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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1916)
19 THE ttOBNIKG OREGOWIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER S8, 1916. NEW JITNEY ZONE SYSTEM DUE SOON City Commissioner Oieck to Have Operation Plan Ready This Week. LICENSES OPEN TO ALL Change Effective January 1 and Deliveries fn Large Districts for Five Cents and Requested Detours to Be Enforced. City Commissioner Dieck, to whom hus been .given control- over the jit neys heretofore exercised by Commis sioner Daly, wiU adopt the City Council's- new zone system for taxicabs be fore the end of this week, and will then authorize the granting of licenses for the three months beginning Jan uary l to all who apply for licenses under that system. The new zones, which are based on distance and grades from a common center in the city, will replace the zone system which was devised by Com missioner Daly some time ago for the purpose of opening the way for jitneys to evade regulations insisted on by the Council. It Is expcted that the jitneys will take out licenses under the new zone system and will try to continue operating as at present. Instructions have been given to the city license bureau to issue licenses only for legitimate taxicabs operating on an hourly or taximeter basis. The bureau has been asked to hold up all applications from jitneys for licenses to operate under the subterfuge zone system which has prevailed since No vember 18, and which is to be over thrown by Commissioner Dieck in ac cordance with the will of the City Council. Patrons Can Demand Detour. The action of Commissioner Dieck will mean that the jitneys will have to Increase their service so as to make deliveries within large districts for 5 cents. They will have to become real taxicabs at least when patrons demand that they shall. While they have not posted their rates yet, it is expected they will post 5-cent rates in the clos?e-in zones, and depend on their patrons not to ask them to make de liveries off their usual routes. How ever, they will have to make deliv eries off thse routes when asked to do so. and will be subject to arrest if they refuse. , Commissioner Dieck started yester day to put the Council's new zone sys tem in shape for official filing. It may be filed today and applications under the system then will be received by the license bureau. There are fewer jitneys in business now than at any time in the last two years. This is due in part to the fact that all jitneys not belonging to the Jitney Drivers' Union have been put out of business by Commissioner Daly's subterfuge zone system. The zones were worked out by the Jitney Drivers' Union and approved by Commissioner Daly. Zone Cards Copyrighted. The Jitney Drivers' Union declared at first to have the zone cards copy righted, and they were not available, therefore, for use by non-union Jitneys. These men either Joined the union or quit operating. For about two weeks Commissioner Daly has refused to grant any new Jitney licenses, which fact has kept out all non-union operators. Among these has been W. M. Foster, who has tried to get a license to establish two or three large buses on the Linnton route. Mr. Foster is now seeking a franchise for the route. JITNEY UNION ASKS FRANCHISE W. M. Foster, However, Offers Best Terms for Linnton Line Rights. The Jitney Drivers" Union yesterday filed application for a franchise for the Jitney line to Linnton in accordance with a request of the City Council. The Council had given the union until yes terday to get its application in, the Council having held up an application of W. M. Foster for the same franchise until the union could make its appli cation. Mr. Foster has offered a great deal more than the union and it is expected therefore that his application will get the preference. The union offers to operate small touring cars and to pay the city $2 a month license fee on each. The union application provides for di version of the cars from the route at a charge in excess of the regular fare of 10 cents for the trip. No bond is of fered for the protection of the public Mr. Foster agrees to operate large motor buses of a modern type and to grant a straight 10-cent fare. He agrees to furnish an accident bond of $5000 on each car operated and to give regular service on a schedule. He of fers to pay $50 for each car each three months, which would amount to 5 per cent of the gross earnings. The Council will consider the two franchise applications tomorrow morning. CITY TO ACT AS AGENT Flan Is for Owners to List Vacant Property They Want Cultivated. A plan devised by City Auditor Barbur and Commissioner Baker where by the city will act as agent for owners of vacant property in granting per mission to others to cultivate the land, was approved by the City Council yes terday. City Attorney LaRoche was instructed to draft an ordinance pro viding for the system. It is planned to have owners of prop erty list with the city all property they are willing to allow used for gardens. Applications will be received also for persons wishing to make the gardens. Permission for the gardens will then be granted by Commissioner Baker. The move is aimed to combat the high cost of living as well as to encourage improvement of vacant property so as to eliminate weed and brush patches. CHECK WILL NOT BE MADE Ordnance Codification of C. Mahaffic to Stand. D. The City Council will not ask the city's legal bureau to check over the codification of penal ordinances of the city as worked out by C. D. Mahaffie under a contract with the city. It was decided yesterday that if there are any defects in the codified ordinances they will crop out before any great damage has been done. A contract for codification of the ordinances was given Mr. Mahaffie about three years ago. The work now has been taken over by ex-City Com missioner W. L. Brewster. 2 5 5 'MANY FINE SPECIALS NOT ADVERTISED HERE LOOK FOR THE "AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEAN-UP " CARDS All Charge Purchases Today Go on the January Accounts And Are Payable February 1 Tut Quality" Store op- Portland Ready With All Cold-Weather Needs Complete stocks RUBBERS for men, women and children; SWEAT ERS, TOQUES and SCARFS; heavy GLOVES; Patrick MACKI NAWS, Mackinaw HATS, DUXBAK clothing; German SOX; RUB .BER BOOTS, MOCCASINS, SNOW SHOES; SKIIS; Boys' SLEDS, Flexible SLEDS, Girls' SLEDS, etc. Choose Any Woman's Suit, Coat, Dress or Skirt At Wonderful Savings in This Sale THIS is proving; itself the greatest After Christmas Cleanup of Women's Apparel ever known in the history of this Store. Every day women tell us what amazingly good values are to be found here in SUITS, COATS and DRESSES. Hundreds of these fine garments have been sold but there still remain scores for your selection. Be sure to cnoose your garments Today assortments are still excellent. Wonderful Suits at These Savings $17.50 to $20.00 Suits $13-45 $22.50 to $29.50 Suits $16.85 $32.50 to $35.00 Suits $18-75 $37.50 to $39.50 Suits $21-45 $42.50 to $48.50 Suits $28-45 ENTIRE STOCK SUITS REDUCED Splendid Specials on Good Coats EVERY COAT IN OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCKS REDUCED Coats for Afternoon, Evening, Street and Utility Wear. And in addition, these extra specials Coats at $9-25 $1125 $13-25 $16-45 $18-65 Stylish Dresses at Great Savings Dresses for all occasions plain tailored, fancy and fluffy, frilly frocks for even ing wear. EVERY DRESS IN THE HOUSE REDUCED. See these specials: $15.00 to $19.50 Dresses $11-45 I $29.50 to $35.00 Dresses $17-85 $20.00 to $27.50 Dresses $14-65 I AD Net Dresses at 2 Separate Skirts at Special Prices $5.00 Skirts. $6.00 Skirts. $4-25 $510 $7.50 Skirts. $8.50 Skirts. 6-40 $10.00 Skirts... $8-50 57-25 $12.50 Skirts . $10 00 Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor i 50c-60c Cotton and Silk Novelties 25c A limited quantity of these fine silk and cotton novelties in this big clean-up sale today at 25c, instead of 50c-60c ; 36-inch. Wash Goods Shop, Second Floor. $1 .25ColoredBorder Table Qloths 98c Good heavy weight table cloths with fringe, bordered in red or blue. Size 70x58 inches. Today 98c instead of $1.25. Linen Shop. Second Floor Good $1.75 Values in Men's "Athens" Cooper Ribbed Wool Underwear $1.19 Sale extraordinary! Men's fine quality worsted shirts and drawers in a splendid Win ter weight at big savings today. Knit on famous "COOPER" Spring Needle Machines, comfortable, warm, form-fitting, well-finished undergarments. At this sensationally low price WE COULD NOT DUPLICATE THESE GAR MENTS OURSELVES! Buy this fine wool underwear today and even if you have plenty of good underwear NOW it will pay you to lay aside for next Winter's wear. ,We have enough for a rousing one-day sale, but if the response is as big as the value calls for, wise shoppers will do well to secure their purchases early. Men's Furnishings Shop. M ain Fir. FURS FURS FURS Scarfs Muffs, Sets, Coats Are Reduced $12.50 Scarf or Muff for. $17.50 Scarf or Muff for. $11.25 $15.75 $27.50 Scarf or Muff for. $45.00 Scarf or Muff for. .$24.75 $40.50 Every fur in our large stocks now re duced ! All our furs are sold with the M. & F. guarantee, that assures every piece of fur to be genuine and exact ly as represented. Note these special prices: $ 7.65 $45.00 $76.50 $8.50 Scarf or Muff for. $50.00 Scarf or Muff for. $85.00 Scarf or Muff for. Hudson Seal Fur Coats at Good Savings Handsome fur coats of rich, soft Hudson seal. All beautifully made and lined. Ex ceptional coats at these special prices: $125.00 Coats $106.25 I $225.00 Coats $191.25 $198.50 Coats . $168.73 $250.00 Coats $212.50 Fur Shop, Fourth Floor. $1.25-$2DressTulle98c Short lengths and odd shades of finest 40 and 72-inch silk dress tulle. Splendid values at $1.25 to $2.00 clean up special, yard 98c. 80c to $1.50 Laces 69c Laces for blouse and evening wear, metal, Chantilly, maline and net-top laces; also metal bands, many touches of color. Special, yard 69c. Lace Shop, Main Floor. Toilet Goods, Etc. 25c Glycerine and Rose Water. . -19? 15c Pure Witch Hazel, half pint. . 50c Canthrox Hair Shampoo 33c 25c Sal Hepatica, special at 17c 15c Babcock's Cut Roses Talcum . . 10c 50c Java Rice Face Powder 37 25c Mennen's Shaving Cream 20c 35c Daggett & Ramsdell Cream. .30c Japanese Ice Pencils for $1.50 Tokalon Rosea ted Cream at.-- 60C Toilet Goods Shop. Main Floor. Great Jewelry Clean-Up ! Reductions that are nothing short of sensational! We do not attempt to give items and prices such is the variety of articles included in this sale and so wide the range of prices. Come here today expecting to find the greatest jewelry bargains you have ever known you will not be dis appointed. Choose any of the undermentioned today at exactly half our regular selling prices: All Sterling Silver Toilet Sets Vz All Fancy Back Combs, Side Combs and Barrettes Vz All German Silver Toilet Sets Vz All German Silver Mesh. Purses Yz All Novelty Necklaces now at yz All Cigar Jars and Cigarette Cases l2 All Jewel Cases Are Reduced to Y2 , Jewelry Shop. Main Floor. $1.25 Sterling Silver 89c Included are lemon, pickle and sardine forks, sugar shells, tomato servers and a. fine miscellaneous assortment of pieces. $2.00-$4.50 Shaving Mugs y2 Silver-plated shaving mugs at exactly half price today. Many other good savings in this section. Ask about them. Silverware Shop. Main Floor. Girls' Fiber Sweaters $ 1 .69 A special sale of pretty little fiber silk sweaters in Copen, rose and green colors. Made with pockets and belt. Sizes 1 to 4 years. GIRLS $6.49 RAIN COATS $4.95 Sizes 6 to 16. Heavy rubberized cloth in black and brown tweed mix tures. Also dark plaids. Good styles. Hats to match. GIRLS' $2.98 RAIN CAPES $2.49 Sizes 2 to 14 years. Good rubberized sateen capes in red and blue. Made with hoods attached and lined in fancy plaid silks. GIRLS' $2.25 SCARF SETS $1.79 Fine soft Angora wool sets in light and dark stripes. Scarf finished with fringed ends and cap made with full crown. Sizes for children, misses and women. Girls' Shop, Second Floor. v. m $1.25 German China Cake Plates 79c Hand-decorated German china fancy cake plates in neat rose decoration, as illustrated. A limited number today at 79c instead of $1.25. Basement. Fifth Street. A CLEAN-UP OF Bath Robe Blankets I $3.50 "Beacon" Bath Robe Blankets, complete QJO with cords and loop. . POtJ $4.50 "Seacon" Bath Robe Blankets, complete fl with cords and loop. . P000 $4.50 Indian Robes $3.65 Indian robes and comfortables in beautiful colorings, elegantly finished and bound. $6 White Wool Blankets $5.35 White wool blankets, full bed size, with colorgd borders. Second Floor. 6.50 "Oregon City" Indian Robes $5.15 Handsome automobile and couch robes in beautiful Indian designs. All in authentic patterns and colorings that are fast. Large size robes special in this sale $5.15. $7.50 and $8.50 Indian Rotes at $6.45 Another group of fine robes in striking Indian colorings and designs. Size 64-76 inches. Every robe is beautifully made and finished. 20 Women's Suit Cases Special at $7.45 Black suit cases in different sizes. All are beautifully lined with good silk, some have double and others single locks. Slightly shelf worn but splendid values at $7.45. All Women's $20 to $30 Fitted Bags Less 15 Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor Our Great "1917" Sale $25 Suits, Overcoats U9.17 Luckily we selected enough of these fine fancy Suits and Overcoats from our regular stocks to supply the hun dreds who bought during the first two days of this great annual sale and still have plenty left for the many who will come here today. Port land men realize that a chance such as this comes only once in a long time and they have profited in good sea son. If YOU wish to enter the new year, as befits this glad time, wear ing a smart new Rogers Peet, Adler Rochester, Hickey-Freeman or So ciety Brand Suit or Overcoat, here is your chance to have one at big sav ings. All good materials, models (in cluding lots of pinch-backs) , patterns and colors and all sizes to fit men of every build. But they are going quickly better come in today. Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor a NewWelworth Blouses00 HERE ONLY IN PORTLAND Our patrons will be glad to learn that our weekly allotment of these famous two-dollar blouses has just been received and goes on sale today for the first time. Two smart new .mod els one as pictured. Limited number, so come as early as possible. Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. Sale Odd Pairs Curtains 1 Pair of a Kind Odd pair lots good curtains, including scrims, nets, laces and marquisettes. Only one pair of a kind hence the big reduc tions : Sl.50-S2.50 Grades 75c. S3.00-S4.00 Grades $1.95. S4.50-S6.75 Grades $2.33. Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. Fresh Creamery Butter 79c One of the best brands. Special today, 2-lb. rolls 79?. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, one of the purest and best, large pails $2.10, medium $1.10, small pails 65?. Crisco, the perfect shortening, extra large $1.95, large $1.35, medium 70c, small 35?. Coffee, M. & F. Special, freshly roasted, 40c grade, lb. 29c. Shrimps, best quality, new pack. No. 1 cans, dozen $1.05, can 9?. Apricots, No. 2M cans put up in light sugar syrup, dozen $1.60, large cans 14?. Peaches, best California fruit, put up in heavy sugar syrup, halves or sliced, dozen $1.90, large cans 17?. Figs, new Calimyrna, best California, lb. 20f . rTTTTT' Royal Club 2-oz. Bottle Pure Vanilla or Lemon Extract A XVi-XL with each 3-lb. can Royal Club Coffee today at $1.10. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street.