4. Argument on Adamson act before Supreme Court completed- Page 4. House rivers and harbors committee reports favorably on Northwest projects. Pegs 4. Iomestlc. Bopp 1s convicted. Page 1. Rooms occupied by strikebreakers wrecked by bomb. Page 1. Public co-operation with railways is asked. Pago 4. Harry K. Thaw continues to elude authori ties. Pave a. Kentucky mob attacks "Judge and demands negro's Hie. Page 14. Hundreds of thousands get wage Increases. Face 1. Buffalo Bill la dead. Page 2. t? ports. Six bouts scheduled for Rose City Athletic Club. Page 1. Ice hockey teams near halfway mark in bunch. Page lti. Seattle Athletic Club agrees not to put ama- tures and professionals on same card. Page 17. Oregon's eleven feted at Eugene banquet. . Page 18. Results Seattle boxing bout. Page 4. Fielder A. Jones relates diamond incidents. Page 17. . , Commercial and Marine. Wheat two centa lower In country markets in Northwest. Pago 21. Cn'csgo wheat unsettled by rumor of hostili ties on Atlantic rage 21. Early settlement of metal trade workers' strlge la probable. Page SO. Final payment la made on steamer Capto. Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Aberdeen Ukely to be selected as meeting place of next Interstate Kealty Associa tion. Page s. Plans are ordered for new Constantlne market at. Park and Alder. Page 8. Famous Russian dancers appear at Hellig tomorrow. Page 11. Baby Home charges to be probed today. Page , New Italian Consul arrives at Portland. Page It. - Standard rste cards for jitneys to be Issued soon. page ao. Curbing of postal employes Is hinted. Page 9. Commissioner Holman's vote gives position of superintendent of Interstate bridge to Clarke county man. page 14. Aid pledged Greeters for National conven tlon. Page 14. Mrs. Alexander Is heard In own behalf. Page, 6. Forty-five Efficiency Club to hold meeting tonight. Page li. Weather report, data and forecast, face 21. Snowy Gale Is From 'Sew Source, and White River Re-oords Tem perature of 48 Below Zero. Traffip Is Inter. fcuptcd. CHICAGO. Jan. 10. .-(Special.) Sweeping along with considerable fero cious bluster, a blizzard 4 truck Chicago and the territory west i nd northwest as far as the Missouri B iver today. Heavy snow and bl;f.h winds had been reported from the VT est and North west early in the day, and the advance wave of the storm hit Cliicago shortly before noon. It had been.; preceded by a gale and lowering tempierature. Snow fall continued all afternoon, but the storm had passed on eiast and south east tonight. Following in Its wak. came a cold. wave wnlcn lorecasters say win about 10 degrees above rxero by morning. Entire Eaat to Ksel Force. The storm, according :to Government experts, is of sufflcieni!; volume ana. velocity to extend, wltli considerable force, to the Middle Atlimtic and New England states, and wilji be felt as far south as the Florida lirajj. The Government has (sent out storm warnings all along the c oast, especially for the district between the Virginia Capes and the l pper Maine coast. The present storm I , . alluded to at spurious and a counterfeit." in that it does net bear the stamp of -Medicine Hat, the official breetler of blixiards. Instead, It originated Jn the Canadian provinces much f artheir, east than Med icine Hat- Lake District tSxts-esnely Cold. The area of cold extends north and east from the Missouri River. It is ex tremely cold in the La.ke Superior dis trict. White River re ported 48 below zero and Port Arthur and Winnipeg show 20 below. Iowa. Minnesota, Upj.per Michigan and the Oakotae are extremely cold ana the heavy snow is Interfering with. transportation in set eral places. The recent unusually wa rm days, lasims almost a week, served the good purpose of melting accumulaltions of ice from walks and streets. that the present snowfall will not mtl.n additional peril to pedestrians. One Immediate effect of the blixgard was to swell reservations on trains to the Pacific Coast. viich have already reached a record figofe. TOWN LOTS TO BE MINED Part of Site of Sumter Bouebt for Placer Mining Purposes. BAKER. Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Part of the Sumpter townslte has been sold for placer minlq g in the sale of J00 acres of land foir the purpose by Henry Spaulding to, A. Bodelson, of Sumpter. The land Bies in the Powder River Valley, in the jnorthern part ana. Immediately north .f the city. The price is estimated fco be more than $15,000. If is believed Interests with which. Mr. Bodelson Is ident if led' intend actual development work soon. SINN0TT BILL IS REPORTED House Committee -Favors Land Entry Measure. Desert OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan. 10. Tb House poouo lands committee today favorably re ported Representative Sinnott s Dill permitting homestead and desert land entry of lands withdrawn Tor tiovern ment irrigation projects, where such lands are not actually used for reclama tion- purposes. The bill will make a-vallable for en try vast areas now tiaa up in witn drawals. . 1 BURGLARS' UNION TO AID "Brotherhood" to I"rcvide Funds for Wlfe-Murdertir Suspect. SALT LAKE CITT. Utah. Jan. 10- Howard Deweese, in jail here facing trial for the alleged murder of his wife In a local lodging-house, September 21. last, has Informed Polices Chief J. Par ley White that funds Cpr his defense 111 be furnished by a "burglars brotherhood," of which he says he ia a member. ' He still maintains he was engaged in a diamond burglary when his wife was slain. American Film in Dublin Suppressed DUBLIN. Jan. 10. The military au thorities here have suppressed an American moving-picture film depict ing Irish historical events, including Robert Emmetfs rebellion in 1803. I counsel. - -y.