THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1916. 15 ANTI-FIRE RULE OUT Ships Must Install Adequate Sprinkling Systems. REGULATION IS OPPOSED Owners of Craft In Willamette and Columbia Rivers Have Wishes Disregarded by Government, Which Wants 'Safety First.' Tuletlde sentiment In steamboat circles is expected to end today when owners receive circulars mailed yes terday by the Federal Steamboat lh having to do with the in stallation of surlnkllne systems on vessels, as well as sheathing certain apace with metal as a. further safe guard against fire. Both regulations have proved most unwelcome to owners, and for a time & belligerent spirit existed among them, and even injunction proceedings were talked of to prevent the applica tion of regulations, which were de clared to be unwarranted and not origi nally Intended for the Willamette and Columbia River types of craft. Itwas also argued that as far as the sprin kling systems were concerned, owners were not required to put them in, so as to be available when vessels were without steam for operating pumps. Opposition Is Disregarded. Despite opposition here and else where on the Pacific Coast, the Gov ernment has proceeded with plans for Ban Francisco and la shipping; lumber at the Smith docks. The gas schooner Mirene, In port for a week, ventured to sea this momlns;. en route to the Sluslaw River, bat put back In half an hour, finding- more swell than warranted her getting Into port at Florence. The steam schooner Hardy, which came from San Francisco last night, passed most of today discharging and loading several thousand cases of salmon at the Ocean dock. ASTORIA, Or Dec. 26. (Special.) After discharging fuel oil, the barge Monterey left today for California In tow of the tug Navi gator. The keel Is being laid at the Astoria Boat Company's shop for a halibut fishing schoon er. The craft Is to be 40 feet In length and will be equipped with a gasoline engine. After discharging fuel oil at Astoria ana Portland, the tank steamer Oleum sailed to day for California. . The schooner Benlcla sailed today for Aus tralia with a cargo of lumber from West port. The steam schooner Daisy Matthews ar rived today from San Francisco and went to Portland, where she will load lumber. Carrying a cargo of lumber from Prescott, the bark Olympic will sail tomorrow for Melbourne. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec 28. (Special.) The steamer Hanna Nielsen arrived today from Tacomft to complete cargo with deck load of lumber for the Orient under charter to Andrew Weir & Co. After a successful season In the South eastern Alaska trade, the steamship Hum boldt, of the Humboldt Steamship Com pany, will salt from Seattle at 10 A. M. Wednesday. January 3, for San Francisco, carrying both passengers and freight. While In the south the vessel will undergo ewer BID PRICES RAISED Wheat Market Is Firm, With Eastern Inquiry. MORE TRADING IN COUNTRY annual overhauling. She will rffnim in the . Southeastern Alaska trade, sailing from Se- the Improvement. Bids here were higher Winter Crop Acreage in Pacific Northwest 2 5 0,000 Acres Short of Last Year's World Pro duction 2 5 Per Cent Less. The firmer tone that was apparent In the wheat market at the close of last week ex tended over Into the opening of the current week. A continuation of the Eastern In quiry seemed to be the principal cause of ttle about February 1 The Humboldt sailed south from W ran ge! 1 at 3 o'clock yesterday. While lying in the south slip at the Col man dock last night, the tug Christie R. filled with water and was found submerged at her mooring this morning. There was a long run-out of tide and It Is believed the vessel's lines were so short that she was held down and filled as the tide came In. The Christie R. Is owned by Lester Monahan and is operated as part of a plle drlvlng outfit. She probably will be raised tomorrow. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. (Speelal.) With two-thirds of her lumber cargo gone, the barge Charles Nelson arrived In port today from Tacoma in tow of the steamer Mukllteo. The- steamer and barge were seven days and 21 hours from the Puget Sound port. December 23 at 8 o'clock In the evening, while off Cape St. George, In a heavy south east gale, the deck lashings carried away ana .iaO.ouo feet of lumber was carried over- the enforcement of the "safety first 1 board. ihe Nelson was full of water when measures. Inspectors Edwards and . 8n n,aae . - Yv'vnn were veaterdav arjDrised from' The Fr"nch bark General De Negrier again 7irnwWt!f.0-tVl7,,?I .h as been withdrawn from the berth for gen- - - -"-.erai cargo to Nantes. It Is now announced Steamboat Inspection Bureau of the last Instructions prepared. From the communication, instructions were tak en and reissued in the form of a cir cular for the guidance of owners, mas ters and agents in this district. In part it follows: The bureau advises that where it is in tended to sheath the exposed surface, the sheathing must not bridge or span the SDace between carlings or between beams. but must be fitted so as to land directly tnat the vessel is open for a grain cargo to the United Kingdom. Bringing general Island cargo, the Matson steamer Enterprise arrived from Hilo today. Twenty-three days from Port Arthur, the Japanese freighter SunukI Man arrived in port today for fuel. The vessel is bound for Manila. (Reporting good weather all the way from Sydney with the exception of- three days before arriving at San Francisco, the Oceanic liner Ventura made port before daylight this mornmg. The Ventura brought 14o passen- on the surface to -be protected, so that gers and had a large cargo of Australian there may be no air aptci or ducts under the sheathing that would create, induce or carry draft to aid or extend combustion In any way. Water Blanket Necessary. The water-jprinkling system to be reliable and efficient must be of such character as to produce a sufficient volume of water so distributed as to fully cover or blanket the freight In case . of fire, and this result may be obtained through the agency of the several devices for that purpose. It would appear that the "sprinkler head" Is most desirable, but any device that will meet the purpose of the rule will be ac cepted. Tile purpose of the rule Is to guard, if possible, against the encroachment of our most insidious enemy fire. You will please be governed by the re quirements hereof. You will also please acknowledge the receipt of this circular and Inform this office when your steamer Is in every way in compliance therewith.. Respectfully. E. S. EDWARDS. JOHN B. WYNN, "United States Local Inspectors. JUICE FALIiS OFF WAGON nd tropical products. The tanker H. C. Folger left port with a full oil cargo for New York. The steamer Northern Pacific, of the Great Northern Pacific Steamship Company, left for Flavel with 4184 tons of general freight and a fair list of passengers. The steamer Breakwater left for Portland via Eureka and Coos Bay with passengers and freight. Among today's lumber steamer arrivals from the north were the Johan Poulsen, from Astoria, with 723,000 feet, for the Loop Lumber Company; laqua, from Coos Hay, with 400,000 feet, for the Parr, McCormick Company, and Daisy, from Astoria, with 750,000 feet, for the McCulloch Lumber Company. and there were more signs of life In the country markets. Offers posted at the Mer chants' Exchange averaged about 4 cents batter than Saturday's, but this was largely In the nature of a revision, as Saturday's prices were out of lino with those current at Seattle and Spokane. An exporter who was prominent In bidding up prices at the board was also heard from in country trad ing and was reported to have taken In be tween 60,000 and 100,000 bushels in ths course of the day. The coarse grain markets were, dull and steady, with offers of $33 for oats and 137 for barley. The Winter wheat acreage In the North west Is reported in the latest crop bulletin as follows: Autumn'16. Autumn'15. Oregon 472,000 Bim.uoo Washington 754.000 887. 0O0 Idaho 846,000 384.000 February fortyfold t.42 January club I February club ........... .41 January Russian February Russian Ji2 January oats 3.' .J February oats . S January barley St on February barley 7.00 FLOUR Patents, 7.80: straight. $8.60 7: exports. $6.80: valley, $7.80; whole wheat, $8; graham. $7.80. MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran, $26 50 per ton; shorts, $30.60 per ton; rolled bar ley, $40 0 41.50. CORN Whole. $46 per ton; cracked. $47 per con. HAY Producers prices: Timothy. East ern Oregon, $10 21 per ton: timothy. Val ley. $16017 per ton; alfalfa, $1718; Val ley grain hay, $13 015; clover, $12.50. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 35c; prime. firsts. 33c; firsts, 82 tic Jobbing prices: Prime extras, 35(Q3bc; cartons, lc extra; butt.-rfat. No. 1 She: No 2. 36c. Portland. CHEESE Jobbers' buying prices, f. o. b. dock, Portland: Tillamook triplets, 22c; Young Americas. 23c per pound. EGGS Oregon ranch, current receipts. S6c per dozen: Oregon ranch. candled. 3840c per dosen; Oregon ranch, selects, 42c. POULTRY Hens. 1815c; Springs. 15 17c per pound; turkeys, live, 2223c; dressed, 80c; ducks, 15 16c; gees. 12 tic VEAL Fancy, 18 tic per pound. PORK Fancy, 11 tic per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations:- TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navel. $i 25 a 2.75: Japanese, S5cl per bundle; lemons. $3.253.75 per box; banana. 5c per pound: grapefruit. $2.T5S; tangerines. $1.25 per box. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 90c$1.10 per dozen; tomatoes, nominal; cabbage, $3 12.25 per hundred; eggplant. 25e per pound; lettuce, $1.85; cucumbers, $11.25 per dozen; celery, California, $4.60 per crate; pumpkins, 101 Mo per pound; cauliflower, $2 per crate. POTATOES Oregon buying prices. $1.25 3 l.-to per hundred; sweets, $4.00 per hundred. ONIONS Oregon buying prices, Si. .0 per sack, country point. GREEN FRUITS Apples. BOC(1.50 Per box; pears, $1.5002.50; cranberries, $1J 12.50 per barrel. Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tall. $2.40 per dozen; one-half flats, $1.30; -pound flats, $2.50; Alaska pinks, 1-pound talis, $1.23. - HONEY Choice, $3SJ3.25 per case. NUTS Walnuts, sack lots, 18c; Brazil ALL LINES HIGHER Cattle, Sheep and Hogs Ad vance at Yards. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO, CANADA Established 1867. BEST STEERS AT $8.25 A (uenl Banking kaslsesa later eat staid on time deposits. Cor lcrclal ICtera of Credit ncr on London. KngUni, Mgkt and Sal, PORTLAND BRANCH. CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS r. C MALPAS, Manager. Temperature Change Causes Cran berry Extract to Show Strength. Cranberry culture, which thrives at North Beach, Wash., In the district served by the fifth division of the O. W. R. & N. Company, has a most con sistent booster in the person of "Cap tain" Budd, superintendent of the di vision. On a trip to Ilwaco last week "Cap tain" Budd was presented with four bottles of the cranberry liquid. He in turn gave the beverage to friends re siding at the Hotel Imperial, urging them to partake thereof frequently, as Is was positively non-Intoxicating, was a rejuvenator, carried only good ef fects and in general was the coming "dry" favorite. But when kept In the hotel tempera ture for a few days the cranberry juice became peevish, switched from a non hilarious fluid to a roisterous, foment ing, capricious extract and blew corks and contents over wall and ceiling. Marine Notes. Her oil cargo being discharged, the tanker Washtenaw got away lor California at mid night. Annual inspection of the steamer Beaver of the San Francisco A- Portland Steamship Company's fleet, is to be started tomorrow. Most of the towboat fleet returned to work yesterday after the crews had pased Christ mas ashore. The U. K. Wentworth and Weown, of the Hosford flag, remained in the. harbor. Harbormaster Speler made a find yester day when he located a derelict "sinker about 10O feet lonk In the west passage through the St. Johns bridge. "Due to Captain Foldat having kept Christ mas with the crew of the ship, the sailing of the steamer Wapama was postponed from yesterday until this afternoon. Frank iol lam. Portland poesenger agent for the Mc Cormlck flag, says the Wapama will have a good list today. Lumber laden for Sydney, the barkentlne Benlcia towed from the river yesterday and stood away on her first tack toward the Antipodes. Inspector Warrack, of the 17th lighthouse district, has been informed that the new tender Cedar, building at Long Beach, Cal for the Alaska lighthouse service, will be launched at 10:30 o'clock this morning. The vessel's boilers are being completed at the Willamette Iron & Steel Works here and a111 chipped south next week. "Lumber laden for Melbourne, the bark Olympic is listed to town to .sea tomorrow from Astoria. Preclnitation having ceased for a time and colder weather prevailing, the Willamette River again has started falling ana is cx ptcted to recede slowly for a few days Movements of Vessels. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name. From Oats. Northwestern Los Angeles In port F. A. Kllburn San Francisco. Dec. 27 Beaver Los Angeles Dec. 27 Northern Pacltic ... San Francisco. . . Dec. 27 Breakwater Sah Francisco. .. .Dec. 29 Rose City Los Angeles Jan. 2 DUE TO DEPART. Name. For Date. Harvard S.F. for L.A.-S.D. Dec 27 Northwestern Los Angeles Dec. 27 Northern Pacific. . Sari Francisco .. . Dec. 28 Wapama San Diego Dec. 2S Yale S.F. for L.A.-S.D. Dec. 29 F. A. Kllburn San Francisco. .. Dec 28 Beaver Lbs Angeles Dec. 30 Breakwater San Francisco. . . .Dec. 31 Klamath San Diego Jan. 4 Rose City Los Angeles Jan. Marconi Wireless Reports. PORTLAND. Dec. 28. Arrived Steamer Daisy Matthews, for Sah Pedro. Sailed Steamer Norwood, for San Pedro. ASTORIA, Dec. 26. Arrived down durin .b.. ,h sailed at 10:30 A.M.. tu x.vlcator towing schooner Monterey, for San FranciBco. Sailed at 4:80 A. M steamer Oleum for Port San Luis. Arrived at ll:4o A M. and left up at 1:1 P. M.. steamer Tiaisv Matthews, from San Pedro. Arrive zai 1 1 -ix A M. llchthouse tender Heathe fi-nm cruise. Sailed at noon, barkentln Benlcla, for Sydney. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2fi. Arrived at 1 A M., steamer Johan Poulsen. from Co lumbia River. Sailed at 11 A. M., steamer Northern Pacific, for Flavel. Arrived at I P M.. steamer Daisy, from Columbia River. December 25 Sailed at 4 P. M., steamer Beaver, from San Pedro for Port land. Arrived at ti P. M., steamer Rose City, from Portland for San Pedro SAN PEDRO, Dec. 21. Arrived Steamer El Segundo, from Portland. December 25 Arrived at 11 A. M., steamer Necanicum, from Columbia River. COOS BAT, Dec. 26 Arrived at S A. M-. steamer F. A. Kllburn, from San Francisco and Eureka for Portland. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. Arrived Steamers Johan Paulsen, from Astoria: Mu kllteo and barge Charles Nelson, from Ta coma; Admiral Goodrich, from Nanalmo; laqua, from Coos Bay; Acme, from Bandou; Sanukl Maru (Japanese), from Port Arthur, Manchuria. Sailed Steamers Northern Pa cific, for Astoria; Admiral Schley for Se attle; U. S S. Frederick, for Bremerton. (All positions reported at 8 P. M.. Decem ber 26, unless otherwise designated.) Kllburn, Coos Bay for Portland. 75 miles north of Coos Bay. Umatilla. Seattle for San Francisco. 215 miles south of Umatilla light. Beaver, San Francisco for Portland. 126 miles south of thea Columbia River. celilo. San Francisco for Seattle. lO miles south of the Columbia River. Yosemite, Port Gamble for San Francisco. 55 miles couth of Blunts Reef. Northern Pacific, San Francisco for Flavel. seven miles south of Blunts Reef. Drake, towing barge 01, Point Wells for Klcnmond, 408 miles north of Richmond. Manna, San Francisco for Honolulu. 1865 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., De cember 25. Venezuela. Orient for San Francisco, 38S1 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., Decem ber 25. Standard Arrow, Orient for San Francisco. 435 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., December 25. Lurline, Honolulu for San Francisco. 397 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., De cember 25. Hyades, Honolulu for San Francisco, 650 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., De cember 25. China. San Francisco for Orient, 846 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., Deoember 25. H. C Folger, San Francisco for Balboa, 65 miles from San Francisco. Coronado, San Francisco for San Pedro, 35 miles south of San Francisco. Lurline, Honolulu for San Francisco, 96 miles from San Francisco, arrived at 5:30 A. M. Colusa, San Francisco for Chile, 2567 miles south of San Francisco at 8 P. M-. Decem ber 25. Moffett, towing barge 83. Colon for San Francisco, 89S miles south of San Francisco. Alliance, Salina Cruz for San Francisco, 575 miles south of San Pedro. El Segundo. Astoria for El Sesruado. anchored off El Segundo. Cuzco. Chile for San Francisco, 1719 miles south, of San Francisco. Pennsylvania. San Francisco for Balboa, OO mlls north of AcaDulco. Columbia. Salaverry for 6an Pedro, 1295 miles mith of San Pedro. Bradford. San Pedro for Chile, 1082 mile south of San Pedro. Newnort. San Francisco for Balboa, 800 miles south of San Francisco. . Jim Butler. Santa Rosalia for San Fran el,-., r.r.2 miles south of San Francisco. Kentra. Chile for San Francisco, 520 mills ith nf Fan Francisco. Klamath, San Francisco for San Pedro, 40 miles east 'of Santa Barbara. Willamette. San Francisco for San Pedro, 30 miles south of PointConcepcion. San Juan, Balboa for San Francisco, 1057 mile south of San Francisco. Totals 1,572.000 1.821,000 The condition of Winter wheat on De cember 1 of tbi and last year and the 10 ycar average: . 10-yr. 1916 1915 Av Oregon 78 84 95 Washington . . 73 83 94 Idaho 89 90 96 The average price on December 1 of this and last year was: 1916. 1915 Oregon .1.45 $ .84 Washington 1.43 .82 Idaho 1.46 .80 The International Institute of Agriculture's harvest estimates, as cabled yesterday, con tlnue to Indicate poor world crops. It Is now able for the first time, through new reports Just received, to forecast the wheat production of Argentina. Th Argentine wheat crop Is estlmtaed at 70.000.000 bush els, one-half that of last year. Australia's wheat crop is estimated at 135.000, 000" bus.i els, which is 4 pter cent better than the yearly average. For the world's 18 moat Important countries. Including the United States, Canada, British India, Japan and all Europe, the estimated total wheat crop is placed by the Institute at 2.300,000,000 bushels, which 1 25 per cent less than laBt year. The latest statistical bulletin Issued by the Institute contains returns on this year's crop from Spain, England and Wales, Ire land, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Roumanla. Russia In Europe (48 governments), Swlts erland, Canada, United States, India, Japan Esvot and Tunis. The total of these coun tries' crops In 1916 was 604,973 thousands of quintals, against 835.764 in 1915 and 653,299 on the average of five years from 1909 to 1913. The crop of 1916 has there fore proved to be bad, as it represents no more 'than 72.4 per cent of that of 1915 and 92.6 per cent of the five years' average This result Is due not only to the reduction In area as compared with 1915 (86.8 per cent) and with the average (97.3 per cent) but also to the smaller yield per hectare which was in 1916 only 8.7 quintals, against 10.4 in 1915 and 9.1 on the average. Terminal receipts in cars were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Swine Gain Dime on Day's Trad ing and Lambs Are Quarter Better Iteoeipts Over Holiday Are Iilght. There was only a small run of stock at the yards over the holiday, and this fact, combined with th good quality of the offering, made the week's opening a strong and higher one In all departments. In the cattle division top teer prices were llfteS a good 4 cants, with sales put through at 8 and SS.23. In the butcher cattl line there was but little offered. A dime was added to hog values oJ)the sale of a full load of choice average weight hogs at $9.83. There was also a genaral advance In the mutton market, with the best lamb quoted at $10.23. Receipts were 175 cattle, 1638 hogs and 15 sheep. Shippers were: With cattle Robert Bennett. Havllt. Mont., two core: Ulaoawell Bro., Ontario, one car; A. L. Demarl. Touchet, one car. With hogs Elgin Forwarding Company, Joseph. or.e car; Edward Rltch. Roblnette. one car; Cole A Dodd. Haines, one car; J. E. Vertices. Richfield, one car: H. J. Haunts. Welser. one car; H. R. Richard. Plckabo. one car: W. Tyrall. Pickabo, one car: Grover Bros., Ontario, one car; S. H. Kellner. Ravalli, on car. With mixed loads O. E. Ooersline. two cars cattle, nogs and sheep; T. J. Brown. Baker, two cars cattle and nogs; ooesngsi & Preston. Wels.r. one car cattle and nogs. December. ll.GSH: 81 341. 1.6S. ; July, Grain at San Francis. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. Spot quota tions Walla. $2,65 42.67 V : red Russian, 60S 2.62 4 : Turkey red, S2.76tf2.S0; blue Mem. 12.77 O 2.80. Barley, feed. $2.17 'f. e 2 20. Oats, white. $1.95C1.T Vi. MUlteed: Bran, $2.r.ui 29.50; middling. $87 038: shorts. f.'tO'U31. Callboard Barley. May. $2 .12 . Paget Sound Oraln 'Market. 8EATTLE. Dec 28. Wheat Bluestem. $1.45: turkey red. $1.46: fortyfold. $1.40. club. $1.40: fife, $1.40: rd Russian, $1.3$. Barley. $37 per ton. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 27, oats 1, barley 1. corn 1. hay 21. flour 6. TACOMA. Dec. 26 Wheat Bluestem. $1.4001.43: fortyfold. $1.88: club and red fife. $1.3591.37; red Russian. S1.30SJ1.S5. Car receipt Wheat 28, oats 2, corn S, hay 16. RISE IN OIL IS SHARP STOCK MARKET AFFECTED BY SIT UATION IN MEXICO. nuts 1Hr- fflharta l!lr- nlmnnrfa I. M 1 C peanuts, 7c; cocoanuts, $1.10 per dozen; pe-I C. E. Lucke. Canby. one car hogs and sheep cans, 1819c; chestnuts, 10c. BEANS smai white. llVic: larg waits. 10.85c; Llmas, S'-jc; bayou, 8c; pink. 8Vic: M.-x, :il.a. . . COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 1733o. 1.40 per hundred; sweets, $4.00 per hun- SUCAR Fruit and berry, $7.50; beet, $7.30; extra C, $7.10: powdered, In barrels. $8.00; cubes, in barrels, SS.2S. SALT Granulated, $16 75 per ton; naif ground, 100s. $11.30 per ton; 50s, $12.10 per ton; dairy, $14. ,u per ton. RICE Southern head, 7e7Ac per pound; broken, 4c; Japan style, 4&4)c. LiRIED FRUITS Apples, lojpiic; apri cot, Kl-JilOc; peaches, 8tt310c; prunes. Italian. 8&9c; raisins, 84 415Vic; dates. Per sian, 15c per pound; Fard, $2.50 per box; currants, 15 16c; figs, $208.50 per box. Provision. HAMS All sizes, choice, 24c; standard, 2223c; skinned, 2122c; picnics, 14Vc; cottage rolls, 17c BACON Fancy. 29H031C-. standard, 25 26c: choice, 19024c DRY SALT Short, clear back. 17Vs019c; export. lTHWhlc; plate, 14013VsC. LARD Tierce basis, kettle rendered, 19Vic; standard. 19c; compound. 16$c. BARREL GOODS Mess beef, $22; plate beef, $23; brisket pork, $31.50; tripe, $10.50 011. GO. The day's sales were as follows: 27 steer. 9 steers. 29 steers. 1 steer. . 1 steer. . 1 steer. . 16 steers. 6 steers. 1. steer. . 8 steers. 4 steers. 20 steers. 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 2 cows. . 5 cows. . 3 cows. . 80 hogs. . in hogs. . 4 hogs. . 0 hogs. . 9 hogs. . Wt. Price 1129 $8. on 1206 8.00 1037 T.0O Wt. Price , 185 $9.75 . 2UO S.1 3 118 8.15 182 9.T5 Shipping; Share Cnder Korelsrn Control Score Wide Lsssri Copper X arrow Agriculture. Indicate that extensive re search and experimental work directed to ward the prevention of apotlage In food products was done In that bureau last year. Studlea to prevent decay in fish have been continued. Perhaps no other perishable ood Is shipped long distances with so lit tle knowledge of what Is required to in sure arrival In good order. Th work was begun In Florida and at the end of the shipping season transferred to ths Pacific Coast, where transcontinental hauls are un der observation. In order to prvnt spoilage in the ship ment of poultry and egg, a precoollng plant has been developed, cooled by Ice. capable of chilling 15,000 pounds of eggs and poul try a week. This plant costs approximately $SO0 to Install. With Ice at $3 per ton It has been found In actual commercial use to enact a saving of at least $22 per carload In handling and chilling. It also enables ths small shipper who cannot afford to erect a complete refrigerating plant to compete with the largest shipper. Th work upon the transportation of per ishables has been facilitated by the Im provement of the method of Installing re sistance thermometers In refrigerator car so that the temperature of the interior of a considerable number of cars may be ob erved simultaneously. In the study of th cold storage of eggs particular attention ha been paid to the devising of methods to pre vent stored egg from acquiring th so called "alorage taste." Naval Store). SAVANNAH. Ga. Dec 26, Turpsntre firm, 52c: sales, 5S barrels; receipts. 412 barrels; shipments, 650 barrels; stock. 22. 679 barrels. Rosin firm; sales. 2425 barrels; receipts. 3150 barrel; shipments, 4801 barrel; stock, 92.892 barrel. Quote: A. B, C, D, E, F, C. H. L $6.10; K. $6.25; M. $6.4$; N, .: WG. $7; WW. 17.25 12 is: 9. 6.v Portland Mon-Tuea 59 Year ago 86 Season to date. 3. 253 Year ago 8,602 Tacoma Saturday 23 Year ago 109 Season to date. 4,165 Year ago 0,097 Seattle Saturday 27 Year ago 67 Season to date. 3. 410 Year ago 6,710 1 9 84 60 33 22 8 2'J 108 874 1255 1093 1187 844 735 1249 2 16 29 3 14 102 .... 216 1213 356 244 1400 1 6 1 21 16 8 80 231 913 893 2294 1157 1304 643 2328 TURKEY" PRICES ARE HOLDING UP Good Demand Is Expected for New Year's Market. Poultry dealers look forward to a a-ood demand throughout the week, particularly for dressed turkeys. The 60-cent price was again quoted yesterday. The New Y'ear market Is almost invariably a strong one, with the supply under requirement. The small amount of live poultry received yesterday cleaned up readily at firm prices. Dressed veal was also firm, but pork was weak. Egg held their own at 36 cents, case count. The supply on the street was not heavy and jfche demand was good. Butter prices were unchanged, and -the undertone of the market was reported easy Extras sold on the street at 34 cents, and prime firsts at S3 cents, but the demand was not active. TEN-CENT DROP IN SUGAR in Eastern SEATTLE. Dec. fisher, for Anyox. -Sailed Tug Klng- jPacific Coast Shipping Xotes. COOS BAY, Or., Dec. 26. (Special.) The gas schooner Patsy, which arrtved last even ing from Portland, was discharging today a.t the Ocean dock. The steamship F. A. Kllburn, two days late from the south, entered this morning and sailed for Portland at 1 o'clock. The steamer Adeline Smith arrived from V. S. Naval Radio Reports. NORTH HEAD, Wash.. Dec. 26. Mari posa Cordova for Juneau. 200 miles west of Cap6 Spencer, noon, December 25. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. (Special.) Arrivals Nero, from Tiburon, December 26' Nanshau, from San Francisco, Decem ber 26; Admiral Schley. San Francisco for Seattle, 72 miles from San Francisco, 8 P. M. POINT ARGUELLO. Cal., Dec. 26. Th steamer San Arita. Balboa for San Francisco, 280 miles from ban trancisco. Vessels Entered Yesterday. 3 American steamer Norwood, general cargo, from San Francisco. ... American steamer Washtenaw, oil. from Port San Luis. American steamer W. F. Herrin. oil, from San Francisco. American steamer Jorthwestern, ballast, from Seattle. American steamer Oleum, oli, from Oleum. Vessel Cleared Yesterday. American steamer Norwood, wheat, for Ran Pedro. American steamer Washtenaw, ballast, for Port San Luis. American steamer W. F. Herrin, ballast for Ran Francisco. American steamer Oleum, ballast, for Oleum. Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, Dec. 26. Condition of th bar at 5 P. M. Sea smooth, wind east, 10 miles. , Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. j ' Low. 3:02 A. M 7.8 feet-8:50 A. M 2.7 feet 2:23 P. M 9.4 tect!:31 P. M 1.1 feet Local Price Follow Decline Markets. There was a 10-cent decline In sugar prices yesterday as a consequence of a similar drop In the Eastern markets. Cane granulated is now quoted locally at $7.50 a sack. NEW YORK. Dec. 26. Raw sugar Steady; centrifugal, $5.08; molasses. $4.21. Refined Easy; 10 points lower; cut loaf, $8.10; crushed, $7.95; mould A, $7.45; cubes, $7.45; XXXX powdered, $t7i0; powdered, $7.05: flue granulated, $6.05; diamond A. $6.95; confectioners' A, $6.85; No, 1, $6.8. Calcutta Bas Are Requisitioned. The British Government has requisitioned 105.000,000 burlap bags from Calcutta mills, covering a period from January to March, according to cable advices. This is In line with that Government's action In com mandeering six weeks' production from Dun dee mills reported last week. Importer believe that this will have the effect of still further reducing supplies landed In United States ports early in the new year. Sweet Potatoes at High Price Retailers sold up closely during the hol iday rush, judging from the spirited demand for fruits and vegetable on Front street yesterday. Among the day's receipts was a car of sweet potatoes, which were put on sale at 4 cents a pound; a car of South ern California cauliflower and a car of Florida grapefruit. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yeeterday were as follows: Clearings. 2.532.365 8,213.394 548,251 1,237,116 Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1910 crop, 601OV4O per pound. HIDES Salted hides (25 lbs, and up). 19c; salted stags (50 lbs. and up), 15c; green and salted kip (15 lbs. to 25 lbs.), 19c; green and salted calf skins (up to 15 lb.), 32c: green hides (25 lbs. and up), 17c; green stag (50 lbs. and up), 13c; dry hiden, 30c; dry salt hides, 25c; dry horse hides, $102; salt horse hides. $805. PELTS Dry long-wooled pelt. 21e; dry short-wooled pelts, 17c; dry shearlings, 100 25c each; salted long-wooled pelts, $10LGO; salted short-wooled pelts, SOc0$l. TALLOW 8 0 9o per' pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. fins, 24 0 30c; coarse. 33 & 36c; Valley. 83 085c MOHAIR 85 0 45c per pound. CASCARA BARK Old and new, 5c per pound. Oil. KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels or tank wagons, loc; cases, 18 hk 0 22c. GASOLINE Bulk, 21Vc; cases, 80o; nap tha, drums, 19Hc; cases, 30c; engine distil late, drums, lOVjc; cases, 19c. LINSEED OIL Raw, drums. $1.10; bar rels, $1.08; cases, $1.13: boiled, drums, $1.12; barrels, Sl.lO; cases. $1.1... TURPENTINE In tanks, 67c; In cases. 1 2c; 10-case lots, lc leu. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Current on Butter, Egg, Fruit, Veg etables, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. Butter Fresh extras, 34c; prime firsts, 33VjC; fresh firsts, 32 He. Eggs Fresh extras, 42Hc; pullets. 33ttc. Cheese New, 16c; Young Americas, 21c. Poultry Hens, 19fir20c; old roosters, 110 12c;fryers, 22rfj23c. broilers, 27 0 80c; large 227r2.Ic; squabs. x'02.5O: pigeons, $1.2a 1.75; ducks, Ll&llc; geese, 15017c; tur keys, 20ii'23c. Vegetables Lettuce, 9c0$l crate; fancy, $1.251il.50: peas, southern, fancy large, 8 0 10c; Summer squash, 85c0$l crate; cream squash, $101.25 box; tomatoes, southern, $1.25; fancy, $1.50; eggplant, 812Hc: green peppers, 10 012 Ho large, fancy small. 5(t7c; garlic, 404c; celery, $8.5003.75 crate; rhubarb, $101.25; marrowfat and hubbard squash. 85c0$l. Potatoes River, $2 2.25; sweet potatoes, $2.75. Onions Carloads. $3.25. Fruit Cranberries. $9.50 010; pears, Win ter Nellis, $1.75; lemons, $303.85; limes. $101.25; grapefruit. $2.2502.00; navels, $2.5002.75; bananas, $1.5001.75; pine apples, $2.0002.75; apples. Newtown - Pip pins, $1.10; Belief leur. $101.10. Feedstuffs Cracked corn and feed corn meal, uncertain; rolled barley, $45047; al falfa meal, carloads, $20.50; less, $21.50. Receipts Flour, 2740 quarters; barlays 6310 centals; beans, 4927 sacks; potatoes. 6135 sacks; hay, 703 tons; wine, 47.500 gal lons; hides, 065: pelt. 30; limes, $2 box. 19 hogs. . . 1 hog t2 hog.. . 1060 7.00 34 hog. . . lOitO 6.30 17 hogs. . . 11O0 6.30 16 hogs 97a 5.65 1 hog 912 5.0O 2 hogs.. . 83 .1.50 18 hogs. . . 556 5.35 S hogs... 1052 7.50s 1 hog. . . 1192 8.23110 hogs.. . Ii:t0 6.00 9 hog. .. 11 jo .0Oi57 hogs... 1000 (1 50 (11 hog. . . 985 4.50111 hog. . t 86 6.25 0 hog. . . 946 5.50 IS hog. .. 21 0.85 2 hogs... 147 SS5MO lambs.. 11S S..10 1 lamb 2 B 10.171 203 9.73 2 ewes 123 7. 50 144 9.65 1 yearling.. 10 8.73 rrices ranged a follow: Cattle 8teers, prime Steers, good Steers, common to good.. Cows, choice Cows, medium to good.. Cows, ordinary to fair... Heifers Bulls Calves Hogs Prime Good to prime mixed.... Rough heavy Pins and skips Sheep Lamb Yenrllna- wethers Olrl wethers 6.75 ff 7.00 Ewes B.00 0 7.60 200 9.05 110 8.13 139 8.13 256 8.65 187 9.T0 :: it s.7ii 128 8.15 113 8.50 173 9.65 165 8.63 137 S.25 123 R 25 145 9.00 92 10.00 $7,500 8.25 7.00 0 7.35 6.00 if? 6.85 5.500 6.50 5.25 0 5.5 4.5 4 5.00 0.00 0 6.00 2.75 3.00 3.000 .700 9.300 9. S3 9.40 9.50 , 8.500 0.10 7 8.50 0 8.75 7.OO01O23 7.r.0? 8.75 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec. 26. Hogs Receipts. 430; Be to 10c higher; heavy. $9.90010.30: mixed. $0.75010.00; light. $9.60010.10; pigs, $7.75 0 9.00: bulk, $9.750 10.10. Cattle Receipts. 5400: lOo to JSc higher; native steers, $7.56011.30: cows and heifers. $608.50: Western steers. $0.5009.23; Texas steers, 80.25 07.5: cws and heifers. $5.75 07.75; csnners. $4.50ff5.75; stockers and fenders. $6.23 iff R SO : calves. $7010; bulls, stssrs. etc.. $5 0 7.50. 8heep Receipts, IS. 000: 10c to !5e hlvher: yearlings. JS925011.25: wether. $R..-,nrj-10; ewes, $7.259: lambs. $12. 10M 13.23. Chlcajro Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 26. Hog Receipt. 46. 000; strong. 5c to 10c above Saturday's average: bulk. $10010.40; light. $9,600 1O.30; mixed. $0.00010.35; heavy. $100 10.60: rough. $1O0O.1B: pigs, $7.30 0 9.20. Cattle Receipt. 11.000, strong; native beef cattle, $7.25011.75; Western steer. $7.23010: stockers and feeders, $5.2008.13; cows and heifers, $4.20010; calves, $8.25 0 11.75. Sheep Receipts. 15,000; strong; wethers, $9010; lamhs. $11.25013.45. NEW YORK, Dee. 36. Judging from the movement of special stock today, w all street's speculative element appeared mor concerned in the Mexican situation than in the course of European peace negotiation. Sharea most afrecteci by conditions acroa the southern border rose vigorously on re ports In flnanoial circles of a possible agree ment between the United States and Mexico. Shipping issues, in which dealings were relatively most active, were highly erratic, Mercantile Marine preferred recording an ex. treme decline of i'i points, with SH fr the common on further heavy eelllng ascribed to England's policy of "natlonallra tlon." while-Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies, owing to allegiance to the British, regis tered a groes gain of 9 points. Renewal of Germany's peace overture, which became known in the later part of the session, were followed by a moderate strengthening of representative stocks. In cluding United States Steel, but this advan tage was partly forfeited on the failure of the note to set forth any definite terms. United States Steel fluctuated between 106 and 10ST4. closing at 107fc, a gain of 1 points. At time rails were no more than mod erately active, low priced shares displaying more firmness than the Investment group Coppers contributed measurably to the day's business, but some unsettlement tn the trade quotations kept those issues within narrow bound. Total sales approximated 850,000 shares, the smallest full day in weeks. In all foreign remittances, marks which hardenod slightly were the only bills to nance. Anglo-French 5s were slightly lower. Total les of ponds, par value. n.BXXOPv. L lilted btatea nones were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. TRAVELERS' CI IDE REPLY STARTS SELLING & MOST OP EARLY ADVANCE YS WIIK AT WIPED OUT. HOP GROWEHS SEEK OTHER CROrs Will Be Germany's Peace Proposal Leads Unsettled Close of Chicago Grain Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 26. Active selllnjr. whih seemed to be connected with Germany's nparn nroDosal for an immediate conference of belllKerents. wiped out today nearly all of an ear!y advance In the value of wheat. The market closed unsettled k to lc net higher with May at $1.6Si to 1.84. and July at $1.3S4 to fl.SSH. Corn lost c to lVjifflHc. and oats finished c off to c up. Provisions imisaed at oc 'to 3c ad vanca. It was nov until a half hour or more after the German reply to President WU son's note waa received that the wheat market bejran to show any effect. Previous to the Berlin developments the wheat mar ket had displayed a decided tendency ti advance and had risen to the highest poln inn th ne.i was recalved of Lhe German peace offer. Today temrary showing; of etrength was based largely on nopea ol lnv proved foreign demand and on the scanti rabs of i domestic mi'Dly. Predictions of heavy receipts this week had a bearish influence on corn, and the Portland Seattle Tacoma Spokane Balances. $216,017 357,66 67,208 82,767 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Many Yards In Folk County Plowed Up. VOWOKTH. Or.. Dee 2t.. Hnn trrnsori of Polk County are pessimistic concerning price late in the day underwent a tf. the 11)17 season. Many are preparing to plow up their yards and have made plans on what they will plant instead. -The Independence acreage la to be de creased materially. The big Wigrich ranch, south of Independence, Is to be partially planted to hops and the rest plowed. Small growers who cannot survive on account proportionately high general expenses an nounce with certainty they are "out of the game." L.uoklamute Valley yards have been I July plowed up and some growers are waiting to fill a year or two more of contracts before following the example. Dallas and Rlckreall growers are particu larly emphatic In their assertions concerning discontinuance of growing. J. M. Grant, of Dallas, has decided to raise prunes on his hopyard land. Abel Uglow says he will plant beans. The Billeu yard, near Bridgeport, consist-I January lng of 20 acres, probably will not operate. 1 iiay j . Lriuer na-s iui mm v f - ..i,-.. - son. William Hoislngton and Charles Bifyieu say they will make some kind of a change. A eood exDort demand for oats was noted Otherwise trade in oats was light. Higher quotations on hogs were chiefly responsible for the upturn in provisions. There was evidence or some investment uuy lng. Leading futures ranged as follows WHEAT. May July San Francisco Los Angeles Wttbont Changs En Route) The Big, Clean, Comfortable, Elegantly Appointed, Seagoing S.S.NORTHWESTERN Sail. lnm Alfl. worth Dock 3 P. M. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27. 8. S. BEAVER Sail Ore. 3U. 106 Ccildra Milt's on Cnlumoiu Kiver All I. all - I, mIo 1 I. - and Mr-al. Tabic and Servlca DknBlaa. San rranrlwo V Portland S. 6. Co.. Niiina:tuii Mr.t (wita .). Xrl. uroaanay I Thr- San FranrlKro I Third and IVat I O.-W. K. N Co.; I A 6U1. Cloalm Sales. High. Low. bid. Am Beot Sugar. ..Six) 1)5 89 80 American Can. . . 4.600 .34 -tot 41 AmCaraiFdry. 1,400 ttfl'i .-I S4 American Loco. 8.U00 7! THi 77 Am Bin & Kef-. . 8.OV0 100 KHVi 10S Am Sujj Kelg. . . 000 110 100 10U Am Tel Q Tel. . . 1.70O 12.-.. 135 124'. Am ZI.&S 2,400 40 37 H S8 Anaconda Cop. . 24,100 MVi S'-H 83a, Atchlcon 2,100 104 U 1031 104 Baldwin Loco. . . 7,000 Q'- W S8ta - Bait Ohio l.OOO 84 83 83 Br Rap Transit. 8.010 82 82a. 82 B S Copper. ... 8.300 40 47 47 Calif Petroleum. 4.600 26 25 25 Can Pacific 800 167 167 160 Cent Leather. . . 26.60O 80 86 80 Chs A Ohio 2..-00 CB 65 65 Chi Mil & 6t P. . SO0 82 91 91 Chi N W 123 ChlRI&PRy.. 2.600 84 84 34 Chlno Copper. . . 4,800 85 54 54 Col F 1 2.000 46 45 45 Corn Prod Ref... 10.000 24 23 24 Crucible Steel. . . 3,7i0 04 5S 62 Dlst Securities. . 2.000 81 30 SO Erie 8.0O0 85 84 84 Oen Electric 1.000 1 09 167 16S Gt North Ptd. . . 600 117 117 117 Gt North O Ctfi. 2,600 37 33 30 Illinois Central. . 600 105' 105. 105 In Con. Corp 6.100 17 16 16 Insplr. Copper. 17.600 50 66 54 Int Harv N J 110 Int M M pfd ctfs. 50.800 91 82 84 Kan City South.. 600 26 26 20 Kennecott Cop. . 1,300 46 44 45 Louis & Nash 1S1 Mex Petroleum. 14,100 09 95 87 Miami Copper. . . 2.700 39 ::S 8S MKAT pfd 700 21 20 20 Mliaourl Pacific 17 National Lead. . 44)0 60 60 60 Nevada Copper.. 4,700 25 23 24 N Y. Central . . . . 1.700 104 103 104 NY. NH&H... 700 64 83 64 Nor West 1,900 136 13S 136 North Pacific. .. 700 110 108 110 Pacific Mall 200 21 20 20 Pacific T St T... , 82 Pennsylvania... 1.30O 66 66 56 Ray Consol Cop. 6.100 27 28 26 Reading 14.100 ins .103 103 Rep Ir & Steel. . 13,400 79 " 77 78 Shat Aris Cop. .. 700 27 26 26 Southern Pac. .. 1.000 87 07 97 South Railway. . 21.000 33 32 32 Studebaker Co. . 7.S00 112 111 111 Texa Company. 10.2OO 228 213 223 , Union Pacific. .. 6,500 148 147 147 Un Pacific pfd . . 83 U 8 Ind Alcohol. 20.700 115 101 112 V S Steel 164.SOO 108 106 107 U S Steel pfd 400 119 110 119 Utah Copper 16.800 103 100 10'.' Wabash pfd B. . 1.200 30 80 30 Western Union. . 200 97 97 97 Westing Elect. . 3.700 66 53 55 Total sales for th day. 850,000 shares. jpTWIN RALACES GREAT 0RIHERN-N0MN FftQflC Portland to San Francisco 8. 8. NORTH ERN PACIFIC, express train time. Sail ings Dec. 14. 19. 23, 2t. Cal. etr. Express leaves 9:"0 A. M. Fare SS. $12.30. 115. 817.50. $20.00. S. 8. GREAT NORTHERN. San Francisco and Los Angeles to Honolulu. December 16: Jan. 4. 23; Feb. 12; March 6. 23: April II. 30. (130 round trip, and up. I North Bank. 5th a Stark TIrK. Station, 10th and Iloyt nvvitrra 1 3i Mor.. N. P. Ky. Ox-rllKS 9IIHaab..U.N.II. I too ...1. Iturllngtun By. BONDS. T S rcf 2s reg. . 99 I Northern Psc 3s. .17 U S ref 2s coup. 901 Pac TAT 5s... 10O S 3i rex . . . . "i j I'. nn con tvii .'liw U S 3s coupon. 100 South Psc ref 4s 02 San Francisco $10.00 Coos Bay $7.00 Eureka $15.00 First -t lass Ma!s and Bertb Incliidd SS. KILBURN 6. P. M. THURSDAY, DEC. 28 I22a Third Street. Phone Main 1314 A 1314. Q S 4s reg do cv 5s 17 S 4. coupon. 110 Union Pac 4s... 98 Am Smelter 6s. 106! do cv 4s 92 Atch gen 4 94 U S Steel 3s.... 10.1 NYC deh 6s. .112 Anglo-French 3a 93 Northern Pac 4. 84 I BRENCH LINI COHMbMC Gekesale transatl antique anxaraa ranau aarna. MW xUiih. UUUDEALiX PAKIJ 8. B. E8FAUNE JAM. 6. J r. M. H. t. lllllAUU JAN. 13. I'M. U W. STINGER. 80 Sixth St. A. D. CHARLTON. 255 Morrison St. . E. K GARRISON, C. M. A St. Paul By. OORSKY B. SMITH, 116 Third St. BV F. BAIRD. 10O Third St. U. DICKSON, 848 Washington St. NORTH BANK ROAD. Fifth and Stark Sta. UNION PAC. R. it . 3d A Washlngtoa Sta, B. B. DUFFT. 124 Third St., Portland. ALASKA rrtnrr ltupYt. iv-i Inkan. Wranj IVtrrsborf; Junes a. Trrutltvrll, !oukiSa Asoe. Haines, bkaxwsr, CurUuf. sJ aT mad Kewird. CALIFORNIA Tla 6tt. or ban cTanlcaro to La Angeles and San Dl.go, Larga.t ship, unequaled service, low rates. Including meals and berth. For particulars apply or triephoa. PACIFIC 8TKAMSIUP C05.PANT. ' Ticket Offlre. 849 Washington 9. Pc. Mai 389. Home A 2293, Bid. May July January May . . Coffee Futures Are Easier. NEW YORK. Dec. 26. An opening ad vance of 3 to 6 points was followed by an easier turn in the market for coffee futures during the late trading, wttn tne close showing a net loss or x to 3 point. , xra- Open. High. T-ow. Close. .$1.60 81.72 1.67 1.6S . 1.38 1.41 1.37 1.88 CORN. . .93 .94 .91 .91 . .92 .93 .90 .91 OATS. . .53 .54 .52 .63 . .51 .02 .59 .50 MESS PORK. 27.25 25.10 27.25 26.95 26.75 26.92 LARD. .16.02 16.07 15.97 13.97 .10.20 16.-0 16.15 16.15 SHORT RIBS. .13.95 14.00 13.93 13.95 .Tnniiflrv May 14.42 14.42 14.37 14.40 Cash prices were ss follow: Wtreat N 2 and 3 red and 2 and 8 hard, nominal. Corn No. yonow. (pjuo h c; no. . lng was very quiet, making- it appear that I yellow, 88 '.-i & 93 c ; No. 4 white. 90 W2tic. . Oate No. 3 wnue, oi u 'tr o- c ; nanaara ost scattering accounts have been evened UD before tne ciuso taa. r i iuuy &nu uui operators had found nothing in over-holiday 61 fc53c. developments to create fresh sentiment Scattering liquidation seemed to account for 4, 31-2 Rye No. 2. nominal; No. 3. nominal; No. Grain, Flour, Feed, Ete. Merchants Exchange, noon session: Wheat- Bluestem Fortyfold Club Red fife Red Russian Oats No. 1 white feed. Barley No. 1 fed Futures January bluestero February bluestem January fortyfold . . S 1.44 . . . 1.4 . .. 1.40 .". I"V.86 . . . 35.00 . .. 37.00 - Vr. ago. Bid. t 1.00 1.00 .98 .90 .96 24.25 26.50 Bid. S 1.4S 1.47 . 1.40 the decline which carried May off from 8 82 to 8.74 and closing prices were at th low point of the day. December, 8.34; January, 8.43: February. 8:51; March, 8.59: n .. .. ...... o Tt a an. ...... April, o.oo; a.ttj, o. . , uuv. u.uu, ou.j. 8.86; August, 8.92: September, 8.98; October, 9.04; November, 9.10. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 9c; Santo 4. 10 c. The official cable reported a decline of 50 rels in Santos futures on Saturday and an advance of 75 rels In Rio. Santos cleared 74,000 for New York and 73,000 for New Orleans. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 26. Evaporated apples quiet; fancy, 9c; choice, 88c; prime, 7 a 7c. Prunes quiet, but steady; California. 8 a 10 c; Oregon. 810c. Peaches quiet: choice, 7c; extra choice. 7c; fancy, 8c. Barley .Hc&Sl.lS. Timothy -33.00 6.50. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 26. Wheat May. $1.74; July. (1.68 to $1.68. Cah. No. 1 hard, $1.74 1.79 ; No. 1 Northern, $1.71 1.74 ; No. 2 Northern, $1.66 1.72. ' Flax. $2 82 2.85. Barley. 77c $1.10. Eastern Wheat Future. DTJLUTH Dec. 20. Wheat closed: De cember. $1.71; May. $1.74; July, $1.68. WINNIPEG, Dec. 26. Wheat closed: De cember. $1.74j-. May. $1.70. ST. LOUIS, Dec 26. Wheat closed: De cember. $1.73; May. $1.08; July. $1.36. KANSAS CITY, Dc. 36. Wheat closed: Mining (.locks at Bostoa. BOSTON. Dec. 27. Closing quotations: Atlouetv 64 iNorth Butte 23 Arix Ccm 14 Old Dominion... 64 Calumet A Aria. 78 Osceola 93 Cal A Heel 555 IQulncy- 89 Centennial 22 Superior A Boa.. 3 . jr superior copper, ni 8lTamarack 47 . 33 (Wolverine 48 . 11 Winona 4 . 96' Copper Range Franklin Isle Rovalle. . I.aka copper. Mohawk ..... Money. Exchange. Ele. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. Mercantile paper. l4 per cent. r Sterling. 60-dfy bill, $4..! commer cial (JU-C.ay Ulim o.u . . U 111- mercial. 60-dav bills. $4.71: cables. $4.76 7-16; demand. $4.76. Francs, demsnd. 6.84; cables 6.83: marks, demand. 72; cables. 72' 'kronen, demand, 12: cables, 13: guilders, demand, 40; cables, 40; llres, demand, 6.86: cables, 6.85; rubles, demand, 30- cables, 30. Bar silver, 74 c. vi.Ylinn dollars. 5SC. Government bonda steady; railroad bonds Time loans easier: 60 snd 90 day. 4 4 per cent: six months. 44 per cent. Call money .aaler. High 3 per cent: - oi . n.llr.. rate fti.. Tier cent' l.-i.t loan. 2; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2. SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 26. Sterling. $4.71; demand. $4.73: cables. $4.76. Mex ican dollars, 57 7.c. English Exchange Closed. LONDON, Dec. 26. The Stock Exchsng here snd all th. exchanges in Liverpool are closed today. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 26. Spot cotton quiet. Middling-uplands, $10.90. 300 bales. FOOD SPOILAGE PREVENTION y WEDNESDAY, sq Fran Cisco, tti'-amsnip gt.. 124 Thud S:30 P. M.. DEC. SI. Portland, l.os Anft Co. Prank Bo Liana, St. A 4fi0e. Main 26- American - Hawaiian Steamship Co. All sailings between U. S. Atlantic and U. S. Pacific porta are canceled until further notice. C. D. Kennedy. Agt.. $70 Btark St.. Portland AUSTRALIA NYV ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tanltt and Rarotonga. Sailing front San Francisco Jan. 3. Jan. 31. Feb. 28. Mar. 28 and every 28 day Send for pamphlet. UNION S. S. (JO. OF NEW ZEALAND. $30 California St.. ban rrancisca. or l.i. .1 kteamahlp and railroad ageaftie. Chief CbeniLnt Report. Re.olts of Beveareh During Year. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 26. The re cent report of the chief of the Bureau of Chemistry, United. Slates Dipariment of , 1 I J I 8...MI.!... T Milt k J 1 Screw American. : PtPUiuc r "SUrra" -The Delightful Way ! I an. 30. Fel.9 Blum , . n lUaa U arn.y. Avsuat'i. fa lew. giil.10 1st Cl I a