THE MORNING OREGOMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 191 a ROCK PILES OPENED FOR I. W J. HORDES City and County Prepare to Welcome Agitators if Dis turbances Occur. 52 DEMAND JURY TRIALS Organizer Makes Eloquent Plea In His Own Behalf and Attorneys for Others Arrange Confer ence With Prisoners. ROCKPILE TO WELCOME I. W. W. Machinery at Kelly Butte rock pile Is being oiled, the prisoners' quarters swept and every provi sion made to welcome the I. W. W. at the county workhouse as the result of a conference be tween Mayor Albee and County Commissioners Holman and Hol brook yesterday. Complete co-operation of coun ty and city administrations In the handling of the threatened Invasion of Industrial Workers Is promised, and Sheriff Hurlburt has been requested to prepare for the opening of the Kelly Butte quarries at a moment's notice. Should the Workers flock to Portland in larger numbers than can be accommodated at Kelly Butte, provision may be made to operate the Linnton quarry as well. Fifty-two X, W. W.. prisoners In the City Jail since Thursday morning, when they were arrested on state vagrancy charges, while picketing before a res taurant at Second and Burnslde streets, will demand separate Jury trials before the Municipal Court, leaders of the or ganization announced yesterday; Fol lowing this decision they were re moved to the County Jail, at the thrifty suggestion of Police Captain Inskeep, Inasmuch as they are state prisoners. Dissension and futile argument marked the negotiations before Mu nicipal Judge Langguth yesterday, when Dan Powers and Isaac Swett, at torneys for the defense, appeared In the Interests of the imprisoned agi tators. Street Speaker Is Om Lawyer. James Rowan, organizer of the I. W. W., who sent the message to Seattle asking aid to replace the imprisoned pickets, was brought out for trial yes terday. He is a street speaker, fluent and forceful of speech, and for half an hour he handled his own case, denv- lng the charge of disorderly conduct Drought against him. Judge Langguth maintained that It was no concern of the I. W. W. that the boycotted restaurant refused to meet the L W. W. demands, and pointed out the fact that the proprietor had taken out a card with the American federation of Labor. Rowan, in reply, charged that the Federation had been made a "strike breaking Instrument," and that It went outside its province to Interfere with the business of the I. W. W.. whose members were on strike from the res taurant Further, he said, only the waiters were organized, and it was the purpose of the I. W. W. to demand recognition for the dishwashers. The case was continued by the court who told Rowan that he would do well to think the matter over and exert his influence to prevent further disorder. The defendant's reply was that he would make no promises that compro mised the principle for which he felt he and his fellows were working. The trials of the 52 defendants were to have been held in the afternoon, but a suggestion from Attorney Swett that a conrerence with the prisoners be per mitted by the court, brought on ! heated argument between Deputy DIs trict Attorney Ryan and Attorney owett. I want to say right now." declared Deputy Ryan, "that the state will not meet these defendants in any compro mise or conference. Who is running this city? Are the I. W. W.7 Or are we?" Men Declared Misunderstood. "These men have within their hearts the same ideas and ideals that they believe martyrs had," retorted Attorney Swett. He did not question the good Intent of the Deputy District Attorney, he said, nor of the police; but he was certain that his clients were misunder stood. "I am merely trying to termi nate this matter without all the horri ble things that sometimes follow if such conditions are permitted to con tinue," he declared. Forth came Dan Powers then, with a verbal cask of oil. "Why all these ora torlcal flights?" he inquired. "We mere- AMUSEMENTS. BAKER srra Always a Show of Quality THE POPULAR ALCAZAR PLAYERS Matinee Today Last Time Tonight. "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" Wonderful Play and Prodluction. ISvenlngs. 25e. 50c. 7.c; Matinees. 2So Next Week, Starting TOMORROW MATINEE The Great Divide EXTRA ! MIDNIGHT MATINEE NEW YEAR'S EVE 25c and 50c. SEATS NOW SELLING. SKAT SALE NOW FOR MIDNIGHT MATINEE New Year's Eve First Night Show. 8:15 Midnight Matinee, 11:30 Specialty at Midnight i P ANTAGES MATINEE DAILY, 2:30 The Mawter of Mystery HARDEEN Klrur of Handcnffs Introduoimr the Latest WJII .11, .... 1 . ...... ii.i.n. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS 6 I ana loges resrvea oy pasne, Cartels. 2 JM, t and 6. This directory Is for the Information of the public to -jlvo as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa .1 use- An' information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCOKDIOX PLEATING. K. STEPHAX, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, aide pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 228 PUtock block. Broadway 1099. AGATE CUTTERS. M. 1ST4. Mfg. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Millers. a43 H Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. ASS A ITERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE," 142 2d Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. W. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law ; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 6748. LAWYER, 618 Plttock block. No charge for preliminary consultation. . D. MAHONE. lawyer, 402 Panama bldg. Marshall 5323. CANCER. L. M. Jones. M. D CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. 18th and Alberta. Wdln. 4109. CARPET WEAVERS. FLUFF RUGS PROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc North- wqi xvug co., 10a s.. otn st. -Etotn pnones. CELLULOID BUTTON'S, BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANT. 887 Washington St. Main 312 and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William, Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, me oniy scientiric cniropoaist in tne city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg. southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. ELIMINATING medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without drugs or scars. Dr. McMahon making good. 81 adjustments $15. Macleay bldg. and Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Kjiockera boost. Case questions free. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. os--. 1WJ letters multigrapned for II. COLLECTING AGENCY. W. W. DAVIES. collections, Gerlinger bldg. Main 8520. Licensed, bonded; terms reas onable. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge: established 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85H 3th. bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, 82; A. M-, P. M., eve; latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs., Sat. eve., 7-8:30. Bdwy 2160. HEATHS SCHOOL Lessons dally; class Tues.. Frl. eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 3205. Lessons 25c ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS. ELECTRICAL. TREATMENTS give best re sults in goitre, lumbago, constipation, piles, neurasthenia, varicose veins and facial blemishes; regular licensed physician. Box 1067. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT, LUNGS. Treatment by specialist: glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg.. 8d A Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PT.rBRTJIL.LE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2d AUTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. Mist, and repalr- J-.rtER SPRING CO-. 9 ln; 4000 springs earned in oiuta. 15th A Couch sta BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davis. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L. Dinkelspiel Co. rTlorT, GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOUSEP., Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAU'SER HAT CO.. .53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS. 131 Front street. .MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWEAR. EASTERN NOVELTY MFO. CO.. 85H 5th st. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A- CO.." 12th and Davis sta ly wanted permission to see our clients and to appoint a committee of three from their fellows outside who might be permitted to see them. If there's any reason why we can't eee them, just say so, and we'll blow on our way." Judge Langguth granted a continu ance of the cases until today, and the committee of three, with Attorney Swett. went to the cells to confer with the prisoners. Judge Langguth declared that he was through with leniency. "I am not as suming that these men are guilty," he said, "but If they are found guilty I am going to punish them from now on." Yesterday while the trial of Rowan was on the I. W. W. who have escaped arrest were forbidden to enter the police station or to attend the court cession. Two patrolmen halted them at the entrance and turned them back. The cry for Seattle recruits to re place those arrested did not bear re sults yesterday. No arrivals were re ported, although close watch was kept by the police. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGOM.UJ OFFICE: A 088. 087. 903. B 906. 087, 091. C 084. D 052. 066, 070, 984. 980, 991. E 491, 814, 009. 947. 986. 987. 930. F 9S3. 0S6, 994. 995. O 985, 090. 092. II 965. 1)87.' 904. J 001. 903. 084. 900. K 038, 070. 086. 987. 992. L 966. 967. 968. 983. 987, 093, 098. M 189. 988. 989. N 588. 966. 085. 088. 089, 991. O 955. 987. 089. 092. R 952, 086. S 987. 005. T 094. 996. W 984. 980. X 1, 23, 087. 085, 999. Y 903, 081, 086, 993, 093. AB 090. AC 886, 928. 986. 987. 993. 007. AD ML 932. 087. 088. 000. AE 987. AF 977. 983. 987. 988. 900. 09L At; 985, 9S8. 992. 093. 904. AH 23. 987. 988. 992, 993. 094, 996. AJ 090. 993. AK 987, 988, 080. 994. AL 966. 067. 081. 9S6. 088, 990. AM 000, 002. 003. AN 915, 966. 087. 988. 989. 090. AO 983. 985. 987. 005, 007. AP 065, 002, 006. AR 853. 987. 988. 989. BC 840. 026. 085, 987, 09L BE 041, 080. 901. BP 083. If above answers are not called for within six days same will be destroyed. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. VALESKA Sl'RATT IN "THE VICTIM." TODAY. MAJESTIC THEATER, WASH. AT PARK. MAT. lOc. : EVE.. 15c. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLB, A. A. O. N. M. S. A ceremonial session will be held on Sat urday. January 27. 101T. Business session st 10 A. M. First section at 3 P. M. Eleventh-Street Theater. Mall petitions to the re corder so as to reach him be fore 10 A. M. January 27. By order of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. 3. R. and S. M. Annual assembly this (Saturday) even ing. 7:30. East Eighth and Burnslde. Election and In stallation of officers and pay ment of dues Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. Recorder. THE GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE, I. O. O. F. and Odd Fellows will please meet at the Portland Crematorium today (Satur day), December 30. at 2 P. M. sharp, to at tend and conduct the funeral of our late brother, H. C. Strickland. I. O. O. F. funeral service rendered. Take Sellwood car. GEO. H. HAMILTON, See. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth st. FRIEDLANDER'S. Jewelers, for Emblems, Class Pins and Presentation Medals. Designs sad estimates furnished Ires. BIO Wash, MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 03, A 2153. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. Violin Teacher, punpU Bevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. Marshall 1829. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MOE? A SAVING OF 25 TO 60. Properly fitted glasses as low $1.50: 4000 satisuea customer. satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa. W . Good man, optometrist, 2O0 Morrison. Main -1-4. PATENiX ATTORNEYS. R C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience V. 3. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Allsky bldg. Get my new booklet. "Chronlo Disease" ; It's free. PIANOS. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. 10TH AND STARK STS. MARSHALL 53. A 1253. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta Main 3489. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. lOOtt Front at., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. RAG RUGS AND FLU FY RUGS. 1 1 Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets IngTaln. Brussels, Smyrna. Axminster. rag rugs, all sizes; mall orders prompt; booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 54-56 Union ave- N. East 6516, B 147B. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. Office 105 Park st. Main 5195, A 105L Warehouse 44-46 E. 6th St. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pins sts Broadway 598. A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner 18th Telephone Main 69 or A 1160. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. bloekwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 8720. A 5899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WE IN HARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECTAR. Henry Weinhard plant. 13th and Burnslde sta Phone Main 72, A 1172. PAINTS. RASMUSSEN A OILS AND GLASS. CO., 2d and Taylor PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PRINTING. F. W. BALTES A COMPANY, PRINTING First A Oak sts. Main 165. A 1165 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co., 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING Ac FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER. Q . 230 2d St. DIED. O'NEILL In San Francisco. Dec. 29. Dan iel J. O'Neill, aged 28 years, sou of J. J. O'Neill, late of 401 E. 15th st. N. Re mains will be brought to Portland In care of the Edward Holman Company. Funeral announcement later. GARBAR'.NO At the residence, 391 Second street. December 29. Natale Garbarlno. ageil 68 years. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller 4c Tracey, Washington at Ella street. HENLEY December 26 Robert S. Henley, aged 83 years 5 months 27 days: beloved husband of Loretta Henley and father of Burl M., Rollie F. and Ada Henley, and Edna H. Wllkins. FUNERAL NOTICES. ACKERMAN At the Imperial Hotel. Fri day. December 29, Lazarus Ackerman, brother of Alice and the late Solomon Ack erman. Frl-nds invited to attend the funeral services, to be held at Holman's undertaking parlors at 10:3O A. M.. to morrow 'Sunday). Dec 31. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. WEBSTER At her late residence, 501 East Thirty-second street. December 20, Hattle E Webster, agea 4U years. Kuneral serv ices will be held at the P. L. Lerch un dertaking parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets, toilay (Saturday), at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. BILLER Dec. 28. Ry. Blller, aged 31 years beloved brother of Reed Blller. Funeral services will be held at Dunning A Mc- Entee's chapel today (Saturday!, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. STRICKLAND The funeral services of the late Hugh C. Strickland will be Held today (Saturday) at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Portland Crematorium. Friends Invited. The remains are at the residence eetab ltshment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgom ery at 5th.- GEER In this city. Dec. 28. Thomas Jef ferson Geer. of Cottage Grove, Or., aged 6:t vears. Remains forwaroa by tne Ho man Undertaking Co to Cottage Grove. Or. where funeral services and Interment will be held. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN CO ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A 1511 PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors, Lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella St.. Bet. 20th and 21st. Main 2691. A 7S85. West Side. Day and night service. J. P FIN LEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. DUNNING M'ENTEE. funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad way 430. A 4558. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING, INC.. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East A:dei street. East 52. B 2525. R. ZELLER A CO.. 592 WILLIAMS AVE. East 1088. C 1088. Lady attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M'n 4152. A 2:121. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E. 80th and Gllsan. Tab. 4313. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main 6133. A 2235. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. B 1888. BKEEZE & SNOOK 1026 Belmont at 84th. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Wasiilnrton. Main 269, A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison St. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No. branch stores. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215, A 2121. Sell ing big.. 6th and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington t between 4th and 6th, Main BIOS, a 1101 CREMATORIUMS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. MONUMENTS. OUTLAST) MA P.I St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu A Sons for memorials 12 BLAESING GRANITE! CO. THIRD AT r-1.DISOIvl 3TREET. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 153 Courthouse. Stli-street Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5 Main 378. Home phone A 2525. Night call after office nous. Main 2706. Report all cases of cruelty to the above adress. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets, communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There Is no mors city pound, lust Oregon Humane Society. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges auowea. xo tieiaye. Large Loans Special Rates. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building;. Marshall 4114. A 41 IS 6 Loans of $10,000 andi Up on Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB, 242 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5Z Private Funds at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 2Q7-S Northwestern Bank Bids;. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. SO Fourth St- Board of Trade Bldg;. EDWARD E.GOUDEYCQ 6 7 LOANS ONI MOrTuGAGE SECURITY NORTHWESIERN BANK BUILD1MJ I HAVE MORE LAND THAN I CAN FARM. Will sell you part, 10 to 150 acres, 15 miles Portland, on electric line and publio road. II., H. R. 1, Hlllsboro, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co. Offices 202-4. 170 Third St. REAL ESTATE. For Ssle -Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage in this choice district: a few sacrifices. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A3S30. 11200 FOR $305. 6500 square feet fronting on Rose City carllne; part cash. Main 8730. For Sale House. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD -ANYTHING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money If desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save yoo money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Inc.. Contracting Ar chitects. 324 Ablngion bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain vopy of our album telling all about the tract. Lsurelhurst. the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property In the world. Main office 270 H Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. A HOME FOR $1350. Good 4-room house, bath, toilet, close to car; lot 05x100; 8 bearing fruit trees, berries, chlckcn-house; nice location. Price $1350. terms $85u cash, balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. PAYS OVER 10 PER CENT. A new. modern, four-flat building, dou ble constructed; one of the best locations and car service In the city; price $400u: not less than $1000 cash. Phone owner, Woodlawn 1149. LOOK. ONLY $1650. 6-room bungalow, sidewalk In front and around house: selected paneling in dining room. 672 Ellis ave, Sellwood car. Tabor 80O. owner. for sale; BY OWNER. Modern 6-room house, with garage, on Sandy at 69th; "going East." Inquire at 4P.6 Vancouver ave.. or phone East 2123. CALIFORNIA bungalow sale. Near uaik. Just In Laurelhurst for sale. Near park. Just beig finished, some trade. 1086 E. Yamhill laoor . -. WE build and finance. E. &. C. Lovegren. 000 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. FOR SALE Furnished house, bor 4715: owner. Phone Ta- Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne, easv terms will build to suit purchaser. Phono Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. FOR SALE 3 4-10O acres, 30 minutes from city. West Side, with house, barns on It; cheap; small payment down, balance con tract. AM 2, Oregonlan. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES, highly Improved, level land, best of soli, bearing orchard: new house; 25 hens, 1 cow; located 5 miles southeast of city, Sunnyslde Valley, 4 mile to Carver railroad; price reduced to $275 acre; you can make $1000 out of garden, potatoes and fruit this year: terms. A. J. Morton. R. F. D. box 147, Clackamas, Or. CHICKEN FRUIT, GARDEN, RANCHES. Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre: easy terms, best soli: fsrm for sale, all sizes. MFarland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland. $4 TO $7 acre, within 110 miles Portland grazing fruit land; terms; no trade. AE 988, Oregonlan. For Sale Farms. RARE BARGAIN. BY OWNER. 21 acres black loam soil. 20 acres till able and level. 17 acres In hay this year, good family orchard of about 70 bearing trees, large barn, small house, matched team black horses, weight about 1200 lbs. each, also harness, wagon, plow, harrow, elder mill, small tools, good cow. 1 doz. chickens and 10 tons hay; 1H miles from Carson, Wash., also near Mineral and St. Martin Hot Springs, on good level road. 2 miles from R. R. station and boatlanding: good roads. The above cost $4500; owing to 111 health, .will sell for $3000. Call on or address Mrs. May M. Hawley, Home Valley, Wash. FARM SACRIFICE. Fine 106-acre ranch, 13 miles from Couch home on Sholls Ferry road; prac tically CO acres under cultivation; balance timber; $6000 worth of improvements, fully equipped with Implements; team, cows, etc.: would be cheap at $20,000; I will sacrifice ror $!2.500: no trade. Call owner. Marshall 6148. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $5 monthly: no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land : close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. A-241 N. X. Life bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. 5000 ACRES In South est.-rn Washington lor sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma bldg., Tacoma, Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For Information write or see W. E.Holt, Miles City. Mont. FOR SALE 865-acre farm. Linn County. $20 per acre; good terms. Address Geo. W. Wright, Albany, Oregon. LOGGED-OFF stump land, $10 acre up; terms; good soil, running wster, markets, employment. Mr. Sharpe. 83 4 8d. rm. 557. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE buy equities, priced right, 407 Panama bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT lot In Ross City Park. Will give eetmoreland lot and cash difference. Tabor 4913. Odell. 50th and Sandy. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 159 acres of timber land In Okanogan County, Washington; scaled 800.000 feet: fine, dark loam soil for ag riculture, subirrtgates, near stream and mill; $1000 If taken st once. Address Mrs N. J. Miller. Oakdaie. Cal. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M KAY BLDO. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HAVE nw 4-room modern bungalow on acre of good land, small barn and chick en house; 6 blocks to car and school st Lents: also 4-room cottage on 50x100 lot, Woodstock districts also 2-roora bouse on 50x100 lot; total value $4500: total Incumbrance $1600; want unincumbered farm for equity. Phone owner. East 8075. FOR SALE or trade, 6-room house and gar age, breakfast-room, sleeping porch and attic, furnace, linen closet, buffet, book oases, disappearing bed, dresser, ironing bosrd and breakfast-table will be fur nished Jan. 15. Agents, notlcs. Y 998. Oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE Fine Seattle lot, two good residences In Centralia. Wash. Also California properties In and near Sacra mento, for Oregon. McMlnnvllls, Corvallls or Bend preferred. Writs particulars. Owner, box 695. Medford, Or. BEAUTIFUL $12,000 irvlngton home; want unincumbered Portland property for $8000 equity; give complete description of your property, so I can see same, or no atten tlon will be paid to letter. X 1. Oregonlan. WANTED Properties of merit to match our large 1 properties; no Inflated values considered. CALLAN fj KASER. 414 Oregon bldg. TWO cottages with lOOxlOO-ft. lot st Sea side, Or., 2 blocks from ocean, for sals cheap, or will trade for acreage. Main 8600. or address Box 174, Hillsdale, Or.. Route 2. MODERN. 10-room. furnished; corner. 60x mo; fruit, nowers. furnace, block school 15 minutes' walk E. S. ; equity $4000; want nouse or acreage. 1 2, oregonlan. WANT modern home, about $3200: give nice home, worth $1800. and balance cash. F. Fuchs, 420 Ch. of Com. ATTRACTIVE 7-room Spokane home to ex change for Portland bungalow in good residence district. Marshall 2982. W A NT Ko rd roadster for 65x100 unlncum bered Portland lot. AM 997. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE Hotart M. Cable piano, best con dition, for young stock. 234 Hartman st.. St. Johns. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness, Etc. SPAN very blocky-bullt mares, with foal to good horse. 7 and 8 years old, weight 2550, tree of blemishes and true, $225. Span of brown mares. 6 and 7 years old, weight 2600 lbs., sound and true, work single or double, T24V. Span of matched sorrel mares, sound and good, true workers, guaranteed to be with foal to Imported French draft horse, weight 2S00 it.s.. S2S0. Model Stables. Fifth and Davis sts. CAPITAL STABLES. 287 FRONT ST. One span of blacks. 5 years old, weight 3200 lbs : one span bays. 5 years old. weight 2900 lbs. j also few good farm horses. H. G. Carman. PORTLAND AUCTION SALES STABLE Co.. every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought and sold on commission. 240 E. 8th st. DEAD horses taken free: S5 paid tor cead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon Hone Meal Works. Lents, Or. Tabor 4203. DEAD animals handled; S5 and up paid for dead cows, cash paid for dead and down-and-out horses. Mllwaukle 69J. FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star Sand Co.. barn Delay st., bet. Goldsmith and Russell. 240O-LB. TEAM of mares with good harness and ranch wagon, $145. Phone Marshal: 4055. FOR SALE Popcorn wagon and horse, $125 cash. Main 7U51, A 1517. HOUSE to let for his keep. Call Main 4039. N. A. Miller. 24UO-LB. team of mares, with fine harness and ranch wagon $140. Marshall 3130. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W. Townsend Co.. S8Q Front. Main 1571. H'JKSES. wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE Wngons and horses cheap. 53 E. 7th St. North. FINE pair of small young del. mules, cheap, or exchange for co . 1029 East Yamhill. DEAD horses and animals hauled swsy free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. Pianos. Organ, and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 F. A C. Fischer upright, cash $ 85 275 F. & C. Fischer, old model, cash . 85 450 Stelnway & Sons, old model, cash 110 2S0 Angelus Player, old model, cash. 25 273 Collard & Collard. 'nrlght 45 Crown Organ, oak 20 425 Smith A Barnes, upright 110 You have heretofore paid inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our stor age prices. However, .compare our Steln--wav, etc.. $65 or $95 pianos, with pianos sold st $135 and $165 elsewhere and you will realize what we are salll doing for piano buyers. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 Fourth St. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS; ALSO OTHER MT.SCIAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED: SPOT CASH OR EQUAL VAL UE IN TRADE. PORTLAND PHONO GRAPH & RECORD EXCHANGE, 123 1ST. MAIN 4185. I CECILIAN PIANO PLAYER and muslo rolls, guaranteed In every way; mahog any finish, oniy $25, $5 down and $1 per week. Call 850 Alder st. RICHMOND PIANO Handsome oak rase, excellent shape, beautiful tone, only ,40, terms to suit. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder St. $5 CASH. $6 monthly, beginning in January. 1817. buys $350 1017 model Christmas piano at $265. without Interest for 2 Vs years, at Sen wan Piano Co.. in 4th st. ISS0 1815 MODEL upright piano for $145 cash during closing out sale of Nichols Piano Co.. Ssn Francisco stock at Schwan piano Co.. Ill 4th st. EXCELLENT care taken of piano, win rent and later on may buy; best of references. Phone Marshal! 4S5Q. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Grafonola library table, cost $225: for quick sale $125, with fine records. Phone Main 6087. PIANOS stored. 50c monthly; will sell at your price or "y tor casn. security stor age Co.. 100 4th st. $350 PIANO. $140 cash; real Ivory keys, not a stenclL Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. 1 PAY cssh for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert. 384 Yamhill St. $19 BUYS H'0 parlor organ for Christmas at Security Storage Co.. 100 4th St. Furniture for Ssle. VICTOR graphophone and about $10 worth of good records. In splendid condition, for $10. the complete outfit. Gevurtz Furni ture Co:. 1S5 to lOl First St.. nesr Yam hill. Look for the big electric sign. FOR bALE Second-hand oak and men og- ny office furniture or an Kin. is, ruing abinets and safes. Kllham Stat'y A Pt'g Co.. Fifth and Oak. Dogs, Birds and Pet Stock. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST. LADDIX KENNELS. EST A CAD A. OR. Livestock. HOLSTEINS FOR SALE 2 cows, 2 heifers Call at 86 Broadway. FINE diamond solltare for exchsnge for cat tic or horses. 1020 East Yamhill. HOLSTEIN snd Durham dairy cows. Bruce. Union Stockyards Terma FRESH COW for salo cheap. Russell St. Typewriters. Inquire 200 NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible modele $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all mskea of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Wash St. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co . 231 Stark St. Main 1407 CvVtN'A portable folding typewriter Main 22S5. E. W. Pease Co. , agents. 110 6th st. Automobiles. LEAVING for East and will sell my prac tically new Chevrolet Baby Grand tour ing car at a bargain; driven less than 500 miles. K 086. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A Reo automobile with a two cylinder. 20-horsepower engine: engine In good shape; a snap. E. L. Knight A Co.. 449 Washington St. Main 6535. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 88 N. Broadway. SLIGHTLY used tires. $S to $10 each; vul csnlzed. 25c; tire repslrlng. 207 Madison NEW 1-ton Ford truck for sale cheap. N. W. cor. 2d and Jefferson sta 1913 CADILLAC, good shspe. good tires; $3S5 cash; no trades Marshall 3766. 144-TON Federal truck; good tires, first class condition. $550. Marshall 2260. FOR SALE Enclosed Ford delivery body, la floe shape, 410 Alder st. FOR SALE. Automobile... CADILLAC A car of class st a price that Is simply a New Year's present to the man who understands what a bargain this really Is; must be seen to be appreciated. Goodfellow. 381 Couch st. NEW 1917 Ford touring car. electric starter and electric lighting system, shocks, speedometer and other numerous equip ment; non-skid tires, same slss all around: libera: discount. Howard Auto Co.. 14th and Davis. Main 1130. Ask for Mr. Hll debrs.ndt. 1 FORD TOURING CAR, $225. 1 Ford touring. 1816. $275. 1 Modal N Ford delivery. $75. 1 1914 Chevrolet delivery. $200. 1 1912 While truck $300. 1 3-ton Packard truck. $1230. B05 ALDER ST. MAXWELL A wonderful little special lob that can be bought for less than the pries of the cheapest car on the market and you'll have an automobile. For" ap pointment to see this, phone Goodfellow. Urmdway SS7. FOR SALE or trade for first mortgage a dandy Bulck In excellent shape or a model 55 Apperson. also In splendid shape. Inquire of Psclflc KleselKar Branch. B-.iadwsy and Davis st. Phone Bdwy 821. SEVERAL dandy used trucks ranging from -ton to 5-ton; these trucks can be had on your own terms. Pacific KlsaelKar Branch, Broadway and Dsvts st. FOR USED CARS Corns to ths Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main 6244. SEVERAL cheap roadsters, perfect shape, and a lot of used cars that would make fine bugs or deliveries; easy terms. Pacific KlsselKar Brsnch. Broadway and Davis. REMOVAL NOTICE. Kennedy Auto Painting Co. will remove January 1 to Broadway and Couch, with Keats Auto Co. WE HAVE a new Monroe Roadster, com p'.etely equipped, which we will sell st cost. Chevrolet Motor Co., Burnslde and Union sta Phone East 4090. 1016 OVERLAND. Oood as new, $G25; will take good car In trade. Broaawsj Garage, e. 24th and Broadway. Automobiles Wanted. TWO good residence lots on good improved street: valuation $500; will trade for a good Ford auto. 1015 or 1814. Box Wood burn. FORDS bought, sold and exchanged. R L. SHORT .v CO.. Automobile repairing. 333 E. 11th. E. 4010. WE will pay cash for late model Fords. Dodge Bros., or Bulck autos. Boone & Co., 514 Alder st. Mala 8866. CASH for light cars. Fords preferred. Main 3718 Washington st. Garage. BEST FOItD $lrt0 cash will buy. 505 Alder. Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any kind of work by month or yearly contract. We are agenta for Wichita trucks and tractors. Also have three rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Long & Sllva. 462 Hawthorne ave. East 684o. FORD delivery; owner wishes hauling for firm. Keating. K. F. D. No. 1. Trouldale. Oregon. 1014 SAXON' 0. highway, depots, touring. calling, shopping; ressonsble. Esst 4582 1916 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call lng and shopping. Main 7435. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long & Sllva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Pbone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drlvera Hawthorne. East 1628. 450 E. Motorcycles. SOME BARGAIN. Reading standard, twin cylinder motor cycle, presto tank, searchlight, good tires, perfect condition, only $50. See P. C Graves 151 4th st. m MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th st Hartey-Davldson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers in motorcycles In the state. Main 7889. MiM-ellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed: all machines sent out sew perfect and guaranteed: machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d. near Taylor at. A 3624. Main 0131. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads. $5 end up: box tops. $2 and up. S. S. Siegel. two lores 383 Alder at. and 242 Alder at. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses. bought, sold snd exchsnged. Hochfeld's Camera Excbsnge. 85 3d St. Main 3581. AT SACRIFICE -Furniture of .V room house 24 laying hens. 15 rabbits. 2 months' wood, canned fruit and winter potatoes; rent $7. Phone Sell. 2783. CASH REGISTERS rllghtly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange. 351 H Washington st. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging snd hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, care Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Ma.n 2363. ELK HEAD FOR SALE 12 points, perfect head, in the very best of condition. Phone or call at Marshall 1691. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; sll grsdes; large selection. Pacific Stafy A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 17 FOR tfALE 100 sacks of good eating pota toes. $1.50 a sack. Inquire 213 Union ave. S.. between S A. M. and 12 M. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Elcctrie Works. 413 Burnalde st. Broadway or A 5674. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. Portland Cash Register Co.. 1st & Yamhill. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lesd & Machinery Co.. 311 Front st. INTERNATIONAL Encyclopedia for sale at half pjrice. 1230 Missouri ave. ALL kinds of hestlng stoves to trade. What have youT 12S Ist FURNITURE WANTED. MONEY TALKS. WE pay the best xssh prices for house hold or office turnlture. rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC. 185 to 101 1st St. Mar. 5981. A 8224. FF.I.DSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants all kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion 166-168 First st., bet. Morrison and Ysmhlll. Msln 463$. HIGHEST nrlces paid for your furniture. stoves and carpets. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 207 1st st. Marshall 587. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, ship out town; can pay more than Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER & CO., Masonic Temple bldg.. pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc. Phone Main 3o32. PARTY would llko to buy household goods, rugs. etc.. tor easily Marshall 1822. BE WISE Sell vour furniture to the Ford r'.. XX . 1 .. SO-.1 1111 st . : - : . wa:vi two vxi- run. uc mo iuwuluic. 128 First. Msln 4405 WILL pav cash for 2d-hand furniture. Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4783. Call WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you all It is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof that wo handle nearly everything you need In the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phono Main 0O72. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7 50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS. SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 20S0. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2080. 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER MARSHALL 1291k 228 MADISON ST. JUNK WANTED. All descriptions of Junk bought; highest price paid for old metal and Iron. Call Marshall 3225. CASH for your old gold, sliver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering. mfg Jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL lAIN 4776. OR ?46 FIRST ST. WANTED National cash register. Main 606 851 H Washington St. HELP WANTED MAI.K. ABE THE TAILOR buys your old. new clothing, shoes; high est cash prices Marshall 3225. or 209 Madison St. WANTED 'Duck hunters for Sunday shoot Phone Main 0120. Dr. Chambers. PARTNER with $300. salary $100 mo; perlence not necessary. Mar. 239. WANTED Willing worker on farm; age. wages. AB 0O0. Or Oregonlan. WANT to buy 1000 old coins. Dr. Buck, 4"' Plttock blk., foot specialist. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY- EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C. A. You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. Ws can tell you how or send you to it. During past 7 years we have placed or helped place themselves, over 11,000 men and boys This service a privilege of membership in the T. M. C. A. $5 glvee you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. See Secretary Stanley Baker. WANTED 100 men at once to learn the automobile and gas tractor trades In Hemphill'e leading trade school. Special class now training for Spring business. Students are taught by actual practice to operate and repair automobilea. gas tractors, stationary and marine engines. Call or write for our beautiful free cata logue. Hemphill's Trade School. 707 H t:iorne. corner 20th. HIGH-GRADE SUITS, OVERCOATS. Men! Trade upstairs and save $10; $24 suits and overcoats for $15 and $30 values for $20. Jimmy Dunn. 2d floor El.ers building, cat-ty corner from Pantagea Theater. AT LAST A key-operated adding machine at $47.50; agents wanted every village and city; also traveling and sideline salesmen; commission. Write today. Commonwealth Adding Machine Agency. Seattle. Wash. $300 will teach and start you In the candy1 business like my candy butcher shop at ess Washington st. BIO PROFITS IN THIS. WANTED In every city good live hustlers with horse and wagon or automobile and with sufficient capital to build up but erlne routes that will net good returns and own your own buslnesa Address AV 327. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced salesman for whole sale plumbing supply house; stats age. whether married or single, references, wages received, where last employed. AO 007. Urgonian. RAILWAY mail P. O. clerks, carriers, oue- tom-house employes: $75 to $150 a month; life Jobs; no strikes, no layoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Paclflo States School. McKay bldg.. city. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 TILL . DO YOU WANT sure Job. big pay. easy hours, rapid advance? Write for big free book, DW 306, tells bow you can get good Government position. Earl Hopkins, Wasb Ington. D. C. WANTED Lrapery and decorative sales man: must bo thoroughly experienced and have first-class references: state age. ex perience, references and salary expected. Adrirsa AV 333. Orgonlan. WANTED At once, first-class gray Iron foundry mouders. eight hours, first-class wages to flrst-claas molders. 417 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED at once, first-class wood pat ternmakers, eight hours, first-class wages to ftrst-class patternmakers. 417 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL AUTOMOBILES AND GAS TRACTORS. EXPERIENCED tea and coffee solicitors wanted at once; liberal commission and chance for advancement to men who can produce results. Boyd Tea Co.. 226 8d st. GOOD pay everywhere for trained mechan ics; take course In steam, gas or electrical .engineering. Free catalogue from Seattle Engineering School. Roy street. Seattle. TWO Uve. energetic salesmen, for business and residence work: a permanent position; good money. Call for personal Interview. 0 to 11 A. M. S17 Oregonlan bldg. FOUR young men at once; opportunity to travel If you prove capable. Call room 608. Y. M. C. A., bet. 2 and 4. WANTED Men to distribute circulars; see us today. Kelly Advertising Co., 427 E. Morrison st. Stcu.VD-HAN'D clothing buyer; be wise; get full vslue for second-hand clothlng 2Q1 1st st. Main 734. WANTED A lumber istenogrs pher out of town; gtve experience and salary desired. W 3. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced tie-makers: long job. Address standard Timber Co.. Ev- anston. i yo. ALL kinds of laborers, mill and camp men w anted. Bend Em ployrnent Agency. Bend. Or. LIVE WIRE, secure ads for Oregon number Jewelers' paper. AD 097. Oregonlan. WANTED Mlddle-sged msn to start fire for room. AF 9S8, Oregonlsn. BARBER for Ssturdsy. 240 4 Alder st. Help Wanted) Agents. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. llelo Wantra Salesmen. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Wanted a first-class experienced automobile sales man, salary and commission; address by letter only, giving experience and salary wsnted; all communications tresten strictly confidential. Pacific Klssel-Kar Branch. Broadway and Davis HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Woman for general housework. In family of two adults: good home and $10 per month. Apply afternoons. SvO Union avenue North. $300 will tesch snd stsrt yon In the esndy business like my csndy butcher shop at 52b Wsshlngton st. KIG PROFITS IN THIS. WANTED strong woman or girl to do gen eral housework; some laundry, good home end kind treatment- 360 East 14th North Broadway car. LAl'r.itlKNi'KO, educated law stenog rapher: salary to start $15: ststa experi enee snd references. M 997, Oregonlsn. WANTED A eompetnt pentry women, room and board Included In wages. The Vlr glnla Hill. 265 14th St. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 403 Bdy.. Yamhill bldg.. trains you well; you hold your positions secured for you. MVNlCURE, first-rlsss. Board of Tmd barber shop; experienced; no telephone il ls anfrcred. WANT women and children to call 423 PU tock block; free advice on toot trouble. Dr. Buck, osthopedlo end foot specialist. WANTED A housework ; Main 51BO. competent girl no washing; 7 for general S Flanders. LADY, in order to svold being slone nights, will give room free to employed woman. P 906. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages; no washing; 455 E. 25th st. N Phone East 7::S.. FIKST-.'LASS stenographer: give experience. reference, salary, ago and full particulars. AO 099. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl to assist with houseworU for room, board and $10 a month; no washing. Tabor 1 002. WANTED Chorus girls for musical corned v stork. Call room 416. Wlllard Hotel. Id A. M. today. - EXPERIENCED cook for Country Club. Call manager. Main 3130, sftr 0 A. M., or fake S. P. car to Raleigh station. WANTED An elderly woman, to care fnr children In excliangn for good home. Phono Tabor 6559. LADIES, do chochetine at home. Call morn ings. 11 to 1. 1122 Flledner bldg.. 10th and Washington. WANTED School girl to help with light housework for room snd board; 4 blks. from Lincoln High. 547 Broadway. ExT'ERIKN'i'ED waitress, good wages, wlthi room and board. Alexandra Court. 53 E11-& street. GOOD girl wsnted, to assist with house work: family of three: no small children; references required. Phone East 522L FANCY hand Ironers and experienced collsr girl. Opera-house Laundry, 2d and Et erett sts. EXPERIENCED girl for rooking and gen -eral housework. 704 Irving st. Main 82.15. YOUNG girl wanted for light housework. Apply morning. $05 N. 2:1 St. E.Nl-KRIENCED girl, general small family: 494 Vista ave housework : Main 2rt2. GIRL to assist In housework. Apply morn ings. Main 6310. 434 Carter Lane. YOUNG girl to assist with cooking and general housework. 400 HoUaday ave. PRIVATE HOME for children, any age;. 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. MISS MATTINGLT'S SCHOOL. Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 260 14th. Main 3803. YOL'.XC. girl to assist in care of babv and in light housework. Call Tabor 3Q35. GIRL to assist with housework and care of child. 747 Gllsan at. COMPETENT Japanese girl, general house work: two in family. Phone Main 6039. WANTED A girl 584 3d st. to assist In housework. COMPETENT woman to take care of mother and new baby for two weeks. Main 5319. COMPETENT girl for general housework; two In family. Phone Main 6030. WANTED- German-American girl for light housework. $12 month. Tabor 6564. Aj experienced second girl. Call at Mrs. W. J. Burns. 153 N. 19th st. KXI'K':I1:N'F.D Wall! operators Sre Miss Sailor. Remington Typewriter Co. WAITRESS, in and 34514 Washington. $30. Hansen's. WANTED Four experienced salesladies. Call today. Washington Hotel, room $28. 1