pIOND AT, JANUARY, 1, 1917. iilciiig 000,000 Contracted for in 1916. Ft.-: YV . Coris'ZrtzcZzaji, 4 . -iVJ.. tWr ivib v::- 4:.... . i A ' SIXTY-FIVE VESSELS TO BE BUILT Sixty-five ocean-going vessels are being built or under contract to Oregon builders. Of these, 5V are auxiliary schooners and 14 are steel ves sels. 1 Plants now operating employ 2200 men. When all plants are operating 6250 men will be em ployed. Most of the schooners have lumber capacity of 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 feet. . Of the steel vessels, eight will " have 8800 tons capacity- and six 300 tons capacity.' Present contracts total $25, 000,000. Negotiations for addi tional contracts are pending. IS OF VESSELS lie Columbia River district is coming to the fore construction of wooden auxiliary vessels. The of Portland, turned out early in 1 9 1 6, is a dis- e type of construction. It is the largest single- d, wooden sea-going auxiliary vessel in the world. k a cargo capacity of more than 2,000,000 feet nber. Its speed, loaded, is b'z knots. 1 mMa ' V I ' - - ,. . ... v.... . . v . 1 .- ri C SV- ' - :' .-..V ; ,1 ' ' ft ' l r s W. h-m... "m-v. SaaaSSx?! mM , t ' , i ifiiaimiffmt ara -- iTiu r i Hi r in ' ti'irwu'wi i mnmuii i mi 1 i ir -- "t r- - i v-M 1 Mil . ,' Vs. i J I - 5. ; " jt. sss-ia ,r n sr; ill f f mmm ,, - 4 - -eai?i 1 '1! " -7i ' 1 1 1 ail t p" ..St.- f . , - m ' -rr .'--',f - ---.-- i...,.' i.-tJ-f, t.. -if', , .. vo. . a "-"-i.'! " - - -w-, k ""-" ii rill ' .J ?- - W - ' K?-..-r .. ' . 4 nTTrv : tA-L.' -j--- xzvv v . - J 3