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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1916)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TFESDAT, DECE3rB"ER 26, 1916. 15 K FOB SALE. M Uc e 11a aeomt. 6EWINQ MACHINES of all makei, new and lecond-hand, old for leas. No agents em ployed; machines sent out sew perfect And Bursrfireed ; machines repaired; ma chines rented 2 monthly. BE WING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d near Taylo. st. A 301:6. Main 9431. UWINQ MACHINES 200 slightly used sowing machines, all makes, will be clossd out. Droph-ads. $5 and up; box tops. $2 and up. S. S '. two stores. 363 Alder et. and 242 Aider t BDXSOK RECORDS. 10c EACH. SI per doss. ; in and 12-inch records, 15c. Portland Phonograph Sc Record Exchange, T ' t-- . Alii HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles ana shotgun r cameras, kodaks and lenses; tought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Camera Exchange. 85 3d st. Main 3J81. 1000 USEFUL, ARTICLES TO TRADE. Talking machines and other musical Instruments. Portland Phonograph Record Exchange. 128 1st st. CASH H4GICTERS slightly used; our prices are lower, cash Register Exchange, 351 "Washington st. Main C06. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hois tin engines, all kind machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 Main BECOND-11AND orflce furniture for rent or sale, all grades; large selection. Pacific Slaty A Ptg. Co., lo" 2d st. Main 1071. ULEcTRX motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A 5674. CA8H REGISTERS, safe, ntore fixtures. Portland Cash Register Co., 1st & Yamhill. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 7U7. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead A Machinery Co., Sll Front at. ALE kinds of heating stoves to trade. Wnat have you? 12b 1st. IX RN ITU BE WAN TED. MONEY TALKS, WE pay the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, c&rpeU, stoves astd ranges. For prompt attention phone. GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC.. 185 to lttl 1st st. Mar. 5181. A 3224. rFELDbTLIN FURNITURE CO. wants all June of second -nana furniture. We also lu meichaiifilse stocks of any descrip tion, 2l6-lo& Tirst st, bet. Morrison and Y air hii Main 4t3 HIGHEST price paid for your furniture, stoves and carpets. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 207 1st st. Marshall 587. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash ; phone toda. Main 4ti7 or -04 First st. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, .chip out town ; can pay more titan Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. iEO. iJAKEK & CO., Masonic Temple bids-, pay cash for furniture, ruts, etc. Phone Main 3332. PARTY would like to buy household gooes, tugs, etc.. for cash. Marshall 182. BE WISE; Soli your furniture to the Ford Auction Co., Main SP51. 191 2d St.- HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture and mdse. stocks. J. M. Slmmonds. B. 5868. "WANT two 0x12 rugs; also some furniture. 128 First. Main 4100. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Wahburn. Marshall 4788. WANTKI -M 1SCEI.LAXEOCS. LEVIN HAHDWAKE & FL'KMTURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you all it is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need in the nome or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phone Main 0072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. f7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES. AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2t8u. 285 FIRST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. 6ECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS S7.&0 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 220 MADISON ST. " JUNK WANTED. All descriptions of junk bought; highest price paid for old metal and iron. Cail Marshal. 8225. ORIENTAL RUG WANTED I will buy Oriental rug, about 0x12. at fair price; must be good condition. Address AM 002, Oregonian. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler, 21S Oregonian bldg. WANTED National cash register. Main 000. Mg H Washington st. BECO.ND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL " AIN 4776. OR ?4 FIRST ST. HELP WANTED MALE. MsIN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS, $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. OPEN EVENINGS FROM "7 TILL 9. RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriers, cut-torn-house employee; $75 to $150 a month; life Joos; no strikes, no layoffs ; exams, announced Jar. 15. 'Free Book," Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. city. EX PE K1ENCED tea and coffee solicitors wanted at once ; liberal commission and chance for advancement to men who can produce results. Boyd Tea Co., 226 3d at. WANTED Experienced shoe talesman for college town ; must be Al ; good refer ences. Call Seward Hotel, bet. 6 and 7 P. M. Tuesday. ABE THE TAILOR buys your old, new clothing, shoes; high est cash prrces. Marsha;; 3J25 or 209 Madison st. GOOD pav everywhere for trained mechan ics; take course, in steam, gas or electrical engineering. Free catalogue from Seattle Engineering School. Roy street. Seattle. WANTED Carpenter work for course in leading business college. AJ 991, Ore gonlan. MAN and wife, no children, farm work; milk 10 cows; wife for cook; six people; no housework. AK 9S8, Oregonian. TARTNER with $300. business pays $1U0 month : experience not necessary. Mar shall 239. "WANTED First-class bookkeeper for Job- binx house at Walla WsJ X. 23, Ore- gonlan. FIREMEN, brakrmen, beginners paid $120 month: permanent; no strikes. Railway. uresonisn. WANTED 2 boilermakers with good ref erence, for out of town. State age, ex perience, phone number. X 087, Oregonian. BOY about 17 years old for office work. , Reply tn own handwriting. AL 000, Ore gonian. WANTED Blacksmith. Good references re quired. State age, phone number, experl- rnce. w vrto. -. . ti a, WANTED Experienced tie-makers; long Job. Address Standard Timber Co., Ev anston, Wyo. A MAN who understands building a modern whaling statioa Address Hopkins. 220 Grand ave.. Portland. Or. BOY for light farm work, no tobacco; state wages wanted. E. E Watts. Hllisboro HAND shirt lroners; highest wages paid. Opera-House Laundry. 2d and Everett. MAN and wife for dairy ranch. Inquire East 4741. Copjrriglit, 1916, by Newpper Feature Service Ino Great Britain rights reserved. RegUtered in U. S. Pa EVEX BABY HAS THE "EXCHANGE" FEVER. BY CLIFF ST ERR EXT. HELP WANTBD MALE. ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y M. C. A You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or aend you to It. During past 7 yeans we have placed or helped place themselves, over 11.000 men and boys. This service a privilege of membership In the T. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of member ship ffct See Secretary Stanley Baker. ALL kinds of laborers, mill and camp men wanted. BEND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Bend, Oregon. Helo Wanted Agents. AGENTS Salary or commission. $100 a month guaranteed. Anthony Fisher, Salt Lake, Utah. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy cost no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good salary to competent lady to take care of house for family of four; give references and phone number. AJ 99o, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants neat housekeeper, not oVer 38; no objection to lady with one child : good home; some wages. Eastern lady preferred. S 87, Oregonian. GIVE Christian woman or girl a home, clothes, for light work. Box 05, R. F. D., Clackamas, Or. WANTED A girl for general housework; two adults, three children; nurse kept. Main 377. WANTED Girl for light housework; call between 10 and 2 P. M. 525 E. 4Sth L N. LADIES to do crocheting at home. Call mornings. 11 to l. 322 Fleldner bldg.. 10th and Wash. HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 403 Bdy., Yamhill bidg., trains you well; you hold your positions secured for you. SIX experienced lady solicitors In the city; state local experience and phone. AK 087. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced pantry woman not under 30 years old. Apply Monday morning tho Virginia Hill Hotel. GiRI, wanted for general housework ; apply morning. 447 10 th St., GIRL or - middle-aged woman to a&slst in housework. Tabor 4040. OIRL to assist with general housework. 20u N 25th st. COOKS, hotel help, housekeeper, other help. Howe's, room 35, 27o h Washington. GIRL for general housework; family of three grown persons. 792 Lo'eJoy st. WANTED American for light housework; $12 month. Tabor 6564. WANTED An experienced waitress, today tho Virginia Hill Hotel. Apply PHiVATE home fur children, any age; 15 years experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. A OIRL to assist in general housework. 271 N. 24th st., corner Overton. , GIRL wanted for general housework. Northrup st. Main 5502. WANTED Young girl to assist with houae work; 458 3d st. Main 4712. MIDDLE-AGED lady to take care of eld erly lady. 450 East 17th st N. WANTED Two experienced Elliott-Fisher operators; call Tuesday. 18th and Upshur. MISS M ATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand, Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 303. GIRL for dining-room. 162 irand ava. HEUP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trade In eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a' set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you position; 32 schools In U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnslde. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL want men and women to learn the barber trade In lght weeks ; position guaranteed ; tools free; paid while learning. Expert Instruc tors; scalp and face massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber .trade In 8 weeks; position guaranteed; too la free; paid while Wmlns; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors, 20 -ars in butlnosu. 233 Madison st. FREE APTS. in return for man and wife or either, assist janitor work; WVst Side apartment. Phone Marshall 3324. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. A LI SKY BLDG., 8D & MORRISON STS. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway mail clerks; commence $75 a month. AV 30L Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED A position as showcard writer ry a young married man, j years or age 6 years' experience ; bast of reference AB 989. Oregonian. ' SPANISH WAR VETERAN needs work, mother to support ; experienced driver, grocery clerk, any light work. Marshall 1709. MlMe-iiancm. JAPANESE, experienced dishwasher, wants situation in hotel or restaurant. A J 937, Oregonian. WANTED Contract for land clearing or wood cutting or any other work. AR 986, Oregonian. GARDEN man, finest references, desires work. 294 Sheridan et. Main 4C18. PAINTING, paper-hanging- and tinting neat ly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493. PRINTER wants work. Straight matter. Job and ads. AH 991, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshal! 3722. EXPERIENCED dressmaker snd tailorest; price reasonable. Main 1715. ' Nurses. UNDERGRADUATE nurse of several years' practical experience wishes cases. AC 688, Oresonlan. Nl . i-lSK, with hospital training; references. Main 3603. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, room and wages. Phone Wood la wn 25i$. WOMAN wants day work. 2-So4. Phone Tabor WORK by the hour. Marshall 4771. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED 3 or 4-room house, walking dis tance, modern preferred; must be reason able. Call Mrs. Chin, A 628. Rooms With Board. BOARD-ROOM Private family, reasonable; young man. W. J. Bourcler, 3S7 E. Couch. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2o9 11th st. Strictly modern : private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. 475 MORRISON; newly furnished, convenient sleeping or housekeeping, single or en suite. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water in every room. 270 Vi Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar shall 5355. ELTON COURT HOTEL, YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noUe of traf fic; running wnter or bath in every room; private phones, elevator; $3 to $0 per week. Main 6953. ANSONIA HOTEL 124 14th et.. cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL BLACKSTONE Eleventh and Stark sts.. brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and old water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe clal rates by the week. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 10th st. at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. STANDISH HOTEL, 543 Washington sr., corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-neated rooms, $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUS HM ARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat, walking distance, SI. SO a week ; $6 a month and up. 565 Washington st. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St., at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. NICELY furnished front room walking dis tance; both phone., reasonable. 402 Vs 3d St The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 Alder. Strictly mod ern. $l.Mf, $2 and $2.5X a w eek. Furnished Rooms In Private Family $4 MONTH. large furnished bedroom, walk ing distance. Phone Marshall 5tHK. 4-9 6th su HEATED rooms, sleeping porches attached, mod. home, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen. 560 Salmon, opp. Mult Club. M. 1275. CHOICE rooms, modern conveniences, walk ing distance 20 14th. Main 3b93. EAST room In beautifully furnished, modern home; only $5 month. 300 Hancock. Koora With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rat- to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 93o8, A 602 S. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suit's Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan ; specie i rates to permanent guests, KARL HOTEL. Broadway at Taylor. THE MANlTOr, 261 13TH ST An attractive, homelike place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch; family hotel; rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Rooms Wit ft Board In Private Family. NICE, large, light and newly furnished rooms; board if desired; private family. 68 Everett. Phone Main 8 7 41. ROOM and board, S32 10th7 Main 6979. A Modern conveniences. Furnlttned Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS. Very High Class. Have a 3 and 4-room apartment; sleeping porch; available at once. MARSHALL 2S30. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe, THE WHEELDON ANNEX. popular, 10th and Salmon Sta. well known. of nlghest standing. . A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundrngs ; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, ail outside, with Frer.rn doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof lerdens In Connection. Walking Distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corn r Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled Interior; large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. SUBLET. Jan. 1, full furnished o-room apt. ; best residence location, one block from Washington, up King ; entire floor; fine place , steam heat ; Janitor. Mar shall ol7Q. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. 16 TO 25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 18b N. 23d Un der new management ; everything up to date, completel furnished, private phone and bath; fJO. S22 up. Marsh all 2045. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 rofm furnished apartments, close In. by mck or month. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two and a -room apartments, furnlehed, first-c' ass reasonable rates Main 7337. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts. All outside rooms, fine view, close in. $10 MONTH osy 2 -room apartment; walk, ing oistance. Wellington Court, 521 Everett st. THE CHELTr NHAM Beautifully furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city. Corner N. l&th and Northrup sts. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts.. $10 up: heat, light, bath: clean, respect able. W Grand ave.. cor. Washington. AROYLE APTS. 341 14th: nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts. . private bath. phone: Sift up: new management. DENVER APARTMENTS Strl-tly modem 2, 3. 4-room furnished and unfurnished. SIS up. "W" car to Northrup. M ar . 22 7 . NEW furnished apts, : concrete block: $10 a:.d $12. 11023 Union ave, N. Wdln. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, light; ?3 up. New Hart. 17QS 2d st. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17 th Reservations taken for January 1. nf urnished Apartments. WINDSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms, nnfur., clean, comfortable, homelike. 2 blka. cm.r tine walking d East 2907. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 5. 6 rms.. reas. M.7516. A2676 THE AMERICAN. 21si and Johnson 3 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 33G0. FOB KENT. Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required tiStt Irvine st. Phone Marshall 2748. BEAUTIFUL .unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with all modem conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gaa, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals, phones Msvln 4376, A 1301. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 255U. Mod ern new building. 2, 8 4 -room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. l FEW of tho new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments ur. taken; light and airy, unexcelled outlook , re eptlon-room. large lawn, etc Glisan. nea 23d. UNFURNISHED apt., 7-room duplex apart ment, on Eerett, near 23d, reduced rental. Marshall 3291. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 West Park st-. ready for occupancy Jan. L Call between 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Marshall 423. FINEST 5-room $30 apartment In city: jani tor; heat, hot and cold water, phone, light, cooking gas, etc., free. Mar. 1798. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod ern; 65n Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. 5-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 185 E. 15th St.; $80. SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outside rooms ; references. 780 Irving. Mar. 1758. Furnished or TCnf urnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking dis tance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 8 and 4 room; rates moderate ; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2061 and 2V64. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLES LEY COURT, M EL C LIFFE COD RT, REX ARMS. Sunnyslde carilne, close in ; 2 and 3 room: desirable and reasonable. IRVINOTON Upper flat with apartment service. In finest residence section; con venient to two carlines; hot w att-r heat. See Janitor today. 400 16th st. N., cor. Hancock st. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; all outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Phone Main lom and 10S2. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lu cretla st. .Marshall 1.113, A S487. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-37 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. llat. $1 5o. including; water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc 30 H E. 10th st. N., cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Wood lawn 202. 5-ROOM modern fiat. 426H nth st. 16.6o. ater paid. Oregon Inv. A M t g. Co., 20i Stok Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. 7-ROOM modern upper and lower flat. $17 and $20. 692 H Everett. Main 3520. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 7 Inquire 330 6th. Phone Main Hoyt st. 78. MOD ERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near and Washington sts. Main fewee. $18 4-R. hd.w. firs.. Ivory finish, hot water, seo. entrance. 3tio Monroe. K. 6792. Furnlsnrd rlats. FURNISHED fiat, no furnace to attend, new s; stem, gas heat; 5 rooms, sleeping porch. West Side, walking distance, $45; refer ences. Main 1460 MODERN 5-room newly furnished flat ; cheap. 11 o7 Greeley sr, Woodlawn 2064. UouMkriuc Room. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. !1 Columbia st., near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suits, walking distance, both phones; $2 per werk and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton, 402 3d st. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms in Private FaniUy. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms ail conveniences ; no carf ar; for two people employed; $10 a month; 12 N. 16th. Main 7o2.i. FURNISHED rooms, 2.23 corner 4th. housekeeping per week. 2' apartment; 2 4 Montgomery, 9 1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close In, grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. Mounee. larsja FTNE HOME FOR RENT AFTER JAN. 1ST. Originally built for owner's use; oc cupied for several years by well-known business man now leaving city. Contains: 10 rooms in addition to 'kitchen, bathroom and special cedar closet, stationary wasu stand ard large clothes closets In each of five bedrooms. Large grounds. Within walking distance of business district. Fine for family hotel or boarding-house. Rent reasonable to desirable tenants. Inquire on premises, northwest corner of 21st and Ev erett. $12- 7-ROQM. clean and modern, 265 E. 76th st. N. ; cement basement, garden, strawberries, bush berries, f i replace, grand porch, nice lawn and roses; snap for good tenant. Main 6641. Main 5596. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side. In perfect order, suitable for private residence or rooming-house. In quire, room 616 Corbett bldg., 5th and Mor- r ut on. MODERN 8 -room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace; Nob Hill district. 56 Lucretla su; very reasonable to good ten ant Main 6076. , .. . - . - . - . - MODERN 12-room house, partly furnished, centrally located, furnace (with coll, elec tricity and gas ; walking distance. Mr. Craln. Main 208. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt ets. Broadway 708. ROSE City Park bungalow, 5 rms.. modern In every way. S. D. Vincent &. Co. Both phones 5-ROOM modern bungalow 1430 E. Lincoln st.. $18. and garage Main 1166. MODERN 6-room house, near Alberta and Union. 4rn Sumner Tabor 7S51. o-ROOM modern house, 712 Lwejoy, near 23d. Inquire 130 0th st. Main 6278. FOR RENT lrvlngtoa. 7-room house at 637 E. 11th st. N. 018 Plttnck block. 8 ROpMr. modern. 806 24th at. N. Phone Msin 5290; references; rent reasonable. MODERN 7-room house. 245 23d street, neer Marshall. Phone Marshall 1079. -ROOM house, gas. electricity, walking dis tance. 607 Everett st. Phone East 8. FOR RENT 22d. 30. -0-rm. house. 708 Everett, cor STRICTLY modern Laurelhurst home, near car. No. 116 Laddlngton Court. Tabor 8284. 6-ROOM cottage. 1180 East 83d N new Kennedy School. $10. near POLLY AND HER FOR KENT. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1104 Patton ave., (or $15. 7-room house, sleeping porch and garage, at 390 E. 9tn St., for $20. 4-room house at 360 E. 34th st for $7. Keys I3S4 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 16T7. 5-ROOM modem house. 2 blocks from Sun nyside csr, rent $18 per month. 113 E. 88th st.. or apply Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Chamber of Co mm e re e. MODERN 6-room house ; clean ; rent very reasonable. 715 East Salmon, corner 21at. Phone East 5 si So. Furnlohed Houses. SIX furnished rooms ; house modem ; elec tric lights ; water furnished j $ : " . close In. 3u: E. 9th st. S. Broadway 427 or East 5235. MODERN three-room house In good resi dence section; $9 per month. See owner. 404 Piatt bldg. Willamette Hts. ; rooms and den. delightful mod. house; Main 4010, A 2924. FURNISHED house, S rooms. 653 Milwaukle St. Phone Tabor 1703. Btore. FOR RENT A fine store room (adjoining the Wise Clothing Store), the very cholceet location In Astoria, one of the best cities on the Coast. Address Leo Wise, Astoria. Oregon. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St.. between 5th and 6th: 40 feet front by 28 Vs feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay A. Co. Office. FINE opportunity; Including phone. Exchange. suite of offices cheap, stenographer. 209 Stock FOR RENT Fine offices at reasonable rates. Inquire Behnke-Walker bldg., 4th St.. near Morrison, or phone M. 590 or A 15'-6. PRIVATE office, reception-room and phone. or uesK room l iv. uoor, j 1 1 nosra oi Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private office. also desk room, $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bids. HalU. NEATLY furnished dancehall. corner Front and Glbba; reasonable ; also large, well equipped lodge halL Main 1511. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Hotel of 27 rooms, in the best little citv in the Norihwest: fully motiern. with nice lobby and small cigar stand; will sell building and furniture complete, or will sell furniture and lease building; these rooms are full most of the time; 1 am of fering for sale, as I haven't the time to devote to the business. F . Oregonan. 7." DOWN, balance less than rent. 8 beau tifully f Ornish ed modern rooms, upstairs permanently rented, good tenants who pay entire rent of house, light and water bills; everything goes, fine carpets, beautiful paintings. W. A. or Broadway cars. 30t Hancock st, CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called inter est !n established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWQILL, Sec 202 Henry Bldg. , HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels In capital city, for sale; will sell property or furni ture and lease. For particulars address Bay View Hotel, Olympla. Wash. AUTOMOBILE business; owner busy In the shop, wants a reliable partner to wait on customers, sell gasoline, etc. ; good pay and- small Investment required. Call 24&a Ftark St. MachiNE SHOP, well equipped, good Will amette Valley town, located in heart of a great lumber section, with 30 or more mills tributary; bargain If taken at once. Address AV 265, Oregonian. $T3.oOOFIRST-CIASS stock "consisting of shoes, dry goods and gents' furnishings, must be sold in the next few .days at 75c on the dollar. For particulars phone Tabor Ml WE have the biggest $3000 snap In restau rant, established 12 years ; $100 per day. Price $3000. Pacific Agency, 515 Swet land bldg. CASH business: partner wanted to collect, deliver goods, etc.; pay $13 week; can be Increased; S1S0 required. Call 24Sa Stark street. A GOOD stock of general mdse., J10.000. shoes. 8000 ladles wear, 2O0O men's, 3000 mds.,' 80c on the dollar. Pacific Agency. 515 Swtrtlaud bldg. OFFICE business: owner wants a reliable partner to help blm; will be some outside work and can make good profits; $200 re. quired. Particulars 248 H Stark st. CREAMERT business; splendid opening for energetic man; pays good profits and re quires small investment, fully secured. Call 2484; Stark st, MAN take charge restaurant; guarantee $1.10 month; owner sick; trade Increasing; shipbuilding district. Mlllershlp. 431 Chamber of Commerce. FREE rent of dining-room. Including heat, until trade Is established; In a first-class hotel and In the best little city In the Northwest. Address AO 0S5, Oregonian. GOOD little stork of Jewelry at discount, about $400. pacific Agency, 015 Swetland bldg. A REAL SNAP, offer gets a nice corner 270 HoTladay. Best store. FOR SALE Small bakery doing good busi ness whole or half Interest. AK 986. Oregonian. IF TOO have a store that la your busings. If you want to sell It, that Is our busi ness. Pnciflo Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. WANTE D Cashier secures position ; $250 required ; investigate. AG 989. Orego nian. GOOD, established hardware stock. Portland. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. ENTERPRISING woman with capital can acquire a well-established paying busl ness in this city. AO 997, Oregonian. $5f TAKES Ea grocery; biggest ?nap In city, fine stock and fixtures; doing fine business. 440 E. Burnslde. WANT the biggest grocery on East Side S10OO cash will buy. Pacific Agency. 015 Sw etland bMp WANT stock of gen. mdse.. $10,000 to 40, 0O0. at one, for liberal discount for cash. Pacific Agency. 515 Swetland bldg. NEW TEAR'S special, 25O0 grocery stock, 75c on the dollar. Hurry Clan new stock. Pacific Agoncy. 515 Swetland bldg. WANT man, 1500 and services, good Inside position. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bid;. SOME good out-of-town gen. mdse.. $2000 to $5000. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. WE have 40 grocery stores from $41 $40 00O. cash and trade. Paclflo A ncy. Inc., 515 mm e 1 1 a nd mag. BEST little cleaning and flan wor city. Come look at It; $400. Pactfi Agency. nil Swetland bldg. ClfSATt and soft drinks: good btL.ness. long lease; $1000. Pacific Agency. Inc. 515 8wetland bide DON'T WORRY. I can trade or nil It; anything. Lay man, 527 Chamber of Commerce. OARAGE ou1ne. good location. (1200. Pacific Agency. 515 Swetland bldg. BARRKHS 'Will pay spot ,caeh for good 1 or 3-chalr .hop. Paul Stelnmetz. S6 6th et. FOR SNAPS In ,ee Pacific Agency. Inc.. 515 Bwetland bldg. TH E "finest email wholesale .tore In city. Burnelde, Established 109. PALS 7 ROOMlNO-MOrSES. MRS. M E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 524 N. Y. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrison. FOR SALE 10-room apartment-house, good location. 240 Vi Fifth St. Main 2148. LOST AND FOUND. THK following articles tere found in cars of the Portland Railway, Light sc Power Company. December 23, 1016: 1 package ties. 2 handbags. 1 package dry goods, 1 package shoes, 3 gloves 4 purses, 1 package pictures. 3 lunch boxes 1 thermometer. 1 package post cards, 1 package lunch, 1 key. 1 satchel, 1 pall sorghum. 1 package containing umbrella, 1 Jug. 1 grip, l stove apron, 1 package rug, 1 package camp chairs. 1 cane, 1 package overalls, 5 suit oases. 1 leather case. 1 pair woolen gloves, 1 pair rubbers, 1 hair net. 19 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at station. First and Alder streets. LOST Friday, the 22d. by workinr girl who has sick aunt to care for, small black purse containing all the money I possessed between $12 and $15. Finder please think this over and see who needs the money most. Main 8376. Reward. LOST Lady's diamond ring, between W. Park and Yamhill and Cathedra!, or In Cathedral, please return to Gordon Hotel and claim reward. HAMMER ED-GOLD bracelet, set with two diamonds and one tourmaline, "B. C. B. 11Mk." engraved on inside. Reward. Main 5ol. LOST Gold and black enamel f rat pin. diamond In center; reward. Call Ea.-t 14W FOUND Morrison and E. 14th sts.. rent's buckskin, fletce-llned, left-hand glove. Janitor. 181 E. 14th st. LOST One Ik's tooth pin. marked - J. D. A.. 142" ; reward. Return to Engine room, Corbet t bldg. gPBCIAL NOTICM Proposals Invited. SEALED bids will be received at the office of K. H. Thomas. School Clerk, room 401 Courthouse, uaiil January 4, 1017. for 2237 collapsible chairs, and wli; be opened at a meeting of the Board of Directors to be held In room &04 Courthouse, at 4 o'clock on the above date. Certified check for $300. payable to the undersigned, must accompany each pro posal, as must also sample ur cut of the chair bid upon. Specifications may be obtained of the undersigned. The Board of Directors reserves the ngnt to reject any or all bids, divide the award or to increase or decrease the number of chairs at the time the award is made, R. II, THOMAS. School Clerk. Portland. Or.. December 23. 1916. MiM-rllancous. NOTICE. All persons having repaired Jewelry the Royal Jewelry Co., 151 1st. must call oy weu... Dec closed after that. the score win be TO WHOM It may concern: 1 have purchmsea poolroom located 1015 Belmont street. from H L. Robertson, this 21st day of December. 1010. J. M. STEWART. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I have pur chased grocery business located 283 Yam hill at., from S. Nudcman. this 2'Jd day of December. 19I. MRS. P. POLSKY. BARGES for rent, capacity 300 tons. 85. Main 1 IN VNCLVL MONEY LOANED Residence property. 0 to 8 per cent. Business property, 3 to 6 per cent. Farm property, 7 to 8 per cent. WH 1TMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Plttock blk. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTO AGE CO.. 80 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. GILT-EDGED seller's' equity in contracts"; also mortgages on real estate for sale. HALE. 202 WILCOX BLDG. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. g. Noble, Lumbermena bide. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gagea purchased. Lewis St Co.. 4 Lewis bldg:. Money to Loan an Rewl Kstate. PER CENT money. 3 to 5 years, residence property; will accept $10o or more oa principal at any Interest period payment; per cent money on business property, same terms. Pacific Title A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying; privileges A, U. B1RRELL A CO. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg Marsnall 4114. A 4118. $1000 TO LOAN on good acreage or farm not too far from Portland; interest 7 per cent. Might split Into two $50o loans if desirable. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. MONET TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate of interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTT CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissons. Devereaux Mortgage Company, tfo7 Con cord bid., 2d and Stark sts. $500 TO $2000 up, 7 pr cent. In sums to suit, loan on good farm or city security Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Com! MONET to loan on good residence or farm froperty, 6 to 0 V Business blocks 1. L. Archer Co., Northwestern Bank bldg. SEE US tday for loans on Improved city property, ft to 8 per cent; $200 and up. Celiars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bldg. MOKTG AG E LOANS IN A NT AMOUNT OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC.". Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Tamhlll. $1000 AND $1500 to loan on city property; no delay; no commission. Address D u0, Oregonian. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. HO Fourth Street, Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITT OR FARM PROPERTY; WfLL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 202ft. ft PER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. OESUON & HAWK. MAIN 1 1 ftft . 72Q Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, aii-aift : Failing x-noue sain ov. $25.v00 TO loan on city lncouie property at per cent. Mcblmzle st Co., 010 Ger Ungc rbM $ou0, $1000 AND upwards on Improved real tiouo TO tlo.OOO TO LOAN, on city or tarm. no commi.ion r. j m.. my. AKM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS A. H. Harding. 313cnambcr or Commerc LOANS on city and farm property. 5 p.r cni up. r. r uenw. . -u Miim, or com. FARM and city loana. 8', per cent. No com rdiaalon. E '.47. Oregonian. 200. S350. 10.). SI 20O. SI 800. Fred W German A Co . 7S2 Chamber of Commerce tl'jOO TO loan on city property at 6 per cent. lcKenzic at lo., ju Gerilnger bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. S AND T PER CENT LOUI3 SALOMON CO . ggg OAK ST. UNLIMITED Eastern runds. 5 to 7 per cent. POOLE Y et CO.. 312 Board of Trade bldg. isnvKY Any mount. 0 to 8 per cent. w. 11. Selta. 310 Spalding Main eSSC HAVE client, with money to loan. Oliver M. Hlckey. Atty.. 828 N. W. Bank bldg. FINANCIAL- .Money to Loan on Real Ketate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32. 2b per month for 86 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for utt months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS 4k LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark Street. Portland. Or. WE have 6 per cent money to loan on farms In Multnomah County. Green A Vogel, 69 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2160. RESIDENCE LOANS AT ftSi PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL st CO.. 205. 20t$ Northwestern Bank Bids. MONET TO LOAN. 2y-tt,,MiPR,OVEI REAL ESTATE FOR BtlLDINQ PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE Jfc TRUST CO, 202 Stevens Bldg. 5 KR., EXT loans will be made on central wi4t uusiness properties, b x a 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. OOUDJBT. CO.. Northwsstern Bank bldg 0i0. 13OO0, S3O0O AND S10.000 te lon m.t . per cent. K. E. Bowman sc Co.. 214 Chamber of Commerce. 230. $400. $500. 6o6. $750. Fred W ar. man to.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan Chattels and I Salarls7" IF YOU NEED MONET. SEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and ol her personal property ; legal rates, i confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. v Licensed), :uio-;io7 Uekum Blug. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. We are making a specialty of quick, holiday loans to saiari d emplo ea. Also loans on household furniture and pianos, without removal. special rates until January L CALL AND SEE US. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., Licensed. gjf Failing Bldg. V HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salarieu men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary. dlamond. fuxniture. etc. Easy Install ments. Legal rales. Securities purchased gsj McKay bldg. Main 124 REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Purtlana business men to pro tect borrower. C. My . rs Herman, man ager. Stark st. Mony loaava on aia iiiunos. Jewciery, pianos, fa. fa. lurmture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; ail articles heid 1 year; esLaolUfaed sssOs lbSh. pan Marx, aba Washington. PIANO state. w.a lurmture iou.n, Uct-nsed by Oeo. Harvey. Tabor dJxid. the Loans v antra. $0O0 bi $6UO 5. ts acre tract near ujau place all In cultivation, new 2-room nouse. chicken house and other linpruvtuntuis; ownsr's aiuu $JITM. Fred V. German Co., 3J Cnara. of Com. $TvO b $700 6. S-acre tract, ail In cuiti anon, adjoining North plains; b-rooin aouv, large barn. wsrsj value rrd W. German Go., 7S3 Cham, of Com. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-incn wavy switch, - scp $1.50 24-mch wavy switch, 4 Sep Lui All-arouna transtorination L45 Hairat casing, snampoomg, face massage, hair bobbing;, manicuring. 2c. Hair re moved by e,ectnc iiccu.c. switch made of combings, UJc. We buy yvur cvuiouig. Sanitary Pariors. 4UO-41- Deauiu biug., d mand asiungton. Marsnall lVua. REV. MitS. J. C. SCHORl will opeu a cnurcn and society at Arcanum Hail. 10 lutn su. Sunaas 3 P. M.. coauuuiug until lb P. M.; ail lntetosied in occult work w- iteu ; bring your, we serve coffee, consults w itli you uaily. Beverly, 1&6 Par st. Marsnali BjgTlfc , fiUJL'TKiCAb TREATMENTS give best re sults in goitre, lumoa&o, constipation, piles, i.t'uuai.u :.i, os- veins and :cia.l bleiniaues, iigular licensed physician. Box UtoL FEB VET & HANEBUT, lead Ins wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goous; hairaresstng, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. Removed to o Alder. near Broacway Main o4d. LOUISE NETZEL, German trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatments for rneu raatiain, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.. massage and baths; iaay assistant; now located at H Lo ParK sl. Alarsna ooaa. open Sundays. GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc. ; lady ti ained nurse assistant. 2ob llth st. open Sunuayy. Marshall i6J7. CiiiivOPUACTlC. steam baths. Ught7heat. electrio and vibratory manage. Dr. Mar gai vi Ha nle. 517 Swetland. Main 1A5. i GKAC: BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory way. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; salt baths. 4-tt Clay st. Main 835". SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by multiple-needle mtthoa ; consultation free. MLe. DeLong. 5u4 Swetland bldg. PLUM PUDDING, mince pie and" homr made bread. Monarch Bakery. 40ft Mor- ritfon st. AZA U. R1BBECKE, featural correctlonist, face and scalp massage. 128 lzth. St.. ntar Wash. Mar. 320u. Advico free. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental, spiritual scientist. oOO Tourney b.dg . 10 to 4 daily. Written questions Ved.. 145 P. M. Mar. 3u&. j SPIRITUALI 5M Rev. May A. Price, circle Tuesday. 2 and 8 P. 31. and Sun. 8 P. M ; ' reading daily. 2u2 Clay. Marshall BWftQ. ! ASCAPSO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe, r or sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. ti'i KITC'ALISM Rv. Mary L. La Mar l.acnes occult science and palmistry. At honia dall. ti: at. PAUUME DARE, fr m the IM . racial, acaip, niaaaaga. 4U7 Wash. Km. 222. Hour, "J to T. ul readmit, d.Uy. 375 Taylor my WANTED A good chiropractor tor a I town of iuO peoplo in Oregon. AH Mv. 987. Oregonian. MASSAGE trtalment. electric vibrator, by trained num. 3oa 3d. Apt. C Main I04. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of fice 215, 3oU V. Morrison st. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. MANICURING, ladle, and gentlemen. 281 . Morrison et. Office 10. FRANCES DE MAYO. aclp specialist. 291 B Morrison st. Ofllce 3L LIFE reader. Hart Apts.. 4th floor. Mar. 2631. 170 H 2d. S15, MAGNKTIC healer; 2d st. 4th floor.. treatments daily 170S apt. 8. Mar. 2497. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. D. Hill. 428 Flledner bldg. Main 3478. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tout, Tablets. 550 Hoyt st- Phone Main 2393 -S-SH 4-