THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. PAINTER ants work at onco; neat, re spectable; will work reasonable with, board included; chance for someone to get a. liouso fixed up reasonable; out of city pre ferred, anywhere. AL 4, Oregonian, lOL'XG man, 2ft, desires work as waiter in small restaurant in or out of town; willing to go in as dishwasher or any Ugfht work. Reference. Main 7001, A 1517. l'UL'NG man, 2tJ, wears artificial leg, desires work taking care of stable. Experienced with horsea. Willing to go on ranch. Kef. Main 7001. A 3517. JAPANESE, competent chauffeur, houseman, wants position, afternoons, for moderate wages, without found; West tiide; refer nces. AD 8, Oregonlan. !U'OULD like position as foreman on farm or In horse or mule barn; four years' ex perlence with vet. R7, Oregonlan. VAINT1NG, paper hanglngiand tinting;-23 years' experience. Sell wood 2303. GARDEN man, finest references, desires work. S04 Sheridan st. Main 41S. BOBER, steady man wants position as night watchman. E 097, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED- FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERT bookkeeper Competent stenog rapher, good education. Experienced in surance, real estate. Highest local refer ences. Marshall 3SG6 after 0:30 P. M. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes- position; can operate typewriter; references Phone Main 8976. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion. Phone East 774. EXPERIENCED. A No. 1 bookkeeper; can do stenography. Call Main 6334. . STENOGRAPHER wants office work, Mar shall 794. Dr etsuiaker s. FIRST-CLASS sewing and expert button hole maker. 980 E. Madison at. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall 3722. FASHIONABLY made suits and gowns by experienced dressmaker; day. East 5461. 6EWIXO by day wanted by responsible dressmaker. Tabor 211. EXPERIENCED nurse, care elderly or gen eral cases; very reasonable. Call Main 1153. Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged i lady for bachelor or widower, rooming house or hotel, in or out of city. R 997, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as housekeeper widow with boy 11. Marshall 3961. by GERMAN lady wants housework and wash ing by the day. Main 925. Dnniewtics. LaDY wishes to work for room and board while seeking position, with privilege of boarding later; Christian Science home. North Portland; preferred. AL 2, Ore gonlan, TWO experienced Scandinavian girls want general housework and plain cooking ; wages $30. 909 Shaver st. Miscellaneous. 3VOMAN wants work of any kind by the day or hour. Call between 8 and 10 A. M. or 2 and 4 P. M., apt. 15. Phone East 6418, B 10S7. GIRL wants position for general housework; good references; expect a good wages. Phone E. 4158. WANTED Laundry work to do at home. Work carefully done. Mrs. Gladden, 730 Savler. M. 19S3. WANTED Any kind cf day work; dinners cooked and served. 20c hour. 475 Main. Marshall 89L EXPERIENCED woman wants day work and help at dinners. Wdln. 1072. Ref erence. WANTED Position in office as telephone or errand girl ; no experience. AH 6, Ore gonlan. JLRE you going away and want your child cared for in a refined home? AL 5, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED piano player wants position with movies; will give .references. Phone Col. 2Svi. EXPERIENCED laundress1 wants work Wed. and Fri. References. Woodlawn 1611. WANTED Day work, good cook and laun dress. Tabor 4723. WANTED TO KENT. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN wants room and board (with piano in room) on West Side, close in; will pay extra for use of piano; state terms. X 6, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington. Has been leased by Mr. C. Heinz, who formerly conducted the Heinz Apartments. Mr. Heinz will run a strictly modern, first- elass house; elevator service, hot and cold "water, rtaam heat, rooms with or without rnvate baths. Kates 70c to $2 per day 3 up per week. ELTON COURT HOT'EL, YAMHILL. AT 11TH Fronting Public Library; uptown bnai- uisLricc, uut away irom noise or traf fic; running water or bath in every room private phones; elevator; $3 to $6 per ANSON I A HOTEL, 124 14th st,, cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 pei week up; OOc to $1.00 per day. HOTEL LTL-MER. under- new mm nns?mnt Mrs Lillian Merry; transient trade so' jicitea, rates reasonable; hot and cold vater in every room, 270 i Fourth st., cor. lenerson. opposite city Hall. Phone Mar shall 6305. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Eleventh and Kiark ma n-.rir hiHlin elevator service, telephone hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to 1.50 per day. Spe- i-im rmea oy me weeK. HOTEL CONRADINE. J 0th st., at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation : respectable and strlrti v mndum fireproof building, elevator and large lob- .v. rooms o per weeK up. STANDISH HOTEL, S48i Washington St., corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms. $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE EL'SHMARff YOTTR T4 OAT v. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 n. monin ana up. oootfr wasnington st. HOTEL OCKLKY Morrison Ft. at 10th, nAiiw ooc aay up. vveeKiy up. Running: water. Free phone and baths. HOTEL, CORDOVA. 269 11th at. Strictly modern; private baths n flUUe; room $3 NICELY l'urnished front room, walking dis tance: both phones, reasonable. 402Va 3d i. x ne warrenion. ALain nil. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th st., cor. Washington at. A fireproof, up-to-date hotel. FORD HOTEL, nrlvate bath, nhone. 14 un without bath, $10 up. 733 Washington st. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash, warm, mooern room, $2 week up. HOTEL NORRIS Alder Strictly mod Afn 0 or1 C- Kl -. 1, Furnished Rooms In Private Family. AT LOW rates, well furnished heated rooms, nose in. t'n 11 Aiarsnau -5hs. ?ai-s Thel rL U cf him mMtl Vlook 'like. The. & ' IgjLf S0to'l it Levez. JBoo-r toM Voo imp m-p E isTTai' up nr a V II T W 1 ' f ' ' Copyright 1916, by Nwppe gesture Service, ine. Great Brrtssn FOR RENT. Famished Rooms lo Private Family. NICE room in beautiful home, running wa ter, shower bath. 653 Everett st. CHOICE rooms, modern conveniences, walk ing distance. 2ti9 14th. Main 8S93. ONE well-furnished room; heat in room; 5.50 mo. &14 Main st. NEATLY furnished room in modern home. 5t& Hoyt, near 17th. Rooms With Board. "WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every . room. Prices reasonable. Kxceilent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Suh An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 92S3. A 66J8. ALEXANDRA COURT, 03 Ella. St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A Marshall til70. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan ; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH 6T. An attractive, homelike place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. THE STRYKER, 504 Couch; family hotel; rooms single or en suite; reasonaoie raien, Kihhiis With Board in Private Family. LS good home and location, large furnished Trent room, norne cooKing. wen neatea, abundance of hot water at all times; walk ing distance to business center; two in room. $'2i per mon th each ; parties em iyed preferred. 689 Flanders. Mar. 4065. FINE, large front room, well heated, excel lent board, modern new house, piano, gooa location; lO minutes' ride Hawthorne car. Rates low, 304 East 2d, near Hawthorne. Phone East 6630. NICE front room, with board, for two young men, $9 per week. 405 W. Parit et.B near Harrison. ATTRACTIVE front room and board In beautiful home across from Multnoraan Club Hot water heat. Main 7720. FIRST-CLA-SS room and board in private home. 166 N. 21st. Main 4220. ROOMS, with' or without board, in a pleas ant home. 45o E. I4tn is. irvington car. Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEAL DON" ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of Quality. comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens In Connection. Walking distance. References. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th; 10 minutes walk business center; one sunny corner 3-room, wnlte enamel, new, mod ern, well furnished; references. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 1S3 N. 23d Un der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone and bath; $20. $22 up. Marshall 2U45. MADISON PARK APT3., Park at Madison. Modern, 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by week or month. THE DEZENDORF, 20S 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts. Ail outside rooms, fine view, close in. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and 3-rm. apts., ju up; neat, light, batn; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 3 ana 4 -room apartments; lowest rates in city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup sts. ARGYLE APTS.. 341 14th; nicely furnished. ciean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, phone; $16 up; new management. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern . 4-room furnished and unfurnished. $18 up. "WM car to Northrup. Mar. 227. $19 MO. Cosy 2-r. apt., walking distance. 6 NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; $10 ana $ia. nsz union ave, N. Wdln. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, lirht: $3 up. New Hart. 1704 2d st. DELIGHTFUL 4-room eleeping porch, gn- rage, neat, pnone, etc., -;d. v ain. stow Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, ell outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low ra tea to permanent tenants; references required. 6S9 Irving st. Phone Marsnaii 1:743. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 6-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in- liilmn e nanin tti-iPitVi f'Alttnhnnik tram electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reaucea rentals, rooues Main 4570. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. lRth and Couch sts. Marshall 25r,9. Mnd ern new building. 2 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. CROMWELI, APARTMENTS. Sth and Columbia Sts. On very desirable corner 3-room un furnished apt., f35 per month to adults. DOUGLAS COURT. 405 "W. Park, now open; new 2 and 8- room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish; rirst-ciass service; an light apts. . FEW of the new Xob Hill 8-room .Dart ments untaken; light and airy; unexcelled outlook; reception-room, large lawn, etc utiean. near ?ja. FORDHAM Choice unfurnished front iDirt nient, oak and white enamel finish and oak floors. Kent reasonable. Marshall IXNI. THE ORMONDE 3 rooms,, all outside mod ern: 656 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main S231. 6-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn fliawr, ibd is. 101a St.; $du. SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outride rooms; references. 7S0 Irving. Mar. 1758. TUE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3. 4, 5 THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders Large, light, 5. 6 rms., reas. M.7516. A21T6 Furnished or I'nfnrnlsaed Apartments. KTXGEBTTRT APARTMENTS. ISO Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive. sunnv outslda rooms: pricate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. V.'ELLESLEY COURT. MELCLlfFE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunnyslde carline. close In; 2 room: oeslrable and reasonable. and 3' TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. !-57 TRINITY PLACE? MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101 FOR F-EN'T. Furnished or Unfurnished, Apartments. BAr.KFR APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 3 and 4 roora ; rates moderate ; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 061 and 2964. Walking distance, 21st and. Irving. TH K BEUNA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; all outside apartments; ideal location, references. Phone Main 1091 and 1002. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. Tlifrh-olass. perfect In all details. Lucretla st. Marshall 1513. A 3337. S1S.0O, Including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 06U E. 19th st. N., cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $lo A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location close to school and carline. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. $15 ti-ROOM modern flat; every conven ience; good neighborhood; West Side: 692 ia Lovejoy. between 21st and 22d. 5-ROOM lower flat, outside rooms, walking distance. 602 E. Main, cor. 18th. Phone East 2764. 1H 4-R. hdw. firs., ivory finish, hot water, eep enfancft. 3;p Monroe. E. 679-- MODERN 6-room flat, very reasonable, 16th and Everett, West Side. FLAT of six rooms and bath: 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4 -room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts Main S0S8. 7-ROOM modern upper and lower fiat, $17 and $20. 6024 Everett. Main 3029. Furnbthed Flats. 551 TAYLOR, near 17th Large apartment, finely furnished with Circassian, walnut and fumed oak. upholstered with Spanish leather: also piano: very desirable: only $27.00; also 4-room apartment, finely fur- nisnea. witn piano, at -L. Appiy xrz tnapman. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 5-room lower flat, hardwood floors, fireplace and piano. oil e. uth st. N.. cor. Stanton, cau morn lngs. ONLY $35 FiKe-room furnished flat, clean, desirable location, gas. bath, gas and wood ranges, sleeping porcn, . t iu. - layior, East 5260. LOWER flat, nicely furnlehed, yard, modern. 104 E. 18th et. porch and 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central i-teating Co.. toa ivearney. .viar. o--o. Housekeeping Rooms. OXR room with kitchenette, completely fur. nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 5tn and Morrison sts., 114 up. 291 Columbia st., near Sth. MAKE the Bushmark your home; completely furnished housekeeping rooms $s weeK up, including gas, electricity, water, oo&ft -Washington. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. walking distance, both phones: 12 pel week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The warrenton, 402 H 3d st. 441 E. MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms tn Private Family. NICELY furnished 3-room apt.; light, heat and cooking gas furnished free. Ladd Addition. $20 a month. East 6O02. $1 TO $2 SO a w-ek; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 6039. 4)6 Vancouver, near Broaaway. FURNISHED housekeeping apartment. 2 rooms, $2.25 per week. 2 4 Montgomery cor. 41 n. (1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close In; large grounas, pnonc. ho e. btn. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 214 HiUgene st TYv'O cory h. k. rooms, free phone, bath. heat. $2.75 per. 243 13th at. Marsh. 4133. PLEASANT, clean. 2 rooms ind kitchenette. moaern. ia Hoyt. NICELY furnished h. k. room, modem con venience. 564 Flanders. 354 SALMON Two lovely rooms, furnished tor iiouseKeeping; small x. tt- rooms. NICELY furnished 2-room front suite; four blocks from Postofflce. 265 6th St. 2 LARGE, well-furnished front H. K. rooms; very convenient. 814 Main St. Houses. Phone Marshall 4600, A 6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc., in all parts of the city; avail yourselves of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. $16 921 E, 17th North; 6 rooms; chance to work out part or rent improving place. $10 1414 Morse st Woodlawn; 4 rooms, bungalow; excellent place for home or will sell on easy terms. $35 746 Irving st., near 23d; T rooms; good home; will put In nrst-class condi tion. v - Portland Trust Company of Oregon, Cth and Morrison Sts. IRVINGTON HOME. Modern In every detail; furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, sua room, auto garage; onlys $35 per month. " W. H. ROSS. 1100 N, W. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side, in perfect order; suitable for private residence or rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison. PIEDMONT district. 14.".5 Mississippi ave., 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors; rearonable rent to right parties. Also C room modern bungalow for $9. phone Broadway 1658. V-ROOM modern house, two blocks from Sunnvslde car. rent $18 pr month. 113 E. 3Sth st., or apply Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN three-room house in good resl dence section, close to bard-surface boule vard. $9 per month. Call at 404 Piatt bidg. FREE STORAGE Household Roods stored free: expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 708. MODERN 12-room house, partly furnished, centrally located, furnace (with colli, electricity and gas; walking distance. Mr. Cratn. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 5 rooms. modern in every way. S. D. Vincent A Co. Bnth phones. MODERN 6-room house; clean; rent very r-asonanie. tj.- p.aat salmon, corner simt. rnone ,ast gbbo. S-llOOM house, hardwood floors, hot water heat, garage, corner, nice lawn. Main inu.-t. .Mala o-nii. NICE, modern, well located house for rent cneap. Morris. Main 6976. fisii-ciiijY moaern Laurelhurst home, near oar, ro. lis Iddlngton Court. Tabor 32S4. 6-ROOM house, 611 Commercial st., $13 if taken at once. Woodlawn 8105. 8 ROOM Modern. 308 24th st. N. Phone Main $290; references: rent reasonable. MODERN 7-room house. 245 2 :d st., near Marshali; Phone Marshall 1079. o-ROOM S 2TinCook ave.. nesr Williama; gas. electricity, balh. East 12f8. $8.00 6-ROOM house, 2 blks. Albert a car. tn K. 22a. isortn. Main 2068. FINE modern 'bungalow, 44th W. Tabor 4912. 3 bedrooms. 375 E. 8-ROOM moflern house. 712 22d. Inquire 130 rtth st. Lovejoy. Main 62 near 78. FOR rENT Irvington. 7-room house at 037 E- 11th at. N. 618 Pittock block. NICE 6-room house on West Park et.; rea sonable rent to adults. Main 1055. rights reserved. Registered in V. S. Patent Offi s&az-a w sv IT WAS JUST FOR RENT. House. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1164 l'atton ave. for $15: 7-ruom houae. sleeping porch and garage, at 390 E. 9th st, for t-J; 4-room house at 36u E. 34th st. for 7; keys 133 N. W. Hank bidg. Phone Main 1677. KOOM house, gas. electricity, walking dls tance. 697 Everett st. Phone Cast 6. Furnished Hoiuca 3.ri 7 rooms, nicely furnished; garage. 835 c. win, near lawthorne avenue; refer ences required 10 22 J3. 48d at.; partly furnished; 5 rooms. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 6th and Morrison Sts." I AM a widower; will rent my new, modern Dungaiow, completely furnished, close East Side, to responsible man and wjfe, or re fined widow and mother for room and board. After 8 P. M., Tabor 141HX. MODERN three-room house in good resi dence section, close to hard-aurlace boule vard. (9 per month. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. 6-ROOM furnished houee, modern; electrlo lights and water furnished; close In: 15. SOSr, East th St., ouin. Broadway 4.7 or E. 61:35, TO responsible party, my modern 5-room furnished bungalow In Richmond district. S45 Brooklyn st. Main e35. lu-OD-EKN 4-room cottage, furnished; fruit trees, paved street, near car. tiellwood 2051. FURNISHED complete, bungalow, 6 rooms, modern, furnace, rent $20. Apply after noons. 1172 East Madison. u-HOOM furnished cottage, $12.60 per mo.: see owner, J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Main 1434. ROSE CITY PARK home, 5 rooms, modern, elegantlv furnished; block from car. Phone Tabor ?933. 7-ROOM furnished Hill. Mar. 3613. house. West Side, Nob 5-ROOM furnished house, piano. Richmond car. Inquire at grocery, 34th and Clinton. MODERN furnished cottages at S. shops. Call East 3225. 3-ROOMED modern bungalow, well nished. $15. 10'J E. 80th st. " fur- 5-ROOM modern bungalow, garage. 1439 2. Lincoln t.; $18. Main 1168. WILL rent elepantly furnished modern resi dence for Winter cheap. 71 E. 20th N. . Stores. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St., between 5th and 6th; 40 feet front by 23V feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman. Clay & Co. WANT to rent small shop on or near Al dor st. Tabor 6623. Offices. OFFICE SPACE, with or without window display; desk room or more, all conven iences, ground floor; very low rent. 306 Oak st. PRIVATE office, furnished or unfurnished. reception room and phone. 817 Board of Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private office; also desk room, $0 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. wrr'lUS $7 up; room, reasonable. furnished offices, desk 303 Swetland bldg. OFFICE and reception room, $15; share phone and stenographer. 2u9 Stock Lxch. I alls. NEATLY furnished dancehall, corner Front and clbbs; reasonable; also large, well- equippea loage nail. Main loll. BCSrXESS OPPORTUNITIES. A-S established manufacturer wants general saiesmanagcr to open office and mana salesmen; $300 to $700 capital necessary. Money-making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man e want. Acme iiiaas works. Inc., 101a nepuDiio blag.. Chicago. CREAMERY Have opening for energetic man in this solid business: pay salary $1U0 month besides hAr nf rvrnflrwr re quires small investment and owner agrees to teacn you me DUSlness. Call 248 Stark st. , PARTNER wanted In a well established manufacturing business. A splendid op portunlty for an energetic young man wrlll require about $5000. References ex changed. AJ 6. Oregonian. HOTEL MKN R RA r THH One of most prosperous hotels In capital city, for sale; will sell oropertv or furni ture and lease. For particulars address w view noioi, oiympia, wash. CAUTION. P.ITVPRS Before closln-v 1-fAl for Rn.nlU-4 It, -..- in established real estate business get ad- vj. x ' ji i a rj :ea!iy noarn. PAUL A. COWGILL, See., 202 Henry Bldg. POOL HA I.I. TO TP 1 np Dandy little suburban place; cheap rent ana gooa Business; price $550; time or iraue. a. j. ie orest. 2-07 Board of ACCOUNT owner's death, best wood and coalyard; will be sold or traded for any- Co., v,uiau 1. (i n nanaie. begners wood mm veugnn sts. SNAP. For sale Restaurant: sacrifice If taken ;f-nc8- 224'Vi Yamhill at. Phone Main . CASH BUSINESS Owner alone wants a steady man to help him; pay $15 week and shore profits; $150- required.- Call rmm si. I HAVE several well-paying propositions of merit that require but small Invest- iri-in. jiniersnip. 431 Chamber of Com. vv r. nave 41 grocery stores from $4-00 to -ij,ir, chbh ana. iraae. facllio Agency, Inc.. HALF CASH, or clear nronertv tnr tvh linery store up to $1000. -bee Louvln, 431 vuiijtiM-ar bi v. 11 1 ri 111 r-r' c. CIGARS AND POOLROOM Partner wanted for a good place; only $475 required. Call DON'T WORRY. T can trade or sell it; anything, rnan. 527 Chamber of Commerce, Ley- WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. MUlershtp, 431 WANT the biggest grocery on East Side $1-000 cash will buy. Pacific Agency, 615 SOME good ont-of-town (en. mdse., $2000 to $5000. Pacific Agency. 615 Swetland d 1 g. A uuuu bui 21-room hotel, full, restau rant, doing good, transient business. AJ 5, BEST little cleaning and dye works in city. 1 ome iook at it; S4UU, a'aclfle Agency 615 Swetland bldg. GOOD little stock of Jewelry at discount, about $400. Paclfio Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. WE have 40 grocery stores from $40O to $40,000, cash and trade. Paclfio Agency, Inc.. 615 Swetland bldg. I WANT stock of gen. mdse., $10,000 to $40. 000, at once, for liberal discount for cash. Pacific Agency. 515 Swetland bldg. MUST sell my half interest In Portland -business, established; no competition; so Ing East. Will sacrifice. AM 8. Oregonian. FOR EALE Whole or half Interest small bakery. Good business. W 8. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Small cash grocery store. Own er. 400 El Burnslde. Phone E 6357. FOR bN APS In rooming-houses see Paclfio Agency. Inc.. 615 Swetland bldg. GARAGE business, good location. $1200. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Paclfio Agency. Inc.. 51-1 Swetland bldg. FOR SNAPS In rooming-houses see Pacific Arency, Inc.. 515 Swetland bldg. POLLY AND HER "nurn .mess. A MILD SMOKES FOR P A. BY CLIFF BfSIXF.SS OPPOBTrylTIES. B1L.LI AKD HA T.I. AND BOWLING ALLEY. Includes 1 billiard table, S fine pool tables cigar and candy cases, cash register. -bowling alleys with balls, etc; acriflce price, $S00; a good money-maker; very best reason for' selling. Phone Tabor 2608. Evenings. Tabor 1945. SAWMILL, capacity t.0,000 feet per day. . ready to operate on short notice, with rail and water shipping facilities second to none; will consider sawing logs by the thousand or pooling same with good log ging operating company. Answer for personal interview. G 9i6, Oregonlan. I WILL eell you a clean cash business on Washington, showing 300 per cent profit. No loss, no credit, no help needed. Sales as high as S125" dally. Lady can man age, cash. Call today. Fred Milne. 431 Pittock block. IF YOU WISH TO BUT. SELL OR EXCHANGE A Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg GROCERY and delicatessen, in fine apart ment-house district. Just the place lor man and wife. Owner alone and. cannot handle it. Main 12vl. WE have the biggest $3000 snap in restau rant, established 12 years; ijo per aay. Price $3000. Pacific Agency, 515 Swet- land bldg. PARTNEK wanted, for a solid automobile Dustness to wait on customers, etc.; pay $150 month and small Investment re quired. Call 24,-1 u, stark st. $150 CASH will buy a nice little place. Sell luncnes oaaery goons, soil -annas, ei-u. Call 248H Stark St. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 to $40,000, cash and trade, pacific Agency, Inc.. 615 Swetland bldg. WANT man. $50O and services, good inside position. -acino Agency, 01a ew-si-aa-a bldg. NEW YEAR'S special, $2600 grocery stock. 7oc on tne ooiiar. tinrryi uiean, nr w stock. Paclfio Agency. 515 Swetland bldg. IF YOU have a store that Is your business. If you want to sell it, that Is our business. Paclfio Agency. 615 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE By owner, finest 8-table pool room on the West Bide: busy corner, plenty of good stock Main 8511! GOOD, established hardware stock, $3500; 1'ortlasu. Paclfio Agency, 010 eweuaoa bldg. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNTTIES WASTED. HUSTLING young man with (100 or more to invest that will give mm a good posi tion, can evenings, 3 to a. J. camby, aiar shall 400. WANTED General stock of merchandise- dry goods, clothing, shoes, groceries, etc.: will pay cash for any stock. What have you to offer T X 999. Oregonlan. WILL pay cash for barber shop at s bar gain. At; Ui oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. EASY TERMS OR EXCHANGE. ' 190-rocra modern hotel, located In Port land; clears from $250 to $3K per month; cost $25,000 to furnish: owner, non resident, will sacrifice for $10,000; take ud to $3UU0 in property or $iohi casn, -,-,111-. mnnthl & T T I J." . . ,-. t "(17 .fctoaru or Trade bldg. FREE HEAT. 25-room roorultig-house. White Temple Gistrict, velvet carpets, orass Deds. swell furniture, every room full and" turning people away, xteni ei, lnciuaes neat, not and cold water and janitor service, all ior s-uuu; easy terms. PETERS. IS N. Sth 6t. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE A Hotel, Rooming or Apt. -house, see A. J. DE FOREST. 205-2C7 Board of Trade BMg. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest, Reliable Agency In City. 524 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. 24 ROOMS All housekeeping, clearing $-10 a montn aDove ail expenses; low rent; win consider trade or 250 cash, balance terms. Mlllersnlp, 431 Chamber of Com. HOTELS, apts., or rooming-house, any slxe. price or location. Mrs. KranLz, G21 Yeon oiag. FOR SALE lO-room apartment-huupe. location. 240 Sth st. Main 2143. IXST AND FOUND. THE following articles were' found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. Jan. 1, 1917: 3 purses. 2 caps, 1 pkg. fancy work. 1 pkg. dress goods. 1 pkg. shoes 1 euv. veil. 1 bdL overalls, 1 suitcase, 1 grip. 1 prayer book, 1 package, 1 stocking cap. 1 child's hat. 1 pin, 1 cigarette holder. 1 sample case. 1 handbag, 1 pair -glasses, 2 necklaces, 1 door key, 1 man's hat. 5 umbrellas. Own ers may obtain property at 1st and Alder streets. THE following articles were found in the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Powell Company, Dec 30. 1916: 2 suit cases. 3 grips, 3 packages, 1 sack veg., 1 bdl. box, 1 oil can. 1 pr. rubbers, 1 breastpin, 1 bread pan, 1 purse, 1 scarf pin, 1 mitten, 2 lunch boxes 1 basket. 1 pin. 1 comb, 1 umbrella, 1 blanket, 1 overcoat, 1 sack. Owners may obtain prop erty at 1st and Alder sts. THE following articles were found on the cars ot the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company: 2 suitcases. 2 grips. 1 umbrella, 1 cap, 1 pr. rubbers. 1 shawl, 2 purses, 1 ear drop. 1 chain shoe, 1 glove. 1 pin, 1 brooch. 1 roll maps, 1 pr. glasses and key. 1 rain cape, 1 lunch pall, 1 sweater, 1 package. Owners may obtain property at 1st 4t.nd Alder sts. LOST Purse. In Olds, Wortmaa & King's store, containing about $11, also Elks card with name and address; finder kindly call E. 6629 and receive reward. LOST New Year's eve, Hawthorne ave. car, east, or E. 67th St. North, from 29th ave.. gold watch fob with black ribbon. Phone Marshall 654. LOST Small brown leather purse, contain ing change and check, other papers, on jOth, between Washington and Madison. Return to 404 Madison. LOST Personal hand bag. red leather: h collar bag. dinner plates, cup and saucer Inside: also letters! addressed to J no. Autry. phone Main 389. Reward. LOST On the Brooklyn car. glasses and case. Saturdav. 2. P. M. Party who picked them up, please return to AG 7, Orego nian. LOST Valuable papers, receipts. note; phone numbers, in small package. In down town district. Reward. Art 4. oregonian. LOST Mink muff, between Oregon Hotel and Willamette Heights; liberal reward. Phone Main 2921. IpOST Monday evening on Broadway, or in Northwestern Bank bldg., pigskin purse, containing key and about $6. Main 552. FOIND Monday dress overcoat. 8 P. M. morning. young gent s Room IS, Central Hotel, FOUND One tire, mounted, near Johnson's Crossing. Call Tabor 313 8. TOP dust cover for Velle roadster, r Warren. 68 N. 23d st. Main 780. LOST Statement from Lumhermens tional Bank. Call Main 4355. LOST White male English bull terrier; black harness, eore ear. Sell wood 863. LOST 7-link gold bracelet, between Strand and Grand theaters. East 2260. LO?T Lady's muff. Dee. SO. Return to owner. Reward.' Main 8704. LOST Brooch on Washington St., momlr.g. Mar. 9P3. Sunday LOST Sunday initials M. D. evening, gold bracelet watch, on back. AP 8. Oregonlan. PALS A HULLO STERRETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF PORTLAND TRACKLESS CAR COMPANY FOR A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE MOTOR BUSSES WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT LAND. AND REQUEST OF PERSONS HAVING OBJECTIONS TO FILE THB SAME. i Notice Is hereby given that the Port land Trackless Car Company did, on the 2-th day ot December, 1616, file with the Auditor of the City of Portland, Oregon, an application to the Council of the City or Portland for the granting of a three year franchise to operate motor busses in both directions for the transportation of passengers in. over, along and upon the following named streets and publlo ways In the City of Portland, to wit: Route bi Jorth on East Thlrtv-nlntn street from Belmont on the following route and streets: From comer of East Thirty-ninth and Belmont streets north on East Thirty-ninth street to Chlco street, thence to East Thirty-seventh street, thence to fandy road, thence to East Thirty-eighth street, thence to Knott street, thence to East Forty-third street, on Euft Forty-third street to Wisteria ave nue, thence to the Alameda, thence to Fast Fifty-seventh street, snd on East Fifty-seventh street to Klickitat street; returning same route and streets; mith -ansfers to Belmont street and all other Zjutes operated by grantee. Including the Portland and Oregon City Railway lines as set forth In Section 10 of this franchise. Route 6: Haisey-street route. From cor ner Fifth and Alder streets, on Alder to First, on First to Morrison, on Morrison cross bridge to East Water, on East Water to Kelmont street, on Belmont street to East Twelfth street, thence to East Burnstde street, on East Burnslde street to East Twenty-fourth street on East Twenty-fourth street to East Everett street, and on East Everett to East Thirty-second street, and on Fast Thirty second street to East Thirty-third street, thence to Sandy road, thence to East Thirty-ninth street. thence to Haleey street, and on Halsey street to East Fifty second street: returning same route and streets, to East Twelfth and Morrison streets, thence on East Morrison street across Morrison bridge to First street, on First street to Alder street and on Aider s.reet to rirtn street. Route 7: Steel bridge route. From cor ner Fifth and Aldr streets, on Alder to fourth street, on Fourth street to Gltsan street, thence across Steel bridge to Ore gon street, on Oregon street to Grand ave nue, on Grand avenue to Holladay ave nue, on Hollndsy avenue to Enst Tenth street, on East Tenth street to Thompson street, on Thompson street to East l wenty-seventh street on East Twenty seventh street to Knott street; returning same rouie to rourtn street at CMsan street, thence on Gllsan street to- Sixth street, on Sixth street to Alder street, and on Aiaer sireei lo rItn street. Route a : preseott route. From corner East Tenth and Thompson streets, on East lentn street to fotanton street, on Stanton street to East Seventh street, on East c-eventh street to rteech street, on Beech street to East Eighth street. on East Eighth to Prescott street and on Prescott street to East Thirty-third street: return ing same route and streets with transfers to Inompson street on Steel bridge route, and all other routes operated bv a-rante. includlng the Portland and Oregon Cltv Railway lines as set forth In Section 10 of in is irancntse. Said proposed franchise has been cub- llshed In full In The Dallv Bulletin In the Issue of January 2. 1017, and the same is on file In the ornee of the undersigned, and may be examined by persons inter ested. Request Is hereby made that any person having any objections to said proposed franchise, or any provision thereof, file the same; in writing, with the Auditor within twenty (20 days from the first publication of this notice and If request Is made tnerefor the Council will fix a time for hearing objections, and will give reasonable notice of the time so fixed, whlcu notice shall be not less than five days. This notice Is given pursuant to the cnarter and ordinances of ssld city. Dated at Portland, Or., and first pub llshed January S, 1917. A. L. BARBtlt, Auditor ot the City ot Portland. ALASKA FISH SALTING A BY-FRODUCTlS rniipi vv The annual meeting of" the stockholders or tne sdovo company win be held in the offices of the company, 602 Concord bldg., Portland. Or., on Wednesday the 17th day ot January, mil, at iz o clock noon. BRYDON H. NICOLL. Sec. NOTICE I will have nothing more to do witn. Nellie Cllne van M-.-ter s property. J. rt. VAN .M c. I fc. K. BARGES tor rent, capacity 600 tons. Main eo. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property. 6 to 8 per cent. Business property. 5 to 6 per cent Farm property. 7 to 8 per cent WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock b!k WILL purchase short-time chsttel mortgages or contracts, preferably or monthly Install tnent payments. Portland Loan company, o-.n ieKum rinr. - INVESTORS wanted; amounts of $1000 or more; guaranteed proMs of 10 per cent in best line business on Paclnc Coast. 429 mm oerm ens oiag. FIRsT and second mortgages: also seller's Interest In contracts purchased: Oregon or wwsn. n. tu. NoDie, LumDermens bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds snd notes. WE ? T FR N BOND MORTGAGE CO.. Q 4th St.. Board of Trad bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort tPW pi rchssed. Lewis ft Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to I.tMu oa Krai Estate. M OPTO AGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repsylng privileges. A. ft. BIRRELL A CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. $500. $1000 AND upwards on Improved real estate; xavorable terms; no delay: no brokerage. John Bain. SOT Spalding bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FA RRTNGTON. 80 Fourth Street. Portland. Or. NO COMMISSION. 7 PER CENT MONEY, PORTLAND IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. K. 491. 6 PER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. DESHON ft HAWK. MAIN llrtl. 720 Chamher of Commerce Bldg. MONEY ""O LOAN ON CITY OR FARM KOPERTT: WILL CAI.T. IF IXTt'U STTCD. Phone Tabor 2026. SEE US today for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent: $200 and up. Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Teon bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to stilt; build ing loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315 316 Falling bldg. Phone Main 8407. $1000 TO $10,000- TO LOAN 00 city or tarnZ no commission. P. O. box 873. city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 813 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. FARM and city loans, flij per cent; no com mission. E 947. Oregonlan. $200, $35C. fnoo. 12'X. $1500. Fred W. German ft Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. DOOLEY CO.. X12 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY Anv amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Felt, Spalding- Main -.4. HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M. HICKey. Atty.. S26 N. W. Pank bldit. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON ft CO.. S00 OAK ST. MONEY TO LOAN IV ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 4-24 Cham, of Com. $1500 TO loan on acreage, close to Portland. AG 6. Oregonlan. $250. $4"0. man Co., $T.i0. rts.0. $750. Fred W. Ger 732 Chamber of Commerce. ' HULLO L 5RTL & I, SVEAKul' - .54 - IJ ' FINANCIAL. Money to Ioan on Real Estate. OCR Installment plan Is the best and surest method of paving- a loan. $'12.23 per month fcr months or $21.24 f..r 6.i months, or .. $lo.l7 tor ua months pays a $100 ioaa and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property i Or for building purposes. ' commission chargta. , EQL1TABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. SO frt.-irk Street. Portland. Or. RESIDsTNCE LOANS AT 6H PER CENT. ny Amount. No le.a Repayment Privii.... le'.aja. C'-ARli, KENDALL Ac CO. -ioo, jub Northwestern Back Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on Improved city and ;arm. property; will consider good build ing loans. ViT,THil';I-A'KN'CH COMPANY", Main 6.U5. 171 4t ,t. a 5818. a ?iyl CENT money. 3 to 5 years, residence Erf,?MV.y.: Tlu c'''Pt SlH or more oa principal at any interest period pivmait; p"r eent money on bualnec property. f?hTS,K,krm Pacifio Title A Trust Co. T -namber of Commerce. Marshall 12. . MONEY TO LOAN 1 !?""? security from $100 op 00 r.rL, of interest. TTO,,,feHARKSoN REALTY CO. 413 Chamber ot Commerce. BONDS BOUGHT WARRANTS BOUGHT -.J,'i"!Tr'-t'-E3 BOUGHT CITIZENS HANK. EAST 4!1 6 PER CENT MON E Y W li:amette Valley rw.e.. T i,rn? ue:a-r: n commissions. cord V -V -yiHifusa 1 oir.nanv, 607 Con- oi.ii... and Stark sta. iuuu 10 LOAN on good citr nro-n. i.V '"-no. . per cent. Will split In two $500 loans if satisfactory. Sea m torney at 404 Plett bldg. Jl?i1iVEN.T Ia'1' r be made on central retail bLrtneii prnpert!-.. 6 and 7 per cnt on other securities. EDWARD E. GOCDEf CO.. Northwestern Tank bldg. '"SL'i-i"'". LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. B.iVrV-C.iA- MORTGAGE CO.. INC. .. luuiif oing.. :iq ar.q Yamhill. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IF TOC NEED MONEY. SEE US SALARIES . . . CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income: on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 806-307 Dekum BMg. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY, we are making a specialty of quick holiday loans to salaried employes: Also loans on household furniture and pianos, without removal. Special rates until January 1. CALL AND SEE US. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Licensed. SIT Falling Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organised by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easv Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased 20a McKay bigg. Main 142. fctatuiAI, LOAN ASSOCIATION Ejtab- nsnea Ly Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager. 34 Stark at. Money loaned on dla momis. Jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. $700 6 $700 ST- S-aere tract, all In cultivation, adjoining North Plains; S-room house, lsrge barn; owner's value $3U'0. Fred W. German Co . 1 32 Cham, of Com. U AMbD Loan $4.".0. Eastern money pre ferred; will pay 3 per cent commission. S per cent Interest: good real estate se curlty. X . Oreponinn. I CAN place $400 to $5000 at 7 per cent and Pf- ii'nt 'h'eres:: grafters stay away. ... ... r4ngt. piock r.xcnange bicg. MoNKY to loan on diamonds. Jowelry; legal ?'' '.l.arU'M''" "d 1 year: established since 1-ss. rjan Mart. 2 l Washington. PIANO and furniture loans: Urensed by the state. Geo. Harvey. Tabor SSOa. WANTED $i.tio on improved business prop'- erty Mr. Touno. 2"7 Board of Trade bldg. .'rt ' on Sunnyslde bungalow. Call 816 Board ot Trade bldg. Main 74,',2v rER"ONAI HAIR CiOuJJS. LOWEST PRICES. 80-incn wavy switch, 2 Sep $1.59 24-inch wavy switch, 3 Sep......... 1.00 All-around trantormation 1.45 Hairdi easing, shampooing, face massage, hair booblng. manicuring. 2c Hair re moved by electric ueeuie. switch made ot comotngs. t)5c. We buy your combingx Sanitary Parlors, 40O-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. FEBVET HANKiiL'T. leading wig and toupe mukers: finest stock Human hair goods; hulrdrenslii;;. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. Removed u 319 Alder, near Broadway. Main 546. REV. MRS. J. C. SCUORi lectures on divine laws, truths. 3 P. M. Sunday, Arcanum Hall, 109 l.'.ih st. Circles, messages, con sults with you. Beverly. 185 Park at. Mar. 697 5. LOL NEtZEL, German trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatments for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralg.a, etc., massage and baths; iady assistant: now located at 310 Park st. Marsnull jiva. Open Sundavs. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI gives demonstra tions Sunday, 8 P. M.. at Arcanum Hall. lu 13th st- Reads daily at Beverly Ho tel. 1&5 Park -ft. Mar. 597. BLfERI-LUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by m-j.tlple-needle method: consultation free. Mile. DeLong. 5Q4 Swetland s-iag. AZA H. RIBBECKE, featural correction 1st. face and scalp massage. 128 12th sc. near Wash. Mar. 32ii0. Advice free. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental, spiritual scientist. 309 Tourney b.dg., 10 to 4 daliy. Written questions wed., 7:45 P. M. Mwtr. &090. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years In Portland: -luo. century scieuce In palmistry taught; spirlt ual readings dally. 315 Taylor st. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths. Hunt, heat, electric and vibratory massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynle. 517 Swetlund. Main 1765. GilACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory maiMlt. Office 49. 3d. Hour, 145'., Broad way. Sl'lKlTUALIS-il Pev. May A. Price circle Tuesday. 2 aud 8 P. M. and Sun. S P. M.; reading dally. 292 Clay. Marsnall 390. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, fare and scalp; salt batha, 426 Clay tt Main 6359. AtCAi-cO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port land Hotel Pharn-.acy. MASS-VGE treatments. ei(ctric vil-rator, by trained nurse. 30a 3d. Apt. C. Main 1049., LIFE READER. Hart Apts.. 17nii;j st.. apt. 15. 4th floor. Marshall 26"1. MISS JOHNSON, chiropody,' massage, light magnetic Appointments only. Main 504. i'KAM'hii Dh; MAYO, scalp specialist, 2ulta Morrison st. Office 11. ROSENA TAYLOR Mas:-us and scalp spe cialist. 169 Park st. Marshall 313ri. SCALP, maseage 850 Yamhi:l st ind shampooing near Park. FACIAL and scalp &50L- Morrison st. massage-, shampooing. Office 202. MAGNETIC healer; 2d st, 4th floor., i treatments diiiy. ITO1 pt 9. Mar. 2407. ELECTRIC treatments, 417-20 Northwestern sr-uip and massage. Bank bldg. MAY ANDREWS teaches ph-enoloKv and card reuding. 2S2 Park et. Main 7544. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Roval Torlo Tablets. rv Hoyt st. Phone Main 23T ::. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. TJ. Hilt. 429 Flledner bidg. Main 8473. I m ill -'LI ' it 1 1 3 e e J e t