THE MORNING OREGQNIAN, TTTRSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1917. j"" ALSO PAGE 11, THIS PAPER, FOR OUR BIG FURNITURE ANNOUNCEMENT TURN TO IT NOW A Boys' Two-Pants Corduroy Suits $4.95 In the face of a rising market on this merchandise, corduroy suits with two pairs of full-lined knickers at $4.95 are an unusual value. Sizes for boys of all ages from 6 to 16 years are included in this sale, but the number in some cases is limited. These are all smart, well-tailored little garments that will stand the hardest wear your growing boy can give them. In serviceable mouse gray color. Special at $4.95. ; '. Boys' Clothing? Shop, Third Floor. Hurt Books y2 Great assortment of desirable books, some slightly soiled from handling and dis play. Gift ooks, novels, juvenile reading, miscellaneous fiction, travel books, etc -25c to 40c Miscellaneous Books, 15 Calendars New Year's Calendars in great variety. Included are Mark Twain, O. Henry, Din ner Calendars, Mother's Calendars, Kitchen Account Calendars, Just for Today, etc Now at half price. . Boob Shop. Basement Balcony. Tut Quality' Store or- Portland nru. SixtlvTlarriaary AUv 9t& Our Great Annual Sale Remnants and Odds : " Ends ! 1 1 I i I Begins Today Promptly at 9 A. M. Thousands of Incomplete Assortments, Broken and Discontinued Lines, Odd Lots, Remnants, Etc., of Quality Merchandise All Over the Store That Have $ Accumulated From Months of Unprecedented Busy Selling, All Go at Most Drastic Underprices! DOUBLE SAVINGS TUESDAY SAVE MORE HERE THAN ELSEWHERE ALWAYS Women's Hats Great reductions on women's smart millinery all through the department. All are smartest midwinter models and some are on advance Spring styles. Imported Hats This sale at Yz All $5 to $15 Tailored Hats VA Off. $7.50 to $12.50 Hats; In great variety and large assortment. Special Tuesday at only 5. Untrimmed Hats At y and off. $2 to $2.75 Untrimmed Hats One large lot at 95J. All Flowers, Feathers and Fancy Ornaments at 4 off I Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor Remnants of Many Ribbons Only 15c. Cleanup of wide and narrow ribbon remnants at a-fraction of their real worth. All colors and widths are included, in - various lengths. On sale Tuesday in this special sale at, each, 15c Main Floor. 50c to 85c Wide Ribbons, Yd. 25c Broken lines of .wide, fancy ribbons in scores of designs and colors. Both plain and fancy novelties are included. For fancywork, bags, hangers, etc. Exceptional values, yard, 25c. Main Floor. Women's Fine Soft Kercbief s 2 for 10c Good quality, soft-finish ker chiefs, packed in a sanitary cover, laundered and ready for use. A special value for this big sale Tuesday. Sold in packages only two kerchiefs 10c. Main Floor. 35c to 50c Fancy White Goods 25c Fancy white wash materials odd lots and broken assortments underpriced for quick disposal. All 36 inches wide. For blouses, simple frocks and various house hold uses. Yard, 25c Second Floor. 67 Fine Chiffon Plushes, Yd. $3.90 Fine quality costume plushes in navy, black, brown, sapphire, myrtle and flame colors. Full 40 " inches wide. Wonderfully lovely for gowns and coats and very special Tuesday at $3.90. Second Floor. Our 15c Ginghams Special Yd. 12c Short lengths of best 32-inch ginghams, in large assortment of plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors. A large quantity, but not a great deal of every kind. Tuesday only, yard, 12 c. Seeond Floor. $2.25 Soft Nains'k 10-Yd. Piece $1.75 Fine, soft nainsook, full 36 inches wide; pretty and prac tical for undermuslins, gowns, linings, etc, on special sale for Tuesday only. In pieces of 10 yard lengths at only $1.75. Second Floor. $1.25' Linen Table Damask, Yd. $1.00 Pure, linen table damask 70 inches wide. Just 25 pieces in the lot placed on sale despite the scarcity of pure, linens on sale Tuesday only. Good designs and splendid quality. Yard, $1. 1 Second Floor. $6 Scotch Linen Table Cloths $4.00 Just one lot of, extra heavy Scotch linen table cloths, size G8x86 inches, with full border. The proper length cloth for seat ing six persons. Several good patterns. Tuesday special, $4. Second Floor. $5 to $7 Wool Plush, Yd. at $3.90 Brown, black, navy, green, shades of fine wool plush and kitten's ear cloths. Full 54 inches wide; particularly hand some for coats. On special sale at, yard, $3.90, instead of $5-$7. Second Floor. Smart Waists at special cleanup prices throughout the department. Broken lines and odds and ends greatly reduced. Note these few: $2.73 LINGERIE WAISTS AT S1.95 Voile waists, prettily trimmed In lace, and tailored madras waists. Special Tuesday at $1.95. $3 TO 6 FANCY WAISTS AT S3.85 Odds and ends of crepe de chine, Georgette, voile and lace waists in light and dark shades. $6.50 SPLENDID WAISTS AT 4.45 Odds and ends in exceptionally good crepe de chines. Georgette crepes, lace and voile waists. Light and dark shades. Waist Shop. Fourth Floor. $2.00 to $ 4.00MetalLaces SpecialTuesday, Yd. $ 1 .39 i Odds and ends and sample pieces of metal laces in this great Tuesday sale! Black white and ecru silk net embroidered. in gold, silver, delicate pastel effects and Paisley colorings. Widths from 18 to 27 inches and a few 36 inches. ' k- 12c TO 25c EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING, YARD 10d A wonderful'opportunity in view of the advance on the stitch rate and embroidery materials ! Insertions and galloons 1 to 3 inches, 3 to 6-inch edgings, flouncings 9 to 17 inches and 20-inch allover embroideries. Cambric, nainsook, Swiss and Convent embroideries all special at, yard 10c. $1.25-$2.50 METAL LACES, 98 Silk net, embroidered in gold, silver and lovely colors. Silk lace flouncings, both white and colored. Chantilly, net-top edges, flouncings and maline laces. Widths from 12 to 27 inches. . - 65c-75c COLORED BANDS SPECIAL AT 49c 85c-$1.23 FANCY BANDS SPECIAL AT 69c Colored bands and edges, metal edges, etc., in gold and antique finish for millinery, neckwear and fancywork. Widths from 3 to 5 inches. 8c-12c COTTON LACES, YARD, 5 Cotton lace, Cluny, imitation Cluny, Irish, Torchon and Barman laces and Savilla edges for nndermuslins. Widths from to 2 inches. Spe cial at, yard, 5c. Lace Shop, Main Floor Odds and Ends of Women's Fine Apparel at Special Reductions SUITS SPECIAL S10 AND S14.85 - Two extra specials on- women's tailor-made suits. Wool poplin, gabardine, velvet and broadcloth models, many of them fur trimmed. COATS SPECIAL S8.88 AND $16.45 Two extra specials on coats. Tweeds, mixtures, plain materials, plush," wool velours and fancy plaid mate rials. In the most desirable shades and styles. DRESSES SPECIAL AT ONLY.S9.85 Serge dresses for street wear and crepe de chine for evening wear. All new and good styles in various attractive colors. SKIRTS SPECIAL TUESDAY $4.85 Odds and ends of practical and serviceable separate skirts in different materials and styles. EVERY GARMENT IN OUR APPAREL SALONS AT SPECIAL PRICES EVERY SUIT, COAT, DRESS AND SKIRT. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor Women's Sweaters in 3 Special Lots Today Odds and ends of fine wool sweaters, placed in 3 big groups for quick disposal. A variety of fancy and plain weaves in white and fancy colors. Made with belts or sashes. At these special prices : $6 to $7 Sweaters. ..$4.95 $7.50-$S.93 djC QC I 10-$13.50 CQ QC Sweaters... Sweaters. . ,?0 .J7 O $7.50 LOUNGING ROBES, $5.45' Corduroy lounging robes in rose, Copen, light blue and pink, all in pretty styles, well made and lined throughout. Special in this sale at $5.45. CLEANUP OF MANY GOOD CORSETS Odds and ends of fine corsets coutil and batiste, some figured and others plain. Cotton and silk brocade in white and pink. Not all styles or sizes in each lot. $1.50 to $2.00 on I 53.50 to $4.00 ' Corsets. .......... $2.50 to $3.00 Corsets , ...89c $1.47 $3.50 to $4.00 t r r r Corsets t.3t $3.59 $5.00 to $8.00 Corsets . Third Floor. Sixth Street. 35c to $2.00 Buttons 5c Odds and ends of buttons in all styles, shapes and sizes. Bejrularly 35c to $2 dozen. Tuesday, card, 5c. $3.50 TO $5.00 BEAD FLOUNCING, YARD, $1.79 Lovely flouncing for evening and party frocks, blouses and gowns. Ori ental and iridescent combinations in black and white. 18 inches wide. The yard, $1.79. - $6.00-$10.00 BEAD FLOUNCING, YARD, $2.89 27 and 36-inch fancy flouncing on sale Tuesday at, yard, $2.89. SILVER AND GOLD TRIMMINGS REDUCED Beautiful and dainty effects in metal edges and bands from 3 to 9 inches wide. Regularly $1.25 to $5.50 yard. Special at 98c to $3.98. $2.50-$10 BEADED BANDS, $1.98 TO $6.98 Good reductions on gorgeous Oriental effects in beaded bands, 2 to 15 inches wide. ' Tuesday, $1.98 to $6.98 yard. BLACK MILITARY BRAID REDUCED 4-inch braid, regularly 5c yard, special at 2c; to 1-inch braid, regu larly 8c to 20c yard, special at, yard, 5c. Trimming Shop, Main Floor FLANNEL Remnants A large assortment of these good remnants in 3 to 7-yard lengths at worth-while savings. Outings in white, also stripes, checks and plaids in light, me dium and dark colorings. Flannelettes in flowered and conventional designs. Wool flannels also in' this sale, for middies, shirts, etc Second Floor. Fifth Street. 40c Sheeting Yard 35c Mill ends of the best quality 9-4 bleached sheeting in lengths from 72 to 30 yards. 40c grade at, yard, 35c None will be cut. SHEETS, extra good quality, round thread, linen finish, orn and hemmed, size 81 by 90, at 75c size 81 by 99 at 80c size 81 by 108, each 85c. ' Pillow Cases to match sheets, size 42 by 36, at 15c; size 45 by 3814, each 17c Marseilles Spreads A fortunate special purchase of satin-finish Mar seilles bedspreads made by our buyer on his recent trip to New York. Some have slight imperfections in weave, but not enough to impair the looks or wear ing quality. - . $5.50 Plain Hemmed Spreads Jjvi.OO. , $4.50 Plain Hemmed Spreads $3.00. $3.50 Plain Hemmed Spreads $2.25. ' $5.00 Scalloped and Cut Corners $3.50 Second Floor. Fifth Street. Childr en's Wear $6.49-$7.95 . DRESSES, $2.98 Sizes 6 to 16 years. Wasfi" dresses of chambrays, linen and poplin, in one and two-piece styles. Broken assort ments of 6izes. $4.50 TERRY ROBES, $1.98 Sizes 10 to 16 robes made of heavy Turkish crash in fancy colored stripes. With small collars, pockets and cord girdles. $1.23 PLAY SETS AT 98 Sizes 2 to 10 years. Seta consisting of coverall apron, cap anJ basket, and overalls, c'ap and basket. With trim ming of printed nursery rhymes. CORDUROY DRESSES, $1.98 Sizes 2 to 6 years. Empire styles, made of brown corduroy in good styles. Broken assortments of styles. - Girls' Shop, Second Floor. MEM 25c TIES 170 L a r g e, generously cut, flowing end fancy four-in-hands in a great variety of smart, new patterns. Three for 50c. , 25c SOX 170 Fine quality, mercerized sox in clocked, dotted and striped effects. Double toes. Boles and heels. All sizes in the lot. Three pairs, 50c , $1 SCARFS 49 Satin-finish throw scarfs in popular black and white striped effects. Worn by women as well as men these cold days. Men's Furnishings Shop Main Floor Kimono Silks 65c SILKS, YARD, AT 400 85c SILKS, YARD, AT 600 $1-$1.33 SILKS, YARD, 750 40c Cretonnes 25c Short lengths, good cret6nnes, 5 to 10 yards, in many different color effects. rtfk GOOD SCRIM $2 CURTAINS $1.40 Some are slightly damaged, but in most cases it would take an expert to find it out. Seventh Floor. Sixth Street. $1-$1.25 Neckwear 25c Women's fancy. fur-trimmed neckwear in smart styles and col ors. Odds and ends special Tuesday at 25c 33c-83c PLEATING REMNANTS 9c Remnants and odd pieces of ruffling and pleatings. Each. 9c 23c-50c NECKWEAR ONLY 10c Women's dainty neckwear collars, sets, vestees, etc, of or gandie, voiles and laces. All styles, white and colored. 50c-75c WASHABLE SCARFS 33c Washable scarfs with hemstitched ends. Plain, flowered and brocaded effects in various colors. $2.00-$4.00 NECKWEAR 9Sc Fancy fur-trimmed neckpieces, some combined with wide rib bons, special Tuesday only 98c Neckwear Shop. Main Floor. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Great Sale of Rugs Reductions that are sensational in every sense of the word. ' , ' - .: ' $30-$32.50-$35 RyGS 823.85 Axminster rugs, size 9 by 12, extra, heavy quality, in a large assortment of patterns. $25.00 RUGS TODAY $19.75 Seamless velvet rugs, size 9 by 12, in a large assort ment of attractive small patterns plain greens and browns. $18.00 RUGS TODAY $14.85 Seamless tapestry rugs, size 9 by 12, in a good assort ment of patterns and colors. Rug Shop, 7th Floor. $14.85 Men and young men will find among these very specially priced garments today a smart new suit or overcoat to meet each one's individ ual taste, as every authentic style, pattern, col oring and size, is included. SUITS in wanted blue serges and worsteds, tweeds, cassimeres and cheviots. Models for ad vanced andxonservative dressers in "box-back," two and three-button sack coat, English form fittfng garments and "pinch-backs." OVERCOATS in the "season's newest and smartest materials. Form.fitting garments, swagger loose styles, "pinch-backs" and stand ard models. Warm, good-looking, shape-retaining" coats. ' These' good suits and overcoats in excellent Winter weights at the special price of $14.85. Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor .SEE ALSO PAGE 11, THIS PAPER, FOR OUR BIG FURNITURE ANNOUNCEMENT TURN TO IT NOVCT I I I I A