ID THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAX, 3I0XDAY, JANUARY 1, 1917- VTA NT EH J REAL. ESTATp. 4QXEtAR city property, or closft-ln farm urease, for i&me. vtock ranch. 0 mile from railroad. In forest reserve In Cooa County. Oregon , 160 acres, 10 been eeded and slashed, about 2,000.000 feet Umber, spring water, house and barn. IT ice $4000, mortgage $3O0, 8 per cent. Address 626 E. Richmond St., St. Johns. Oregon. FAHM WANTED. Have T-room modern bouse in fine lo cation at Medford, Or., and a 6-room house In Portland, with 80x100, fruit and berries; will trade both properties, value tt5O0, for an Improved farm In Willamette Valley or Eastern Oregon; may assume small mortgage if farm Is equipped. W. H. Ross, 1100 Northwestern Bunk bldg. BUNGALOW WANTED. Have Laureihurst lot as first payment on 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in re stricted district; not over $4u00l J. W GHUSS1. 816 Board of Trade Bldg. RV AN TED 6, or 6-room house, clear of In cumbrance, price not to exceed $3500, In exchange for Improved 40-acre farm 16 mlltia from Portland with stock and Im plements. Price tV00. E. J. Gelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. HALF block Missouri property; rood, pro nerous citv: will excnanze for homestead relinquishment or timber claim; must be handled quick, .a. a. iuuul , AIL.L. take your lot as ccuh payment on modern house or bungalow; balance una rent. OREGON HOME BUILD ERS, ,;30 Northwestern Bank Bldg. !WANTED 1 or more suburban acres. with mod ern bouse up to $4000. w in give clear business or residence property in Wasco and pay $1000 to $1500 cash. I. C. Clodfelter, 14 X. Second et. IWa.NT an absolute bargain in a Rose City Park bungalow ; have cash buyer, but price must be way below market. A. 3d. Odell. 50th. and Sandy. Tabor 4912. WANT West Side home up to $15,000 or $20,000 for first-class Eaat Side residence property; will assume liberally. J 8, Or- gonian. fitVAN TED City property for improved ranches from $3000 to $125,000. Northwest Realty Company. 822 Chamber of Com merce DiOg. T W A 'T T.OTS FOR CASH. Must be very cheap for investment. Give price and lot numDer. ADDRES3 C 968, OREGONIAN. ANT 5 or 6-room bouse on SellwooA line; will give in part payment 4-room bunga low, south Woodstock lot 125x125, and assume some. See Mr. Teepe, 104 5th st. (w ANT 40 to 100 acres stump land near Salem. LeRoy Coates, Y. M C. A., 6a- lem. Or. jtvANT substantial house equities for Oregon land, free and clear. W. H. Ross, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. XF YOU want to sell your lot see A. K Johruson, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. Sv'E buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama bldg. m R RE NT FA RM S. frHEAT Is going to be a money-maker the coming year and I have more land than X can afford to seed myself, so I will rent ' it on shares and look after the crop from seeding to delivery to warehouse. All you have to do is advance the actual work- ' lng expense and you can put in Just as much as you wish, rrom acres to ouu. Room 401, Hoyt Hotel. frTOR RENT, cheap, 5 acres or more, culti vated, close to town and car, suitable for chickens strawberries and extra early vegetables; house, barn, woodshed, wagon shed, chicken-houses and yard. Box o3 Route No. H. Vancouver, wash. do ACRES, 60 acres In cultivation, near Car rolls Point; implements and stock $300; rent $400. Mr. Jouno, 205rO7 Board of Trad e b Idg. 160 ACRES, 35 acres In cultivation, near Barton, farm Implements furnished; rent $250. Mr. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. t sUO ACRES, 40 acres In cultivation, near Blodgett; stock implements and rent paid to October 1, 1017; $210. Mr. Jouno, 205-O7 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN DAIRT. 130 acres, 50 acres In cultivation, stock and equipment. $5U00; rent $750. Mr. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. fto ACRES, 15 acres In cultivation, close in, good bldgs.. Implements and stock, $500; rent $250. Ur. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. $3 ACRES, 05 acres in cultivation, 20 acres beaverdam, near Tigard; rent $H00. Mr. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. 0 ACHES. 30 in cultivation; will sell, all farming In.plements and stock- Call at 0005 :id ave. S. E.. Lenta. Or. 120 ACRES. 110 acres tn cultivation, near Albany; rent $400. Mr. Jouno, 05-07 Board of Trade bldg. ACRES, all in cultivation, near Mult nomah station; good bldgs.. rent reason able. Mr. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade. HO-AO HE firm to rent for term of years. Implements, team and cows furnished at Isoo per year. r. jrierrm. uiatsKania, FOR BALE TIMBER I.ANIXS. "ORISGON TIMBER" INVESTMENTS. GIIEAT BARGAINS. LARGE TRACTS. (FIK, PINE, CEDAJl, ETC.) "NO GAMBLE ABOUT IT." TOUR OPPORTUNITY NOW. LIBERAL TKKMS, KK'ADY FOR EARLY iPKOFlTABLE MARKET. CERTIFIED CRUISE. HIGH-CLASS REFERENCE ADDRESS WM. J. PATTliRSON. 5H2 ELM ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON. loo ACRES. S. E. Sec. 13, Tp. 2, N. R. - W.. with about 10.000 cords of wood; ml cTty limits; good soil; creek; mortg. foreclosed; offered $7500. with Va cash for quick sale; can make small fortune. X. C. Clodfelter, 14 N. Second St. kxjK SALE 15U acres of timber land In Okanogan County, Washington; scaled 600. 000 feet: fine. Oark loam Boll for ag riculturt. subirriKates. near stream and mill. $1000 if taken at once. Address Mrs. N. J. Miller. Oakdaie, Cal. S.'IES and niline. ItiO acres on Kaiama River, easy loirged. 40 to 50 thousand ties. 400 to COO cortls shingle bolts and considerable piling timber; must be sold at once; price $1300, terms. A. W. Laics, 207 Railway Exchange bldg. 100 PER CENT PROFIT. $1500 cash will handle, balance $1000 two yearly payments, r 4. oregoman. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEN, 304 M'KAl BLDG. TIMBER LANDS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN 304 M' KAY BLDG. 4o ACRES, 0,000,000 feet; must sell at once. Bargain. Call room 725 Cornelius Hotel. WANTKK TO RFXT FARMS. v ANTED To lease farm or ranch on shares where stock and Implements ar furnished. Have had 20 years' expert ence; best of references, E. 9y3, Orego man. WE CAN LEASE YOUR FARM, HAVE CLIENTS WAITING For 15 to 1000-acre farms; will buy stock and Implements: send descriptions. Mr. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. HAVE a client who wants a small dairy with modern bldgs. Mr. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. FARMS WANTED. HAVE cash buyer for close-in acreage to $3000. Yates, 249 4th St. WANTED TIMBER LAXDS. IvV'ILL give good 5-room bungalow and 100x114 for timber claim, pruntlss. 505 Corbett bldg. GOOD Spruco and Hemlock timber tributary to Astoria, o 7. Oregonlan. TO EXClfANGE REAL ESTATE. HALF block of Missouri property: good, prosperous city; will exchange for home stead relinquishment pr timber claim; must be handled quick. XX 1000. 40 ACRES of fine Irrigated alfalfa land: produces 10 tons to the acre; pricey $125 . acre; 4 cash. 15 years to pay balance. Interest 69c. Rlggs & Collins. 110: Spalding bldgJ ffiMALL stock ranch, clear of Incumbrance all kinds city property for place within 15 miles of Courthouse. -Owner, 62 East Twenty-seventh street. 1200 ACRES stump and timber land In Cowlita County, 5 houses and two apart ments In Portland to exchange for good farm. P 3, Oregonian. WANTED Acreage or auto" as first pay ment on good 6-room house, restricted district. A 5, Oregonlan. too ACRES wild land In Reynolds County, Mo., to trade for $2000 bungalow or lota Tahor 4J12. FILLING station and repair shop, on busy street, for small acreace In California' or Oregon. V UH7, Oregonlan WHAT have you in Canada to trade for states? What In states to trade for Can ada? 604 W. 10th. Eugene. Or. SEATTLE propertv for 10 acros good land near Portland. Y 5. Oreironian. FIVE-ACRE bearing orchard, for Portland, Eastern or Cal. Owner. P 5. Oregonlan. "WANTED Trsde house and lot for fur ' nished apt,-house Call Monday. Main 2006. TO EXCHANGE RE AX ESTATE. S7S.O0O 1000 acres, stocked and equipped; z-fcu acres ox oesi natural meauuw. 220 alfalfa. 400 in otner crops. lOOO acres best creek bottom land. Irrigated; two sets of tine build ings and all farm machinery to I onerate place: unlimited free out range; 1O0 Durham cows, A75 young ' stock., 75 horses and 35 to 50 hugs, and all free of incumbrances. Will consider good Portland property at rttrht Drice for Dart and cash or mortgage back for balance. This I ranch cannot be excelled In the I Northwest. Let us tell you about notvw- wio-acre biock ana groan rucu, own perpetual water rieni ana w i acres tillable land, all- irrigated; 400 acres classed as best of rich, uidv loam, bottom land. 140 nat- ural meadow, 400 alfalfa and other I crops; goou new ounamgi a-nu - necessary carm macninery; nw 'in come on this place last year was better than 25 per cent on above price: will take part In good Port land nroofirtv. balance mortgage. Let us show you blueprints and de- I tailed description of this prop erty. X 1.2SO Good e-room modern house and KOxlon lot.: tine view and close In; free and clear; trade for acreage. ft a nnn in bitm U fenced: fine solL all tillable, easily cleared; 20 now cul tivated; house, , barn and ma chinery: $2 per acre, free of In cumbrance: trade for Portland property. 4.SO0 8-room house and two acres or 14 full lots In Vancouver, Wash., clear, and other clear property to i exchange for bouse and two lots In Portland. A. J. PRESTO. w 422 Henry Bldg., cor. 4th and Oak. WANTED. IT! A QT-TTOXT OPRflOV KTOfTJt RANCH. Have the following properties of merit to offer; stand investigation, 100x100, West Side, $30,000. Two fine residences $IH)Q0. East Side flats, $iX)00. pan fr tYxtm nmnrtv clear, entire In cumbrance only $13,300; will trade part or all, might add timber and wheat land and go to $200,000 if well stocked; this Is gilt-edge; look it up at once. J ROB BINS & CO., 304 R. K. Ex. Bids. TTAvm nioM Avnm the followin. income properties to excnange lor aairy aim iwisu or in nest armi in ciaric to., larnu: S34.UW, soo.uw, jw.uiro uu . 0OO: want good-paying propositions; tnls rim.rt 1. i!tur KTIil .owner. Will CO II lder only first-class propositions; I also have smaller and larger lncom. properties. btK mis run t-AA-Aut-o. H. DRYER. -TUB ACREAGE MAN." 610 Iewls Bldg. TF TOO WANT A OOOD PA TING FARM THIS WILL INTEREST YOTJ. TO acres on the edce .of Toncalla. 80 acres In cultivation, 12 acres In bearing iwmm.rilAl Drunes. baL timber - and pas- - . . . Vinvi, rr Im nl.Tn.ntl lure, iudu huudi, and crop; .11 for 46O00; will take clear city property. RICHANBACH & CO., 707 1-ewls Bldg. I HAVE a well-built 6-room cottage, wun bath, hot and cola water, electric ugnis anri ru Wttj sold for S1600: also S good lots In same neighborhood that used to bring $70 each. Streets graded, cement sidewalks, near good school and walking distance to nlKh ecnooL ah ctear or in cumbrance, which I will trade and assume mnrTM or nuv oash difference for m. good valley farm or up-to-date house on West 81de. In Irvlngton, Holladay. Walnut Park or Piedmont. No Junk or fictitious values. Give full description, location and price In first letter. AL. 998, Oregonlan 80 ACRES, NEAR ALBANY. All In cultivation, 8-room house, with hot and cold water garage, Darn ana oui bldes.. 9 milch cows, 6 head young stock. ia hnff, una chickens. 3 mares, harness. wagon. Implements, orchard, separator, in cubator and brooder; $15,000, mortgage $2500; will trade tor clear city property. RICHANBACH A CO 707 Lewis Bldg- FOR BTXCHANGBl. son - r..m .in cultivated, new nine-room VimiaA larra barn, fine SOIL located 15 miles' from Portland; fine dairy ranch; price $35,000; want city property. H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN," 610 Lewis bids. 1 HAVE large and small farms. Improved ana unlmprovea, acreage Liuuia chansra for house eaultles. vacant lots. good first or second mortgages, contracts and automobiles. I can trade your prop erty no matter where It is located or how much It la Incumbered If It has a real equity. F. J. Roberson. 703 Title Trust bldg.. Marshall 24U.- FOR SALE or exchange. 240 acres, near Lake County, Idaho; non black loam, in alfalfa and pasture; fenced; paid up water rights; close to several good markets; will imH, for small improved farm or sell eheao. with terms, and will trade for small Improved form, clear. Address 1039 Pacific st. MT. -TABOR HOUSE TO TRADE. Fine, larjse. 10-room house. 4 fireplaces. 2 lots, fine view, paved street, all paid; cor. R 5Hd and Morrison: cost $14,000; will sell for $8500 and take bungalow or small house as part pay up to $50UO. J. W. GRUSSI, 816 Board of Trado. Mala 7453. AN OPPORTUNITY, to acquire a tract of Column-la River Highway view property; a subdivision property with each tract having an unob structed view at on attractive figure, which can be handled with a little cash; price $25,000. CALLAN KASER. 414 Oregon bldg. ACREAGE." Nice 'piece of acreage on the Oregon Electric R. R, all under cultivation; Im proved and located right at the station; will consider clear bungalow for equity of $4600. ' . . CALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. WANT. DAIRY FARM. Have fine Improved city property, price $25,000; want dairy or stock ranch. H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN." 510 Lewis Bldg. 122 ACRES. 16 miles from Portland, 30 acres clear baL timber; all fine soil: price $lo0 per acre; will trade for city property. RICHANBACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. CLEAR LAND FOR HOUSES. Up to 120 acres near Hermiston; Gov't water, fine soil, lies well, easy cropped. 50 per acre, clear; will give one acre for improving. BADLEY, fid Yeon bldg. M. 4S1. 160 ACRES IN WYOMING, to exchange for some business preferably butcher, in some town in the valley, or stato; price $2500; mtg. $1000. CALLAN & KASER, 414 Oregon Bids. EXCHANGE 10 acres, all In cultivation, soma fruit, no buuaings, ciose in; warn house. M. H. BECKER, 426 Lumber Exchange. CALIFORNIA -OR BOON. Properties of all kinds and sizes for In terchanges; see or write us. U. a MORTGAGE 4 INV. CO.. OH" Yeon Bids- SALE OR TRADE. 80 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, near Albany, good Improvements, free and clear of all Incumbrances; pnee jauuv air. Jouno, 205-07 Board of Trade bldg. PARTIES have made offers, but no one has louKht my 4S0 acres that raised $13,000 worth of wheat in 1010. You can have. It for $12,000; terms on part. E. T. Price, fiOl RothcMId bldff WANTED Properties of merit to match our large lists of improved city, farm and Income properties; no intiatea values consiaerea. CALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon bldg. XT r.r-ii.RTsT 6-room house, sleeping porch, corner, easv walking distance; will take lot or smaller house part payment, bal ance easy terms. mast ieio. ltti ACRES, across Lake Washington from Seattle; "Garden Acres"; subdivided Into C-arre tracts. Will trade for merchandise. Box 372, Eugene Or. NEW 7-room and sleeping porch bungalow, equipped with all modern conveniences: will exchange for vacant property. Address 4119 Greenwood ave Portland. TWO nice lots and some cash to trade for bungalow on Williams ave. Beery, 621 Yeon bldg. iyODERN borne in Portland to exchange for other property: give particulars. Address owner, box 1, Forest Grove. Or. IMPROVED 80. cept residence. Oregon City $6000; would divide; 00 Owner, Chauncey Barney, A5O0 CASH and 220 acres pine and fir tlm ber land; exchange for clear home In city or good farm. Tabor 1238. $lt!00 EQUITY ,6-room modem house, Lau reihurst, for anything- of value. 1076 Sandy blvd. Tat or 3673. 50 BUILDING lots, cheap for cash, or will trado Xor good, farm. Hals, 202 Wilcox bldg. TO EXOH.GE RKAI. ESTATE. FOR EXCHAKQ1. 100xl00-ft. corner, downtown; price $250,000; for stock farm or other property to amount of $150,000. Client with clear property to amount of $25,000, wants apartment-house or business prop erty; will assume. v Party with city properties to amount of $75,000. incumbrance $23,000; property consists of 2 modern flat buildings, all rent ed, close-in quarter block, other properties well located; for one food property or Valley farm. Clear property In Western city to amount of $45,000 for Port land income property; will as sume mortgage and pay cash difference right proposition. F. E. TATUm CO., Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. TO TRADE FOR ACREAQH OK CTTT UOilE. Grocery, excellent clean stock, fixtures and bldg.. cor. E 10th st. : large store downstairs, 6 modern rooms upstairs; own er has run this store for 8 years ana now wishes to retire from business: will put all In for $4000, mortgage $1500, and take acreage or city home. RICHANBACH & COH TOT Lewis Bldg. OR SALE or exchange, unincumbered, the 9000 town in Oregon; hard-vurface streets to tract, surrounded by Baker's finest residences; bungalows will sell as fast as built; cash value about $25,000; assessed at over $15,000; gravel and sand from Powder River, running through one sdde of it, will bring $1000 yearly; owner living where can't attend to it. For further par ticulars, address, statins; what you have. K 2, . Oregon Ian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. For good workhorses, mules or sheep. cattle, about 30 acres of alfalfa land 2tt miles northwest of Richmond. Wash., on the banks of Yakima River; good soil, no water tax; water within 10 reel or tne surface of the lowest, subs within 4 to 6 feet of the surface In June; land adjoin ing raises 4 crops of alfalfa per season. Prloe $2500. addresb ay 27 s, oregoma.n, from .Vancouver. Wash.. 320 acres In cul tivation. 60 acres beaverdam land, all ' cleared, buildings and live water. I want a good gen. mdse. store In any state up to full cash value. t64.O00. or would take up to $40,000 or $50,000 stock, balance time. Address owner, ooa m. uorrooa St., i fortiana. ur. WANT .Minnesota or Dakota property In exchange for 190 acres dairy and orchard ranch In the famous Gilmer . Valley, near White "Salmon. Wash.; 37 acres first-class I bearing orchard. DO acres choice hay lana: good build lif,,-. of all kinds. Price $23,000, mortgage $4000. A. W. ESTE9, 20T Railway Exchange Bldg. 40 ACRES FOR CITT. 40 acres, near Gervals, i mile from electric car, all under cultivation, 10 acres in bsrrles and fruits, fins new buildings; B cows, 8 heifers, a horses, pigs, chickens. implements and tools. Pries $10,500; want Portland property; prefer housea. J. W. GRLSS1, 816 Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAIN FOR EXCHANOB. Choice acreage tract on Elllsboro Eleo- trio line; all tn cultivation. A snap; part trade; part cash. ORE. INV. A MORTGAGE CO. 202 Stock Exch, 170 3d St. NFTW YEAR OFFER. 6-room house on 75x150 ft., near Monta- race S1500 can clear, and 4-room shingled buncalow on 80x100. on the Mt Scott car- Une, cR-ar. for clar Improved acreage or I small rarm to $.noo. C ALLAN KASEK. 414 Oregon F.ldg. 20 TO BO-ACRE VALLEY FARM WANTED. HAVE 60 A fine Irrigated airaira lana tn Crook Countyi water all paid, good buildings, free and clear. Fries $10,000; wont 20 to 60 acres, improved, Portland, asuem or nearby, up to same priae. J. W. GRUSSI. 816 Board of Trade Bids;. .RAW. INVESTMENT. UMTt ilfllrv and hoc ranch near Wood land. Wash., improved, stocked .nd equipped. Some bottom land, first and seo ond bench, water and rail transportation; nrice S20.000: will consider Portland resi dence and some rash; incumbrance $8000. CALLAN A KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. DAIRY FARM WANTED. I own two Willamette Valley larms over ZOO acres In each; tine buildings, wen lo cated: want to trade for farm near Port land of 200 acres or more; must be Im proved and have good buildings. Give full particulars. Address AV 815, Oregonlan. STOCK AND V.' HEAT RANCH. With or without eaulpment and stock exclusive list Of first-class properties, any I slxe: many of , them personally inspected I U. S. MORTGAGE INV. B07 Yeon Bids. CO.. YOirR OPPORTUNITY. Will exchange for lotsi bungalow, small acreage timber claim, auto, diamonds or wiiAt have vou. mv 160-acre farm. Crook Co.; 40 acres cleared, buildings. county road, all fine tillable land; mtg. $750. Owner, Main 9451. TILLAMOOK, all good, 150 acres, river frontage, will pasture about 80 head, grass all rear around, best prices for milk and butterlat. Will take good Income prop erty un to S2U.000 as Dart payment, bal ance arrange. Zimmarli. 41o Lumber-! men's bldg. 200 ACRES or fraction thereof. White Sal mon district, on road and river, surround ed by fine orchards, all good land, some cleared. Drice SlOO Der-acre. Will trade for business property and assume, or trade for good timber, clear for clear. Ziin- merlf, 410 Lumbermen's bldg. 40 ACRES WANTED. That ha. some ur all under cultivation. near transportation, not over 40 myes from Portland for improved and unimproved city and Hood River Valiey with some! CALLAN KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Half-section of the best wheat land In Alta., Can.; only 5 minutes from i;ood town; ooa water. WRITE W. VOLLANS. Scappoose. Or. CENTRAL OREGON Irrigated land. 640 acres, all or fraction, traae on value or $50 per acre water right cost $40); will trade clear for clear Income or good tim ber v lands. Zlmmerli, 41t Lumbermen's buimlng. FOR EXCHANGE; Fine Seattle lot, two I sroon residences in uentralla. wasn. Ais California properties in and near Sacra- I mento, for Oreson. McMlnnville. Corvalilsl or Bend preferred. Write partlcu.ars. Owner, box 6;., Medford, ur FINE modern bungalow in best part of Rose Citv Pa.rk: oak floors, fireplace, furnace. cement basement, fine decorations and bullt-ln conveniences; will exchange fori Laureihurst lots Ritter, Lowe 4k to., zoo-i Board of Trade bldg. ElflHT modern flats on fine corner East 1 Side, walking distance; hardwood floors throughout; separate furnaces, etc.; lot lOOxloo: price $25,000; trade for city or country property to $20,000, bal. to suit. Yates. 241) 4th St. SEATTLE PROPERTY An ideal hotel or n nitrtment-house site tn tne Dusmess ais- trict. Will trade equity of $20,000 for stock ranch in uregon. o agents, owner, 151 14 N. 0th, Portlana LITTLE FARM FOR CITY. vice 15-acre improved farm near. St. Helens, rich soil. Will trade even for city house worth $2500 to $3000. P 837. Ore gonlan. FINK 7-room house. Brooklyn district, one blork from car; lot 100x100; concrete walls, etc.; price $5250; no mtg.; trade as first payment on stocked farm" not ovsr $10 00.1. Yates. 249 1th st. MODERN, 10-room, furnished; corner. 50x lOO; fruit, flowers, furnace, block school, 15 minutes" walk E. 8.: equity $4000: want smaller house or acreage. Y 2. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE any part $75,000 worth firsT- class. ciear Portland property for Cana dian ot Montana lands. Jenkins, Spalding bltlc. MuDKItN . 7-room house and vacant lots, exchange for good rooming-house, hotel, bakery or, country store. AN 909, Ore conia n. WANT farm In exchange for brick apart-ment-hmise. strictly modern in every re spect. $77,00 mortgage, 8 years. 6 per cent. Pee M. B. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. IF YOU wish to exchange farms and acre age for Portland property, see us. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of -Commerce. 2 ACRES well Improved at Newberg for city home or Alberta land. AV 338, Ore gonlan. CLEAR property and cash for good hotel, stock of goods or business property. Zlm merli 416 Lumbermen's bldg. 20 ACRES at Ticard. good house and barn: consider some trade. Sletten, 202 Wilcox blog Mom 3517. HAVE lSVacre apple orchard at Newberg. What have you? Dean, 202 Wilcox. Main 3517. WIT.L accept land In exchange for modern bungalow, well located; give full details. Owner; AD 9K8.Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY and restaurant. Invoices S14O0: will trade as first payment on small farm. Zixumerll. 416 Lumbermen's biuaT ' TO EXCHANGE BKAL ESTATE, EXCHANGES OF MERIT. 80 acres all in cultivation, part in fine young prune orchard good buildings, stock and equipment. Clarke Co. $10,000, nearly all trade. 40 acres near Albany. w ell cultivated, fine soil, good buildings, plenty of fam ily fruit, will put in some stock and equip ment, nearly ail trade. 12 acres, Clackamas County, all good land and part easily . cleared want a good house' equity, assume to $1000. Many other good exchanges of merit to offer. Get what you want for what you have and start the new year right. J. BOBBINS & CO., 304 R. R-Ex. Bldg. -FINE SUBURBAN HOM-B, This beautiful 10 acres, located on hard erurf ace road, 7 miles from Courthouse: a acres tn full bearing prunes, 2 acres apples, all kinds of assorted fruits, good 7-roora bouse, nice barn and all neces sary outbuildings; chicken-houses and parka to accommodate 1500 chickens; place all fenced with woven wire; fine .shads trees; will consider city property or farm, H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN 510 Lewis Bldg. TRADE! 20 acres. $700 mt., close In, mile from electric R- K. station, school. churches, etc: mall, cream routes, tele Dhone. food soil well Dlenty of water. fenced; old buildings usable; about 4o0 cords first-growth timber; about 4 acres cultivated, all cultivable, some slashed, balance easy. Want grocery, house and lot. Bend full particulars 626 E. Rlch mond street, St. Johns, Oreson. TRADES. 160 acres, rougias County, two million feet fine fir; all clear; (500. Good lots In Afctorla, Newport. Wood burn, and Idaho; all clear. e-room bungalow, 19tb and Oafe ata. 10-room house. 2 lots. Kast T-d It 6-room bunRalow. modern, at L,enta. BADL.ET, Bi'l Teon Bldg. M. 4S1. OOOD 6-room bouse, 4 rooms finished, good barn, large lot,- Charleston street, 1 blocic trora bt jonns car, in gooa suouro w Portland. Price $2047; Incumbrance $1047. Trade for clear lota, farm, auto, or what have youT 026 E. Richmond street. SI. Johns, Or AT OAK GROVE, 30 minutes from Port lands business district on Oregon t.lty line, lot 100x128. one 6-room house (mod ern), on 4-room cottage, rented. $2000; exchange for Improved Valley farm same value. uwnera only. Aoaress runwuiwg B-x 172. Oak Grove. WE HAVE from $20,000 to $125,000 worth of Portland property, most all unincum bered, to exchange for Oregon, wasning f nn or Canadian wheat land: will tf sumo. Rlggs & Collins, 11U2 Spauldlng bldff. rirprr.HimsT Beautiful 8-room bouse, thoroughly modern, $8n00; will trade. Empire li Co., 401 Board of Trade bldg WILL trade 1914 Haynes &-passenger, full flectric eaulpment: ik oner; no jun wanted, describe your offer or no atten tion. J 4. Oregontan- 180 ACRES wheat lanfl near Connell. Wash-. for Portland property, call lasi ojjd. TO EXCHANGE MlSCELLANEOls, traue HoLart M. Cable piano, beat con' ..I.I .... . ynfi I 1 t bt. Johns. IX) K 8 ALE. llorses. VeUicles. Ilarnesa. Etc- TEAM of mares. 6-7 years old, weight 80O0 lbs; mares, black and oay, years oiu. weight 2s00 lbs.; team of mares, yei old, weib-ht 2750 Iba ; team of geldlugs, weight 2400 lbs.; 6 sets double breeching harness. 2 stock saddles; all ot the de scribed stock will be sold at any reason able offer. Transfer stablest xw via and Flanoera. NOTICE, AUCTION. f.OlNfl iiITT rib- BUSINESS. Columbia Livery & Transfer IS tables will ell all Its horses, harnesses and wagons to tue highest bidder Monday. January s. st 10 A. M. 802 Front si- f! A PIT AL STABLES. 2S7 FRONT ST. One suan of blacks, 5 years old. weight S20o lbs ; one span bays, 5 years old. welKht 2900 ins.: also lew food larxn horses. H. G. Glerman. SALEM Cash paid for SALEM. crippled and wom-ou horses. Ask for Phone 927. Nelson. 22& Center s PORTLAND AUCTION SALES STABLB Co., every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought and sold on commission. 240 a. aia st. TEAM, true to pull, and heavy harness. xAUj: 3-in. farm wagon. 3-ton goose neck dray wagon, i o. u-o as. tticnmona street, St. Johns. DEAD horses taken free; $5 paid for t ead cows, crippieu, worn-out noises. uregon Bone Meal Works. Lents. Or. Tabor 42u3 FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star Sand Co., baru Delay sL. bet. uoidsmitn and Russell. - FOR SALE rPopcorn wagon and horse, $123 cash, iuain mot, a ion. Horses for hire by day or month. C. W. Townsend Co.. aao Front. Main lot L HOUSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply xu uraua ave. SWWaaona avnd horses ehean. sS R 7th stT North. horses cneap. s DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. vvoodiawn no. roruano Renaering cjo. 2400-lb. team of mares, with raocn wagon ind hai ness, $145. Phone- Mar. 4055. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrument. SECURITY STORAGE CO CLOSING OUT. $450 Stelnway & iaons, old model, cashjflis 350 Kohler & Chase, upright, cash.. liO 275 J. & C. Ficuher. old model, cash. 35 250 Angelus player, walnut, cash...; 25 250 Boudoir, small upright, cash.... 45 11U0 New York pianoforte Grand.... 165 loo Estey parlor organ, cash 24 PDCL'KITI STORAGE CO.. 109 4th St. b&.l RITY STORAGE CO. STORAGE SALE. $275 piano, $35 cash, J-o upright, 145 cash. $350 upright. $U5 cash. $375 upright, $145 cash; $450 upright, $190 cash; $250 player. $25 cash; $650 player piano, $2u0 cash; $750 baby grand, $345 cash. 109 4th St., at vvasningion si. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS; ALSO OTHEK MI SU1AL IjiSTltUjlENTa WANTED SPOT CASH OR "EQUAL VAL UE IN TRADE. PORTLAND PHONO GRAPH & RECORD EXCHANGE. 12S 1ST. MAIN 44U3. WILL exchange my splendid modern $450 fiano, now at tne oecurity oiorage vo. 09 4th St., for clear city lot. $145 CASH buys $3S0 modern upright piano. Security storage to-, ion tn st. $23 STORAGE charges will pay for $250 Anirelus Dlano player, manogany. si takes genuine mahogany pianola with 135 music rolls. Storage Dept.. 151 4th St., near Mormon. EDISON RECORDS. lOo. 10 and 12-lncb disc. 15c; $65 Edison at $5: lctrola oito macnine, si. write or call Portland Phonograph Exchange. 128 1st. ONLY $3 DOWN. buys new $350 grade piano at $285. balance $1.25 weekly, all in 24 years, ana without Interest. Ejcnasa fiano to., axi etn su et Washington. Ml-ST seil for storage. $i0o Stelnway Ac Sons old mmlel. '- ana s.i.j J. a ;. riscner, $35. Storage Dept., 151 4th St., near Mor rison. WANTED A home for my piano; respon sible party preferred, who would con sider purchasing later; I am leaving the city and do not wLh to pay storage. T 6, Oregonlan. LELAND piano, lataest style, mahogany caje. slightly nseu. elegant snupe. X120 cash or $140 on terms to suit. 350 Alder street. FiKE damaged Hobart M. Cable, cost $385, with oak extension aining isnie, an to $78.50. Storage Dept., 151 4th st., near Morrison. KICHMU.SU piano, handsome oak case, ex cellent shapa, beautiful tone, $140: terms to suit. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Aider st t:ir,n lulA MODEL upright piano for $145 cash during closing out sale of Nlchola Piano Co.. san rancisco stock at benwan Piano Co.. yi 4th st. CECIL1AN piano player and musio roii . .uar&nleed In every way. manogany Tin .nteea ' 1 1. . . .. 1 .. tt rinwn 11 n H XI n .. I. Call Sou A.aer 11. $375 M'CAMMON upright, $110; also nlc walnut Kingsley upright. $Ho. Storag Dept.. VIM sin st-. near Morrison. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Grafonola library table, cost $225; for Quick sale $125, with fine records. pnone .Main dost. FINE CLARINET, flute, piccolo. Stewart banjo, guitar, manaoiin, victroia; no rea sonable offer reluaeu. ija.iat r.n V" KU. K50 In 8 months and $5fl in months buys $375 modern piano for $155 at the security storage io.. iinf m st. pit AC i iCA I.LY new piano. In excellent con anion; iur aaio ' 1 J VUUU... ,viL-yuiii Fast 3721 ror particulars xli5 OAK Kimball organ .for quick sale. $1 storage Depf.. 151 4th St.. near Morrison. $350 PIANO, $140 cash: real Ivory keys, not a etencu n " i.'miin I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold 8. Gil bert. 384 Yamniu si. ; $1200 ELECTRIC piano for sale cheap, trade. L. E. Thompson, 253 Madison. MAKE OFFER for finest violin in Port land, cash or traae. 40 1st. $1000 NEW YORK concert grand, cash. $15 Htorane Dept.. 151 4th st., near Morriso 33, Furniture for Bale. 5-ROOM flat, completely furnished, lure lor sale. 4C'J Yamhill st. furnl FOR SALE. Furnltnro for Sals. ROT AX. TURKISH AND ORIENTAL. PERSIAN SILK RUGS. PERSIAN SILK. 86-INCHx6o-INCH; REGULAR PRICE $20, FOR I11.B3. MISH FURN-ITTJRB CO, 184 FIRST ST. SPECIAL. SALE OP- KUGi 9x12 French Wilton 2T 80 xl2 Smith Carlton AxmlnsteT ...... 13.00 9x12 Saxony Axmlnster 18.00 0x12 Axmlnster. very slightly used... 10. AO 6x12 Wilton velvet Ill 7 3 9x13 Wool and fiber run. res. S10... 7 CO 8x13 Slightly used Hlghsplre Brussell 8 00 Many other bargains In new and used I rugi ana carpets. MISH FtTRNITTJ-RE CO.. 184 First. MASSIVB Colonial deslrn chiffonier, made I of select mBhomir be&utlfullv matched. has heavy plana top 38x-2. with cross band veneer edare. tare French Dtate mirror SJS x L'tl, has 5 long, roomy srawen, which I are dust and mouse proof construction; don't miss this snap; as good as new; worth S5; ror S33.50. ,MISH FURNITURE CO.. 104 1st St. GKblATHST of all rue soeclals: we have a number of heavy quality room-size wool fiber rues 9x12, which are of exceptional jvalue; the best of colorings and patterns can be seen In this lot: If you want a bar gain In floor covering take advantage ot this price; rerular values at MISH Fl'K.MTUKE CO., 1S4 lit St. A -VERY massive $45 unifold bed dsvenport. upholstered In best Quality chase leather over oil-tempered springs. Has elegant olid oak frame with 4-Inch post, ana fin, cotton felt mattreps. U!ed only 2 months: special price, $25. Mian Furni ture Co.. 1S4 1st St. HERE Is your opportunity to buy very fine tilntng-roorn chairs at lees than price; solid Quartered solden waxed oak chairs. full box seat construction, best Quality Spanish leather slip seats: chairs that sell I elsewhere for ?4.&o. our price :.13. MISH FURNITURE CO.,184 1st St. A VERY attractive Colonial library table. built of genuine mahouany. dull nniEh: sire of top is 2642. heavy Colonial legs I and low unuer sheif, arawes is nnisnea Inside, trimmed with sightly wood knobs; this table Is worth $35; special offer $10.50. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 1st fl. FINE solid quarter sawed oak. 48-inch. B-ioot round extension taoie. lj-mcn xea- estal. furnished In beautiful golden oak 'and e solid oak chairs to mutch, cost new $."!. for only $25. A rare bargain. Mlsh Furniture Co., 1S4 1st St. A BEAUTIFUL new triple mirror. Adam oerlod dress nc table In old Ivory enamel; top Is 20x30. center mirror 14x24 and side I mirrors are 8x20; this Is one of ths latest I type of tables made; a s:ta value tor M l M f L K.M 1 Ij KE, KJ.t 111 Bl. $S0 MAHOGANY combination writing desk! and bookcase, curved glass rront it is some beautiful pleoe. Come In and have a look at It, For quick sale. $33. Owl I Furniture Co., 204 1st st. CONG OLEUM, the best grade to be had; Just slightly damaged at one ena in transit; in very choice patterns ror kitchen, riming or bathrooms; regular oc quality, aoc yaro. MISH KURMTUKK tU, 14 1st Ot. ELEGANT 3-olece mahOKany parlor suite. very xrtlstlc design, upholstered in beau tiful silk brocatelle. This suite cost new $115. Our price only $35. Misb furniture Co , 14 1st st , PORTABLE range, small size) Just the range for restaurant or small hotel: 24- incli ovon. double doors. In fine condl-1 tlon. $35. Owl Furniture Co.. 204 1st st. SOUTH BUND malleable coal or wood range. as arood as new, o holes, ponsnea top, i- Inch oven; $37.- Owl Furniture Co.. 204 First St. FOH bALG iecond-hand oak and mahog any office furniture of ail kinds; filing cabinets and safes. Kilbain Stat'y Pig Co.. Fifth and Oak. WINDSOR folding bed. black walnut, large! mirror front, a beauty: original cost, $45; our pries $15. Owl Furniture Co.. 204 First st. WHEELER & WILSON, tailor's sewing ma-I chine. In fine working order, for quick! sale, $8. Owl Furniture Co., aiHiiitt. ELEGANT bedroom set; Circassian walnut; must sell at sacrifice, call aiain 130. Hog a. Birds and Pet Stocks. PET1GUEED English Pit bull terrier, one year old, cheap; must sell at once. T o. Oregonlan. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. PEDIGREE Persian kittens, very reasonable. Mntn 5450. box 22, Hillsdale, ur. ANTED A Yorkshire or Cocker Spaniel dog. Easl 41au. Livestock. DON'T fail to attend the great big auotlon sale, all klnas uz inllcn cow s. norses. Har nesses and vehicles; sale will take piace Tuesday, the 2d, 1U17, 1 P. M. sharp, rain or sniue. 4U etn si., ouruer thorne. WANTED GOOD FARM TEAMS. Have good lot, Albina ave.. Kenton, hard surtace and all improvements paia. For bargain. &all Broadway 24oJ, or Eaat 6334. tUAMriU. Duuw ww, t 1, a -. , I heifer cair. test o per cent, miiaing lbs. also brindle cow, fresh, milking 3d lbs. Take fat cows In exchange. 05 E. 30th, cor. v asn. SHEEP. Will sacrifice 2uoo lambs and yearllnga: free range and easy payments. 204 McKay bldg. DEAD animals hsndlcd $5 and up paid for I dead cows, cash paid for dead and down- I and-out horses. Milwaukie 61) J WILL pay cash tor fat or dry cows. Phonal t-asi o.jud. HOLBTEIN and Durham dairy cows. Bruce. I union r-tocKyaros. lerms. Ma'Ulner. MOTORS AND GENERATORS. Largest stock in Pacific Northwest; logging and contractors' equipment; both new and used. See our stock. Get I prices. COAST STEEL st MCIL CO. 60 First B. 13-INCH wood lathe with counter shaft and altars, :',ox72-lnch brick top welding ta ble, 2 Ferrofix brazing torchea. prusaure blower; 3-H. P. D. C. motor, 220 V. ; 6x4x0 Duplex pump, emery grinding head. Welding Mfg. Co.. 354 a. uurnsiae. FOR SALE or trade, 1 slightly nsed 2-H. P. stover gasoline engine. au uv, ura gonlan. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers guarantee ana rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models lesa Rem ington Typewriter Company. b6 Broadway. Telephone Hroaqway 1121. WE can save from 50 to i5 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our illua trated folder Retail department WHOLE- SALS UO., 321 Wash St. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates P. D. Co., 231 blars. St. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 12S5. w. Pease uo., agents. 110 6th st Automobiles, OAKLAND light 6-cjrL, 1916 model, like lew, at a pargam. OAKLAND AUTO PALES CO.. Main 414. ltiia and Alder. BCICK 1915 model truck. In first-class con dition at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO. MOTORS MOTORS MOTORS GEARS. BEAMINGS, WHEELS. AXLES. RADIATORS, everything for your auto mobile at absolutely less than one-half the original price. AUTO WRECKINO CO.. $9 N. Broadway, near Everett. NEW 1917 Ford-touring car, electrio starter I and electric lighting system. shocks. speedometer and other numerous eaulp ment; non-skid tires, seme slxe all around, liberal discount. Howard Auto Co.. 14th and Davis. Main 1130. Ask for Mr. nil-1 dt-r.rA.ndt. - WHITE 30. 5-passenger. 1012 model, tn very rood condition. $430: will rive terms or take your car as part payment, or what have you to trade? AM t)0.1. Oregonlan. E. M. F. PARTS. Anything you want for E. M. F-. U Price. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 325-7 Burnslde St. Ut'ICK PARTS. b prire; 2-cyllndor model. 4-cyIinder model. 6-cyllnder model, all ror hi the regular price Motor Parts Mtg. Co.. 327 Burnslde. MAXWELL parts, old and new models, Vi price; send us your old parts to be dupli cated. Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. S25-827 Burnslde St. CYLINDERS for 40 different makes and models of automobiles. Motor Parts Mtg. Co., 327 Burnslde st. FORD touring: run two months; car In fino shape; Klaxon horn: any reasonable offer accepted. Ecllwood 809. USED AUTO PARTS at less thsn half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 80 N. Broadway. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul csnlted. 25c: tire repairing. 07 Madison, FL NDERS parts, hi price, as rood as new. Motor l'arfa Mtg. Co., 327, Burnslde su MAGNETOS snd flights; most all styles. Motor Paris ilis. Co.. 327 Aiurnaide Sk, fOH AALR. "Automobiles, HERE'S YOCR CHANCEL 1917 Maxwell demonstrators. Wo sell demonstrators at - a substantial discount. These cars have been handled by our best mechanics and, saittsmen. Ford ;" new tires, good, oondttlon, Price, $225. 1B12 Paige. Nearly $100 worth of new tires. Runs good. Ths best buy today In the city in a light O fiaasenger oar for mis prloe. See 1 now. Pric $2O0. 1916 Maxwell. In. first -olaaa con dition, new tires. a snap. Prloa $495. 1915 Maxwell. Overhauled and re painted, in the best of condition. Seat covers, self-starter, slectrio lights Price $423. lt15 Overland. Four-cylinder, 30-H.-P.. electric lights and electrlo tarter. Auto Lite system, demount able rims, one extra, five good tires. Repainted real leather u puolsterlnK. $10 spotlight. Price $600. 1912 Four-cylinder Stearna-Knlgnt. Has been in private hanus. never resold, kept up like new. ost $3750. A snap fur a car of this class. Six Urea. Price $550. 1915 Hudson small six. a o-40 light six; electric lighting and starting system; looks fine ana runs good; new tires all around. Great buy, tola model Hud-son. Price $750, 1911 Interstate. Four-cylinder, 80 h. p.: a good, serviceable car for farmer or stage work; in good con dition. Price $250. 1010 Cadillac. Four cylinder. 80 h. p.; good tires; Timpken bearings and rtxlea; fine running- condition; you know the car. Price $250. 1912 E. M. F. The latest model, with demountable rims and good tires; $3( Willard battery and $10 spotlight Seal covers. Price $3oo. 1912 Cadlilac Four-eylinder. 30 h. p.; always been a private car: Delco starlini- and lighting system. A beautiful car for hire or stage. Price $100. 19 llurlson. Plx-cyllnder. 54 h. p.; big six. seven-passenger; new oversize cord tires on all wheals; a palace on wheels; no better stage or "for hire" car on the market; great car for a big family. Price $1150. We Invite out-of-town customers to write us if not convenient for them to call. We are always glad to give further information about any car In stock. BOSS A PEAKS AUTOMOBILH CO. 015 Washington IL Phone Mar. 403 FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1916 Ford touring, practically bow, speedometer and seat hovers. $295. H)1H Ford roadster, finest oondltlon. 1 oversize Urea, hand horn and speedometer. a --'a. 1014 Ford del very. Just overhauled and repaiaita, 1914 Ford roadster, leclrlo lights. $225. speedomete Bd 1914 Ford touring, fully equipped. $250. 1915 Ford touring. Ilk. sew, $293. 1016 Ford touring, sew tires, $293. 1018 Ford touring, run only 4500 miles. 1916 Ford touring, speedometer, hand hnrn and nlckle-plated, used very Utile, Don't fall to see these cars before you buy. tor you will be surprised when you see thorn, and besides, you get a year's free service on all minor adjustments. Terms $100 down, balance $23 per mouth. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Authorised Ford Axent E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorn Ave. STANDING ON THE CORNER WAITINO. STREETCAR CROWDED. STILL WAITING. PHYSICIANS VISIT HOME FOR A WEEK. DOCTOR'S BILL,' OR ONE OF THOSE SPLENDID USED AUTOM BILES ON EASY TERM3 AT OVERLAND-PACIFIC. INCi. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. AUTOS FOR REAL ESTATE. Cadillac, with Delco starter, 5-passen-er. Overland touring car. Kissel, tore-door, 4-pass.. electrle lighted. Reo 150rt-lh. delivery car. btudebaker "30" chassis, suitable for truck body. Will take clear lots or acreage for one I or all of the above cara bend legal de-1 serlptlon flrat letter. K. D. VAN DERSAL. 522 Alder St. Main 414. Tabor 76'4 evenings. A BARGAIN In a Ford delivery, equipped wun panel bony ana nearly new over slxe mn-skld tires. KOEHR1NG MACHINE CO., NORTHWEST I 25 HAllltlOKMt AV. 1017 DODGE. Roadster, purchased last September, snlv driven uou miles: Men cared lor: one extra tire uever used, complete equip- I ment; practically a new car; low price U sold at onr-e. sua uregon. cast K. C. H. PARTS. Ws have moat all parts for R- C. It. cars In slock; mm-h less than elsewhere. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 823-5-7 Uurnside St, WINDSHIELDS. LAMPS. HIGH TENSION BOaCIA MAli.MlUN 41KL4 AND TUBES. AUTO WRECKING CO., 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. ENGINES. All makes and styles, any horsepower I you wsnl. I MOTOR PARTS I1FO. CO.. 823-25-27 Hurnside St. FOR USED 'CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co, fist and Washington. Main 6244. OVERLAND PARTS. Anything for your Overland for half re&uiar MOTUll PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-25-27 liumslde St. PUNCTURES 10! All vulcanising and tiro repairing guaranteed: gasoline, oils, tires, tubes and auto supplies. Western Tire Sales Co., 707 Hawthorne ave.. at East 2oth st- WE wreck all makes of automobile for the good parts See us for any kind of ensrlnes. bodies, gears, magnetos, eto. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO., 323-6-7 Uurnsido St. ENGINES. All makes and stylos, any horsepower you want. ' ' MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-25-27 Burns, de St. HLDSON SIX. 64; repainted and overhauled, should lell for $10U0; will sacrifice for $du0 cash. 31.3 Oregon. East 7222. BOSCH high. tension magnetos. 8. 4 and 6 cylinder. A-l condition, prices $20 to $40 et Auto Wrecking Co., 8' N. Broadway. l-okIi one-ton truck, overhauled, mskefVrsst class one-ton delivery. $500, terms, ioj Oregon. East 7222. IEO ONE-TON Financial reverses cause sacrifice, can be had for $100 down, bal ance $54 per month. S63 Oregon. East 7222. COlLS and magnetos at bargain prices, any kind, make or stj le. Motor' Parts Mfg. Co., 3-1 Aiurnslde st. FOR bAJLK. Aatomobilee COVEI MOTOR CAR CO. USED CAR DEPT. CADILLAC. CADILLAC. A used Cadlllao that has been put In f lrst-c.ass condition, by our expert mechanics will give fou bet ter service and more satisfaction than a cheap new car. We have all mode,. including the eight cylinder Cadlliao. DODGE We believe the Dodge is) the most economical light car you can buy for the money. See us for used Dougo cara BCTCKS We have several models, all tn fine condition $205 -bp. CHALMERS 80. light 4-pas all tire good; will give you splendid service; a good buy at. .....$250 STUD E BAKER 80. In very good condition; priced low at ....$225 EXTMOBILE 20 roadster; a light oar; snap at $175 HARMON, 1914 touring ear. run only 800O miles, and like new; $2700 value for $975 CASE 80, 1B13. electric equipment: will use distillate; a strong, well built car $350 MAXWELL light roadster, very eco nomical, and in good condition; only $11 PIERCE 48. 7-pass.. fine stag car that will stand hard service. .$800 MANY OTHERS. Out-of-town buyers write for com plete used car information. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CADILLAC. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. USED CAR BAROArNS. 1916 Dodge touring car $700 1916 Oakland six touring ear.. 725 1911 Maxwell touring ear. In first-class mechanical condi tion 150 1916 Overland four touring..... 430 Two 1916 Ford roadsters...... 250 1916 Chevrolet touring car .... 410 1916 Ford touring car 800 1916 Oakland six roadster .... 825 EAY TEHMS and a rear's FTtttB service on all minor adjustments. NEW FOnD TTTtM. makes from 75 on u;. ues in Portland. wtsndsrd Best val- W. H. WAT.T.TVGFO-RTV Authorised Fl'KD AOKXT. 526 Aluer St. Phone Main 13- rSED CAR -BARGAINS. 1915 5-pafrenger Hupmoblle. newly Phlnted and overhauled; mao $600 1915 Hupmoblle roadmer. looks like new. and good ss new ........... $900 1913 5-passenger Hudson, a great big buy for $450 1912 Cadillac 5-passenger: owner will sacrifice for 1916 Grant six. 5-pasaenger ....h 1912 Michigan 8-passenger $250 1811 Vltcheil 5-paasenger $200 Othere ranging In price from $200 up to $700. ' ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD CON DITION. Liberal Terms on all Ierl Cars OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. MANLEY AUTO CO.. New Location. Cor. lHh and Buroslde fits. WE TEAR THEM CP AND SELL THEIR PARTS. We are wrecking all makes of rars for their pans and our stock com prises everything from sutos of re cent make: we have motors, gears, bearings, axles. wheels. transmis sions, springs, lamps, wtndehlelds. bodies, tops, radiators, magnetos, carburetors, tires, tubes; In fact, everything you use on your automo bile. New lamps and horns at much lower prices. All parts'are sold at H price. FOR VAl.rE SK.R US. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 9 N. Broadwav. near Everett. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE. BCTCK LTTTT.73 SIX. lPIrt moflel D-45 Bnlrk roadster -with roml'lnatlon seat on rear and camp out fit; In fact this car cost the origins purchaser over $13H Inst Spring. If you are lntereetd tn a hlrh-class car, you can savt $450 on this one Our price on this Is $S50; terms $330 cash, balance $50 per month. BESJ. E. BOONE & CX. B14 Alder St. Main 3966. OAKLAND 1919 touring. -with natural wood wheels and seat covers, like new, at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO. AS GOOD AS NEW. Fllghtly used tires and tubes, wnlch we have taken from wrecked cars. Ws sell them from 60 to 75 rer cent lees than the original cost See them fir valuea AUTO WREi'XIXO CO.. Sv) North Broadway. TOPS. - TOPS. TOPS. We have one rcadster at $7.50. We have 6-passenger tops for any maka ot car at $10 each. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 327 Purnslde St. ; ENGINES. GEARS. BEARINGS. WHEELS, AXLES. RADIATORS. everything for your automobile at absolutely one-half ths origins! pr!r. AUTO WRECKING CO. 9 North Broadway, near Everett. BTIIN'O CS YOUR OLD CARS RIG H EST CASH PRlfE? PAID. CONDITION NO OBJECT. MOTOR PARTS MFO CO.. 825-7 Burnslde St. 2-CVLINDKR TRUCK, $.V. Will eell today or Monday, fine truck, good tire. Call 333 Lurnslde. WE wreck all makes of Sutomoblles for the good purts. Ses us far any kind of engine, bodies. rears. magnetos, etc. Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. 323-25-27 Burnslde. BR I NO A YOUR OLD CARS. HIllHUfT CASH PRICKS PAID. MOTOR PARTS Mill CO.. 823-23-27 Burnalde Pt. WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS. GEARS. BEARINGS. ETC AUTO WRECKING CO.. 69 North Broadway. 11 OVERLAND. Good as new, $t25; will take good car In trade Broadway Gtrrage. E. 24 tb and Broadwsy. MAXWELL 2-cyllmler parts. We have all parts for two-cylinder Maxwell for leas. Motor Parts Mfg Co.. S27 Burnslde St. MAI! MaV. Firt-cla i-ot:dit!on: rargain. Burnsss fl. yrtlr 1Vi wo Airier. OVERLAND PARTS. Vi pries models st W price. Motor Co.. S27 H'irnslde st, ; most all Parts Mfg. CADILLAC parts. S price, for I1H19-I8IO modeia Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. 827 Burn slde. GEARS for all styles. sts and makes of cars for less Motor Parts Mfg. Co., 827 Burnslde st. FEDERAL ONE-TON. in pnr.,1 shape. $700. terms. 803 Oregon. Enst 7222. HUPMOnlLE, SprTss.. $150; term A D. C Warren, 56 X. 23d st. FOR SALE Cheap, 1910 Maxwell roadatar, Al condition AB 2. Oregonlan. M'TST SELL 1917 Maxwell touring car at sac, AH 903, Oree-'ouk&u. s