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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1916)
11 Today Is "SPECIAL BUTTER DA Y" in Model Grocery on the Fourth Floor Glenwood Creamery Butter, Special Today 2 lbs, for 80c O. W. K. Special Butter, 2 lbs, for 75c Double Stamps With All Cash or Charge Purchases Made Today In All Depts. of the Store In appreciation of the splendid patronage accorded this store throughout the holiday season, we will give DOUBLE STAMPS with all cash or charge purchases made today in all departments of the store, in addition to extraor dinary bargains in seasonable and wanted merchandise of all kinds. Sup ply personal and home naeds today and get Double Trading Stamps. max The Starxftxrcf Store of Ifje (Fiarihcre$i Charge Purchases Made Today and Rest of This Month Will Go on Your January Bill Payable Feb, 1 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps will be given on all charge accounts for purchases made on and after December 18, if paid in full by Febjruary 10. Open a charge account at this store and get S. & H. Trading Stamps. S. & H. Trading Stamps given on out-of-town orders upon request. Get yours. Olds .Wortman &Kjihf ifeltebfe Merchandise Telrnble Methods Merchandise Bonds & Glove Orders If you have overlooked someone on your Christmas list, buy a Merchandise Bond or Glove Order and let him or her do their own choosing. We issue them for any amount and thej are redeemable at any time. For the New Year's gift nothing you could select would be more acceptable than an O. W. K. Merchandise Bond or Glove Order. Bond and Glove orders may be purchased and charged on your regular account the same as other merchandise. THE MORNING OR EG OXI AX, TTTESDAT, DECEMBER 26, 1916. 5 -Days5 Clean -Up Sales All Over the Store This Store Having Just Passed Through the Most Successful Holiday Business in the History of Its Existence Since 1851, now Inaugurates a Great Clean-Up Sale of Remnants, Odds and Ends, Broken Lines, Etc. Every Department Has Many Good Things to Offer Which Space Will Not Permit Telling About. It Will Be a 5-Days' Bargain Feast No One Can Afford to Miss. Watch Our Advertisements New Items Will Appear Every Day of the Sale Women's Suits At V2 Price Second Floor 300 Women's and Misses' Suits from our regu lar stock reduced to half regular prices for the Clean-up Sale. This season's approved styles in belted and loose effects. Materials include wool serges, velours, broadcloth and vel vetines. Every suit in this lot is up to the O. W. K. stan dard of quality. Splendid range of colors; all sizes in the lot. $21.00 Suits now $10.50 I $45.00 Suits now $22.50 $27.50 Suits now $13.75 $35.00 Suits now $17.50 $75.00 Suits now $37.50 $90.00 Suits now $45. GO Sale of Bath Robes For Women Second Floor WOMEN'S BLANKET BATH ROBES in light and dark patterns. Conventional and floral effects. V-neck or round collars. Patch pockets and cord girdle; trimmed with silk bands. We have them practically all wanted sizes, but shop early today. Special at PJ. S WOMEN'S Corduroy Kim onos, with large collars, short sleeves, turn-back QC cuffs; all sizes, at P'J WOMEN'S Wool Sweaters, in plain and fancy weaves; various new styles QQ and colors. Price, P '0 r $5 Wool Coatings $2.50 Yard Main Floor Splendid, warm wool Coatings in the sale at sharp reductions. We are anxious to clear these out at once, hence the extremely low prices -put upon them. Good as sortment of weaves and colors. Coatings former- (TO CA ly selling at $3.50, $4 and $5, while they last, yard P" J" LOT 2 A number of pieces of heavy wool Coatings in fancy mixtures, plaids, stripes and plain colors. (CI QQ Grades worth $2.50; while they last, at the yard P--.xO $3.50 Fancy Silks $1.67 Yard Center Circle, 1st Floor Special line high-grade silks taken from our regular stock. Suitable for dresses, waists, skirts, petticoats and linings. Stripe, plaids and figured effects. Nearly all colors will be found in this assortment and at the sale, price they are very exceptional bargains. Many are reg ular $3.00 and $3.50 grades none worth less than T" ""1 $2.00. Priced special for quick clean-up at, yard 4X.O DOUBLE STAMPS WITH CHARGE OR CASH PUR CHASES MADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS TODAY. Women's Aprons 50c Grades 29c $2.25 Grades $1.29 Second Floor Women's Fan cy tea aprons, also nurses' and maids' aprons in various styles. Slightly soiled Values to 50c now 29 Values to $1.00 now 59 Values to $2.25 now $1.29 CHILDREN'S HATS in the sale at startling reductions Values up to $1.50 at 490 -Values up to $2.25 at 890 Values up to $3.75 at $1.29 All children's "hats above $3.75 now on sale at Vz -Price. $75.00 Rug $49.50 Size 9x12 Feet Third Floor Extra special sale of high-grade Wilton Rugs in rich Oriental and Persian effects. Standard makes. Size 9x12 feet. Rugs selling in the regular way QMQ CA at $75.00. Now specially priced for this sale at P 50c, 60c Cretonnes 38c Yd. CRETONNES Great vari ety of patterns and colors suitable for all pur- "2 Of. poses, 50c, 60c grades JOC. BLANKETS Full size and good, heavy-weight. Fancy plaids, various col- (T QQ ors; $3.75 blanket 4.yO $29.50 Dresses At $14.98 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Afternoon and Party Dresses in draped, tunic, straight-line and flare effects. Beau tiful models in silk messaline, satins, Georgette crepes, vel veteens, serges and taffetas. Various colors, such as navy, plum, green, gray, brown, etc.; also a few in black. Ef fectively trimmed with laces, fur, marabout, t- a qq buttons, etc. Dresses formerly selling at $29.50 at )1t.70 DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS WITH CHARGE OR CASH PURCHASES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS TODAY $5.00Corsets$1.98 $1 Brassieres 79c Second Floor Discontinued models in Bon Ton, Bien Jolie Grecian Treco and OWK Special Corsets. Full range of sizes in the assortment, but not in each model. (T1 QQ Corsets formerly priced to $5.00, special, at only l.O BRASSIERES two styles in hook front. Heavy mate rial and good strong lace trimming. All sizes. 70r $1 grade; sale price. . s SHIRR RUFFLE Bust Forms of best quality barred nainsook, with ruffles at tached inside. $1.50 QQ.-. grade, priced special S'OC Muslin Underwear . At Sacrifice Prices Second Floor WOMEN'S SPANISH HAND-MADE GOWNS of fine sheer lingerie cloth, beautifully hand-embroidered in neat floral designs, some with plain hand-scalloped edges; round, square or V necks. Slipover styles, Kimono sleeves some set in with fine French beading. Note the prices: $2.75, $3.00 Gowns, $2.15 I $4.50, $5.00 Gowns, $3.75 $3.50, $4.00 Gowns, $2.79 $5.50, $6.00 Gowns, $4.25 Don't miss this opportunity to save on finest Undermuslins Double Stamps With Charge or Cash Purchases in All Depts. White Ivory Specials and Jewelry Bargains Main Floor White ivory makes splendid gifts for any and all occasions. Get your share of these great bargains. IVORY SET Long handle bonnet mirror, concave back hair brush, extra .f (f heavy comb, for pvJ.VU JEWELRY Cuff Links, Brooches, Hat Pins, Stick Pins, Etc Reg ular 25c Articles 121zc IVORY SET--50c Talcum holder, with 25c can Djei Kiss Talcum 75c com- Q bination selling at only PLATINOID Picture Frames. Will not tarnish. 50c Frames 2 sizes. .390 25c Frames 2 sizes.. 190 Leather Goods Sale $3.50 Articles $1.00 Main Floor Special table filled with various leather articles, such as Music Rolls, Handbags, Back-strap Purses, Fitted Traveling Cases, Bill Folds, Jewel Boxes, Card T1 Cf Cases, etc. Many worth up to $3.50. While they last P1.VV $1.50 Chiffon Cloth 98c $1.50 CHIFFON CLOTH, 98c YARD This is one of our best selling numbers. 42 inches wide, excellent quality QQ silk chiffon. Shown in good range of colors; the yd., sOK Household Needs Reduced Jw Coffee Percolators, chaf ing dishes and tea ball pots reduced 20 to 33 per cent. Serving trays, smoking sets, cruet sets, 20 to 50 per cent off during this sale. Baking dishes, percolator sets, Ramekin sets and sher bet sets now 50 per cent off. Casseroles 20 per cent off. CELEBRATED "LIBBEY" CUT GLASS, 20 OFF FANCY WASTE PAPER BASKETS NOW -PRICE. ITALIAN MARBLE STATUARY NOW h -PRICE. Remnants of Wash Goods i to Off Second Floor A vigorous 5-day Clean-up Sale in the Wash Goods stock. All remnants and short lengths will be closed out at prices ranging from 4 to Vi regular. A splendid op portunity for thrifty women to buy materials for dresses, waists, night gowns and various other uses at big savings. Remnants of white goods, percales, ginghams, j flff outing flannels, wash goods, etc., on sale at VI to 2 DONT FORGET TO ASK FOR S. & H. GREEN STAMPS Odd Lines Towels At V2 Price Main Floor Hand-embroidered Linen Towels in various sizes and patterns odd lines which have become slightly soiled and mussed from handling. Choice at HALF-PRICE. INITIAL day pillow cases, ! BLEACHED sheeting, 2 selling in the usual C1 QC yards wide and good OOp way at $3.50; pair P1.'3 heavy quality; yard 0. SHORT LENGTHS OF NAINSOOK AND LONG- 1 C CLOTH. Grades worth up to 30c a yard. Special, yd. AJC All Ribbon Novelties y3 to y2 off Main Floor Dainty articles for gift-giving, such as Vanity and Party Bags, Slipper Bags, Coat Hangers, Rosettes, etc. Splendid assortment of patterns and col-1 i . j ff ors. 50c up to $6.50 Articles now selling at 3 2 VvII RIBBONS in fancy floral effects and plain colors for hair bows, sashes, etc. 1 Q 25c grades, the yard Axv- RIBBONS Odds and ends of novelties in various colors. Lines formerly priced 7sr to $1.75 Special, yd. ' Handkerchief Sale At 14 to 14 Off Main Floor Women's and children's handkerchiefs odd boxes and odd lines which have become somewhat soiled and mussed during the holiday sales, to be closed out at once. Fine linens, lawns and Shamrock cloth plain white, one-corner embroidery in white and colors, fancy colored edges, etc. Hundreds of dirferent patterns. Handker-W a. Cii chiefs marked to -sell at 5c to 65c priced at 4 2 DOUBLE STAMPS WITH CASH OR CHARGE PURCHASES MADE IN ALL DEPTS. TODAY. 65c Corset Covers Special 49c Main Floor "LILY-WHITE" Semi-made Corset Covers in dainty embroidered pattern on fine quality material, at Make exquisite gifts for any occasion; 65c grades at W 65c Corset Covers 38c Main Floor "LILY-WHITE" Semi-Made Corset Covers in dainty, embroidery patterns on fine quality material. "2Q,-. These make exquisite gifts for any occasion; 65c grades JOC Women's Neckwear At Half -Price Main Floor Fancy Neck bows and corsage bouquets in great many different styles and colors Broken lines which must be closed out at once. These were marked at T) 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00; your choice at this sale 2 T1CC WOMEN'S FANCY NECKWEAR Collars and sets in great assortment of different styles and all are latest effects and fine quality materials. Our entire line of 35c col- -ir lars and sets priced very special for this sale, only )C DOUBLE Stamps tomorrow to charge or cash customers. Sale of Men's Suits $12.50 Grade. $ 9.35 $25.00 Grade $18.75 Main Floor 400 Men's and Young Men's Fancy Suits and 100 Blue Serge Suits are included in the great 5-day sale. -Several well-known makes to choose from, and a splendid range of patterns and sizes. nary opportunity to buy $12.50 Suits now at $9.35 $15.00 Suits now $11.85 $17.50 Suits now $13.15 Don't overlook this extraordi- suits of standard qualities. $20.00 Suits now $14.85 $25.00 Suits now $12.50 $37.50 Suits now $l.S III Men's Overcoats $12.50 Grade $ i9.35 $25.00 Grade $18.75 Main Floor Men's Winter Overcoats in smart styles and patterns, in the 5-Day Sale at big $9.35 Men's $12.50 Overcoats now at Men's $15.00 (T 1 1 QT Overcoats now at Pi-A.OJ MEN'S and Young Men's Overcoats selling in the usual way at $25.00 priced very special at Men's $20.00 Overcoats now at Men's $22.50 Overcoats now at up-to-date reductions. $14.85 $16.85 $18.75 Boys' Mackinaws $5 Grade $3.98 Main Floor Only 87 coats in this lot, and at the price we have put upon them they are certain to sell out in a hurry. Latest styles, with large collars, belt, patch pocket, etc. Rich dark overplaids in serviceable colors. Sizes 9 to (T-J QQ 18; $5.00 Mackinaws, now on sale at only, each PJ.yo BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, with 2 pair pants latest Norfolk models, with belt, patch pockets, etc; sizes 6 to (T I tr 18. Excellent $5.00 suits. Special for this sale at P"t.t'J Double Stamps With Charge or Cash Purchases in All Depts. Women's Fine Silk Underwear Main Floor Closing out all short lines and odd lots women's high-grade silk underwear at special low price Sale includes silk vests, silk bloomers, silk union suits and silk envelope chemise. Beautifully made garments in a celebrated make. A very unusual sale no thrifty woman will overlook. $2.00 Qualities at $1.70 $2.50 Qualities at $1.95 $2.75 Qualities at $2.25 $3.50 Qualities at $2.05 $3.S)5 Qualities at $3.35 $4.50 Qualities at $3.75 $6.00 Qualities at $5.15 $6.50 Qualities at $5.65 Get Your S. & H. Stamps. Women's Shoes $6 Grade $3.48 Main Floor 1339 Pairs Women's Shoes in a great sale at s phenomenally low price. Don't delay, for these will go in a hurry at this price. Patent, calf suede and tan Russia leather. Button or lace styles, with heavy or light-weight soles. Large selection of lasts and patterns. All sizes in the assortment, but not in each line. Shoes selling in the fl?5 A O usual way at $4.50 to $6, while they last, pair, at PJ. "TO DOUBLE STAMPS WITH CASH OR CHARGE PUR CHASES MADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS TODAY. $1.50 Laundry Bags & Bath Mats 89c Second Floor Overlook a friend? If so, here is an oppor tunity to buy a useful gift at a substantial saving. Bath mats and laundry bags in attractive designs, stamped on good OQ,-. quality Turkish toweling. Values up to $1.50. Price OC 15c Wash Cloths 8c STAMPED WASHCLOTHS in regulation sires. Grade C usually selling at 15c. Specially priced for this sale at OC Double Stamps With Charge or Cash Purchases in All Depts.