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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1917)
2, 1917. 15 Annual- Inventory Sales Throughout the Store And Doable Stamps With All Charge or Cash Purchases Made Today in All Departments INVENTORY SALE OF WOOL BLANKETS COMFORTERS ' AND BEDDING OF ALL KINDS ON THE THIRD FLOOR. INVENTORY SALE RIBBONS EMBROIDERIES LACES AND DRESS TRIMMINGS DEPTS. ON THE MAIN FLOOR. wjgigi aim Mri ui wa INVENTORY SALE WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S WINTER UNDER- . WEAR AT SPECIAL PRICES DEPTS. ON MAIN FLR. INVENTORY SALE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR CORSETS ART NEEDLE WORK NOVELTIES CHILD'S APPAREL. 20c Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c Main Floor Women's all-linen Ker chiefs, made in Ireland. Block initial all white. Exceptional value C at 20c While they last, 2 for Ibe Standard" Store nf Ifje finrttrcrtsi Wool Remnants At Half Price Center Circle, First Floor .Lengths 1 to 5 years. For women's euits, coats, skirts, dresses, chil- w p dren's wear. Choice 2 1 1C ds sWortman & Khu Ttelrabk Merchandise 'Refiahte Metfjods THE MORNING OltEGONIAN, TUESDAY, JANTJAUT i o Our Greate st Sa le of Women's Winter Coats L1 itwi., &tr- I -""is if i s r - ,s ,Sfl X W iVr 4 f rV HI s -vJi 1 t , 'Sr. 4h r i" t ' $ i X "- J ' - : if J via L - - I If . ' - - V fct s 4 r 7 f II v i Preparations for This Sale Began Over Two Months Ago ; ' y i yts te a master stroke in Western merchandising a well-planned selling campaign, conducted on a mammoth scale, such as was never before attempted by any Western store. An extraordinary sale, which began with the ordering of the coats from the manufacturer over two months ago and culminating in the most remarkable showing of high-class coals ever brought to Portland. Don't Fail to attend this great Sale 9 Distinct Lines Comprising Hundreds of Coats s 9 Distinct Prices -Lowest Ever Offered in Portland ISee Display of Coats in Windows on 10th St., Also on Morrison St. Lot Coats at $6.95 This season's best styles in belted and loose ef fects with large collars and deep cuffs. Good range of materials and colors. Two models are QlfL QC trimmed with fur. While they last, choice PJ.X J 'kKSl Coats $16.95 J V V $16.95 In this lot you will find a representative showing of the season's best styles some belted, others in loose effects. Splendid variety of ma-,( terials and colors. All sizes. Priced at Loj Coats $33.95 -These are Coats of the better grades, such as you would expect to buy at much higher price. Beautiful models, trimmed with fur or plush. Silk' C'J'J or satin linings. Black and colors. At pOOSJ L$ Coats at $9.95 Zibelines, cheviots, fancy plaid mixtures and other good serviceable materials. Loose-fitting or belted styles.- Mostly in lengths. Black and (TQ QC assorted colors. Latest trimmings. Priced P'' Ls' Coats $19.95 Attractive models made up In velours, cheviots, plaid mixtures, broken checks and plain weaves. Neat tailored models or dressy models for 1Q QC street and utility wear. Black and colors. P '' J t Coats $41.95 Beautiful Coats of velour and Bolivian cloth, in dressy lengths, loose fitting or with novelty belts and large 6eal collars. Very finest of (IM,1 QC workmanship. Black and colors. Now PTA'J Lo3 Coats $13.95 Smart new coats for street and dress wear in rib elines, cheviots, velours, Kurltex cloth, plaid velvets, plaid mixtures, etc Fur, plush and vel- C1 2 QC vet trimmed. Black, colors. Sale price PAJ'0 L6 ' Coats $25.95 Women's and Misses High-grade Coats in prac tically all the season's best styles and materials. Many are trimmed with fur or velvet. (TTT QC Coata for all occasions, priced special at Evening Coats As these are exclusive styles, there are but one or two of a kind, therefore we suggest you come early Tuesday and make your selections. Scores of beautiful Evening Coats at special low prices. Double Stamps Today with Cash or Charge Purchases All Over the Store. Inventory Sale of Silks and Dress Goods Main Floor To reduce the stocks as much as possible before inventory we have taken many special lines of silks and wool goods and priced them much below regular worth. Now is a good time to buy materials. $4.00, $4.50, $4.75 and $5.00 Ben galine Cords, Crepe Failles, Moire Greque and Fancy Moires in vari ous colors, in the Inven- AO tory Sale at, the yard P.TO $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Fancy Crepes, Printed Pussy Willow Taf fetas, Nocturn Satins, Printed Voiles and Fancy Crepe fl?"l f de Chine. Sale price, yd. PJ-.U $3.50 and $4.00 Matlasse, Ben galine Crepes, Satin Bengalines and Fancy Stripe Bengalines. Standard qualities. In- Q1 QQ ventory Sale price, yard pJ-.'0 $1.75 and $2.00 Fancy Checked and Striped Taffetas in various colors, also beautiful . Minnette silks, in the Inventory C"I "2Q Sale at, special, the yard P-I-J' $1J0 and $2j00 Fancy Velvets special ai 79c per Yard $30 to $5J00 Wool Coatings, special for $2J50 per Yard $2J)0 Wool Coatings, special for only $1S8 per Yard Annual, Inventory Sale of Linens And Household Supplies Main Ploor Beginning Tuesday morning we inaugurate our Annual Inventory Sale of Table Linens and Housekeepers' needs an event of greatest importance to every thrif ty housewife. . Look to your needs. Extra Specials . -. $8.00 Napkins at, dozen $6.95 $10.00 Napkins at, dozen $8.75 $12.00 Napkins at, dozen $9.50 $3.75 Hemstitched Tea Napkins priced special at, the dozen $3.00 $12.00 Scalloped Napkins of ex tra quality linen, the dozen $6.90 Hemstitched Huck Towels, good size, 50c grade for only Full-size Mercerized Bedspreads in light-weight. $2.00 val- CI AO ues, priced special at only P-1-.T'O Inventory Sale of Children's Apparel Second Floor Children' Bath Robes in attractive patterns and colorings. Ages 2tol4C1 QO years. Priced special at PJ-'0 Children's Outing Flannel Sleep ers and Night Gowns in neat stripe patterns. Ages 2 to 8 years. CQf In the Inventory Sale at J' Special lot of Children's French Dresses lines which have become slightly coiled. Ages, 4, 6 QQ and 6. Values up to $3.75 sO Girls' New Winter Coats in all the popular styles. Ages 1 ffC 8 to 14. Inventory Sale 3 Girls' Winter Dresses in pretty new styles. Ages 8 to14, off. Butter Day Today! Model Grocery, Fourth Floor Order your groceries and pro visions early in the day. Ex perienced phone clerks at your service from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. GLENWOOD BUTTER OOp special 2-lb. square at Od OWK SPECIAL Butter OQr priced, the 2-lb. square, at O", Inventory Sale of Embroideries, Laces 20,000 Yards Purchased Several Months Ago, to Be Sold at Less Than Cost of Making TOD A Y! Main Floor A leading New York importer who receives thousands of dollars' worth of fine Embroideries every season from St. Gall, Switzerland, having on hand several hundred-odd pieces of Embroideries which he was anxious to dispose of, closed them out to us at practically our own price. Only one or two pieces of a kind, but a wide selection of patterns in the various lots. Owing to European market conditions manufacturers cannot continue making these Embroideries at the old prices. EVERY WOMAN WITHIN REACH OF THIS STORE SHOULD TAKE ADVAN TAGE OF THIS REMARKABLE SALE AND BUY EMBROIDERIES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER APPAREL. SHOP IN THE MORNING. 25c Embroideries' 15c Yd. l7ctol0cClunvLaces5cYd. 15c to 20c Laces at 10c Yard 75c Embroideries Now at 39c Main Floor Embroidery Galoons, Edges and Beadings in dainty, neat designs on fine Swiss cloth, also large effects in open eyelet work and floral embroidery pat terns on longcloth and fine cam bric materials. Embroider- 1 C ies well worth 25c. The yard -' Main Floor 27-inch and 18-inch Flouncing and Corset Cover Em broidery. Bold, open designs and neat small patterns. Scalloped edges, ruffle and hemstitched Flouncings on fine Swiss. Em broideries well worth 75c Priced special at, the yard Jt 50c Embroideries 25c Yd. $1.25 Embroideries Now 79c Annual Inventory Sale Undermuslins Second Floor Thousands of pieces dainty Undermuslins in this sale at extremely low prices in order to clear the stocks before inventory. Thrifty women will do well to supply their present and future needs now. $!Ji0 Muslin Underwear at 98c $2 JO Muslin Underwear at $133 EXTRA SPECIAL Women's Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Com bination Suits, Skirts and straight Chemise lines which are some what soiled and mussed. QO $1.50 garments at low price OC EXTRA SPECIAL Women's Crepe Gowns in white and colors. Slipover and open-front styles Slightly soiled garments In QQ- $1.25 grades. Special at onlyO EXTRA SPECIAL Women's Night Gowns, Envelope. Chemise, Combination Suits, Skirts ; and straight Chemise slightly soiled and crumpled. Values up T1 "J"? to $2.50 on special sale at Pi-.50 EXTRA SPECIAL Women's Knit Skirts in knee length. Black and red. Warm and comfortable. Regular $1.00 Skirts now at 7o Regular $1.50 Skirts at $1.00 Main Floor 27 and 17-inch Em broidery Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroidery and Demi Flouncings. Neat, pretty designs, large open effects and conventional patterns. Worth to 50c OC- Priced special at, the yard " Main Floor New 45-inch Dress Flouncings in several different patterns. Fine quality voile. Also 27-inch Dress Flouncings in neat small patterns and large effects. Flouncings worth $1.25. 7Q Priced special at, the yard ' 15c to 20c Embroideries 10c Yd. Allovers at About Half Price Main Floor Embroidery Edges, Beadings and Beading Edges on nainsook, cambric, Swiss and long cloth. Open eyelet edges, inser tions with dainty lace edges, etc Regular 15c, 18c to 20c 1 f)r grades. Special, the yard AvC Main Floor 22-inch Allover Em broideries in small neat designs, open eyelet Embroideries on nain sook, cambric and Swiss materials. Suitable for brassieres, waistings and yokings. $1.00 to $1.50 qualities. Now at 12 Off Main Floor Narrow white Cluny Laces, Nottingham Filet Edges in white and ecru; also Val. edges. Great assortment patterns. Laces worth 7c, 8c and 10c the yard offered, Inventory Sale, yard Main Floor All Lineif' Cluny and Cotton Cluny Lace Edges, suitable for -bedspreads, . fancywork, cur tains, etc Laces such as you woukl ordinarily pay 15c and "I f 20c for; in the sale at, yard A"C 20c Shadow Laces at 12V2C 35c Shadow Laces at 19c Yd. Main Floor Shadow Laces In vast assortment of neat, pretty patterns suitable for trimming purposes. 10 inches wide. Grade usually selling at 20c. The sale price is now only, the yard 12'2c Main Floor Special lot of fine quality Shadow Laces in assorted patterns priced for quick selling. Width, 18 inches. Laces well worth 35c a yard. The Inventory Sale Prices is now only 19c 50c Shadow Laces 29c Yd. SPECIAL LOT OF SHADOW LACES in various patterns. OQ 27 inches wide. Worth 50c a yard. Priced special at, the yard C $2.50 to $3.00 Laces for blouses, dresses, etc, special, yard, $1.49 Fur Trimmings A to MOff Main Floor Fur Trimmings have become one of the staple trimmings, and throughout the coming year they will be used to considerable extent. To reduce our stock before invoicing we will sell Fur Trimmings of wanted kinds and dependable qualities ranging in price from 25c up to $15.00 at reductions of tine-fourth to one-half off regular selling prices. Inventory Sale of Household Needs $3.75 Aluminum .Tea Kettle and inset. Inven- Qy QT tory Sale Price for these Aluminum Tea Kettles P J $1.25 Covered Roasters of sheet steel, good G1 Art size. Inventory Sale Price on Covered Roasters J-.VJU .00 Covered Roasters of sheet steel.elf-bastinj, 7C Inoontnrir Knla PVicA on (Covered Roasters now onlv J No. 8 Copper Bottom Wash Boilers, of good T1 Cft quality. Inventory sale price on Wash Boilers P1JV Vacuum Clothes Washers of heavy quality tin. "2C The regular 75c kind. Priced for Inventory Sale at OOC Ever-Ready Oil Cans m 5-gallon size. Regu- T1 25, now at 4 lar price on these 5-gal. cans was $2. Ever-Ready Oil Cans in 3-gallon size. price $2.00, but priced for Inventory Sale at on Regular C 1 7C Nickel-plated Syrup Pitchers of standard $1.25 7Cr grade priced in the Inventory Sale at low figure of $1.25 Aluminum Sauce Pans 93 $1.40 Alum. Stew Pans $1.12 $1.75 Enameled Child's Set on special sale today at only $1.23 $2.50 Assorted Kitchen Sets $2 45c Hatchets priced npecjal 2o $1.25 Garbage Cans, each Sl.OO $1.75 Mop Pail and Stick $1.00 75c Fancy Waste Baskets 38 $1.25 Fancy Waste Basket G8f $1.75 Serving Trays for SI. 98 $4.90 Umbrella Stand $3.50 40c Double Wash Boards 290 $2.75 Nickel-plated Tea Ball Pots SPECIAL LINES OF BRASS GOODS, DESK FURNISHINGS, DINNERWARE, FANCY CHINA, CUT GLASS, ETC., IN THE IN- in the sale at special, only $2.48 I VENTORY SALE REDUCED.