THE 3IORXTXG OREGOXIAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER SO. 19tC $200,000 ASKED ON ALIENATION CHARGE MANY FINE SPECIALS NOT ADVERTISED HERE LOOK FOR THE "AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEAN-UP" CARDS CANDY Specials 80c Salted Almonds, lb. 69. 30c Salted Peanuts, lb. 23. 30c Assorted Wafers, lb. 25. 25c French Mixture, lb. 19. 15c Plain Mixture, lb. lOtf. All CHARGE Purchases Today go on the January ac counts, payable February 1. Noisemakers New Year's Books The Painted Scene Webster, $1.50. Cappy Ricks Peter B. Kyne, $1.35. From an Oregon Ranch "Katherine," $1. Tish Mary Roberts Rinehart, $1.50. Dabney Todd Westcott, $1.35. Book Shop, Basement Balcony. Celebrate the New Year Right Complete assortments of all kinds of noise-makers, horns, rattlers, etc., priced at 5c and 10c. Masks, wigs and beards of all kinds. Fifth Floor. Sixth Street. 107 Mrs. Parmelia L. Tyler Is De fendant in Suit Filed by Her Daughter-in-Law. TriEr Quality" Sto or Portland Main and Ninth Floors and Basement Balcony. MEN! Warm Clothing and Furnishings Are Reduced! HUSBAND SEEKING DIVORCE r 5 "Wife of William M. Tyler Accuses His Mother of Causing Separa tion After Elder Woman In herited Some $250,000. Two hundred thousand dollars $100, 000 actual and $100,000 punitive dam ages is the sum demanded of Mrs. Parmelia L. Tyler, of Portland, by her daughter-in-law, who accuses her, in a suit filed in the Circuit Court yester day, of breaking up the home of the plaintiff, Mrs. Vina I. fyler, of alienat ing: the affections of her husband, Will iam M. Tyler. Mrs. Parmelia Tyler is a widow, 84 years old, and one of the heirs to the estate of the late A. M. Barber, a Chi cago millionaire, who was president of the Barber Match Company before his death In 1913. Her share of the prop erty is estimated at $250,000, and that of her brother, George T. Fanning, of 381 Crampton street, Portland, is esti mated similarly. Mrs. Vina Tyler is living in a lodging-house at 469 Salmon street, while her husband, who, she says, has deserted her at the instance of his mother, is living, according to Attorney J. R. Greenfield, who filed the suit, at 160 Kast P'orty-fifth street. Mrs. Parmelia Tyler is now residing at the Salisbury apartments, East Twenty-third street and Sandy boulevard, although both she and her son are said in the com plaint to have lived with her brother, Mr. Fanning, until recently. Mr. Fan ' Ding is now in California. Hatband Seeking; Divorce. A divorce suit, charging cruelty and infidelity, was filed in the Circuit Court here by Mr. Tyler last Fall, but dis missed at his own request about a week ago. Immediately another suit for di vorce was begun by him in the Clack amas County courts, and is now pend ing. Mrs. Vina Tyler declares that her mother-in-law is primarily responsible for the desertion of her husband and the lack of affection which led to the divorce proceedings. She contends it is all part of a long-conceived plan to get rid of her and shut her out of any share in the wealth of Mrs. Parmelia Tyler. The Tylers were married in Chicago October 5, 1891. The complaint says they lived happily together until the '"determined interference" of Mrs. Par melia Tyler, who sought to poison the mind of her son against his wife and to "induce him to abandon her, by sub tle contrivances, coaxing, promises of money and property and by threats of disinheritance." He is an only son. Opposition Follows Inheritance. Mrs. Vina Tyler charges further that so determined Is her mother-in-law that she shall not share in the wealth that even now the elderly woman is prepar ing to ''divest herself of actual pos session of her easily-gotten wealth, so as to disinherit her daughter-in-law in case her son should fail to secure a decree of divorce." Most of the opposition of Mrs. Par melia Tyler came after the inheritance of her fortune in 1913, it is maintained. For three years past Mrs. Vina Tyler declares her mother-in-law has refused to recognize her, has treated her with : ilent contempt, sneers and snubs and lias considered - her a social, intellec tual and moral inferior. Such treat ment, says the plaintiff, has ruined her health, broken her spirit and destroyed her purposes and ambitions in life. In May, 1914, the younger woman charges, Mrs. Parmelia Tyler induced her son to break up his home with his wife in Chicago, to go to his mother's home in Lyndon, Kan. There, the plaintiff says, she was treated as a maidservant and nurse, while her hus band received money which allowed him to travel about and forget her. During his travels his mother kept up a clandestine correspondence with him and would not tell his wife his where abouts, maintains Mrs. Vina Tyler. Wife Accompanies Other Here. In July, 1915, Mrs. Parmelia Tyler came to Portland to live with her brother. She brought her son, and his wife insisted upon accompanying them, .-ays the wife in her complaint. Upon arrival here Mr. Tyler and his mother went to the home of Mrs. Fanning, while his wife was compelled to go to a rooming-house among strangers, as serts the plaintiff. Mrs. Vina Tyler further asserts that since that time her mother-in-law refused to allow her even to communicate with her husband. Mrs. Vina Tyler received $50 a month from her husband until the filing of the klrst divorce complaint, when court pro ceedings were necessary to compel pay ments, said Attorney Greenfield. WHOLESALE FIRM IS HOST Liang & Co. Give Dinner for De partment Heads and Salesmen. A banquet was given last night by Lang & Co. in the main floor grill room of the Portland Hotel to the com pany's department managers and sales men. Seventy department managers and salesmen were present. Louis Lang, vice-president of the company, was speaker and toastmas ter of the evening. The programme consisted of an elaborate dinner, fol lowed by a varied entertainment, con sisting of a four-piece orchestra, sup ported by a good troupe of women en tertainers. Members of the firm present were Louis Lang and Henry Lang, with de partment heads, their assistants and salesmen. The firm also gave its department managers and salesmen a party at the Orpheum on Wednesday. DAN J. O'NEILL IS DEAD Portland Boy Succumbs In m Francisco at Age of 2 7. San The death of Dan J. O'Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Neill, was report ed from San Francisco yesterday. Mr. O'Neill was born in Portland 27 years ago, and had lived here continuously until a month ago, when he left for rian Francieco to-engage in the whole sale paper business. He was taken ill three days ago and died yesterday morning at St. Mary's Hospital. Mr. O'Neill was a member of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club and of the Knights of Columbus. He was graduated from the Couch School and in 1907 was graduated from Mount An gel College. i $2.50 "RICHMOND" UNION SUITS $1.98 -Richmond closed-crotch union suits in fine quality soft merino. Per fect fitting undergarments that wash well and wear long and retain their shape permanently. Heavy and superweights. Natural gray. All sizes. UNIOdS SUITS $3.00 "RICHMOND" UNION SUITS, S2.49- Fine soft merino union suits that in sure warmth to the body on coldest Win ter days. Heavy and superweights. Natural gray. All sizes. MEN'S FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS, SPECIAL $1.85 Good medium-weight flannelette pa jamas, with double silk frogs and pocket. Warm, comfortable garments. All sizes. WARM FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS, 89fr. Full cut, roomy, soft flannelette night shirts in a good Winter weight. Low or military collars. Striped patterns. All sizes. MEN'S CASHMERE HOSE, 35; 3 PAIRS SI. . Fine soft cashmere sox in black, white, Oxford and natural shades. All sizes. Good values at, pair, 35c; 3 pairs for $1. t LAST DAY TO BUY Silk Maid" Socks at 50c On and after Tuesday, January 2, 1917, the price of Silk Maid sox for men will be advanced from 50c pair to 55c. This advance is necessitated by the scarcity of good silk and dyes and increased cost of production in general. The QUALITY will maintain the same high standard with which our Silk Maid hose have always been identified the BEST. For the benefit of those who have not yet worn or heard of our Silk Maid sox for men, we wish to state that these hose are in no way inferior to other good silk hose selling as high as 75c a pair. Their leadership is as stable and assured in the field of men's quality silk hose as is our women's Silk Maid stockings in their own domain. An ideal New Year's present Silk Maid sox today only, pair 50c. MALLORY CRAVENETTE PROOFED Hats $3.50 A goodly number of these smart, serviceable hats for men has been received in a shipment just in by express. All the lat est shades in styles for Winter and early Spring wear. Weath erproof $3.50. Wool Knitted Toques 50c. M. & F. Special Hats $2-$3. Stetson Soft, Stiff Hats $4-$5. Knox Soft and Stiff Hats $5. Mossant's (imported) Soft Hats $5. Main Floor. MEN'S $25.00 AND $30.00 $1 Q 17 SUITS AND OVERCOATS- 17 A $19.17 Sale to Begin a "1917" Year A wonderful disposal of smart new fancy suits and overcoats, in good, seasonable weights, ta ken from our regular fine stocks fdr this great annual New Year's sale. Clothing from the world's most famous makers is included in splendid assortment. Such renowned names as Hickey-Freeman, Rogers Peet, Adler-Rochester and "Society Brand" are strongly represented. There are suits and overcoats for men of every age and taste a plentiful se lection for both advanced and conser vative dressers, with a liberal showing of Pinch-Backs included. Every good fabric, model, pattern and color. Sizes to fit all men long, short, stout, slim, regular and extra sizes but not all sizes in every kind. Be right in style for the New Year select one of these $23.00 and $30.00 suits and overcoats today and pay only $19.17. TAKE ANY ELEVATOR OR ESCALATOR TO THIRD FLOOR. Men'a Clothing Shop, Third Floor. Kodakers ! What are you doing with that ko dak you got for Christmas? If there is anything you want to know about it or how to use it in order to assure best results, come in and our experienced salesmen will glad ly give you the information desired, whether your kodak was purchased from us or not. Complete stocks kodaks, cameras and all supplies. Developing, printing, enlarging. Films to be developed and printed lett with us betore b f. M. any evening are ready by 11 A. M. next day. Work guaranteed satisfactory. Prices most moderate. Special Today! 51.50 Developing Printing Outfits . . and $1.19 25c Pound Packages East- " Q man Acid Fixine Powder. . OC Kodak Shop. Main floor. 35c-50c Veilings, Ea. 25c Short lengths of veiling in novelty and plain hexagon meslies, some with border designs and others with chenille and velvet designs. In black, brown and taupe, lengths from to 1 yard special Saturday, each at 25. 25c VEILING REMNANTS, EACH 10 Remnants of veiling to 1 yard in length. Chenille dotted and velvet figured veilings. Special Saturday, each, 10. Veiling Shop. Main Floor Boys' 4 'Samson' ' Suits With 2 Pairs of $ Full Lined Pants 6.50 STRONG beyond all their rivals, as the name implies and good-looking as well. Sturdy cassimeres, tweeds and worsteds in newest, smartest models, including the pop ular pinch-back. Tans, light and dark grays, browns and green mixtures. Each suit with two pairs full-lined knickers. Ages 6 to 18 years. Always $6.50 always worth more. 2-PANTS SUITS $4.85 After Christmas clean-up sale of boys' two-pants suits in grays, tans and smart mixtures. Good mod els, including suits in pinch-back effect with three piece belt. All sizes 6 to 18 years. Just the suits for school and every-purpose wear. On sale today at the very specially reduced price of $4,85. Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor. Sale Striking Bags, Gloves A Saturday "clean-up" from the Sporting Goods Shop, sure to attract all men and boys interested in indoor exer cise. Good boxing gloves and strong striking bags at special prices. Limited quantities. STRDXING BAGS $1.50 Striking Bags, $1.00 $2.00 Striking Bags, $1.35 $4.00 Striking Bags, $2.70 BOXING GLOVES $1.75 Boxing Gloves, $1.15 $2.50 Boxing Gloves, $1.70 $5.00 Boxing Gloves, $3.35 EXTENSION BALL-BEARING ROLLER SKATES with under bar extra value at $2.00 SPECIAL, PAIR $1.50. Sporting Goods Shop. Basement Balcony $ 1 25 Crepe Gowns 79c LIKE ILLUSTRATION Pretty little white crepe gowns, made with low V-neck and short sleeves daintily scal loped. In the popular kimono slip-on style. Special Saturday only, 79. $1.29 ENVELOPE CHEMISE 95d Envelope chemise, made of fine nainsook, prettily trimmed in narrow Val lace and embroid ery edging. With neat tucks very pretty styles and special for Saturday only 95. Undermuslm Shop. Third Floor. $18.50to$20 Bags, $14.98 Best quality tan cowhide traveling bags, with hand sewn frames and corners and full leather lined. Fine, roomy bags, that will give years of service. Today $14.98 instead of $18.50-?20. $8.50-510 AUTO ROBES AT $6.75 Big, warm, durable auto and steamer robes in smart plaid effects. Very desirable New Year's gifts. $5-$5.50 WOOL ROBES AT $4.47 Mackinaw and fringed robes for auto and other uses. Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. Fresh Butter, 2 Lbs. 83c Royal Banquet Butter churned fresh daily from pasteurized cream. Coffee, freshly roasted, Superior blend, 35c grade, 2 lbs. 55c, lb. 28 Plum Pudding, Richardson & Rob bins', large 50c, medium 25c, small 10. Mince Meat, Crown, 2 -lb. jars for 55 o. Raisins, new crop, Imperial six crown cluster table raisins, 5-' lb. cartons 95. Wienerwursts, fresh shipment, lb. 14. Boiled Ham, sliced to order, lb. 35 C. Raisins, cluster table, Sun Maid, lb. 1O0. Raisins, cluster table, 5-crown, lb: 15. Seeded Raisins, Sun Maid, new crop, dozen $1.10, pkg. 10. Golden Dates, new crop, lb. 17 Fard Dates, fine for stuffing, lb. 22 Ms Cranberries, finest Cape Cod, lb. Oyster Cocktails, fresh, dozen $1.10, jar 10. Layer Figs, best California, Jb. 15. Navel Oranges, thin skinned and juicy, dozen 29c, 25c and 15. Walnuts, soft shell, lb. 20. Mixed Nuts, guaranteed new crop, lb. 22c and 15. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. Vacuum Hand Washers At Only 37c Simple, safe, convenient, no ma chinery to get out of order. Made of extra heavy tin and has cup for hold ing soap. These vacuum hand wash ers will thoroughly cleanse the heav iest fabric and will not injure the finest material. So easy to handle a child can use them. This is an excep tionally low price; today only 37. -Basement. Fifth Street. Toilet Goods Specials 50c Palmolive Face Powder 39C 25c Woodbury's Face Powder 20 25c Dr. Holmes' Frostilla, 20. Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lo tion, 13C. 25c Woodbury's Facial Cream, 20C. 50c Palmolive Vanishing Cream, 4M. 10c Colgate's All-around Soap, 3 for 25c. 10c California Medicated Soap, 3 for 25C. 25c Floating Castile Soap, 1-lb. bar 21C. 25c Samurai Talcum, 1 lb. 19. 15c Williams' Assorted Talcum, 2 for 25. 15c Mennen's Assorted Talcum, 2 for 25 Pears Unscented Soap, 14. 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 39c. 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste, 20. Revelation Tooth Powder, 25 r. 25c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder, 17. 25c Piping Rock Face Powder, 10c. 50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, 39. 50c Sempre Giovine, 39C. 50c Milkweed Cream, 39. Mary Fuller Nail Polish, 50. Main Floor. Sixth Street. Misses' $18.50 and $18.95 Suits $13.95 Sizes 14 and 16. Very smart youthful styles, in invisible pin and shepherd checks, velour finish. Jackets made with large convertible collars trimmed in velvet and skirts full and dashing. ft l'A'. - JJ - TnT I $6.49 CHALLIE DRESSES $4.95 Sizes 6 to 12'. years. Pretty challie dresses, made in Empire style with full pleated skirts and bolero jackets, with white guimpe. In rose, Copen. blue and pink flowered effects. $6.49 SERGE DRESSES $4.95 Navy, black and plaid wool serge dresses in several pretty styles. Both one ajid two-piece effects are shown, many with leather belts and belt pock ets. Others in middy style. Sizes 6 to 12. $4.50 SWEATERS AT $2.98 Sizes 8 to 12. Excellent sweaters, made of heavy wool in flat weave, n with ruff neck. In royal, navy and red. $5.00 DUKTEX RAINCOATS $1.95 Slicker coats in leather and brown. Made with deep inside pockets and convertible collar. Hats to match Sizes 8 to 12. CHILDREN'S COATS ' OFF! A cleanup of all children's coats. Such materials as velours, zibeline, as trachan, matilamb and kersey. Many styles and colors. Sizes 2 to 14. Regularly $7.95 to $30 special $5.30 to $20. CHILDREN'S HATS OFF! Plain tailored-arid fancy dress hats for little folk! These are of velvet, silk, beaver and combinations, trim'd in flowers and ribbons. Sizes 2 to 8 years. S3.95 to $12.95 hats for $2.65 to $8.65. Girls' Shop, Second Floor. Saturday Every Coat, Suit, Dress and Skirt Underpriced This has been the most wonderful apparel sale in the history of our store. If you have not yet profited by the extraordinary reductions offered on new, modish apparel of all kinds, come in Saturday to share in these savings. EVERY GARMENT ON OUR BIG FOURTH FLOOR REDUCED. HANDSOME SUITS AT SAVINGS $17.50 to $20.00 Suits, $13.45 $22.50 to $29.50 Suits, $16.85 $37.50 to $39.50 Suits, $21.45 $42.50 to $48.50 Suits, $28.45 $32.50 to $35.00 Suits, $18.75 i Smart $57.50 Suits at $43.15 SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW COATS YOUR CHOICE OF ANY COAT IN STOCK AT SAV INGS! There are no exceptions and these are EXTRA AT $9.25, $11.25, $13.25, $16.45, $18.65 EVERY DRESS IN STOCK AT GREAT SAVINGS Every Separate Skirt Spe cially Priced Saturday. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. f