THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29. 191G. MJC25SAVE FUEL! USE A GAS HEATER FOR YOUR BATHROOM, ETC. 13-INCH OPEN REFLECTOR GAS HEATERS, $3 SIXTH FLOORS22252252222 Our Great Annual Sale Women 's Apparel Continues Today Every Suit, Coat, Dress and Skirt Reduced EXPERT CHIROPODIST IN OUR BEAUTY SHOP An expert chiropodist in constant attendance. Foot ills quickly and effectually removed for a moderate charge. Appointments by phone or per sonal visit. Beauty Shop, Fifth Floor. ALL CHARGE PURCHASES Today go on the January accounts, which are made payable February 1. SKIRTS CUT TO YOUR MEASURE FREE If the materials are purchased in our Silk or Wool Dress Goods Shop. Skirts accordion, box or knife pleated finished, ready to put on band for $1. Second Floor, Fifth Street. PORTLAND AGENTS BUTTERICK PATTERNS "Best by Any Test." Awarded Grand Prize at Panama-Pacific Exposition. Latest styles now being shown. See them in our big daylight Pat tern Shop. Second Floor, Fifth St. The- QjualitV Stoke or Portland TP HrV 'iiii Hi i In Addition to These, Many Unadvertised Specials to Celebrate Our After Christmas Clean- Up Sales &Last Friday Surprise in 1916 Meier & Frank's 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES J 80 s I 1403U FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's $1.25 Black Tights,Friday 35c Knee and ankle lengths, open and closed styles. Famous "Swan Brand." In small sizes only. For Friday Surprise special at only 35c pair. Main Floor. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 35c and 50c Silk and Cotton Mulls 25c A large assortment of fancy Tussah, silk and cotton mulls, etc., in fancy figured and Jacquard de signs. Special for Friday Sur prise at, yard 25c. 2d Fir. 140:id FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's "Athena .25 Mer. Tights 59c Medium-weight tights in knee length. The best $1.25 grade in broken sizes for quick disposal in Friday Surprise Sale the pair 59c. Main Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 60c Mercerized Table Damask, Yd. 39c White mercerized table damask, full 58 inches wide a splendid, durable grade for everyday use on special sale for Friday only at, yard 39c. 2d Fir. MEIER & FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Men's $1.50-$2 Gloves 95c g Mostly Jsizes 7 and IV Jernns, Dent s and tfacmo makes in tan, mocha and cape styles pique and P. X. M. seams. Small sizes. $1.50 Scarfs 79c Silk throw scarfs in many differ ent strined effects, rherfcs nrl dotted designs. Broken lines of $1.50 silk throw scarfs at 79c 12i2c HANDKERCHIEFS 8c Men's fine initial handkerchiefs in linen and cambric. All full size. Broken lines. While any remain today, each 8c instead of 12 Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c to 45c Yd. Embroidery Yard 18c 27-inch lawn embroidery flouncing in eyelet and floral patterns. Pretty for children's wear. 75c TO $1.00 DRESS FLOUNCING, YD. 59 40-inch dress flouncing on voile, batiste and organdie. Neat floral patterns. Especially pretty for graduation frocks. Special, yard 59c 25c TO 45c SHADOW AND RADIUM LACE, 15 Edges and bands, 2 to 4 inches wide, in black, white and cream col ored radium and shadow laces. Yard Friday 15c. Main Fir., 5th St. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's 35c Linen Handkerchiefs for 19c Initialed, plain and prettily embroidered hand kerchiefs of pure, fine linen in this sale. Also silk and crepe novelties in many designs at 19c. Main Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE Boys,$1.50Stamp,d Suits,SpecialFriday 49c "Oliver Twist" suits stamped to embroider on white linette. Com pletely made. Sizes for boys 2, -4 and 6 years old. Exceptional values. 2d Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE Children's 121c Kerchief s Box at Box of 2 dainty white or colored Handkerchiefs in pretty designs for children's use. Two in fancy little box, on special sale Friday at only 5c Main Fir. 140:td FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.00 Stamped Day Pillow Cases, Pair 57c Completely made and prettily stamped for embroidering, these envelope pillow cases are made of fine quality cambric. For Friday only, pair 57c. 2d Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 50c-65c Children's Muns'g Vests-Pants 38c; Odds and ends and broken sizes of children's famous Munsing vests and pants. Fleece lined in high neck, long sleeve, ankle length styles. Main Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 12,Vc Bleached Cambric, the Yard iOc 36-inch full-bleached cambric in soft finish for underwear and gowns. An excellent quality and a very special value for Friday Surprise at 10c 2d Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's Fancy Silk Hose, the Pair 87c Truly wonderful values even for this special Friday Surprise Sale! Fancy striped and black and white hose, some with embroidered boots. Main Fir. 1403d FRIDAY' SURPRISE Women's 35c Fine Burson Hose, Pair 28c Extra fleece-lined hose with ribbed top. Fast black an excel lent hose for women's Winter wear. Sizes 8 to 10 Friday at 2 pairs 55c. Main Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE Silver Articles in 3 Big Sale Lots An exceptional opportunity to start a new or add pieces to your toilet set. German silver and ster ling articles all worth many times the price asked. A 0! A large lot of toilet articles selling regu larly to $1.00. At Values to $2.00 ., -tozK. Drushes, talcum -hat m jar holders, cream jars, sterling mani cure pieces, etc A Gftj Values to $3.50 ' -'OC clothes brushes, mir rors, hair brushes and scores of toi let articles Jewelry Shop, Main Fl. MEIER & FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Women's $25.00-$30.00 Party Frocks $18.45 One Illustrated AN EXTRA SPECIAL SALE! Taffeta, matinee faille, taffeta with net overdrapes and fancy satin frocks in the daintiest, pret tiest styles so popular now ! Some are in delicate light shades and others in brilliant colors all are unusually smart. Beautiful models in many in stances just one of a kind on spe cial sale Friday only $18.45. Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c Wide, Fancy Ribbons, the Yard 19c Plain or moire taffetas, fancy and satin striped edges., fancy stripes, checks and Dresden de signs. Also plain colors. Friday only at, yard 19c. Main Fir. I I"'!. I FRIDAY SURPRISE 18c Flannelette Special, the Yard at 14c 36-ineh flannelette in light, me dium and dark colorings, suitable for kimonos, house dresses, com forter covers and other uses. Many designs, yard 14c. 2d Fir. 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE 35c and 40c Books Special Friday Only 15S Paint books, picture books, gift books, paper dolls hundreds of titles on one large table for Fri day Surprise selling only at 15c. Basement Balcony. 1 lo:t.l FRIDAY SI "RPRISF. $1.00-$1.50 Carpet Remnants, Special 75c Three groups of remnants of fine velvet, body Brussels and Wilton carpets. In 1, l'hi and 1-yard lengths. Fine $1.00-$1.50 values Friday, 75c. 7th Fir. MEIER & FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $3.00 to $3.50 WAISTS $1.65 A big cleanup sale of splendid waists. You will want two or three of them when you see what excellent values await you here ! Linen, voile, Georgette and Crepe de Chine waists in white and flesh color. The linens are in plain colors with white frills and the silks are daintily made and trimmed. The lot consists mainly of small sizes but all sizes are in cluded in some of the prettiest styles. Waist Shop. Fourth Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES EXTRA SPECIAL! Boys' $10.00 Two- Pants Suits $5.85 Closing out 100 fine worsted suits at this price Friday, each suit with two pairs full cut, full-lined knickers. Included are smart Pinch-back models with detachable 3-piece belt and large patch pockets, coats lined with fancy alpaca. Dark blues and browns. All sizes 6 to 18 years. Boys Clothing- Shop. Third Floor 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.25 Folding Kitchen Stool 69c Serviceable, well made folding kitch en stools in var nished finish, as il lustrated. A special quantity purchase brings you this big reduction. Basement. MEIER & FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES 2.75 Fiber Sweaters $1.79 Children's fiber sweaters in sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. Copen and rose colors, made with V neck and two pockets. Very special, $1.79. 75c Children's Play Aprons, 59 Girls' sewing aprons, boys' carpenter sets and painting aprons. Complete and dearly loved by the kiddies. In white, pink and blue, with colored piping. Sizes 2 to 10 years. $17.50 American Frat Dresses, $13.95 Sizes 12 to .16 years. Pretty little frocks of fine wool serge in one-piece style, with novel belt pockets and fancy collar and cuffs. ' Children's $5.00 Japanese Robes, $3.98 Heavy padded robes and unlined silk kimonos finished with cord girdles and silk sashes. Sizes 2 to 6 years. $6.50 Robes reduced to Jj?4.50. Girls' Shop. Second Floor. MEIER i FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY Sl'RPRI-I. MUM Year -End Drapery Surprises $2.00 CURTAINS $1.40 $2.20 CURTAINS $1.60 Especially fine scrim curtains 175 pairs in all. Well trimmed, many with valance pieces for centers. A special purchase enables us to offer you these good savings today. Drapery Shop, Seventh Floor Freshly Churned Royal Banquet Butter 83c Finest quality butter, freshly made in our own modern sanitary churn from pasteurized cream. Today, 2-lb. roll 83c. Coffee, our Victor 30c blend, freshly Or roasted, lb dO Maraschino Cherries, 85c size 65c, 45c size Ol 35c, 25c size tUU Mince Meat, Atmore's con densed, dozen $1.05, package JK Cluster Table Raisins, new crop, lb. 20c, 15c JQq Bleached Sultana Raisins, finest quality, "I 7 1j p new crop, lb. . . J- 4 I AKs Navel Oranges, sweet and juicy California, " VLr doz. 29c, 25c J-tlL, Golden Dates, new and de licious, the lb. 1 rT4' for only -I- "2 Fard Dates, new, fine for rbtufftg:.!he..22c Mixed Nuts, best quality new crop, the lb. - for only Ion jugs priced at Sweet Cider, gal- Afi Layer Figs, best Califor nia Mission, the lb. Pjq Loganberry Juice, Pheas ant brand, bottle 35c, 25c and Walnuts, new California soft shell, the lb. for Cranberries, finest quality Cape Cod, the lb. only Shelled Almonds or Wal nuts, finest quality PP new crop, lb 15c lifornia 20c quality 1212C Plum Pudding, Richardson & Robbins' or Atmore's, No. 2 cans 50c, No. Or. 1 cans .OC Shelled Pop Corn, fine dry 2-year-old stock, the pound OC Pumpkin, solid pack, reg ular 12Mc large Q cans C Asparagus, green tips, the regular 25c grade, "I Q dozen $2-20, can -LUC Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. MEIER & FRANK'S 1403d FRIDAY SI'RPRISK SALES Men's $12.50 $15.00-$20 RAINCOATS $9.85 Famous "Aervento" ventilated rubberized top-coat style raincoats that are watertight but not air tight and some "Goodyear" coats included gray, brown and green mixtures. Sizes 34 to 46. J Men's Clothing Shop. Third Floor CITY FOOD DEPOT ASKED COMMITTEE WILL, WAIT ON MAYOR ALBEE TODAY. Socialization of Supplies to Effect Re duction In Cost of Living; is Demanded by Socialists. Socialization of the city's supplies to a large extent Is the apparent aim of a bill of demands which will be pre sented to Mayor Albee by a special I'ommittee which will wait on him 1I1 is morning to demand action by the municipality looking to a reduction of the cost of living. The committee was appointed by Vic tor J. McCone, state secretary of the Socialist party, at a mass meeting held at the Central Library a short time ago. The programme which will be pre sented at the Council meeting this morning, will contain the following demands: Demand that the city government seize all the foodstuffs and coal stored and locked ,11. hv BDeculators within the city limits. ' That the city establish Immediately and maintain municipal marKets and shops for the sale of foodstuffs and fuel at cost. That the city establish dairy farms and cattle ranches for ti.e supply of the munici pality with tho respective products. The establishment of municipal bakeries and butcher shops, milk and egrg depots, where food will be sold at cost. The establishment of municipal markets with terminal facilities and with munici pal commission bureaus. Food to be sold at cost. That the city buy directly from the farm ers their produce and sell same in Its own stores at cost. That the city supply lunches to all school children. That the city build cold storage ware houses for the benefit of the city's people. That the city use Its police powers and health .powers to inspect existing cold stor age plants and report to the citizens the amount and klr.ds of food stored In cold storage plants by food speculators. A municipal lighting ' plant and service therefrom for me wnole people similar to the Seattle and Tacoma publicly-owned plants. That the city, as- soon as possible, take over tne plant or tne fortiantt Kallway Licht & Power Company and Institute mu nlclpal streetcar service. Transportation to be at cost. The personnel of the committee fol lows: Albert Streiff, chairman; C. W Barzee. 13. Headebush, W. C. Aylsworth, Mrs. Selma Jokela-McCone, Alexander T. Frankel. A. Kingsbury, )fns. Ina Coleman, Mrs. Emelie Beyer. Mrs. A. T. Frankel, H. J. Bishop and v . ciaaeK. APPEALS COURT WANTED BILL. TO CREATE NEW CIRCUIT TRIBUNAL TO BE INTRODUCED. State Senator Orion's Measure Would Divide New Bench Into Three Departments Covering Oregon. A. W. Orton. State Senator from Multnomah County, will introduce a bill in the Legislature creating a Cir cuit Court of Appeals to have jurisdic tion over all cases appealed from the Circuit Court In which the property involved does not exceed $1000, and in all criminal cases except felonies. The new court would also rule on constitu tional questions not already decided on the same points by the Oregon Supreme Court or the Supreme Court of the United States. The bill provides that the new court shall be composed of Circuit Judges to be designated by the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court. Thev would receive their expenses while serving. Three departments of the proposed Circuit Court of Appeals are provided. Department No. 1 would sit on ap pealed cases from Clatsop, Columbia. Clackamas, Multnomah. Washington. Yamhill. Tillamook. Lincoln, Polk, Marion. Linn. Lane, Jefferson. De schutes. Wasco and Hood River coun ties, with headquarters In Portland. Department No. 2 would sit on ap pealed cases f rom Douglas, Coos. Curry. Benton. Josephine, Jackson. Klamath and Lake counties, with headquarters In Grants Pass. Department No. 3 would have Juris diction of appealed cases from Baker, Crook. Gilliam. Grant, Harney. Jeffer son. Malheur. Morrow, Sherman. Uma tilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco and Wheeler counties, with headquarters in Pendleton. Each department would be composed of three Judges from the other two de partments. The clerk of the State Su preme Court would be empowered to appoint a clerk for each department at $900 a year. No case over which the new court would have jurisdiction could be appealed to the Supreme Court. A device called a detectature has been invented to permit a man In one room to watch a cash register In an I other. $10,275 DAMAGES ASKED frank; fagan says allegations of crime injured name. Charge by Mrs. Krkprmsn of Attack on Child Not Substantiated at Grand Jury Inquiry. Frank Fagan, night watchman at a local mill, filed suit in the Circuit Court yesterday for $10,275 damages. because of an alleged malicious arrest for a crime of which He had no knowl edge, against Mrs. Lizzie Eckerman and her sister, Mrs. Mary Mann. On June 21, 1916. Mrs. Eckerman caused the arrest of Fagan for an al leged attack on 5-year-old Martha Eckerman. her daughter. Mrs. Mann was one of the witnesses against Fagan. The accused was given a pre liminary hearing before Acting Munic ipal Judge Stadter and bound over to the grand jury. He spent eight days In jail before procuring $500 bond. The grand Jury returned a not true bill in his case and in the complaint filed by Attorneys Hurlburt and Layton, Fagan maintains his reputation has been injured $10,000 worthy The world's principal Jade mine is In Burma, where the privilege of mining the stone has been in tho possession of one Indian tribe for many generations. RESOLVE to make yourself more efficient dur ing the coming year. Ulasscs correctly fitted by us will anaiat you. Ask ua about our Krjp tok double vision lenses, Ss to 915. trices. Sphero in your own I Sphero in Aluminum I Sphero In gold-filled I frame Lenses Sphero (curved) in G. E. glass mounting 95.50 Kryptok Lenses $8.00 to 15.(H STAPLES, Tke JEWELER -6 MORRISON, BET. THIRD AND FOURTH.