4 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIA. MONDAY. JANUARY 1, 1017. NORTHWEST TO FORE IN PURE-BRED LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION Many Oregon Herds Rank WitK Highest-Strained in Country- Willamette Valley Destined to Become Great Breeding Ground International Stock Show Proves Great Stimulus to Industry v V 'yf' 11 K , . A I J va k&A vK4w I -v, -a s SXv Bj K. I-. Potter. ProlMwr of Animal Industry, Orriron Agricultural follptce. THE business of growing pure-bred livestock has been Increasing rap idly throughout the Northwest. Whereas this territory did not a few years ago raise enough breeding stock for Its own use, it now promises to become, the breeding ground for the entire country. A word as to the actual place of puve-bred livestock might not at this point be amiss, especially to persons who are not themselves engaged in the livestock business. About 130 years ago there cam about a general revolu tion in agricultural methods, and one of the first steps in this revolution was -fs.ics , S&r'ci eon &o7inie Z-adc?, CFrar2cZ Zftamjoon ySYeeroY intTnatlonal committee. One of Mr. Itrown's associates in this case wai from Canada, and the other from Ens laud. Lastly, lest some one think we im drawing txamrles from t-o extenslvo an area, we wish to mention one ltttlo county thai has within its boundarivr. we believe, more high-class hrds of more different kinds of livestock than any other county In America. This is the County of PoLk. down In the heart of the )ViIlametto Valley. Within this one county will be found many herd.- known all over the country Jersey. Cotswolds, Lincolns, Ajiuorus. Per herons, t'lydefdale. AyrsUires. IVlaiul Chinas, lJurocs. llolst-in: Were all of the herds anil Hocks of this county gathered together in one rxhtbition it would astonish the world and prove beyond all doubt our previous state ment, that the Northwest is to beconio the breeding ground of America. Three important events lately have happened which all the more empha size the points brought out in this article. The first is the sale of the Holstein me aeverapraem OI our improvea oreeas . . tteretore th instntaneoo might be worth J!5 mor. ttan a scrub products of all kinds will Da pro- an tne Dig snows oi America, ana mucu . " bull, Mutual Knynea Valdsa L " muie recem. annlhiliatlon of n Krade and scrub raised under similar conditions, if kept duced more economically ana win o mo name " 7 livestock uch flocks as those of F. A. Bt tno forimni auring tno years that these breed, have taken on ttTck d in that 'moment deprive as a bull may improve the quality of of a higher Quality. Climatic and feed -"--V John Stump of Mon- kk C ll" Haw.'ey of -c Int. rnaUon ., l-tr Hhow their present form and all of them even - . t k a numerous offspring, and thus have a conditions in the Northwest seem es- mouth. Oi. and many otners. McCoy: Kiddell & Sons, and John Stump. "t,r" r" ,7 r f '-.v" u yet are undergoing evolution.. These iuUer wool anS other antaa' Drod- money value far in ficess of the value pecially suited to raising livestock of The Ladd herd of Jerseys in Port- Monmoulh. fpr Jear8 have had a Jon 2lIf't?l F J-' animal of improved breeds are ,each adapted to Tctl ' Or'pure-brad ? Sto'ck therefore of hUown carcass. The females like- unu.ua! Quality, and it seen-; now and had I fo - many rcT r!?Zr National reputation. - , a'age'rKl.O 'r " "nln,al ' some particular purpose with far great- must be multiplied many times before wise have a greater value brjril, ourb BWa???U"ZZ- anlSTl. ?n America, while the prodTc- " c.rl.o. Ma. ..en.red. 'ihe second' event is that the Cr.nd er efficiency than the scrub or unim- they can entirely supplant the grades purposes than for beef himilaF con- our own n"" ' to all parts of the tion records of the Kd" Cary herd at Not only is our livestock everywhere champion wether at the Pacific Inter proved stock. The Shorthorn or Here- f scrubs. Fortunately, however, in ditions pre va.l in da.rj catUe, hones Improve tck from the Northwest Dayton. Or., have astonished the Jer- well and favorably known, but our national sold for il per 100 pounds, the ford for example produces beef of far the case of tho males only about one ln . P t . 8ine' J f ht livlstorw have alrtadv won many prizes in the sey world. Charles Talmadge. of New- breeders have themselves acquired an highest price on record for a fat sheep, auperloi SShw to tha nroduced bJ 50 are needed to maintain the pure- t ore, who is railing P&re-bi ed 1 vtock have on "central Statea. Port. Wash., went back to the National enviable reputation for theic good judg- This wether was bred, owned and tilted the scrub and the Jersev nroduee, L bred hCrd8 and flocks- having the other is not himself raismg cominerc al beef big ow rins o t t een; Swine Show this last Fall and cleaned ment. Thomas Hrunk. of Salem, is by the Oregon Agricultural College, ami cheaner butera?yth th 49 that y be bred to cornmoa fe" mu"on- or tner aima' PJodutc an of oSr hds Zb far back as up a lot of prize money with pigs everywhere recognized as one of the Third. th- University of California fht he 11 ,"V?ht ni males, thus producing a "grade" off- is raising breeding stock for the im- nany of our herds Or sert that "never tasted corn." while F. It. best swine Judges iu America, while to showed a steer at the Chicago Interna .liV - been bred along that par- epTiTlg which, while not equal to the provement of the commercial herds. 1304 Frank rown of Carlton Steele, of Grants Pass, Or., has shipped Frank Brown, of Carlton, was recently tlonal which won the grand champlon tlcular line. pure-bred, is far superior to the scrub. The constantly increasing number of a herd of hortnorns to tne Herkshires right into the best breeding given the highest honor that can be ship, the highest honor that can bo Percentage of Pure Strain Small. We, therefore, find that pure-bred pure-bred stock in the Northwest not air at . ". A 'B Coolc centers of the corn belt. . bestowed upon an American stockman, won by any animal in the livestock This being the case, the Question stock are not largely used for the pro- only means that it is no longer neces- nanaier have won many' prizes To compare our long-wooled sheep that of being called upon to Judge world. They not only won the grand naturally arises. Why should not every- duction of meat and other commercial sary to go East to buy sires for in3 oi neiei . .. Kan- and our Angora goats with those of Shorthorn cattle at the International championship, but this steer sold for one raise pure-breds? The answer is purposes until after they have served improvement of our common stock, hut on tneiri ier iu mUn cf Spokane, other sections would he manifestly un- Livestock Exposition at Chicago. The 175 per H pounds, the highest prico that these improved strains comprise full time in the breeding herd. The that many more of them win do "" J;1- prizes on Ilolsteins in fair to the latter, since Western Oregon judging in this case is. handled by an on record for a steer. not over one per cent of our total live- bull calf, for example, which if steered used, and consequently our animai "" ' By C w solely responsible for the prosperity to so many cities in the Middle West and it is a fact, demonstrated long ago. that wherever the packing-house in dustry has been established on a large scale It has made a prosperous com munity. Few persons are aware of the di versity of products that are made by . packing-houses and It may De inter- C. Celt, President Union. Meat of the modern packing-house and the thoroughly sound and wholesome at esting to cite that ln the modern plant ,..,,.. facilities for profitable manufacture of the time of slaughter and handled in today more than 600 different articles " th. hv-nroducts. the yield, per head to a sanitary method during the different or varieties of products are manufac- HEJT Oregon was ln its infancy tne breeder is considerably higher than processes of manufacture. tured. varying from beef in carcasses every man was his own butcher, that possible by any method of indl- It may be of Interest to know tnat, to bristles for Drusnes ana irom meav unis moa- rrom tne volume or ousiness aone ana MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY GROWTH NOTED Big Strides Are Made and Business Is Destined Soon to Forge Ahead of Lumber Industry Market for Products Is Extensive Portland's Position as Chief Livestock Center in Northwest Is Secure. Our'ploneers milked the "muley" vidual sale or distribution. cow, fed the hogs chickens before star labor. When the family desired a fresh meat supply father was the in termediary between the hoof and the roasting pan. As our .communities grew the ama teur stockman and the farmer either developed into a professional or stuck to their regular business and the han dling of livestock was relegated to the agricultural districts. Generally, however, livestock raising was merely incidental to strictly agri cultural pursuits. When the farmer needed more money for a new binder or and watered the em way has had its effect upon the the number of people directly and in- f. . . Ha-v" improvement of the herds and has put directly interested, the livestock and rung tneir oaj s scientific management where there packing-house Industry stands first ln was guesswork before. Ontpnt IsThereugnly Inspected. the United States. It is greater than the steel industry, which is the next January lareest. It Is practically witnin tne The packing-houses that do inter- last 40 years that the packing-house 1 state business are under the rigid su- Industry has developed to its present pervislon of the United States Bureau magnitude and this has brought pros- of Animal Industry and every animal Perity to many cities which before . . ' ,. were on the verge of bankruptcy or is suojecieu 10 a did not amount to much. PORTLAKirg I"VK CLEARINGS BV MONTHS IN S43.26l.03S.45 February March 52.432.6S9.58 April 52.973.314.50 Mav Bl. 554. 079.77 June 47.22.K6.12 July 46.155.o28.0a August Bl.409,171.36 .September 58.935.037.56 before and after slaughter and Is It waa the means of founding pros- I October 79.605.993.12 under thorough supervision during perity on farms in the Middle Western process of manufacture. The working states and though it has already done conditions of a plant operating under much for the material benefits of the Government Inspection are of the best. Northwestern farmer, the future is far Ventilation and drainage is provided Drtgnter ana in tne course oi anoiner along scientific and hygienic lines. The 10 years I predict that the raising of November 68.234.351.43 December 60,000,000.00 'December clearings estimated. something else, he rounded up his stock legend, "U. S. inspected and passed," livestock will become the chief Indus- scraps for poultry to the choicest eat or container insures try of the Faclflc Northwest, for we sweetbreads. It may be of Interest to and drove It to his nearest butcher. Sometimes he got a good price, but more frequently he obtained less than the cost of feed. Scientific methods were not then ln vogue. The only ele ment of science ln the transaction was up to the butcher, and he, being more of a philosopher than a scientist, his philosophy concerned Itself chiefly with buying any kind of stock at the lowest possible price and selling it for all he could get. t Indaarrr la Sperlaliaed. As competition became keener the business of raising Mvestock resolved lt3elf Into a specialty and the breeders studied the needs of their herds and through the aid ofx co-operation of the DOMESTIC SHIPMENTS FROM PORTLAND BY WATER. Merchant Exchamse Records. Barley, bushels Coal, tons . Cond'ns'd milk, cases Flour, barrels. Fruit and v e g e- tables, tons Fruit, canned Fruit, dried, cases. modern packing-house the stock dealer j Grain bags, bales.... in the Northwest has deveiopea stocK- raisinir from a before-breakfast pastime s Hay. tons to a tremendously specialized business Hides, bundles Involving millions of Invested capital and an annual production of millions more. During the past 10 years ' Portland has established itself as the livestock center of the Pacific Northwest. The Portland Union Stockyards Company and Union Meat Company have been imnnrtant factors in the development of this industry and through their ef- Rice, sacks forts profitable production on the part Salmon, cases, of the producer has been stimulated and Seeds, sacks.. foreign markets have been found to take care of the excess of home con sumption. The sale and distribution on an extensive scale Is economically Im possible for the breeder and the packing-house serves as a clearing-house for the stock shipped In from the large and small producers. . . Because of the wonderful efficiency . gWaaMiniiiiiiiiiiuiniiiitiuiiMiuiiiusisui on a Piece of meat or container insures try oi tne i-acmc aonnwesi, ior wo sweetbreads. It mav the consumer that the product was have all the fundamental requirements, know that In the average distribution prepared from animals that were The packing-house industry has been of every dollar received from the sale of packing-house products 80 per cent of It goes back to. the raiser for his livestock, labor receives 8 per cent. 6 per cent Is paid for freight, other ex penses about 5 per cent and the re mainder of about 2 per cent for divi dends and surplus. For the past two years the export business of the Northwest has been handicapped to a large extent by rea son of the scarcity of bottoms avail able for overseas commerce. It Is ex pected that this handicap soon will be overcome and exports to Europe, even after the war, will continue to be large. 1916. Hops, bales Iron and steel, tons. Lumber, feet. Machinery, packages Merchandise, tons Millfeed, tons.... Oats, bushels..... Paper, tons..... Potatoes, sacks.. Shingles, bundles... Staves and snooks, tons. .-. ........... Tallow, tierces Wheat, bushels Wool, bales. 2,045 882 94.364 582,704 2,083 54.477 606 2.127 398 695 309 1,128 109,945,000 891 46.459 18,724 751.961 . . 31.897 49,874 23.344 5.078 24.782 4.176 423 1.576.193 144 1915. 136.583 940 86.067 641,231 2.010 114.307 86.658 771 . 3.47 892 657 1.672 5.640 146.837.617 618 43.135 25.817 358,667 23.683 26,114 300 138.100 1914. 3,000 3.100 2,100 S.184,834 1,161 43.291 1.348 60.639 500.225 2,227 80.148 176,947 1.208 11,093 1.353 848 3.146 2,393 193.351.950 2,269 47.028 19.626 565.882 ' 18,987 43.592 7,940 133,042 8,472 2.151 2,642 5,0ST,318 710 1913. 848.409 1.310 60,050 431.788 68.769 163,966 """ V.955 1.306 2.533 706 1,879 228,997.117 1.982 30.667 24,269 733.102 17,769 12,990 8.504 34,822 15,140 2,247 7.141.169 2.432 1912. 600.522 69.641 364.549 18.428 56.595 V.895 1,086 12.945 344 1.866 169.453.612 2.098 23,038 18.014 342,333 16.237 17,963 1,950 80,454 17,963 1.564 '4.V2V.S82 6.385 you want to reach the country readers place your advertis ing with Portland Newspaper Union Ninety country weeklies, with total circulation of 40,000 92-94 FRONT ST. Portland, Oregon Extensive Market. Predicted. The war has decimated the livestock of Europe and for many years to come these countries will continue to be bis purchasers of the products of the Amer ican packing-house. While the produc tion of grains and other agricultural products in Europe will be quickly re stored to their normal condition before the war. It will take many years to re establish their livestock and America must furnish the greater part of the deficiency. The Panama Canal has opened the markets of Europe to the packers of the Northwest and this out let will increase the demand for the livestock of the Northwest. Although the development of the livestock and packing-house industry during the past 10 years has been re markable. I feel that it is still in its infancy and possesses wonderful possi bilities and in time promises to sup plant lumber as our leading- - industry. mm Toilet Paper Service SCHERMERH0RN BROS. CO.. J. W. P. McFALL Northwest Agent 103 Front St. Portland, Or. JNO. P. MILLER. President. E. J. BURKHARDT, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. OREGON DOOR CO. Foot Spokane Ave, Portland. Oregon. Phono Sellwood 62. - Phono B 1325 Manufacturers of Sash, Doors and Mouldings, Wholesale and Retail. General Mill Work. Hardwood and Yellow Fir Finish a Specialty. In Connection With The East Side Mill & Lbr. Co. East Side Mill & Lumber Co. Sellwood 911 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL B 1563 MILL AND GENERAL OFFICE FOOT OF SPOKANE AVENUE Branch Yards. Eaet Thirty-ninth and Hajsey sts.; phones: Tabor 2811, C 1237. Multnomah Station; phone: Main 4533. Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co, Lents; Tabor 2116, B 6111. Oregon Transfer Co. Established in 1S68 OFFICE, 474 GLISAN STREET Engaged in General Transfer and Storage Business. - Own and Operate Three Class A Warehouse on Terminal Tracks. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN Merchandise Stock Storage Accounts Car Loads for Distribution Less Car Loads for City Delivery, Reshipment and Re forwarding by Express or Parcel Post. No Switching Charges on Car Load Shipments