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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1917)
ME 3IOKXIXG OT1EGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY G, 1917. 13 situation's wasted ule. bwkKefpet ud Clerk. EMPLOYERS. ATTENTION. An experienced, competent and all around general business man desires to become connected with progressive com mercial house in. Portland, specifications are organization, supervision and detail; French. English and German linguist; various capacity In large companies from departments to first in charge; thoroughly accustomed to meeting people; one man under whom he worked for over 1 years has written: "You always took a deep personal interest in our affairs and have put an energy and efficiency la every thing you did that It would be difficult to surpass." Address H 3, Oregonian. MlMeilanMu. 1 WANT a position in a retail grocery; out of city preferred; 3 years experience and understand the business; age tt; always on the job and can show good letter. YV 371, Oregonian. MAHKIED man, 3f years old, expert tractor engineer, and familiar with all farm work, wants p os i Lion on ra nch w hero only high claas work is appreciated; wife is A-l "ook: no children. G Hi Oregonian. JAPANESE, competent chauffeur, houseman, wants position, afternoons, for moderate wages, without found; West Side; refer ences. AO 8, Oregonian. EX PER1ENCED hotelman wants position, dining-room, lunch counter, kitchen, etc BF liOtf. Tregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, with experience, wishes position on small farm. D 21, Ore gonian. LOCOMOTIVE engineer or fireman wants position. Woodlawn 229, ask for apart ment 6. BY experienced, all-around poultry house man. Care room 307, i4U E. Burnslde St., ity. phone E. 171- BOY, IS. must have permanent position, office or technical work preferred. Call Woodlawn 2S97 or Woodlawn 3595. CARPENTER, contracts, new or repairs; wall tinting cheap now. Manny, Sellwood 242 L WOULD like position as foreman on farm or in horse or mule barn; four years' ex perience with vet. R 7, Oregonian. MARRIED man, undertaker and general auto man; references. Or what have you? Phone East 29. Johnson. POSITION as salesman by a man who has had 10 years successful experience at in- B'ie ana roadwork. F 2, Oregonian. COJ 30DY wants a technically trained m this year. Is It you?. If so, address 822, Y. M. C. A. JAPANESE couple wish position In family, good cook and housework. M 5, Orego nlan. REDUCED price through January; paint ing, tinting, paperhanglng. Sellwood 2772. YOUNG Japanese boy wanted; position, cook or general housework. Cy Kaki, 52 N. 3d et.. city. PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting neatly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493. WANTED Job in up-to-date barber shop that is for sale. Q O'Jtl, Oregonian. YOUNG man -wants to get Into garage to learn trade ; can drive. 421 E. Pine. MARRIED man. handy with toolst must have work at once. O 8, Oregonian. YOUNG couple want position as janitor and. maid. Broadway 4049. room oil. LI MBER YARD foreman, 11 years' experi ence: tarst references. F IS. Oregonian. SOBER, steady man wants position as night watchman. E 097, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. FIRST-CLASS titorlng in English and grammar; excellent references; terms reasonable. Sellwood 344. BTENO.. good typist, wants office work; will accept work for small wages. G 26, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office as sistant wants position. Phone Sellwood 2900 from 10 to 12. EXPERIENCED, A No. 1 bookkeeper; cat do stenography. Call Main 6334. bTENOGRAPHER wishes position. Tabor 431. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires a.11 or half day position. Marshall 4S1. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING and ladies1 tailoring; satis faction guaranteed; moderate prices. Phono Main 3875. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall 3722. Zturses. GRADUATE nurse wishes nursing; experi ence In mental cases; $13 a week. Phone Tabor 7083. INVALID can have home and care In home or trained nurse. Tabor 2213. Housekeepers. A LADY wants to take care of apartment house in exchange for her rooms; experi enced; West Side preferred. Phone Main 1619. TRAINED nurse will do housekeeping for one or two gent iemen. A r L'n. Oregon i an UomestiCi. SWEDISH girl, good cook, desires position in MTiati lamiiy. u a. -regonian. Miscellaneous. ELDERLY" woman wants rooking for 6 etu- aenia or clerks. J Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Wl DOW woman want work, washing cleaning. Main 45S5. WANTED TO RENT. Mouses. YOTNG couple wish partly furnished or unuirnisnea moaern bungalow, about 5 Muuut Aiarcn i.. tor lease or pur rhnse; references. G 4. Oregonian. WANTED Small house, 4 or rooms, walk ing distance; adults;' reasonable. K 3, vjiCS'Jl'lall, YOUNG man attending school will work for uoaru ana room. irTtone Hdwy 423. Apr rtmnt. vANifc.D To rent, 3 or 4-room flat or anal imeni, quiet and clean. D IS, Ore- is FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CON RAD I NE. 30th st., at Oak Desirable downtown lo- 'UUI1' respeciaoie ana strictly modern Tlreproof building, elevator and large lob by: rooms $3 per week up STANDISH HOTEL, P4S Washington St., corner 17th. not ana cold. water; stoam-hpated riJU". ei.ou per weeK: &i per mo. and ud. "S make the bushmark your home V Good, larire. Mpan in rH .m i-nnmD .,., .,' heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $G . aim op. .. asnington st. OTKLET Morrison st. at 10th Running J- , "'-- eemy j up. water. ree phone and baths. KICELY furnished front room, walking hik. tance; both phones, reasonable, 402 3d no w . run ion. main i i i 1. wurtiL CORDOVA. 269 11th et. Strictly inauern; private Ming en suite; room 3 FRONT single room. $10 pr month. High land Court. Marshall SIS1. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 u Alder. Strictly mod era. $1.50. $2 and $5.50 a week. -jnu nj i private oetn, pnone, 14 up; without haTh. SIC up. 733 Washington st. ISA MoT eSt-Rfc Trvrr aOuc That Hr5 &utAi op SmoxkIG-.V i-A7 1 jj Ja(f Said'. (iTEiz-j f Copyri-Eht. 1916. by NewtMser Feature Servi ce. Inc. Great Britain FOR REM. Fumistaed Rooms. ELTON COURT HOTEL. YAMHILL, AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath in every room; private phones; elevator; $3 to $ per week. Main 0153. AN SON I A HOTEL, 124 14th su. cor. Washington st. Ftreproof, up-to-date . hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up: 50c to yi.oO per day. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; . Mrs Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room, 270 Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hail. Phone Mar- HOTEL BLACKSTON'E, Eleventh and Stark sts brick building, elevator service, telephone hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. (Spe cial rates by the week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. Warm, modern rooms, $2 week up. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED room, close in, walking dis- iance, witn or without table board; all conveniences of modera home. Call E. 7 409. 373 Ross st. NICELY f uxnished room with all modern conveniences, strictly private family, excel lent board, walking distance. 63 E. l-Lh st., near Stark. CHOICE rooms, modern conveniences, walk- iiigaisLance. iio-j I4tn. .uain aani. EEAU1 iFULLY furnished rooms In good noma; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. WELL furnished room $1.25 a week; heat -"-".'.u rooms, $1.0 week up. West Pnrk. LARGE front room, closet; rent reasonable. avo iotn st. Marshall 3424. Kooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone In every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Ste. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283, A 662. ALEXANDRA COURT. S3 Ella. SU An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A Call. Marshall 6170. THE STRIKER, 5o4 Couch; family hotel; rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Kooiin Witli Board in Private Family. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private ittiiiuj, one room, suuaoie xor two. uain G412. $22.50 NICELY furnished room with board. private family, walking distance. Maiu 5721. LOVELY front room, with board; excellent meais; congenial home; reasonable. 335 11th st. ATTRACTIVE front room and board in beautiful home across from Multnomah Club; hot water heat. Main 7720. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private home. l&d N. 21st. Main 4220. Furnished Apartment). A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean. eafe, THE WHEALDOV ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and . service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Pts Five minutes" walk to Meir Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST, CLARA, 12th and Taylor. ' Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking distance. Referencea. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO 2u. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 189 N. 23d Un der new management: nvprvthin nr. t date, completely furnished, private phone m.i ua.ui. c-v. up. jiarsnai! j;jo. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 8, 4 and 5-room apia. All outside rooms, fine view, close In. MADISON PARK A PTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by we- or month. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. a.rts. up; heat. light, bath; clean, respect- " "t- umnu ate, cor, w asnington. PALACE APARTMENTS, East 37th and Market. 4 rooms, furnished, private bath THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished -. 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates In city. Corner N. Utjh. and Northrup sts. AP.GYLE APTS.. 34! 14th; nicetv furnished clean, airy 2-room apts. ; private bath, phone; $15 up; new management. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room stam heated apt., $22; slugle room, $0 month. B-lknap Apts., 187 17th, near Yamhill. D EN y KK A PA P. T M EN T S S t r i c 1 1 v modern r- 4-ro furnished and unfurnished, $13 up. "V" car to Northrup. Mar. 27. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block- $10 and ?12. 11H2 4, U'nlon ave. N. Wdln! 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone gas, Mrht: $i up. New Hrt. 171 2d st. I nfnrnished Apartments. N K Y cosy. 5-room apartment, beautiful iew, in South Moreland; heat and hot water furnished ; references required Phone office. Main 4835. Sellwood 21 after 6 P. M. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559 Mod ern new building. 2 3. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. WINDSOR APARTMENT? 3 rooms unfur clean, comfortable, homelike. 2 blks. car line, walking distance. East 2iK7. CHAPMAN APTS.. 2 rooms with bath and dressing-room: fine outside rooms; phone heat, rent $17 to $18; walking distance! Mill and Chapman. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 3 room. hardwood floors, mahogany t lniah ; first-class service; all light apts. A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken: light and airy; unexcelled outlook ; reception-room, large lawn, etc Gliean. near 23d. CROMWELL APARTMENTS. 5 th and Columbia Sts). One very desirable corner 3-room tin furnished apt., $35 per month to adults FORDHAM Choice unfurnished front apart ment, oak and white enamel finish and oak floors. Rent reasonable. Marshall 1SS1. 5-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 1S5 E. 15th St.; $30? SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outside rooms; references. 780 Irving. Mar. 1758. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 5. 6 rms.. reas. M.7516. A2676 Chews Tobacco I j iXJdl n FOR RENT. L nf urnNhed Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room, apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone gas, eiectric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 437d, IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants, references required. 0h9 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. THE AMERICAN, lst and Johnson 3. 4. S rooms, teasonable. Marshall 330. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod- ern; eotf Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 82oL Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista ave., near 2-3 d and Washing ton; lame, attractive, sunny outside rooms; pneate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenant. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2U64. Walking distance. 4Mst and Irving. WELLES LEY COURT. MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS, sunnyslde carluie. close In; 2 and 3 room; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BEUNA VISTA. 121 and Harrison Mricdy modern; all outside apartments; Ideal location, references. Phone Main 101 and 10M.'. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS! High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lucrtia et. Marshall 1513, A 3637. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 270 S. Broad way; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2.106. ROSENFELD (Brick) 14TH and E. STARK. 3 or 4 Rooms. Private phones. Quiet. rials. $18.50, Including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc H E. 19th st. N., cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $lt A MONTH 1 rooms, desirable location, close to srhoo! and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 2v2. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch heated by Central Heating .p., TH3 Kearney. Mar. 84.6. MOD K RN 6-room flat, very reasonable. 16th and Everett. West Flda FLAT of &lx rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 13Q 6th. Phone Main 627S. MoDER N 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d aurj Washington sts Main nSS. I"urniHheI Flats. 551 TAYLOR, near 17th Large apartment, finely furnished with Circassian walnut and fumed oak. upholstered witn Spanish leather; also piano; very desirable; only $27.50 ; also 4-room apartment, finely fur nished, with piano, at $20. Apply 102 Chapman. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 5-room lower flat, hardwood floors, fireplace and piano. Rent reasonable to right party. Call mora ings, 611 E. 9th st. N-, cor. Stanton. ONLY $15 Five-room furnished flat, clean, desirable location, gas, bath, gas and wood ranges, sieupiiiii porch. 772 E. Taylor. Fast 526t. $18 4-R.. hdw. Trs.. ivory finish, hot water, bP. entrance, dost, in. 3HO Monroe. E. rt"!2. COMPLETE, modern 5-room lower flat, all outride, walking distance. 424 Tillamook. lloukpplng Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 2H1 Columbia Bt., near NICELY furnished. housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones; $2 pel week and up ; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton, 4 02H 3d St. MAKE the Bushmark your home: completely furnished housekeeping rooms $3 week up, inrl uoin g gas. elect' y. water. fii" Wash. 4il K MORRISON Furnished one and two-room ho as- keeping apts., reasonable. Hmisekeeping Rooms In Private Family. THREE nicely furnished hou-kefp1nj-- rooms in a private home, everything furnished. 3H5 Ilahsey st. COZY front H. K. room, heat, bath, phone. gas irpp. per weeK. L'4S 13Lh t. Mar. 4133. . FURNISHED housekeeping apartment, 2 rooms. $2.25 per week. 274 Montgomery cor. 4 th. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close In; large grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. 3-ROOM apt., heat, light, cheap. 2tV E. 2Sd, corner E. Madison. Phone East 345-1. $S TWO furnished H. K. rooms, bath, elec trlclty. fir.! K. Morrison. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 294 Eugene st- $10 4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath an phone; walking distance. East 712$. NICELY furnished h. k. room, modern con-veni-nces. walking distance. 564 Flanders. TWO well furnished front H. K. rooms, cook stove, gas, eiectric lights. 314 Main. PLEASANT room, with board: modern ac nmnodatlona. 6E1 Ptisan, Marshall 124. LA R3E room. $1.50 week ; gas. cook stove, free electricity, phone hath. 3l2 4th et. Houses. PIEDMONT district. 1435 Mississippi ae., 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors ; rearonable rent to right parties. Also 5 room mode-n bungalow for $. Phone Broad wa 16." 8. 5-ROOM modern house, two blocks from Sunnyside car. rent $!t per month. 113 E. 3Sth st., or apply Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Chamber of Commerce. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free, expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Va rehouse & Transfer Co., 9th nd Hovt ss Broadwav 70g. MUOtKN 12 -room house, parti v furnished, centrally located, furnace (with coil), electricity and gas; walking distance. Mr. Craln. Main 20S. FOR KENT 12 acres, good house and harn; rent reasonable; $14. Inquire at store at Bellro?" station. FOK RENT Modern 6-room house at 2S East 11th st. North. Inquire at 73 East loth North. Fast 6'2'. 8-ROOM house, hardwood floors, hot water heat, garage, corner, nice lawn. Main 1063 Main 5407. B U NGALOW. 6 moms. 2 baths, furnace and fireplace and garage; nice place. Phone Sellwood 2087. Kcifc: CITY PARK Bf.N'GALOW 5 rooms, modern in every way. S. D. Vincent A Co. Bnth pbones. 8-ROOM house, 811 Commercial st.. $13 If taken at once. Woodlawn 8105. 5 ROOMS Modern. 306 24th st. N. Phone Main 52QO ; references; rent reasonable. MODERN 7-room house, 245 2 -id at., near Marshall. Phone Marshall 1079. . 6 ROOMS 2fi5 Cook averiear Williams; gas. l-ctHclty. hath. Kast 1 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 627S, FOR ENT Irvlngton. 7-room house at 637 E. 11th st. N. 618 Pittock block. NICE 6-room house on West Park St.- rea ponable rent to adults. Main 1055. 6-ROOM house, gas. lectric!tv. walking dls tance. 607 Everett st. Phone East 8. 672 E. OAK ST., 5 rooms, modern, clean Phone East 776. 6-ROOM modern houoe, 10 minutes" walk Union dpot. 1S9 Halsey. 1 1 02. JeS5 I I T- t -r TriV "Tn4T 'Bird Of V6JRaJ ! rights reserved. Re-fistera in U. S. Patent Obfle- PA'S VOICE) SOIXDED JUST LIKE HE FELT BY CLIFF" STERRETT. 7:30 oVlock Saturday evening and 8;30 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fication for the next day's issue. Classified Advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOR RENT. Houses, T HOUSES FOR RENT. To-room house at 1164 Patton ave. for $15 ; 7-room house, sleeping porch and garage, at 300 E. th st., for $20; 4-room house at 360 E. 34th st. for $7; keys 134 N. W. Pank b!dg. Phone Main 1677. HOUSE of 8 rooms, 2 baths, electricity, gas, furnace, fireplace, beautiful grounds, one block from St. Helens Hall, one block from Portland Heights car ; very reasonable rent. Broadway 5747. S 1' KlCT LY modern rel hurst home, near car. No 116 Ladrllneton Court. Tabor 324. Furnished House. TWO-ROOM fumlshe,l hous, $4.50. Includ ing water, Lents, city limits. Particulars 12S 1st. $35 FINE 7-room wil-f urnlshed. house, fireplace, piano, sleeping porch, garage. Tabor .16 1. MODERN furnished cottage at S. P. car shop. Call East 3225. MODERN" 4-room cottage, furnished; fruit trees, paved street, near car. Sellw'd 2051. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite. 2 front rooms; references. 205 6th st. i-'l KNISHED house for rent, reasonable, no children. Mar. 4650. Stores. MODERN UP-TO-DATE BRICK STOKE In on of the bost East Side districts, with plenty of plate glass, lieht and heat; fine concrete basement with good lis" and ventilation. If you are thinking of changing your location or going into busi ness, see this store. We will make It an object for you to consider this fine store for business. Owners, Bianchard & C.em ron. -o-3 Selling bldg. FOR RENT Store on Morrison t., between 5th and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 V feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay A Co. FOR RENT Store, No. 425 Stark st., be tween 11th and 12th ; rent only $33 per month. 1 nqulre at Blacky tone Hotel. Office. FOR RENT, en suite or singly. 12 offices out of 87 In Fenton bldg.. 4 Sixth street, center of financial district between First National Bank and new United States Na tional Bank bid g., and opposite WellP Fargo bldg. Terms reasonable. Wm. D. Fenton. owner; C. W Pallett, agent, Fen ton bldg. PRIVATE office and recent ion-room. 15 furnished private office, $10; share fine or rice, $7.5U. 20 stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. Oi-M' K SPACE, with or without window display; desk room or more, all conven iences, ground floor; vt,ry low rent. 006 U8K SC. PRIVATE office, furnished or unfurnished reception room and phone. 817 Board of 1 raae. WELL-FURN I5HED private office: also n'-sK room, and 17. 72J '"nam. or com. iCES $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 swfuand blag- Halls. 45x50 NEW maple floor, suitable for danc ing parties and receptions, $5. 00 per ntKht; Saturdays. $6.00; Includes heat. light, piano. Would lease. 874 Alberta st. Phone oodlawn 'i7. NEATLY furnished dmcehall, corner Front and Olhbs; reasonable: also large, well- equipped longe hall. Main 15J1. BFSlXESS OPPORTFNrTTES. WANTED Partner, by Portland manufac turer of staple food; M000 or $5000 needed 10 meet increasing demands; full in vest 1 gation. Appoint time for Interview by let tr. AG 20. Oregonian. GARAGE and reuatr shoo needed In thrlv ing suburb of Portland, on hard -surface boulevard: the finest drive out of the city Live man wanted. For particulars call at - piatt mag. PARTNER WANTED for moving picture ij u si nc's ; experience no 1 necessary, but must bo. willing to leave Portland: good pay and $3:.o required, fully secured. Call I srarK st. WANTED Experienced hardware man ; one who Is able to invest In the company pre ferred; this opportunity im offered In a live seaport town. Address AV 360, Ore gonian. ACCOUNT owner's death, best wood and coal yard : will be sold or traded for any thing woman can handle. Seghers Wood Co., ISth and Vaughn sts. OPENING, for energetio man in a strictly cash business; can clear $3 day besides your living, and only $150 required. Call 24S U Stark st BUSINESS manager for theatrical com pany ; A -I proposition ; investment of $5no required; salary and percentage, 513 Wil ls rd Hotel. WE have 40 grocery stores from $4o0 to $40,000. cah and trade. Pacific Agency, Inc.. 515 S wet land bldg. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell it; anything. Lay man, 527 Chamber of Commerce. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. MUlershlp, 431 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD BUT 21-room hotel, full, restau rant. doing good transient business. A J 5, Oregonian. SACRIFICE $100 share Camthol Co. stock, discount of 25 per cent. O 7, Oregonian. SNAP Grocery store, $1200; not many fix turej. N 099. Oregonian. POLLY AND HER WlDER.Hl' fer, Like. EoJor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL sell the entire M M irhaAl amrir nf clothing, furnishings, shoes, etc, to the i ik ji est- na oest oiucer at auction sale Wednesday, January 10. 1V17, at 2 P. M., at Chehalis, Wasn. A certified check for 1 per cent of bid la reaulred Stork and Invoice may be seen by applying at Dave i.ionuci d aiiuo oiore, v. nenaus, asn. Stock Invoices as follows: Shoes. $1Si6 0L; rubber goods, $m.6S; furnishings, $lu67.45; clothing. $27 9.y; dry goods. $; 04.26; fix tures. $207.50; total, $4155.19. iOR SALE Confectionery and news store with a paper route that nets $S0 per month; must sell on account of health; no trades considered; this is a good place a. guoa outness, ana ir you are look ing ior something in this line It will nay you to come and ace; don't put it of f vuuie now, or appiy 10 K run lor Coniectlon- rry. ainier. Or., box 547. $10,000 WILL secure half Interest in manu iacturing plant and patent which will be the best eelling machine on the market no comi etitiou ; every lumber mill or yavra will purchase, as It saves IO to 75 per cent labor cost. Address D. A. Hatfield, alia ana. asn. fcAWMILL. capacity 00,000 feet per day. ready to operate on short notice, with rail and water shipping facilities second to none; wiil consider sawing logs by the uiousanu or pooling same with Rood log ging operating company. Answer for personal Interview, U ti5, Oregonian. 1AE CASH MirchMir for hardwars or general store In oron, Washington or California, prefer small town not exceed ing 5(hm inhabitants; iu replying give price mil ini oriuation. -e or aouress 1. Biumenthal. wj Stark at, Portland. 1 nonw .Main l.o MT'ST KTTT.T. $8000 stock of dr goods, ladles remdy-to-w-ear garments and shoes. December sales $0oO0. Good town, big territory. Must aell 4ucil. Auureu W. A. FULKERSON. ONTARIO. OR. t'ATTh V RI'VPRS Before doMiiie deal for so-t-alled Interest In established real estate bustuess get ad- vl 1 un "n itrauv rioaro. PALL A. COWGTLL, Sec., , 20 Hnry B 1 d . PARTNER for colnar ininnfarlurinr mnA rerai: business; 1na.11 who is willing to give hi time and manage my business; I guar antee you $25 per month; $15i)U required ior na.r interest. For appointments phone 1 1 or can a-T asnington st. rOR SALE Well-eaulnnrd mnrlln In rlrv of S00U in wheat center of Idaho; best 1 -. 1 10 11 ana reasonable rent ; doing- good business, price C For further nnrtlni. lars see John N. Davies, C22 Worcester ciog. I'none Alain &T4. COLD STORAGE, ice plant, all modern ma. rtunry. larire warehouse, nwn n R. and wflliir transports t!on. good Coast town; J5O0O cash, bal. J12,00, long time side. Or. AL I OAiOBILE BUSINESS Have opening . - , enctug in Mil I II L II In Slld HUSlIlSS; ray Hoo month; th ditties are easily - 11 .1 c "man investment required. FINE eet of driivs fixtures, cost $S0O stoc drugs $4o0. all for $8&o. or would lik party, not necessarily a druggist, to go a partner in good fountrv town, or good lc cation. M 11, Oregonian. FOR SALE Well established hardware more in riri-c;as location; reason fo ale. owner going into manufacturln UU3"ir- r oregonian $JoU HY partner In l-sitimate buntnAs profits; one familiar with lumber pre f" " "nw or pnone number meuiig arranor'-d. Ci nrAnnn BO WILL sell cheap, half Interest In barber ....u.o k.-, 1 '-u.-uic iiih biiq start ousine Let me tait it over with ou. AH : Oronlnn. 600 SH A RES BE A VE R STATE MOTOR si'-v rv .MAh.t, Alls A.N OFFER. 6, rou t?Ai-t. The best restaurant and confec tmnerv in ancouver. Wash. The Royal. FOR SALE Whole or half Interest small pantry. M00Q ousmess. w s, Oregonian. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses nee Pacific agency, inc.. &15 S wet land bldg. RESTAURANT and soft drink; good loca .ion; must, sen; ciieap. 1 N. oth. BUSINESS Ol'I'OKTI X1TIFS IvtVTin "WANTED 3oo.l hotel in town from 2000 to 1O.0OO population; 3.1 room or more lo cated any place In Northwest; have mod ern Portland home. San Diego and Baker City property: will trade one or all If proposition 1 sullKble. H B. Oregonian. MAN of 37. willing to Invest f-4O0-So6 Tn business to Insure steady work and fair wages; must stand Investigation. H 19 Oregonian. WANTED To buy rooming-house, SO to 60 rooms; must be good furniture and good location: price helow $1000. Writ to Fred rtoessler. f.Hl Hood st. WANTED General stock -of merchandise, dry goods, clothing, shoes, groceries, etc : will pay cash for any stock. What have you to offer? X 0911. Oregonian. HAVE C50 to Invest In a good paying business with services, all or part tlma; give particulars. K 19. Oregonian. HUSTLING young man will Invest f200 or moro In business giving him good posi tion. Address AV 3113. Oregonian, M RS. M. E. LEN'fi Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest. Reliable Agency In City B24 N. W. Bank bidg.. Bth and Morrison. PALS OH t OtITH' 0CITH ffrC- r 1 ROOMrNO-HOrSFS. WANTED a tenant, 63 rooms, modern brick building, northwest corner 4th and Sal mon, above offices German -Am erica a dally. German-American or Swiss tenant. If re sponsible, preferred. Wm, D. Fenton, agt Kenton bldg. WANTED To buy or rent meat market In country town. A. Fits. Sood itb, ave. S. E., Portland, Or. HOTELS, APTS., OR ROOMING-HOUSES, ANY SIZE. PRICE OK LOCATION. MRS. KRA.VTZ, 621 TEON BUILDING. FOR SALE 1 0-room apartment-house, good location. 240H 5th st. Main 2143. LOST AND FOUND. TH E following articles were round on the cars ot tn fortiana Kaua y. ugnt sl Power Company, January 4, 1917: 1 hat. 1 bracelet, 1 glass Jug, 1 saw, 1 clock. 1 package clothing, 2 single gloves, 1 package meat, 1 bundle ove rails. 1 shop ping bag, 'J music rolls, 1 book, 1 pipe. 1 pacjeage carbons, 1 book. 2 pins, 2 puises. 1 package clothing, 1 hand bag. 1 lunch box, 1 grip, 2 suitcases. 1 horse whip 1 package dress goods, 1 package merchandise, 11 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder ats. LOST Yesterday, about 12:30 o'clock, be tween telegram corner ana Northwestern Bank building, a mink fur collarette, lined with pearl grey. Finder please return to aociety editor of Telegram and receive reward. LOST Tuesday evening. In Atlas restaurant. vtasmnKton st., iaa s gold watch, t-lgm movement, cracked dial. Reward and no questions asked. Return Ciom 405 Motel Arthur. LwT or Molen, tan leather grip, near Mult nomah riote last nigut. tinder return to W. S. Raker, 130S Northwestern Bank oldg.. and get reward. No questions asked. STKAYlD Friday morning, female Bos ton ouiiaog. wmte w un Drown spots over eye's, answers to no of "Toota. Re ward. Wood lawn Ss5. LOST ednesday morning between 14th ana 1 amnui ana ii ana un.K cameo pm. set with 2 pearls; liberal reward. Notify I". S. National. LOST Lady's diamond ring; finder please return ana receive auitaoie rewara. pnoiia Alain U or Main llbO, or call at 10o5 Broadway bldg. LOST Wednesday A. M.. between Mllwau- K!e and rort.infl. black music roil, con taining music. Reward. vail Oak Grove 151. IN CENT KK of cit y by poor woman, about to sen ior Rroceries. fair screw aiamonu earrings. 6L1 4;id S. E. LOST A gold brooch, lady 'a head deslen. with a diamond iu the head ; reward. Cail Mar. no.v LOST One blark automobile glove on Oak, near 3d st. Please return to owner. Room 325 Worcester bidg. STRAYED, from his home In Brooklyn, fox terrier, black spots on bark and shoui- dere. Return K.2 E. 24th. Reward. BLACK house cat. white throat, ample re ward for information. Mar. oil- or Main 4.T. LOST Watch fob. with Knights of Co lumhus charm ; return to Brady & Oliver cigar store, Yeon blug. Reward. LOST Package containing lace centerpiece, Keturri to uuena ista Apta.Main 40W. LOST Large diamond stud; liberal reward. Phone Main 13. UPKCIAL NOTICES. M itell a neouM. BARGES for rent, capacity 6M tons. Main FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property. to 6 p-ir cent. Farm property. 7 to S per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or runtrRcts, preterabiy or montnly install ment payments. Portland Loan Company, n6 Dekum hldg. INVESTORS wanted ; amounts of $1000 or more; guara nteen pro ats 01 10 per cent In bst line business ua Pacific Coast. 4Z9 Lum bermerui bldg. F1KST and second mortgagee; also seller's interest n contracts purcb;ied; Oregon or s awn. ti . k. No hie, Lumoermens oia g. Wr. BI'V mortaRes, bonds and notes. WF.STETIN BOMi MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4:h et.. Board of Trade bldg. MuRTUAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort Kages prrchased. Lewis ec Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to l.oai on Real Ketate. MORT!A(!B LOANS. Any aTncuut. low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying prlwlegea. A. H. BIKREI.L CO.. 217 Northwestern Hank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 IS. NEW MONEY. NEW METHODS. Owners of Portland residence and busi ness property deelrlng loans on most fa vorable terms are invited to call or write. RESERVE INVESTMENT CO.. 328 Henry Bldg. BONDS BOt'GHT TVAI'KANTS POrtlHT MOSTIJAHE3 BOUOHT crTlZKNS BANK. KAST 4!1. ' l PFTR CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farnt Lan; nc delay: no commlsalona levereaiix Mortgaee Company, t07 Con cord bldif.. 2d and Stark sts. 5 PER CENT loans will be msde on central reta'l business lroperT!e. 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOC'DEV t'O.. Northwestern Hank bids. iltiKTHAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOl'ST. OFlK'iON INT. MORTGAGE CO., INC.. Stock Exetane bide , "d nnd Tir.hl'l. SoUO. 4.IC0O AND upwarda on Improved real estate; fa.orable terms; no delav; no brokerage. John Bain. rk7 FpaldlnK bidg. CiTV AND F.VRr LOANS. r ir.KiAuni, So Fo-irth Street. Portland. Or. Jlinoo AND up. private money to loan; im proved city property; describe fully. K 4. Oregonian. 6 tER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. DF.SHON HAWK. MAIN U1I.5. 72' Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONEY "O LOAN ON CITY OR FAT.M PPi.PERTT: WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tsbcr 2126. SEE VS today for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent; 12m and up. Cellars-Morton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. $2'iu.out TO LOAN In sums to ault: build Inr loans. lowest rat-a. W. G Berk. 315- Xl hailing nilg. Khone Main 3407. tlOOO TO 10,co TO LOAN on city or farm, no commls-lon. P. O. bog R73. city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. II. T'ardlrtr. 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchf, 420 Cham, of Com. FARM and ci'y loans, c, i j per cent; no com mission. F f47. Oregonian. $2no. $::."). i"00, 1 1 200. 1 1 oo. Fred W. German s Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $50. $S0O. $1000. $1500. no com., no delay Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. LN LI vMTED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. noQLEV .t: CO.. nig Board of Trade bldg. SOOOO. fi per cent, on income rroperty; private movy. AF If. Oregonian. MuNL'Y Anv amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. II. yeltj. .".in Spaldlr.r. Mnln B.S4. HAVE cilenlc with money to loan. Oliver .M. rucrey. Attv.. s.n w. Pank bldg. MORTOAOE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424. Cham, of Com. $500 AND UP, T PER CENT, O 89T. ORKGON1AN. 2."0. 40o. $50O. t5.'iO S7J0. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 712 fhatnher of Commerce, I AH i - DU1ZED OlTrt A &4L. ttDLL. aJ-'er. STocUM' -A - HOLfc. ul HR- 1 FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan Is the heat and surest method of paying a loan. $:i2.2$ per month for S6 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for ya months pays a $1000 ioan and Interest. Other amounts iu proportion. "V e loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charted KQl-'lTl'K. SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. t 2U M:rk street. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT i$ PER CENT. , Any Amount. No Delays. P.epayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL & CO.. 20o. 06 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 6 PER CENT money. 3 to & years residence property; win ,cc,pt $1(Hi or morft OQ principal at any interest period payment; per cent money on business propertv. R,Te Krm7 Pacific Title A Trust Co "f Monri to Lonn Chattel and Salaries. fn"?XiTURE SALARY LOAN a;i that Is ners,ary to estab'.lith credit witn u Is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that, you are. working either til do. COLI.TIBIA DISCOtTNT CO.. LICENSED. 817 Failing BMp. IF TOTT NTED MOXET. SEE ITS SALARIES . . . CHATTELS" Loam made to persona on salary or filed Income; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential: private ofTlcea, PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 3u6-;07 Dekum Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO Organized by salaried men for mutual protect. on. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased, go? MrK.y bldg. Main 1242. REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSOCIATION Esiab" llth.d y Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Mi Herman, man. aner in stark et. Money loaned on dla jewelrv. pianos, h. h. furniture. iloNr.i t bu on diamonds, jewelrv; legal ?".tarUrl"" h-ld 1 vcr; 'stabllshei aince lsns. Pa., Marx. r 1 Washington. lANO and furniture loans; licensed by tha s:ate. Ut-o. Harvey. Tahor Svuj. Loans Wanted. LOAN WAXTE1MK1..-) at d, per cent, years, itiooni.' pronertv; loan 45 per cent of valuation of property F -M ' ir-'roiityi ... I l AN piaco Si.lcl to J5o.H at 7 per cent an.J ? p.r fer-' lnter:; graftera stay away. H. . Usher. 413 Slock Exchange bldg. WA.VT flii.uiKl loan on big tract "oYlancT: ray , per cent, but no brokerage AN s62. Oregonian. l..ov MAJTkD on house and lot In Haw thorne district. t-esiion a- Hawk. H t .amher of rmrm- rc bldjf. OWNER want tT'HVl or JOOOn on improved ha"l ?180 COr'"r at TV- -cr ccut- Mr- WANT $loon OT1 cooj hoUPA and lot. TC salmon and 3od st. Ritter. Lows i Co. -tnsoxAL. HAIU UUUUS, LOWEST PRICES. 80-incli way switcli. i; sep ....glj -4-lnch wavy switch, a sei JoO All-Hrounil iraristormaiion 14 H.trairssln. snampoomg. faco massage nair botinii. nuui uriUjt, J.'ie. Hair re moed fc vi.-ctuc iiMmp, switch made of iomriiiL,. iVic. ',- buy our cumljing. camiat; 4. 0.41- L'oKum bldg.. Jd UK. ELLA Ml. 1Y RE Ladies'" specialist; oiea.e uicaiy remuiod by r.ervo manip u.aliuu; menu l ii-t a pc u tics, bath and 1 biatiuu. special price to Jan. 1.. Hours 11 i" -"- M- H Nortuei bldg.. btu and aj.hlngton tits. tr.ti.i-.c -v 11 N KUf r. 1. udii.K wig and toupe maKeis;; si . humau hair gooua; h;,ir,ir. i-Miii.-. mai.i. i.rlnt. face and scalp treatni-ut. I.emoved 10 J! Alder, nar bn.mia. Main ."-4'1. L0L1.-.E SET.EL . el trained nurse and niaisnUM. ;iv. ludniinni ior rheu matism. luuiL.Ko. iieura.g.a. etc.. maasaaa and baths; lml ssista:,t; now located l .lo Park at. M :u na , l .... :l t.-en sunuava, GERMAN uurse. iiiusskc oneiric blankets anu oatns lur rlitumn?ni, lunioago. neu ralgia, clo.; lady trained nurse assistant. -'"j ilth st. Open Sundays. Marsha. i MWi To WH.1 IT MAY CONCERN I win not lej-pousiuie iur an iulis contracted by A. Flndiey hereafter J. C. FINDLEY. positively removed in 3 hours; no rain, preliminary treatment or diet ing, ror jiarticuurs address Laurel Rem Co.. 11I Hm men at, Milwaukee. Wis. BACKAV AKD pupils coached for nuns, tutonn. sraue ihildrt-u. Enjclisn for for elgnera and citUcuthip a sptuaiij; lady; highest nfeiei.cea. llione Main SJ6s. KL. MRS. J. C SCHuiil gives demonstra tiona Sunday, b I. M., at Arcanum Hall, loa lath st. Leads uil at .cleverly Ho tel, leo Park st. Mar. .V.7S. ELECTRIC ir. atnieni s for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumba.o, face and acalp; salt bains. 42t Clay et. Mam sjc-l SUPKRELL'OLS HA IK deslrojea forever by muitiple-neeiile method: consultation free. Mile. DeLong. ru4 swetlar.d bldg. AZA H. K1RBECKE. featural correctionlst. face and aca.p massage. l.-9-j 12th aw near Wash. Mar, Advice free. aOPHIA B. SEli. mental, spiritual scientist, aow Tourney u.dg., 10 to 4 oaily. Written Questions Wed., 7:43 P. M. Mar. 3ul'tL DR. ETHEL SAvJRv! painless chiropodiat. win oe in tne city until Jan. lb only. ."wMi Panama bldg. Main W0rt. l'ALLl.NE L'Ai'.C, from East, faciai. scalp, massage. 4cl Washington. Rm. 3, lira. 2 to 7. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years in Port. and; 20tn century science In palmistry taugnt; spirit ual readings uai.y. ali Talor st. ClilKi'PRACTl-:. steam baths, light, heat, electric ar.J. vibratory manage. Dr. Mar geret Hai:le. MT swet.uiid. Mala 1765. uhACh BELMONT, niai.icurina. vlliratoy mastase. Office 41. lid flour. 145 1- Broad way. 61'l itlTL'A LlS-V Pev. May A Price, circle Tuesday, 2 and S P. M. and Pun. S P. M,.; resd:ng daily. 2'.2 clny. Marshall ;;i10. ASj.'aPSO pruni-tiy relieves headache, neu ralgia and la urippe. For sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. MASS G E treatm. nts. electric vibrator, by trained nu'-se. 3'iS ::!. Apt. C. Main 104d. LIFE READER. Hart Apts.. 1 Tor," 2d st . apt. 4:h floor. Marshall L'rtai. MISS JOHNSON, chiropody, inaasage. light magnetic. Appolnlm.-r.ts only. Ma'n .""4. tANCKS DL MAYO, scalp specialist, 211' Morrison st. tirice 11. ROSEN A TAYLCU Masseuse and scalp spe cialist, low lark et- Marshall olo.T. SCALP, massage and shampooing, room 1. 3."'0 Yamhill St.. near Park. FACIAL and svalp massage, shampooing. 3,".OL, Morriaon st. Office 202. MAGNETIC healer; treatments dlly. 170 2d St.. 4th floor , spt 9 Mar. 241'7. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 417-W Northwestern Bank bldg. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and cat J reading. 282 Park at. Main 7i4S. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Roval TonlS Tablets, ro Hoyt St. Phone Main 2393. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism! Of flce 21.1, 330H Morrison at. alOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M D. Kill. 429 Flledner bide Main S473 1