THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAy ATXJRDAT, JANUARY G, 1917. "SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS SATURDAY IN OUR CORSET SHOP THIRD FLOOR Men's to 98c Belts 39c A clean-up of odds and ends men's good belts, including some that are slightly "hurt." All sizes and a fine assortment of buckles to select from. Only 50 in the lot we should dispose of them all today at the unprecedented low price of only 39c Jewelry Shop, Main Floor 75c Pins, Brooches 45c Beautiful bar pins with the most artistic stone settings in a (fine assortment of effects and col orings, including the desirable plain single-tone effect. Unusual values at 75c to make a won derful sale today we have reduced them to 45c Jewelry Shop, Main Floor 18 Eyeglasses for Only 83.50 For this special price today our graduate op tometrist will carefully examine your eyes and prescribe glasses (only if needed) to your individ ual requirements. lenses fitted in gold-filled mountings at this special price today only, $3.50. Optical Shop, Balcony Sixth SL 5 The- V StcJre- or- Portland Our Sale of Remnants and Odds & Ends Brings Forth Many Good Things Today 40c Choc. Mint Squares 29c 40c Choc Cocoanut lb. 19. Rolls, 29. 15c Plain Mixed at, 30c Peanut Brittle, lb. 10d. lb. 23d. Ice Cream, full 25c French Mixed, brick, 39. Main, Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony. 3 ft Every Man Can Afford a New Silk Tie With Prices as Low as We've Made Them Today Fancy "FOUR-IN-HANDS" in a Great Clearaway 50c Ties Reduced to 35c 3 for $1. Broken lines of all our regular fine 50c fancy four-in-hand ties. A great variety of smart new patterns and color effects. Wide flowing-end shape's. Made with the popular slip-easy band that saves time and temper and prolongs the, life of the tie. $1.00 Ties Reduced to 65c Our regular fine quality dollar silk ties in brocades, stripes, dots, figured effects, etc Broken lines, but a wonderful assortment to choose from at this good saving today. All made with slip-easy bands. Good dollar values in silk neckwear now at 65c. $1.50 and 82.00 Ties 98c High-grade silk ties in many pleasing pat terns and colors. Big, generously cut, wide flowing-end'styles in basket weaves, satin, om bres, crepes, etc. stripes, figures, dots, bro cades, allover patterns and other smart effects. All made with slip-easy bands. Excellent $1.50 and $2.00 silk ties in this great sale today at only 98c. 82.50-$3.50-$5 Ties $1.65 Finest imported and domestic silks in a unique assemblage of patterns and colors. In cluded are superb satins in beautifully blended colors and handsome figured designs, basket weaves, ombres, Persians, allover effects, etc. All have slip-easy bands. Flannelette Night Shirts and Pajamas Warm, comfortable sleeping garments for these cold nights at prices that counsel early choosing. Especially good offerings in NIGHT SHIRTS at 75c, 98c, $1.45; PAJAMAS at $1.49, $1.85, $2.45. Supply your needs at these lower-than-elsewhere prices. Ruff-Neck Sweaters $3.59 Men's good weight worsted sweaters in gray, red, tan, navy and white. With ruff -neck collar and two pockets. A very special value at $3.59. $1.50 Union Suits $1.15 Famous Munsing union suits in goodvquality cotton. A medium heavy weight. Cream color. The usual high Munsing standard underwear. $1.50 suits $1.15. Main Floor New Spring Hat Styles Are Shown Here Today All the latest shapes in styles for late Winter and early Spring wear. All prices $2 to $5. 2 Big Clothing Events! Wonderful savings on good Winter-weight suits and overcoats today on our big Third Floor. A fine chance for every man to effect a complete transformation in his outer self at little effort and little expense. Take your pick of either of these exceptional sale lots you make a good saving either way. $25-830 Suits, Overcoats $19.17 Included are such famous makes as Society Brand, Rogers Peet, Adler-Rochester, Hickey-Freeman and Louis Holtz & Sons. A cleanup' of our regular fine stock fancy suits and overcoats. All wanted fabrics, styles, patterns and colors. All sizes to fit men of every build. What ever your age or taste, there's a suit and overcoat to please you here today at $19.17. Suits and Overcoats $14.85 Most of these good garments would put to shame many of the so-called $20.00 values sold else where. Smart new fabrics and models for advanced as well as conservative dressers in all sizes to fit men of every build. A splendid selection today $14.85. Boys' "Sampeck" Clothes "The Standard of America" in boys' clothing. Made from specially selected and tested fabrics by master craftsmen working under condi tions that are nothing short of perfect. A finely tailored Sampeck gar ment is the logical choice for parents who are particular about their boys' appearance as well as. desirous of receiving good value for every penny put into the boy's clothes. Suits in such fine materials as im ported tweeds, homespuns, cassimeres, velours, worsteds and fancy cheviots. Beautiful patterns in all wanted colors. Every fancy Sampeck suit has two pairs of full-lined pants. Models to fit boys of every build and all sizes 5 to 18 years. Priced $10 to $20. Sampeck overcoats in all good overcoatings, styles and sizes. 2t to 18 years. $7.50 to $20.00. THIRD FLOOR Sale Girls' College Princess Dresses The popular little one-piece serge dresses so practical for school and general wear are greatly reduced in this sale. All the most attractive styles American Frat, College Princess and Billie Burke of fine all-wool serge are here at these reductions, bizes XZ to lb years $13.93 Dresses for only $11.25 $15.00 Dresses for only $12.00 $17.50 Dresses for only S14.00 $18.50 Dresses for only $14.95 $13.50 Peter Thompsons $8.95 Heavy, all-wool navy blue serge dresses in regulation Peter Thomp son styles. With front and back yokes, many with side lacings, others with side pockets. Braid trimmed, finished with colored emblem and silk tie. Sizes 14 and 16. HATS AT HALF -Fancy dress hats PRICE of beaver, velvets and silks in all the pret tiest youthful models for children from 2 to 8 years. Regularly $7.93 to $15.00 Special at $3.98 to $7.50 $2.9S RAIN CAPES $2.49 Sizes for children 2 to 14 years. Good qualities of red and blue rubberized sateen. Made full and wide, with arm slits. Hood at tached and lined with plaid silk lining. Special at $2.49. GIRLS' $7.50 COATS $5.95 Slipon Balmacaan coats of good English tweed shower proof mixtures. Made with removable back belt and deep pockets. In green, brown and black mixtures. Sizes 8 to 14 years. $3.93 AND $6.49 DRESSES $4.95 Dresses made of wool chal lie, serges and checked mate rials. With plain and pleated skirts, bolero jackets and guimpes. Many with touches of velvet trimming, and some with belt pockets. 6 to 14 sizes. $8.50 RAIN COATS, $6.95 Heavy rubberized novelty plaid cloth coats, with raglan sleeves, chin chin collars, two piece adjustable belts and deep cuffs. Large inside pockets. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Excellent -values. Girls' Shop. Second Floor. 75c-sldi Drape Veils 65c Black, brown and navy blue drape veils, in chenille and velvet dotted designs. 1 to 14 yards long. Special 65c $2.00 TO $2.50 DRAPE VEILS. $1.69 Becoming veils in hexagon mesh, with designs in chenille and hand-run effects. Some combined with chiffon in novel manner. One special lot at $1.69. $3.00 TO $3.73 DRAPE VEILS. $2.89 Drape veils, embroidered in the effective new wool de signs. Green, taupe and plush on black ground. Good $3.00 to $3.75 values, reduced to $2.89. $3.00 AND $3.50 SQUARE VEILS $3.50 Large square drape veils of hexagon mesh, edged with Chantilly lace. In black, white, brown and purple. Veil Shop, Main Floor. Sale and Showing of Women's and Children's Hosiery and Underwear WOMEN'S 33c HOSE 3 PAIRS $1.00 Medium-weight cashmere hose, warm and comfortable. Seamles3 style with ribbed and hemmed top. Pair 35c. 3 pairs $1.00. WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 3 PAIRS $1.00 Warm fleeced cotton hose, in seamless style, with ribbed tops. All regular and out sizes, pair 35c or 3 pairs f 1.00. WOMEN'S 35c HOSE PAIR 29 Fiber boot silk hose in black and white. Sizes 9 and 9 only. A splendid quality, special 3 pairs 80c, or pair for 29c. CHILDREN'S 23c HOSE 1G Medium-weight black cotton hose for children. Sizes 6 to 9H. Ex cellent quality for all-around wear, special, pair 16c. INFANTS' 35c HOSE 3 PAIRS $1.00 Infants' soft, warm cashmere hose, with silk heel and toe. All sizes in black and white. Fine, soft hose, pair 35c, 3 pairs $1. INFANTS' 13c HOSE 2 PAIRS 23 Medium-weight cotton hose, with reinforced heels and toes. Black and white, sizes 4 to 6Va. 2 pairs 25c, pair 15c. Over Sunday G rocenes Bine nihbon Bnitu, freshly churned, finest q u a 1 Ity. two-pound OOp roll at U Wlenermirfitx, f r e sh I M n shipment dally, lb... Dolled Ham. sliced OCp to order, the pound... ""U Wild Rose Hams. Of medium weights, . lb.. ' Bacon, Columbia sugar cured, whole or OOlAr half strips, pound Z In mi ant Poiturn, It. large cans. HJo Walnuts, new crop, larpe size, medium hard Bhells, the pound Currants. Monopole or Red Ribbon, large 00 package at.... t,i-i Figs, new California I C layer, the pound ' Ralsrns, Thompson's Not-a-Seed. fine quality, re cleaned, capped stemmed raising, the pack- I Mm lire at lrt.1 HO 15c Catsup, Blue Label, large bottles, the dozen I On at S2.20. each 3U Coffre, "Superior" blend, Dur regular 35c grade, On two lbs. 55S. lb Prunes, new Italian, regu lar 12 c grade, the I ("In pound at ' Uw Mixed Nuts, guaran teed new crop, priced, ICp the pound 22 and..'"1 Walnnla, new crop, Cali fornia Soft Shell, the Ofln pound at tUli Ratal ns, large size. Im perial clusters, regu- Oftn lar 25c grade, pound"'' Seeded Raisins, Sun Maid, Monopole or Red I ("In Ribbon, large pkg...lUU Hawaii an Sliced Pine apple, Victor brand, thick slices, put up in sugar syrup, JNo. z cans, at Navel Orangres, thin skinned, juicy fruit, I Cn dozen 29. 25 and I w Spttsenlierir Apples, laree size, highly-colored, J I OC firm apples, box.. . w I iZU Ninth i'loor, 'irth St. 14c sSST Winter Gloves .For Women and Children Our new stocks are now complete we are fully prepared to take care of your glove needs in warm silk and fleece-lined gloves and mittens. All sizes and styles are here! Women's Fleece-Lined Gray Mocha 2-clasp style. $2.25. Women's Fleece-Lined Tan Cape 1-clasp style, $1.75. Women's Silk-Lined Gray Mocha 1-clasp style, $1.75. Women's Large Cuff Woolen Gloves, $1.50. Women's . and Misses' Cuff -Length Golf Gloves, $1.25. Children's Gray Mocha Mittens, fleece-lined, pair $1.25. Children's Gloves, in good assortment of tans and grays all sizes 1 to 16 years with warm fleece linings, pair 65c to $1.75. Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens, all colors, pair 25C, 35C and 50C. Glove Shop. Main Floor. TOILETRIES 50c Java Rice Face Powder yrfn for only OlC Mavis Talcum Powder Oft- priced at mOC White Violet and Rosary - p Talcum at ADC 50c Veda Rose Rouge now QQ at only OtL 25c Jergen's Benzoin and - Q Almond Lotion -LvsCs 25c Jergen's Crushed Rose OfC- and Violet Talcum, 2 for. ...OL 50c Hinds' Honey and Al- A f mond Cream flUC Lemon Cerate priced now CjQq 50c Vivo Cold Cream on Qr7 sale at........... ...O I v Colgate's Assorted Odors OCTf Soap, the box "uL Colgate's Cashmere Bou- -I quet Soap, cake s. X"U 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap Of- now at only iUU 25c Packer's Tar Soap on 1 sale at AOU Roger & Gallet Violet Soap 9Hf priced at .O vl U Roger & Gallet package Rice Powder - Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. W OMEN'S FINE LISLE HOSE, 33 A splendid quality of fine lisle hose. Black only, with double wide garter welt, high spliced heel and re inforced sole and toe. An excellent stocking for wear 3 pairs $1 or, pair 35c. CADET HOSE FOR CHILDREN. The hosiery for youngsters that is made to wear. With reinforced linen at every point where wear is greatest heel, toes and knee. Medium and heavy weight. Priced 30c and 35c pair. Women's "Silk Maid" Hose the best silk stocking you can wear! It embodies both beauty and service to the highest degree maintained at its own high standard of quality, despite the fact that labor and material have advanced from 50 to 100 during the past year. A bigger and better value than ever when compared with competitive brands. All sizes at $1.25. Athena Underwear About 3 Off! Athena the ideal undergarment for women and children. It is tailored to fit and cut with particular at tention to comfort. All regular prices reduced about for this sale! Women's $1.25 Union Suits.. 80c Women's $2.25 Union Suits Sl.7 Women's $1.75 Union Suits $1.& Women's $3.50-$4 Union Suits $2.5.1 Women's 63c Vests and Pants 44 Women's $1.25 Vests and Pants STtf Women's $1.75 Vests and Pants St. 3.1 Women's $2.50 Vests and Pants Jjl.."9 Children's $1.25 Union Suits !)."p Children's 73c Union Suits 57r Main Floor. Sixth Street $2.25 Aluminum Berlin Kettles $1.49. LIKE ILLUSTRATION A good aluminum Berlin kettle with perforated hold-fast strainer cover, which enables you to pour off water easily and conveniently. Full 6-quart size special $1.49. Basement. Fifth Street. 36-Incli Steamer Trunk A big special value for Saturday only ! 3 - ply veneer steamer trunk, metal covered, with heav ily reinforced corners. A good, serviceable trunk on sale Saturday, $5.25. 14-16 Traveling Bags $11.75 Women's 15, 16 and 17-inch bags in all grains of leather walrus, long, smooth and pebble. Beautifully made and lined with silk or leather. Splendid bags Saturday $11.75. $18.50-$20 Suit Cases $14.85 The best grade of leather, made into good, strong suit cases. With and without straps. Luggage Shop, 6th Floor I 5 I . I ! I ! I " 1 COUNTY REFUSES TO AID No Funds to Be Given for Union Avenuo Viaduct. The Board of County Commissioner yesterday refused to pay any part of the coBt of constructing' the Union . avenue viaduct as a part 'of the south approach to the Interstate bridge. The : decision was announced to the City - Council, which arranged to hold a spe- rial meeting at 10 A. M. Monday to " consider the question of objections to : assessments against property cover ' fng the cost of the work. Property owners assessed have filed strong" objections since the completion of the project. They contend that the cost should be borne, at least in part, by the city, the same as is done in or dinary bridge and viaduct projects. The Council had aeked the county to bear some of the cost from the Inter state bridge fund. Central la Kecrulter Promoted. CENTRAIJA, Wash.. Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) Corporal James Gunn, who has been in charge of the local recruiting office of the United States Army since the office was established here, has been promoted to a sergeantcy. The lo cal recruiters have made an exception al record. 22 recruits having been en listed in December. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. MEMORIAL DAY TOMORROW Beta Phi Sigma Plans Services for Departed Brothers. According to usual custom. the Beta Phi Sigma will observe the "first Sunday of January as Memorial Day. in respect to their brothers who have passed away. Significant in the ob servance is the wearing of the frater nity flower, the rose, by every mem ber of the 35 active chapters that rep resent this fraternity from Coast to Coast. The local chapter of the fraternity has arranged to attend the First Con gregational Church in a body for the morning services. As a number of the out-of-town members are now in the city it is expected that about 30 members will attend. Rev. Luther K. Dyott has arranged to deliver special services for the attending chapter. Grazing Conference Held. ROSEBURG. Or.. Jan. 5.-(SpeciaL) S. C. Bartrum, of the Roseburg fores try offices, officiated yesterday at a conference held at Myrtle Creek for the purpose of making concessions to cattlemen who desire to run their etock in the forest reserve. These grazing rights are allowed by the Gov ernment each year and are taken ad vantage of by many livestock dealers of this vicinity- ROSEBURG PYTHIANS ELECT I. T. Whitney Is Chancellor Com mander of Alpha IxxJge. ROSEBURG. Or.. Jan. 6. (Special.) At a well-attended meeting of Alpha Lodge. Knights of Pythtas. Wednesday night, the following officers were in stalled for the ensuing term: I. T. Whitney, chancellor commander; C. C. Zweigart. vice-chancellor; B. R, Shoe maker, prelate; W." H. Bowden, master of work: E. E. Wimberly. keeper of records and seal; Roy Durbin, master of finance; W. T. Wright, master of the exchequer; T. F. Patterson, master at arms; George Jones, inner guard; C K. Marks, outer guard, and Free Johnson, trustee. C- F. Hopkins, deputy grand chancellor, acted as Installing officer. The Pythian Sisters will install their officers on January .10, followed by a box social. Walter G. Gleeson, grand keeper of records and seals; H. G. Wortman, grand chancellor, and Mr. Crouch, vice grand chancellor, will pay the local Knights of Pythias lodges an official visit January 17. Y. M. Ramsay Wants Judgeship. OREGOSIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan. S. W. M. Ramsay, of Mc Minnville, today applied to the Ore eon Senators -for indorsement for vacant Federal Judgeship In Hawaii. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co.. 2843 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. 111., writing your name and address clearly. Tou will receive in return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for bronchial and la grippe coughs, colds and croup: Foley Kidney Pills, for lame back, weak kidneys, rheumatism, bladder troubles: and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. You can try thefe three excellent remedies for only 6c Adv.. .