TOE MORNING OREG ONI AN, MONDAY, JANTTARY,i; 1017. 17 HOCKEY QUINTETS SETTLE TO TASKS Uncle Sams Still Repose in Cellar, With the Seattle , Team Holding Lead. IRVIN'S STOCK ADVANCES Portland Player, With Fire Goals in One Game, Now Holds Sec ond Place for Individual Scores In League. iAcxnc coast hockey standings. Goals Pet. For Ai. W. l. Feattle . . Vancouver pokne . . Portland . Totals .. o 8 3 6 .625 35 2S .500 42 43 SB 41 83 89- .5O0 .375 16 18 151 161 Next GaniM. Tomorrow Portland at Brattle. Friday Vancouver at Portland. Friday Seatu? at Spokane. BY EAHL R. GOODWIN. With the completion -of tho first one third of the 1816-17 schedule, all the . teams of the Pacific Coast Hockey As sociation have settled down to work. - and at present Pete Muldoon's Seattle Metropolitans are out In front, one full ' same In the lead. This was the' result of the T-to-4 trouncing the Metg handed the Canadians at Vancouver, B. C, Sat urday night. ' The Portland Uncle Sams managed to break Into the win column at the- ex pense of the Spokane Canaries, 10 to E, In the local Ice Palace last Friday night, and from now on the Oregroniana are groins; to put forth every effort to tighten the league race. A tough prop- ,1 osltlon will be encountered tomorrow . night when the champions Invade Seat- ; tie, Assistant Manager William T. Scott, ' who has taken charge of the Portland ' era since the accident to Manager E. H. Savage, had the team out for a work J out yesterday, and all reported In the best of condition. The team will leave v Portland for the Sound city on a late , train tonight or early tomorrow morn- Ing. e e The-showing of Dick Irvtn, the ' former Winnipeg amateur, who sagged . the net five times against the Canaries - last Friday, has caused his stock to j bounce sky high. Up to that game he had not had much chance, but at last . he feels that he has struck his stride. .' consequently he is going out to lead the individual scorers. Dr. Gordon Roberts, the fleet-footed Vancouver puck chaser, did not have a good night against the fast-going Seat tie representatives Saturday night,. but he managed to keep at the top of the league as the best point getter eo far. - His total is 14 goals and four assists, . good for 18 points, but he will have to brace if he wants to head Bernle Mor ris, of Seattle, The Sound city lad has netted the puck on nine occasions and assisted his teammates on seven trips to the nets, and his total is but two points behind that of Roberts. The 26 minutes of penalties -slapped on Tommy Dunderdale by Referee Fred Ion against the Canaries caused the little Portlander to hoist his number f minutes on the penalty bench to " 68. Tommy has been unfortunate so far this campaign, for it seems that he has been thrown into almost every mlxup on the ice. He has received two SO-mlnute forced rests, and penalties 'have been handed to him nine times. . Just a little bit more than two months from now and the world's ice hockey series will be staged, according to present plans. Last season the Port land Uncle Sams went to Montreal. Canada, to battle with the Canadians and the result was a four-game to , three-game victory for the champions of the National Hockey Association. The Portlanders went Cast last year, " end now it will be necessary for the Easterners - to Journey to one of the ' Western cities to stage - the world's series contests. - Manager EL H. Savage, ofthe Uncle Sams, Is still at St. Vincent's Hospital, .- recovering from the accident 1n which . he was Involved a week ago last Fri day. He was riding in a Jitney which was caught between two streetcars, .with the result that two of the pas sengers of the Jitney were killed and Mr. Savage was thought to have re ceived a fractured skull, ii later de veloped that he was suffering: from ' Conousalon ot tho brain. Following are the Individual stand ings of the scorers ud to ana including ' the games, of December SO and the ' 'number of penalties handed out so far in the 1916-17 campaign: Player. Team. Q. Assets Fts Times Mln. Roberta, Vancouver 14 Jiorrla Seattle ... 9 Stanley, Vancouver 8 , Kerr, Spokane 8 Jrvln. Portland ... 11 Harris. Portland .. 9 Nichols, Spokane . 8 Mackay, Vancouver ' 7 Foyston, Seattle T Walker. 6eattle . . 5 Johnson. Portland. 6 L. Patrick, Spok'ne 8 Tobln, Portland . . 4 McDonald, Spokane 6 V. Patrick. Vano. . 6 Taylor. Vancouver 4 Wilson, Seattle ... 5 Riley. Seattle .... 8 Lloyd Cook, ep'k'e Xunderdale. Port!. 4 "' Mallen. Spokane .. 4 , Howe, Seattle .... 2 Marples. Foray and. 8 Oense, Spokane .. 8 Grlffls. Vancouver. 1 Moynes; Vancouver 2 ... Barbour, Portland 0 - Loushlin. Portland ' 0 Leo -Cook, Sp'k'ne O' Whalen, Vancouver O Totals 151 IS 18 14 0 0 14 0 0 1$ 4 83 v is 2 e 11 7 23 11 8 20 11 T 24 10 1 4 10 2 9 4 IT 9 8 9 8 4 14 8 18 8 11 88 8 8 9 7 2 - 9 6 9 68 4 8 9 4 0 8 0 0 8 7 28 5 H 8 1 8 2X8 2 8 15 10 6 1 5 0 233 102 894 BIG BOBSLED race planned - - Jimmy Rlcbardson ' Offers to Pit "Scout" Against All Comers. Rivalry reached such a high pitch on the Tenth-street coasting hill Satur day night that James J. Richardson's "Scout" Issued a challenge to the big' ' gest bobsled from South Portland. 1 Jimmy specifies that the race will be - for distance and speed. If racing con " dltlons are good today the contest may be staged. Richardson's "Scout" is 25 feet long f .and carries 2L "Colly" Druhot and - John Maloney assist the Beaver scout .. in the steering. On Saturday night th - big bobsled made several trips from Tenth and Jackson streets to Sixth and - Yamhill. Turns were made on Madison street at Tenth and Sixth. Many long I- "bobs" were on this hill Saturday night - and yesterday. Yesterday the sun melted the snow j to a certain extent, but even at that ' the going was good. A French perfume manuf acturln company has constructed a portabl distillery to obtain extracts from either wild or cultivated flowers in the re glons in which they grow. VIEW OF STEAMER NORTHLAND AGED IN COLLISION OFF EUREKA. r ' 1 n - i ' Ml H V- - 1 I ' 1 1 M1 - , ' It. .v-- 7 i ; - u i ; fl ;rr - - f C r V ; . W i n -Vr rlf !i, i'i v. - tfm&bwt'i - ?A ' irTz - -r , - . If A "-- tlj: I If , y ,'yvJ.X"y . -3 J i lww i- ' " I - STEM OF" VESSEL SPLINTERED IX ACCIDEST. The steamer Northland, which was steamer Northwestern off Eureka Friday morning, will be put on the Oregon ary-aock this week to undergo repair splintered and torn by the collision bow in addition to several butts having been started. The Northland was bound from Sa n on lumbar for Peru at the time of the here for repairs. She reached the har The damage received by the Northwestern, which was on her first trip In ins service or tne Big Tnree line, was ceed on her way south from San Francisco yesterday without delay. SEATTLE SEVEN WINS VANCOUVER MILLIONAIRES LOSE BY SCORE OF T TO 4. Winners) Taste Lead In Second Period, Playljxa; Fast Combination Game. Morris Stars for Victor. PACIFIC COAST HOCKEY STANDING S. lis Ajct. w. . s L. Pet. For. Seattle . . 8 .625 83 2S ancouver .4 4 .CuO 43 .. 4 4 .600 89 ..8 6 .876 88 3 41 811 pokane . Portland . Totals . . 1 16 161 1S1 Last Night's Result. At Vancouver, B. C Seatttle 1, Vancou ver 4. - Next Game. Tuesday 'Portland at Beattl. Friday Vancouver at Portland. Friday Seattle at Spokane. VANCOUVER, B. C, Dec. 81. (Spe cial.) The Seattle hockey team scored a; well-earned victory over the Van couver Millionaires here last night, by seven goals to four, and took the lead in the Pacific Coast hockey race. The winners played a combination game that completely baffled the Million aires for the last 40 minutes. While only .one penalty was inflicted. the game was rough In spots. Mackay, of the Vancouver team, was sand wiched several times by Row and Carpenter and had to retire In the second frame. The commanding lead secured by the visitors when Mackay retired was enough to keep them ahead until the end. The Millionaires fought gamely to the final minute and were bombarding Seattle's goal when the game closed. Morris was the outstanding figure for Seattle, playing a whirlwind game. He broke up- a lot of Vancouver rushes by the use of the hook check. Mac-" kay vox the first goal from an off side face off. taking it through the entire defense. Foyston's long rush shortly after ended successfully when Riley batted in the pass. Roberts put the locals in the lead before the canto ended by going around- the- goal and scoring. The second" period was all for Se attle, who played a great passing game. Morris scored twice and Riley once. Vancouver took chances in the final frame, leaving the defense open, with the result that Morris, Walker and Riley went' through like cyclones. Crank Patrick tried to stem the tide and led ruBh after rush up the ice. The Millionaires got both of their goals on his rushes. Moynes played the best game for Vancouver, check ing DacK ii ae a veteran. The score: Seattle. Position. Vancouver. Holmes- Goal Lehman Rowe Point Patrick Carpenter .... Cover Point Grlffl. JYValker Rovr Mackey Morris center Stanley Riley Right Wing ....... Moynes Foyston Left Wing Roberts Ktckey bpara vvnaien The officials Referee. Fred Ion: timer, P. J. Kearley; goal umpires. Ran Irving and Billy west. SOORB BY PERIODS. Seattle 1 8 8 7 Vancouver 2 O 24 Scores t Flrst Tjeriod 1 Vancouver, Mackay B.00 2 Seattle. Riley from TOyston 1:10 gt Vancouver, Roberts from Griff Is. . .12:80 Second period 4 Seattle. Morris ..............8:00 C Seattle. Riley 2:25 6 Seattle, Morrla . .4:15 intra penwi 7 Seattle. Morris from Walker ..7:20 ..6:40 ft Vancouver. Stanley 9 Vancouver. Patrick from Whalen. . .1.40 10 Seattle. Riley from Rowe 2:10 11 Seattle. Riley from Morris 8:05 Penalties First pencd, none; second pe riod, none: third period, Orlffls 8 minutes. Substitutlors First period. Whalen for Moynes; second period. Moynes for Whalen, Whalen for Mackay: Mackay for Whalen: W-halen tor Mackay; third period. Rickey tor tliey. leiley tor Kicaey. Ex-Billiard Champion Dies, NEW YORK, Dec 81. J. Ferdlrian Poggenburg, who several times held the SHOWING HOW SHE WAS DAM- damaged In a collision with the s. The stem of the Northland was and two planks were broken on the port Francisco to Grays Harbor to take accident, but was compelled to put in bor Saturday. negligible and she was able to pro American amateur billiard champion ship, died at his home In this city to day. He was born in New York in 1865. Citizen Sailors to t $5000. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 81. Spe cial.) Officers of the Fourth Division Naval Militia, of this city, estimate that the division will receive 16000 annually a result of the new Federal- Naval Militia pay bill, which goes into effect at midnight, under this bill common earaen receive 61.15 a drill night, petty officers up to $1.50 a drill night, while an ensign receives $200 a year, a Lieu tenant, Junior grade, $240 annually, and a Lieutenant, senior grade, 1 500. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec. 81. .Maximum temper- ture 88 decrees: minimum. 6 deereea River reading USA. M.. LO foot: chanae In last 24 hours, 0.5 foot fall. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to0 P. M ). trace: total rainfall since, beptemner l, luitt, li b? Inches; nor mal rainfall alnee September 1. 19.84 Inches; deficiency of rainfall since SeDtember 1. vie, e.B incnes. Total sunshine December i, a nouns; possible sunshine, 8 hours, 42 minute. Barometer (reduced to sea-level I at 8 P. M-, 80.1S Inches. Relative humidity at noon, si per cent. THE WEATHER, 2 i STATIONS. Weather. Baker 22;O.0O'.. .ISE 20'0.0o..JNR 24 0.00 . . SW Clsar Boise Clear Boston Clear Calgary ........ ,84 O.OOi. ..VE 84 0.00'16-SW 480.0O). .W 820.1412SW 2SO.00';24;S 4S 0.12, .lW 64'0.00-10jS3 18 0. Oil). . W 60 O.0O-14IN 8rt 0.02,10 SW 6!0.00!. .SV Clear Chicago ........ Denver Snow Des Moines. .... Duluth Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Eureka ........ Galveston ...... Helena Clear Clear Rain Jacksonville .... Kansas city..... Los Angeles .... Pt. cloudy Marshtleld . .... .o o.oj . . t;N 84 0.2-J . AS w 'viear Med ford Cloudy Minneapolis ... Montreal New Orleans.... 80 0.0S 10S 2-1 n.ool . . Uv snow Cloudy '64, 0.00 . ,'SE Cloudy New York....... n fui'.A v-nr,.,.... North Head 40 O.Ort 16 SE Cloudv North Yakima Omaha 44 O.Ot. .JSE .lea 38.0.201. SW (Cloudy Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg ........ Sacramento .... 8") O.OOi. .IN W 18 0.001. .W 8SI0.00 . .fW 42 0.011. .!W iClear Clea Pt- clondv aiear 4 J 0.2L' 12 NB Kaln St. Louis........ Salt Lake 40 O.OOI. Cloudy 24'O.t'O'. . NW (Jloudy Rain San Franclsoo... Seattle 4'J 0. 22-12 NE 44.0.O1112.S K'loudv Spokane ....... 20O.01:. . SW 44 0.02' . .1W 40 0. 10 IS SB 2S'0.0V.. .Is S2 O.OOI. .13 ln.o.oo'. .(a krioudy Tacoma Tatooah Island. . cloudy Kaln Walla Walla Washington . . . . Winnipeg ...... Clear Clear PL cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A storm of decided character la central over Southeastern Alaska. It Is moving rap Idly southeastward and in consequence storm warnings -were oraerea aispiayed at 6 P. M. at tne entrances to the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Oulf of Georgia, A small nign-preseure area ks central over Southern Idaho. Rain ha fallen In Northern Califor nia, Northwestern Washington, the Lower Missouri and Lower Mississippi Valleys, and In New Mexico and Oklahoma. Snow ha occurred in Northeastern Washington . treme Western Montana, Iowa and Soutaern aunnesoia. 11 is stigntly warmer In th4 VUIamette Vallev and Sound ennntr, anrf decidedly warmer In th Upper Mississippi . lie j .iiu ID.r, i lull. Conditions are favorable for rain Mnnriav In Western Washington and for rain or snow in ureion. eastern Washington and North. er loans with moderating temperature. rORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Rain southerly wind. er snow. Orexon Rain or snow, southerly' winds, increasing along the coast. Washington Rain west, rain or snow east portions, increasing southerly winds, reach ing rale fore Monday extreme northwest portion. Idaho Snow - north, fair south portion l no so cold. Ocean North Pacific Coast, ratn, fresh te strong southerly gale north, strong southerly winas soma portion. E. A. BEAL8, District Forecaster. Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, Dec. 81. Condition of th bar at 6 P. M. ttea. moderate; wind, south east, le mue a The Roman catacombs har been re cently determined to be 680 miles in extent and to contain 15,000,000 bodies. STAriWOOD COMING Steamer Built at North Bend Will Load Lumber. , VESSEL LAUNCHED IN JULY! Cargo Capacity 1,250,000 Feet of Iflimber Steamer Is En Route - From San Francisco and Is Due This Week. The steamer Stanwoodv built of Ore gon fir at North" Bend. Orand launched in July of the past year, will make her first appearand, in Portland harbor this week when she arrives here from San Francisco to take on - a load of lumber. The Stanwood got away from the Golden Gate for the trip north late Saturday and should make the Colum bia River during the early part of the present week. She has Just completed a trip between Taiorai and San Fran cisco with lumber, of whloh she is capa ble of handling 1.250.000 feet. The steamer Is one of the products ot the ship-building yards of Kruse A Banks, of 'North Bend, And Is one of five similar vessels started by that plant during the past year. The keel of the Stanwood was laid in January, 1916, and the vessel was launched July 10 of the same year. The Stanwood Is vessel of 627 tons and has a length of 225 feet, beam of 42 feet and a depth of 16 feet. Her engines and cabin are lncntrl am frlnrt Inn The Stanwood was built by BlXby & Clarke, of San Francisco. Several other coasting lumber car riers are due in the river during the next few days. They include the steam er Johan Poulsen, booked by the Ioop Lumber Company, which got away from San Francisco for this Dort Saturday: the steamer Klamath, In the service or the McCormlck Lumber Company, which sailed from San Francisco yesterday; the steamer Tiverton, coming In the service of the Beaver Lumber Company, which left San Francisco Saturday, and the steamer. Necanlcurq, of the Ham mond Lumber Company, whloh got away from San Pedro en route to Port land Thursday. The schooner Carrier Dove, which completed a cargo of lumber for Syd ney at Prescott, will leave down today. She is one of a fleet of vessels oper ating In the lumber trade to Australia from the Columbia River. LUMBER SHIPMEJfTS TOTALED More Than 384,000 Feet Sent From River In. 1916. ASTORIA. Or., Dee. 81 (Special.) Statistics compiled by Deputy Collector of Customs Haddlx show that during the year 1916. including four rafts of logs and piling. 328.405,674 feet of lum- ber were shipped by water by the plants in the Lower Columbia River district. Of this mount 291.154.700 feet went to California points, 84,197, 133 feet to foreign ports. 2,906.302 feet to the Hawaiian Islands and 147.539 feet to Alaska. In addition to the lum ber, 45,686 piling, 6168 bundles of lath, 650 bundles of shingles and 801,475 bundles of box shooks were shipped to California, 163.435 of lath were sent foreign and 600,000 shingles were shipped to Hawaii. In the same 12 months the up-river mills shipped 88.712.000 feet of lumber to California. 11.690.487 feet to foreign ports and 6,779.433 feet to Alaska, mak ing a grand total of 334,687,693 feet of lumber tnat was snippea xrom tne o- lumbla River In cargoes or in rafts in 1916, Pacific Coast Snipping Notes. COOS BAY. Or.. Deo. 81. Special. ) .The steamer Adeline Bmlth arrived today at 2 from San Francisco and Is shipping a lumber cargo at th Smith electric dock. The steamshlD F. A. KllDurn is aue mob day forenoon from the Columbia River, en rout soutnward to xAireaa ana earn f-ri' Cisco. SAW FRANCISCO. Deo. 8L (Special). Two days ahead of schedule and with th record of making ner fastest return to Canal Dorta In 10 years, the Paclflo Mall steamer Saa Juan, In command of Captain J. c. Follett, arrived In port today. The ban Juan made th voyaxe to Cristobal and re turn, stopping at a number of Central Amer ican and Mexican ports, in o aays. The vessel brouxht 27 passengers ana oeo tons of genersl merchandise. Her treasure amounted to 8156.677. Laden with 2100 tons or coal, tne barge William H. Bmlth, which was formerly th w,ll.kntnra, Batllnar shl d of that name, ar rived In port today from Seattle, In tow ot the Red Stack tux HerauiH. The Japanese steamer tokiws stara, wnicn mi, Inl. th, harbor Saturday to reDlenlsn her fuel supply, steamed for Vladivostok to day. The ones eteamer Bant Kit aepartea to. dav for punt Sound to load a cargo of lum ber and ieneral merchandise for th West Coast. - Brlnxlnar BIT taasenger ana 24W tone or general freight, the Paclflo Steamship Com pany's steamer president amvea in port, late today from Pugel Bound. AfTTrmi A. Deo. 81. (Special.) Wltn full cargo of freight and a fair list of pas- aenarers from Portland and Astona. tne steamer Beaver sailed eany tnis morning tor San FTanctso. and San Pedro. With freight ana passenger ror Astona and Portland, the steamer Breakwater ar rived this morning from San Francisco vli Wlnreka and Coos Bay. The steamer F. A. Kllryum sailed today Tor San . Francisco, via Eureka and Coos Bay, with frela-ht end passengers from Astoria and Portland. Bringing a capacity cargo or Trelgnt. ana larare list of passengers, the steamer Northern Paclflo arrived from San Francisco. Movements of Vessels. Trn -n .a rr. Deo. 81. Arrived, steamer Breakwater, from San Francisco, via Eureka and Coo Bay. ASTORIA. Dec 81. Sailed at midnight. steamer Beaver, for San Francisco and San Pedro. Arrived at o and lert up at 1:31) A L. steamer Breakwater, from San Fran via Rureka and Coos Bay. Arrived ai noon, steamer Nortbern pacrrto, xrom San Francisco. Sailed at 4:49 P. M., steamer A. Kllblm, for San Franclsoo, via Coos Bay and Eureka. RAN FRANCISCO. Doc 81 Sailed at mid night, steamer Wapama, from Columbia River, for San Diego via way ports: at noon, stenmer Nortnwestern, iron t'orxiana lor &ai Pedro: at 1 P. M.. steamer tiiamatn. lor to l um rla River. Arrived. at noon, steamer J. A. Chanslor, from Portland; steamer Rose City, from San Pedro for Portland. saw FRANCISCO. Deo. 80. Sailed at Y m.. steamer Stanwood, for Columbia River. Arrived at w:ao tr. at-, steamer wapama. from Columbia River. PORT SAN LTJIS, Dec 80. Arrived, steamer Washtenaw, irom Portland. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec SL Arrived Steamers Curacao, from Tacoma; J. A Chanslor. from Astoria; Admiral Jarrarut, from Seattle;' San Juan, Irom uaiooa; brig .mln, William 11 Hmitn in tow or tu Hercules, from Seattle. Balled Steamers w m n, nn. f. 1 Miunao ana UKmimri. 10 Seattle: Santa Barbara, for Wlllapa; Santa Rita, for Puget Sound; Klamath and Dals for Astoria; Oregon. for Grays Harbor motorshlp Jutlandla. for Antofagasta; To SEATTLE. Wash., Dee. 81. Arrived, stesm era Santa Maria, fort ban iui.-. a acorn Mini (Jaoanewe). Hongkong: Senator. San tr-r.nel.en. lAtouche. Southwestern Alaska Prince George. Anyox. B. C; schooner A F. Coata Kahulul. Sailed, steamers Tensh u,m (lananesel. Yokohama and Kobe: n fl.rt.iri schooner F. 8. Loop. San Fran cl'sco: steamer Prince George (British) Prince Rupert, B. C TJ. 6. Naval Radio Reports. NORTH HEAD. Wash., Dec 81. Steamer Standard Arrow ror ban rrancisco. -oi mile west oc ean rrancisco, tr. ox., us AmVi.e Oil Watson, west do us a. at bo.wu, waiuug Lakx llrLwl This director is for the Information of the public, to 3tve as far as pos elble the different lines of business which the average person may ''n.wJ. slon to use. Any information which cannot be found here will be glaoiy ux tUshed by phoning Main TWO or A 09o. House 40. ACCOUUION fLKAIlNU. K STEPHAX, hemstltchlnB, scalloplns, ao cord, aide p;eat. buttous covered; mal. orders. 228 Pillock block. Broadway ioutf AGATE tlTlEKS. M. 1S74. iltg. Jewelers, expert watchmaker. Miners. aay vvasn.. bet. dwj. ana rsra ASSAVEIts ANI ANALYSTS. MO.VTANA ASSAX OFFICE, 142 2d Gold, silver and platinum bougut. . ATTORNEYS. W. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law ; aoairacta and title, examined ; written opinion tural.ried. 1444 Northwestern bank bids'. Main uia. LAWYEK, tils Putock block. Mo cnax lor preliminary consultation. , L. L. MAiio.SE. lawyer. 402 r Marshall 64;, anama bids. CAN C EH. L. M. Jones. M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer blug., 18th and Alberta. WOln. 410O. CAKFT HEAVEBa. tXUT Blli!) 1'KOM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, rellttiutf. etc Nortb- west Rug Co., 1&8 E. bin au Both phonee. (ttLX01U BtriU.NS, BAUOliei. THE 1RW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 8S7 VyaehiiiKtou su Mam 8la and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William, Estelle and William, Jr.. tieveny, the only scientlfla chiropodist In the city. Parlors SJi Oerlinger blu., southwest cor ner ad and Alder. Phone Main lUL. CHIROPRACTIC PHVSICIANS. LLIM1NAT1NO medicine and operatlona Permanently reatunns health without drugs or scars. Dr. McMalon making gooo. si adjustments 813. Macleay bldg. and . Sanitarium V Patient satisfied. ivnocker boosu Case questions free. ' (1RCILAB LETTEB8. CRA.NE LETTER CO.. 610 N. W. bid. Mar. D!M:2. luu letters multigraphed tor .1. COLLECT1NO AGKNCV. W. W. DAVIES. collections. Uerlinser bid Main bO-tf. Ronded. reasonable charges. NKTU & CO.. Worcester blda Main 179T No collection, no churge; eistablialied 1K00. ' DANCLNG. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 60V, 6th. bet. 6tark and uak: 4 private lessons. U: A. M., P M., eve; latest dances guaranteed; class I nur.. sat. eve., 7-8:0. xtdwy Xloo. HEATH'S SCHOOL Ieesons dally; class Tum.. Frl. eve., 8 t 40 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 820v Lessons age. KLKC1IU) T1IERAPEITIC9. ELECTRICAL. TREATMENTS give best re- auit in goitre, tumoago, constipation, plies, neurasthenia, varicose veins and facial blemishes; licensed physician. P. O. Box 1007. KIK, EAR. NOSE, THROAT, LCNGS. reatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. r . y. (.asseoay. oil DeKura oiug.. & w n. IT HE INSURANCE. AC1FIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. MESSENGER SERVICK. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles snd bicycles Phone Main 03, A Z1S3. WHOLESALERS AND ACTO AND orGOI TOPS. DT-BRtlLLE BLGGY UOV CO.. liutt 2d St. ALTO bl'ltlNCi MAMFACTlKWiO. utg. ana repair-J-AnEft SPRING CO Ing; 4U0O aprings lath & Couch ta HtMlAliK I'HKI KEU AT HOME. acrsge & Omnibus Iransler, Park st Davla intv i:iiiiis u IIOLKSALE. L. Dinkelspiel Co. TfcS..,BaS: GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOI SEH, Board of Trade BldgT M. If-. GROCERS. CO., bi-75. Fourth street. WADHAMS A HATS AND CAPS. THANHATSEK HAT CO.. 5a-5S Front St. HIUKS. WOOL. CASCARA UABK. KAHN 15RO.S. lul Front street. MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWKAR. EASTERN .OVKLTl MFU. CO., BiVs Oth St. iaiv."r-t! ft x: i , i rnnirinvn mia 'vl't P. FULLER A CO.J2lh and Davla sta weather to moderate. 8 P. M.. December 80. ElUEKA Cal.. Dec 31. Beaver. Portland I for San Francisco, 82 miles south of North west Seat Rock, SAN F-RANCI8CO. CaL. Dec 81. (Spe cial.) Arrived, Truxtum. from San Fran cisco. Departed, Tillamook, for San Diego. Marconi Wireless Reports. (All Ions reoorted at 8 P. M.. Decem ber si, unlet otherwise designated.) Venesuela, Orient for San Francisco, z-s-u miles from San Francisco, December o0. Hllonlan, Honolulu, fur San Francisco. loos miles from Snn Francisco, December SO. Matsonla, San Francisco, for Honolulu. 120s miles from San Francisco, December 80. wllhelmlna. Honolulu, for San Francisco. 872 miles from San Francisco, December 80. Klamath, San Francisco, for St- Helens, 40 miles north of Point Reyes. Oregon. San Francisco, (or Aoerdeen, oo miles north of San Francisco. El Segundo. towing barge 91. Richmond, for Seattle, HO miles north of Richmond. Lucas, towing barge 99. Port Angeles, for Richmond. 82 miles north of Richmond. Multnomah. San Francisco for Grays Har bor, lO miles north of th Columbia Hlver. Yosemlte San Francisco ror Fort uamois, 20 miles south of Columbia River. Kllburn. Portland for Coos Bay, 80 miles south of the Columbia River. Richmond, San Pedro for Prince Report, 148 mllea north of San Francisco. Celtic -Everett, for Ban Franclsoo, zo mile north of th Columbia Rllver. Drake, Richmond tor Cordova, ae mile north of Richmond. Governor. San Francisco for Seattle, ie miles north of Cap Blanco. Grace Dollar. Tacoma for San Francisco, 699 miles north of Baa Francisco. ' Alliance. Saline Crux for San Francisco, 180 miles south of San Francisco. Coronado. San Pedro for Grays Kavroor. 163 miles south of San Francisco. Wauama San Francisco for San Pedro, 23 mile north of Point Arguello. Asuncion, Port Angelee for San Pedro, las miles north of San Pedro. Newport. San Francisco for Barbla, zzo miles soutn Marstlan, December 80. TOO LATI. TO CLASSIFY. STENOGRAPHER wanted by lawyer at once: must oe unmarried, possess gooo education and have had experience; wora not grinding; hours 9 to 12. 1 to 6:80; state age, phone number and salary ex pected to start, o o, oregonian. GEORGE WALSH IN . THE ISLAND OF DESIRE." TODAY MAJESTIC THEATER, WASH. AT PaTIK. MAT.. 10c; EVE., ISc IF YOU er looking for a snap In Income firoperty, Investigate tnla; A 2-riat eulld ng on the West Side; must be sold; no reasonable offer refused, fc.. njl. WANT any kind ot work; prefer elevator. Drake artificial leg). Main 171-3. 614 Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, family of three, wages -o; reference, main 535 College. ' WANTED Snap, small grocery, near Post' office, owners or.iy. n b. t'reronmn. AMTJSE3TENT8. WtlW;! &'V?iVC M'luu. .iWkJarr : r I X" AS. . TODAY Hinrn, WORTH (T.ATTOV 11ITE ris a ("-am libel! 1 Kmle Pods A Co. : Murlo i Duffy t Travel weekly i concert urcneetra PANTAGES vv MATINEE DAILY. 2:30 The Raxxllng. Daxxllng Musical Comedy lilt ALL A tM V IfclJ With Bob Harmon. Ardelle Cl saves and Big Cast, Including the Prettiest of Girls. S OTHER BIU At 1 6 Boxes and loges reaerved by phoae. Curtain 2,30. 7 and 9. , AL PHAYNE 1 K i ll L I UCiilCAL. EM1L THIELHORN. Violin Teacher, punpu bevcik. 207 Flieuuer bids. Marshall PIANO a-nd ocal lessons, with use ot piano 1 hr. per day. S mo. Main 510. . PIANO STUDIO 20j 14lh. Main 3S93. Ar- i an r. infill, indue i y -.. ... o. Oi'l'O fcCHNALFFER. teacher ot is- sons at home. fctuuio tasi .' OlIOAlKrKlSTS AD onltaANS. n.- v PAY MOEI A fSAVLSQ Ok' 2 !- 60. fiii,. a,a.aea low yv... " T.j. . ...,iumera: as Xl.oU satisfaction u.i. jiai man. ootouioinat, U, jm. . . PAAKNT ATTORNEYS. iPOHTyr.' .rlennc.)C: ".r-. ;:",J uol teaum blag. I'll 1S1C1ANS. DR. R. A PHILLIPS. Allsky bld. Get my new booklet. cnronlo Disease If t"C I'AANOS. I UKJiD-l; Ht:rsCii aVlANO CO. I I.IU ANU blAa. OAS. I MAK.-H.iLL ii. A 1M' l'U'E. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. factory ami office near 14in and iotH " Main 84a. rttlNTIN U. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. tout au. corner stark. Main or A 1418. RAO BIOS AMI mrr rcos II Fluff Ilugs From Old Carpets ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna, A"""1?'' J, ruis, aUl .tae.; mall orders P""?l"0 bookl.u WESTERN FUfk 1475 64-68 Union ave. -N. BillL REAL KSXATK All, PALMERrjONSs'cO.. H. P.. 404 WllCOX bid. "feTOKAGE AX1) TEANbFKB. FREE STORAGE: rRX0icn Telephone tor our proposition. w can save you money; torage. packingv mov llig s'lippi.s. c, Warehouse. Modern Brick Storage v,i SECURITY STORAGE ".'."S Office lUi Park at Main A 101. Warehouse 4-4tL. 6th bt, THE BEST liouseno"! storage. pate. tr x SFER CO 474 Qlisan at.. M corner" Islh-T.lephon. J Main 9 or We own and operate two large ci on terminal tracks; lo B9 or A lio.i. ass A west ln- surance rales in mow, . . . ... . . . 1 . . 1 V 1 V JK IT.. 11 V L 180 MadUonT oVneral merchandise and forwarding agenta l'honxiim. WOOD. GREEN AND DR. fcL.A B WO O D block 1 i..w, Fuel Co. Main 6. JO. A 5. blockwood. r.IMi'ff delivery. dry fir wood, any city. Tabor 7603. IN1ANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WEI " HARD'S GOLDEN AM BER N EC TAR. llenry Weinhard plant. 13t.hand Burn.lde Phone Main 7-i.AJll72. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. BMVSfK.N A CO.. 2d and T aylor ts RAS1 ' l'll'E. PIPE ITTTING AND VALVES. M L KLINE. 84-ell Front at , PLLMBING AND STEAM 8 C r PLIES. M. L, KLINE. 84-bd Front at- i.i-ivtivi; ... i u.T'r a. COMPANY. HK Nl .Nil Fie.; fTak sta Malnl&. A 1165 I'ROIMJCE. v,r,rrtTt--E. dried fruit. coi-re-rpontJonee - Produc Co.. I2i Union are. Uclted. Lnioi PKODICK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. lHllSO FARRELL. 140 Front st; EV K .x:i mvlllMl TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.', 14th and Northru .. n ., onaa vik r.l.ASS. W P. FULLER & CO., lth and Dvt ate WALL PAPER, MOTtOAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d art. AMUSEMENTS. 5 SALE V ODAV 1" TirKET OPENS S TO TT TT T I T f Hroadvray mt Taylor taalJLslVJt Mala 1 and A 1122 o nights NEXT THiJR. J U KG INNING (?) riXIAIi PTtlCB (S) TMATINPR tiAT'T I A.V -M.J. JL. X JL atw-f IkX -xe. By Oeo. V. Hobart. - EXCELLENT CAST. STCPENDOCS PRODLCTION. PR ICES I Evenings Floor 2; Balcony, five rows $1.50, four rows (1, five rows 75o. eight rows 60c; Uallery. re served 75c; admission 60c Bat. Mat. Floor 61.60: balcony, flv rows 61, four row 7oo, In rear 60c; Gallery, reserved, 60c BAKER THEATER limailway and Morrleon ALWAYS A SlfbW OF QCALTTT New Years Mt. S :S TODAYioe. 60e. Tonight - All Week - M4. Wed. Sot. The Magnificent Western Drama THE GREAT DIVIDE Aa played by Henry Miller. A, wonderful American play of tn Arizona Denert. Errnlnr t$. SO-. 7&c f Sat. Mat, f V 64. TueMlay Nltrht and iVetne4Mlay MjktLne ItHrgaln, t5r Only. .dtkd; KjrT7TSrV In city. Deo. 81. Kther1n JvnutBon. teed o years, daughter of Mr. and Uri! A. . Knution, late of 0818 8.'th U fi. E. Funeral notice later. Kemalns are at the- funeral parlor of A. D. Kenworthy 4t to., osu-Jss i-a bi. t. s&... in uenii. rCNKWAf. NOTICES, HEIGHT Tha funeral aerrlcea of tha lata Mary Ethel Helffht. aed ST year, will be conducted Tuesday, January 2. at 11 o'clock A. M. In the mortuary chapel of A. I. Kenworthy. Co., 5bOJ-4 Ninety second street southeast. In Lents Friends Invited to attend. Interment Mi. IScott Park Cemetery. DEHAAN Died at "Whltford, Dec. 20."J916. truest Dehaan. aved 12 years T months and 8 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dehaan. Funeral from residence, near "VVhttford fetation, on Oregon tilectr1c. to morrow (Monday). January 1 at 2 P. al. Friends Invited. HAACK At Lalvinirston. Montana. December 2t, Arthur F. llaaclt, ased S2 years. The funeral services will be held today (Mon day), at 2 P. M-, at the residence estab lishment of X P. Flnley A Son. Mont gomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Inter ment. Mount Scott Park Cemetery. BARBER The funeral nervices of tho late Emmons 1. Barber will oe held tomorrow (Tuesday), January 2, at 2 :30 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley tt. Son, Montcomery at 0th. Friends Invited. Incineration at Portland Crematorium. eVrGIXTj-rTn this city, December 80. Julia V. Mr At 11, age 70 years; beloved mother of Harry B. Mcnefee. of Portland, Or; Albert L. McGUl of Omaha. Neb., and Shirley McOill. of Fresno. Cal. Remains will be forwarded to Omaha, Neb., 10 A. M.. Monday, by Miller Tracey. FRAZIER Tho funeral services of the late Ada K, Krasler will be held at P. L. T rrt'aa 1Tiinarl Parlnr& P. a mt riAvan t H and Clay streets, (today) January 1, at i:av tr, ava jfrienus lavti.ti. ALWAYS PICK prnTand .moving, horse or auto van. spe'al freight riates to all polntc C O. PICK TRANbrER STU.K,All ibs 2d and Pine sta Broadway ,5U. A1J6 rt'XER.4.1. NOTICES. KERBY December Si. at St. Vincent's Hospital. Catherine Kerby. aged 22 years, beloved daughter ef Mr. and Mrs Jamea Kerby and sister of James J., Mary anx Anna Kerby. Mra S. J. Meaney. Mrs. J. D. Meaney and Mrs. C. L. Dane. Funeral will take place from the re-'tlence. Katt Davis street. Tuesday January 3. at 8:45 A M. : thence to St Francis Church, where mass will be offered at 9 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment Su. Marys Cemetery. San Francisco. Papers pleas copy. BARBARE December 80. at th realdenoe. "S Thirteenth street. Angola Barbara, aged 63 years, widow of the late Vincent Barbara and mother of Mra M. N. Mayo. Mrs. T E. Dooley. Anthony C. Margaret. Ntcrolaa J. nnd ivt-r J. Barbara. Funeral will take place from the aoove residence Tuesday. January 2, at S:30 A M.. thence to St, Lawr,nc's Church. where mass will be offered at 9 o'c.uck. KTlende In vited. Interment private, at alt. Calvary Cemetery. O'NEIIA, At Pan Francisco. Cnt. Decem ber 2(t. Daniel J. O'Neill, aged 28 years, son ot Mr. and Mr. J. J O'Neill and brother of Grace A. O'Neill. " Funeral from the family residence. 4il East Fifteenth street north, at 8:i0 A, M. tomorrow tiuesaayi. January 2, theno to the Church of the Madeleine. Twentv-thlrd and Siskiyou streets, where s-rvlces will be held at 9 A. M. Friends luvlted. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. VOHS In this city. December 80. Martha A. Vohs, age 21 yesri; beloved daughter cr Mr. and Mr. Joseph Fellows; wife of Faward A. Vohs; mother of Charles Ed. ward Vohs. sister of Hiram and Stephen Ire. lows. of Highland. or.. and Mra Amanda Crea"in, of Portland. Or. Re mains will be forwarded to Bearer Creek. Or., January 1. at 9.16 A M, by Miller a Tracey. The funeral servlc ot th lata Mary Meyer, aged 64 years, of Lents Junction, will be conducted today (Mon day at 2 P. M-. In the Lent Evangelical Church. Friends invited to attend. In terment Mt- Scott Park Cemetery. Re mains art at the funeral parlors of A D Kenworthy & Co.. 8802-4 Ninety-second street southeast. In Lenta ALLEN At her realdence. 641 S9th ave. S. a.-. December 80, beloved wtfe of 8. TE. Alien, mother of Mr Fern A. King Lora C. Allen and sister of Mrs. J. E Sc'hesrs. all of this city. The funeral will be held at the residence at 11 A. M. today (Mon day). January 1. Friends Invited. In terment In Mt- Scott Cemetery. Conde. S. D. paper please copy. DB LONO At Salem. Or. Kva De Long. aged f.0 years. Sister of Mrs. A. B. Gates and Mrs. E. R. l.ynn. of this city. Tho funeral services will be conducted Mon day. Jan. 1, at 12 o'clock M . In the mor tuary chspeJ of A. D. Kenworthy Co.. Cso::-04 2d at. 6. In Lents. Friends In vited to attend. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. GETL At hv late residence. 6110 63d ave. southeast, Deo. P, Simeon Oeii aged 87 years. Funeral service will be conducted today (Mondavi January 1. at 10.30 A M.. in mort-iary chapel of A. D. K sn ort hy Co., r.-"i2-n4 V2il St. Southeast, In I.enta. Kiienrla Invited. Interment Mount Scou Park Cemetery. GEIL At hi late residence. 6110 684 ave. tout heaat, Deo. 29. Simeon Geil. ace e7 years. Funeral service w ill be conducted Monday, January 1, at 10:80 A. M . In mor tuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 8S02-04 DIM St. Southeast. In Lenta Friends Invited. Inlernient- Mount Scott Park Cemetery. RICHARDS In this city. December 80. Ebe- nezer j. itionarua. aged OB years; late ot 5W1 Marshall street. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesdav), January 2, at 1 P. M., at the residence establish ment of J P. Flnley ft Son. Montijomery at 5th Frlemls Invited. Interment, River View Cemetery. ABERNFTHY Died, at Forest Oror. Or.. Dec. SO. I'llrt, William Ahernethv. a Pio neer of 1840. Interment at Rlverview Cem etery, Portland. Tuesday, at 2:45 P. M. MEETING NOTICES. A. AND A. annual New at Scottish S. RITE Third Year' reception falls Cathedral. Morrison nd Lownsdale streets, this afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock. All Masona la good etsndlng are tend. and eordtaUy lnvlt-4 to at ref reshments. By order. THE TRUSTEES. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27. O. E. S. No meeting tonight; holiday. Special meeting Tues day, January 2. By order of W. Matron. MAKRIETTE ROBINSON, Sec CAMELIA CHAPTETR. NO. 27. O E. S. stated communication this (Monday) evening. By order of W. M. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. AL F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Busi ness meeting. lsitors wel come. W. 8. WEEKS, 9ec EMBLEM Jewelry, buttona charms, pins. New declgna Jaeger Brie, 131-3 Sixth st- FRIEDl-ANDF.R'S. Jeweler, for Emblems. Class Plna and Presentation Medals. Designs and estimates furnished free. 81Q Wash. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Ford Auction House. 1B1 2 at. Furniture carpets, etc Bale si P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-1T1 Second mt. FCNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD H0LMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1S77 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A 1511 PERFECT Fl'XERAL 6UtVltbs FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors, Lady Asalstaat. iVah. at Ella St, Bet, tOth sand 21st. Main 2881. A 768. Wee Side. Day end night service. J. P. FIN LEY A SON. progressive Funeral Director MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. ' DUNNING M ENTEE, funeral directors. Broadway and Pin street. Phone Broad- way 4SU. A 4.i58. Lady attendant. p. S. DL" N N ING, INC.. East Side Funeral Director. XIX rt.t Aldet stre. t- Essl P2. B R. ZELLER CO.. East lubS. C 108 51)2 W1U.1AM3 AV. Lady attenoanu " SKEW Ed UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. M nllli. A 221. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS W. H. HAMILTON Fu- nersl eervice. t:. n ana v.-iwu. j j. -h- EKICSON Residence unamsii ji rr.u... 15th and Morrison sis. Main BI33. A P. L LERCH. East lltrt ana tiJ sueew-. Lady attendant. East 7sl. B lgS. BHE-EZE & SNOOK 1024 Belmont at 8tn. i CBKMATORirM9. MOUNT SCOTT PARK . Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1408 D 1 . MOXOTEXT. PORTLAND MAraBLE WORKS. 24.2 4th St.. oppnatte City Hall. Main 8J84. PMU Neil A Pons for memorials. ft BLAE5ING GRANITE! CO. THIRD sCT MADISON STREET. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists. 8H4 Waslilnrton. Main V0!, A 1269. F lowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROri. Florists. ?k7 Morrison St. Main or A 1-05. Fine flowers and tlaral designs. No brsnch storea MAX M. SMITH, Main 7213. A 212L Eell Ing blar.. tlth and Alder Sta. ToNsKTH FLORAL CO., St.. between 4thandfth. 25 Washington Main M02. A 1101 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of flea Room 133 Courthouses Sth-stroet Knininrf. Phone from It to 5 Main ?8. Home phone A 2t-r-'.". NtRlU rail after offiro houn. Main 2706. Report all cases of cru-'lt y to the abova adrwa. Kle trie lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance (or pick and dis abled initial! at a moment's notice. Any one dextrin r a do or other pets, communi cate with ua Call for all lost or strayed Mock, as we look after all Impounding. There is no mora city pound. Just Otoa Humane Society. 4