THE MORNING OREGONIA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1917. 7 DRASTIC ECONOMY IS SUGGESTED BY GOVERNOR JAMES WITHYCOMBE IN HIS MESSAGE TO THE OREGON LEGISLATURE Pruning of $461,000 From Budget Recommended, Together with Increase of Inheritance and Insurance Premium Taxes to Raise Additional $260,000. Legislators Told, People Expect Fulfillment of Their Desire for "Bone-Dry" Law Military Training in State University and High Schools Is Advised. SALEM. Jan. 8. The text of Gov ernor "Wlthycombe's message to the. Legislature is: Members of the Legislature: As citi sens of a great commonwealth we owe f a. debt of gratitude' Z to the Omnipotent - - ' One for the general prosperity and hap piness of our people. We have been blessed with a bountiful harvest and increased in dustrial aotivlty which brings plenty and contentment to the home. It is with sincere pleasure that I greet the old. and new members of this Got. Wlthycombe.Legislature, meet ing once again to lay the foundations for another two years of state adminis tration. Oregon is to be congratulated upon the high type of capable citizenship- represented here. There are dif ficult problems to be met, but I am confident the members of this body are equipped to solve them with intelligent foresight, fearless honesty and public spirited patriotism. This, I trust, is to be a session of businesslike accomplishment and wise economy productive of needed legisla tion only. There is opportunity to establish a record for excellence, san ity and brevity. Such, I am sure, would be appreciated by the citizens of the state and would best fulfill ex isting requirements. Decentralisation Is Deprecated. In my Inaugural message attention was directed to decentralization, which lias developed in Oregon governmental procedure during the last decade, and now again it seems fitting to refer to this tendency. In a large measure Oregon has a AnmniiHRlon form of Kovemment The (tnvnmnr has been more and more dl vested of authority. As a member of th Hoard of Control, in most lmpor tant state matters he has Identically the same power to obtain the results i rfpslrpB as other members of the board, although the public vests him with a far larger measure of respon sibility. I believo this tendency toward de centralization Is ill-advised, that it works against the best interests of the ' state, and that the resulting decrease of individual responsibility lessens er flrlnncv in Dublic service. This mat ter is presented, not because I hap- nerf to be the executive and seek in crease of political power, nor to urge immediate drastic action, but rather to point out a tendency which, in my opinion, will entail increasingly Harm ful results. Governor Should Control Penitentiary. The penitentiary properly should be unrler the Governor's jurisdiction. He nhould either directly control its ad ministration or be empowered to ap point a non-salaried civil board of supervisors, as is done in many states, The constitution gives the executive the exclusive pardoning and parole powers. He, and no one else, regulates thn release of prisoners, ana is in measure responsible for their subse quent conduct. He must be familiar with their records in the Institution nd the conditions surrounding them there, as these facts naturally bear upon the application of executive clem-ency. In other words, the Governor, more than anyone else, is directly concerned In the details of prison administration The state budget calls lor appropn ations totaling $715,382 more than can be raised under the provisions of the recent constitutional amendment. The situation can be met only by pruning the budget estimates in conjunction with the creation of new revenue. Both these are subjects which should be ap proached cautiously, considered with painstaking care and acted upon, with out bias. Budget Reductions Advised. Below are listed the amounts asked under 21 heads together with the amount which I believe can be deduct ed from each estimate without impair ing the essential activities of the de partment in question: Amount Proposed asked, reduct'n. ptate Fair Board $2S,6oO University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural col- leBtf Sol, 536 Vniveislty of Oregon medi cal school 138,820 Bounty on wild animals . . . yo.OOO Child Labor and Industrial Welfare Commission (to be Placed under Indus trial Accident Commis sion) 12,000 6tate Board of Health and Social HvRier.e Socloty to be combined under Board of Health) 'S4.58S Tairv and Food CommlsT. 40.S0O Livestock Sanitary Board.. 43,0i Korestrv 60,XH Banking 30.l0) Mines and geology 50,000 iState Engineer and Water Board lOS.tma TuMie Service 8U.10O Tax Commission ao.OiMt "Weights and Measures S,4,0 renitentlary (maintenance) 120.7BS State Hospital (nvainten'ce) 374,880 Legislative Assembly 75.OU0 Total proposed reduction $401,000 BY OREGON SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADE GOVERNOR TO LEGISLATURE. Hope expressed that session will be businesslike and economical and establish record for excellence, sanity and brevity. Tendency toward decentralization of state government deprecated. Belief expressed that Governor should control Penitentiary admin istration. Pruning of $461,000 from amounts asked for by state departments and Institutions advised, together with legislation to increase revenues by $260,000. Some of reductions suggested are: Limit of appropriations to $100,000 each for State University and Oregon Agricultural College. , Reduction of wild animal bounty about 25 per cent. Absorption of Child Labor and Industrial Welfare commis sions by Industrial Accident Commission. Absorption of work of Social Hygiene Society by Stat Board of Health. Reduced appropriation for State Dairy and Food Com missioner and transfer of food inspection duties to Board of Health. Reduced amounts for Livestock Sanitary Board, Forestry Department, Department of Mines and Geology, State Engi neer's office and Water Board and Publlo Service Commission. It is suggested that Forestry Department's expenses be met to greater extent by timber owners. Only one salaried Tax Commissioner. Making Department of Weights and Measures self-sustaining. Penitentiary will require less because of reduced population, due to enactment of prohibition law. Decrease in commitments to State Hospital also expected. Abolition of office of State Labor Commissioner at expira tion of present term and transfer of duties to Industrial Accident Commission. Lastly, decrease in expenditures of present Legislature sug gested. Two suggested feasible sources of new revenue are: Readjustment of inheritance tax. Increase of insurance tax from 2 per cent on net premiums to 2 per cent on gross premiums. 1 Importance of road work reiterated, with moderate Increase in automobile taxation, total revenue to be devoted to road work. Legislators told that people expect legislation making absolutely effective the provisions of the "bone-dry" liquor amendment. Better housing and equipment for State Penitentiary recommended. Flax experiment reviewed. Soundness of movement asserted. Out standing features are work for business and blazing of trail for new Oregon industry. Investigation of feasibility of convict-operated lime Quarry sug gested. State Supreme Court Is overburdened. Limitation of appeals recommended. Military training in State University and high schools recommended not compulsory, but with credits given on school work. Absentee voters' law for soldiers recommeneded. Rural credits amendment requires legislation to make it operative. Provision for arbitration of industrial disputes. Passage of sane sterilization act to check Increase of the mentally unfit- Establishment of child welfare department at State University. Creation of office of fire marshal recommended as good economics. Increase of anglers' license fee from $1 to $1.50 advised, additional funds to go to propagation of trout for restocking streams. New fish ladder at Oregon City advised. State Fair needs coliseum. Workable irrigation law needed. , Fruitful field for public economies lies in local administration. Waste in printing of state reports should be eliminated. Recognition of services of Oregon pioneers recommended at as early date as state's finances will permit. 10.315 Less present outstanding; liabilities... f 43.3oa Original appropriation SU.D42 ll5,000 331,000 30.000 15.000 12.000 co.ono 0,000 5,0110 3 5,000 10,000 15,000 31,0l0 7.000 3 5.0IM) 5,000 30,000 20.0UO 10.000 Combined appropriation. While the details of the retrench ment programme above set forth may be largely modified and revised, and other fields for economy doubtless dis covered. I believe the general schedule will be found meritorious. The total amount eliminated is $461. 000. To reinforce this saving I further propoee legislation which will increase the state's revenue some $260,000, mak ing a total of expenditure eliminated and' new funds created during the bi nnium of $721,000. Proposed Reductions Explained. , Following is a brief statement, or explanation, of the various items cov ered in the proposed budget reduc tions: The $120,000 suggested for the Stat Fair Board, should be sufficient to pro vide for the framework of a coliseum whose interior could be equipped tern porarily. and also for premiums and other necessary expenses. While no departments of state ad ministration are more fundamentally Important, and none have been more creditably conducted than our educa tional institutions, I feel that under existing circumstances the appropria tions asked by the university and col leere are more than can properly be allowed at this time. I therefore sug gest an equal appropriation of $100,000 to each of these two institutions, thereby eliminating from the budget as now prepared, the sum of $131,000. The bounties on wild animals might well be reduced about 25 per cent, which would accomplish the desired saving of $25,000. The work of the Child Labor and In dustrial Welfare Commissions, which is more or less purely legislative, may well be handled by the Industrial Ac cident Commission's organization with out additional cost, thereby eliminating the present appropriations of the two commissions named. An advisory coun cil representing the social features should co-operate with the commission. Health Board's Unties Increased. The State Board of Health can con duct the work of the Social Hygiene fcioclety with greatly reduced overhead cost and without lessening efficiency, Here also the interests of the social hygiene work should be represented by a. committee co-operating with the board to the end that the meritorious activities of the former" may In nowiee be neglected. I believe the appropriation for the Dairy and Food Commissioner can be reduced without curtailing the effi ciency of his department. In this con nection I suggest that the Commission, er's work be more exclusively devoted to the dairying interests under his Ju risdiction, and that an arrangement be made whereby the subject of food in spection shall be transferred to the State Board of Health. It Is believed that the cut suggested can be made without impairing the ac tivities of the Livestock Sanitary Board. While the forestry department is rendering important service, I believe its administration costs can be re duced, and that if anything, they should be met more by the timber owners, who are the chief beneficiaries, and less by the tax-paying public. The banking department Is now prac tically self-supporting and the appro priation asked for can be eliminated. A cut in the expenditures of the de partment of mines and geology. Is, I believe. Justified. In view of the fact that the state is not conducting any t constructive work, as irrigation and water power development la comparatively inactive, and as water right adjudications are largely completed. It appears that the State Engineer's office and Water Board are costing considerably more than they should. The reductions suggested for the Public Service Commission can be ef fected, I believe, through the applica tion of close economy without Impair ing efficiency. Tax Commission Cost Reduced. I suggest amendment of the tax com mission law so that there will be but one salaried commissioner working un der the general jurisdiction of the State Tax Commission. The annual cost of this department need not be more than $7500, allowing the commissioner $3000, a secretary $1S00. clerical assist ance $1200, traveling expenses $800, and 700 for extra expenses. This would effect a saving of $15,000 In the bien- nium. The proposed reduction in the esti mated expense of the department of weights and measures is predicated upon enactment of legislation, making thi department in some degree self-sus taining. It is suggested that peddlers and traveling agents, exclusive of those who are selling the products of their farms, gardens and orchards, be 11 censed under the supervision of the Sealer of Weights and Measures. The Penitentiary budget is based upon an estimated average population of 500. It is now apparent, because o: the considerable decrease in commit ments following . the passage of the prohibition law, that the population will not average over 450, so that the suggested saving can readily be ef fected. The cut in the State Hospital main tenance budget is based upon an ex pected decrease in commitments during the biennlum, and the fact that the present efficient administration of the nstitution has been able to refund to tne treasury a large amount appro priated for maintenance, unexpended during the last biennium. Lastly, I have ventured to suggest a decrease in expenditures of this Legis lature, it should not be difficult to ac compnsn this, and certainly economy may wen Degin at home Added Revenue Suggested In my opinion there are two feasible sources for new state revenue The in heritance tax may well be readjusted so that direct descendants would pay 1 per cent on amounts over the $5000 exemption, and up to $20,000. and .2 per cent upon funds above that amount collateral heirs, 2 per cent on all amounts from $2000 to $20,000, and above that, 4 per cent; all other bene flciarles should be required to pay per cent of whatever money they re ceive In the state insurance department it is suggested that the tax of 2 per cen on the net premium of insurance com panies do cnanged to 2 per cent on gross premiums It is calculated that the suggested changes under these two heads will bring to the state an additional revenu of $130,000 annually. state roaa worn embraces some o the most important problems confront ing us. The policy of trunk highway construction already under way shou not be abandoned. Especially, sufl'l cient funds must be forthcoming that the state can meet the require ments of the Shackelford bill and thu secure this Federal financial aid which, during the next fivefyears, will amount to $1,819,280. Having ascertained that many auto. mobiles escape the property tax, it was thought that this tax might be com bined with the license. However, such a procedure might be unconstitutional. so I propose a moderate increase in automobile licenses and that the total revenue obtained therefrom be devoted to state road work. It is estimated that an average of at least $250,000 a year would be available during the next five years, making a total amount available for roads after 1917 of ap proximately $500,000 a year. It is further recommended that a commission of three unsalaried mem bers be placed in charge of the State Highway Department. The members of the present Highway Commission agree, I believe, that their other duties are too multitudinous to permit giving proper attention to this important sub Ject. The commissioners should be ap pointed by the Governor, and one might well be selected from each of the Con gressional districts. This commission hould be empowered to employ a high way engineer, with the exclusive duty f supervising state road work. Bone-Dry" Legislation Essential. The people of Oregon have decisively approved tne so-called Uone-Drv pro hlbition measure and this Legislature is in duty bound to make absolutely ffective the provisions and evident in tentions of that measure. That it will fulfill Its obligations to the letter, am confident. So far as the Governor's office Is con cerned, it may be stated that during the past biennium I have actively co-operated with local officers toward the adequate enforcement of the prohibi ion law, and have found the officers of the various counties and cities de serve high praise for the sincere spirit and marked efficiency with which they have administered the act. There has been returned to the Treas ury by my office approximately $3000 of the $7000 appropriated by the . las Legislature to aid in the enforcemen of the prohibition and other laws. To permit continuance of the policy executive aid in law administration and especially as regards the new and more strict prohibition measure, I am ask ing for an appropriation similar to that furnished by the last Legislature, but of $5000 Instead of $7000. Penitentiary Needs Improvement The outstanding needs of the pent tentiary are better housing; facllttie and employment for prisoners. Th present buildings and equipment are antiquated and Inadequate. It is not advisable to provide for a new peni tentiary building Just now, but a small appropriation might well be made which will enable the warden durin the next two years to commence the erection of such a building. The peni tentiary makes its own brick and has an adequate labor supply. Much of the rough construction work could be ac complished with prison labor at a min imum cost, creating something of value to the state and at the same time pro viding needed occupation to its wards. Our laws forbid tne sale of prison- made articles in competition with those manufactured by free labor. The in ception of the flax Industry two years ago was largely with a view to alle viating the condition of non-employ ment, resulting from these laws. it has done much toward this end. as an average of 153 men have been given some employment each month, while the average -number employed each working day Is 72. In all there has been paid to prisoners for flax work $8356. Status of Flax I Experiment. Below is a brief statement showing the financial status of the state's flax experiment: Appropriation utilized for flax Permanent plant $33,713 Labor, straw, etc 0.229 Total $30,942 Value products on hand. 1?16 crop rlfl Rtra-ff. S82 tons: in nor cent fiber. S'J tone. 2!Sc uound .41 .000 tuioo bushels seed. $2.40 bushel 14.400 Tow, 5 per cent value of fiber 2,050 am'l 'Rosenblatt & Co-'s 7 Great Specials for Men Total $57,450 3915 crop 75e busheta of seed, $2.40 bushel.. 40,000 pounds tow at 5c pound.... . 1.814 . 2.000 Total $61,264 Less estimated cost of handling; prior In thi-ir sale Labor (Drt. 16 to July 37. Inclusive) . llS.'.tnO Ten retting; tanks 1.600 Miscellaneous ............... 2,15 Apparent profit $ S.724 First l'Mi-l Laii ot Unexpected. Tho loss sustained during the first year or the flax project waa neither mi expected nor extraordinary, as the en tire enterprise was experimental and exceptionally unfavorable conditions were encountered. However, as Indi cated by the above figures, the 1816 crop will show a profit, to date, and the products of the coming season should do even better. While the financial outcome Is I proof of the soundness of the move ment, yet the two big outstanding points for congratulation are that many of the prisoners have been provided with work and that we have blazed a trail for the development of a new Ore gon Industry. Flax will not only prove a boon to the state from an agrlcul tural viewpoint, but the manufacturing inevitably accompanying its increased production will be of far-reaching eco nomic importance. Another possible utilization of prison labor worthy of your serious consid eration is presented in the production or inexpensive agricultural lime a field of exploitation rich In possible benefits to Oregon farmers. The feasi bility of a state lime quarry operated by prison labor merits investigation. Supreme Court Overburdened. The Supreme Court is constantly bur dened with minor cases from which. It seems to tn it should be relieved. Ex isting conditions encourage litigation over matters comparatively trivial and result in an unnecessary expense to the state, whiln lmnalrlns- th ff!olTicv nf tne court through overburdening the time and attention of its members. I ecommend legislation to the end that no appeal may be taken to the Supreme Lourt unless it appears in the Judgment appealed from that the amount of money thereby required to be paid, ex clusive of Interest thereon, costs or disbursements, exceed $500. or unless it appears from the Judgment roll that there Is directly drawn in question in the action, suit or proceeding1 the title to real property, the personal liberty or marital relation of a party to the litiga tion, the constitutionality of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the validity of municipal charter or ordinance or of the ruling of some board or com mission established by law. The establishment of facilities for military training in our State Unlver sity and in Oregon high schools is rec ommended. This peed not be compul sory, but it should be available for Ore gon boys, and participation In it should count In their school credits. I believe such training is Invaluable for physical development and the upbuilding of dis clpllned character. It would also af ford an opportunity for the application of practical patriotism; those who take the training would do much to make themselves of value to their country in time of military need. Absent Soldiers Shonld Vote. I suggest legislation similar to that existing in several Eastern states, which would permit Oregon soldiers on duty outside of the state the privilege of voting in state and National elec tions. Over 300 of our citizens were deprived of their franchise last Novem ber because they were detained in Southern California serving their coun try. On behalf of the citizens of the state, hereby express my own and Oregon's deep satisfaction at the splendid way in which our citizen soldiers answered the call to duty last June, when they went with the colors to the Mexican border. Their patriotic spirit and will ingness to make sacrifice In a time of seeming emergency deserve recognition and praise. The passage of the rural credit amendment necessitates the enactment of legislation to put its provisions into operation. As this Is vitally important to the entire state, and particularly to agricultural development, especial care should be exercised In devising wa o and means for the most efficient appli cation of the manifold benefits of the reform. Hitherto the state has carried its own fire insurance. If a building should be destroyed. It was possible for the Emergency Board simply to appropriate sufficient funds to replace it. Now, however, under the tax limitation amendment, it Is questionable If such aji appropriation could be made, and it Is suggested, therefore, mat mis legis lature Investigate carefully the ques tion as to whether or not regular fire insurance should be carried upon state nronertv. and if it should be, whence the, funds to pay ( premiums will be forthcoming. ' Labor Commissioner's Work Duplicated. The State Labor Commissioner is now largely duplicating the work of the Industrial Accident Commission. The factory Inspection activities of the former might well be handled by the auditors of the Accident Commission who cover Identically the same ground with practically the same end in view, while the Accident Commission is also concerned with the. same statistical data as the Labor Commissioner. I suggest, therefore, that at the ex piration of the term of the present Commissioner the office of Labor Com missioner be abolished and Its duties be transferred to the Industrial Acci dent Commission. As labor Is directly represented on the Commission, the principles of whose operation are based upon co-operation with the employe. there would be no lessening of protec tlon for its interests, which most cer tainly merit and must have adequate recognition The change would save a consider able amount In office expense and would make available for other pur poses the $25,000 now collected in fees and used to meet the costs of inspec tion, and it is suggested that the trans fer of the Inspection work be made at once. With further reference to the gen eral subject of labor. It seems to me eminently desirable from the stand point of all concerned that steps be taken to the end that industrial ais putes may be settled so far as pos sible through arbitration. If a com mission vested with olficlal authority could be created, which would com mand the reasonably united confidence of labor and employers, it might well devise ways and means which would go far toward alleviating the losses Inherent to Industrial disputes in which the principle of conciliation is ignored. Reproduction of Unfit Is Wrong. The prevalence and increase of fee-ble-mindedness and mental disease is one of the greatest problems confront ing modern society. It is estimated, for instance, that probably 2 per cent of Oregon children are mentally defi cient. There are hundreds of adults, of course, who are mentally Incompetent and. whose unrestricted propagation simply means the creation of more human wrecks. I am more and more convinced that the reproduction of the mentally unfit is absolutely wrong. Through our shortsighted Inaction we a ro nooulating our state with Imbe ciles and criminals, insuring 1QHVfrs.Kaas,a . ARROW SOFT-CUFF SHIRTS For quick selling, all our beau tiful patterns in fine madras, silk mixed and silk, all sizes. $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts. .$1.95 .$3.50. and $4.00 Shirts. .$2.85 $5.00 Silk Shirts $3.85 $6 and $6.50 Silk Shirts $4.45 See the new Multnomah Hat, Unequaled at HATCH ONE-BUTTON UNION SUITS Greatly reduced for quick selling. All .Winter weights, "first quality." $1.50 Fleeced Union Suits. $1.25 $2.00 Balbriggan Union Suits $1.65 $2.50 Wool-Mixed Union Suits. ...... .$2.00 $3.50 Wool Union .Suits $2.75 COOPER'S 2-PIECE UNDERWEAR At Special Prices Cooper's wool -mixed shirts and drawers, all first quality. Regular $1.25, special, per garment $1.00 CHALMERS' SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Fleece lined, "first quality" only, regular 75c per garment, special 65 garment, or per suit $1.25 $3.00 Cooper's Silk Lisle, Pure White Union Suits, 'first quality,", special at- - $2.35 $1.50 Cooper's and Chalmers Fleeced Union Suits, ecru and white, special at .$1.15 The Home of Hart Schaf fner & Marx Clothes Southeast Cor. Fifth and Alder Net value of products on hand. .. .$41,639 To which should be added original v.lnA nf Tiljint. less 10 ner cent da preciation 12.842 S68.KS1 ever-in creasing public expense and opening the way for disease, sorrow and trag edy for generations yet unborn. To mend this situation, I earnestly urge the passage of a sane steriliza tion act. Its application, should be I zealously safeguarded. The feeble minded, the Incurably Insane and the criminally Insane should be operated upon. Kach case, it seems to me. should be considered by a commission, or Jury, composed of members of the State Board of Health, the superin tendents of the two State Hospitals and the superintendent of the Feeble Minded Institution. It is especially desirable that the needs of our Indigent crlfcpled children be given consideration. Perhaps they best can be cared for through county institutions. In connection with this Increasingly Important subject I refer you to the first report of the Oregon Child Welfare Commission, and I rec ommend that there be established at the State University a child welfare department In connection with Its ex tension activities, so that the impor tant work conducted under this head may hereafter have official recognition. It is also suggested that the State Board of Health operate a child hy giene division, devoted to the study and improvement of conditions sur rounding the children of the state. Fire Marxhal 'Worth Ills Cost. As 23 separate bills relative to in surance were presented in 1915, the last Legislature wisely decided to place the codification of insurance laws and the enactment of new measures before the mature consideration of an Insur ance Code Commission. This commls slon. after exhaustive study, has made Its report. The subject,- covered are of vital ImDortance to every citizen of the state, and I recommend tho com mission's recommendations for adop tion. To combat the Increasing state-wide ORS by fire, a lire marsnai dim nita been prepared. Twenty-six states al ready have fire marshals, and it is found that the department more than pays its way In reducing the cost of nsurance and in direct elimination oi fire waste. Because It Is good eco nomics, and is recommended by those who have given the subject thorough consideration, the passage of a fire marshal law for Oregon is urged. The Insurance Department, as does also the Corporation Department, mer its commendation for Its buslnessiiKe and economical administration during the last two years. I desire to commend highly the ad ministration of the State Industrial Accident Commission. There will be presented to you some minor revisions In the laws governing it which merit your approval. r'lnh and Game Board KfTlclcnt. Tli. workings of the Fish and Game Commission, under the provisions or the birl passed by the last Legislature, have been most gratifying, and, I be lieve, given satisfaction. Certainly the public-spirited attention to meir ou ties shown ty the Commissioners de Krves commendation. The Commission ltseir is suDmimns rpnnrt and recommendations to you Without going into details coverea elsewhere, it seems desirable to men tion here two important joints wnicn ahnniH h covered by legislation: A new fish ladder Is vitany neeaea at Oregon City, ana a moaerate appro priation to meet this requirement, woum ho a wise investment. It Is believed that the angler's license fee. which is now 1. should he carl n tl.50. There has been a ,.... . in licenses nald during the tocf vMrs. and. on the other hand. thoro la a ranldlv increasing need for i-ostnr-kinsr of our fishing streams upon nnn scale. It is my expecta tion that the Increased revenue from this source would be devoted almost to the propagation of trout for the uDbulldlng of our angling resources. State Fair Needs Coliseum. The State Fair is recognized not only as a large event In Oregon life, but un one of real Importance from education and state-wide development standpoints. The big need of the Fair B o niii.nni where stock shows ana nhr mthnrlnes can be held in the nirht or during Inclement weather. Such a building would. I am sure, pay for Itself in a few years oy attracims iTt-anaari attendance. The exterior structure might at least be undertak An nnur nnd the Interior left more o loo imfinixhed at the outset, as I have suggested In connection with the bud To further irrigation development the enactment of an.adequate and workable Irrigation district law is cuuucuu; u imhlit. The Interests of the section affected will be best served.1 believe, through the conduct of Irrigation en terprises by the settlers themselves, so far as possible. Th trrowlnsr desire to keep down taxes is to be commended, especially because It surely indicates an Increased public interest In community affairs. The very best way to get efficiency In nubile administration, wnetner it o district, municipal, county or state. Is for the citizens affected to take an active hand in what is going on, Local Economies Essential. I welcome, therefore, these campaign for lower taxes and improved public administration; the latter, in Its best sense, carries with It the former. But so far as the state Is concerned we should realize that only about one dol lar out of every ten paid in taxes in an average county goes to state expenses. while the other nine are devoted to the costs of the county, school, district and city. This is no apology for state ex travagance. Such as exists should be eradicated. But It does mean that by far the largest and most fruitful field for economies lies nearer home. No doubt this Legislature will devote se rious attention to economical reforms In some of the laws affecting expendi ture of this nine-tenths of our taxes. In smaller fields of possible economy It seems well to mention the rather abundant output of reports, which are published from time to time by the va rious departments. Occasionally there Is useless duplication in the subject matter covered. Often editions are larger than warranted, and the value of the report itself, as well as the size of the printer's bill, would benefit If the subject matter was reduced. It Is also occasionally true that officials take advantage of their printing appropria tion for the Issuance of matter de signed primarily for political purposes. I suggest that means be devised where by all publications handled by the State Printer be supervised by the State Printing Board, to the end, at least, that duplications and waste be eliminated. Another economy of comparatively minor importance relates to the state purchases of postage stamps. Any large corporation perforates all the stamps used by Its employes. This makes extremely difficult. If not Impos sible, the use of state-owned stamps for personal purposes. It is a business like reform, which should be Instituted. I'lonrrm Drierre Recognition. Among items of deserving legislation which perhaps cannot receive action ow because of financial restrictions, ut which merit future realization, I commend to your attention the follow ing: The pioneers who founded Oregon de serve recognition. A practical and use ful monument to their accomplishments would be the erection of a state his torical building to accommodate the aluable records and souvenirs of the tate's early days, which now are poor ly housed and In danger of loss by fire. At Champoeg on May 2. 1843, was held a gathering of unique significance in the Western history of the United States, marking the official birth of Oregon. The anniversary of this occa sion Is celebrated each year. It seems eminently fitting that the state should recognize the significance of these an nual meetings and the event they com memorate by giving financial aid to he erection of a modest building at Champoeg. With these suggestions for the pres ent and future. I close this message, which marks the completion of half of my official journey as Governor of Ore gon. During the two years of my ad ministration I have given the best I have to the service of the citizens who honored me with this office, and during the coming biennium. If Providence permits, I pledge them a continuance of earnest effort for sane, constructive administration. And I assure you. gen tlemen of the Twenty-niiflh Legisla ture, that you will find me ever ready to co-operate with you for the better ment of our beloved commonwealth. Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIGN IS ON Short Lino Gives $11,000 for l'oca tcllo Plant. I. B. Rhodes, state T. SI. C. A secre tary for Oregon and Idaho, has gone to Pocatello to assist in an Jll.OOn campaign for Improvements for the railroad Y. M. C. A. The Oregon Short Line has announced the gift of $ 11,000 to the building fund and the people of the city are expected to match that amount. Pocatello now has one of the largest railroad associations In the country. It Is a division point on the Short Line and its membership Is composed large ly of the employes of that company. The growth of the association has been so rapid that an addition to the build ing and some more equipment aro needed. Xewlands Committee Continued. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Tne Senate Joint resolution, continuing the New- lands-Adamson railroad investigating committee until December 3 next, was adopted by the House today by a vote of 198 to 61. The resolution now goes to the President for signature. WINTER AND SPRING TONIC Winter is a hard season for thope who have no stored up reserve of strength. The coming of trying spring weather means sickness for many because de bility robs the system of its power to protect itself. One person may suffer exposure to cold and wet without any ill effects while another whose blood is thin and whose nerves are run-down will be con fined to bed after sitting in a draught. Keeping the blood built up is the secret of Keening well in winter and spring. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are the best and most con venient tonic for the blood. Put up with complete directions for use they are a family remedy that can be de pended upon in conditions of thin blood, debility and many common forms of weakness. The blood goes to practically every part of the body and if it is rich and red it carries health and strength to every organ. The digestion is toned up, the nerves are strengthened and aching mufcle9 are made strong. Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills are especially use ful to run-down women who worry about their daily tasks and duties. A few weeks' treatment has in hun dreds of such cases brought the moet emarkable improvement. 4 J a Blot Out the Past Start the New Year Right The past cannot be recalled and redeemed. Blot it out, except that portion which has taught you the folly of ex travagance, and in its place put the bank book and the satisfaction of the feeling of security that it will give you. We'll be glad to help you make the start, and glad to help you after the start is made. It is but a step from savings to securities, and our depositors are willingly given the benefit of our knowledge of securities when their sav ings become large enough to make the change to that form of investment. First National Bank . PORTLAND, OREGON