Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 10, 1917, Image 1

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VOL,. LVI-NO. 17,515.
Youth Tells of Severe
Beating With Whip.
Strange Interest Manifested in
Young Man of 19.
Testimony In Murder Trial Tliut
Thaw Had "Whipped Young Girls
V Recalled by New Incident.
, Warrant Is Issued.
"?TEW YORK Jan. 9. Harry K.
Thaw, who was legally released 15
months ago from an asylum for the
Insane, where he was sent after he had
hilled Stanford White, was today In
dicted here chargea with kidnaping
Fred Gump, Jr., of Kansas City, a youth
of 19 years, and assaulting him with a
With him was indicted on the kid
naping charge a man described as
George K. O'Byrnes and supposed to
have been employed by Thaw as a
bodyguard. Word was received that
O'Byrnes had been arrested in Philadel
phla. and detectives were looking for
Thaw there tonight.
Boy Beaten With Two Whips.
The complaint was placed against
Thaw with District Attorney Swann by
Frank P. Walsh, former chairman of
the United States Relations Commis
sion, appearing now as Gump's coun
sel. It alleges Thaw enticed the youth
to his rooms at a hotel here Christmas
night and there beat him with two
whips three different times until he
bled and became almost unconscious.
Testimony describing the' whipping
of young girls by Thaw made up some
of the most sensational chapters In the
numerous -court actions on the ques
tion of Thaw's sanity after his ac
quittal of the murder of White on the
grounds of insanity and his commit
ment to the Matteawan State I
for the Criminal Insane. Alienists for
the state testified whipping was a I
mania witn roaw.
Thaw Meets Youth In 115.
After several years' liti-tlon .
....... i i j a i . . . I
ul uuuui cu mous&na aoi-
lars to New York state n t
and In which bitter partisanship was
" wnemer ne was
justly or unjustly kept in Matteawan,
he was declared sane by a Jury in
habeas corpus proceedings in the Utter
Dart of 1915 and released bv a ,
According to the information laid be-
fore the District Court,
::ourt, it was toward I
the end of 1915 Jhat Thaw first met
and became Interested in Gump. He
had gone to California after his release
here to attend the Panama-Pacific Ex
position at San Francisco and later
went to the southern part of the state,
spending some time at Long Beach,
Cal.. where he met Gump at an Ice
cream parlor.
Parents Enter OMnira. I
Gump's mother and his father. Fred
Gump, who is said to be a manufac-
turer of leather trunks in Kansas nit-
were with the boy at Long Beach and
made objection to their son's -
ouaintanceshin with Thaw, the
Attorney was informer! nntin
"sharing popular opinion that he had
been vindicated.
tinueTtc TreLr
cording to Mr. Walsh. These letters-
Mr. Walsh said, warned the boy not to
Bhow them to anyone, but he let his
mother read them and she answered
for him. The exchange of letters con
tinued through 1916, Thaw expressing
a great interest in the boy's future and
a wish to pay for his education abroad.
Although proffers of money by Thaw
were refused, the boy at last came on
to New Tork and went to Thaw's hotel,
where it is alleged the assault took
Thaw's Career Sensational,
Thaw, who is a member of a wealthy
Pittsburtr familv. shot nnrl ltllleri Stan
ford White, a noted architect, in the
miasi oi a crowd at Madison Square
roof garden in June. 1906. He was in
cited to act, he said, by the confession
of his wife, Evelyn Nesbit, a chorus
girl, made to him of her treatment by
White previous to her marriage to
Two trials for murder followed, the
second of which resulted in the ac
quittal of Thaw on the ground of in
sanity. After his commitment to the
asylum he began a series of attempts
to obtain his liberty through habeas
corpus proceedings, in which he sought
to have hlmfajlf declared sane. Fail
ing in this, he escaped from the asylum
and fled to Canada, but was finally
brought back, to be released later.
Man Arrested in Philadelphia. Denies
He Is O'Byrnes.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 9. Charged
with aiding and abetting Harry K
Thaw in an alleged assault on Fred
Gump. Jr., in New York and with at
tempted kidnaping, a man said to be
. George F. O'Byrnes and described as
Thaw's bodyguard was arrested at
(Concluded on Ptt S, Column 1.)
Much Disscnsic -. Among Members
of Duma Has Marked Incum
bencyDemonstrations Serious.
LONDON. Jan. 10. The Russian Pre
mier, Alexander Trepoff, has resigned.
According to the Reuter correspond
ent at Petrograd, both Premier Trepoff
and Count Ignatieff. Minister of Pub
lic Instruction, have resigned.
Prince Golitzlne. a Senator and mem
ber of the Council of the Empire, has
been appointed Premier.
Senator Kultchltsky has been ap
pointed a member of the Council of
the Empire.
Alexander Feodorovich Trepoff suc
ceeded Boris V. Sturmer to the Pre
miership in November, 1916, his ap
pointment being regarded as a victory
for public opinion against so-called
"unjuet influences." Soon after taking
office Premier Trepoff made his famous
speech in the Duma in which he de
clared that the entente allies had
agreed to the Russian claim to Con
stantinople and the straits.
The existence of this agreement had
been for a long time alleged, but never
before had it been thus publicly and
formally admlttd.
During Premier Trepoff's incumbency
there has been much dissension among
the members of the Duma, and the b-
structlonist movement of some of the
members was marked by somewhat
serious demonstrations.
13-Year-Old Says He Did Not Know
Rifle in. Home Was loaded.
Tjmsm Idaho. Jan. 9. "I didn't
know it was loaded." sobbed 13-year-
old Frank Hewitt, of Hailey, tonight
when he rushed into a neighbor's house
and told how he had Just snot ana
killed his brother. John Henry uewm,
acred 15.
The boys bad Just returned irom
-.hmi on.) vura eroinsr to ligrn. uw
kitchen fire. Frank found the gun
a 30-30 rifle, standing beside the door,
and pulled the trigger in play. a no
bullet entered hie brother's heart. Two
younger brothers -were present at the
Vitality of Noted Plainsman Amazes
His Physicians,
ticwvv.T! Jan. 9. The remarkable
vitaHtv shown by Colonel William F.
Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), said by his phy-
.m... to be dying tonignt, wan
source of amazement to hie medical at-
tendant and members of the family at
tVi. herlslde.
. T irr wrio has
According to Dr. J. H. East, who lias
been in constant attendance, tne noiec
.t mined strength during the day,
- . was weak
although the heart ; c"n
nd d'&estive functions ha d e eaet
Early tonight it was id he had been
sleeping quiew, .
Woman Wants City to Pay for Fall
on Defective Sidewalk.
A claim for 500 damages was filed
with City Auditor namur jwictuu
against members of the City Council
bv LoUisa Wansbrough for medical at
tentlon and for recompense for pain
-- men.ts.1 ansrulsh suffered by her
when she fell on a defective sidewalk
November 1 and broke her artificial
I lea-. She says the leg was broken so
badly it could not be repaired and that
she suffered other injuries.
The accident, she asserts, occurred
I n-n Gantenbein avenue near .ttusaeu
I street.
I Central Powers and Neutrals to Be
W ilson's Guests Later.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. The first of
the season's diplomatic dinners was
given tonight at the White House. The
entente diplomats and all the neutrals
were invited, and at another dinner Jan
uary 16 the central power diplomats
and the neutrals will be entertained.
The two dinners take the place of the
usual diplomatic reception which has
been abandoned since the war began.
One Killed and Two Are Wounded in
Battle in Idaho.
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, Jan. 9. One
man Is reported killed and two wounded)
in a fight at a dance at the village
of Bernice, 60 miles west of here in
the Lost River Mountains. It was the
result of an old feud betwieen factions.
Three men of one side ane said to have
attacked a rancher named Wallace who
shot and killed one, shot a second and
seriously injured the third with a
Output Is Greater Than Ever Be
fore, Despite War.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Despite the
war Germany is producing more steel
than ever before, according to reports
to the Department of Commerce.
A production of 1,423,635 tons in Oc
tober established a new record. For
the ten months ending in October the
output was 13,365,418 tons.
Committee Plans to
Report Adversely.
Financier Promises Names if
Inquiry Is General.
Bernard Barnch, Contributor to
Democratic Fund, Denies He
Acted on TipContempt Pro
ceedings May Be Dropped.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. Although
Thomas W. Lawson promised today to
disclose "names and amounts" lnvolv
ing men high In official life If Congress
ordered an Inquiry into the' alleged leak
in advance of President Wilson's peace
note, there were indications tonight
that the House rules committee w
about to drop its hearings on the Wood
resolution for such an investigation and
return the resolution to the House with
an adverse report.
Democratic members of the commit
tee freely expressed their weariness
over the proceedings of the past few
days, and their conviction not only
that nothing to warrant further in
quiry had been brought out so far, but
that Mr. Lawson knew nothing to sup
port his sweeping charges.
Lawson Continues Defiant.
Mr. Lawson continued today to defy
the committee, refusing over and over
again to give .the names of the men
he said he had been told profited by
the "leak," after suggesting that he
could name an official higher up than
any yet mentioned.
Four motions to cite him before the
bar of the House for contempt pend
ing when he . left the witness stand
early in the day were considered by
the committee in executive session. No
decision was reached, but some of the
members indicated later that Mr. Law
son probably would not be recalled,
and that if it was determined to re
port the Wood resolution unfavorably,
the contempt charges would be forgot
ten. In the meantime the financier re
mains in Washington, subject to the
committee's orders.
Hearing; to Continue Today.
The hearing will continue throughout
tomorrow, at least, to give several of
the men mentioned in the various re
ports and rumors related before the
committee an opportunity to make
In the course of today's elimination
Mr. Lawson frankly atniltted he was
not particularly concerned with the so
called "leak" itself, but that his pur
pose in agitating the subject primarily
was to bring about a thorough investi
gation of the New Tork Stock Ex
change that would lead to Incorpora
tion and Federal regulation.
Bernard Baruch, of New Tork, who
(Concluded on Pace 2, Column 9.)
I V f
. Shhh f ( M want t:
I fcfflfr, Vast J OF'XS(R?J
VMmma? mj
-Tl 1. . 1. . 1. ................. ......... 1..1T11T1---- - -
Bullet From Rifle Pierces Breast.
Injured Woman Is Taken to
Hospital for Treatment.
Mrs. Laura Whitmer, 84. was acci
dentally shot through the abdomen
last night by a. rifle in the hands of
her son. J. H. Whitmer. 19. Mrs. Whit
mer is in a serious condition at the
Good Samaritan Hospital, whither she
was taken by the Ambulance Service
The shooting occurred at the Whit
mer home on the Taylor's Feerry road,
near the city limits. The son was han
dling his uncle's rifle, which the latter
had Just brought back from a hunting
trip near South Bend. Wash. The boy
thought the rifle was unloaded, but
was pumping the magazine to eject any
possible cartridges that might be in the
weapon. Young Whitmer says he ac
cidentally cocked the rifle, and as he
asked his uncle how to lower the ham
mer without nulling the trigger, the
rifle was discharged.
Mrs. Whitmer was seated, reading
paper, when she was shot. The bullet.
of .22 caliber, entered her body be
tween the sixth and seventh ribs to
the right of the sternum.
Deputy Sheriffs Beckman and Har
din Investigated the accident and ex
onerated young Whitmer of blame. The
boy accompanied his mother to the hos
pital. Dr. J. H. Hickman attended her.
Bandon's Only City Treasurer Re
signs From His Seat.
BANDON, Or.. Jan. 9. (Special.)
With the record of having been the
only man to hold the office of City
Treasurer of this city, C. T. Lowe, a
pioneer of the Coquille Valley, last
week tendered his resignation to Mayor
George P. Topping, after 26 years'
service. W. J. sweet has been ap
pointed to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Lowe first' accepted the position
of Treasurer when Bandon was incor
porated as a city, February 18. 1S91,
He has served under eight Mayors and
has seen the population grow from 400
to more than 3000.
Larger Number of Horses Than Be
fore Will Appear. -
BERLIN, Jan. 8, via London, Jan. 9.
The authorities have announced
their sanction of the 1917 racing pro
gramme for Berlin, comprising 74 days
at five tracks,
A larger number of horses than be
fore will appear during the third war
season, it is expected, because the
daily programme has been increased
to eight Instead of seven races.
Fine Suggested for Non-Partlclpa-tion
in Presidential Election!
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. An amend
ment to the Owen corrupt practices
bill, providing that every qualified
voter who falls to vote in a Federal
election, except because of sickness,
shall be subject to a fine of 125, was
Introduced today in the Senate.
Senator Works offered the amendment.
Officers Sworn In Be-
fore Big Crowd.
Mayor Ignores 2 Councilmen
in Naming Committees.
In Message Mrs. Sturdier Says Town
Has No Need for Police and Ex
presses Confidence in 'Petti
coat Government So Called.
UMATILLA. Or.. Jan. 9. (Special.)
The City Hall at Umatilla, which is an
old landmark, built in the '60s, was
crowded tonight when the women
elected as city officials last December
took the oath of office.
The new officials are: Mrs. Laura
J. Starcher. Mayor; Mrs. Bertha Cher
ry, Recorder; Mrs. Lola Merrick, Treas
urer, and Mrs. Stella Paulu, Mrs.
Gladys Spinning. Mrs. Anna Means and
Mrs. Chauncey Brownell, Council-
As soon as the old Council had
cleared the slate, the new Mayor im
mediately took charge. After appoint
ing her various committees she an
nounced that in compliance with the
charter requirements she had filed a
short statement to the Council calling
their attention to a few of the things
needing their Immediate attention and
New Mayor Confident.
Her message was short and to the
point and closed with the following
"There has been a great deal said
about the so-called petticoat govern
ment and many wild speculations made
as to how we would manage the city
affairs, being 'mere -women.' However,
we will manage the affairs of this
municipality in a creditable manner
without a shadow of a doubt, and if
I did not believe that any woman on
this Council was not as competent and
capable as any man who ever occupied
a chair in this Council I would resign
right now.
"It is a long way from (he early
steamboat days, when Umatilla was
the distributing point for all inland
towns of Eastern Oregon, and the days
of wild Indians and cowboys to the
so-called 'petticoat' government, but
we are here, ladles, nevertheless, so
let us all pull together for the im
provement of what is left of the once
famous old city."
It was generally supposed Mrs.
aiarcner wouia appoint a woman as
city marshal, but she declined to ap
point a marshal at all on the ground
that none was needed, and the salary
paid was unnecessary expense. She
called attention to the fact that there
was a deputy sheriff on the streets
(Concluded on Pace 2, Column 2.)
Mr. Withycombe Appears Before
Big Audience and Mr. Moser
Says Senate Will Heed.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Jan. 9.
(Special.) With the aisles, lobbies
and seats of the House of Representa
tives packed by a throng that stretched
back into the Capitol corridors. Ore-
gonians from many parts of the state
were here today to listen to Governor
Withycombe deliver his message to the
29th Legislative Assembly and the sec
ond message of his administration.
Covering comprehensively, but con
cisely the mafh state issues which con
front the Legislature, he consumed
practically 40 minutes of the time of
this afternoon's session, departed after
a brief hand-shaking with state officials
and officials of the two houses, as
sembled in Joint session, and left to
allow the assembly to continue its
rapidly mounting grist of business.
The Executive deplored the tendency
toward decentralization of power which
has been developing In the state and
legislative cognizance of an evil which
be believes may lead to harmful re
sults; he outlined budget reductions
which couhi perfect a saving of $461,000
on the estimates proposed by the
various state activities and also sug
gested ways ana mean lor """'M
me revenues oi me nbio uu
Increase of S131.000 annually by slight
ly Increased fees in various depart
Governor Withycombe was escorted
to the Hall of Representatives by
committee composed of Senator Olson
and Representatives C. C Clark and
Allen Eaton. State officers, including
members of the Suprenve Court, were
escorted to the chamber by Senators
Rltner. Gill and Wood. .
Every department of the state admin
istration was representtid when the
Governor, amid applause, rose to read
his message.
At the conclusion of the reading
President Moser of the Senate spoke
briefly in words of congratulation upon
he suggestions Incorporated in the
message, and assured the executive that
he was confident the Legislative As
sembly would recognize the value of
and act upon the suggestions and rec
ommendations made.
Oats by Parcel Pot "Will Require
Seven Days to Iove. ,
ALBANT, Or.. Jan. (Special.)
It will take seven days to send out
some parcel post mail placed in the Al
bany postofflce yesterday, for the mall
consists of 1350 pounds of oats con-
tained in 27 sacks, and. as only 200
pounds dally can be shipped to one
address, the mall is being sent out In
The oats is a special kind for use
as seed and was shipped by an Albany
seed dealer to a farmer at Marial, in
Curry County. The pontage was 54
cents on each sack, or SI. 58.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature; 49
decrees; minimum. o aerfreea .
TODAl'S Partly cloudy; wlntOs mostly
Economy Is central theme of Governor"!
mts&age. Pace 1.
Standing House committees named. Paia .
Lister vetoes sent to Legislature. Page 13.
Bills Introduced providing for lond Issues
to matcn t ederal road grant. Page 6.
Text of uovernor Wltnycombers message
page 7.
Senate saves S14O0 en own alertc Eire.
Page 1.
Idaho exoeutlve asks for Increased power.
Page &.
Merger of state boards before legislature.
Page s.
British troops surprised by Genraan aon-r-
sistanee on raid. Page 4.
Russo-Rouraanlan seventh line Is - turned.
Page 4.
Russian Premier resigns. Page 1.
German editor defends American munitions
trade. Page 3.
Canadian may be man to settle Rrlsh prob
lem. Page J.
Lawson promises names, but hearing may
be dropped. page 1.
Argument on Adamson law continued. Paga
Senate votes to make capital dry. Page 2.
President reiterates views on supTfrage to
300 women callers. Page 4.
Bernard Baruch says he aold stocks when
Lloyd George said "but." Paca 8.
Callforata shipbuilders decline ccoatract for
submarines, page 2.
House passes vocational education bill.
Page &.
Harry K. Thaw Indicted for kldnaiplng and
whipping boy oi iv. rc x.
Bopp prosecutor la closely guarded. Page 8.
Manager Merrill evolves plan to Insure hard
mixing at next boxing snow. FVige 14.
Portland hockey team loses to Vancouver,
B to 1 page it.
Portland basketball teams making rehedulea
page x.
Pacific Northwest.
Oregon City to fight plan to change Pacific
Highway, page u.
Umatilla women take over city administra
tion. Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
High wheat prices bring out offerings from
country aeaiera. rage av.
Sales lor profits turn wheat downward at
Chicago. Page lu.
Metals are strongest features -of stock mar
ket. Page l.
Board of Pilot Commissioners fawors re
duction oi license bonds. Paare la.
Portland and Vicinity.
Aged Slletx Indian makea clean breast of
guilt in liquor case. Page IS.
Mass meeting of strikers held to dlaouas nt-
collations, page is.
ParentTccbr Asaoclatlon prejkarea low-
priced food menu, page u.
National banks bold annual meetings.
Page 11.
Wlllbridge citizens protest Lintiton fran-
AhlaA Pap U
Wealthy acton of Russian house" Jailed for
mashing, page s.
Investigation of Baby Home ordered as re
sult of Internal alssenslon. Pag-e 8.
Mrs. Laura Whitmer accidentally shot by
son. Page 1.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 19.
Seven Clerks, $1400,
Quickly Eliminated.
Committee Takes Testimony
on Employes Needed.
Dlmick's View That Force Should
Not Be So Small as to Cripple
. Committees Is Finally Vpheld
After Much Discussion.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 9.
(Special.) The Senate began a pro-
gramme of legislative retrenchment to-
day by lopping off seven committee
clerks and a sum total for the session
in that item alone of $1400 in cierk
hire. The vote for this economv wai
19 to 9.
There being the first large gallery
of the session present, some of the
Senators fervently declared for still
more economy. It was the first real
opportunity for eloquence that has
been presented, and they made the
most of it.
Committee Increases Forrr.
Senator Garland had presented a
resolution yesterday, providing that
the committees on enrolled and en
grossed bills should each have one
chief clerk and two assistant clerks,
both of whom should be typists.
The resolutions committee, of which
Senator Dimlck. of Clackamas. a
staunch advocate of economy. Is chair
man, reported back a substitute reso
lution, allowing each of these commit
tees one chief clerk and four assist-
ants-three of whom must be typlsls-
ADout me time this substitute was
reported to the Senate, the gallery be-
I gan io nil. xnereupon tbe oratory be-
Three Clerks Fnonga, He Says.
Senator Garland, speaking for his
original resolution, declared that "econ
omy should begin at home" and in-
for each of the commltteeB
How will we go upstairs and down
stairs, eliminating and cutting off com
missions, if we don't economize -under
our own noses?" he inquired.
Hear of Crippling; Expressed.
Dimick. whose economical tendencies
in matters of legislation are axiomatic
in the Senate, came right back with a
warm defense of the substitute measure
as allowing only enough clerks to pre
vent the committees on enrolled bills
and engrossed bills from being crippled
in their work.
He explained that the number of
clerks was increased from the total
of three for each committee as provided-
in the Garland resolution, to five each
in the substitute resolution, only after
the chairmen of each committee, the
chief clerks and the chief clerks at
the last session had been summoned to
give testimony as to the least number
of clerks they could get along with.
S14O0 Saved on One Item.
"On these two committees at the
last session. Dimlck pointed out, "there
were 17 clerks. We are providing for
only ten. and in that cut alone we have
saved the state of Oregon $1400 in
clerk hire.
"We took the position, and still take
It. that the resolution as originally in
troduced by Senator Garland did not
adequately provide for these commit
tees. "I submit to this body if it isn't a
pretty good showing in beginning
economy at home when we save a cool
31400 on this one Item at the very
beginning of the session.
"That is all that can be done and not
Impair the efficiency of these com
Cat Considered Sufficient.
I. S. Smith, of Coos: Huston of Mult
nomah. Pierce of Union. Vinton of Yam
hill, all had something to say on one
side or the other of the question.
Eddy of Douglas declared the full
number of clerks allowed in the sub
stitute was not necessary at this time.
whereat, by unanimous consent, Dim
lck amended the resolution to provide
that "such four assistant clerks be
employed by said committees only when
The Senate upheld Dimick's view
that a fine showing in economy had
been made by lopping off seven clerks
and S1400, and that real economy would
best be served by providing enough
clerks to maintain the efficiency of the
Homesteader Gets Place.
When the Senate authorized the ap
pointment of a bill clerk at S3 a day,
on recommendation of the resolutions
committee. President Moser appointed
Mrs. Frances H. Whitehead to the po
sition. Mrs. Whitehead, a homesteader
in Christmas Lake Valley, in the sage
brush country, 115 miles from Bend,
came all the way from there to apply
for the position. Twenty-two Sena
tors signed the application for her ap
pointment. Just before the close of the after
noon session Senator Wood introduced
iJnt memorial petitioning the adop
tlon by Congress of a volunteer retired
list bill, now before it. This bill au
thorizes full retired pay to certain sur
viving officers of the Mexican, Civil
War and Indian wars.