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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1917)
18 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1917. JST5W TODAY. NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale por Bale Acreage. Por bale Farms. For bale DIRECTORY THAT GOOD COAL." Call Broadway 70. ALL KINDS WOOD. 301 Oak Street. NATIONAL FUEL W&r&xSStt KI EL Slab wood, partly dry, 3.25 cord, 4 ft. loaa. delivered la three-mile dis trict. Good furnace mood. Eaat "l41. FOR THE GREAT EST ECONOMY BUY KING COAL IZtah'a Beat by (Jov ernment'a Teat. Ask for Bulletin No. 22, Department of I n t e rtor, Bureau of Mines. Full weight an absolute guar antee with every order. All Other liRADES OF COAL ad BRIQUETTES ICE DELIVERY CO. Caccesaora to Independent Coal & Ice Co Eighteenth and Thmrman. A 3245 PHONES MAIN 234 .LIBERTY COAL : & ICE GO. EAST THIRD AND ASH. : THE : CLEANEST GOAL : : IN THE WORLD CALL. E 629, B 6148. WE ARE DELIVERING g J J OWL CREEK, PEACOCK, ROCK SPRINGS, JUNO, COAL. BRIQUETS, RED OAK. Call A 1109 or Main 1100 STANDARD BRICK St TILE CO. Bl Fourth Street, Henry Bide-., at Oak. CME FUEL CO.: T X OU II SERVICE wood & coal; east 3551 B 3188 East 28th & Hollaaay Ave. : TTTULCAN COAL CO. I . lf HOT, CLEAN COAL VJ tK Kfl in 0 Kfl per VJ VXiUU IU VIUiUU TON J Domeatlc and Foundry Coke o WHY NOT SAVE MONEY ,52?. We specialize in R. R. Ties, sawed In blocks or eltrht feet solid measure. More wood for your money. Try a load and be convinced. We handle oak. fir and coal. THE OLD RELIABLE KELLER FUEL CO. SWTH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 3363. A 2283 CLASSIFIED AD. . RATES Dally and Sandfly. Per Line. 12c 22c Onetime Kame ad two consecutive tl.nes Same ad tbree consecutive times .30o bame ad six or seven consecutive times . . .56o 'I be above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today aod all other classifica tions except the following:: Situations Wanted Male. (Situations Wanted Female. For Kent Rooms Frivate Families, Hoard and Kooms Frivate Farailites. Housekeeping Booms Frivate Families. Kate on the above classifications is 1 cents a line each Insertion. The Oregonlan vUl accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser Is a subscriber of either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be uccepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. "Situations Wanted" and "Fer sonal" advertisements vniii not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will bo accepted for Furniture for hale, ".Bus. net Opportunities," "Itooming Houses" and -"Wanted to Kent." Serious errors in advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional chance, but such republication will nut be made where the error doe not materially affect the value of the advertisement. Cancellation of orders over the telephone Pot recognized unless confirmed the same day in writing. "City News in Brief" advertisements must te presented for publication for The Sunday Oregonlan before 5 o'clock Saturday after noon for other dajs publication before 8 o'clock P. M. NEW TtJDAT. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money'at 6 Private Funds at 6 'and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 807-8 Northwestern Bank Blda-. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own "Ioney at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION ' BONDS, FARM AND CITY LOANS, feu Fonrth St.. Board of Trade Bids;. f MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 ' Orejron Investment tr Mortn-ajte Co, Offices 202-4, 170 Third St. I HAVE MORE LAND THAN I CAN FARM. Will sell you part, 10 to 150 acres, 15 miles Portland, on electric line and public road. H ., It. R. 1, Hillsboro, Or. . 1 IK IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE NORTHWEST REALTY COMPANY, 822 Chamber of Commerce Bldjc. ASK - (I.rtjflrt in West Side Apartment ouse FOR SALE or EXCHANGE 100 occupied. Monthly income over $800. Choice location. Building in A-l condition. Price $110,000. Will consider clear city or country property to amount of $75, 000. Balance mort-" gage 3 years at ey2. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG. City Acreage, $15,000 7Vz Acres Adjoining Laurelhurst Located Between E. 43d, E. 47th, E. Glisan . and E. Stark St. HIGH AND 81GHTLV, NO WASTE LAND. This la a Case of an Original Owner-i ship Selling ror a trice About Equal to What Could Be Bor rowed on the Property. FILL PARTICULARS ON APPLICA TION. PALMER-JONES GO 404 WILCOX BLDG. MAIN 8699 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Improved Grain. Fruit. Stock and Dairy uincoee, Large or small, inat Are Money-Makere, With or Without Stock and Implements to Suit Purchaser and at Rleht Price. Close-in Acreage, Factory, Warehouse and Apartment Sites, City In come Property and Business Chances of All Descriptions. We Deal In All Kinds of Property In the united btates ana uanaaa at tne Lowest Price Going, and Also Give Our Customers the Best. That Is Why Our Old Clients Like to Deal With Us. C. J. CULLISON REALTY CO, 2 O 5 Vi Morrison St. Buying, Selling, Renting and Exchanging Is Our Business We have city Income and residence property, farms and ranches In Oregon and Washington. No matter where you live, any information In regard to property will be gladly given. Wishing you all a happy and prosper ous New Year and hoping to have the pleasure of meeting you personally, we are Yours respectfully ' Richanbach & Co. Real Estate, Investments, Loans, Rent als and- Insurance, 707 LEWIS BUILDING. ESTABLISHED 1887. F. V. Andrews & Go. (V. H. V. Andrews) We Can Give You the Benefit of Thirty Years' Experience in This City as Agents for REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON MORT GAGES AN 13 INSURANCE. Le TJs Write Tour Fire Insurance In the Scottish Union & National Ins. Co. 217 Abington Bldg. MAIN 1878 UNION AVENUE The main business artery of the East Side, the link between the West Side and North Portland Industrial district, mv interstate Dnae, Vancouver and the rich territory to the north. We offer 100x125 corner, near Russell St., in come $74 per month. In our opinion, this property will sell in less than three years for at least (12,000. We can deliver now, free of encumbrance, for SS500. Can place mortgagre for $5500 and take cash payment of $3000. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. St. BUSINESS CORNER At Entrance to Steel Ship - Building Plant in South Portland, IO)xl70, uorncryioou anu Sherman ts. Very best location for stores, hotel or factory on trackage. We have very low price from out-of-town owner. Ritter, Lowe & Go. 205-7 Board of Trade Bids;. 100 x200 (Half Block) BAST FIRST STREET, FROM EAST MORRISON TO REI.wnVT. 200 feet trackae-e. rood retail frnntnei two-story frame building, formerly oc cupied by implement house. $150,000 Goddard & Wiedrick 243 STARK STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city nroDertv at 6 .nd 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates, iioerai repayment priv ileges anuwea. in o aeiayB. Large Loans Special Rates. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Buildlnc, . Marshall 4114, A 4118 TO EXCHANGE Among the finest stock and dairy farms In the state of Washington, fully stocked and equipped. Will consider property in Oregon. Washington or California. Price $123,000. J. G. GUSTAFF 5Q6 Gerllnger Bldg. LGQUQEYCQ G 7 LOANS ONI MORTGAGE SECURITY NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING JNO.B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 304 WIliCOX BLDG. MA IX 702 Hi DOWN TOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE or EXCHANGE NEARLY 9051 OCCUPIED WELL LOCATED sss M- West Side business district, 100x100 ft Corner Building in first-class condi tion, splendid in- come, and increas ing monthly. Non resident owner will make most at tractive sale price or consider ex change proposition -in city or country property to amount of $250,000. Bal ance mortgage at 6- S233t2 INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG. : A REAL HOME I Located in Irvington I on an acre of ground. Largre maple ana iruu trees over tu years old. Beautiful house elegantly finished In hard wood, eight rooms, three well-appointed baths, s e r v a n ts' quarters, double garage with room for saddle horses. For lnforma- tion and appointment for lnspec- tion call , a- F. E. Bowman & Go. I 213 Chamber of Commerce. TO Non - Resident Owners We will look after your property with the utmost care to get maximum in come with minimum expense. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 STARK STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregoo Investment &-MortKas;e Co. Off ices 202-4. 1TO Third St. REAL ESTATE. lor Bale Lots. BARGAIN IN LOTS. Lots In Montlcello. Wheatland and Prunedale additions at prices sure to in terest you if you are loo kin for lota at any price. ' ORE. 1NV. A MORTGAGE. CO.. 202 Stock Eich 170 3d 750 BUSINESS LOT. ROSE CITY CARUNB. 62 d st. at. Sandy blvd.; SuxlOO, level, street paved and all paid; this is a rars Investment ; business lots In this section are scarce, and, besides, this Is a bargain. See Hickman or Wilson, 45th and handy. (Tabor 6btiS. C 21210 750 0XT. 60x100, E 16th and Shaver; all .improvements pain. ORE. ISV &. MORTGAGE CO. 2u2 Stock Kxch., 170 3d t. - $400 ROSE CITY PARK. , 00x1 0o ft., block, to car, eood location; sidewalks and curbs In and all paved. Tabor 6863. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage In this choice district; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4aa7. BROOK. E. ASS39. 14-ACRB tracts. West Side, 5-cent fare, city water, gas, etc. A oarnBin m ouu. aw cash, balance 5 per month, at. . Lee, 805 Corbett bldg. $750 LOT, &0al00, E- 16th and Shaver; all Improvements paia. ORE. INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 202 Stock Exchange. 170 3d bt. UNIVERSITY PARK, corner lot 00x100 on t-lake Bt, ror sai cneap; easy lerma. Phone Tabor ol64. lO0 FOR $395. 65K square feet rontln on Rose City earllne; part caan. aiain .-o. IRVIN'flTON LOTS. DON'T BUY BEFOR BLDG. MAIN 07H. 50x100. NEAR Division, S400 cash; hard surfaced street, sewer, etc.. bonded. See Mr. Teepe, 104 5th at, ALAMEDA PARK. 50x100, well located; x-iOO. owner, t-ast TSoa. Por Sole House. LOOK THESE UP. I have seven bung-alows In the very hr-Art of Rose City Park: each vacant and for sale at downright bargain price. See them this weeK. A. M -ODELL, BOth and Bandy. Tabor 4912. OWNER leavln. city must sell 8-room bnnealow on BiKntiy corner. unc stone construction, hardwood floors, hot water heating system, modern throughout; with or without furniture. Irvington dis trict; terffis. Owner, P. O. box 300, city, mAhern five-room house with lance fire place. In good residence section; must sell at once, as i am moving: on io a larm Will take $1350 on easy terms. Full par ticulars may be obtained by callng at 404 Piatt bids. LOOK. ONLY S1650. 5-room bungalow, sidewalk In front and round house: selected paneling In dining- room. 672 Ellis ave. Sellwood car. Tabor 800, owner. nft LAURELHL'iRST modern home, $5300; home cost owner $5000; fine loca tion. Chas. Kingier to., xo Henry bldJT PORTLAND 5-room modern bungalow Will laKO ioi iv 4 uii , iiih; iouv; mortgage $1000. Rigge A Collins, 1102 Spalding bldg. $575 buys a 4-room house and bath, lo cated in Woodstock Add., near car; OOx 100; property has no mortgage and well ft-ROOM bnnealow. cost $1750. sell for $975. Requires $175 ca-sh, balance $10 monthly. Lents district. This Is some bargain. See Mr. Teepe, 104 5th st. M u ST SC L.L my 5-room modern bungalow at sacrifice; on 71st st., near GUsan; small payment down, balance easy terms. Mr. Hapeman, pnone oroaaway BL NOALOW Take lot for strictly modern, fine view. & Co.. 2s Henry bldg. $1800 equity Chas. Ringler $2100 1574 PORTSMOUTH AVE. $2100. 7 -room modern : bis sacrifice. Chas. Kin cier rft Co., s Henry mag. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY, NEUHAUSBN & CO.. LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 8078. TWO-ROOM house, good lot ith fruit $600. See trees, close to good car service; owner, 404 Piatt bldg. WE build and finance. E. A C. Lovegren, wv aa.crt.ay mag. mars nan zuo. JK v i.u lUi bweii ma cheap homes easy payments Pee Delahunt. Ph East' 1275 5-JtOOM house in Rose City Park, on very easy terms, jfrice ituu. owner. Tabor 6b 0, FOR SALE. Splendid O-room modern houae, with 100x150 around; mostly set out In fruit; hard-aurfac. atreet; sewer connection; everything la well-kept; 100 teet from streetcar. It ia clear ot Incumbrance, except some street assessment; would con sider an exchange for small farm, stocked, within a reasonable dis tance from Portland and near car line. . 3000. will buy a choice, new 5-room mod-. era bungalow, with hardwood xioors. spienaia nrepiace, gooa basement, large attic, built-in con veniences, elegantly furnished; full lot. cement walks, graded street. Vj block south on 60th at., Rosa City car. Liberal terms will be made. OTTO or RAHESON REALTY 413 Chamber of Commerce. CO. ARB YOU SHIVERING IX A COLD house: t Bee my brand-new house at 439 Cast 29th North, near Thompson; double con struction throughout, furnace heata every room perfectly, no chilly corners, 4 bed rooms, roomy Inclosed sleeping porch, solarium adoinlng large living-room. Kns llnh dining-room, breakf aat-room adjoina modern kitchen, large attic, every modern convenience; house built for occupancy by owner; no so-called sacrkftce sale, but worth every dollar aaked ; will be on the premises from 2 to 4 Deo 80 and Jan. 1: appo ntment can be made to see bouse any time by phone. Tabor 4748. TO THE NEWCOMER I am going to sacrifice my borne, consisting of six rooms and reception ball. lull cement Dasemeni. strictly modern, attractively furnished with high-grade furnishings, as good as new; a home you won't be ashamed to show your friends. My business neces sitates me living in another city, my: loss your gain. This property Is well situ ated and will increase in value. Will stand the closest investigation Address owner, 468 E. Broadway. Portland, Or. I12SO FOR A MODERN HOME. ONLY 480 CASH. ' Balanoe 900. long time: 5-rm. modern house, built-in conveniences; electtio fix tures; full lot; Woodstock ave. All we ask of you Is to look at this house before you boy. RICHSNBACH CO, TOT Lewis Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME T WE PLAN AND BUILD iSY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money If desired All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Inc., Contracting Ar c.hitecte. 824 Ablngton bldg. I BOUGHT fine little home, completely mode.-n. on East 40th St., only halt block from Sandy blvd- for $4000. payable $50 pr month, which Includes Interest; have paid $200 on contract; change In plans compels me to irlve up house, which 1 have rented to tenant at $18 per month: I will give anyone what I have paid In If they will take over the contract and keep up the payments. J 6. uregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. Brand-new 7-rooro bungalow; old Ivory finish; oak floors; furnace. fireplace, large windows and buffet. French doors, shades, fixtures, everything related, on 50th et., only block to car; price reduced $500 for quick sale: cash; no trade. C. M O'DELL. 60th and Sandy. Tabor 4912. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere inspect otxr Ust of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain opy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst. the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office 270 yk Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. BUY NOW, NOW. NOW! too ROSE CITY PARK. n: EW RIINGALOW. 6 rooms. Fox furnace, built-in writing desk, bookcases and buffet; hardwood floors, large attic See Hickman or Wil son. (Tabor 6868. C2121), 45th and Sandy. GET READY FOR SPRING. a SELECTION of various styles and sixes In Rose City. Aiameoa ram, vimat w r-u n Athor choice districts at vary ins- nrices on easy terms; will consider well-located lots In part payment. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 3718. A 6201. FOR SALE Charming 6-room house, hard- trH f nnrn. oo wnsiairs : wmui uaycrea w ith taoestry ; woodwork dow nstalrs dainty French gray; upsts.lrs old Ivory 7i-,. rnAm nanoFed And DSlnted tWI months ago: a cheerful home. Phone Tabor 25S0- W AT. F-ACRE TRACT IN PARKROSE. 0-room bungalow, modern plumbing. Dutch kitchen. fireplace; ground an cleared; good chicken-bouse; close to car; gas. water and llgnts; szouu. easy terms. See Hickman or Wilson. 45th and bandy (Tabor 6S6S, C 212L ' CHEAPER THAN RENTING, t Hnnrnlow. Cost $2500. Modern 5 rooms. FIriand Add., lot 142 ft far in 2 streets, cement sidewalks. etc. Terms, lot or auto. Charles Rlngler Co., 228 Henry bldg. WHY not buy a choice small apartment house and nave a cozy noma ana iv per cent on the InvestmentT we have them priced from $16,000 to $50,000, paying from $2000 to $5000 per year, r . E. Bow man & Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $5 PEP. MONTH BUYS A LARGE HOMESITE h srVi m aTactrrf! station. 0 minutes out city conveniences; auto road. Call at 000 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. DO YOU own a lot. If so, we will take U as first payment on a modern nouse or bungalow; balance like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $2000 EQUITY In new, 7 -room and sleeping Sorcn bungalow, tor saie a greai re action ; situated k block from , car. Ad dress AH 098. Oregonlan. 1W TOH irt looking for a real snap In home, see me. I'rentiss. oua uoroctt mag. FOR SALE A fine piece of property, cheap; come and s.e. ot-:. can taiaei st. tor Sale Business Property. ONE OF THE FTNEST Hlgh-olass apartment-house sites In the city, fronting 100 feet on . park ave., 200 on Douglass Place and adjoining City Park. Price and terms on application. See E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street. BUSINESS CORNER, Lombard and McKenna ave.; good lora- tlnn for store. butcnr fhop. SloOu. Kit ter. Lowe & Co.. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. GREAT SACRIFICE, downtown business corner: nrlce only a little above assessed alue; must be seld- bargain hunters, your opportunity, w vm uregonian. FOR SALE 16th. C. Lot on Washington street, near ts, rurrer, u rniru st. bub urban Home Property. A PALATIAL COUNTRY HOME. 20 miles from Portland and 2H miles from Newberg; 65 a acres, 37 In prunes, assorted tree fruits, berries, 1 3 acre timber, balance cultivated; house darge, practically new, modern ; cement basement, hot water heat, several fireplaces, 'hardwood floors electric lights, modern plumbing, fin large barn, 0-room cottage for farm help; small artificial lake near house. i $15,000 cash payment, balance 0 years, 6 per cent. 6ee E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 10 J Fourth Street. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soli, good water, close' to earllne, easy terms will lulld to suit purchaser. Phone Mar-hall 1.5 i or eeuwooa t fa. JOHN GIBSON, Owner. 1 ACRE, all In cultivation, and house, on ' car roaa ; any reaaona.oie otier win oe con sidered. Ritter. Lowe & Co.. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. 7-ROOM house. Bell station, $8 per month -A. land. Hale. 03 wncox oidg. ' For Sale Acreage. ' BRYANT ACRES. AT OSWEGO LAKE. $250 for an acre tract; lies level, c second crowth: close to station. THE A TCH I SON-ALLEN CO., 500 Concord Bldg.. 2d and Stark. IDEAL location ; acre and house, close In, good road, water, lights, telephone; bar gain; leaving state. AJ 098, Oregonlan. $200 BUYS 20 acres. 40 ml. from Portland, 2 ml. from Columbia River and R. R. A Nelson, Gladstone. Or. BARGAIN. 40 acres, 30 miles out. only 5.d9 per acre. r o. ureozuaa. LOQOED-OFF LAND FARMS. 20 to 2000 acres. Rail, water and auto transportation to Portland. Lowest freight to stockyards and other Portland markets of any agri cultural district in Oregon or Wash, tit. Helens district (with co-operative crvamery and cannery aud a f 00.000 payroll per month) now rap idly developing.- most productive soli, light clearing, spring water; adjoina Improved farming district Ten to $35 per acre. Terms, 6 per cent It's worth your while to have a few minutes' talk with us about the best opportunity ever offered In Oregon for ou to gt a farm of your own. . ST. HELENS LUMBER CO.. 8t. Helens, or., or 617 Cham of Com. Bid... Portland. Or. ' ST. HELENS FARMS. New unit Just being platted; good roads and better facilities than ever; low prices, easy terms; choicest land on the Co lumbia River; fine view of the mountains ana river; close to St. Helena the county aeat; best of transportation facilities, rail, water and auto over the new Columbia Highway to Portland; big payrolla at St. Helens, bigger prospects. If you do not know what Is taking place here it wli; pay you to investigate. This may be your big opportunity. Por Information, call or writs. SCA-VDINAVIA.V-AMERICAN REALTY COMPANY. Suite 225. Henry Bldg. GOOD ACREAGE BARGAINS. 60 acres, 9 miles Portland .... $10,000 40 acres. Columbia Highway. . 4.250 10 acres Columbia Highway. . l.OOO 10 acres. 8 mllea Courthouse.. 0.000 8 acres. Powell Valley, road.. 4.250 6 acres and house 2,oo Acreage In any amount of all class ifications, near Portland. J. G. HA1.NET, 505 Yeon bldg. Matn 8671. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 1150 acres. Coos County, near CoqulUs River; $7.50 per acre; 400 acres, burned and seeded, about 60 acres best bottom land", large quantity tie Umber. This ts a great stock proposition and will bear Investigation. J. E. PAULSON. Cog ul lie. Or. 10 ACRES, highly Improved, level land, best or soli, bearing orchard; new nouse; bens. 1 cow; locsted 6 miles southeast of city, Sunnyslde Valley. 4 mile to Carver railroad; price reduced to $-73 acre; you can make $1000 out of garden, potatoes and fruit this year; terms. A. J. Morton, R. F. D. box 147, Clackamas. Or. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. $1500 2 acres. t2d St. 4.1005 acres. Powell Valley. $4500 5 acres. 72d, house and barn. $1650 d acres, Keed villa, house and barn. Charles Rlngler A Co., 2S Henry Bldg. $7.50 PER ACRE. $7.50. 480 acres, mure than 5 million feet good Umber, 2 miles to logging stream, targe creek through land ; 50 acres creek bot tom, commonly called "beaverdam." A W. Estes, 207 Railway Exchange bldg. lO, 20 OR 40 acres for sale, nine miles east or courtnouse. miie irom p&vea r -- , 15 acres under cultivation. $30O per acre, easy terms; would trade for good-alxed modern home In desirable locality. W 99S, Uregonlan. I'LL GIVE YOU A SNAP. 1 acre, all In cultivation, only 0 minutes walk to 2 electric stations, board walk; $10 down. $10 month; good location. West Side. Call at 5m Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN, RANCHES. Near Portland; $ .5 to $200 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. MFarland, 505 Yeon bldg Portland. $4 TO $7 acre, within 30 miles Portlaud: grazing fruit land; terms; no traue. JLtu (b8, Oregonlan. For Bale -Farms. OO ACRES on Pacific Highway, 0 miles from Portland near Rainier. Oregon; new, modern bungalow, barn, 0 tons graiu hay, well fenced. '20 acres cleared creek bot tom; buildings cannot be duplicated" for $4000; price $650o, $1000 cash ; balance $50O per year at 6 per cent. EARL H. FRY, LAND DEPT., 'THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. r'oi; .... r-o -160-acro grain ranches. close to Lexington, or., both are im proved, have water, ready for crop ; land adjoining- made 33 bushels to acre last season. County has largest artesian well on Coast ; owuer no farmer, left 3 years a fro Goes at a bargain.. W. Jones, 1023 l$th st.. SP-cramento, tal. FOR SALE Beautiful country home. 21 miles from Portland near earllne; bo acres. 45 c)artA balance in pasture and timber; new, larsV plastered bouse; acety lene llgnts. tat ti. toilet and septic tana air pressure water system ; Improvements cost $Mn0. Further Information, addresa AV 32H, Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM In heart of valiey and clover belt; 37 acres rich, dark loam soil, all In cultivation new. modern improvements; hard -surface road ; aO Joining good town ; owner has otner interests; win sacrifice. $0500. terms. Send for kodak views. R. D. No. L Box i. Amity, Kjr. $700 DOWN. ONLY $700. The biggest bsrgaln ever offered, 92 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, all first-class land, lies welt, fenced and cross fenced; located oh miles from Lebanon price $45 per acre. $i 0O down, bal. to suit. Mr. Jouno. 2o5-o7 Board of Trade. mag-. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. A BARGAIN. Money In real estate : will sell 160 acres. unimproved. In the Willamette Valley, 35 miles from Portland ; splend id land; about i.vuu.uuu reel timDer ; s-iuuu; terms. Owner, A. B. Nordiing. 75 3d. FOR wheat and stock ranches, large or mall writ- 4. Plltmnurlra Pnnrlnn ntll- lam County, or. Land sell's from $15 to $40 an acre. We can show you farmers mat raihca crops tnis year that more than paid ror tne lana tney grew on. M. FlTMAl KK'E. Condon. Or. OOOO ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERH AEl'KEH TIMBER COMPANY, 1 acorns mag., i acome. wash. SPEV1AL attention to farmers. I have large list of farms In YamalU and Polk counties for sale: some Include stork end Imp. If you are looking for a location you win ao wen to write or call on J. p. Alll son, a mi t y, or. fc REAL estate. loans and Insurance; m- handle property all over the state but es pecially In Yamhill County, the' garden ryot ox oregon. rue us tor prices. W. E. WHITE & CO., 703 First t.. Newberg, Or. 320-ACRE wheat farm, near Wasco, H ml to sta. ; water; aw in cultivation; build Ings; 125 acres fall wheat; $I5.0oo small amt. cash and crop payments rroo uce a jw acre in is year, i, c Clod fetter. 14 N. Second st. GRANTS PAFS, the comtne city of Pouthem Oregon . new sugar tactory: new railroad Farms for sale. A. N. Parsons, reliable oeaier. urams I'ass. Kererences. UNIMPROVED lands, close to railway, suit able for farming and stock raising, from w acres up, at u.oi per acre. THE ORhXJON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CRANBERRY land. 10 acres on Paclft Ocean at Grays Harbor. Sell for $1200, with $400 worth of improvements. vnm property for home and small farm. Write p o. Box 1 55. i osmopolls. Wash. FOR SALE SO acres, good Improvements, in Willamette Valley. 2 mile R. R. town, crop stock, machinery at a bargain. Ad dress, from owner, Mary Bedner, R. 2. Hal;ey. Oregon. NORTH ERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For Information write or see W. E. Holt, MllesCit Mont. 50 ACRES, famous Molalla Valley, 25 cleared. H mile streetcar; $i0 per acre; spring water, no waste land : terms. Dean. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. 20 ACRES, fronting on Lewis River, under cultivation ; 6-room house, outbuildings, reasonable If taken at onca. 1131 E. 2Uth North. Woodlawn 936. 80 ACRES, near Canby; sandy loam. 30 cul tivation, no waste land ; fine spring; Mo lalla River north line; $7000; terms. Dean. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. DO YOU WANT 1 a. of good land, all In cultivation, 'J, mile from good school, on good road 2 miles east of Eugene. Or. 7 AddreeS J. H. Ablshler. CentervlUe. Wash. ON account of Blckness will sell or rent our hotr and dairy ranch with good buildings. Call or write L. w. Andersson. R. F. D. No. 1, box 25. 100 ACRES cleared land, Douglas County, near R. R., sale or rent to responsible party. Reld, 202 Wilcox bldg. 10-ACRE farm, Canby; $1H00; terms: $2700. bldg- Main 3517. good house, cost Dean, 202 Wilcox SWELL 5-acre Improved poultry ranch, rood houPta every convenience, fine road, close ' in, H7-. jame o .veil. Aiarysviue, wasn. MUST sell 400 acres fine wheat land, all tlll able: half price for cash. W. H. Ross,, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Logged-off lands, $10 a. up. running water, emprym't: little farms cleared. Improved. $25 down. I R. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg. SPECIAL bargain. 40 A. or more Wash. Aug. Rauch, Ealezxu Or. at Lyle. CHOICB FARM BARGAINS. 220 acres, of which 110 acres are bottom and ail under plow; balance in sp.endld pasture: abundance of water, p'ace well fenced; has family orchard, house and barn, and other ncessary buildings; on good road, only three miles Irom good town, on S. P. K. R. . it is one of the best all-around larmi In the locality and can be bought for per acre, with S3O0O cssn payment; balance can run for several yeas, at per cent. This offe. is made on account of old age of the owner: there is nothing better ou the market tor the money. 452 acres, about 150 acres under cult.; some bottom land along the river, which forms the south line of the place; about 7 acres of tim ber, balance open pasture; it is all fenced; has a good S-room hou.e; water piped to house and barnyard: several barns, good family orchard, on good road. V, mile to school. 1 mile from station and railway; a splendid stock rsnch. and can be bought for t-'O.OOO. (5000 cash, bal ance resonable time, d per cent. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. OREGON FARMS. 820 acres, wneat farm. In crop; & splen did buy. only $50 per acre. 640 acre, wheat and stock ranch $10 per acre. 57 acres, beautiful diversified fana, fine residence and outbuildings; near Portland; $-00 per acre. HN acres. Willamette Valley farm, good buildings, all cultivated, $ 15o per acre. 10 to 40 acres, cultivated, near electric. In Tualatin Valley. $200 per acre. 10 acres, good land, near Portland. $100 per acre. 10 acres, on 10c far, $375 to $500 per acre. 60 acres, timber and clearing. $30 per a. bO acres, stock ranch on milk route, $J5 per acre. 10 evcres, house and clearing. $160 per acre. 10-acre tracts. $50 to $150 per acre. Easy terms on all acr-rage. Dozens of extra good farm Investment. FRANK M FAR LAN D REALTY CO., 505 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. A BARGAIN. 800 acre, a fine grain ranch, well Im proved, about 60oO acres. In cultivation good soli and a money-maker. The rent alone from about 30o0 acres that was In wheat this last yemr netted the owner over $30,000 for his part of the crop. rnct per acre. 1800 acres, well Improved, grain and stock ranch, about 1200 acres In cultiva tion and about 70 acres In alfalfa, good soil; stock and Implements go with place at ja per acre. We have a number of other large or small ranches, can give you anything you want In a Urst-class rrutt, grain, dairy, hay and stock ranch at the right rrtce. C. J. Culllson Realty Co., 200 Vs Morrison street. m IHJ6 ACRES, 225 In cult., balance pasture ana timber, gooa buildings, running water: orchard, 4 mites from railroad, postofflce and stores. Price $35 per acre. One of the best stock ranches In Benton County. 71 acre. 35 In cult., balance pasture and timber, fine bottom land for growing potatoes, poor buildings, running water, good orchard and near town) Price $3000; terms: a snlendld buv. 274 acres, 22 In fruit. o In pasture. 1100 prune trees In full bearing; also 500 ap ple trees the same age, 50 wainut t(ees; 7-room house and barn, fruit dryer, good water. 0 miles from town. Price $5u00; terms. The owner sold his 1016 crop for $2400. Particulars of these and other good bargains, write for list to HENRY AMBLER, Philomath, Benton County, Ongon, VALLEY FARM. 100 acres, splendid buildings, water sys tem, running stream, land tiled, suitable for dairy farming: good prune land; hard surface road; 1 mile from town; one of tne best farms In Polk County, $15,000. terms. Consider Portland residence property up to $50w. clear Owner. 205 U. S, .National Bank bldg., fcaiem, Oregon. K4 ACRES FOR $3500. A BARGAIN BEYOND A DOUBT. One-half mile from cood town In Dour la Count v, Oregon; 40 acres creek bot om. sultabte for gardening, growing of clever alfalfa and all kinds of Craln. B anr is second bottom, all KOOd soil and could be cultivated. Excellent location for prune orchard and turkey raising, w oula in&Ke an lueai nonio, une-iniru plenty time on balance at 6 cr cent. Deal with owner. W. A. Bogard, Rose bu r g. O r. FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres stotck ranch, 6 miles from the city of Cheyenne, Wvo... between two of the main thorough fare leadiMc to the city, within one mile of the limits of Fort Kussell Military Kes ervattoii: good well, house, barn and other outbuildings; well xencea; plenty or out side rsnge. Price $25 ner acre; would take H of amount in cash and Oregon iirooertv for tne balance: this Is a snap. Reason for selling, other business. For particulars address Mrs. Sadie Dempsey, Cheyenne, o. FINE dairy ranch. Long Beach, W ash., on Wills pa Bay, 77 acres fine tide land, 2 cleared, balance easily cleared, grass th vear around. Dcrmanent rllkea. never over flows. Good 8-room house, 2 barns, very good outbuildings, plenty of fruit. a30 head of cattle, 20 milch cows. 8 good" horses, hoes and chickens : full farm machinery ; 3 miles from railroad. 6 miles from llwaco and columnia River. Price $10.0. Ea? terms. C E- Adams, box 26. Long Beach, gn. STOCK FARMS. 27.0OO ACRES. 12.500 sheep, 20 cattle, 43 horses, all equipment, in W vpmlr., $175.04H: some terms. 85.OO0 acres, Utah ; 10.000 sheep. 40 horses, all equipment, land and stock, some trade. $35.0oO. 71.000 acres. California: lfl.OOO sheen, cattle, horses, all equipment, all for $12.50 per acre. BAD LEY. 621 Yeon bldg. M. 41. OREGON FARMS make the best homes. If bought at th right price. We have all kinds and sts from $2000 up to a million. We handl only such farms which are well worth th price asked and furnish the highest ref erences to Insure our clients of a square deaL No matter how large or imt.l farm you want, write us. Also eX' changes for farms In other states. F. FITH3, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 160 A. alfalfa and wheat land, 20 A- s If alfa, all In cultivation; comfort able buildings, fruit and rove: water from two dltcnes and well: close to school an R. R. station , magnificent view : neleh bors the best; valley and hard -surface rosd to Walla Walla. 2i minutes by auto. hours by wacnn. Price $WOO : can mortgaged ff'r $ lOOO; want the difference in cash. Aaar-M w. narmn. Lowde P. O., Walla Walla County, wa-h. loo A ."RES of cranberry land. Long Beach wasn., ir.'. p-r acre, tannic Kind or lan selling in small tracts for $J.0 to .".o0 n acre. Big profit In cranberries ; bar reis per acre wnen . years oia. loo to l. at a years o a; 'j net per oarrei to growe no cultivation, n replanting. laW fo: years. Easy terms. C. E. Adams, box 2 RARE BARGAIN. Quarter section choice land. Central Or. gon, part cultivated, houe and barn, really worth $300, mtg. t00, some In terst due: need money, give me $475 an iKHumt mtg. Act quick. E W0 6. Ore go man. FOR SALE 32 seres In edge of good horn town In Willamette alley, on main rail road line. House and two barns on prop erty. Good land, splendid water, pleas ant surroundings. Easy terms. Write own er. Address M. S.. P. O Box 255. Al bany. Or. FOR SALE A bargain, 152 acres. 34 mile from town. 60 acres cultivated, fair ixn orovements. near school and church. good gravel road, family orchard, tw livlnar streams. For oulck sale. nrlc rt.HK. terms. Owner. Box SOS, Cottage Grove. Or. LISTEN! 126 acres, 2 miles from railroad station, main road, 30 cleared, balance partial; best soil, no waste; all fenced, large barn, some fruit; spring water; $70 per acre; $2O00 cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. H. S. EDDY. Sandy. Oregon. I HAVE more land than I can farm; will sell you part, 10 to 150 acres; 15 miles Port land, on electric tine and public road. H., R. R. 1, Hillsboro. Or. ISLAND between Goble and Kalama, 30 acres tillable, 11 acres In cultivation, house and barn and other Improvements"; good truck farm and seining ground. $3500. H. B. Nicholas, 715 Oregonlan bldg. Main 0355. $13K) FOR I(pROOM HOUSE. " Biggest bargain in Portland, good house; two lots. ir3 Eaat 72d st. Will take $-0 down and $10 ner month and all for $1300. THINK OK IT. . BADLEY. 621 Yeon Bldg. M. 4S1. STOCK farm. 4 good barns. 50 head of cat tle, team, machinery, everything A No. 1, $7000. Schemer and traders stay away. Don't want on around. Green Basin Stock Farm. Harlan, Oregon. SUNNYS1DE HOUSE. $ 0 50. 4 rooms, paved streets, 50-foot front; everything paid lu full for $050. Bad ley. 621 Yeon bldg. 4160 ACRES at $6.50 per acre, 60 miles from Portlsnd. good road, river runs through land; 2000 acres good agricultural land. Terms. Lyman. 527 Chamber of Com. FOR .SALE! 865-acre farm. Linn County, $20 per acre; good terms. Address Geo. W, Wright, Albany. Ortgoa. OREGON PA-RMS. WILLAMETTE VALLEY, NEAR PORTLAND. 25 acres, 1 mile from town of 500, en electric line; 24 acres under plow. 14 fir grove; along a fine creek; I acre fruit and berries, balance In grain and clover. O room house with fireplace, barn to bold 8 head stock , granary and chlcken-houea; cltjr water and electric lights a vallate; grade school, high school and college la ton; $45oo. terms. 60 acres, on main Portland -Salem auto road ; IV from good tow n ; ricn soil . 35 acres now. under plow, 10 acres onion land partially cleared, balance pasture with small amount of fir timber, b-room ps tered house; new barn; $55u0; terms If wanted. 160 acres, grain and dairy farm, all un der plow-; 2 miles from good town, H mile school and cnurch. woven wire fences; complete set buildings; in first-clasa con dition; $5v0. 160 acres - 4 miles from town and Ky. station; 45 acres under plow, e5 more par Unity cleared; 60 acres pasture with run ning creek, good 7-room bouse, lare barn. Included are 3 horses, 20 cattle, farm ma chinery, hay and feed until next harvest; $a250. 4 OO -a ere stock ranch, ft miles from town close to school and on well macadamised road ; daily mall and dally mliic routes; 12o acre under plow, balance used for pas ture; some oak and fir timber; man fine springs. $25 an acre; complete detailed in formation regarding thee and many other fine Oregon (arm. D. MCHESNEY, S32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE 0 acres, 3 miles from Centra- lia. asn., on facinc Highway; cement pavement all the way. telepnone. groceries delivered, elect rlc liKht line built most of way from town. The p. ace has a five room house, large barn, two chlcken I acrs of strawberries that come In full bearing next season. 1 acre loganberries that hsrvestc-d over two tons last season. W acre ra-pberrles w ill be In full bearing next season. ra:ed two tons potatoes and ot her vegetables in abund ance. There arc 6 cn rr and 10 ppi trees gooseberries, currant, etc., 1 bay mare, about l."VOO lbs.; 1 colt. lOO lbs.; 1 Jersey cow 1 wagon. T0 Leghorn chickens; price $33oo. $1 tH-0 down, balance $000 a ear without Interest. Addrt.s John Agan, Ii. F D. No. 1. Central la. W as h. FOR SALE 160 acres In Hood River Valley; diversified (arm land . about 35 acres cleared ; 20 more easily cleared . timber enough on place to pay for It; 50 rods to railroad station ; 4 acres of bearing appl orchard; 4 acres of pears 4 years old; 2 acres of apples 3 years old; some peaches and pears bearing now ; 1 good team of herses; 1 heavy wagon, 1 hack; plows, dress, cultivators, stump puller and many small tools, 1 good cow ; some thorough bred Poland Chin bogs; Buff and Whit Orpington chickens, and household furni ture. Barn cost $ WOO, apple- house $200, hen-house $2'0, hog-house $150, The house poor, but livable; running water In all ; own water. All for $05 per acre. BoX f2. Dee. Or. BIG CATTLE RANCH, 25O0 acres In Central Oregon, 1300 acre with paid-up water right, 30 In alfalfa now raised over 1200 tons hay this year; good buildings and everything needed, con trols big outrange; now running 100 head cattle, and will support SOOO head when fully developed; one of best cattle propo sitions In Oregon. Price for plant. $.5.o00. Part or all of rattle will be put In at mar ket price If desired; will make terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. 050 ACRES FOR $12,500. INVESTIGATE THIS! GREATEST SACRIFICE IN OREGON! Farm suitable tor general farming and. stock raising, located in Douglas County, Oregon, 8 miles from R. R. station; county road through place ; ltio acres In cultivation. 100 acres creek bottom, very rich soil, suitable for growing clover, corn and all kinds of grain. Ideal for prune. Balance in pasture and timber; all good soil excepting 40 acres; running creek and several spruits; family orchard; Improve ments In fair condition. No trades. Will accept small cash payment. Plenty time on lalar.ce. W. A. Bogard, Roseburg. or. RARE BARGAIN. BY OWNER. 21 acres black loam soil, 20 acre till able and level. 17 acres In hay this year, good family orchard of about 70 bearing trees, large barn, small house, matched team black horses, weight about 120O lbs, each, also harness, w agon, plow, harrow, cider mill, small tools, good cow. 1 dos, chickens and 10 ton hay. 1 miles from Carbon, Wash., also near Mineral and St. Martin Hot Springs, on good level road. 2 miles from R. R. station and boatlanding; good roads. The above cost $4500; owing to 111 health, will sell for $3u00 Call on or addro-sa Mrs. May M. Haw ley. Home Valley, Wash. A. K. HILL. FARM SPECIALIST. 14-acre suburban farm home; highly Improved; creek; electric car close; good auto oad: close Portland; $4400. bOacre Willamette Valley farm; high ly Improved and stocked; e.ectrio car clove; $8000. 040 acre. Willamette Valley; 800 acres Improved bottom land; $27,OoO. luoo-acre Eastern Oregon wheat farm; 825.000. We Invite you to Inspect our large 1 at Of choice farm bargains. A. K. 11 1 1. 1.. 4ia Henry bldg. KENNEWICK. PASCO. BOARD OF REALTORS. lnite you to investigate KEN N E VY 1CK-PASCO and tributary country. Address either W. R. WEISEL CO. or TRENT tATH & TW F E 1T. K K N N E W 1CK. WASH. COX-CORD INVESTMENT CO.. WERE REALTY CO., or W. T. ANDERSON, PASCO, WAS1L ACREAGE. 5 acres bearing prunes, $1000, $500 cash, balance 3 or 0 years at 7 per cent. 'One crop Jl pay for this; near school, on good road. 10 acres. $1200. $400 cash, baler long time at 7 per cent,' Most all in cultiva tion ; lots of fruit, small house and barn, running water, good home, cheap, we.l located, near school. ATKINSON A NICHOLS. 113 W. Sixth st.. Vsncouver. Wash. FOR SALE 134 acres saw mill timber. Close in, at a bargain $11,000. cost $17,000. 41 acre on Base Line road at $00 per acre: this Is a snap, hard-surfaced road, electric lights and all conveniences. 1H acres on Baee Line road, will make a fu:e home for a millionaire tor only $6"oO. 5 acres, all cleared, all level, oa elec tric earllne. station at corner of place; this ie the blKKebt bargain In Oregon; at onlv $125 per acre. John l;nw n. tir-ham. Or. Phone 018. Two Hi'MitEI acres, thirty thoroughly cleared, fit acres marsh, can be put In shape at small expense; plenty pasture, besides outside feeding; running water; modern house: good barn and building: about fort head of cattle, horses and farm Implements In splendid condition. This Is a fine dar proposition and Is handy to school and railroad timber land on this propertv can te traded for good bottom land. Price gll.o-.NV For terms and f urtii-r particulars w rite to W. J. S. Gordon. Concrete. Wash. FOR SALE, faTOCKRANCUlN EASTERN OREGON. 1740 acres, good buildings, 4 orchards, water piped into house and barn; 8'0 acres l:i cultivation ; close to sawmill, grist mill, store. P. O., and school; b. head of cattle. 20 horses and mules, all good stuff; blasksmlth and carrenter shop, shingle mill and all kinds of ma chinery from a threshing machine down; all new: price on whole thi. $30,000, half cash, 6 per cent on balance. E. T. WADE, PE XDLETON, OR. 100 AC RES 100 acres, ALL CLEARED. 9 miles from Vsncouver and Interstate bridge, 3 blocks from streetcar line, and 10 miles from heart of Portland; 40 acres beaverdam be a nee fine clay loam soil. This place is suitable to subdivide or will make a fine general purpose ranch and suburban home. Price only $15,000. Terms. The very best we have to offer. SEE IT THOMPSON A SWAN. PI 2 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. CHEAP STOCK FARM. $15 per acre buys 223 acres. 5 miles from one railroad, 2 miles from other; 2-3 level enough to cultivate. 20 acres now in cultivation raised over 100 bushels oats per acre; 25 acres slashed and seeded orchard grass; black loam soli, very deep; 3 springs, bea ring orchard, small house and bam; all fenced $500 cash, balance mortgage 6 per cent; no trade. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. SI'EP.MAN COUNTY. WHEAT ,H ANrH. 4S0 acres, little botith Wasco, good land, 20O acres ready to seed, good well water piped to buildings, windmill equipment; owner retired, wants to sell bal; $45 per acre, third cash, balance 10 years. Have dozen other good ranches in this and ad joining counties. E. A. Easley. 212 Selling bid r SMALL MISSOURI FARM, $10 CASH and $3 monthly; nn Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to thre big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. A-241 N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT Morrow Couxtfy land; will trade Portland property W. II. Ross. 1 loo Northwestern Bank bldg. WANT I to 4 sections of Canadian or Mon tana farm lands; give description, pries Itrms. JenklLtS. Spalding bldg. i