Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 02, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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    - V
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Fifty-two Cars in Procession
to Prove "Oregonians Mo
tor All the Year."
Party Goes as Far as Multnomah
Falls, Then Returns to Corbett,
Where Evening Is Passed In
Enlivening Merrymaking.
In the face of a strong rain and
sleet storm, which ragea aioner the
enow-carpeted Columbia River High
way yesterday, the members of the
Dealers' Motor Car Association of Ore
gon, played true to their new slogan,
"Oregonians Motor All the Year," by
turning out for the first annual New
1' ear's run In large numbers and with
happy spirit.
Fifty-two cars were driven In pro
cession from Portland through the
eleet and deep snow on the highway,
as-far as Multnomah Falls, and later
returned to Becker's Hall at Corbett,
where the evening was finished in
dancing, intersperced with moclt court
To enliven the occasion a special
t squad, composed of C. C. Hofele, police
man; Jack Turner, sheriff; Melvln Ur
fer. plain bum, and C. C. Hurley, as
Charlie Chaplin, took charge of an
automobile police patrol and made
several arrests. F. W. Vogler was
"pinched" for wearing "unnecessary
clothes" in the shape of white suit and
broad straw hat; D. C. Warren was ar
rested for using low gear on a high
gear slope; Mrs. E. C. Habel was taken
Into custody for speeding, and Walter
Miller and Mrs. Arnold Cohen were
caught on trumped up offences.
ProI Wacon" rued.
Each of the culprits was compelled
to ride in the "patrol wagon" for
several miles and. were subsequently
fined in "court" with A. 6. Robinson
on the "bench."
The motorists were Invited to wear
any costumes they might choose and
the result was everything from hay
peed outfits to a coat composed of the
flags of all nations worn by M. O.
"Wilklnsl president-manager of the as
sociation. Before leaving for the highway the
excursionists staged a parade from the
point of formation. Park and Couch
streets, to Sixteenth and Burnside
streets, down Washington to Third
street, down Third to Burnside, up
Burnside to Broadway and out the
Broadway bridge to the highway.
Despite the storm all of the. 260 or
more who made the trip did so with
comfort, many of them being In en
closed cars. All machines bore the of
ficial label. "Oregonians Motor All the
Ice Formations Attractive).
Those who drove as far as Horsetail
Falls saw the most wonderful ice for
mations along the highway. All of the
waterfalls are greatly swollen and the
formation of icicles along the ridges
and on the crags of both the Oregon
and Washington shores drew exclama
tions of admiration from the motorists.
The Columbia River was strewn with
large cakes of ice.
The snow covering the highway fell
during Sunday night, leaving a fresh
crust to be dented by the holiday mo
torists. Near Oneonta Gorge the snow
stood nearly to the running boards of
the machines.
The pathflndlng cars at ths Rotary
Club fountain In Benson Park met three
Portland girls walking through the
snow to Portland. The girls, Martha
Gasch, Anne Nichell and Helen Her
man, went on the train .to Hood River
Saturday night and started their hike
Sunday morning. They camped Sunday
night at Bonneville, and walked ""on
yesterday to Troutdale, where they
took the train to Portland. They said
there was no snow at all along the
highway between Hood River and Cas
cade Locks.
lja Grande Chief Retires Today.
LA GRANDE, Or., Jan. 1. (Special.)
J. C. Ardrey retires as chief of police
tomorrow, and it is reported that Lou
Rayburn, Northwest champion blue
rock killer, will succeed him. Ray-
burn s home Is here and he has been
chief of police before, although he is
now a policeman at Pendleton.
Dandruff causes a feverish Irritation
of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loos
en and then the hair comes out fast. To
stop falling hair at once and rid the
scalp of every particle of dandruff, get
a 25-cent bottle of Danderine at any
drug store, pour a little in your hand
and rub well into the scalp. After a
few applications all dandruff disappears
and the hair stops coming out.
Look at Tongue I If Feverish,
Bilious, Constipated, Take
No Chances.
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'California Syrup of Figs" Can't
Harm Tender Stomach,
Liver, Bowels.
Don't scold your fretful, peevish child.
Be If tongue is coated; this is a sur
sign its little stomach, liver and bow
els are clogged with sour waste.
When listless, pale, feveriso, full of
cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat. sleep or act naturally, has stom
ach ache, indigestion, diarrhoea, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
i'lgs." and in a few hours ell tha foul
waste, the sour bile and fermenting food
passes out of the bowels and you have
a well and playful child again. Chil
dren love this fiarmless "fruit laxa
tive," and mothers can rest easy after
giving It, -:ause It never fails to
maku their little "insldes" clean ana
Keep It handy. MAherl A little g'vsn
today saves a sick chll tomorrow, but
get the genuine. Ask your druggist for
a 60-cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Kigs," which has directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Remember there
are counterfeits sold here, so surely
look and see that yours is made Ly tee
"California Fig Syrup Company.'' Hand
back with contempt any other fig
syrup. Adv.
-Part f the Cars Lined op at Corbett, Wkm the Dane Twk Place, C. CT Hofele. at Left, Serrlna; aa Fir
Cop in Arresting K. W. Voaler for Wearing "I'nnwuwr Cle-the" On the Right Is Jack Turner. Acting as
Sheriff. Mrs. Vogler and Hn Arnold Cohan Also Stand In Frost of the Police Patrol. S Three Portland
Girls, Martha Gaach, Anne Kichell and Helen Herman, Who Yesterday Completed lllalnjr Trip Along Highway
Prom Hood River to Portland. A Mitchell Car In Snow Hear Oneonta Gorge, Showing Cnlcea of lee Ploatlnsl
In River.
mm m
I II i Present
IIII II III 1 1 Store.
Entire Stock of Furs at
Slashing Reductions
. From
One-Fifth to One-Half
Off Regular Prices
' is to have a new home the grandest, the largest and best
; West! It wfll be a home that will be a fitting monument
to the name that has stood for the best in furs for fifty years.
The new store must and shall open with a complete new stock nothing will be
moved from the old store. Many fur garments included in this sale are marked
for less than the raw skins can be purchased now. Many prices are less than
the bare workroom cost of the garments.
Just think of magnificent coats of
French Seal, Moleskin, Blended
Muskrat and Marmot, Near Seal,
etc, in the new flare effects and
magnificently designed and made,
selling at prices nearly approximat
ing the bare cost of the raw furl
and still another s u r p r 1 s e
Liebee' fine collection of Fox
Animal Scarfs, noted for its beauty
and value, is, too, included in this
sale. Fine Red Fox Scarfs, White
Fox Scarfs, Blue Fox Scarfs, Nat
ural Silver Fox Scarfs, etc, etc,
all go!
and besides there are innumer
able cape and collarette effects
and muffs and sets of Muskrat,
Opossum, Jap Cross, Moleskin,
Ermine, Skunk, Iceland Fox and so
forth included at these reduced
prices. Read the short list of .spe
cials following:
Hudson Seal (Seal Dyed Muskrat), regu- fir?
lar 195, now OlUU
Near Seal, regu- d JA Russian Pony, regu-CJ? C
lar $65, now UJJ lar !., now OO J
Mole and Ermine Cape Collarette, regular (no
35, now at 0,0
Mole and Ermine Cape Collarette, regular ffQC
J 110". now at 00J
Hudson Seal Scarf (Seal - iyed Muskrat), C? t A
regular $17.60, now at wit
Hudson Seal Scarf (Seal Dyed MusKrat). 0f
regular $30, now OT
Hudson Seal Scarf (Seal Dyed Muskrat), g A Q
regular $60, now 0xO
Skunk Neckpiece. C A Skunk Neckpiece, $OQ
regTr $17.50. now O 11 $35, now...DiiO
New Two-Way Red Fox Animal Scarf. o A
regular $42.60, now tPOt
New Two-Way Cross Fox Animal eee
Scarf, regular $70, now at vJU
Brown Fox
Shawl Collars,
reg. $7.60. now
Brown Fox
Collars and
Muffs, sets for
S e a 1 1 n and
Moufflon Seta,
reg. $25. now
Black and Gray
Wolf Shawl
rpllars, regular
$11. SO. now
New Home, Broadway, I
3 ear Morrison.
H. Liebes & Co.
288 Morrison
J. P. Plagemann, Mgr.
After Feb. Bdwy., Near Morrison
fnlns, who Is 18, firmly maintains that
he went there to dine.
"I had a nickel," he Insisted.
John Crnnmlm Arrested In Picketed
Restaurant and Police Are Stifled
John Cummins is charged with dis
orderly conduct. He awaits trial In
the City Jail and denies that he is an
I. W. W. or that ho was disorderly.
- But the facts are: Cummins walked
into the restaurant at First and Madi
son streets yesterday, where I. W. W.
pickets) have paced the pavement for
more than a week. He ordered food.
Scarcely had he gained a stool, how
ever, before patrons of the restaurant
fidgeted and fled.
Patrolman Fones was called In by
the proprietor, who pointed to Cum
mins. The officer's nose wrinkled as
he approached. About Cummins hov
ered an aroma strongly resembling
that of the striped "kitty of the wild
wood. At the police station Cummins de
nied that he had put anything on his
clothes. He denied that he was) an L
W. W. Literature of that organisation
was found In his pocket. He did not
know what was responsible for the
odor which enveloped him and made
his valeting Jailer, Patrolman Ernie
Johnson, cough and back away.
The police believe that Cummins was
selected by the I. W. W. to carry the
objectlonabale ccent Into the restau
rant and disperse the patrons. Cum
Second National Service Scbool Af
fair to Bo' Held at Chevy Cbase.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. The second
annual encampment of the National
Service School, similar to that held
here last Summer to give women mili
tary training, will open at Chevy
Chase on April 14 and continue about
six weeks under the direction of the
woman'o section of the Navy League,
It was announced today.
Two courses of 20 days each, and
possibly a third especially for school
girls and teachers, will be arranged,
with military drill. Red Cross, wireless
and signal practice In each. Fifteen
hundred applications for enrollment
are said to have ,been received already.
Four Other Teasels, Tlero of Them
Neutrals, Reported Sunk.
LONDON, Jan. L The cutter Pro
tector has been blown up. . The number
of men lost -is not known.
Vessels reported sunk Include the
British steamer Apsley Hall, 8882 tons;
Danish steamer Danmark, 2050 tons:
Russian steamer Tuskar, 3043 tons, and
the Norwegian steamer Edda, 1137
tons. Three of the crew of the Tuskar
were drowned.
Clothing Strikers May Settle.
NEW XOAJC, Jan. 1. PrsdloUon was
made tonight that a settlement of the
strike of 50.000 members of the Arnil
gamated Clothing Workers will be
effected tomorrow at a conference be
tween representatives of the union and
the American Clothing Manufacturers'
Association. .
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
TheUnited States
ia Yours if you are in
good health. The United
States spells Opportunity.
""sith comes irom ngui
selection of food and right
habits. Two Shredded
Wh3at Biscuits for break
fast will supply more nutri
ment than many a two-dollar
meal, and costs only four
or five cents. A meal to
work on,to play on. Shred
ded Wheat is ready-cooked,
and ready-to-eat.
Made t Xiia&ara Falls, H. X
5 8$hky il i ll
ykmimMmmi fa
-' . LlJ, (i MrilllllViillltimilii -J
ods Week .
At the Owl Drug Store
Hot Water Bottle and Cover
Regular Price $1.50
;otli for
I ' B
Our Rubber Goods Week means money
SAVED. . Great numbers of people take advan
tage of the many specials offered to fill their
needs in hot water bottles, syringes and similar
This special price advertised will last through
this entire week. t
This special offer includes our Gibraltar Hot
Water Bottle, made of high-grade maroon rub
ber. Handsomely, finished. Seamless. Regu
larly sold at The Owl Drug Stores for $1.25.
The cover given free "with each bottle is a
genuine Thermosac. It is made of heavy, soft
flannelette, bound with braid and neatly pat
terned: The Thermosac causes the bottle to
retain the heat and prevents burning the body.
A splendid aid to sound slumber. Regularly
sold at 25 cents.
Both bottle and
cover are offered for
the remaining days of
our Rubber Goods
Week at
Bring them ' to the
Owl. 8V2-hour glove
cleaning ervice. Left
at 9 A M., ready for
you at 5:30 same day
v" 1 M
Ht : i jg i ' ike irsf
Awarded the Gold Medal at the Panama
Pacifle International Exposition, 1915.