THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, 3IOXDAT, JANUARY 8, 191T. 13 KELP WANTED MALE. J ST WAKING L P." That's the exact expression made by a young man in our office. He Now knows the need of SPECIAL, TKAIN1XG. The business men of Portland know that the big feature in wealth production Is trained nien of character. Thf-v established and up!urt these VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS, fit ting men to hfcome expert: -Automobile Men Office Managers A f oountants Pharmacist "bookkeepers Salesmen Executives JenoKraphers Chemists Show Card Writers draftsmen "Wireless Operators Electrical Engineers, etc, etc. For complete information relative to any of he above schools address the De partmgnt of Education, Piv. C. Y. M. C. A. The school practical, giving instruction in the construction, care and repair and operating of auto-, mobiles, tractors and gas engines; specializing on ignition, carburetion and electric generating and starting; apparatus. Call or write Oregon Auto and Gas Tractor School. 429-31 Belmont St.. Portland. Ore. IjELIVERY boy wanted for wagon. High land .Market, IOO3 Union ave. North. Help) Wanted Agents. IGENTS Attention; good profits to be earned by men, women, selling office and household necessities. Write North west Specialty Co,, 2223 Bay ave., Ho cjuiam. Wash. "WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. "WANTED Afeents to sell horseradish, hom iny, pickles etc. 434 E. "Washington. HELP WANTEII FEMALE. EXPERIENCED buttonhole maker on men's vests ; none but experienced need apply. Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison sts. NUMBER young ladies .to prepare for tele graph service: Eood positions secured ; day and night fiession. For full particulars call room 0U2 Panama bldg. LAUNDRESS, by family in suburbs; room, hoard and $25 per month. Apply at room 008 Electric bldg., on Tuesday forenoon be tween 10 and 12. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 403 Bdy Yamhill bldg., traina you weli; you hold your positions secured for you. NORWEGIAN girl for general housework; must have references. Phone Main 3932 between 9 and 12 A. M. LADIES WANTING WORK, WANT DEM ONSTRATORS. f?2 TO S3 DAY IS MADE. ROOM 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. WANTED A FIRST - CLASS HAIR DRESSER, MANICURIST. GIVE PHONE NO. IN LETTER. AB 18, OREGONIAN. LADIES Do crocheting at home. Call mornings, 11 to 1. 322 Flledner bldg., 10th and Washington. W"aNTET An experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work ; good wages; ref erences required. Tabor 1167. KIGH school girl for confectionery etore; must be experienced; references. 375 Yam hill. WAITRESS, $."-0, country; housekeeper, cooks, second girls. Howe's, 35 270 Waghlngton. .WANTED Competent second maid; Inex perienced maid need not apply. Marshall 1&69. LADY to take orders from Portland dtalers for popular brand of gum; salary $2 day; give telephone number, p 22, Oregonian. WANTED Nurse, above average height, stror.g in arme and back, care of Invalid; permanent. phone East 379, afternoons. YOUNG girl. 15 or 16. to assist with light housework and help take care bf child. Call 5S1 Kearney. 4 WANTED Experienced where there is secon N. 25th. irl for housework girl. Apply 274 GIRL wanted for cooking and general house work. Apply mornings up to 12. 715 Flanders, cor. 22d Bt. WANTED A woman to take charge of small rooming-house. Free rent. Phone Main 5375, forenoons. GIRL for light housework, good home. 11th st.. Apt. C. Call mornings. aU7 PRIVATE HOME or children, any age; 15 years experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, Typewriting $5 mo. 209 14th. Shorthand, Main 3S;3. WANTED Girl for general A pply 574 East Morrison. housework. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work; no children. Apply SSI 10th st. GIRL for general housework ; city refer ences. Apply mornings. 7S2 Overton st. WAITRESS, $30. fare paid; cook, $40; mess girl, $25. Hansen's, 345 Vs Wash. st. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Call 581 E. Taylor. WANTED Girl for general housework. 595 Gantenbein ave. COOK wanted for private boarding-houee. 404 Madiscn St., cor. 10th st. Main 2006. 20 DRESSMAKERS, first-class; must be ex perienced. 221 12th st. EXPERIENCED marker. Palace Co., East 10th and Everett st. Laundry WANTED Old lady to board. Tabor 2492. IIELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Names men wishing to become rauway man cierKS ; commence $7a month. AV SOI, Oregonian. KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE" ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER mi.; LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weens, pay you wnne learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, ret you a positloln; 32 schools in U. S. and t ana a a, write for tree catalogue. Cor, 2d and Burnside. m.k iiti. bakuk school wants men and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; position guaranteed ; tools iree; paia wniie learning Expert instruc tors, scaip ana race massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second st. jJtt.UUN BAKbKK COLLEGE Men and women 10 iearn oamer traae in a weeks position guaranteed; tools free; paid while loarniug; tuition reduced. Can earn from io to a ween, expert Instructors- years in business. 233 Madison et. Uc.Kb s your chance; business education free; good position assured. 715 Ore gonian Dlug. EXPERIENCED MARKER AND SORTER. Tillamook, Or.. Box 133. UK BLSINE5S KNOWLEDGE ATTEND 3 l-'ii.c iv.i-s JKiSl ESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG, 3D fc MORRISON STS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. I WANT work In drugstore as porter, soda man ana ciertt. nave had several years experience and can register in short time. Who wants a good, all-around man? O 21, oregonian. oAt-t.t.uA, experienced, competent, business education; served as assistant to manager and city and traveling salesman with large corporation. AE 1L Ore gonlan. WANTED Accounting work or bookkeep ing for spare time; can furnish statements, balance sheet and Federal income tax re t u rng. A K 23, Ore goal an. COMPETENT bookkeeper; any kind of books written up, opened or closed. X IS. Ore-conian. KELP M "1 AM Jf tuH laW Lrisj Ti) i Copyright 1916, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. LUMBERMEN Young man, 35, wishes to make change; 10 years experience as bookkeeper, then buyer and salesman, and for past 5 years manufacturing end, the last two years of which operated my own plant; thoroughly understand both lumber and shingly; excellent references; reason a bie wages; will go anywhere. AV "sm, Oregon ian. SOMEWHERE In this town a trades school electrical gradual e with a year and a half experience in automobile electrical work is wanted. Sellwood 2301. BY experienced, ail-around poultry house man. Care room 307, 349 E. Burnside St., citv. Phone E. 171. A-l FARM HAND wants position; am will ing to milk; good hand with horses. Val ley rarms preterrea. i-t oregonian Al CARPENTER wants job; work cheap by I contract. Phone Woodlawn 126. Address 1415 Williams ave. GOOD Japanese couple wants place, man as cook, wife wait on table and housework. AH ll, Oregonian. YOUNG man would like a position in a Job printing office; two years experience. E 23, Oregonian. MAN and . children; wife want place on farm ; no good milker. AG 10. Oregonian. WANTED Job In up-to-date barber shop -hat is for sale. O &96, Oregonian. PASTRY man wants Job; fancy goods. East 2446. well up In all LUMLER YARD foreman, 11 years experi ence, best references. F 18, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BY experienced stenographer, 7 years' ex perience wholesale business, desires to make change. Best of referencs. Y 23, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general of fice assistant desires position. Sell. 1642. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires all or ha!f day position. Marshall 481. Dressmakers. FA&HtONABLE dressmaking. reasonable, home or day. Main 9513, Linnton. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall 3722. EXPERIENCED nurse, general cases, feeble or elderly preferred; very reabOimble. Main 1153. NLi.rtcE wants work, would take charge of invalid. Man or woman; terms reason able. X 22, Oregonian. INVALID can have home and care In home of trained nurse. Tabor 2233. II outc keeper. GIRL wishes good wages. housework, private Main 353tt. family, GIRL wishes to do general housework. Main 3iS. Domestic a. HOOK I MO and sew in it. luncheons, teas, din ners, parties or housework, by hour. Tabor si 7. WOMAN 2S34. wants day work. Phone Tabor BY middle-aged party, light work; no laun- ary ; all grown. 3iar. d4y. YOUNG girl will help plain menus, cook and aervr py tne nour. .Main Miscellaneous. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants apt. house or hotel to manage, 5 years' successful ex perience, best of reference. Main 921. POSITION by schoolgirl, 144. as companion and assist light work in home where there are no chilaren AL 8, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wants cooking for 6 stu dents or clerks. J 22, Oregonian. NO Japanese midwife wants position with lady physician. N 21, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by hour or take home. Main 81-6. WANTED Chamber work in rooming-house or hotel. Phone Main 7082. room 6. GIRL attending business college wishes to work for room ana board. Main dtl8. COMPETENT woman wants day work. Ref erences. wooaiawn 44U8. COMPETENT woman wants work by the day. Taoor EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. iasor iU4. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. YOUNG man attending school will work for board and room. Phone Bdwy 423. ADRriitimit WANTED 3 or 4-room unfurnished apart ment, walking distance; state rent, AH v, Oregonian; FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the hlch-nriced hotels, a lower rates; rooms with and without nrl vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ELTON COURT HOTEL YAMHILL. AT 11TH. Krontine Public Library : uotown bus! ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath In every room private phones; elevator; $3 to $6 per weeK. .Main twos. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th st., cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hot id, large at tractive rooms. Individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; W)c to $i.5tt per day. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management Mrs Lillian Merry : transient trade so lie! ted, rates reasonable; hot and cold water in every room, 2704 Fourth St.. cor. jeixerson. opposite city Hall. Phone Jiar snail od.jj. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sts- brick bull dine elevator service, telephone, hot and cold w;ater in rooms; sue to gl.ou per day. pe ciai rates oy tne weeK. HOTEL CONRADINE. 10th st., at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation; reepectaoie ana strictly moaern fireproof building, elevator and large lob py; rooms 3 per week up. STANDISH HOTEL, 548 1 Washington st.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE B LTSHMARK TOUR'hOME' Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week, a month and up. 5654 Washington st. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at 10th, RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phone and baths. NICELY furnished front room, walklnr dis tance; both phones, reasonable, 4024 3d st. The w arrenton. Main 777 1. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictl modern; private baths en suite; room $3 Up. Main 4tJ, A 47S3. FRONT elngle room, $10 per month. High land Court. Marshall 3181. HOTEL NORRIS. 53314 Alder. Strictly mod ern, x.du. sj ana sz.ou a weetc FORD HOTEL, private bath, nhone. 114 up without bath, $10 up. 733 Washington st. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. w arm, moaern rooms, 92 week up. Furnthhed Room lw Private Family. NICELY furnished front room, $7 month. iv is. loin. CLEAN, warm, cozy rooms. st. $2 week and up. Try 44S Taylor mtLL. M4. itTS H0P IT toR. The. -&ESX I r. t . 1 T-r , n ) tTutri -r 1 " n I ' ? FOR RENT. Fornlwhed Rooms In Private Fmuiy, NICELY " furnished 2 front rooms suitable for 2 or 3, modern, privilege of piano; easy walking distance; could be arranged for light housekeeping. 361 10th st. Main 3312. FURNISHED room, free phone, electric lights, good heat. 373 Taylor st. Phone Main 5522. CLEAN, warm furnished rooms, private fam ily, easy walking distance to business ctsn ter. 4t8 Taylor st. Reasonable rent. NICE room in beautiful home; running wa ter. shower bath. 055 Kverett st. NICELY furnished 2-room suite; references; 2 blocks from P. O. 265 6th st. FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 per week and up. 18i West Park. Rooms With Hoard. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attract e rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283. A 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suitesi Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. HE STRYKE-R, 654 Couch; family hotel. rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Rooms With Board In Prix-ate Family. LARGE front room, with or without board; good heat and bath. 414 Columbia, cor. 11th. Marshall 5305. ATTRACTIVE front room and board In beautiful home across from Multnomah Club; hot water heat. Main 7720. PLEASANT room, with board ; modern ac- r-ommodatlons. 681 Gllsan, Marshall 1248. COMFORTABLE, homelike room, with Ger man cooking. P1 h Montgomery st. ROOM AND -BOARD, 333 10 Ui o!. .rionr-e comrons GOOD rooms, with board. 595 E. Oak. Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT 13 quiet, refined, clean, safe, THE WHEALDON ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THS CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 8-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies, ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Tavlor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific i.oast ; rumisrtea complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior; large kitchens; service flrst- viaga , wanting distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $2,-,. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 189 N. 23d Un arr new management ; everything up to oate. completely furnished, private pnone n-iiu. umu, u. up. iiarsnaii z . . THE DEZEXDORF 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts. ah ouTsiae rooms, Tine view, close in. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, Z and 4 room furnished apartments, close In, by tren or montii. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. anis io up; neat, ugnt, bath; clean, respect- B-uiv. y umnu ve., cor. w&sningtoc. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished . o aiiu 4-room apartments ; lowest rates in city, turner N. 19th and North rup sts, DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern o, -room iurnisnea ana unfurnished, up. W - car to Northrup. Mar. 227. Ai.uiLK APTS., 341 14th; nicely furnished, ciean, airy ii-room apts. : private bath, pnone; n-; up; new management. NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block- $10 aim 91. noi union ave. . wain. 012, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas. ARCADIA 7oe Everett, 2-room apartment. walking distance ; references. Unfurnished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas. ovated. reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376, j IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants, references requiied. 689 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS 38th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. CHAPMAN APTS., 2 rooms with bath and dressing-room; fine outside rooms; phone heat, rent $17 to $18; walking distance. Mill and Chapman. WINDSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms "unfur.. ticau, tunuurmuic, uomeil ae, DiJCS. Car- Ilne, walking distance. East 2907. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 8 room. hardwood floors, mahogany finish first-class service; all light apts. A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken: light and airy; unexcelled outlook: reception-room, large lawn. etc. Gliean, near 23d. FOKDHAM Choice unfurnished front annrr. ment, oak and white enamel finish and oak r.'oors. itent reaeonaoie. Marshal 1881. 6-KOOM APT., with sleeping porch. Mawr. 185 E. 15th St.; $30. Bryn SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all out aid rooms; references. 780 Irving. Mar. 1759. THE MARLBOROUGH. 2lst and Flanders. Large, light, 5. 6 rms., reas. M.7516. A2676 THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3. 4. 5 xoor-ia, reasonable. Marshall "3rt0. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod ern; 6.-B Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. Furnished or 1 nf nrnUhed Apartments. WELLESLEY COURT. MELCUFFE COURT. -REX ARMS. Sunnyside carline, close In; 2 room; desirable And reasonable. and 3- TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BE UNA VISTA. 12th and Harrison tncuy moaern : an outside apartments; ideal location, references. Phone Main ium sna iunz. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all demils. Llicretia st. Marshall 1513. A Sn37. rights reserved. Registered in U. S. Pat WHAT WOCLD FOR RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms ; pricate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking d iRtance. BAHKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 3 and 4 room ; rates moderate ; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broau way ; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2506. Flats. $18.50. Including water, modern 5-room up per; uuicn kitcnen. rurnace, iirepiace. etc. E. 19th st. N., eor. Davla. Wdln. 4373 li A MONTH I rooms, desirable location. close to school and carline. Offden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. lb t-R., hdw. f'.rs.. Ivory finish, hot water. sep. entrance, close in. 360 Monroe. E. 6702. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central neatine Co., t K.earney. Mar. moo. fr LAT of six rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st. inquire Htn. pnor.e Main e-'7 3. MODERN 4-ro-m fiat, reasonable, near 23d and vasmngton sts Main sass. MODERN 6-room upper corner flat, all con veniences, bast tsoo. MODERN 4-room flat; porch, wood, gas range, garagw. 663 Market. Furnivoed Flats. STRICTLY mod. upper 6-room fur. flat. corner of Water and Glbbs, a few blocks irora steel and shiDbuilainc Plant: s bed rooms, bath, living and dining-room and kitchen. Take "S" car south. Apply 605 v ater st. Main 1511. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, disappearing bea. slee-Dinir oorch. heat, hot water, gar bage removal, walking distance. 3 carlines. cheap ret, 427 Rodney ave. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 5-room lower flat, hardwood floors, fireplace and piano. Rent reasonable to rignt party, can morn ings. Gil E. 9th st. N-, cor. Stanton. ON i-l $15 Five-room furnished flat, clean. desirable location, gas, bath, gas and wood ranges, sleeping porch. 772 E. Taylor. Fast 5260. $12 SMALL homelike flat for two, fur nished, private bath, sleeping porcn, stove neat, w arning uistance. oow vi -Meiraonu COMPLETE, modern 5-room lower flat, all outside, walking distance. 424 Tillamook. Iliu k eepl ng Room s. 1 ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur. nished. steam heat, running hot and cold ! water, phone In every room; 7 blocks , from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 201 Columbia st.. near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. walklnr distance, both phones: S2 pel week and up; newly renovated. Mala 7771. The Warrenton. 4024 3d St. MAKE the Buehmark your home; completely iurnisnea housekeeping rooms i weeK up. including jcas. elect'y. vat-r. 565 Vx Wash. 4il E. MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. Housekeeping: Rooms In Private Family. S12 THREE laree. clean, completely fur nished housekeeping rooms, clean bedding. curtains, carpets and linoleum, sink and private toilet gas and wood range, yard. free lights and phone, 2 blocks Sunnyside car. Call 7btt L. lamniu. $10 COMFORTABLY furnished first floor front room, use of kitchen ; heat. Ugnt. bath, phone; also H. K, room, $9. 2u5 1th et. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in a private home, everything iurnisnea. ot. Maisey st. THREE well-furnished rooms and kitchen ette, first floor, large bay window, close in. 314 Columbia. ONE COZY housekeeping room, suitable for one or two: rree on one. oatn ana neat : privilege of piano. 361 10th st. Main 3321. FURNISHED housekeeping week. Call '193 West Par K. $1 Wj'-IEK Clean, quiet, close in; largs grounds, pnonc. vo E. 8th. 3-ROOM apt., heat, light, cheap. 260 E. 23d, corner fc,. aiaaison. ynone c.a3t 4&i. TWO nice light b. k. rooms, $2.25 week. 3051 3d et. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, front rooms; references. 265 6th at. MODERN 4-room bungalows with self-light ing gas ranges, heaters, beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats, hardwood floors. "I?!?1".!?! L"1t?f.a"5 Dnw.,m8' "J!?? k.Hu '; Vk J " I Owners, bldg. Blanchard & Clemson. Selling I ATTRACTIVE Alameda home. Ideal corner. fine yard, 7 rooms and sleeping porch: strictly modern; neighborhood unsur passed . low rent for desirable tenant! lease if desired. Broadway car. 994 Bryce ave. Key across street. D. G. Wilson. Main 562. , 5 ROOMS near Peninsula Park.. $15.00 6 rooms near Peninsula Park 20. 00 7 rooms near Peninsula Park 18,00 4-room modern bungalow 6.50 6-ronm modern bungalow 10.00 LWWDL.N STOCK & LARSON CO., Broadway 1658. S06 Oak St. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1164 Patton ave. for Sid: 7-room V ouse, sleeping porch and garage, at 390 E. 9th St., for $20; 4-room house at 360 E. 34th st. for $7: keys 1334 in. w. Kantc pkipj Phone Main 1677. 5-ROOM modern house, two blocks from bunny side car. rent $18 per month. 113 E. 3&th st., or apply Hammond Mtg. Co.. j t namner or commerce. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free, expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th arrr! Hoyt sts Broadway 70S. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house at 28 East 1 1th st. North. Inquire at 73 East FOR RENT A modern 6-room house, fur nace, iirepiace. naroivtooa iioors; cor. lot. Da ana tu. tairaon. xaoor nui. S-ROOM house, hardwood floors, hot water neat, garage, corner, nice lawn. Main 1963. Main d4Uj. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms. 2 baths, furnace and in ryim o aim, dicq place. roODQ senwooa zuoi. 8 AND 10-room modern house, walking dls-1 tance, win renovate to suit good tenant. Main 24 1 R O t K CITY PARK CUXuALOW 5 roomi. modern In every way. S. D. Vincent A Co. fctoth phones. COMFORTABLE 6-room home, small yard; hot water, furnace. West Side. 610 Mar- Kft. main s;u u. MODERN owner. cottage, well located, cheap, -by .till TJi to. S J.OOM! Modern. ;0a 2lth st. N. Phon .vi sin c;o: rei erences ; rent reasonable. nu lit, i .n -room nouse, X4 :id St., near Aiarsnaii. r-none Marshall 1079. 6 ROOMS 25 Cook ave., near Williams; gap. eiycuinxv, ram. r-ast 1298. S-ROOM modern house, 712 LoveJoy. 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6578. FOR PENT Irvlngton. 7-room house at oji litn at. j. tun rMttock block. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity, walking dis- lantc v i tverou i. mono CiSSt B. 672 E. OAK ST., 5 Phone East T76. rooms, modern, clean. iiKiLiui moaern L,aureinurst home, near car. o lib juanaington court. Tabor 3284. $10 A SNAP. Nice 4-r. modern bunjralow 1 at 700 r. 4'itn. tuaat pzpi. Mam 556. 11-ROOM house, fll LoveJoy, etrlctiy mod ern. or per monin. .Main POLLY AND HER OT"- PA DO WITHOUT 7T EEWAHf BT FOR RENT. Furnished House. LARGE, new, modern, 8-room house with two immeise steeping porches, on Kearney street, near Twenty-third, which I wlil rent furnished for $30 per month to re sponsible tenants. For detailed particu lars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg. . FINE, modern 7-room house, 6 furnished; piano, 4 lots, fru-t, barn; rent reasonable to right party. Woodstock car to end of line. 2 block east, one block north. In quire at 6224 5tUh ave. 8. E. $35 FINE 7-room well-furnlshed house, fireplace, piano, sleeping porch, garage. Tabor 116L ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room house and sleeping porch, choice neighborhood, near car. Marshall 6013. MODERN 8-room house fn fine residence section with iirepiace, sv per mourn, w owner. 404 Piatt bldg. COMPLETELY furnished modern five-room bungalow; Rose City Park, block to car. Marshai) 6164. 5-ROOM clean, furnished bungalow, 727 E. iamtiiii. Key t ao 1 am nm. MODERN furnished cottages at S, P. car shops. Call East B2ao. MODERN 4-roora cottage, furnished; fruit trees, pavea street, near car. euw a zuoi. $12 MODERN 8-room furnished house. Room 40, lourny mag., za ana layior. Stores. S. W. COR. 16lh and Wsshlngton sts.. suit- aoio grocery, cigars, rruit; living room in rear; $27.60 rent; store 13th, bet. Wash ington and 6tark, suitable small auto sa.esroom, tires, motorcycle salesroom. E. J. Daiy. 221 Failing bldg. t'OK KENT Stor on Morrison St., between oth and 6tn: 40 xeet xront ny t net aeep: long lease. Apply t-nerman, iiay Offices. FOR RENT, en suite or singly, 12 offices out of 87 In Fenton bldg.. 84 Sixth street, center of financial district between First " National Bank and new unitea btates na tional Bank bldg., and opposite wells-Fars-o bids-. Terms reasonable. Wm. D Fenton. owner; C W. Pallett. agent. Fen ton bldg. PRIVATE office and reception-room. $15 famished private office, $10; share tins office, $7.50. 209 Stock Exchange. 3d and lamniti. tLL-KLH.N I H E D nrivste office: all desK room, $5 and $7. 7?3 Cham, or com. ntts $7 up: furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. Halls. 45x50 NEW maple floor, suitable for dano In nart fLAnd receDtlonu. Der niKQi: Saturdays, $6.00; includes heat. light, piano. Would lease. 874 Alberta st. Fhoae Woodlawn 2077. NEATLY furnished dancehall, corner Front and Glbbs, reasonable; also large, well equipped lodge hall. Main 1511. BUSINESS OPrORTrNTIE8. FOR SALE A neat and up-to-date tailoring ana gents' lurnishl.igs stor, aoing nooui $3ooo a month business; $2000 stock of shoes and 284 lockers, which are rented to enlisted men of the Navy to keep their clothes in, which they pay $1 per month for the use. Invoices over $11,000. Will take less than invoice. Owner will help purchaser to get started and get ac quainted with customers. ADDRESS AV 374. OREOONTAN. $10,000 WILL secure half interest In manu facturing ulant and patent which win oe the best selling machine on the market ; no competition: every lumber mill or ymra will purchase, as It saves 50 to 75 per cent labor cost. Address D. A, Hatfield, ttalla Walla, Wash. AT 328 Washington street: Portland, there a tne best traveling proposition on tne lousi for a man of business ability to open and sell my novel tv candy butcher shops in all principal cities of the U. S. $5oo re quired; big money in this for the right man. PARTNER for going manufacturing and retail business; man who is wining to give his time and manage my business; I guar antee you $250 per month; $1500 required for half Interest. For appointments phone Main 1W12, or call 328 Washington et. COLD STORAGE, ice plant, all modern ma- cninerv. large warenouse. own water, it R. and water transportation, good Coast town; $5000 cash. bal. 412. o0 long time at 6 per cent. A. G. MlCHELL, Lane siae, ur. OLD established hotel and business can be bought at a bargain. Will be at the Ira xerial Hotel for 3 davs. Call for Crist at office. Will take $10,000 to swing the deal. Will be in from w to 12 and 1 to 4 P. M. MUST SELL $8000 stock of dry-goods, ladies ready-to- wear garments and shoes. December sales souuo. uoou town, oig territory, musk sen quica. a caress W. A. FULKERSON, ONTARIO, OR. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closine- deal for so-called interest In established real estate business get ad vice 01 ortsd Realty Board. PALL A. COWGTLL, Sec., , 202 Henr.v Bldg. FIRST-CLASS POOL HALL. CIGAR STORE ana contectionery comomea; clearing to $250 month; $1400 buys; doing fine business; on account of partnership. Man uel He Spohn, 11 H; and 13 South 3d St., waiia waiia. wash. , GARAGE for storage and repair work; one or tne finest oneninsa about the city: sit uated on the main traveled artery out of Portland, with fine residence section ana no garage facilities whatever. For par ticulars call at 4U4 Piatt bldg. HIGH-CLASS Kiocery stock and fixtures the cream of location, town of 6000; must re reen to b. appreciated; price $1200 cash will handle. 115 East 2d at Ainany, or. FOR SALE Small sawmill, worth $3000, Hood River County, good timber, good con dltion, good local trade; will sell cheap on account sickness If taken at once. J. C. Simonton, Route 3. Hood River. OLD ESTABLISHED and only fl.h and poultry market In good town 2000, . near Portland; good, fresh stock, fixtures com plete, building; good business for 2; $400 cash. Address AV 892. Oregonian. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a Business of any kind, en v where, A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Well established hardware store in first-class location; reason for sale. owner going Into manufacturing business. F 19, Oregonian. WILL sell all or part furnishings house keeping apts.. 15-room house: good busi ness, excellent locstion. 475 E. Rurnelde, cor. 9th. Call Afternoons. E. 54)55. RESPONSIBLE party to rent equipped din ing-room ana Kitcnen, gooa town close to Portland; Investigate. AJ 0. Oregonian. FOR SALE By . owner, finest 3-table pool room on tne west Mae; ousy corner, plenty of good stock. Main 8-511. WE have 40 grocery stores from $40O to S40,uoo. casn ana trnae. facirio Agency. Inc.. CIS Swetland bldg. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell it; anything. man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. Lay- WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Mlllershlp, 431 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD BUY 21 -room hotel, full, restau rant, doing good transient business. AJ fi, Oregonian. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Paclfbt Agency. Inc. 515 Swetland bldg. PALS CXIFF STEBBETT. . l BCMNKSS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Confectionery and news store with a paper route that nets $80 per month; must sell on account of health; no trades considered; this is a good place and a good business, and if you are look ing for something In this line it will pay you to come and see; don't put It off come now. or apply to Rainier Confection ery, Rainier, Or., box 547. BtSlNKSS OPPORTt 'MT1KS WANTF.D. HAVE CASH purchaser for hardware or general store In Oregon. Washington or California. Prefer small town not exceed ing atnHt inhabitants; in replying Klve price end full Information. See or address L L. Blumenthal. 2tJ Stark sU Portland. Phone Main 20 KOOMINfi-HOlSEH. WANTED as tenant. 63 rooms, modem brick building, northwest corner 4th and Sal mon, above offices German-American dally. German-American or Swiss tenant. If re sponsible, preferred, Wm. D. Fenton. agt.. Fenton bldg. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a Hotel. Rooming or Apt -House, 1 A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest. Reliable Agency In City. 524 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. FOR SALE Furn. 10 rooms, $450 cash, all run, electric ngnts, low rent, av Co lumbia st., cor. 10th. HOTELS. APTS.. OR ROOMING-HOUSES. ANY SIZE, PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRANTZ. 621 TEON BUILDING. 18-ROOM modern apartment. This place will be sold regurdless of price. Phone Main 345D. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Lady's handbair in Jitney ou Wash ington st.. -containing keys and money. Suitable reward for return to 37 Trinity Place. Marshall 1050. Room 36. LOST Jan. 3, by T. Naidenoff, time book, containing checks Nos. 3iS8 and 15toL6U, also several Bulgarian Bank notes, also pasport. Reward. Return St'4 Couch st. IN CENTER of city by poor woman about to sell for groceries pair screw diamond earrings. Bias 43d 0. E. LOST Ladrs fanc-y work bar containing crochet work. Finder please Call Tabor BLACK house cat. white throat, ample re ward for information. Mar. 5712 or Main 4388. LOST One 35x4 4 old Goodrich tire and rim, on Burnside St.. betw en West 12th and East 83d. Call Tabor 1s0. Reward. LOST Lady's silver vanity case; initials V J. T. Phone Main st3 3. Reward. LOST Senlekln muff Phone Main 4512 call at 257 Stout St., get reward. LOST A Hupmobile crank. Please return to j-anay Koad uarage. 1:4th ana anay oiva. LOST Large diamond stud; liberal reward. Phone Main lhA LOST Tail of black fox fur. Main 25S7 SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN In ac cordance with an agreement with D Lam Dm an and H. Jones, dated June li15. to repay money advanced on twelve reels of photo films, I will sell tu the highest bidder for cash on January 19, lb!7. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the oifU-e o the Peoples Amusement Company at West Park and Alder streets. Portland Oregon, the said 12 reels of films to repay the money advanced on same. E. SHAINWALD. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE NORTH ERN BREWERY COMPANY Notice 1 hereby triven that all creditors of and per sona having claims against the Northern Brewery Company art required by an or der made by the United States District Court for the District of Oregon in the suit of the Security Savings & Trust Com pany, complainant, vs. trie Northern er& ery Company and the United Banking i Sa vines Com Dan v. d. fendants. to pr-sen to Henry Boehmke, receiver, at his office. East Third ar.d Burnside streets, in the city of Portland, Oregon, their several claims and demands against the said The Northern Brewery Company, making proof thereof in writing and upon oath, on or before March 1, 1'j17. and in default there of said creditors and parties having de mands against the said The Northern Brewery Company will be debarred from participating in any dividend or distribu tion of the assets of said The Norrthem Brewery Company that will be made by the receiver. This order was maue and entered of record on January 5. i;17, by the United States District Court for the District of Oregon In said cause. HENRY BOEHMKE. Receiver of The Northern Brewery Company. Portland. Oregon, January 5, 1917. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN From and after this date, January 6, 1 1 7. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by or on account of my wife, Mrs. Eva Marsh. W. B, Marsh, Morrison street, Port land, Oregon. BARGES for rent, capacity 500 tons 85. Main FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to S per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property, 7 to 8 per cent. WH IT MER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk, WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or contracts, preleraoiy or montniy install ment payments. Portland Loan Company, 3"rt Dekum bldg. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or ash. H. E. Noble, Lumber mens bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND ft MollTGAGS CO.. 80 4th st.. Board of TraJ bMg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort rarei pi rchssed. Iewls A Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on It-al Estate. 43500 5i PER CENT Will loan on Improved farm for 20 years or less. w 1.', oregonian. itONEV "O LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PR f; PERT Y: WILL CALL IF INTEK- tsTt:i-- none xsticr win. SEE US today for loans on Improved city property, e to s per cent; sox) and up. t. e nar-aaurt on o eo a eon Diag. $2ou.00O TO LOAN In sums to suit: build Inr loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315 316 Falling bldg. Fhone Main 34T. 50O. $1(00 AND upwards on Improved real estate. ravoraoie terms; no delay; uo brokerage. John Bsln. .V'7 Spaldln bide. $100O TO $l'0O TO LOAN on city or farm. no commismon f. u. box M3. city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOWS. A. H. Hsrdine, 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on t-tty sna rarm property. 5 per cent up. c. t urns. t nam. or c om. FARM and city loans. 4 pr cent; no com mission. E vai. oreKonlan. $200. $350. n00. $1200. 1 S00. Fred W German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerre. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per rent. uwlkt Jft -u tjoarn or Trade bldg MONEY Any amount. H to 8 per cent. H. Kelts. "10 Spaldlna- Main 65S4. HAVE cllento with money to loan. Oliver m. Mickey. Atty.. jp n. w. Hank bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUI SALOMON "A CO.. 300 OAK ST. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtr. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. $500 AND UP, T PER CENT. Q 997. OR EGO X I A X. 6EUI TRoM FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Re! Ftate, OUR Installment plan is the best and surest,, method of payioc a loan. $32.26' Pr month for 36 months or $21.24 for 6 months, or $15.17 for &o months pays a $1000 ioan and Interest. Other amount tu proportion. We loan on improved city property Or f cr building purposes. No rimir isslon ci; arced. EQUITABLE t-AVlNS LOAN ASSN. 243 Stark Street. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT W, PER CENT. Any Amount. No De'aya Repayment Privileges. CLAKK. KENDALL A CO.. 205. 2u6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 6 PER CENT money. J to A years, residence property; will accept $100 or more on principal at any interest period payment; 54 per cent money on business property, same t-rms. Pacific Title er Trust Co.. T Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptlv closed. Attractive repaving privileges. A. H. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm Link; co delay: no commissions. Devereacx Mortgage Company. 607 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. 5 PER CENT losns r.lll be made on central retail Dusines properties, c and 7 per cent on oter securities. KDWARDE. GOt'DET CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. FARM mortgage of $1000 wanted; might Ke tw- smaii loans or uo each: snnmit vonr security to my attorney at 404 Piatt Md jr. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FAR ft INGTON. SO Fourth Street. Portland. Or $250. 4U0. S.'SOO. $.50. $750. Fred W. Ger- msn Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Mnf to Loan Chattels and Salaries, FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. LOANS. All that Is necessary to establish credit with us is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that you are working either will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 81T Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE U3 SALARIES . . . CHATTELS Loans .made to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furn:ture. pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed), oW-307 Dekum Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased 2?2- McKay bldg. Main 1242. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab ilrhed Ly Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager. 394 Stark st. Money loaned on dla monds, jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. MONEY to ivian on diamonds, jewelry; legal rate, all articles held 1 year; established since 18. Dan Marx. 2S Washington. PIANO and furniture loans; I. censed by the state. Geo. Harvey. Ta bor 806. Loans Wanted. WANT $60O. 7 per cent, private party, to enlarge established business; good secur lty. V 12. Oregoi-ian. I CAN place $400 to $5000 at 7 per cent and 8 per cent interest ; grafters stay away. R. W. Fisher. 413 Stock Exchange bldg. PERSONAL. HA lit GOODS. LOWES'. RICES. 30-inch wavy switch. 2 sp $1.50 24-incU wavy switch, 3 s. ...... l.OO . Ali-rounu transformation 1.4 Halrdt estng. shampooing. tac massage, bsir bobbing, manicuring. 25c Hair re- . moved by electric ucecle. switch made of combings, t5c. We buy your combings. ' San;;ary Parlors, 4u0-il Dekum bldg.. od and yaa rung ton. Marshall 1702. DR. ELLA M'INTTRE Ladies specialist; aisease u.uicay rcmovea by nervo manip ulation; electro tutji Apeutica, bain said 1- bratiun. Special price 10 Ju. 15. Hours 11 to 5 P. M. 511 Northwest bldg., bth and Washington sts. tt c i Ac H ANEBL T. leading lg and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; haji'Liiessiiig, manicuring, face and scalp tieatmetiL Removed to 34U Aldor. near Bnauway. Main 546. Lunftt, NiiiZEL, Gttrmau trained nurse. and masseuse, giv-es tieatmeuts for rneu- matism. lumDao, neuralgia, etc., massage I and baths; lady assistant; now located at - 3lu Far, au MariiaU 5v 3. open sunaays. G ERM AN nurse, massage, electric b.anwois uad baths fur rheuiuatism, lumbago, neu laigla. etc.; lady trained nurse b.stant. 25t 11th st. Open Sundays. Marsha, 1 31k7. LADIES, darken your gray hair In six weetts with our hair tonic, does not dye. Is absolutely harmless. 407- Broadway bldg. We teach manicuring. iwiv. MRS. J. C. SCHORI gives demonstra tions Sunday, S P. M., at Arcanum HalL luu ltn u Reads daily at Beverly Ho tel, 5 Park stu Mar. 5u7b. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, J rueuiuatism, luiuoago, ucc ana scaip; sut batns. 426 Clay st. Main S351. SUPKRFLLOL'S HAIR destroyed forever by muitipie-neeule metnod; consultation free. Mile. DeLong. 504 Swetland blag. AZA H. R1BBECKE. featural correction. st. face ana scaip massage. i-u liita St.. near Wash. Mar. 360. Advice free. SPIRITUALISM Kev. Mary L. La' Mar teacher paluuctry sua cards daily. 5th st. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental, spiritual scientist. 30U lourney b.dg.. lu to 4 daliy. Written questions Wed.. 7:45 P. M. Mar. 3u'.u. PA U LIN E DARL. from Lt. facial, scalp. massage. vi v1 asuiugiou. rt:u. u.. xira. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years in Portland; 20ttt century scieuce in pannistry taugm; spirit ual readings daily. 375 Taylor 1L ChlKUfKACTlC. steam baths, light, heat, electric ar.d vibratory massage. Dr. Mar taret Haynle. 517 Swetland. Main 1765. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory " uiassae Oitc 4U. 3d floor. 145 H Broad w a y. aPlRlTULls M Pev. May A. Price, circls Tuesday, 2 and 8 P. M. und Sun. & P. M.; rrad'-iiR datly. 2t2 Clay. Marshall .fcijAPSO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port land Hotel pharmacy. MASS GE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nu-se. 30S 3d. Apt. C. Main 1019. MISS JOHNSON, chiropody, massage, light njsgnetlc Appointments only. Main 504, K,L,bX'TRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 4J7--'0 Northwestern Bank bldg. n..v.:t5 Dfc. MAVO, s-alp specialist. Morrison st. Office 11. It OS EN A TAYLOR Masseuse and scale 1 and scalp spe shall 313o. ciahst. 16 Park st. Marsh FACIAL and scalp massage, shampooing. a.-.G fcj Mgrrlson st. Office 202. uax ANDREWS teaches phrenology and caid reading. 2S2 Park st. Main 754S. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonlo Tablets. 55" Hoyt st. Phone Main 5393. MAGNETIC healer; treatments dally. 170lr 2d St., 4th floor., apt. 9. Mar. 247. LIFE READER Hart Apts.. 170t 2d apt. 15. 4th floor. Marshall 2631. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of flce 215. 350 H Morrison st MOLES luprfluous hair removed. M ra. M. D. Htn. 429 FUedner bldg Msln 3473. SCALi", massage and shampooing, room 850 Yamhill et., near Park. A2 iK5 SO IELUaI AOU OA, I Auir 1 1