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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1917)
Automobiles. COMPARE OfR CARS. PRICES TEKMS WITH ALL OTHERS. 1916 Foid touring. 1-est of eondftlon. 8265: terma $100 cash, balance $25 per U1U11 UU 1818 Ford roadster, bought In May thl Tear and has had the best of care; terms 1916 Fou-nmety Chevrolet, used very little; self-starter, electric lights; $430, wov twj, imiance 5- i per montn. 101(J Baby Grand Chevrolet, almost a car. Come In and have a ride In this one. Terms $250 cash, balance $35 juuntn. 1918 Oakland light six. excellent condl- i'On. $625; extra tire and tube: terms oo aown. balance $37 50 per month. 1915 RntcV mnHal T37. ,. mrA n the finest condition; 'price for quick o: terms. 1915 Bulrk. TnnAl r 1 a twv t $495; terms $200 down,' balance $30 per 1014 Bulek model C-34, self-starter, electric liichts. $.'!V3: terms $150 down. per monin. 1911 Cadillac, all new tires and the car n exceptionally grood buy at $495; terms $230 down, balance $25 per month. 1915 Ford roadster rnmt rtvT- tmnn- wUi equipment; special price $375; terms $100 cash, balance $30 per month. FORP with one-ton frnrtr of.iTriTit express body, driver's seat covered. Would rnake line car for express business; price 595: terms $230 down, balance $35 per We give a written guarantee wltti every used car wa selL BEXJ. E. BOONE & CO. 814 Alder St. Mala 8986. USED CARS. For exceptional values In used ears sea Mitchell first. We han dle only our own stock, no out side cars, and can give you more for your money by reason of our low overhead expense and trad ing these cars -In at their low est market value. If you Con sider the purchase of a car any time this Spring It will pay you to see what we have to offer. Give us a chance. Every car ex actly as represented. Here are a few ot the nave at present! ( STUDBBAKER. B-piisa. $250 OLDSMOBTLE, a high-grade car. excellent chassis for a truck , s3l)o MAXWELL, B-passenger, fine . shape, self starter $400 8TTJDEBAKBR, O-passen-ger, elec. system $430 MITCHELL SIX, 6-passenger, , Ever Ready starter 1456 MITCHELL SIX cabriolet, late , model. In fine condition. Just fine for Winter and can fold top back for Summer. Also Several Others. LIBERAL TERMS. Bait 7--EI1I;Erw33Jt,STAVER co East 72.4. E. 1st and E. Morrison. B 1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS. 18ltoR?DST1?.R' wltn electric llghta and storage battery ......$223 191B ROADSTER, with new tires. ,. .$265 1916 ROADSTER, almost new i27B 1914 TOURING, just overhauled $233 1818 TOURING, In good shape 1916 TOURLVQ, like new 1013 CHASSIS Terms $100 down and $25 per mo $265 $285 $200 OPEN SUNDAYS. U?SLI?n?,T ?ANSOM PENNEY, -76 Union Ave., corner Wasco East 7950. ' PORTLAND HEADQUARTERS FOR A GOOD USED CAR IS A BETTPR -Rrrv THAN A CHEAP 'NEW os A careful Inspection of our .used cars you that our values are positively the best in the city. WE CARRY ALL MAKES OF CARS. OUR PRICES RANGE FROM $100 UP ,. TO $700. VE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Studebaker Distributors PARK AND DAVIS ST3. GUARANTEED SECOND-HAND CARS. WE HAVE THEM FROM $270 UP. CHALMERS OVER LANDS REOS CADILLACS .-UOLUAIBIA KNIGHT AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST. tiTTTv ,THE FAMOUS BUICK VALVE-IN-HEAD CARS .SEE US TUESDAY. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. 11TH AND DAVIS STS. BUY A CAR for the new year save It from carrare and get there and back on time. Here is one example I of the snaps we are offering on cash or terms: REO, 1912 model, good tires in good running order $175 NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Broadway at Couch St. " 1916 OAKLAND SIX touring, looks and runs like new, good tires $625 1915 Ford roadster, a snan at. '7X 3913 Ford roadster, a snap at. -i.t 3913 Buick touring " 1913 Studebaker touring, self starter". ' $300 And many others. All cars in first-class mcehanical' con free011 " minor adjustments' for one year Terms if desired . V.EA,S;InSIDB ATO REPAIR CO.. JSast 1300 . 7i7 Hawthorne Ave. M,AXWELL AXD BUICK " PARTS! , style and new style, all makes and models, for less. MOTOR PARTS MFG CO.. . 323-2a-27 Burnside St. 1913 FORD. Touring; body shows considerable wear; Tires good all around: mechanically in first class shape; bargain for cash. 363 Oregon. East 7212. HBGAL roadster, worfcli $200, for $175 if taker, at once. 4!:s Alder st. Automobiles Wanted. WHAT HAVE YOTJ? I want a car at a low price that I can repair myself. Musi use tire not larger than S4x4. AE 909. Oregonlan. WE win pay cash for late model Fords, Dodge Bros., or Buick autos. Boone & Co.. 514 Alder St. Main 3966. WANTED Good auto as part payment on suburban home at Newberg. AV 338. Ore- gonian. CASH for light cars. Fords preferred. Main 3716 Washington st. Garage. WANT Ford: condition Immaterial if price Is low. AE 968. Oregonlan. WANTED Six Ford cars- will ba at 505 Alder until Jan, 6. O. G. Arnet Automobiles Wanted. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. Authorized Ford Agent. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. FORDS bought, sold and exchanged. R. L. fcHORT &. CO.. Automobile repairing. 333 Cash for old tars. Adcox Auto School, 3.S3 Burnside tt. Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any kind of work by month or yearly contract. We are agents for Wichita trucks and tractors. Also have three rebuilt trucks anu sen on time payments. Long Ac oiiva. rtawtnorne ave. East 6ts40. 1916 SAXON 6. highway, depots, touring. , rtnaoniiaie. .ast 4oe 1916 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call- .tis aim swopping, jaain i 4 00. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long & gj.ivn, o. jiawtnorne ave. Phone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 E. uiurqe. il.asx iO a. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES AT SACRIFICE PRICES. In order to make room for our new 1917 Harley-Davidsons WE MUST DISPOSE OF A NUMBER OF OUR 2D-HAND MACHINES. We have the largest number In the city to pick from, all In good shape and rea- sonaoiy pricea. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. COME IN OR WRITE FOR DETAILS. ALL MAJCES INCLUDED. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., AGENTS FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. 209 4th- St, Largest Exclusive Motorcycle Dealers In me state. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1916 3-speed Harley, good as new, and equipped $250 1916 Power-Plus Indian, fully equipped with lamp. Presto, speedometer, whistle and dream tandem; a snap at $200 z-speea uayton, equipped. ..... .si4u 1916 8-speed Thor, equipped and dandy little machine, in A-l shape $165 6 H. P. Hariey-Davldson, A-l shape, equipped $ 70 Call and get a demonstration on the new 4-cylinder Henderson, the master motorcycle. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 210 Broadway. 1918 POWER-PLUS, equipped $225 xaia iALE, --speed 150 1914 INDIAN, 2-speed 125 1913 INDIAN, equipped 80 2914 JEFFERSON, equipped 100 1914 JEFFERSON, single 50 LIGHT TWIN. 3-horsepower 35 Also lot of bicycles, new and second hand. INDIAN AGENCY. 273 3d. Main 6139. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44 Grand Ave. AGENCY FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON AND FLYING MERKEL. Bargains in used machines of all makes on easy terms. CYLINDER GRINDING ACETYLENE WELDING AND EXPERT OVERHAULING. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th St. Harley-Davidson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers In motorcycles in the state. Main 7889. FULLY equipped, 1915 Excelsior, 3-speed; cost 3:; sen tor lou; terms, u. c war ren. 68 N. 23d. Main 780. ONE EXCELSIOR motorcycle, $40. Main 90, A JJM-'. Auto Ttree and Accessories. FORD engine and radiator for sale cheap. im uivision. "oaii taoor 4ioo. Miscellaneous. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! Special prices on first-class pipe, guar anteed; -inch pipe, 3c per foot; 14-inch pipe, 4c per foot; 1-inch pipe, 5c per foot; lii-inch pipe, 62o per foot; 1-inch pipe, 7fec per foot; 2-inch. 10c per foot. We also handle all kinds of plumbing supplies at 15 per cent less than whole sale price. - We can save you money. Free estimates given. All goods guaranteed. NORTHWEST PIPE CO.. 187 Front St., Bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Main 5C3L OUR gravity water system renders unneces sary a l5utton & 131ake hand lire engine. This engine Is -in first-class shape, com plete with suction hose and cost $la0 when new; it Is for Immediate sale at $350. This engine Is fitted for standard fire hose and is a splendid bargain for lumber camp, shingle or lumber mill or anyone requiring individual fire protec tion. Write City Auditor, Warrenton, Or. BE ECONOMICAL Get big price for your traaing stamps, tobacco coupons, old pa per, magazines, rags, old clothes, shoes, bottles, furniture, etc.. in exchange for the latest and best vacuum sweeper, a useful article in any home. 192 1st st. Main 3r5. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 10.000 useful articles for sale or trade. Makes no difference what you want we havo it at 50 per cent less than else where; everything under the sun you will find at the N. Y. Bargain Store. 128 1st, near Alder. ONE 9-inch Star lathe, complete with gears. chuck and screw cutter, steam pump, 2U H. P. Campbell marine engine. One No. 5 Morgan box nailing machine. Emery stand. Small saw arbor. 15-ton Jack Gears, pulleys. Machine repairing. North west Lead &. Mach'y Co., 311 Front et. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew perfect and guaranteed; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near Taylor t. A 3626. Main 9431. FUMED oak dining set and buffet, cost $140, sell for $Jso: mahogany llDrary taule. cost $45, sell for $25; Stickney table, cost $12, sell for $6; beautiful leopard coat for cash or diamond. Craig, Tudor Arms Apt., or M. 1492 BANKRUPT fixtures from Woods dept. store. Odell. Or., consisting or cash register, scales, cheese cutter, account register and other miscellaneous items. Phone Mr. Shambrook. East 5800. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. sieKel, two stores. 383 Alder st. and 242 Alder st. FORCED sale of moving picture theater equipment, in good condition, consisting of one Powers "A" machine No. 0, 2U0 opera chairs, 6 inverted light fixtures. Taguart. 41ti Chamber of Commerce. b-HuhsE, air-coqfted gas engine; small A. C. arid u. c. motors: o Mlamus marine en gine, 36-in. bronze propeller. Snowden Machine Works. Raymond, Wash. CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are tower, iasn rtegister .xcnange. 351 s wasmngtun st. Atain out. FOR SALE or rent, loggiiig and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 23B3. GENT'S tailor-made imported black serge suit, size 38, at a sacrifice. Woodlawn 1X13, 6.5 Alberta, cor. 17th st. ONE karat, also i karat diamond for sale, blue and white stones; will sell cheap. East 300, apt- 31. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades; largo selection. Pacific Stafy. & Ptg. Co.,107 2d st. Main 1971 ENTIRE equipment of Ben A Bellamy. Alder St. stores for sale by Cash Register Exchange. Main 606. ' ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. GOODS for ladies' suits and topcoats at wholesale pricea Woodlawn 1313. 655 Al berta St.. cor. 17th et. SECOND-HAND barber chairs for sale very reasonable. Kemp Barber SupdIv On 271 Wash. st. ' CASH REGISTERS, safest store fixturea Portland Cash Register Co.. Yamhill PLUMBING supplies at wholesale- DrlcS' Stark-Davls Co.. 212 3d St. Main 797 MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired N W. Lead & Machinery Co., 811 Front at SEVEN city directories, 1909 tti Tois jIT office railing. $7.50. Marshall 2310. ' TYPEWRITER, show cash register dealt and safe. -12 Morrison st. MitceUaneoua. BARDE THE PRICE BUSTER! HERE'S OUt BIG OFFERING I SAWMILL MACHINERY SACRIFICED. W E HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF" EVERYTHING USED IN A SAW MILL AT GREATLY SACRIFICED PRICES! SEND US YOUK WANT LIST! WE'LL QUOTE YOU THE BIGGEST BARGAINS OF ANY ONE. LOGGERS SUPPLIES! LOGGERS WHO BELIEVE IN SAVING MONEY ON EQU1P-ME-H INVARIABLY' SEND THEIH 'ORDERS TO BARDE! OUR STOCK OF DONKEYS. KAIL CAR WHEELS. ETC, 13 LOWEST IN THE KOKTUWESII WIRE ROPE! OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE UNITED STATES. THE LOWEST PRICES CONSIDERING THE QUALITY. EVERY, FOOT FULLY GUARANTEED. THE BIG GEST USERS OF WIRE ROPE IN THE NORTHWEST BUY FROM US EXCLUSIVELY. TRANSMISSION MACHINERY! OUR STOCK INCLUDES: PUL LEYS. SHAFTING. GEARS, SPROCKETS. CHAIN. ETC. THE LARGEST STOCK OF TRANS MISSION MACHINERY EVES EXHIBITED IN THE NORTH WEST. BELTING NOTE THE PRICES! NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. $18,000 WORTH OF THE FINEST BELTING YOU EVER LAID EYES ON. BIG SACRIFICE IN PRICES. ALL GUARANTEED. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING FOR SAWMILL. LOGGING CAMP OR ANY OTHER ARTICLE MADE OF IRON OR STEEL. SEE OH WRITE. M. BARDE A SONS. "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS,'" 24Q-244 FRONT ST., COR. MAIN, PORTLAND, OR, SEWING MACHINES. A STARTER FOR THE NEW YEAR. Singer $10.00 Standard 15. 0O Beaver 16 00 New Royal 18.00 Wheeler & Wilson loon Damascus 17.50 White 17.50 Roberts 16.00 Davis .'. 14.00 Favorite 18.00 Brunswick 17.60 Raymond 14.00 Climax 12.00 New Queen 9.00 Fireside 12.00 Emporium Toy 4.00 Your choice of the best high-grade new machines at $45. This week only, $1.0O down. $1.0J week. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. ISO 3d St., near Taylor. Main 431. A 8626. BALED ALFALFA HAY for sale every Win. ter. E. B. Robertson, Nampa, Idaho. FURNITURE WANTED. MONEY TALKS. WE pay the best cash pricea, for house hold . or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phono GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC. 183 to 191 1st St. Mar. 5981, A 3224. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wanta all kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion 166-168 First St.. bet- Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4633. HIGHEST prices paid for your furniture. OIV.CV DllU L.l J'CLO. Victuals J UlUlLUlf Store, 20 7 1st st. Marshall 687. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone today.- Main 4627 or 204 First su WANT second-hand furniture and carpets. ship out town; can pay more than Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER & CO., Masonic Temple bldg.. pay casn tor iuxmiure. rugs, etc rnuue Maln3b32. PARTY would like to buy household goods. rugs- etc.. tor casn. aiarsnail is2. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction co. Main auox. lui 2d st. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. wasnburn. Marshall 4.84. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and ail kinds of tools and pay you all it is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need in the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phone Main 9072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2Oo0. 2S3 FIRST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. WE WISH to announce the removal of our office, metal and receiving place to our own building, 189 Front St., near Yam hill. J. Levo, wholesale dealers In all grades scrap rubber, metals and iron. JUNK WANTED. All descriptions of Junk bought; highest price paid for old metal and Iron. Call Marshall 3225. WE BUY old rope, rubber, metals, iron. can. vaa J. Lieve, lay j?ror.t su, near Yamhill. iain 51'.8. HIGHEST cash prices paid for old auto tires. J. Leve, ltD Front St.. near Yam hill. Main 519S. 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER; BE WISE A.-i. UtT X UULi VALIK t Ult YOUR 2D H AND CLOTHING. 201 1ST. MAIN 734. WANTED to buy. combings: switches made to order. Mr. w m. Bequealth. 651 B. YamhllL CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and nign-graae ore. 1. m. Pickering, mfg jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. AM opening store and want two good cash registers ana lCCasKey credit file. Seil wood 417. WANTED Stock of general merchandise. snoes or grocery for cash; any size. AM 9(4. Oregonlan. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776. OR 946 FIRST ST. . WANTED rresslna machine for coats and pants. Hlrsch-Wels Manufacturing Co. AUTOMATIC rifles, shotguns, pump guns. Kooaits ana lensec. tiocnieia. 83 inird st. WANTED National cash register. Main 606 3 51 H Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Competent railroad bollermaker- must do sooer ana nave good references; state age. experience and phone. AJ 2 Oregonlan. - ' $100 will teach and start you In the candy uuMnaa utte my canuy nutcner shop at 328 Washington st. BIG PROFITS IN THIS. ' RAILWAY mall p. O. clerks, carriers, cus- lom-HUUM employes. .o to loU a month; life Jobs; no strikes, no layoffs; exams announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Paclflo Slates School, McKay bldg., city. WANTED Drapery and decorative sales man: must De tnorousniy experienced and have first-lass references; state age ex perience, references antl salary exue'eted. Addrss AV 333. Orgonlan. -. LINCOLN High School boy wanted for aft ernoon omce worK ana Saturdays; prefer boy living with parents. Address In own handwriting. K 919, Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL AUTOMOBILES AND GAS TRACTORS MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS $3.30 UP. Drop In and. look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. V ANTED Experienced tie-makers; iona job. Address Standard Timber Co. Ev" anston, Wyo. Ai, L kinds of laborers, mill and camp men wanted. Bend Employment Agency. Bend Or U ANTED Men to distribute circulars- see us today. Kelly Advertising Co., 427 MAX and wife for small stock ranch- Ger man or Swedish preferred Mar i.-.-.' MUSICAL paper desires business solicitors for special number. AN 6. Oregonlan. THE National Bakery wants a firclass baker on bread and cnlo ' '! ' i.- Y A X T to buy 1000 old coins. 5r Buck. 423 Pittock blk., Xoot specialist. - Duc HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. GREETINGS. . VE DESIRE TO THANK THE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. BOTH EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYES. WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US DURING THE PAST SEASON. AND TRUST THAT ALL WILL AGAIN AVAIL THEMSELVES OF OUR SERVICES DURING THE NEW YEAR. WHICH WE SIN CERELY HOPE WILL BE A PROSPEROUS ONE FOR ALL. EXPERT SELECTION OF HELP CORRECT INFORMATION ABOUT EMPLOYMENT. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY LARGEST IN THE WEST. . 235 BURNSIDE STREET. CORNER OF SECOND ST. ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C. A You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to It. During past 7 years we have placed or helped place themselves, over 11.000 men and boys. Thl service a privilege of membership in the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year tinder guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. See Secretary Stanley Baker. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 429-31 BELMONT PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN RE PAIRING, DRIVING, IGNITION, CAR BURETION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. STUDENTS ASSISTED. EARN BOARD AND ROOM. INVESTIGATION SO LICITED. REGULAR day. evening and Saturday u-iussea are open lor you here. Let us direct your Winter studies; wa will please you whether you work at a nearby Job Or teach in a ( i l.tslnr arlnn Wr(f iib UNIVERSITY OF GREATER PORTLAND. marsnau aoa. and Lovejoy sts. HIGHTGRADE SUITS, OVERCOATS. Men! Trade upstairs and save $10: $25 suits and overcoats for $15 and $30 values fur f.u. j iriimy iuou, zu uoor n,iiers building, cat-ty corner from Pantages Theater. WANTED To correspond with an expe rienced sawmill man. as mill foreman, - mill cutting 75 to 100 M. with a chance for an interest If proven a success; a good plant and plenty of timber; give past ex perience, age and reference In first letter. AV 344, Oregonlan. AT LAST A key-operated adding machine at $47.50; agents wanted every village and city; aio traveling and . sideline salesmen; commission. Write today. Commonwealth Adding Machine Agency, Seattle, Wash. WANTED In every city good live hustlers with horse and wagon or automobile and with sufficient capital to build up but erine routa- that will net good returns and own your own business. Address AV 327, Oregonlan. STEADY employment, good wages, day and mgnt ciHSSefi, rew montns learning, protit able work, position guaranteed. Watch making, Engraving School, 218 Common wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny sts, Port land. BOY over 18 years to learn the Jewelry business; must live at nome ana tumlsn best of reference: very small salary to start with. Position permanent. H. D. Oliver, 122 2d St. W ANTED Man about 30 accustomed to In terviewing people; no samples to carry and nothing to sell; steady work; moder ate salary to start; stage age, reference and phone number. P Du7, Oregonlan. NIGHT CLASS Just starting. Adcox Anto Bcnooi. aw rturnsiae street, uau or write for Information. WANTED rTwo experienced blacksmiths for rauroaa worn ; state age. experience, phone number; good references required. All 997, Oregonlan. WANTED 9 students to learn pliotog- rapny, trade school, tree, Y 996, Orego nlan. Help WantedAgenta. AGENTS Splendid earnings, send for free catalogue of quica-etlliiB repeat-oraer; a big opportunity. Pedvln & Jensen Co., 515 3d. San Bernardino, Oallf. HERE, Mr. Agent, don't let this big offer pass you by; Drana new proposition. Dig field. Particulars free. Dept, A, Port Sup ply Co., Portland. Or. WHY sell inferior' Our hospital policy costs no more, wi uoara or Trade Didg. Help Wanted Salesmen. CITY' salesman for stationery and printing nouse; state experience ana salary ex pected. S 2, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GREATEST money-maker, house-to-house proposition; "White Wizard washes clothes spotlessly clean in 10 minutes with out rubbing; contain no lime, lye, caustic soda, paraphlna wax. Leave sample, when you call housewife Is waiting to become regular customer; secure territorial right; postal brings sample and full particulars. HOME PRODUCT CO.. 9509 Foster Road, Portland. Oregon. $300 will teach and start yon In the candy uusiness iiKe my candy butcner snop at 12S Washington St. BIG PROFITS IN THIS. YOUNG girl, about 20, strong, healthy, for Plain cooKing, nouseworK, on larm; wages $20 or better; give age experience, refer ence. AV 347, Oregonlan. WANTED Stenographer In law office In email city near Portland. Give age, ex perience, salary expected and phone num ber. P 998, Oregonlan. LADY', over 25, for high-class traveling po sition; must De weu eaucatea, well coivnea end ambUious; $1000 flret year. Apply 25 Ainsworth bldg., between 2 and 6 P. M, WANTED Stenographer with some Knowledge of Dooaaeeplng; state experi ence and salary expected. Small salary to begin with. S 6. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class manicurist, barber snop experience; young prelerreo. call In person. Board of Trade Barber Shop, tn and Oak. HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 403 Bdy., Yamhill bldg.. trains you well; you hold your positions secured for you. 558 MONTGOMERY drive, corner St. Helena Couit. Take Portland Heights car to Elm st. Girl for general housework. Main 949. Liui. in oraer to avoid being alone nights, will give room free to employed woman. P 9-.'6. Oregonlan. ' WANTED Girl experienced in all deparl ments of a small laundry. Rainier Steam Laundry, Rainier, Or. W A N TED Girl to assist with housework for room, board and $10 a month; no washing. Tabor 10II2. LADIES, do cnocheting at home. Call morn ings. 11 to 1. 322 Flludner bldg, 10th and Washington. 658 MON" IGOllKRY drive, corner St. Helens Court. Take Portland Heights car to Elm st. Girl for general housework. Main 949. COMPETENT girl, general housework. No fancy cooking. Family of two. Wood lawn 4074. CHORUS GIRLS with or without experience; must have good voices. Apply Manager, Cnslno Theater. 4th and Burnside. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen- eral housework, 370 Larch. East 2169. WANTED Girl for general housework, $.0 per month. Phone East 2125. PRIVATE HOME for children, anv age; 13 years experience. 714 Everett, Mar. 2162.' MISS MATTINGLY'S 6CHOOL, Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3S93. GIRL to assist with housework and care of child. 747 Gllean st. WANTED A first-class hair dresser; state experience In letter. AN 997. Oregonlan. GOOD home for young; lady, light work. Call Marshall 472. WANTED Trustworthy girl for general hQU3ewoik. B 1962 or East 1847. WANTED L'ady partner In small coffee house. 3sv, E. Alder. WANTED Ladles' residential work; pay. Room 502-3 Columbia bldg. big WAITRESS, out. $30. fare; family help. Howe's, room 35. 2704 Washington st, GIRL for housework. Apply to Mrs. Will lams, 554 Broadway South. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; position guaranteed: tools free; paid while learning. Expert Instruc tors; scalp and face massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second st, OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade tn 8 weeks; position guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning: tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert Instructors, 20 years In business. 233 Madison st. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND AND TYPEWRITING. Mid-term beginners and speed classes forming. Day and evening sessions, s." month, 2o9 14th, near Jefferson, Mala SS93, HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trade In eight weeks, pay you while learning, give 'ou a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position: 32 schools In U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. AL1SKY BLDG., 8D & MORRISON STS. HELP WANTED M1SCET.LAX EOrS. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway mall clerks; commence $75 a month. AV 301, Oregonlan. WATCHES cleaned, 75c: malnprlng, 75c; work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth blug., 6th and Anketiy. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Uuokkrcprra and Clerks. EMPLOYERS, ATTENTION. A thoroughly competent accountant and all-around general business man (Just past 45), with varied and wide experience who can furnish the very best local reference, needs employment. Telephone Tabor 4S09 or address Herbert Hald. 1127 East Grant street. WELL-EDUCATED. experienced general office man and bookkeeper, out of em ployment because of recent strike, wants position. T 3. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. knowledge of bookkeeDinir. also experienced In salesmanship, will lake any position. AM 999. Oregonlan. LICENSED chauffeur wants position; ref erences. East 2766. M iM.-t-iiHnrouk. POSITION WANTED. Am leaving the road after many success ful years In the Northwest; want position aa sales - manager, house salesman, credit department or any position you have open. Will show result. Highest commercial and bank reference. Salary a secondary consideration. Address AN 999, Oregonlan. v yvi x n. i o y gooa engineer ana carpenter, mechanical care of office or some eucn building; would like place with an estate; am 32 years old. married; can give the very best of references. A3 998, Orego nlan. YOUNG man, 26. wears an artificial leg. de sires work taking care of stable. Expe rienced m-lth horses; willing to go on ranch: Main 7051. A 1517. YOUNG man, 26, desires work as waiter In small restaurant in or out of town; willing to go In as dishwasher or any light work; references. Main 7031. A 151T. MIDDLE-AGED German, work on ranch or private place; handy all-around man; small wages, during Winter. AP 2. Ore gonlan. WANTED Situation by a young married man as stationary engineer or fireman or marine engineer or fireman. G 989, Oregonlan. YOUNG man must have work; prefers kitchen work except cooking; will oo any Kinn ot oqq JODS. Main A 151. YOUNG man. home from school, accus tomed to heavy work, would like Job for 1 week. Main 6S13. CARPENTER contracts for new or repair work; wall tinting with muresco: decor atlng; cheap now. Manny. SelA. 2421. WANTED Married man wishes engineer or Janitor work: will take anything: must have work. Main 7051, A 1517. WOULD like position as foreman on farm or in horse or mule barn; four years' ex perience with vet. R 7. Oregonlan, POSITION by civil engineer, experienced construction and location. F 997, Orego nlan. YOUNG man attending business college wants to earn board and room. AC 7, Oregonlan. CHINESE schoolboy, plain cook, reliable and honest. wants housework; low wages; West Side preferred. Address 1Q3 N. 4th. WANTED By middle-aged man, either watchman or light Janitor work. Phone Mar. 2.64. WANTED Any kind of carpenter work. Address AJ 3. Oregonlan. PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting neat ly ana cneaply done. Marshall 2493. PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling, cheap by contract. Phone Mar. 5SS5. GARDEN man. finest references, desires work. 294 Sheridan t. Main 4618. SOBER, steady man wants position as night watchman. E 997, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Menosri-apbrrs. COMPETENT stenographer, five years' ex perience, desires position, temporary or permanent, Marshall 5242 mornings. COM P.ST ENT bookkeeper, general office ex perience and stenography, desires posi tion. AB 992. Oregonlan. GIRL wants position In dontal office, thr.e years' experience; references. AC 999. Oregonlan. Dressmakers. DURING January, free Instructions on mak ing ladies' garments: classes limited; en roll now. Gurney's Ladles' Tailoring School. Mohawk bldg. Uso Gurney's cihur right snap fasteners. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, recently from New York, wishes engagements out by the day; best city references; terms rea sonable. Phone Marshall 4065. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or i garments made to order. Marshall 3722. UNDERGRADUATE NURSE ot several years' practical experience wishes cases. AC 98S. Oregonlan. TRAINED nurse has private home, invalids, sged; city references. Tabor 2213. Housekeepers. EDUCATED, retined widow, unincumbered, wants place In nice home; companion to lady or housekeeper for widower or bach elor; capable housekeeper and sood seaiu stress. B 99S, Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged lady for bachelor or widower, rooming house or hotel. In or out of city. R 997, Oregonlan. WIDOW with 8 little girls wishes to keep house -for gentleman with home; country preferred. Mrs. D. II. Marshall, 70S W. Richmond st.. St. Johns, Or. r Miscellaneous. WILL care for epileptic or other invalids in home in country, 4 miles north of Van couver. Wash.; no children; 7 years ex perience; good references. Address S. J. s.. Rt. 5, Box SS, Vancouver, Wash. COLORED lady wants position cooking or housework. Phone Main 1687. WOMAN wants day work or take laundry home. Phone Tabor 7701. WOMAN wants day work.Phone Woodlawn 4712. EXPERIENCED woman wants day or by the hour. Main 2826. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANT to rent house, 12 to 18 rooms. Phone Mr. Beery, Main 4S1. Rooms. WANTED Basement ' H. K, room, with use of phone west of 10th St.; worklng man. R 4, Oregonlan. Rooms With Hoarq. MIDDLE-AGED man wants room and board for light work. T 4. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. SIX finely furnished rooms, steam heated, for gentlemen only; walking distance. West Side. Marshall 3949. 475 MORRISON Single or large new. com fortable. $6 and up. Board optional. i'urnlned Rooms. ELTON COU.vT HOTEL. YAMHILL, AT 11TH. Fronting Public Llbrarj ; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic: running water or bath in every room; private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 per week. Main 6953. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th sc.. cor. Washington et. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms, Individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 6oc to $1.50 per day. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Eleventh and Stark sts.. brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water In rooms; 5oc to $1.50 per day. Special-rates by the week. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 10th st., at Oak Desirable doarntown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. STANDISH HOTEL. B4SH Washington st.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms. $1.50 per week; S6 per mo. and up. MAKE! THE BUSH MARK VOUB HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heal, walxing distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 3654 Washington st. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at 10th, RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water Free phones and l-aths. HOTEL CORDOVA 269 11th St. Strictly moaern; private batns.. en suite; room $3 Mafi n 9472. A 4783. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance: both phones, reasonable. 402 '4 3d st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder. Strictly mod ern. $1.50. $2 and $2.50 a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and W, warm, modern room, 3 week up. FOR RENT. Furnished Kovnis. HOTEL RAMA PO, 14;h and Washington, has been Uas. d by Mr. C. Heir.x. whe formerly conducted the Helm Apartments. Mr. Heinz will run a strictly niouern. first ciass house: elevator rvlce. hot and cold water. rtem heat, rooms with or without private baths. Rates 75c to $2 per day; $3 up per week. HOTEL LIL-MER, nnder new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so llclted, rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room 270 Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City HalL Phono Mar shall 5355. Furnished Rooms tn Private Family. LARGE furnished front room, home com forts and privileges, suitable for 2 or 3; could be arranged for light housekeeping; Main 3312. 3til 10th st. ONE laige furnished room, with sleeping porch, and one front room; &4. E. Brosi way. East 7307. HEATED room, sleeping porch attached, mod. home, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen. 580 Salmon, opp. Mult. .Club. Main 2179. I TRY 448 Taylor St., clean, warm. weli-Xur-nished rooms, single and double; rent very reasonable. 446 TAYLOR st., well-heated, comfortable room, for gentleman, close in, reasona b 1 e. NICE room In beautiful home, runuing wa ter. shower bath. 653 Everett St. NICELY lurnlshed room In Irvlngton. with private family East 26S2. CHOICE rooms, modern conveniences, walk Ing distance. 209 14th. Main 8S93. NEATLY turnishd room in modern home. 565 Hoyt. near 17th. NICELY furnished attic room, modern con . venlences. $1.5Q wee4c. 404 Clay, near loth. $4 MONTH, largo furnished bedroom, walk Ing distance. 429 6th St. NEWLY furnished room In beautiful home; home privileges; $10. East 2363. ONE or two young men for line, large room. $10 434 YamhllL AT LOW rates, well furnished heated rooms, cloa- In. Call Marshall 4S78. Rooms With Board. THE VIKGIX1A HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or perraenant guests. Phone Main 9283, A 6C2S. ALEXANDRA COURT. - 63 Ella St An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 61 70. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at. Taylor. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. An attractive, homelike plaoe. double or single rooms, gooa uoara. reasonable. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch; family hotel; rooms single or en suite; reasonable ra tea Rooms With Board In Private Family. IN good home and location, large furnished front room, home cooking, a-ell heated, abundance of hot water at all times; walk ing distance to business center; two In room. $20 per month each; parties em ployed preferred. 689 Flanders. Mar. 4U6.V THE SOULE. 191 11TH ST. Large front roo:ns. Just right for two or three chummy youug men, separate btds. hot and cold water: hot-water heat, rea nonaole; home cooking, $5. LARGE front rooms. Just right for two or three chummy young men. separate beds, hot and cold water; hot-water heat; real home cooking. $.V 191 11th st. EXCLUSIVE private residence offers splen did home for three to five young men: private bath, billiard room, etc O 99S. OreKonlan. ' PLEASANT front room, nicely furn., mod ern home. Including all borne privileges; excellent table: Ideal for young men or ladies employed. Reasonable. E. 1873. ROOM and board In lovely Nob Hill home; best meals, steam heat. large closets: every home comlort; will rent . for $22; two In room. 735 Everett, Main 146. COMFORTABLE home for children, near schoo'. nice yard. $10 a month. 10O4 E. 13th st-. near Nehalem st Take Sellwood car. ATTRACTIVE front room and board in beautiful home across from Multnomah Club Hot water heat. Main 7720. STEAM heated, nicely furnished - room for one or two gentlemen, excellent board, splendid location. Call Woodlawn 1722. ROOM and board In beautiful home; very r.-ssonaMe. 311 11th st. Mar. 203. Ml.-S MASSEE. 04 Madison St.. M. 2uot. Koom and good table board reasonable. ROOM, board, with sleeping porch; gentle man. 676 Ladd ave. F.a;t 2333. ROOMS and board. 434 Salmon st. Kuril Klicd Apartments. A HOUSE TlL'.f IS quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEALDON ANNEX, popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known. of highest standlrg. A houe of quality'. comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Mei. r & Frank's store: good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Taciflc Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens In Connection. Walking distance. References. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APT-3. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 189 N. 23d Un 'der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone and bath: $20, $22 up. Marshall 2945. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by week or month. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7387. THE DEZENDORF. 20S 16th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3. 4 and 5-room apta. All outside rooms, fine view, close In. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th; 1 minutes' walk business center; one sunny corner 3-room. wnlte enamel, new, mod ern, well furnish, d; references. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3-rm. apts.. $10 up; heat, lIKht. bath; clean, respect able, 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2, 3 and 4-rooin apartments; lowest rates In city Corner N. 19th and Northrup sts. AHGYLE APT-S.741i4thrnlce!y furnls"hTd, clean, airy 2 -room apts.; private bath, phone; $16 up: new management. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3. 4-room furnished and unfurnished. $IR up. ' " car to Northrup. Mar. 227 NEW furnistied apts.; concrete block; $t0 and $12. 1162--, Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas light: $3 up. New Hart. 170-4j 2d St. FRONT suites, w 1th heat, hot water; rales STEAM-HEATED. 3-room apsrtments. with bath and phone, $18 up. 1S6 North 22d. EL1GKTFUL 4-room sleeping porch, atre, heat, phons. etc.. $1.5. Wdln. 2"9:. (jiiunimini .-fcitsrinients. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 3-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch, telephone. gas. electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. I'nonws Main 4376, Alllul. N E A UASIIIXGTr)NANDKINO FINE UNFI'UNISHED APARTMENT. $4U 6 rooms, living and dining-room. kitchen, rear and front porch; large hall. 3 larire bedrooms, modem bath. SMITH-WAGOER CO.. STOCK EX. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and S room. hardwontl floors, mahogany finish; first-clues service; all light apts. CROMWELL APARTMENTS. 5th and Columbia Sts. One very desirable corner 3-room un furnished apt.. $35 per month to adults. CHAPMAN APTS.. 2 rooms with bath and dressing-room ; fine outsiue rooms: phone, heat, rent $17 to $18; walking distance. Mill and Chapman. A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken: light and airy; unexuell.-d outlook; receptlon-rooin. large lawn, etc Gllean, near 23d. . WINDSOR APA FITMENTS 3 rooms uufur., clean, comfortable, homelike, 2 LWks. car llne. walking distance. East 29;. THE OK MON" Dr. 5 rooms, all outside mod ern: 650 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. 5-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr, 1S5 E. 15th St.; $30. SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outside rooms; referencea 780 Irving. Mar. 1753. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 5. 6 rms.. his. M.7516, A2676 FORDHAM A 'choice front 3-room ant i Beat only $30. Marshall 1S.SL FOR RENT. I'nfurnlTied Apartment. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required. 689 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS ISth and Couch sts. Marshall 'J.'.ili Mod ern new buildlntr. 2 3. 4-room unfurnished apartni'nts. u nil shouer baths and every convenience. THE AMERICAN. 21sl and Johnson 3, , S rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3:60. Furnished or lnf urni?.hed Apartments. KIVOSBl'Ry APARTMENTS. 156 Vlsia ave., near 23d and Washing ton: lar;EC. attractive. sunny outside rooms; prlcate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BAI'.KER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room: rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2W64. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. VELLESLEV COURT. MELC1.IFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunr.ysl.le rarlme. close In: 2 and 3 room: desirable and reasonable. THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; nil outside apartments; Ideal location; referencea Phone Main 1091 and- 1052. LUCRETiA COURT APARTMENTS. HlKh-cla.s, perfect In all detnlls. 49 Lucretla st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE .... 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL llnl. Flats. DEMRABLE upper flat. 10 rooms and two baths, basement and furnace: Rood for large family or few boarders; West Side. 3 blocks from carlln. 40!- Jackson et. Rent reduced from $45 to $25. Inquire 363 est Park, corner Mill IRVINGTON Modern corner flat, all built in conveniences, harJwood floors fire place, white enamel kitchen, gas range, linoleum. 401 E. 13. U st. N.. or phone Fast 42oC. j-ltoOM lower flat; rooms; walk ing distance. .,02 E. Main, cor. lath. Phone East 2764 $ls.;.0. Including water, modern 5-roora up per;. Datch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. E. 19th st. N.. cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $Io A MONTH 1 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carllne. Osden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202 MODERN rive-room flat; furnace, tireplace. sleeping porch: clean, larire rooms, low r-nt. Open. 295 E. 21st. Tabor 15n7. $1 4-R. hdw. firs, ivorv finish, hot water, sep ent-ance. Monroe. E. 6792. MODERN 6-room rat. very reasonable. 16th and Everett. West Side. 7-ROOM modern upper and lower flat. $17 50 and $20. i2 u Everett. Main 35-9. FLAT of six rooms ar.d bath; 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6tli. Phone Main 627S. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 2od and 'Vashlntrton sts Main S'."iS. MODERN 6-room uri'er corner flat, all con- veiilt-nces. Kant IS." 5. KurnUhed Flat. j..l TAYLOR, near 17t!i Large apartment, finely furnished with Circassian walnut and fumed oak. upholstered with Span ish leather, also piano; very desirable; only $2.50. also 4-room apartment, finely furnished with piano, at $2u. Marshall 3295. BURNISHED upper 6-room flat. 3 bearoou.. dining-room, living-room and kitchen: can be had on January 1. tlihbs St., near shipbul.dlng plant; rent $20. Main ONLY 15 Five-room furnished flat, clean. deslrs'.'Ie location, gas. bath, gas and wood rang.-, sleeping porch. 772 E. Tay lor Fast 5210. G-ROOM. completely furnished flat. West Side, spl.-ndld location. 775 Johnson, be tween 23d and 24th. Phone Main 5591. References. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 5-room lower flat, hardwood floors, fireplace and piano. 611 E. bth st. N .. cur. Stanton. Call morn In ps. MuDERN, complete 5-room lower flat, all outside; walking distance. 424 Tillamook. LOWER flat, nicely furnished, porch and yard, modern. 104 E. 1Mb st, Housekeeping R.tomH. ONE room with kltt lienette. completely fur nished, steam h.-at. running hot and cold water, phene in .very room: 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 291 "'o!nmb:a St.. near .1th. $3.25 A WEEK, completely furnished house keeping suiioi, absolutely clean, every convenience: desirable people oniy. Save carfare. Th Cadillac, lid. near Jefferson. Niv.'Kl.Y housekeeping suites, walking dIMancc, l.i-ta l-hone;,; $2 pet week .in.l up, newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402-5 3d St. 411 E. MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. Housekeeping Koni in Private Family. $14.00 Three completely furnished house keeping rooms; electric lights, private bath, gas range, phone; neat, clean, cosy, clos In. 12s East 19th, near Morrison. NICE, warm, slnglu housekeeping room, all modern conveniviics; fireplace, lady or gentleman: also sleeping-room. 211 14th, near Taylor. $14.oo Three completely furnished house keeping rooms; electric ngnts. private bath, gas ranee, phone; neat, clean, cosy, close in. I2S East lth, near Morrison. FURNISHED H. K suites. cozy. clean, walking distance. East 1929. 13 E. 7th. Cheap. 2-RuOM suite, modern first f!xr extra good; ulso 2-room suite, second floor, very rea sonable. 67 N. 2oth st. ONE dandy small room, suitable for lie lit housekeeping; all privileges. Main 3312. 3lil loth St. TWO light, large, connecting. first-floor rooms, also one single room; heat, llgftt, phone, bath. 295 loth St. $1 v.-;i-:K Clean, quiet, closo In; large grounds, phon. 90 E. Mh. PLEASANT, clean. 2 rooms and kitchenette, modern. 712 Hoyt, THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 29 Eugene St. SINGLE and double H. K. rooms, within walking distance. 44ii Jcff.Ton t. Jlousee, MULTNOMAH, on the Oregon Electric Rail way, only 20 minutes from the heart of Portland. Has all Hie city conveniences, including city school. Houses can be rented here from $6 per month up; alzes 3 to 7 rooms. See Ned Burke, local agent on the ground, or call at 4o4 Piatt bids., for particulars MODERN 4-room bunralows with self-llKht-Ing gas ranges, heaters, beds, buffets', bookcases, window seats, hardwood floors, linoleum In kitchens and bathrooms, attics and full basements; on Webster, corner K. ll'.th. one block N. of Alberta car. Owners, B.unchard i Clemson. selling bldg. $30 7 ROOMS. 5S4 E. 23d st- N. $'J2.V 10 rooms. 144 N. l;h. $22.50 8 rooms. 392 E. Taylor. $22.50 6 rooms. 470 E. Mtit N. $12 6 rooms. 991 CommerclaL PAI.y.Elt-JONES CO.. 4P4 Wilcox 111.1 c. MalnS99. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1164 1'atton ave. for $15: 7-rooni nouse. sleeping porch and garace. at 3'K E. 9th su. for $20;- 4-room louse at roo E 34th st. for $7; keys 1334 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 1677. PIEDMONT l' 1st riot. 14.15 Mississippi ave.. 7 rooms. fireplace, furnace. hardwood floors; reasonable rent to right parties. Also 5 room moe-n bungalow for $9. I'hone prondwav 165S. MODERN 5-room house. E 8(th and G'.lsan; .good location, nice neichborhood - will rent key in the drug store. Apply George Plrle, 1190 Knott St. Phone Tabor b6S. 5-i!CMM modern hous. two blocks from Sunriys'.de car. rent $!S per month. 113 E. 3Mh st.. or apply Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Chamber of Commerce. FOU RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side. In perfect order: suitable for private residence cr rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg.. bth and V orelson. TWO modern 6-room houses. 344-346 E. 17th N, near Broadway. Inquire 64 7 Weldler. 6-KOOM house, gas, electricity, walking dis tance. 697 Everett st. Phone aat 8. K ;OOM Modern. "06 24th st N Phone Main 5'lH; references; rent reasonable. MODE UN .-loom house. 213 2:14 near Varsha!.. Phone Marshall 1079. . C ROOMS 2nr. Cook ave.. near Williams; gas. electricity. v l aid. East 12!'. b-ROM mo'l'-rn house. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. Inquire 13Q rtth st. Main R278. FOR ?ENT Irvlr.Ktou. 7-room bouse at f.37 E. 11th st. N. CIS Pit lock block. 6-ROOM modern, walking distance, reason able. 339 Eugene st. Phone East 730. NICE, modern, well located house for rent cheap. Morris. Main 6970. STRICTLY" modern Laurelhurst home, near car. No-116 Laddlngton Court. Tabor 3284. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, S85 Waverly blvd . 2 blocks school and car. East 666. 6-P.0OM modern; furnace, hardwood floors' $15. 1.-.25 E. Hoyt. Marshall 793. GUOD ." cottace. $10. SOS -i 10th. near Columbia. West Side: 5 minutes walk. CLEAN j-room house, walking distance, near high school. Inquire 42 E. 15th sL A i