THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1917. CALLAHAN FAMILY 15 HOT RECONCILED To et most heat from least coal .Wife of Millionaire Mining Man I Says Husband Connived to Injure Her. CHAUFFEUR IS HELD TOOL Amended Answer Filed, Declaring Servant Undressed In Her Room After Bringing Medicine Give Appearance ol Guilt. to WALLACE, Idaho. Dec. 31. (Spe cial.) Negotiations between James F. Callahan, millionaire stockholder of the Consolidated Interstate-Callahan Mining Company, and pioneer mining man of the Coeur d'Alenes, ' and his wife. Helen Elizabeth Callahan, which reached the point a week ago, where it waa announced that a complete recon ciliation had been effected, were shat tered yesterday, when Mrs. Callahan filed an amended answer and cross complaint to her husband's divorce suit, declaring- that she is wholly in nocent of the charge of any wrong doing preferred against her and charg ing that she is the victim of a con spiracy hatched up and attempted to be consummated by her husband and his. agents and employes. In her cross-complaint Mrs. Calla han charges that her husband and others entered into a conspiracy for the purpose of trapping her in ap parent commission of indiscretions in order that her husband might be pro vided with reasonable or apparent sus picious grounds upon which to insti tute divorce proceedings. She charges that following out this conspiracy one Martin was hired as chauffeur to accompany her wherever ehe went for the purpose of spying on Tier movements and conduct and to get her into a compromising position by fair means or foul. She was persuaded to engage a room at a Spokane hotel when she charges that Callahan falsely Informed her he was going on a busi ness trip to Canada. Martin, she alleges, occupied a room on the' same floor and during the night she became ill and sentMartin to get medicine which he brought to her room. While Martin was in her room, she alleges. Callahan knocked on her door and while she responded to his knock, Martin, she charges, turned out the lights and removed practically all of his clothing and secreted himself in a closet. She charges that Callahan then charged her with misconduct and tore her clothes and called other patrons of the hotel to come and see her. but that he made no attempt to harm Martin. Mrs. Callahan asks for temporary alimony, which she alleges for a person In her station of life and financial standing as wife of plaintiff should be $5000 a month and temporary suit money of $25,000, temporary attorney's fees of $50,000 and at the termination of the suit she asks for a divorce, costs of suit, attorney's fees and a division of the property worth more than $1,000,000. 9 O'Merduiat&ao of cJ Merit Only" Wish you a Happy & Prosperous, New Year COAL PROFITS MOUNTING PROFITS ON NEW CONTRACTS IN. CREASE HUNDREDS PER CENT. Consumers Who Closed Deals at I .ant Spring's Prices, However, Are 80 ; Per Cent of Whole Number. CHICAGO, Dec. 31. (Special.) Prof- Its from 1000 to 2000 per cent greater than in former years are now being reaped by coal operators with uncon tracted for reserves on hand, accord ing to figures being compiled by Fed al agents here investigating the coal ..nuation in the Middle West. Against former profits of from $5 to $10 a car load, operators are now making $100 to $150 a car on screenings, the cheap est grade of coal, and profits of $225 a car and more on coal of only slightly better grade. Statistics in the possession of the Investigators show that coal which in April, .1916, was sold at Illinois and Indiana mines for 90 cents a ton, and on which a profit of 10 cents a ton was being made, is now being sold at a profit of $2.20 a ton. or $110 per CO-ton car. Thi3 means an 1100 per cent increase. Better grades of Illinois, Indiana and West Virginia coals, which in past years have sold for $1.35 to $1.50 a ton at the mines, are now bringing be tween $5 and $6, with corresponding profits. , "The difficulty from the point of view of the coal operator and the wholesale and retail dealer is that at least 90 per cent of the output has been contracted for in advance at prices obtainable last Spring," said i Government official. "The dealers con tracted with the miners at prices then prevailing and the consumer contract ed with the dealer. The winner in these cases has been the consumer." For Double Economy January Sales See Announcements in Evening Papers . c t AKED TO CONSIDER Pastor Will Investigate San Francisco Offer in Person. LIVERPOOL HOLDS ALOOF Former Congregation In England Adopts Vote of Confidence in Present Minister, Action Being Unanimous. CHICAGO, Dec 31. (Special.) Dr. Charles F. Aked, former pastor of the "Rockefeller Church," of New York, later pastor of the First Congrega tional Church of San Francisco and dropped by that organization when he joined the Ford peace junket, prob ably will return to San Francisco. He promised today to go to San Francisco to Investigate in person the offer made him by the members of the new First Interdenominational Church, composed of members of his former congregation, who still want him for their pastor, and others who have joined the movement. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 31. Dr. Charles F. Aked has come into prominence here again through the refusal of, his former congregation, that of Pembroke Chapel, to recall him. The suggestion that the peace advocate be asked to come back to his old pulpit was contained in a letter from J. H. Morse, senior deacon of the First Congregational Church of San Francisco, and was read to the congregation by the present pastor. Rev. Donald B. Fraser. Mr. Morse Inquired if the pastor, Mr. Fraser, Is prepared to vacate the pas torate in favor of Dr. Aked, and if Pembroke Chapel will recall the peace emissary, adding: "I think, upon the whole, that would be the most complete vindication of Dr. Aked possible, and settle for all time Dr. Aked's status in the Christian ministry." As soon as Mr. Fraser had finished reading the letter, a member of the congregation proposed a vote of con fidence in the present pastor, which was Immediately seconded and carried unanimously. hind each report is Included In the cor respondence cent to Congress. In every respect noted except in generation of chlorine gas. the majority report finds the advantage to be with lead-type cells as opposed to the Edison type. Both produce hydrogen eas. but while the majority of the board found that the Edison battery produced hydrogen In "excessive" quantities. Captain Burd believes this difficulty can be met by intelligent handling and that the dan ger of chlorine gas from the other bat tery is more to be feared. The Navy Department has not acted on the reports. HAWAII WANTS CHINESE INFLUENCE NEEDED TO COUSTEB. ACT1 THAT OK JAPANESE. NAVAL BOARD DISAGREES OPINION REGARDING SUBMARINE BATTERY DIFFERS. CLEAN CARS DEMANDED civic Club committee of ta- COMA TAKES ACTION. Discovery Made That Straps Have Not Been Dusted Since They t Were Installed, Years Ago. TACOMA. "Wash., Dec. 31. (Special.) Mrs. A. Frazier and Mrs. W. S. Ken nedy, of the Monday Civic Club, have formed themselves into a committee to see that Tacoma streetcars are kept clean. It all came about when the club agitated for heat in the cars, and the women took their complaint to Dr. JJ. A. Rich, city health officer. They threatened to take action themselves if he did not bestir himself. "You have my permission, ladles," he beamed. "Go right ahead." Mrs. Frazier and Mrs. Kennedy ac cepted the challenge and began their investigation. They went to the car barns and learned that stubs of brooms and buckets of water were used to clean out the cars, and that the straps had never been dusted since ilrst put into use years ago. The women have eent a complaint to the Public Service . Commission, and declare they will force a change in the care of cars. Majority Report on E-2 Disaster, For warded to Congress, Unfavor able to Edison Type. WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. The major ity and minority reports of the Naval Board appointed to investigate the question of storage batteries for sub marine boats after the disaster to the E-2 at New York, forwarded to Con Kress by Secretary Daniels, shows wide divergence of opinion regarding the efficiency of the Edison battery with which the E-2 was equipped. Lieutenants C. M. Nimitz, E. D. Mc Whorter and Cecil Y. Johnson joined in a majority recommendation that no Edison battery be installed in any of our submarines until further tests have shown that their disadvantages have been overcome." Captain George E. Burd, senior member of the board and Industrial manager of the New York yard, filed a dissenting report saying: "I believe that of the three types of battery tested by the board, the Edison battery Is the best adapted lor use in submarines." A full explanation of the reasons be- The interest of the boys at Phillips Exeter Academy is divided among the sports as follows: 182 prefer tennis, 139 football, 121 track, 73 golf, 13 row ing and 33 baseball. Edlefsen Adv. wishes happy New Year. Plantations Also Require Real Labor and Supply Once Drawn From Europe la Cat Off. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 31. (Special.) "We need more Chinese in Hawaii," sale? Farm Cornn on the deck of the Great Northern late yesterday, "and am going to Washington to see if it is possible to lift the bars so that 25,000 Chinese may be admitted to Hawaii.' Further, Farm Cornn said that the Japanese were so much in the ascend ency in Hawaii that something must be done to counteract their Influence. The plantations, he said, were in need of real labor, and as the European supply has become a minus quantity it was up to tne orient to supply the need. He hoped, he said, that Congress would look favorably on the admission of more Chinese to Hawaii, and he in tended to work to his utmost to secure this result. POLICE ARE ATTACKED Arrest In Dancehall Arouses Ire of Merrymakers. LA GRANDE, Or., De'c 31. (Special.) A riot call following an arrest of two fighting men at a local dance hall late last night precipitated scenes that for a time threatened bloodshed. C. Depew. of Portland, is in Jail suffering from a club wound inflicted by the police.' Depew Is said to have been fighting and resisted arrest. The dancers sided with Depew and made a rush for the police. One policeman jumped the full length of the stairs to the ground floor, dragging Depew with him, while other policemen held the crowd back. The riot will probably bring about a thor ough shakeup In dance hall regulation. WARNING 0FRAIDER GIVEN Allied Warships Tell of German Ves sel in Atlantic Waters. BOSTON. Dec 311 Radio messages warning entente allied shipping to be on the lookout for a disguised German raider, whose presence In the Atlantic was reported by British authorities some time ago, were renewed last night at frequent intervals. The messages, which are supposed to come from Brit ish or French cruisers off the coast, were 'sent out alternately in English and French. The description of the raider as pre viously 'given was repeated in each message. Portland Girl Librarian. HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 31. (Spe clal.) The Hood River County Library Board has appointed Miss Ethel Goudy as librarian of the county institution to succeed Miss Alice See, who ten dered her resignation to accept the llbrarianship of Phillips College at Enid, Okla. Miss Goudy, who has been assistant librarian here for the past year, is a Portland girl, a graduate of Washington High School CAUTION Wrappers of the New Year's Edition of The Morn ing Oregonian for sale on the streets and news stands will bear this label : NEW YEAR'S EDITION jlUrmiwr lll ririmt Jlflrtlanli, regnn WATCH FOR THE LABEL - v It is not the amount of coal you burn it is the volume of heat you get out of each pound. Our IDEAL Radiator heating en ables you to get not only the greatest possible volume of heat and therefore the utmost value from your coal, but our outfit guarantees perfect distribution and' control of that heat! Ample, cleanly, healthful heat without waste is secured solely by use of TYFIT These outfits guarantee you sJjl, a lifetime of lowest heating BOILERS cost. Ask your dealer today! Due to the scientific design and construction of IDEAL, Boilers, the amount of air mixing to give complete combustion, the liberal fire-pot to consume completely the rich fuel-gases, the self-cleaning fire surfaces which prevent heat-wasting soot formations, the automatic regula tion of draft and check dampers giving perfect control of heat, they are endorsed by all architects and engineers and used in over a million buildings at home and abroad. No need to burn high-priced coals IDEAL Boilers are made in various types to get maximum, smokeless results from burning cheapest screenings, slack, pea-coal, run-of-mine, low grade soft coals, lignites, slabs, culls, natural gas, coke, oil, etc MERICAN I Radiators A No. 5-J5-W 1DBAL Boiler and 485 ft. of SS-tn. AMERICAN Radiators, costinc the owner $335 were used to beat this cottage. At this price the goods can be bought of tor reputable, competent Fitter. This did not include cost of labor, pipe, valves, freight, etc., which vary according to climatic and other conditions. We publish free books on best rules for running heating boilers, on heat regulation, on correction of chimney faults, and upon heating and venti lation data. Our publications are used as text books in many Engineer ing Universities. You may be absolutely sure, therefore, that in IDEAL, Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators we offer ideal heating comfort and greatest heat-making value. Let us serve you now ! Phone or write today for free book " Ideal Heating" full of dollar-saving heating facts you ought to know! Five cold months still ahead act now! A genuine, practical, built-in Vacuum Cleaner We also make the ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner, connected by an iron suction pipe to various floors of the house, flat, school, church, hotel, etc No dragging around a clumsy, inefficient portable cleaner instead you have a practical outfit that is a part of the building like radiator heating. In sizes at $175 up. Ask for catalog (free). Sold by all deal erg. No exclusive agents. Public shi AMERICAN RADIATO COMPANY IDE At. Boiler and AMERICAN Radiators change any house into a Write Department P-13 Yeon Building Portland at Chicago. New Vrrlc. Boston. Providence. Worcester. Philadelphia, Wilkesbarre. Baltimore. Washington, Buffalo, Syracuse. Rochester, Pittsburgh. Cleveland. Detroit. Omaha. Denver. San Francisco. Loa Angeles. Seattle, Spokane, Portland. Toronto, Brantford (Ont) LUMBER IS NEEDED Car Orders Make Market for Millions of Feet. UNION PACIFIC BUILDING From 700 to 0 00 More Refrigerator Cars to Be Constructed In Own ' Shops, Requiring a Large Quantity of Douglas Fir. CHICAGO. Dec 31. (Special.) Many millions of feet of lumber waa required In the construction of freight cars re cently ordered by railroads In all' sec tions of the country. Among the most active of the roads is the Union Pacific, which. In addition to placing an order for 1800 refriger ator cars with the American Car & Foundry Company, as reported last week, has announced that it will build from 700 to 900 more refrigerator cars in its own shops. These cars will necessitate the use of from 7,000,000 to 9,000.000 feet of Douglas fir The same road also has ordered 200 boxcars from the Seattle Car & Foundry Company, for which about 1,000,000 feet of lum ber will be necessary, and 200 boxcars from the wohy Brothers Company, of Portland, Or., also requiring about 1, 000,000 feet of lumber in their con struction. The Mount Vernon Car Manufactur ing Company is in the market for ap proximately 6.000.000 feet of yellow pine lumber as the result of an order received by it recently from the Nor folk & Western Railway for 1000 box cars. The same road also Is reported to be in the market for the material for 1000 70-ton hopper cars, which it con templates constructing In its own shops. Approximately SOO.000 feet of lumber will be required by the Amen can Car & Foundry Company for the construction of 50 refrigerator cars or dered by the Jacob Dold Packing Com pany, of Buffalo. N. Y. POSTAGE CHANGE OPPOSED Chairman Henry Takes Stand for Keeping Second-Class Rates. WASHINGTON, Dec 31. To defeat Increased rates on second-class mall matter, tentatively provided for in the postoffice appropriation bill. Chairman Henry, of the rules committee, will op pose any suggestions for a special rule to expedite the proposal. "Speaking only for myself as a Rep resentative," said Representative Henry, in a statement tonight. "1 will say that information has come to me of a con vincing nature that many newspapers. magazines and publications entered as second-class matter would be unjustly hurt at this time by the passage of the Kandall rider to the postoffice appropri ation bill. It cannot be defended and we should not thus hamper the freedom of the press and inconvenience the people." IRISH UPRISING FORECAST Nationalists Oppose League- to En force Peace. NEW YORK, Dec 31. The state ment that another revolution in Ireland is certain unless peace is restored "very soon" was made by John D. Moore, secretary of the Friends of Irish Freedom, in a statement Issued tonight as a protest in behalf of Irish Na tionalists against an international alli ance such as is proposed by the League to Enforce Peace. Mr. Moore declared no small nation ever had achieved its freedom "except by participating In a genera war and making an alliance with Its oppressors enemies." He asserted any attempt to force Irishmen into the British army "will be resisted to the death. it is expeected, he said, the Irish will receive assist ance from "their great allly. Germany." WOMEN TO TAKE OFFICE Two Elected at Baker Will Be Sworn in Tomorrow. ' BAKER, Or.. Dec 81. (Special.) Baker County's first woman officials will take office tomorrow, when Miss Elmetta Bailey will become County School Superintendent, succeeding J. F. Smith, and Miss Eliza M. Pearson will become County Treasurer, taking the office filled by John Allen. Beyond the simple service of being sworn In. the women do not expect any ceremony. W. C Levena will succeed C. T. God win as District Attorney and J. L. Dod son will become County Commissioner in place of William Welch. Other of fleers were re-elected or are hold overs. KATHERINE KIRBY, 22, DIES Employe of Meier & Frank Store Succumbs After Operation. Miss .Katherine Kirby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Klrby, 480 East Davis street, died yesterday morning at St. Vincent's Hospital from the ef fects of an operation for appendicitis performed several days ago. She was 22 years of age. Miss Klrby was born in Portland, and attended the Buckman school. She was an employe of the Meier & Frank Company. The funeral will be held from St. Francis Church tomorrow at 9 o'clock. Interment will be in St. Mary's Ceme tery. ' Besides her parents. Miss Klrby Is survived by one brother and five sis ters: J. J. Klrby, Mrs. F. J. Meaney, Mrs. C. L. Daue, Mrs. J.' D. Meaney and the Misses Anna and Mary Klrby. Red Fire Is Not Sighted. Phone communication with Govern ment Camp waa cut off last night and it was Impossible to learn in Portland whether the Macamas had made the ascent of Mount Hood, as previously planned. Members of the party participating In the annual skiing outing at Govern ment Camp had planned to 'make the ascent. In case weather conditions were favorable, and set off several hundred pounds of red fire on the summit. Owlne to the haze In the atmosphere, it was unable to deter mine last night from oPrtland if the red fire had been Ignited. The Mazama party is under the lead ership of K. V. ePterson. of Portland. ELL-ASMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package! proves it 25c at all druggists. ! '-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu PflCFC RTTT Tt3 Perennial SHRUBS, TREES namental Vines Should Be Planted Now Onr Nursery QDrst Ask f 1 V t Cataloirue Fw on Re for Catalogue No. 361. DIAMOND" Fancy1 Rc-cleaned GRASS SEEDS " fJPKCI AI. MIXTTTBE") l-H)R W K I' - I. A I TERRACKS, SHADY P I. A C" K S, TK.N .MS t'OlKTS UOLF LINKS. We can save you money nnd help you to secure the best possible results from your plantings. "HOW TO GROW ROSES" AND "FERTIL IZERS" US E FTJL. and in to r e s t Ing Bookie ta. Free on request. ; ' V 11T COMPLETE 5F.ED ANNUAL AND PLANT- Jsv' KKS' GtlDR listing ZZ WS" the best of everything I or nome or 1 a r k e i Hardens Poultry and Bee Supplies, Sprays. Fertilizers is a pafe guide to vour purchases. ASK FOR CATALOG!. K NO. 360. 3 ii. a ta in a ,11 ai id il I ::i in a aaniii ii; III 111 l!l IS IS I TZ S. E. Cor. Front rkue Mail and Yamhill Streets. i 4040, A aois. iillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr: Shabby Silverware Cbraprss Your House. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING By a Firm That Doe More of It Thus Any OtTarr In Portland for Hotels. Restaur ants. Dining; Cara and Steamers.. Repairing, Replating, Repolishing JEWELRY, MESH BAGS, VANITY CASES. BAND INSTRUMENTS. JOHN O, GOLDEN SELLING - HIR8CH BLDG, S8V& WASHINGTON ST, PORTLAND, OR.