THE ' 3IOTHOXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. JAXUATIT 9; 1917, . HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE, MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL, wants men and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; position guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning Expert Instruc tors; scalp and face massage a. specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second st. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway mail clerks; commenco a month. AV 301, Oregonian. srrrATTONs wanted male. .Bookkeeper and Clerks. BALESMAN, 20. experienced, competent, business education : served as assistant to manager and city and traveling salesman with large corporation. A E 11 ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED accountant wants set of books to take care of part of time (In surance preferred); can furnish bond, ref erences aud am notary public, F U, Ore eonian. fcTEXOG RAPHE R - SALESMAN, thoroughly experienced In office work and market ing goods, desires situation. D 12, Ore gon'ian. YOUNG man, 23 years of age, must have position; some experience In a store; fair ly good education. B 10, Oregonian. Misrellaneoub. LUMBERMEN Young man, 33. wishes to make change; 10 years experience as bookkeeper, then buyer and salesman, end for past 5 years manufacturing end, the last two years of which operated my own plant; thoroughly understand both lumber and shingles; excellent references; reasonable wages; will go anywhere. AV 1188, Oregon lan. MAN with lar:e family to support wants steady employment ; 20 years experience stationary tnglneer; Al ref. Call bet. :30 A. M. and 5:2t P. M. Main 7u51. A 1517. JAPANESE, expert chauffeur, useful man, wants afternoon job in Portland Heights; moderate wages, without found. All .0, Oregonlan. fcTATIONARY engineer wants job, janitor or other work, $15 a month and board; Al ref. Main 7001. A 3517. bet. :30 and o:30. MUriT have work; am -broke; old eoUIler, 71. mentally and physically able; watchman or anything vou may offer that I can do. C. Wheeler. Wlllard Hotel. M:iln 136. POSITION wanted by young man, married, drive .truk or repair shop; ran shop 2 Tears. 260 N. llth Ht. Mar. 2772. BHOWCARD writer wishes to exchange work for gent's furnishings. AV o, Ore gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED man, 15 years experience, wants camp cookinj?, $65 to $75 a month, Al ref. Main 7051. A 1517. A-l FARM HAND wants position; am will ing to milk; good hand with horses. Val ley farms preferred. H 6, Oregonian. Al CARPENTER wants job; work cheap by contract. Phone Woodlawn 12tJ. Address 1415 Williams ave. MAN wants work as assistant janitor; is carpenter; ref. Call bet. 8:30 and 5:5u. Main 7051. A 1517. ( ELDERLY man. reliable, desires work ; is good gardener; ref. A 1517. Main 7051. MAN and wife want place on farm; no children; good milker. AG 10, Oregonlan. WANTED Job In up-to-date barber shop that is for sale. O 99H, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as janitor; experienced; first-class references- Tabor 6719. YOUNG man, attending trade Bchool, will work for board. Phone Bdwy 423. JAPANESE schoolboy wishes position city. D lO, Oregonian. WANT job as porter or any kind of work. J. Burke, 206 Couch st. PASTRY" man fancy goods. wants East job ; 2446. well up In all SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Boskkeeper aud Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER. S years experience, will work afternoons or evenings, home or office. Have own machine. D 11, Orego nian. BY experienced stenographer. 7 years ex perience wholesale business, desires to make change, Best of referencs. Y 23, Oregonian. POSITION as stenographer by beginner; ex perience more Important than salary. East bg. STENOGRAPHER, with both experience and ability, dtsiiee position ; lumber or bank preferred. Phone East 1937. GIRL with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting wishes office work. Call Woodlawn 41 09. STENOGRAPHER Beginner, some experi ence, good education, desires permanent position. D 9, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires all or half day position. Marshall 481. GIRL desires exchange, experienced typist, used to clerical work. C 8, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer and office asf distant desires position ; refs. Wdl. 612. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi . tion. Tabor 431. ' INEXPERIENCED stenographer wants all or half day. Main 552, Apt, 85. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position in doc tor or dental oifice. K 12, Oregonian. Drewimakers. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable. home or day, Alain 9ol3, .Llnnton. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall 3722. NURSE, experienced, general cases, conva lescent or feeble preferred; very reason able. Main 1153. NURSE wants work, would take charge of invaua. -Man or woman: terms reason able. X 22, Oregonian. COLORED girl wishes light work, lawn 2135.- PRACTICAL nurse for confinement cases. .wroaaway 3 2ob. Housekeepers. YOUNG woman, capable, good cook, wants fuamon lirai-ciass lamiiy, 2 or a aauits; ""sm ?-. rteierences. .Main tlT4. POSITION as housekeeper. middle-aged laoy. no cnuaren. non Marshall 4486. Domestics. COOKING and sewing, luncheons, teas, din ners, parties or housework, by hour. Tabor BY middle-aged party, light work; no laun- ury; a-ii grown. Aiarsnaii iMirj. M iscellaneous. Y OUN G colored woman would lfke chamber work, or janltress work, or days work. ijnone Hroadway 1416. YOUNG woman, experienced desire wash ing, cleaning, sewing, chamber work, hour j i no-v , icici critjea. oeilWOOQ HOUSEWORK wanted by experienced girl -wages not under $35. Phone East 4239. WOMAN wants day work. Phone East 21: room 57. WOMAN, experienced, neat, few hours work each day. rapid worker. laoor 71 . WANT general housework, 7477. Phone Tabor LXPERIEXCED woman wants day work or py tne nour. c 12, Oregonian. W OMAN wants day work; neat and clean wuti pest, reierences. iiJast 2166. WIDOW wants work, washing or cleaning. TVOM , x -ats day work. Marshall 4094. -TfUT VaJ VASX Jr Y Jj7' VUO CBOVD UrT L ) raw Ha.., .,1 TLifc . I , .1 I - , . -' SVuiio it hi U pa? 'r. "vi ' xor Cooyrieht. . S 1 6. by Newspaper Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain ' - SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG woman wishes to care for 1 or 2 children and do light housework while mother is employed ; home more than wages. Main 6112. FiRriT-CWASS tutoring in English and grammar; excellent references ; terms reason able. Sel Iwood 2344. SWEDISH girl wants general housework, cooking, iu family, adults; wages i5. Tabor TOSa, COM PETKNT woman wants work by the day. Tabor til23. WANTED TO RENT. HAVE many calls for houses. List with us. small furnished Main 481. WANTED Unfurnished room, H. vate family, one person. West Side, bor 3in4. pri-Ta- Itooma With Hoard. YOUNG man attending school will work for board and room. Phone JBdwy 423. 1'OK RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rutes; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; weekly rates S3 and up. ELTON COURT HOTEL, YAMHILL. AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath in every room; private phones; elevator; S3 to Stt per week. Main 6953. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th st., cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel. large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; 3 per week up; 50c to $1. 50 per day. HOTEL: LI L-MER, under new management; Mrs Lillian 'Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold wat.T In every room, 2703 Fourth St.. cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phono Mar shall 6355. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Eleventh and Stark sts., brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water In rooms; 5uc to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 30th st., -at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation ; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms S3 per week up. STAXDISH HOTEL, 648 Washington st., corner 17th. Hot and cold water ; steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week; $6 per m o. and up. MAKE THE BUSH MARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance. $1.50 a week; Sd a month and up. 565 Washington st. HOTEL OCICLEY Morrison st. at 10th, RATES 50c day up. Weekly S2 up. Running- water. Free phone and baths. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance ; both phones, reasonable, 402 & 3d st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern; private bathn en suite; room S3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. FRONT single room, $30 per month. High land Court. Marshall 3181. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder. Strictly mod ern. $1.50. $2 and $2.50 a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. Warm, modern rooms, $2 week up. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FU RN ISHED room, lights, good heat. Main C522. free phone, electric 373 Taylor st. Phone REASONABLE, furnished room, with or without breakfast, in Irvington home. Broadway car. East 1276. FURNISHED room, lights, good heat. Main 5522. free phone, electric 373 Taylor st. Phone CLEAN, warm furnished rooms, private fam ily, easy walking distance to business cen ter. 46S Taylor st. Reasonable rent. FURNISHED room, eteam heat, with private oath. 494 Market; rent $12 a month. NICE room in beautiful home; running ter. shower bath, boo Everett st. CHOICE location, clean, furnished rooms. i or rent cneap. l-na I4tn st. NICE bay window room. The Dezendorf, !0S 16th st. Mar. 12S. Rooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5-170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. W E A VE R HOT E L. 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone In every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Ste. An excellent residential hotel; attract e rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283, A 66:iS. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella. St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. THE STRYKER, 554 Couch; family hotel. rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Room a With Board in Private Family. ROOM AND BOARD, 332 10th H7i. Home comforts GOOD rooms, with board. 595 E. Oak. Furnished Apartment. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Tmvlor. Most modern apartments' on the Pacific Coast ; furnished complete. Roof Gardens In Connection. Walking distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner -Belmont and- Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building ; white enam eled Interior; large kltcheus; service first- ciass; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 1S9 N. 23d Ur der new management; everything up t date, completely furnished, private phoE and bath: 20. $22 up. Marshall 21H5. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts. ah outsiue rooms, line view, ciose in. MADISON PARK APTS.. Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by weeK or montn. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts., io up; heat, light, bath ; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates In city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup sts. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $18 up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. NEW furnished apts.: concrete block- $10 and $12. 1162H Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, lip-ht: S3 up. New Hirt. 1704 2d st. FOR RENT. Furninhed Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined. clean, safe, THE WHEALDON ANNKX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and . . service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia fits. Five minutes walk to Meier Frank's store ; good surroundings; etrlctly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. AP.GYLE APIS.. 341 14th; nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts. ; private bath, phone; $H; up; new management. l"nfurniTed Apartments. BEAUTiFl'li unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with ail modern conveniences. In cluding slcepltig porch, telephone gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. I R V I NO APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, w ran da, laundry, garage, good service, lv rates to permanent tenants; references required. 6fe9 Irving st. Phone Marshall 274s. TL'DOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. DOUGLAS COURT. 423 W. Park, now open ; new 2 and 3 room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish; first-class service; all light apts. CHAPMAN APTS. 2 rooms with bath and dressing-room ; fine outside rooms; phone heat, rent $17 to $1S; walking distance! Mill and Chapman. $22.50 LOVELY, large 4-r. front apartment, walking distance. Wellington Court. 521 Everett. S-ROOM APT., with Bleeping porch, Mawr. So E. 15th St.; $30. Bryn SIX rooms, sleeping porch. all outside rooms; xeferenct-s. 780 Irving. Mar. 1758- TIIE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5, & rms.. reas. M.7316, A2676 THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3. 4, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall :;.-Iju. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod ern; 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 825L Furnihhrd r Unfurnished Apartments. KTVGEBURY APARTMENTS. ISO Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton ; lare, attractive, sunny Outside rooms: pricate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking nistance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4- room ; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements i or nermanent tenants. Phone Marsha. 1 2061 and 2964. Walking aistance. ist and irving. WELLES LEY COURT. MELT' LI FEE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunnyslde carline. close In ; 2 room ; desirable and reasonable. and 3- TKIMTY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BEUNA VISTA, 12th and Harrison frtricnv modern; ail outside apartments; ideal location, references. . Phone Main 1091 and 1052. LUCRETIA fcpURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. Lncretta ft. Marshall 1513, A SeriT. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 3. Broaa- - way ; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2o06. $18.50, Including water, modern 5-room up per: Dutch kitchen, furnace, iirepiace. etc. k'2 e. 19th st. a.., cor. Davis, wain. 4am, $10 A MONTH 1 rooms, desirable location. close to school and carline. Ogden, 1U7 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. $lb t-R., hdw. firs., ivory finish, hot water. sep. entrance, close in, 300 Monroe, la. 6792. t-.HOOM modern flat. 426-A 11th st. $16.50; ater paid. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 20J fcto.k Excnanfje. 3d and Yamhill. ROOM modern upper and lower flat $1 and $20. 092' Everett. Main 3." 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central iit-aung to., im r-earney. .war. j.o. MLAT of six rooms and bath: 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 Bth. Phone Main. 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d ana vasnington sis Maui Mss. MODE RN 4-room flat ; porch, wood. anee, garage. 509 Market. Furnifcoed Flats. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, disappearing oea, sleeping porch, heat, hot water, gar bage removal, walking distance, 3 carlines, cneap rent, 47 Rodney ave. Housekeeping Room. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur. nisnea. steam neat, running hot ana cola water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 231 Columbia st.. near 5th. Mtaui f urnishtd housekeeping suites. wanting distance, - both uhon-s: $2 dsi week and up; newly renovated, -Mala nil. The warrenton, 40J 3d st. 4til E. MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms iu Private Family. CHILDREN WELCOME. 3 housekeeping rooms, heat and light lurnisnea, sto. iUj w est rart REDUCE living cost: unfurnished h. rooms outside, ooc each per week; gas piate lurnisnea. 4S0 Belmont st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms ina private nome, everything lurnisnea. ud.i fiaisey st. HAVE nft.ely furnished 2-room suite. $1 also single room, $a. 265 tith st-, 4 blocks i rum ft'Sloil ice. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, week. Call 193 West Park. 1 WEEK. Clean, quiet, close in; larg Fiwu'i'ia. pnone. u t$. Sin. 3-ROOM apt., heat, light, cheap. 260 E. 23d, corner if., .naoison. Khone East 3451. Furnished H. K. apartment, 2 rms. week. 274 Montgomery, cor. 4th. $2.25 THREE furni-shed housekeeping rooms, low er floor; lady alone in house. 105 15th N THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rms. in a. privaio nome. oOj naiaey at TWO nice, light :tor,A 3d st. h. k. rooms, $2.25 week Iloiwrs. COM FORT A BLE 6-room home, small yard hot water, furnace. West Side. 510 Mar- Ket. Main NICE 6-room house on Wet Park St.; rea sonable rent to aauits. Main 1 o5. iiuDERN 7 Marshal t. room house. 245 23 d St., Phone Marshall 1079. near 6 ROOMS 293 Cook ave.. near Williams gas. ei-ct-icity, Path. East 1298. 6--r-.uu.Jt moaern nouse. 712 Lovejoy, near z:q. inquire tit n St. Main 6278. 3-ROOM house, electric lights, gas, furnitu cneap. z wincneii, Kenton. FUR ."" ENT Irvington. 7-room house 637 E. 11th st. N. 618 Plttock block. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity, walking dli tance. n: t r-vereit st. rnone IfJast 8. 672 E. OAK ST., 5 rooms. Phone East 776. modern, clean. rights reserved. Registered in U. S. Patent Office. 1 MiKWAJl IS ALMOST AS EXPERT AS PA HIMSELF BY FOR RENT. House. WELL-BUILT 2-room cottage, rood chicken house and yard, full lot, 5 blocks to car. EatmoreIand district; rent S3, or soil $45u, fio monthly. New 4 -room cottage, gas and water, full lot and rhlcken house. 3 blocks to car, Woodstock district, rent $5, or sell s.150, $25 down. S10 monthly. H. Atwater, Phone Main BS19. MODERN 4-room bungalows with self-lighting gas ranges, heaters, beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats, hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchens and bathrooms, attics and full basements: on Webster, corner E. 13th, one block N, of Alberta car. Owners, Blanchard & Clemaou. Selling bldg. ATTRACTIVE Alameda home. Ideal corner. fine yard. 7 rooms and sleeping porch ; strictly sjodern; neighborhood unsur passed . low rent lor aesiraoie tenant; lease if desired. Broadway car. 904 Bryce ave. Key across street. D. G. Wilson. Main 5692. ROOMS near Peninsula Park $15.00 6 rooms near Peninsula Park 20.00 rooms near peninsula Park....... 18.00 4- room modern bungalow........... 6.50 5- room modern bungalow 10.00 UM BD EN STOCK. LARSON CO.. Broadway 1658. 306 Oak St. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1164 Patton ave. for $15 : 7-room housu, sleeping porch and garage, at 890 E. 9th St., for $20; 4-room house at 3k E. 34th st. for $7; keys 1J34 N. W. Pank bldg. Phone Main 1677. Kt KJM modern house, two blocks from Sunn vslde car, rent $18 per month. 113 E. 3sth st., or apply Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Chamber of Commerce. EW. six rooms, bath, breakfast nook, sleep ing porch, aouoie garage, i urn ace. i.v E. IStU. Westmoreland. Sell wood car to Bybee. KEfcl STORAGE Household goods stocd free, expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Varchouse A Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts Broadway 70S. ROOM! modern house, oak floors, furnace, $17.00. Owner, cor. Clinton and Kenllworth ave. Tabor 1919. 'OR RENT Modern 6-room house at 28 Last iith st. North, inquire at 73 East MJtn iNortn. f.ast ft-j. .uSK CITY PAKK UUNGALOW 3 rooms. modern in every way. S. J. Vincent : o. Both phones. TRICTLY modern Laurelhurst home, near car. o xio j,anaingTon court, j anor s4. $10 A SNAP. Nice -4-r. modern bungalow at idu e. 4utn. tuast o-'oi, aam oouo. MODERN 6-room house. Main 2028. 710 Johnson u Mar. 22. iuDERN cottage, well located, cheap. Main 6976. by owner. Furnished Houses.' LARGE, new, modern, 8-room house with two immense sleeping porches, on Kearney street, near Twenty-third, which 1 will rent furnished for $30 per month to re sponsible tenants. For detailed partlcu Jars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg. FINE, modern 7-room house. 6 furnished : piano, 4 lots, fruit, barn ; rent reasonable to right party. Woodstock car to end of line, 2 blocks east, one block north. In quire at 6224 59th ave. S. E. :u COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house, &16 Clackamas st.; key at 12 Wasco. el- ephane Last t lt4. SMALL, modern bungalow, well fumtehed, garage; ?2ut including lights, gas, water; Hawthorne district. Broadway oiii. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room house and sleeping porch, choice neighborhood. near car. larsnaii ou 10. FURNISHED house in good location; hot water heat and modern in every way $75 per mo. B 11, Oregonian. MODERN 3-room house in fine residence section with fireplace, $9 per month, see owner, 404 iatt btug. COMPLETELY furnished modern flve-roora bungalow; Rose City Park, block to car .Marshall 010-i, 5-ROOM clean, furnished bungalow. Yamhill. Key 735 E. yamhlli. MODERN furnished cottages at S. P. snops. can .ast ao. MODERN 4-room cottage, furnished ; frui trees, paved street, near car. seuw d 2001, FOR REOvT Furnished house, close in, rea- sonable to right party. Main 3o2. Stores. DCCT AITM 4VT WAV . T T C V T l V Front and MaSlson. brick blng.. in con nection with Sou-room hotel : fine opening for good live restaurant mac ; will make attractive terms to right party. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bjdg. Marshall 4114, A 41 IS. SIXTH AND OAK. Corner store, former location of S. P. ticket office; brick bldg. ; very desirable reasonaoie rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114 A 4118. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St., between .ith aud 6th: 20 feet front by 23 fee deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay ac o. FOR RENT Store, No. 425 Stark t.. b iween iitn and 12th ; rent only Ji per monm. inquire at Biackstono Hotel. Offices. FOR RENT, en suite or singly, 12 offices uut 01 oi in en ion mag., 54 bixtn street. center 01 financial district between Firs National Bank and new United States Na tional Bank bldg., and opposite Wells Fargo bidg. Terms reasonable. Wm. D. teuton, owner; C. W. Pallett. agent. Fen- PRIVATE office and reception-room. $15 lurnisnea private oirice, iu; snare tin or rice, S7.&0. 209 Stock Exchange, Ad an 1 am n lit. DESIRABLE office space on ground ftoo per month ; desk, office ecjulpmen iriepnone. etc., rree. u ciak st. RELIABLE man, take deskroom, assist with business, ral raaa preferred. estate or business chance 209 Ablngton blag. WELL-FURNISHED nrivntit off 1 desk room. $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com, i r u'KS $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetiand bldg. Halls. 45x50 NEW maple floor, suitable (or dano lng parties and receptions. S5.0O per night Saturdays, $0.00; Includes heat. light. piano, wouiu i- ase. bii Alberta t. pnon woooiawn ot. NEATLY furnished dance-hall, corner Front ana uinos, reasonable: aiso large, wen f-quippea looge nan. Main loll. Ware bouses. BUILDING suitable for factory, inaohin shop, creamery, etc. ; steam and power to rent: close in, v est. blue, inquire 241 Everett st. UrSlNESS OPPORTCNITIES. NICELY eouiuped hair-drospins- parlor, ha goods; fine location, big patronage. $1100. facuic Agency. SANDWICH and tamale counter. $2ro cas fine buHinesrf. Pacific Agency, 515 Swet land bhlg. GOOD paying garage, $1400, terms. Pacifl Agency, inc., i sweiiana oiag. THEATER for sale, $3500 cash; doing, good business, in good town. b, Cregonia FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures; fine location. Tabor 490. FOR PALE Good-paying meat market; fl tures xaoor MEDICINE route for sale; good profits. 201 East bth st.. Vancouver. Wash. GOOD restaurant, doing fine business. $3000, Faoifl c Agenc y, oi a swetiand oiu g . FOR SNAPS In rooming-houses see Paclfb A gency. Inc.. 515 Swetiand bldg. POLLY AND HER VAVlSctX. IT. 6txA tiw V Bl'SIXEW QFPORTrNITIES, FOR SALE A uat and ap-to-date tailoring and gents f urnlsht.ias store, ilolng about S3000 a month business: S-Ovo stock of .shoes and 24 lockers, which are rented to enlisted men of the Navy to keep their clothes in, which they pay SI Pr month for the use. Invoices over $11,000. Will take less than Invoice. Owner will help purchaser to get started aud get ac quainted with customers. ADDRESS AV 371. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Confectionery and news store with a piper route that nets $S0 per month; must sell on account of health; no trades considered; this Is a good piace and a good business, and If you are look ing for something In thia lino it will pay you to come and see; doi't put It off come now, or apply to Rainier Confection ery. Kamier. ur., oox 10.00O WILL secure half interest In manu facturing ulant and patent whim win oa tne best selling macaine on tne mm.i no competition: every lumber mill or yara will nurchase. as It savta 50 to 75 per cent labor cost. Address 1. A, Hatfield, alia watia. wash. COLD STORAGE, Ice plant, all modern ma chinery, large warehouse, own water, it. ft. ana water transooriatton. trooa com town ; $5000 cash, bal. $12.00o lona- time at 6 per cent. A. u. Mictt-ULi. Ltne- side. Or. OLD established hotel and business can bo bought at a bargain. Will be at the im perial Hotel for 3 days. Call for Crist at office. Will take $10,000 to swing the deal. Will be iu from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 P. M. MUST SELL SS000 stock of drvKoous. ladles" ready-to- wear garments and shoes. December sales $6000. Good town, big territory. Must, sell quicic Aaaress W. A. FULKERSON. ONTARIO. OR. CAITION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business get aa vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec, 20- Henry Bldi;. IRST-CLAS3 POOL HALU CIGAR STORE fJ?d--SfeJlS'y sfi01"!:-?1? ?fli2 I to $2o0 month; $1400 btiys; doing rine l business; on account of partnership. Man- uel & spohn. 1 1 and 13 South 3d sc. ana alia, wasn AKAGE fov storasre and repair work; one t tno rinst ooenincx adoui tne ciiv: sit uated on the main traveled artery out of Poriland. with fine residence section and no garage facilities whatever, tor par ticulars call at 404 Piatt bidg. 1000 CONFECTIONERY and clear store: locate! at the best transfer point on the East Side: good place and doing good busi ness; ni health reason for selling. A. J. ! De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bidg. UTOMOBILE garage, partner wanted for this going butfineu; will pay energetic man $150 month and the duties are easily learned ; only $450 cash required. Call JL!2 stark st. FOR SALE: Small sawmill, orth $3000. wood Kiver County, rood timber, gooa con dition, good local trade; will sell cheap on account sicKness ii tatten at once. J. C. Slmoaton, Route 3, Hood River. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a Business of any kind, nnvwhere, A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bid. HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels in capital city lor sale; wiii sen property or rural- ture and lease. For particulars address is ay lew Hotel, oiympia. ash. STRICTLY cah store business; owner wants a steady partner to help wait on cus tomers, etc. ; pay $100 month ; requires small investment, wnich will be secured. Call 24Si Stark st. PA KTNEIi for best manufacturing business in Portland; more money needed to handle my business in riht way; an interview with me will convince you that 1 have good o-'fer. Phone Main 1912. A- MAN with knowledge of bookkeeping ana typewriting witn smm cash can cure good position. Pacific Agency, 515 wftiana oiug. tl.-.ltlVi flITi R IVTF.F.n vourlv lniHm hnfol moaern. Portia nd. complete, stand rleld Investigation. Se;l this week; no fake; ;hm: terms. AH 7, oregonian. A CASH business; have opening for a steady man satisfied to make $15 week and share , of profits; $150 required. Call 24SVs Stars: street. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, sawmill and planar. 15,000 ft. per day capacity; ready to operate; must be sold immeulately. 6jo 1 n t .1 St.. 1100a Kiver, or. A CONFIDENTIAL place to lkit lour busi ness tor sale; no one sent to see you that don't mean business; give 11s a triaL Pa cific Agency, 515 Swetiand bldg. MEAT MARKET, doing good business, for sale at teas than Invoice; might rent to retponm oi party; owner not a butcher. cail labor 3S4 or Tabor 3150. MOVING picture ?how snap, best small show In city: cost $2000; rent $30; f irst-r'.ass ' other business compels sacrifice ; $tu0. OuiKley. 2'2 Wilcox bldg. ONE of the corner confection and light groceries in city; busy transfer corner. $3'DO cash Pacific Agency.. 515 Swetiand bidg. RESPONSIBLE party to rent equipped din ing-room ana unyien, gooa town Close 1 to Portland; invest1 treats, aj 9. Oregonian. YOUR choice of 10 dyeing ami cleaning es- iHDiisnmenifl. i u 10 ?iuu. faciiiu .suncy( itlo Swetiand bldg. PARTNER wanted for light manufacturing: pay 9-0 weelt: s-tGU required and will bo I ruiiy sec urea, can s stark st. FOR SALE By owner, finest S-table pool room on tne west muo; ousy corner. plenty or good stock. Main B511. HAVE cish customer for s grocery. East side. SS4JO to il'-k cash. Pacific Agency. (11,1 neiiar,a oiag. WE have 40 grocery stores from $40O to MO,ow, casn ana trsae. paciac Agency. inc.. a 10 rwetiapa oiag. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell It; anything, man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. Lay- $30,000 GENERAL merchandise, clean, new stock, w per cent on aoiiar. pacific Agency, Inc., 515 Swetiand bldg. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Millershlp, 4St cnamuer or commerce. FOR SALE Restaurant and delicatessen ; good location, low rent; good place for man ana w lie. .Marshall Jbs. NICE cash grocery, $500: dointr good busi ness. Lust Side. Pacific Agency, luc. Old swetiai.a piuj. A GOOD BUY 21-room hotel, full, restau rant, doing good transient business. AJ fl. Oregonlan. WANT buyer for thriving business; $."500 required ; will net $250 per month. K 9. Oregonlan. GOOD poolroom, $750; good location, cif ic A geiicv 515 Swetiand bidg. Pa- SrSINES9 OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. HAVE $0oo In cash and $7500 worth of clear, gilt-edged Oregon City property for a merchandise store. J. A. Cobb, 4 OS Swetiand bldg. ROOMTNO-HOCSE. IF YOU WISH To buy. sell or exchange Hotel. Rooming or Apt. -House, see A. J. DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Furn. 10 rooms, $450 cash, all full, electric lights, low ront, 394 Co- lumbla st.. cor. 10th. HOTELS. APTS.. OR ROOMING-HOUSES, ANY SIZE. PRICE OR LOCATION MRS. KRANTZ. 21 YEON BUILDING. PALS I'M CLIKK STEBRETT. -fV- I i A i fe r 's IvJ ROOMING-HOrPES. $m HANDLES 37 -room hotel, centrally lo cated, on the West Side, brick bldg., steam heat and running water in every room; first -ci a s furnishings throughout; cost over $5 MOO when new; my price, SISuO; 00 down, balance monthly. A. J. D Frt. 2m7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED as tenant. 63 rooms, modern brick building, northwest corner 4th and Sal mon. abov offices German-American dally. German-American or Swiss tenant, if re sponsible, preferred. Wm. D. Fen ton, agt., Kenton bldg. MRS. M. F. LENT. Leading 'HoteL Apartment-House Agent. Oldest. Reliable Agency in City. P?4 N. W. Bank bldg.. Cth end Morrtso LOST A NO FOUND. THE followln- articles wre found on the cars of the Port land Railway. Light & Power Company, January 6, 1917 1 sign board. 1 axe, 1 pair boots. 1 suitcase, 1 package underwear, 1 basket. 1 part of coffee percolator. 1 grip 9 umbrellas. 1 hand grip. I raincoat. I roll papers, -rmt'ii. 1 roll butter. 1 oalr k loves. 1 nack- n.g, 1 overcoat. 1 veil. 1 pair rubbers, 2 lunch boxes l pacKace aress koous. i record Vook,2 pins. 1 cuff button, 3 keys, 1 n"-kiace. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. THE following articles we-re found on the J cars of the hortiana ivaiiwav. iignt x 1'ower Comoani. January . 1917 1 pack age glasses. 1 k y. 1 package incut, 2 pain mo vis. l glasses case. - purses, x c-T-in. 1 flulrroiei. 1 necklace. 1 umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. U"KT Inn ii hv T Naidenoff. time book. contalmw checks Nos. 3i and 10Jwtu, also several Bulgarian Bank notes, also pasport. Rewara. Return 31-4 coucn st. LuPT Cn 15th St.. between Couch and Washington, or on Washincton-st. car. amthyst rosary beads. Pleate return iaHhl.-r. Hotel Portland. Reward. IX i"K XT kr of cit v bv noor woman about ll lor groceries pair screw uiauivuu earrings. 6136 43a s. i. LOST Wtcn fob. with Knight- CoXuv . . -, t' j ,r i-MjL a . 11 mbua tore. Yeon bldg. Reward. lil.ACK house cat. white throat, ample re ward tor information, iiar. ou or aiwn 43hs. LOST In Laurelhurst, case and glasses; re ward. 2701-. Mark st. LOST A femah setter pup. 7 mo. old. llcht- tirKfu witn quick. rnone met t- i . I-0.T -At Strand Pat. nicht. TackaKi coi tainlnic box: ?i rewara. t an ai, LOST- -Lcnnon merchand Ue order. Return Ry. Exchange. Reward. LOST Monday. a flower-shaped brooch set with a pearl. Columbia 43tf; reward. LOST Charm. Masonic emblem. Phono Sell. 94 or Main 711. Local No. 6. LOST Large diamond stud; liberal reward. Phone Main 183. SPECIAL NOTICES. M IvM-ellaneoua. ALASKA FISH SALTINfl &, BY-PRODUCTS COM PAN Y. The annual meeting of the- stockholders f the above company will be held in the offices of the company. ;02 Concord bldg. Portland. Or., on Wecnesdsy the 17th day of January, I'M, at i - ociock noon. BRYIM'X 11. lCt'L.l-.. ?eo. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN From and nft-r thiti liate. January 6. 1917. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by or on account of my wife, Mrs. Eva Marsh. W. B. Marsh, 3c2 Morrison street. Tort- land. Oregon. RGES for rent, capacity 5oO tons. Main FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Jiesldence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm oronertv. 7 to 8 Per cent. WHITMEK-KELLY CO.. 711 Plttock Nk. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or contracts-. preteratiy or monthly install ment payments. iortiana Lrtan company, D-kum bldg. FOR SALE GLt-cdge contracts; will give liberal clscouul. Payne -as Co., vll ilo- hawk bldg. FIT.ST and second mortgages, also severs interest in contracts purchaea: Oregon or 1 Wnih. H. E. Noble, Lumoermens biag. WH Bl'V inortreasfs, bonds and notes. WESTERN BON" fc MUKT!AGE CO.. SO 4th St.. Board of Tn(1 bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort- r"ge- p; rennsed. Iwli & Co.. 4 l-ewis dips. 0 i'ER 4'ENT money. 3 to 5 years, residence property : will accept Slki or more on principal st any Interest period payment; per cent money on business property, same terms. Pacific Title & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. M O ITJ A G E LO A N S. Any amount, low rates, ps-omptlv closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. M. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 North western Bank Bldg. Marsha?! 4114. A 4llS. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE wOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLUX!- BLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 202 Stevens Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate of Interes-t. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. G PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley f Arm Lan: no delay ; no commissions. Deverearjc Mortgage Company, 607 Con- cord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. G PEK CENT loans will be made on central retail buslnesj proper! !es. G and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E- GOUDEY O. . Northwestern Bank Mdg. 5 TO 6 per cent on business property. o to a per cent on residence propertj. b to S per cent on farm property. R. F. BRYAN. 5r,9 Cham, of Com. FARM mortgage of $1'00 wanted; might ake two small loans of t.-oo each; sur-mit Your security to my attorney at 404 Piatt t'lQg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. SO Fourth Street. Portland. Or. SEE US today for loans on improved city property, o to a per cent; o and up. t euars-aaurton co.. g-. 1 eon oiog. To I A N in sums to suit . build ing loans, lowest rates. w. . Dfcu. 31B Fsillng bMg. Phone Main B4Q7. SO 00, S1C0O AND upwards on improved real eitTate. iavorjDi xermy; no u r 1 ; uu brokerage. John Bain. 57 Spalding bldg. SI OOo TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm no com ri: iri"n r . vj. oox cny. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding, 311 t hamper or ommerce. Loans on -Jty and farm property, 6 per F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. cent up. FARM snd city loans, 14 per cent; co com. nils!on. K mi. -regonian. $200, $:;50. $n00, S1200. $ l sou. Fred W. German A Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. POO LEY X- 'Q.. '12 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY" An a-nount. l to 8 per cent. W. H. felt. :nn .airtirr. Main h.m4. HAVE c if-ntc with money to loan. Oliver MORTGAGE LOANS, A AND 7 PER CENT. LOT IS SAM'Vfi.N Jfc aon OAK T. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. $5o. $400, $-00. $i;r.o, -750. Fred W Ger man Co, 732 Hianber of C"mmers. $500 AND UP. 7 PER CENT. O lft7. OR BOON IAN. nr FINANCIAL. Money to Ixan tn Real Estates OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of payln- a loan. $32.24 per month for 36 months or f J 1.24 for 6o months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 ioan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission char pea. EQUITAHLE tAVlNiJS fr LOAN AS5N, 242 st;rk t-trcet. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT H PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALX. Ac CO.. 205. 206 North we&teru Bank Bldg. $3500 5H PER CENT Will loan on Improved farm for 20 years or less. uregonian. MONEY "0 LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED Phone Tabtr 202Q. M on cry to I.on Chat t els and Salaries, FL RN ITURE S ALART LOANS. LOANS. All that is necessarr to establish credit with us is that you either own furniture. pianos, or that you are working either w ill do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 817 Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS Leans made to persons on salary er fixed income; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal - property a jcgat raies. iusiness confidential: private off less. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 30tf-a0T DeKum Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased. 202 McKay bldg. Main 142. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estsb- llrhed by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. c M ycri Herman, xnan acer. 3U4 stark at. Money loaned on dla monds. jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. Mo.NEY to bin ou diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate, s:i articles r.eid 1 year; establish since Dsn Marx. 2s:t Washington. PIANO ind furniture loans; licensed by ths aiaie. tiro. Jriarvf-y, labor ifut loans Wante-d. ! WANT $M)0, $900, $1500. $3500 and KM0 at i per cent on first-class city properties THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 131 Northwestern Bank Building. WILL pay 10 per cent Interest lor $S00, ec- ond mortgage, 3 years, on income proper erty paying $lo0 ptr month; first mort- gaite .orj. ii, oregonian. For SALE SHOO first mortgage on lt9 acres, near town, 10 per cent interest. J. W. Reiioe. Atty., 311 Par a ma bldg. l WANTED $4o00 at 6 p--r cent, 5 years, on west aiao ousiness property worth, $lo,OXu; no commission. C 11. oregonian. WANT S75O0 from private party, brick bubinenM. Last Slue; no ageuts. AF S Oregonian. WANT $0oo. 7 per cent, private party, to enlarge e.-aaMifhed business; good secur ity, v 12. Oreponian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch navy switch, 2 sep ...$1.5(1 24-tncn wavy rvwich, a ........ Lei AU-arounu irauai urination 1.4 Hairdt cu-lng, suainpooing, face massage, hair botbin. manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved ty eiectnc nceu.c. switch mads of. coinoinK. I'ic W c buy our comoings. Sanitary pjrlors. 4"(-4J I-tkum bldif.. od na as lung ton. Mars, hall 102. DR. ELLA M' IN TYRE Ladies' specialist; disease uicky removed oy cervo iuuip Uiaiion; ticctrw tiit:raputics. bath aud 1 -bration. toptcial price to Jan. 15, Hours 11 to 5 P. M. 511 North wct blug.. tLH auJ Washlngion ts. f i,i t i' iiAN EliL'T. leading vt ig and toupe uiMriers : lines t siock hunuu hair Koo-Jtt; hairiiressin;. mani.urln;, face and scalp treatment, l.emoved to J4'J Aldra near hruu'iw ay. Main 54tt. LoCi-E NET.EL. German trMlued nursa and masseuse, gives treatments for rneu mMtlsm. lumbago, neurai-a, etc.. maua- and baths; Uuy aislttfui; uow located bio ParK st. Marshitll 5J. cpen aunoaya, GERMAN nuree, inaaoaae, iectric OlaukeiS and baths for rheumatism, lumoago, ntu r.gla. etc.; lady traiuou nui ak&junu 25 11th st. open Sundays. Marsha;! 5i. LADIES, darken your gray hair In six cetik wuh uur hair tome. dog not dye, is atouttcly harmicia, 4u7 bioadway b.dg. e loach manicuring. STEPHEN MA DO EN, living in Pennsj Ka ma lu l4S: ir any desccnua.its in Oregon. plvae coinuiun icaie with T. Juaden, i9i ling 1. O., Britisq Columbia. I REV. MRS. J. C ClioRl giv-s uemoufira tioiui Sunday, S P. M., at Arcauum lia.L lou loth -st. Iteads tiaily at Lvrly iio tel. 1&5 Park st. Mar. 5u7?. ELECT IviO irttnivnti for poor circulation. rneumatism, lumuao. uc ana acaip; t batlis. 42ti Clay t. Mam to..l. SUPKiCFLL'oUS 11 AIR destroyt-u forever by iiia.iipie-iieeu.e method , cuusuitatiou free. Mile. DeLoug. 5o4 & wetland blug. AZA H. RIBBLCK.E. featural correctlomst. lac ana cip uiasage. 1 - r Lla s&.. u-car Wash.. Mar. J.-OU. Advice tree. &P1RITUAL1SM Itev. Mary L, Lav' Mar teacher paluuctry aud cards ualiy. .jJ &th st. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental, apiritual cint. u'J Tourney, 10 to -uai.y. w ritta questions Wed.. 7 :45 P. M. Mif. 3uj. DR. KTnLI. -V. &ALA, manicuiing aua electric ucdliueniB. 111 uu i yi. t& tirand ac Erut JJ1. PAL LINE DA HE. from Last, lacial. scalp. uiaakac u J"', ms- - . to i. MKS. STEVENS. 24 years in Portland; 20 ua century scieuce in palmistry taught; spirit uai readings daily. a75 Taylor st. , CHI KOl'K AC TIC. steam baths, light, hut, v lec trio SX.U vi orai or y niKssnsr. vji . fcArc'. liayi:le. 517 Swetiand. Main 175. a'. . I -SPIRITUALISM Pev. May A. Price, circle M. and Sun. S P. M. ay. Marshall o!H0. Tuesday, - sua o r. rfad:ng dally. C A&CAPSo promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia ano. is i iWH"- tJj la nd Hotel pharmacy. MASS t; Li treatments, electric vibrator, b trained nu'e. ova og. - pr v-. juainivij. MIS3 JOHNSON, chtropody. massage, light raaKnt-tlc APPoiutm-nts oniy. jtiain om. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage 4 1 7 - JO ZNort ti w t hi.- rn Dan k niug. KOaKNA TAYLOR Martstuw and scalp spe- clallfct. ltl Park st. Marshall q I3o. FACIAL and scalp maseage. shampooing. 35 t-j Morrison st. 01 1 ice -v-. MAY ANDREWS tescnes phrenology andJ BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal TonlO TaMeta. I.t' no? rnu"3 ,00. MAGNETIC bealer; treatments daily. 17-i ld Pt.. 4tn Iioor.. apt. .'lwr. Llh'E KKAPKR Hart Apt.. Ly't 2d st. apt. !. -tin nour. ainianan .dji. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of TICS 2l., 'U - uorriwjn - - MOLE superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. r. HIU. 42t Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. SCALP, massage and shampooing, room 50 Timnll! ft-. nar i i