21 TTIE MORNING OHEGONIAX, 'MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1917. 7 FOE RENT. Houses. . HOUSES. 8 rms.. tl. 469 E. Ann. 6 rms.. $12.50. 001 E. Ash. rms.. S10, 749 E. Ash. SO rms.. $20. 42! K. Ash. 6 rms.. tin, 7f3 E. Ankeny. rms, j20. 4S7 E. Ankeny. 3 rms.. $18, 07- E. Burnslde st. 10 rms., 10. 875 E. Couctu- 8 rms.. $21. 8.13 E. Couch. 6 rms.. $0. 284 Crosby. rms. $11. 412 Clinton. 0 rms.. $16.60. 570 E. Davis. $S, t.43 E. Rth N. rms.l, $13.00. 11 E. 11th N. 8 rms., $16. 6 E. 11th st. 1 rms.. $18 3t E 11th -N. rms.. tl3, 124 -E. ISth st. ft rms., 12. 4U9 E. Everett St. rms.. fS. 1204 49th ave. S. E. rms.. $14. 10. E. lnth. 8 rms.. $16, 29 E. 15th. 6 rms.. $5. 1192 49th ave. 8. E. . 6 rms.. $7, 4fl E. Flandera. rms., $10. 912 Gantenbeln ave. rms., $15.60. 86 E. Sth N. rms., $i6. 07 E. 9th St. 7 nne.. $16. 1 E. th K. ft rms.. $6, 803 Nelson st. f rms.. $S. OHO E. Oak St. 5 rms., $7. KS1 E. Pine st. 4 rms.. 9. 4"i E. Pine sf. 7 rms.. $12, 429 E. Pine st. 6 rms., $12 84 E. 7th N. 5 mis., $12. 82 E. 7th X. 10 rms.. $20. HE. 7th St. J rms.. $3, G."09 05th ave. S. B. 4 rms., $S. 028 E. Stark Ft. 7 rme.. $15, M E. 10th N. 4 rms.. $7, 67 E. 12th st. fi. rms.. $13, 143 E. 13th St. 7 rms.. $16. 121 E. 24th -N. r! rms. $8. 70 E. 26th. st. t rms., $S, 47 E. 2Sth St. R rms.. J0. 172 B. 2Sth N. rms.. $10. .6 Union ave. jr. 4t rms., $6, 126 Union ave. N. 2 rms., $3, 1 ac, 6th ave., Lents. 6 rms.. $10.60, 690 E. Washington. FLAT'S. It rms., S13.60, 4S3i E. Couch. rms., $15. 4S5 E. Couch et. rms., $18, 7'18 E. Eavis st. (I rms., $15, R67 B. Davis st. rms.. $14.60. 4 Grand ave. N. 4 rms.. $12. 234 E. 12th. 5 rms.. $20, 27 E. 12th st. X. U rms., $22.00, 464Ms Union ave. T. 4 rms., $8, 208 Union ave. N. J J. OEDEB, Real Estate and P.entals, Grand ave. et E. Ankeny. A. H BIRRBUL CO. $30 Council Crest drive, choice. 30 E. 49th St., near Sandy road. 52.T 564 E. Broadway., 7 rooms, modern. 20 Halsey St.. Irvinston. 6 rooms, "" 20 5W E. Madison st., 6 rooms. JtiiO Rose City Park, 6 rooms, choice SI 6 1391 Division, near 50th, 9 rooms. SI-5 Woodlawn. 7 rooms, good condition. $10 No. 18 E. 7 2d st., 5 rooms, modern. , $10 Mt. Tabor, largo ground, barn, fruit. $8 6045 E. 72d S. E.. S rooms, good. A. H. BIRRCLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Tianlc T'Wiir.. Marshall 4114. A 411S. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. Come right in and sue our rental clerk. who will be glad to submit houses, or axpts.. turn. -or unrurn.. in anv part o city, HAWTHORNE HOUSES. $22.50, 5 rooms. 1349 E. Harrison. $24, 5 rooms, 1004 East Grant. $22.50. 6 rooms. 350 E. 48th st. S20. 6 rooms, 200 E. 32d. $20, 0 rooms, 252 E. 45th. SMITH -WAGGONER CO., STOCK EX. LARGEST REMNTAL AND LEASING DEPARTMENT IN CITV. COxfiO, West Stark St., corner. 20x35, West Alder, fine location. 2nx30, West Broadway, good location. SOME GOOD EAST SIDE LOCATIONS. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. llODEKN tl-rooin house. Hawthorne dis trict, furnace, fireplace, reception hall, pass rantry: lot 40x100. with fruit trees: Hawthorne or Sunnyside cars. 15 min utes to city; sell or trade, easy terms. owner. Tabor 4296. SEE THESE FIRST. Rooms: 4, $8; 5. $10: 6, $13: T, 10. $S; 14, $3.1. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 621 Yeon bldg. (! PER month, 576 Lexington street. rooms and bath. $40. 730 Madison street, 10 rooms and bath. Zimmerli, 416 Lumbermens bldg. 2XODERN 8-room house, hardwood floors. furnace, fireplace; Nob Hill district. oo Lucretia st.; very reasonable to good ten ant. Main 6676. IIODERN three-room house in good rest dence section, close to hard-surface boule vard. $9 per month. Call at 404 Flatt bldg. NO. CS10 E. oOTH AVE. S. E. $05 rooms elect., bath, toilet, lavatory. THIS IS VEKI tHKAl-. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. ROOMS, also 10-room house, walking dis tance. West Side, reasonable; will reno vate to desirable steady tenant. Main 2474. FPEB STORAGE Household goods stored free, expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th Raid rioyt sts Broadway 70S. TREE rent: adults only reliable for the Winter; 4-room bungalow; player piano City references required. &724 Wood stock ave. MODERN 12 -room house, partly furnished. centrally located. lurnace twitn coin, electricity and gas; walking distance. Mr, i-rain. Main .rus. FOR RENT 305 E. Davis. 12-rm. house, $33. 67 Grand ave., 5-room house, $lo. (S4S Corbett. 6-roora flat, SS. T. E. THOMPSON & CO., 253 Madison. BTORE on good business street with living rooms In the rear, $10 per month. Five room flat above, $10 per month. for particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. ACRE AND 6-ROOM HOUSE. $tjV House, modern, u bike, car., good service. Nice place for chickens. &MTTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. MODERN three-room house in good resi dence section. $0 per month. For partic ulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. B-ROOM residence. No. 71 N. 22d st., between v Washington and Everett sts. $25. Fred h. Williams, 92J,i First. MODERN fi-room house, large yard, nicely located. 5S7 Crompton-Milwaukie et. Phone E. 2245. ItOSR CITY PARK BUNGALOW 5 rooms, modern in evry way. S. D. Vincent & C't( "BMh phones. fi-ROOM house, hardwood floors, hot wtter heat Karaite, corner, nice lawn. Main "1H63. Main f"4!7. MODERN D-room, fireplace, 2 sleeping porches; rent $22.50; modern conven iences. East 89. East 10th and Wash. SlODERN 6-roora house; clean; rent very reasonable. 715 East Salmon, corner 21st. Phone East 58S5. N MODERN 8-room house; choice neighbor hood, centrally located; rent reasonable. 3t5 11th. KurntKlied Houses. EAST PTDE. close In. fl rooms, completely Tumisnea. good rurnace, gas water heater. ample .loset room, etc.; close to Union ave. and Broartway cars; a bargain at ?30 per montn. see Kental lept.. HAR'PMAN & THOMPSON, f4th and Stirlt Sts. WlLI, rent to responsible party my new, modern, well-furnished 8-room bungalow: piano: fireplace: sleeping-porch: complete In every way. eall mornings. Tabor 4149. 435 Fine 7-roora well-furnished house fireplace, piano, ileeplns porch, garage. laoor iibi. T-HOOM furnished house. West Side, Hill. Mar. 8818. Nob t-KOOM furnished cottage, $15 a mo. Prions wooniawn dM. i'IVE rooms, E. Oth. near Hawthorne: piano. cheap Call 310 E. ftth. East 6051. - 6-ROOM cottage, furniehed. rent S12. 2th tinfl Th'Tmsn t. Marshall 121S4. IPilll Will h J JWtl t't i ) 1 Pill lllrfM nil jwM$m?r.. lwA4 MMWm&mm III f mm1 Copyright 1916. hy Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain ' FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. $11 3 ItOOMS AND BATH $11. Good location, yard. Alberta car. SMITH-WAGONER CO.." STOCK EX. $10 o ROOMS, modern, large lot. o2. Main 5411. 005 Yeon bids. Store HODERN UP-TO-DATE BRICK STORE. In one of the best East Side districts, with plenty of plate glass, light and heat; fine concrete basement with food light and ventilation. If you are thinking of changing your location or going Into busi ness, se tills store. We will make It an object for you to consider this fine store for business. Owners, Blanchard & Clem son. 702-3 Selling bidg. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St.. between oth and oth; tJD feet front by 2314 ft deep; long lease. Apply hermtn. Clay it Co. Offices. JKFIOE SPACE, with or without window display: desk room or more, all conven iences, ground floor; very low rent. 300 Oak st. . PRIVATE office and reception room, $15; snare phone and stenographer. ZU9 blocK Exchange. ' WELL-FURNISHED private office: also aesK room, 3 ani $7. 723 unam. or com. OFFICES $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 swetland brag. DESK room with, phone, modern building; lawyer preferred. 405 Stock Exch. bldg. DESK ROOM or private room. well-Iur- nisnea offices. 1 selling blag. Halls. NEATLY furnished dancehall. corner Front and Glbbs; reasonable; also large, well- equipped lodge hall. Main 1311. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. STEAM LAUNDRY, nrst-class, of large ca pacity, fully equipped to the smallest de tail; all machinery, practically new and of the latest pattern; centrally located in ban Francisco; new light and sanitary building, a elevators, e auto delivery wag ons; everything in fine condition; this filant will be sold cheap; the chance of a lfetlme for the right party. 2080 17th St.. ran Francisco, Cal. 1 HAVE 10 placer . claims which I have prospected thoroughly and am satisfied that I have a good thing, but owing to the locality and unfavorable conditions of worklne them would have to take In partner with capital; can be handled for $5000; if you are Interested wouUi like to snow what I nave taken out. AO !(. Oregonlan. WHEAT is going to be a money-maker the coming year and I have more land than i can afford to seed myself, so I will rent It on shares and took after the crop from seeding to delivery to warehouse. Afl you have to do Is advance the actual working expense and you can put In Just as much as you wish, from 20 acres to 500. Room 40i, Hoyt Hotel. FOR SALE A business that you wantl So wouia we. ll we were not ill. stock, our- ing year, from $5000 to 630O. WllJ sell for $4000 now, after holiday trade. Av erage gross profit 120 per cent. Good town, splendid location, well established business. Better enquire. Box AV 342, oregonian. FOR 'SALE Exceptionally elean-cuc ffolne business for the actual cost of merchan dise on hand: about $2250; good will of I uusiTiess wnn uiuu iisiea customers tnrown In. free: specialty line: navi 40 ner cent. neV Mr. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. HALF Interest In two businesses; man must be able to furnish best of references; pre fer man mechanically Inclined as one Is ttifg. business; am not able to look after both and hired help Is not satisfactory; consideration, about $2000. P 7. Orego- nian. WE have the biggest S3000 enan In restau rant, established 12 years; $100 per day. Price $3000. Pacitlo Agency, 515 Swet- ianq piog. WTI.I. TR ADR PdriT. Konw Dandy little suburban place, cheap rent, good business: price $"fi, Hr. De Forest, j 1 xoara or rraqe blag. SOLID cash business; owner alone; wants a I ladls np"tner-CravC Sis" weWnd Tar Vrnhm- 'aulrld OrTl? 2S Stark i pro 1 m. yirvo required. -Call Stark. WE hava 40 grocery stores from $400 to iu.uw, casn ana traae. P&ciilo Agency. inc.. tio swetiana oiag. GOOD-PAYING Jewelry business, stock re duced, low rent, no competition, payroll town, nne location. A v a-ia, oregonlan. B-EST little cleaning and dye works In city. tome look at it.: 4UO. i'aciric Agency, ii wetiana oiag. AN auto repair shop and filling station on a pood street; pay you $150 month ; only t" casn requirea. call 24? Stark Ft. WANT man, $500 and service. Rood inside position. Pacific - Agency. 515 Swetlend 7 TAKES movln- nlctura theater, win invoice about S2000; terma. Layman, 527 . nim-per ox commerce. SOME good out-of-town gen. rr.dsc, $2000 to $o000. Pacific Agency, 51o Shetland DENTAL office and practice for sale cheap; no opposition; health cause. Box 1S6, Yam- nni. eir. WANT the biggest grocery on East Side tlOOO cash v. ill buy. Pacific Agency, .13 FOR SALE By owner, finest 3-table pool room on tne west sine; Dusy corner. plenty or good stock. Main Soil. GOOD, established hardware stock. S3",00: Portland. Pacific Agency, 015 Swetland niag. WE HAVE good agency proposition: money-maker for a capable mau. Layman, .i-'i inamn-T or commerce. GOOD little stock of Jewelry at discount. about paclllo Agency. 515 Bwetland 30 ACRI'S beaver dam land, & miles from Lebanon, to trade for city property. Lay- mwn, ;-i unumfT or commerce. WE have 40 grocery stores from f400 to 4u,uno. casn ana trade. Pacuic Agency, inc.. ma owe.tiana mag. IF YOU have a store that Is your business. jr you want to sell it, that la our business. pacific Agency. 515 bwetland bldg. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Millershlp, 431 vjnamoer oi commerce. NEW YEAR'S special, $2300 grocery stock. 75c on the dollar. Hurry! Clean, new stock. Pacific Agency. 615 Swetland bldg. DON'T WORRY. T can trade or sell it: anything, man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. Lay- WB have 40 grocery stores from $400 to stu.vuu, casn ana traae. pacuio Agency, inc.. 015 swetiana blag. I WANT stock of gen. mdse.. $10,000 to $4".- uuu. at once, tor liberal aiscount Tor casn. Pacific Agency, oij Swetland bldg. A GOOD, solid business for man of ability who knows something about autos. -Call 191 4th st. GARAGE business, good location. $12u0. Pacific Agency, olo swetland blag. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Pacific Agency, Inc., Ma swetland bldg. FURNISHINGS full: sacrifice. 19 three-room apts.. 188 North 22d. all FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Pacific Agency, Inc., Glj Swetland bldg. MFG. plant for sale at a sacrifice; $500 will nannie. Kast ::'.'. 550 SHARES Beaver State Motor Co. stock. Make me an orrer. AC o, oregonian. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Pacific Aprency. Inc.. 015 swetland bldg. FOR SALIS Filling station aad repair shop on busy street, cneap. a.k vim, uregonian. BTTHINES3 OPPORTUNITIES. COOS BAY. THE ELDORADO OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, offers to the conservative capitalist an un equaled opportunity for prontable and safe Investments, principally in coal, farm and timber lands; bonuses to sawmills, ship yards and factory sites for all kinds of woodworking lnaustries will be given; those looking for locations to make money out ot natural resources can ootaln full particulars Irm COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE, 298 Front st., MarshBeld. Oregon. Chas J Bruschke, the man ager will be pleased to meet any Inter ested parties and submit specific data at Portland Hotel, Portland, or., after V. A. M.. Jan. 11 and 12. 1917. JOY FOR YOU. Brine Tftiir faith, love wisdom. Ideals and prosperity to Joy City and help to create a radiant ana powenui iruin eer ier, imin cnapei in a iovbijt e,w. -acres of richest garden land planted to peaches, pears and walnuts 8 years old. Iota and acreage for sale on easy terms. What industry can you bring? Make your ideaia real in Joy City. Address Helen crawrora. Lebanon, Or. PARTNER for going manufacturing and reiaii Dusmess; man who is wimns- w give his time and manage my business; 1 guarantee you $250 per month; $1500 reauired for half Interest. For appoint ments, phone Main 1912, or call 328 Wash ington st.. Portland. SILVER LAKE HOTEL FOR SALE. Building just completed; furniture en tirely new: 25 rooms, full all the time; corner lot 0 by liuO ft. owner suffering xrom rheumatism, must seeK boutnern climate. Address Mrs. J. T. Lewis. Sliver Lake. Or, TWO mining claims in Southern Oregon for sale, or will consider rood real estate: as says $15 to $30 per ton; $4i00 worth oi tunnel in; free milling ore; rich strike on adjoining claim lately. This is real prop erty if you want something good. R 5. Oregonlan. BIG PROFITS TO RIGHT PARTY. Ounortunitv for wideawake - young man with $2000 to Invest with like amount of mine to operate choice farm near city. Dairy, hogs, potatoes and onions; farming experience not necessary. Address BST, oregonian. FOR SALE in Astoria, best town on the Coast, a nrst-class billiard parlor ana confectionery on the main street. In the main block: doing goou ousiness; new equipment; long lease, cheap rent; good reason lor selling; no agents. Aaaress AV 829, Oregonlan. FoR SAx.E Garage business in Central Ore gon, good town of 1800; good Duiiaing 50x100; $35 per month rent; have Bowser euro pump, battery-charging outfit, elec tric motor, tree air; storage ail taaen; x block from hotel, on Paciuo Highway. AV 834, Oregonlan. GROCERY MEN, ATTENTION. For sale A eood. clean stock of gro ceries, absolutely staple goods, wilt invoice about $300u; discount on fixtures; good will of business free: sales run about $2000 per month; rent $25. Mr. De Forest. 2l7 Board of Trade bldg. THE best 100x120 ft. corner, with 3-story hotel, barber shop and store building, fur nished and occupied; annual rental eiuO. $7000, some terms or good mortgages, worth twice. James O' .Nell. Marysvllle, Wash. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec, 202 Henry Bldg. FOR SALJ2 By owner, grocery stook at Soo on the dollar: West Side corner loca tion: 6 living-rooms and bath over store; total rent 20: in very eood location: some terms; no trades considered. AK 9l8. Oregonlan. A CREAMERY: have opening; for an ener getic man in this solid business; owner agrees to teaon you the business ana guarantees good profits; requires a small investment, which will be secured. Call 248 u. stark St. 25 M. CAPACITY sawmill, boilers, engines. edger. cutoff saws, rolls, cant gear. log. haul, head saws, head blocks, steam feed, saw grinder, blacksmith outfit, belting. everything complete, donkey engine, lines ana blocks. Address AV 332, Oregonlan GAKAGB and aecond-hand auto business in an Al locaiUm; old-eatabliahed tand with cheap rent; will ell or trade. a owner has othtr business rw-hlch requires his time. Might consider good car. R 6. Oregonian. DANCE hall for sale, the only dance hall in fcouniern Oregon, goou town, buys tn lurniture or ttie waiaori aance nan. long leaue: a swefl chance for a live wire. Ad dress Waldorf Dance Hall. Grants Pass, or iJAKGAIN if taken soon; harness store and repair shop; gasoilnu filling station, oili in connection; good Main street location Pacific Highway, doing good business. Ad dress P. H Miller, Aurora. Or. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE. Also the real estate, $0050 for the whole thing ; nice place to live and good busi ness; half cah. Mr. De For est. 207 Board of Trade bids. YOUNG man ith $1000 and sales ability can secure a business that Is well estab lished and wherein, the profits are exceed inly large; will bear investigation. Call Alain L't. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE A Business of any kind, anywhere, see A, J. DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade B!dg.- HOUSE ot 15 rovms, partly furnished, walk ing dlsanre. west Hide, steam heated, whole house has been remodeled and re furnished : pleasant and desirable; will sell rurmture Tr -rent. R iniu. ilrepon ian. WILL to,L.l xor cash or trade for unin cumbered real estate picture theater; best residential location In city; 425 seats; two macnines; stncuy up-to-date. O uau. Ore gonlan. JOB printing office, one-man shop In good Willamette valley town, new ma tetial. doing good business. Priced for quick sale.., Aaaress AV oJ7, Oregonlan, SuOO TAKES only good modern commercial hotel in a thriving town .oi 1200; Just the Place lor man ana wile. -Layman, 2 Chamber of 'Commerce. LUMBER YARD for sale: good trade and location; small Investment and X will take clear Portland lot to $1500. Owner, AV 11 JO, uregonian. 500 HANDLES POOL HALL In a town with siuo.uuo payroi! per month, near Portland good place and a money-maker. Mr. De f orfFi, ii caarq or xrace Dlclg. 80 M. CAPACITY sawmllL planer, ust com pietea, gooa nr timner, short haul; terms on part lr aesirea. Aaaress OS JO stub, ave, boutheast. A GOOD stock of general mdse.. $10,000. shoes, 30O0 ladies wear. 200O men's, 3oo0 mdse. Soc on the dollar. Paclfla Agency, bill Bwetiana oiug. CIGAR a ltd pool business; have opening for energetto man in a well-located and old established business; pays good profits and money secured. Call 248 H Btark st. GROCERY and delicatessen. In fine apart- mcnt-nouse district, just the place for man and wife. Owner alone and cannot handle It. Main 12111. ACCOUNT owner's death, best wood and coaiyara; win be sola or traded for any thing woman can handLa. Seghers Wood Co.. ISth and Vaughn sts. SMALL capital required, my Interest In growing manuracturing business yielding large profits. Sickness reason for selling. AN 3, Oregonlan. POOLROOM and soft drink place, must he sold at once at a great sncnrice. Will consider Ford machine In trade. Inquire at 214 Morrison et. AN established undertaking; business in Portland, fine location, good lease. In vestigate. V 4. Oregonlan. CIGAR and soft drinks; good business, long lease. $1000. Paolflo Agency, Inc.. 615 Swetland bldg. rights rtnetrved. Registeredl in U. S. Patent Office. . THEY'RE HAPPY, AXD HOPE YOU'RE THE SAMEBY CLIFF STERRBTT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TO you want to learn a candy business that will pay big profit 7 If so, aee and learn it right in Portland; we teach you for very small sum and guarantee that you can make the goods as well as we can; this line of candy has only been seen in very few places In the UnlfceU States and has made big hit where It has been seen. Nonam Novelty Candy Co.. S2S Washing ton st. FOR SALE Good general merchandise store In Willamette Valley; stock of about $15.0C; doing business of about $40.0o0 yearly: owner making money, but dues not like store business. This Is good and will bear investigation. Address owner, AV 849. Oregonlan. 6 A W M ILL, capacity 90,000 feet per day, ready to operate on short notice, with ran ana water snipping faculties inu to none; will consider sawing logs by the thousand or pooling same with good log ging operating -"company. Answer for personal Interview, u 996, Oregonian. LEASE iinrl rl-xtures for sale, room 40x160, best location In town, full line of shelv ing rniintfln and fixtures for dry KOOaift, siloes, etc.; will sell fixtures at 35o on the dollar and transfer lease; must be turned immediately. Stanleys. Eugene, Or. 0NE-HA1.K interest in a very desirable log- I irlncr and sawTT.lll urnDOflltlon at a bargain; flume practically completed and ready tor operation; owner has good reasons for of-I fuelng uis interests for sale. T 7, Ore- gonlan. THE LAST PACIFIC SEAPORT to be de veloped la Florence, Oregon. Good business I and investment chances, mild climate, I good society, highway terminal, railway I and ocean transportation. Miller rMu Lean. bPLENDID opportunity to buy established house furnishing business in one of the I best towns in the Willamette Valley, 2500 1 Inhabitants: two large sawmills, nne farm ing country. Address AE 997. Orego nian. LIGHT mfg. business, protected by patent, aeroplane, toy and novelty; sure winner, big profits; $1200 stock on hand; win trade or sell half Interest or all; lllUe money required. Send 25c for sample. O. V. Badley, 621 Yeon Bldg HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels in capital eltv. for sale: will sell pronertv or furni ture and R-ase. For particulars address Bay View Hotel, oiympia, waen. FOR SALE MOVING PICTURE SHOW DOING FINE BUSINESS, AT SACRIFICE PRICE OWNER MUST SELL ON AC COUNT OTHER INTERESTS. HEATH A HERMAN. GRANTS PASS, OR. filling STATION and auto repair, good I location ana doing good business, storage! room; rent H2.S0 mo.; lease; price sbiu, i terms, or some trade. Layman, 527 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $4o0O will buy one of best paying weeklv DaDers in Northwestern washing- ton; exclusive field: 1800 population; $7000 plant. Box 367. bumas. wash. BTJSLNESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. ATTENTION! ELECTRICAL DEALERS, ETC., INVESTMENT. I am looklne for an ouportunlty to se cure an interost In or buy out some good reliable electrical business; would like to locate in some good live Coast . town, where several branches of the bvsiness are followed: parties who do a small con tracting business mostly, please don't an swer; neither ao A wisn to capitalize any invention, etc; all good, staid proposi tions investigated: 1 am practical and technical man of 28 years of age; please give all particulars in answers. Si 1, Oregonian. WANTED Gen. merchandise store in coun try, for $30u4i; modern bungalow in &os Angeles, and some lots la best town In Oregon. Thla property is all clear: will assume some. Address owner. U. L. AL, i7 East Main St., Portland. JUST sold my general store. $10,000 stock; want to buy a good paying business; nave i siooo cash; must be nrsi-ciass anu a our- i;ain: nrtfer one 1 can run without any hired help; give full particulars. What have you U 00$, Oregonlan. MANAGER of first-class apartment-house Is . in a position to handle apartment-house or i ornce bunding on a commission basis. References. AB 4. Oregonlan. BLAUTiFWL busssaloiw and cash up to $-0,- lioo for a boou stuck or general mercnait- dlse. S. Nudelman, bOU Alberta. Wood- . lawn 2406. PAtvTY with few hundred dollars as part- ner In manufacturing busine. tj uuo. Oregonian. ROUAI1-1IOI'PES. OO MODERN ROOMS Best West Side lo cation; rooms always zuu; every moaern convenience; gooa zurniture; price e-uuu. (erms. 40-ItM. BRICK Rent $10O; right in town: mostly H. K. rms.; some extra goou rurmture; maaing oig money; price terms. :i2 RMS., PART H. K. Central corner. West Mdo; in very best oi conumon; clearing over $l-u per mo.; price fltiuo, tertna. r an RMS Most modern brick: very best ot beds, mattresses, furniture, etc., in town: everything up to date; cheap rent; nrlr. S1KOO. emf terms. 20- H K. ROOMS Kent $40: fine West I Side corner: very homeilke place; abso lutely el,a o In every way: many modern conveniences; price $050, terms. lie sure to see this. YATES REALTY CO., 249 4th 8t. VVII.r. KICLT. CHEAP. 105-room apartment-house consisting of 4 2-room, li 3-room and 1 4-coom apart ments, all absolutely modern; good brick building: West Side in White Temple district; easy walking distance; rent $300 per month; price ui turntshings $4V", part tinie or trade. Mr. De forest, 20i Boa-d of Trade bldg. A G OO D li U Y. l"JG-room apt. -house In 44 apartments; absolutely modern: West Side, close-in lo cation; clearing - from $2S0 to $:10U perl month above an expenses: price oi fur nishings. $2070: f 'sil dnn-n. balance I monthly. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. EASY TEf-tMS OR EXCHANGE. 1U0 -room modern hotel clearing $250 per 1 month; furnishings cost $25,000; owner Is non-resident: will aacrirtce tor sio.ooo: take up to $5000 In trade and give time I on the balance- or arcept $1500 cash and I balance monthly. Mr. De Foreat. 207 1 Foard ot Trade bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. -SELL OR EXCHANGE A Hotel, Rooming or Apt. -house, see A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. SO-ROOM APT.-HOUSE. Beautifully furnished and fumtshlns are In first-class condition; price only $3250; part time. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of rTade bldg MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 521 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. IF YOU nro looking for an up-to-date apt.-I house, hot! r rooming-house and want toj be j.laced right, sen Mrs. Krants. with naaiey gc t-o.. o-:i icon mag. 70-ROOM modern hotel: good lease, low I rent: clearing big money every month: price $5000, terms. Layman. 527 Chamber or commerce. li-UOOM hotel: some with private baths; besutlfit'ly furnished: price $2000; part time. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. THIRTY" H. K. apt.: always full: moder ate rent: will sacrifice for cash; sick ness cause. S 5, Oregonlan. .y-KOOM house, well furnished, low rent. clearing $50 per mo.: price $450. Layman. -V'T Chamber or commerce. p OH SALE ""O-room apartment-houso. good POLLY AND HER. ROOMIXO-HOrSKS. MART E. LENT. T HOTELS ROOMING APT. HOUSES LEASES. 623-4 N. W. Bank bldg. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over. Ten ears in this business In Portland enables me to LOCATE YOU RIGHT. AN IDEAL FAMILY HOTEL Located Just a few blocks from Broad way and Morrison streets, containing 50 guest room, lobby, dining-room and kitch en; house full and all the day boarders you can handle; very clean and strictly high-class patronage. First time offered. Price $.000. requires $50oo cash. 70-ROOM HOTEL Right on busv corner: ground floor I lobby; erlck building; all modern: very low rent: furnishings and carpets in good condition; respectable and dean; price u , toouu. 40 RUOHS ritlVK suvfv. Rnt nnlv s.150. including steam heat. hot aad cold water and Janitor servlce. Thls is arranged in sleeping-rooms and one. two and three-room apartments, anu Is ideally located; will give some terms to responsible party. Beautifully furnished, with brass beds and hlsh-grado carpets: rent $125; situ ated right for permauent and transient. Price altkUi'; terms. a 1 A rAT. l M r. i a. 7. 8 and 4-room apartments; up-to-flate; automatic elevator; trlvate baths: all In good condition and netting a nice profit; price $4tM0- must have $:iOC0 cash. 24 HOUSEKEKI'lSfl ROOMS. Rent $75. including steam neat, not and cold water: very nice and homelike; lady can hanrtle thls -nione: price iwu. 1U liULnLIVE.I'irl.u . 3. Located on Sixth street: price $300; makes a ntce home and an Income. I have others, all vises ana prices, on terms to suit purchaser. MARY K. LENT, 623-4 N. W. Bank bldg SOME NS7W TEAR SNAPS. 44--mtm Mtelnflv modern hotel, fine loca tion, doing good business; big snap. Im mediate sale. 17 rooms, housekeeping. Tent $25. good corner, modern, dandy home, biggest snap in portlana; owner must leave my aay; Dest oilr taxes everj iiuua , plete, today. Small amount cash, balance eaay. ' 17-room ant.-house. select district, fine furniture, clears tli month; terms. 22. room ant.-house fine location, doing good business; bargain, quick sale. T a , .ml a maA room!nar-house. ho- .i .hnuu us Wells Ander son,, the reliable dealers. 10314 West Park. 70-KOOM modern hotel with 40 baths; cheap rent; A-l' building; zurnisnings cosi (KK); mv price $5800, time or part trade. It's an absolute bargain. Mr. De Forest. 207 Hoard of Trade bldg. IX)ST AND FOCNI. LOST Small -black hand-satchel, also auto robe and overcoat, out ox a macnine. Party finding the same return to Auto Laurdry & Garage. 175 21st st. Reward. t.ri'T Komi! aiilver tiieah nurse, with chain. Dec. 20, presumably on portiana neittmr or Kings Height car, suitable reword. Main lilT. iikt rio Hail at., child's fur neckpiece. white with Diacic spoui ou iuui fringe. Main 2742. JBPEC1JM. NOTICES FTopoaais Invttecl. wr wll.I. ij!CLL: 2000 Amalgamated Mines Ore), .20 1000 Boulder Tungsten rroo.... .o 1 Central Bldg. bond 450.00 2000 Mt. Rainier Mining Co 124 WE W ILL U i : 5000 Alaska Petroleum A Coal. MK0 Boundary Red Mountain. 2tiO0 Call Switch. 2"0 Howe Sound Copper. Bm0 Tacoma Company, 1 1 TT C ,'.. 1 r I ft ta'- hnva ueen sneciallxlng In handling local stocks and bunds In the Northwest for 21 years. Full information and quota tions furnished on any active listed or unilited stock anywhere. References, any bank or business house in fteaine. HF.RRIN A RHODES. INC , STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. Established 21 Yem. 110 Cherry frt.. Seattle, Washington. BANKRUPT SALE. Pool Hall of Murnhv A Johnson's. Chehalls, Wash. Bar fixtures costlug $3700. with large oval mirrors In ends. 0x14 mirror In cen ter, all French bevel plate: 2 pool tables, showcase. cah register costing new $225. rnil-ino desk. etc.. stock, consisting OX nuts, candles, cigars, tobacco and clgar- atl . Inventory may be seen and InformstLpn obtained at any time of FREDERICK. H. nRAKE. attorney tor receiver ooi r. , Bank bldg-. Portlnnd, or al saia pool nan Chehalls. Washington, on Wednesosy jan pary 3. 1917. H F. Bl'SHONG. Receiver In Bankruptcy, R01 K. W. Bunk bldg . Portland. Or Mterellaneoue. ALASKA FISH SALTINO BY-PROD UCTS COMPANY. -rt,A annual meet in it of the stockholden of the above company will be held In the orriea of the company. au2 Concord bldg Portland. Or., on Wednesday the 17th day of January. 1817. nt 12 o'clock noon. BRYUON H. MCOLL, See. BAR3ES for rent, capacity two tona Main FINANCIAL. SPKCIAL. LOAN FINANCIAL SERVICE PHONES MAIN lM'O ORE-TON BOND 4k MORTGAGE CO. IS SPLE.NDIDLT EQUIPPED TO BUY AND" SELL MUNICIPAL. AND OTHRU HIGU-GOt.VDE BONDS AND tniTciCI.-S TO 1VAN UPON REAL ESTATE 'CITY OR FARM LOANSl AT CURRENT U1TK f NOMINAL EXHENtJEl. TO LOAN MONEY FOR INVESTORS UPON REAL ESTATE. AND RENDER t-Y W.BT SERVICE A.M) Utlk.B -- ALL LOAN MATTERS. APPItAlSE TO FURNISH RELIABLE APPRAISE MENTS AND ASSslftr l.-s 1MB, l.LUti i.iip athi ANn 3EVE1.0PM ENT OI LEGITIMATE BUSINESS KNTF'.R PRISES. TO LOAN V UPON PORTLAND HOMES AT 0 PEIS tn.Jl I.N I'l-Olil AKI.W! I7ALITIKS. UPON 10 OK 1 Vl'iu BASIS. REPAY IN MONTHLY IN STALLMENTS; NO PENALTY TO RK PA Y Tfi rtlTN?3Trn SPECIAL LOAN FERV ICE IN AN EQUITABLE MANNER. CO OPERATING WITH U 1 G a-M L, A a H1VKR TO LOAN UPON (OR PURCHASE nnvnt: MfirmiBES. ESTATE Edl'I TIES. AND STANDARD I.IFB INSITR ANCS POLICJE3 ON SHORT NOTICB. IT PAYS OTHERS - IT WILi. PAY YOIT OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO. 200 felling Building, Portland. Oregon. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or contracts, preterauiy oi mommy insiiiii iii en t payments. Portland Loan Company, rtmi Dekum bldr. INVESTORS wanted; amounts of $1000 or more; guaranteed proms oi m per cen In best line business on Pacific Coast. - Lumbermens biag. first tkt.A second mortgages: also seller Inte'-est In contracts purchased: Oregon or Wash. M. K. ortie, umnermem Din MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort rpe pi rchnsed. Lewis & Co.. 4 lwls Mil $S00 mortgage for sale. Dean. 202 Wilcox. PALS FINAXCIAl BARGAIN IN LOTS. Lots In Montlcello. Wheatland and Prunedale additions at prices sure to in terest you if ou are lookuug for lots at any price. rf ORE. IN V. & MUlllUAUIi u.. 202 Stock Exch., 17o Sd St. i faELP YOU US ELF $10 lnvefted monthly for 10 months in high-grade business prop osition will make you over $lov within 2 years You can prove this statement by closest Investigation. Interview by appointment ot.ly. O 951. Oregonian. MONET LOANED. Residence property, 0 to o r' cent. Business property. 5 to 0 Per cent. Farm property. 7 to 8 per cent. WH1TMER-KELI.Y CO. 711 Plttock blk. V 13 BL'Y mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND MOllTli AGK CO, SO 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. Money to Imd on Real rtate. OUR Installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.2tl per month for lid months or t-1.24 for 0l months, or 15.17 for IH) months pays a $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 243 St:irk Street. Portland. Or. wo0. 7 PER CENT, city or farm. $7500, 7 per cent, city or farm. ;K'U0, 7 per cent, city or farm. ,$5000, 7 per cent, city or farm. -1500. 7 per cent, city or farm. $luou, 7 per cent, city or Una. perxent, city. $1500. 8 per cent. city. 00W, 7 per cent. city. utt ?Jt,Kjn l.-NV. & MOKTOAUK CO., 2P2 Ktoek Exchange, 170 3d street. isuoo 7 per cent, olty or farm. 17SH0. 7 per cent, city or farm. $30O0. 7 per cent, city or farm. $o0oo, T per eent. city or farm. $3500, 7 per cent, city or farm. $1000. 7 per cent, city or farm. $2500, 7 per cent. city. $130o. per oent. city. e-uuu. t per cent. city. ORE. INV. MORTGAGE CO.. - 202 Stock Exchange. 170 3d St. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6Vj PE Any Amount- No Delay PER CENT. Repayment Prlvllegea CLARK.. KENDALL et CO.. 205, 2ua Northwestern Bank Bldg. PER CENT money. S to 6 years, residence property; will accept $100 or more on Frluclpal at any tnterest period payment; H per cent money on business property, same terms. Pacitlo Title & Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repaying privileges. A. K. B1RKELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bids. Marshall 4114. A 411S. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up ou golnc- rate of Interest. OTTO oi HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm l.ani; no delay; no commissions. Devereaux Mortgage Company. 007 Con cord blilK.. 2d and Stark sts. 1000 TO LOAN on good city property or larm lanu. i per cent. W ill split in two $500 loans if satisfactory. Sco my at torney at 404 Piatt bldg. PEU CKNT loans v.-lil be made on central retail buslnesj properties. 0 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. Noltliwestern Bank hl.lg. TO LOAN ;uon, $2C0. "$.'l0t'0. $4000. $5000 and $10,000 on lmirovei valley farms or cny prnperry .it o and 7 per cent. ' K. J. GEIsrri;, 417 Chamber of Cm. MHTGA!E LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT, OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE; CO.. INC., Stock Exchange bMi?.. :id and Yamhill. mo to $20t0 up. 7 per. cent. In sums to suit, loan tin gooa isrm or citv security. Vnmluyn Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. $x0 AND UP. l to 8 per cent, on houses. lots, xarm loans. Boggcsa & Cos 20U Ger- nnger o:iig. $500. $1000 AND upwards on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. rv7 Sraldlng bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANV AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC.. ciock i-.xcnunge cine-., ia ana lamni 1, CITY AND FARM IajANS. FARRINGTON. SO Fourth Street. Port'.and. Or. NO COMMISSION.- 7 PER CENT MONEY, PORTLAND IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. K. 4HT. PER CENT FARM AND CITY 1-OANSL UKSMUX Ac HAWK. MAIN ni'.il. 720 Chamber of Commerce Pldg. MONEY ""O LOAN ON CITY OR FARM I'KI.VKKTl; Wll.I. CAI.I. IF INT Eli K'TED Phone Tabor 2.12. IF YOU wsnt 1 30OO or $350O on good res estete security or hsve mortgage to eell. write ijw in3i. cregonian. I WANT to loan $5000 this week on good mortgsge at 1 per cent. 1 rnignt aivide. Alt ciregonisn, S2nir.ooO TO L1AN In sums to suit: build Inc loar.s. lowest rates. w. G. Beck, 315- 3iu raiunr nuig. 1'rotie Main 407. ft AND 7 per cent, money for mortgage loans not to exceed sbuoo. Fred S. w ill lams. VJtt nrst . MORTGAGE LOAN8. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 80J OAK ST. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on rlty or farm. FARM AMI CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Larding, 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm property. 6 per cent ur. r r uens. 4-'t t nam. or com FARM and city loans. OS per cent; no com ssr.o. no. spjno. !i(o. Fred v (iermRP or Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. UN 1,1 MITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. 1001. KY tv i 11.. -11- noirn or mile bing MuNiTY Am amount, ft to 8 per cent. H. t-eltA. :no srnldirg. Main rt.s4. iiavi: cliento lth money to loan. Ollv M. Hlci-ey. Atty.. S2 N. W. Pank hldr. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Com. I2.M 40. $.00. $c..o, g75h. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 7t2 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money loaned on city property or acreage. AN j. oregonian. tliU'O TO loan on good residence. Kale. inm o.'i 1. $2i"iM) AT 7 per cent. 202 Wilcox bldgj Bale. Main 3517. $500 TO $3500 on Improved city or subur ban property, can Lam o.i-w. More? to lan Chattels and riwlairlee. vio--j.-V MONCY. MONEY. w are making a specialty of Quick holiday loans to salaried employes. Also loans cp household furniture and pianos. without removal. Special rates until January 1. CALL AND SF.E 13.' COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Ucenaed. 317 Falling Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Ors-nnlxed by salaried men for mutu protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. fc.asy insta; me ins Legal rates. Securities purchase 202 McKay biag. stain iz4 rn.-Ml.-nui. tXAN ASSOCIATION" Esfab listhed Ly Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. sijria utiiibk, in m ager. U:i4 Stark St. Money loaned on dla- monds, jewelry, pianos, n. n. lurniture. t:ivirv to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: lega rate, all articles held 1 year: established since 1 . Dsn Vnrx. 2Q1 Washington- ITVANTIAL. Money to I-oHn Chattels and Salaries, IF YOU NEED MONEY. fES CS. SALARIED . . . CUAIKLi T.esns made to persons on sslary cr fixed Income: on house-hold furniture, pianos, diamonds anU wther personal property; legal ratea Kiislnes.3 confidential: prlvste offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Qii-;:07 Uekum Blag. l,aans Wanted. B. I.EE PAGET. $1000 at T ft Close-in West Side residence. with garage. Insurance $15oo. $1500At Tu good residences la Hood River. Kental $1500 at 1-a acres within, corporate limits of Estacada. $1500 at 7 ' c Large residence la North Albina. well located. $1760 at ft1- Six-room residence and two acres at Gilbert Sta. Good security. $2000 at ISi Attractive riverfront prop erty and residence, owner's value $0500. $2000 at 7 Well-located East Side double house and garsgo. $4000 at 7'. L.usineas and residence prop erty on Kast Side. Rent $70. Insur ance $50oo. $5000 at 7 Very elegant suburban resi dence and grounds; vaiue $14.00 . Insurance $5t)00. $3500 at H'' Close-In East Ide business property, assessed $11,500. $25,000 at 0 West Side close-la quarter block, assessed $42,000 B. LEK PAGET. slain 6230. 602 Corbett Bide. IXVESTORa PUT YOl'R -IDLE MONEY"' TO WORK. "SAFETY (SKC1TRITY FIRST." 6-7-S. PROMPT INTEREST PAYMENTS GUAR ANTEED (WHEN APPROVED BY US). INTEREST COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY HEMITTEj FREE TO YOU. HIGH CLASS mortgages and bonds For SALE. (NON RESIDENT PROP ERTY OWNERS! CALL OH WRITE US. OKEOON BOND MOUTGAGS CO.. 20 SELLING BLDG. 4..UU AT per cent. East Side lots. "in. b per cent, suburban Income. $'"10, 8 per cent, close-In acreage. $3ioo. 7 per cent, 25 acres oo Canyon road, miles from Courthouse. $-0cn. s per cent, Inoome suburban. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CC.. 2"? Stocfc Exchange, 170 3d Street. $45iM) at 8 per Cent. East Side lots. j-t.ni'i, a per cent, suburban income. $snoo, 8 per cent, c'.ose-in acreage. $5iKl0, 7 per cent, 25 acres on Canyon road. O miles from Courthouse. $2000, s per cent. Income suburban. ORE. INV. & MORTGAGE CO. 202 Stock Exchange. 170 3d ST. $40ou. $5400, $1500 AND other amounts at i ier cent on goou city security. SEE MR. LEHMKUHL, THS OKEOcN HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank tUs. Marshall 371 S. a 6291. SALARY loan, $200 for 20 months at 8 fier cent; will repay $10 per month and merest. Wanted by echool teacher with good position. Addres AV 350. Oregonlau. WANTED By ownr, $2MI0. 7 per cent. 3 years, on fine home In Irvlngton; no commltiHion ; want to borrow direct from principal. J 2. Oregonlan. wa.nteii $400 for S years at 7 per cent on looxioo lot worth $1400. Phone e li labor 4415. ap :, oregonlan. :.o ON CLOSE-IN East Side residence property; principals only. T 6. Orego nian. WANT $nuo. S per cent: $12'i". 8 per cent: $2250, 7 per cent. Chas. I'.ingler & Co.. 228 Henry blilg. PERSONAL 11 A 1 R GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 80-lnca wavy swltcii, 2 Sep ...$1.50 i-lnch wavy switch. 3 sep 1.00 AII-urLmi trausiurmatiou ......... 1.4. llairdi easing, sliampooitig, face massage, hair bobbing. maulcurli., 2ic. Hair re moved by eiectnc ueeuie. switch made of coniolni;, l5c W"e bu your combings. San;tai- Parlors, ecO-412 Dvkum bldg., od and Washington. 1arsiinll 1702. WANTED A home for my piano; respon sible party preierreti, m no kouiq con sider purchasing later; I am leaving the city and do not wish to pay storage. Y to. Oregonian. t.iiv t.l dc li A. l-:i-il T. leading txlg and toupe makers: uni-st stock Human hair goods; hairiiressluK. manicuring, face and icalp treat incut. l:emoved, to 34tf Alaer. near Iiruuiuay. M:t.n 54il. Ui-V. MRS. J. c. SCHuRl lectures on dlvins laws, u-utlis, 3 P. M. Sunday, Arcanum Ha. I. ItK IJLh st. Ciicles. un-nsagcs. con su.ts with you. Beverly, la park, su Mar. f.OTS, LocloE NUTZLi. German trained nurse and maaseusc gives treatments for rheu matism, luinbsiio. neuralgia, etc.. massage and baths: lady asslntant: now located at olo Pari st. Mar.nnii n.. 3. open Summy. EXl'ERLilNCED chiropodist and masseuse will be in the city 10 cays only; wlil be pleased, old iisuuas. Luii l'auama bldg. tijivii evenings. .......n i.ure. uiasaaKe. electric blankets anu baths fur raeuuiutlsm. lumbago, neu raiKla. etc; lady trained nurse assistant, -'."'ll Uth st. open toumiHys. Mar9hall SllsT. bLi'i.HFLLOLS HAIR destroyed forever by m-jitiple-neeule method; consultation free. Mile. DeLong. 5b4 Swetland blcg. AZA 11. R1RKECKE. featural correction!. lace and scalp massage. lth at-, ucar Wash. Mar, j-bo. Advice free. SOl'lllA U. SLIP, mental, spiritual sclen'let. 3u0 Tobrney b.dg., lu to 4 daily. Written questions Wed.. 7:45 P. M. M-ir. 3u'.iQ. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years In Portland; lloiu century science in palmistry tauKlit; spirit ual readings daily. Taylor su MISS JOHNSON, chiropody, masaa:e aud light magnetic Appuiutmunls ouly. Maun 6i4. Cii 1 liOPR ACTIO, steam baths, light, heat, electrio and vibratory niasiai;e. Dr. Mar Krtret Haynle. 517 Swetland. Main I7'.5. GilACE BELMONT, manlcuiing. vihratory inasagt odice 40. 3d floor. 145'a Broad a uy. SPIRITUALISM l'ev. May A. price, circle Tuesday. 2 and S 1. M. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; vrad:ng dally. 2'i2 Clay. Marsliall ;;!i!0. LLklCl'ltlC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; salt bailie. 4-0 Clay st. Main 830u. A-bCAPSo promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port land Hotel pharmacy. MASSG1 treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. 3u8 3d.Apt. C. Main 109. FRANCES DEI MAYO, scalp specialist, SSlA Morrison st. OtTice 11. ROSEN A TAYLOR Masseuse acl scalp spe cialist. 109 Park st. Marshall 313t. LIFE reader Hart Apts., 170',-j 2i, 4th floor. Mar. 2t'."l. lo. SCAlP, massage and shampooing, room 1. lir.o Yamhill st., near Park. MAGNETIC healer: treatments daliy. 170a 2d as.. 4th floor., apt 1. Mar. 24-.iT. i-.NK DXKK. fr-jra Kast Facial, scalp massage. 407 Wash. Rm. 82'l. Ilrs. 2-7. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage 417-2Q Northwestern Brink bidg. MAY ANDREWS teacheg phrenolocv aud card reading. 2S2 Park at. Main 754$. BALM Or FIGS COMPOUND. Ial T.u-i r.5 Hoyt st. Phone Main C33. Tablets. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D Hill. 421 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. HAPPY New Year. Lad. mlsei you ?"c"0: - You know X good. Love. 1