TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATtTlTDAT. DECE3IBER 23. 1D1C. V HILP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT. . Y. M. C. A. Yon know how to do somethln but don't Know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to It. During past " year wo have placed or helped place themselves, over 11,000 men and boys This service a privilege of membership in the Y. M. C A. $5 gives you membership Cor a year under guarantee tbat you will se cure employment or refund of member shlp ffee. gee Secretary Stanley Baker. OREGON AITO SCHOOL, 49-31 BELMONT. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN RE PAIRING. DRIVING. IGNITION. CAR HURETION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. STUDENTS ASSISTED. EARN BOARD AND ROOM. INVESTIGATION SO LICITED. SURE Job for you with big pay, steady work; thousands of Government positions open this year; write for big free book. 1)V 369, which telle how to get one. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOU 3S8 Burnside St. Call or write for Information. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, 3.0 UP. Drop in and look them over. Orpheura Cleaners. 35 Stark, corner Park. OPEN' EVENINGS FROM 7 TILL 9. RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriera, cus-tom-house employe. $75 to $130 a month; life Jobs; no strikes, no layoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book," Pacific States School. McKay bldg.. city. A fc-PLENDID career open to good mechan ics ; practical courses in ell branches of engineering", illustrated catalogue from Seattle .Engineering School Hoy street. Seattle. WANTED Stout lad to help with Janitor work in exchange for course in Business College; also, man to do kalsomining and varnishing for course. AR 095, Oregontan. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. . 443 Hawthorne Ave. Practical Experience on Real Automobiles and Gas Tractors. WANTED, out of Portland. high-grade, well-experienced male stenographer; lum ber knowledge preferred. Address A 967, Oregonian. ABE THE TAILOR buys your old, new clothing, shoes; high est cash prices. Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison st. BAKER BREAD. Write to Box 712, Eugene, Of. Must understand machinery. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper; must be man with experience; answer fully. BD 5, Oregonlan. WANTED Machinist-operator for day shift on model 8. to begin Job Monday. Herald, Albany, Or. 1-50 per day guaranteed boys with wheels or motors; $4 can be made; come prepared to work. 410 Alder. BARBER wanted; steady work. 229 Burn side St., or will pay guarantee for Satur day . WANTHD Experienced tie-makers; long Job. Address Standard Timber Co., Ev anston, Wyo. MAN who understands building & modem whaling station. Address Hopkins, 229 Grand ave.. Portland, Or. TWO boys with wheels, street. Apply 324 Stark AUTO truck freight business and milk route for sale. Sellwood 1532. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 155 N. 6th street. BARBER wanted for Saturday, son street. I 205 Morri ll e 1 o TVantM A Ken t AGENTS Salary or commission, $100 a month guaranteed. Anthony Fisher, Salt Lake Utah. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy cost no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. Help Wanted Salesmen. GALES MANAGER OF LARGE COMPANY wants to interview high-grade specialty salesmen regarding- representation or oia est and advertised line in Oregon and other territory selling to dent., hardware, grocery and furniture stores; will yield 4300 to $500 to right man; work com mences January Z. AOdresa AV 318, Ore gonian. TO SALESMAN We have a Ford extra. absolute necessity, demonstrated dally by our sales: if you want to make big money and secure exclusive selling territory, in Oregon and Washington, write at once to TILDSN & WATERS, 620 J St.. Sacramento, CaL HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good, elderly, reliable woman, colored preferred, to work for room and board and rare for boy 13; nice, comfort able home for right party. Apply at 5U2 Union ave. North. WANT practical woman to nurse In ma ternity case: please sxate wages. Address AV 318. Oregonian. LADIES to do crocheting at home. Call mornings. 11 to 1. 322 Fleldner bldg., 10th and Wash. YOUNG GIRL to care for 14-months-old baby in boarding-house. Phone Main 3301, 2 to 5 P. M. FIKST-CLASd finisher for coats and vests ran find steady employment at the Brownsville . Woolen Mills HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 403 Bdy., Yamhill bldg., trains you well; you hold your positions secured for you. WANTED A woman to work for room and board; country. Tabor 2402. WANTED A woman to mend for board and room, in country. Tabor 2492, PRIVATE home for children, any age; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 574 E. Morrison. GIRL wanted; waitress, short order work. 307 H 1st st. GIRL for general housework; familv of two; wages $15. Call 725 E. 13th South. WANT girl or middle-aged woman for care of small child. Phone Main 3370. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED 12 girls for chorus. Apply, 12 o'clock, Ritz Hotel. WAITRESS wanted. 230 1st st. WAITRESS wanted; restaurant. 3004 Couch, KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TTE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER 'COL LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma. get you position; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Wriie for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. nunn xiArtriw. .jriiKji want men ana women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; position guaranteed; tools xree; paid while learning. Expert instruc tors: scalp and face massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second st. WANTED A first-class stenographer and oriice assistant, male, or female; answer in own nanawnting. stating experience mny. y utfii, uregonian. UNCI E SAM wants men-women, 18 or over Government clerks. $lOO month. Write im mediately list positions now orten. Frank. lln Institute, Dept. 387 A, Rochester, N. Y. EXPERIENCED vest operator can find steady employment at the Brownsville w ooicn All i ib. j'OR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MlfS UtUK S1 to IN ESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG.. 8D & MORRISON STS. Thr. SaIt ajWPWI t?5HORS MAMA ToL ) m AO SHE- l0LD MJL r ?v , j m a (Copyright, 1916, by Newspaper Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain ......- ..... ............. m-m-m ...... . , KELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. WANTED A mlddle-aged woman or man and wife to take charge of small hotel In one of the best little cities In the North west. This Is a good chance for someone that Is not able to do heavy work; state wages and give your references; neatness and courtesy will be required. F 9U3. Ore gonlan. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade In 8 .weeks: position guaranteed: tool free; paid while learning: tuition reduced. Can earn from t)S to $25 a week. Expert instructors. 'M oars In business. 233 Madison St. HELP WANTKD MICELtAXEOrfl. WANTED Names men wishing to become rail way mail clerks ; commence i a month. AV 801, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED By registered pharmacist, not yet registered in tnia state, position or ome kind, not necessarily store work; 23 years of experience; middle-aged, married and children; speaH English and German. R. Brauns. 7311 Millard ave. i" M lacelian eoua WANTED Position by firat-claas auto re pair man; one that understands ignition, starter and carburetor and trouble. Phone East 6802. , m YOUNG man, attending school, want work arter school hours and baturaayt. aj wo, Oregonian. JAPANESE, best cook, deslrea steady posi tion at once in family or out town, noteu Kay Sakai 92 N. 5th st. Phone A 7272. EXPERIENCED pianist and accompanist wants vaudeville or picture playing. a.d 9S3. Oregonian. WANTED By young married man, any kind of work at once, in city; must have worn at once. Address H 966, Oregonian. JAPANESE young man wants steady Job; wishes to take care of garden and wasn Ing In family. 41 j N. 3d. room 30. city. GARDEN man, finest references, desires work. 294 Sheridan at. Main 4618. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dress makers. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall 3 1 22 MAKEOVER 'SHOP. 202 Flledner; suits, gowns to order or remodeled. Mar. 301. House k erpe rs. YOUNG woman, capable, Irish-Canadian, good cook, worker, wants situation good family adults; wages $25. Main 6174. LaineKtls., LADY wants work by the hour. East 6896. MlfceUaoeoiu. LADY wants apartment-house work or will take day nursing. Marshall 1737, room 4s. JAPANESE woman wants position, house- worK ana neip cooking. AC yw-4, oregonian. W ill, care for children In my home. Tabor 7989. WANTED TO RENT. Houses, FURNISHED houee on West Side, modern and well furnished, in good location, for term of three months, to small family who will take best of care and is responsible; describe, giving exact location and rental wanted to L, B. Jones, 200 Henry bldg. WANTED Modern upper o-room flat or apartment, well furnished. West Side. AC 99u. Oregonian. SMALL furnished house, walking of P. O. ; references. Col. 237. distance Apartments. WANTED Permanently, a 3 or 4 -room un furnished apartment, easy walking dis tance Public Library, ' with heat, light, phone; references given and required ; an swer, giving phone number, to. 403 Til ford bldg., city. FOR RENT. FurniHbed Rooms. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; - transient trade so licited, rates' reasonable ; hot and cold water in every room. 270 H Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hail. Phono Mar shall 5355. ELTON COURT HOTEL YAMHILL, AT 11TH, Frojitlne Public Library; uptown busl nes district, but away from noise of traf fic; running wkter or bath in every room; private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 per wee If. Main 6953. ANSONIA HOTEL, -124 14th st., cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms. Individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sts., brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water In rooms: 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. HOTEL CONRADINE, 10th st. at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modem; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. STANDISH HOTEL, r.lSM. Washington st.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms, $1.00 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAifR THE BUSH MARK YOUR HOME. cnod. lartre clean, modern rooms, steam heat, walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 565 Washington st. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st., at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. NICELY furnished front room walking dis tance: both phones, reasonable. 402 !i 3d st. The Warrenton. Main .7.1. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th' St. Strictly modern; private baths eu suite; -room $3 up. Main 47. A ptf. t HOTEL NORRIS. S331. Alder. Strictly mod ern. $1. w, - ana w a ween. Furnished Rooms In rrlvate Family. two larire alrv. nlcelv-f urnlshed rooms: home privilep. If desired; rent reason- able. Main 4237. NICE front room, also single room, good heat, reasonable. 389 Taylor. Malng834. WARM pleasant room with sleeping , porch, hot, cold water. 351 W. Park. Mar. 4215. NICELY furnished attic room, modern con veniences. $1.50 week. 404 Clay, near lOtn, BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th. and Jeffenson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to translrnts r permanent guests. Phone Main 92H3, a 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT, a ttii fit An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan ; special rates to permanent guests KARL HOTEL. Broadway at Taylor. THF. MAMTOU. 261 13TH ST. An attractive, homelike place, double r single rooms, good board, reasonapie. THE STRYKER. C54 Couch: family hotel rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates Rooms With Hoard In Private Family. PLEASANT room, with board; modern ac commodatlons. 681 Gil ran. Marshall 1248. aATV &au$. 'Bib! I W 0HER. DO Vo0 ' i BabV OHO ESS DE IS; - - . :1-Jrr V MM . FOB RENT, Rooms With Board In Private Family. LOVELY front room, with board; excellent meals: congenial home; reasonable. 335 11th st. NICE, large, .light and newly furnished , rooms; board if desired; private family. 6S Everett. Phone Main 3741. ' ROOM, man. board, with sleeping porch; gentle 57tt Ladd ave. East 2333. FURNISHED rooms, with board, porch. 32t 11th st. Main 8834. sleeping- Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, reiined clean safe, THE WHEELDON" ANNEX, popular, 10th and Salmon Sts. well known. of highest standing, A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modem 2 and 3-room furnlned apartments, ail ouuuide, with Frenr a doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking Distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS, K. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 8-room apts. Solid brick building ; white enam eled Interior; large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 189 N. 33d Un der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone and bath; $20, $22 up. Marshall 2945. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 roora furnished apartments, close In, by week or month. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th end Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, fumlrrhefl, first-class reasonable rates. Main 7337. THE DEZENDORF, TOS 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5 -room apt. All outside rooms, fine view, close in. A TENANT desires to sublet his beautiful 6-room furnished apartment. See Janitor, 705 Davis st. 1 4 AND 1 5-roora newly-furnished or un- Turnished apartment. Highland court. Marshall S18L WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts., $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. ARGYLE APTS, 341 14tb; nicely furnished", clean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, phone; 16 up: new management. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2, 3 4 -room furnished and unfurnished. $18 up. "W" car to North. rup. Mar. 227. ROOM and board. 332 . 10th! Main .6379, a 2665. Modern conveniences. ARCADIA 76 Everett, near 22d. 8 and 4 rooms, walking distance; references. NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; and $12. 1162 Union ave. N. Wdln. $10 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas. llgnt ; 53 up. ise w nan, t u o CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17Lh Reservations taken tor January x. Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required. 689 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-roora apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in cluding siienine porch, telephone; gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reuucea rentals. nones ain oo, A 1301. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2. 8 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. l FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken ; light and airy, unexcelled outiooK; rerept ion-room, large wwn, eta. ti usan. net aa. MAYO APARTMENTS. 503 Union ave. N.. near Broadway; new. strictly modern 3-room apts., reasonable. SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outsid- rooms; references. 7SO Irving. Mar. 175S THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. jarge, ngnt, o. e rms., ree.s. m.ojo, aoo THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3. rooms, reasonable. Marshall 33G0. 4, 5 THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod ern; 636 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. Furnished or I7nf urnlRhed Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modem, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking dis tance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 3 and 4 Toom ; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2.64. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLES LEY COURT. MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunny side carilne, close In; 2 fluid 8 room ; desirable and reasonable. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; ail outsiue apartments; ideal location ; references. Phone Main lOiH and 1Q52. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS, High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lu crtia at. Marshall 1513. A 3637. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOL'SE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. Flats. MOVE DURING HOLIDAYS. Why ahiver or fire your own furnace when you can have a hot-water-heated 4-room-wlth-a-sleeping-porch flat, including hot water, gas range, linoleum, wall bed, front porch, for only $25? East '21st, near Hawthorne. TAbor 19i3. $18.50. Including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, eto 66 K 19th st. N.. cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373 $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location," close to school and carilne. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Wood lawn 202. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main hws. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating Co. 783 Kearney. Mar. 3456. FurolHbed Flat. FURNISHED flat, no furnace to attend, new system, gas heat; 5 rooms, sleeping porch. West Side, walking distance, $45; refer ences. Main 1469. 192 CHAPMAN Beautiful furnished 5-room flat, piano. $27.50; also 4-room flat, piano, $20. f Xih : U rights reser mL Register in U. S. Patent Office-. Tcoxrsa amxtrica pcts another over ojt pa. ...... . . . ............ f f i ,,,,,,,, ,j t ... ................... 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening nnd 8:30 o'clock ether evenings Is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper claaii fi cations for the next day's isana. Classified Advertisementa ac cepted after these hoars will be run under the heading TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR KENT. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur cold nished. steam beat, running hot and water, pnone in every from" 5th and Morrison Columbia st,, near 5th. room, 7 blocks Eta., $14 up. Jdl NICELY famished housekeeping suits. walking distance, both phones? $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 777L The Warrenton, 402 3d st. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms tn Private Family. $1 THREE large, clean, completely fur- msneo t. k rooms; clean teaaing, cur tains and carpets, linoleum, sink, pantry, private toilet, yard, free lights, phone, gas and wood range: two blocks S. S. car. Call 796 East Yamhill. THREE nicely furnished H. K. rooms, pri vate bath, gas and electric lights. Phone Sell. 2114. 4i Umatilla ave., $10 per month. PARLOR, kitchen, two bedrooms, furnished complete gas, wood ranges, piano, phone, bath, $13 month. 731 Rodney, near Fro mont. "WA," Alberta, Wfoodlawn care. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments. 2 room, $2.25 per week. 274 Montgomery, cor. 4th. TWO newly furnished H. KL. rooms, all con veniences, no carfare, for two people em ployed, $10 a month. Phone Main 7323. SINGLE rooms, heat, gas, bath; $ to $12; also flat with sleeping porch, $20; every thing included. 235 12th st. FOR RENT Lower floor, 5 rooms, bath, furnished or unfurnished. Overlook, 831 Capi tol ave. THREE furnished gene st. IL K rooms. 294 Eu- $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close in, large grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. w TWO nice, warm, single rooms, cocking gas included, $3 and $10. 655 Flanders et. VERY desirable housekeepirur Call at 174 13th. apartment. JUST RIGHT FOR 2 OR 8 ADULTS. Little 4-room bungalow, $7.50, water In cluded. 2 short blocks south Rose City car. No. 1S14 Siskiyou st. Get off car at Club are. No children. Owner, Main 8376. 6-ROOMED. modern bungalow, with laundry trays, gas ranee and water neater, sightly location, three blocks from Woodstock car and rive blocks from Kicnmona car; rent. including water, $13.50 per month. Inquire or cnaa. i. Lenrm. juain eu.a. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room houss at 1164 Patton ave.. fof $15. 7-room house, sleeping porch and garage, at 390 E. 9th st., for $2o. 4-room house at 360 E. 34th st for $7. Keys 1334 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 1677. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side, in peaect order, suitable for private residence or rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg., 0th and Mor rison. , MODERN 1 2-room house, partly furnished. centrally located, furnace (wun coiij, elec tricity and gas; talking distance. Mr. Crain. frlala FREE "STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 708. 5-ROOM modern house, 2 blocks from Sua nyside car, rent $18 per month. 113 E. 38th st., or apply Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Chamber of Commerce. BEST RENTAL SERVICE IN" CITY Call or phone. We save you time and trouble, THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 5105. 105 Park t., near Washington. A 1051. ROSE City Park bungalow. 5 rms., inodarn In every way. S. D. Vincent & Co. Both phones. 6-KOOM house, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, eo-n?r, nic lawn, garage. Main 1063 and Main 549T. MODERN 6-room house; clean; rent very reasonable 715 East Salmon, corner 21st. Phone East 5885 IRVINGTON 430 E. 13th N. ; good 6-room house, choice location; rent reduced to $18. Main 8420. 8-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. FOR RENT Irvington. 7-room house at 637 E. 11th st. N. 618 Pittock block. 8 ROOMS, modern. 806 24th et. N. Phone Main 5290; references; rent reasonable. MODERN : Marshall. -room house, 245 23d street. Phone Marshall 1079. FOR RENT 0-rm. house. 708 Everett, cor. 22d, $30 : 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity, walking dis tance. -697 Everett st. Phone East 8. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, and garage at 1439 EL Lincoln st., $18. Main 1166. Furnished Honses. $1 4-ROOM furnished house. Call 4619 52d S. E. ; ML Scott oar, get off at Anabol station. EIGHT large rooms, n.ostly furnished; baae- ment, fumnce. call 141, 13th at Alder. Stores. FOR RENT Store on Morrison at., between 5th and 6th: 40 feet front by 23 V feet .deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay & Co. POLLY AND HER r ' i I I U 1 I I 1 ' . 7' .. 1 I J I .: 1 I FOR RENT. Stores. FOR RENT A fine store room adjoining the Wise Clothing Store, the very choicest location in Astoria, one of the best cities on the Coast. Address Leo Wise, Astoria, Oregon. NICE store room, suitable for barber shop, coffee house, second-band store or shoe maker's shop; rent or lease reasonable. 11 N. 2d st. - Offices. FINE opportunity; suite of offices cheap. Including phone, stenographer. 209 Stock Exchange. WELL-FURNISHED private Office, desk room, $5 and $1. 723 Cham, o? also Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. Halls. NEATfcY furnished dancehall. corner Front and Ufbbs; reasonable: also large, well equipped lodge hail. Main 1511. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE .Hotel of 27 rooms, in the best nine city intne .Northwest; fully modern, with nice lobby and small cigar stand; will sen ouuaing and furniture complete, or will eij furniture and lease building; these rooms are run most of the time; I am of fering for sale, as I haven't the time tc devote to the business. F 994, Oregonan CAUTION- RTTTERR. Before closing eeal for so-called Inter est in established- real estate business get Kuwo 01 roriiana teeity zsoara. PAUL A. COWG1LL Sec 202 Henry Bldg. MANUFACTURING plant, doing profitable uu.nss wun plenty or orders ahead xor sale; plant Is makin monev. but owner has other interest and can't look 0.1 Ltr it. iaii fcj. ;iu. BUILDING corporation wants honest, ' Indus trious man, mechanically inclined, to take .merest.; wages guaranteed; $20Q to ' f 4li JTulrd. which goes Into treasury. G u-j-, regoman. clean stock of hardware, paints and fixtures at Invoice: business doing about $1000 per month; close to Portland; stock and fixtures between $4000 and $5000. AV OH. SALE Beauty parlor fully equipped, uuBinui; nne ouy ror lany: ex penence not necessary. Address Mis. W, uuaanpury, qui steevea bldg.. Salem, Or. Kjt business; owner wants a reliable partner to help him; will be some outaide woric, ana can make good profits; $200 quired. Particular 248 Stark at. WANTED Baker capable of producing nign-ciass oakery goods, with $1000 $3000 to Invest In first-class bakery and luncnes. t y4, CTregontan. AN excellent opportunity for a first-class, live promotor one who la familiar with oil properties preferred; will stand strictest investigation. K, '.?5, Oregonian. WILL sell half Interest In best paying dance icmpie ana sen 001 in ciry ; invoice about $2oo0; will teach buyer business. Y 966. uregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP Two-chair barber shop it . iiving-roome ; esiaousneq o years cheap rent; good location. For Informa nt! on inquire 520 E. 18th St.. near Clinton AUTO garage; owner wants a steady man to tend office, sell gasoline, etc., as partner; good pay; small investment required. Call btark st. ACCOLNT owner's death, best wood snd coai yira wm oe soia or trsded for any thing woman can handle. Sekhers Wood -o., istn ana vaiiKhnn sts. OR SALE Grocery. 3 blocks from ship yards; staple, fresh stock, about $000: liv ing-rooms ; will discount for cash; cheap rem. a ;.-, urfgonitn. ON account of 111 health, lob nrlntln bual ness; invoices $1400; doing good business will sell $S00, terms. AK 091. Oregonian OPENING for energetic man in a grow In 1 business: dhv $15 week now and i-an K Increas.d; $150 required. Call 248 Stark GROCERY store for sale at reasonable price located at 100 N. 3d st. Inquire at 73 N. S3 St. 1 w r- nave grocery stores irom $400 to (j.uw. casn ana iraae. facillo Agency, ju., oil) cwciiaiiu in u k. SMALL grocery, living-rooms, close In. ful stock. 2-year lease, $7oo if taken before Jan. in. 41 , Hurnside, corner 6th s FOR SALE! By owner, stock and fixtures of grocery doing good business. AE 094, Ore gonian. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell It; anything, man, 527 Chamber of Commerce. LAX WANTED Partner for good paying bust ness; small Investment required. AJ 094, oregonian. FOR SALE 5, 10 and 15o store., doing good business; first-class location;' cash, AE 992. Oregonian. LARGE, modern squab plnt. 30 minute cen .er Portland. Tftoor 4S3. box 279. FOR SNAPS in roomlng-housee see Pacific Agency, inc. 010 &wetiana oiag. PATENT RIGHT on merltorous article for sale or trade. AC 996. Oregonian. BARBER shop snd poolroom, country. $30 pays well; snap at price. Lewis Stenger Co, THE finest small wholesale store in city. 4oO iurnsia. cstaoiisnea u-irj. PALS A BRICK building 53 feet wide by 100 feet deep, 80 feet north of corner of East 87th and Hawthorne ave., perfect for establish ment of a garage; rent very reasonable. Inquire of Chaa. E. Lenon, attorney. Main 6078 or Tabor 3270. or at 35 Lafayette bldg. ROOMTNO-nOCPES. $100 CASH, baiance i$175 $2.50 week, se cures really beautifully furnished 8-room modern home, furnishings cost $700; 4 rooms rented permanently, pay rent, light. water bills. 306 Hancock k. v -, A or B cars. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartm.nt-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale, 362H Alder at. Apply to owner, or can Main -4. FOR SALE 1 0-room apartment-house, good location. Z4UH ruth eu Main 143. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found In cars of the Portland. Railway, Light A Power Company, Dec, 21, 1916: 1 pair shoes, 4 gloves. 1 suitcsse. 1 pair tennis shoes. 1 pair alippers, 1 lunch box, 2 boxes cigars. 1 flashlight. 1 purse, 1 sample case. 1 can oil. 1 table board, 1 locket, 1 package dress goods, 1 package perfume, 1 Xmaa tree, 14 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at station. 1st and Alder sts. LOST Wednesday evening, a large suin of money in dius. This is a serious ana ir reparable loss to owner. Generous reward for return of same. Room 664, Portland Hotel, party will identify. ENGLISH setter prp. male. 4 mos. old- black and whiUu Reward for return or in formation. R P. Knight. 232 NarUUa St. Main 6721, LOST Near foot of Caruthers st., S. Port- lana, aepostt book on Security savings & Trust Co. Return to Portland Stove Works, 626 Hoed st. Reward. LOST Gray brindle English bulldog, female. Discs: race, without collar; answers to name of "Biddy." Phone Tabor 4374 or re turn to 342 E. 56th st. S. Reward. , LOST or stolen, from Kern Park, short- egged black water spaniel, female; name Nigger." Reward. Call Tabor 7061. LOST Thursday evening.- small silk card case, containing money and. calling cards; suitable reward. Main 664. LOST Agate watch fob In box attached to C hnstmai card from Sister OUve. East 4501; reward. IF finder of V-siee Presto tank lost Wednes. day will return to 229 Pine, liberal re ward will be given. LOST Silk wajst; return to L. Stroup. Re ward. zii Morrison st. FOLND Emblem Address 127 East 14th st. LOST French bull pup, female; reward. Phone C 1937 or Woodlawn 2649. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. ALASKA FISH , SALTING & BY-PRODUCTS COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the above company will be held in the offices of the company. 602 Concord bldg.. Portland. Or., on Wednesday the 17th day or January, lii7, at li o clock noon. BRYDON H. NICOLL, Sec. WILL not be responsible for any bill; contracted by my wife. Mrs. C. E. Nichols as she has left my bed and board. C. E. NICHOLS. TO WHOM It may concern: I have purchased poolroom located 1015 Belmont street, from H. L. Robertson, this 21st day of December. 1916. J M. STEWART. FROM thU date win not he resporsi ble Mrs. E. R. Zim- for bills contracted ny merman. Mr. E. K. Zimmerman. AFTER DATE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wile. John Carney. BARGES for rent, capacity 500 tons. FINANCLAL, MONEY LOANED. Residence property. 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property. 7 to 8 per cent WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller' interest in contracts purcnaseA; Oregon or asn. ri. tL.. jNopie, Lumbermens biag. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th St.. Board of Traue Bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis c Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. 6 PER CENT money, 3 to 5 years, residence property; will accept $luu or more 00 principal at any interest period payment 6 per cent money on business property. same terms, facmc litie & J. rust co.. Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges A. H. BIRR ELL A CO. " 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. 5 PER CENT loans will be made on centra retail business properties, o and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD &, GOUDEY CO.. Northwestern Hank blag. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley iurm iuuub , uo aeiay; no commissions. Devereaux Mortgage company, 60 7 Con cord oiag., za and stark sts. $500 TO $20OO up, 7 per cent. In sums to suit, loan on good farm or city security. Vanduyn &. Walton. 515 Chamber of Com, MONEY to loan on good residence or farm property, 6 to bVi'o- Business blocks 5'. H. L. Archer Co., Northwestern Bank bldg, SEE US today for loans on Improved city property. t 10 per cent; and up. collars-Aiurton wo., e:o leon oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT OREGON INV & MORTGAGE CO., INC Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d aud YamhiiL CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. 80 Fourth Screet. Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPKKTY; W 1L.L fALU It INTER EST ED. Phone Tabor- 6 PER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. DESHON A HAWK MAIN 1166. 720 Chamber of Commerco Bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit: building loans, lowest rate. W. G. Beck. 315-316 Falling Piog. mono jaain auf. $.iuo. $1000 AND upwards on Improved real estate; tavoraoie terms; no delay ; no brokerage. Jonp am, prr Spalding bldg MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Cora, MORTGAGE LOANS LOUIS SALOMON . 6 AND 7 PER CENT, x -.. ajj UAK ST. L.NLlMll ti eastern runos. o to 7 per cent. DOOLKY sc lu i jsoarq or Trade bldg. MONEY Any amount, o to 8 per cent. W. H. belt. io apiiainj. Main HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M- Hicaey. suy.. ojq . v. iang bidg. $250, $400. $500. $50, $750. Fred W. Ger man Co., cnamoer or commerce. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS, A. rt. Maruing. oi cnaraoer ox commerce, LOANS on city ana iarrn property. 5 per cent up. r . r m-ns. ..v iiim. or ,oro. FARM and city loans. per cent- No com mission, ci- . oregonian. $200. $350. $9O0. $1200. $1800. Fred W. German A Co., ts Chamber or Commerce. LET "TfLL M.42J4AJ "To 'BRlAlfr HER A-UM4 VR To Look AT Him "Too! FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan la the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for S3 months or tl.24 for 60 months, or 15.17 for 96 lnoaiai pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark Street. Portland, Or. WE have 6 per cent money to loan en farms In Multnomah County. Green n Vogel, 629 Chamber of Commerce bldg, Marshall 2160. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6H PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK, KENDALL Ac CO., 205. 206 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate of interest. OTTO & HARKSGN REALTY CO 413 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 OR $1200, Mult. Co. acreage; loans. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. aso olty Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IF TOU KEEDXMAS MONEY. 6EE US SALARIES .... CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income ; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. We are making a specialty of quick holiday loans to salaried employes. AUto loans on household furniture and pie-nos, without removal. special rates until January 1. CALL AND SEE US. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. License d- 317 Failing Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamouds. furniture, etc Easy install ments. Leg; rates. Securities purchased, 0 McKay bldg. Main 1242. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished b Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. My era Herman, man ager. J.U4 Stark u Money loaned on cia monda. Jewetery. pianos, h. h. furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; au articles, tienl X tar; established since 1M88. pan Marx. 2bd Washington. PIANO and tumlture loans; licensed by the -fte- veo. iiarvey. iaDor sut. Loans t anted. $'joo 6fy 6w a1. H acre tract near Kan place, all In cultivation, new i'-room nouse, chicken -house and other improvements; owuer s alue $17u0. Fred W. German Co.. 73 J (.'nam. of Com. $70 8, $7 8?c. 8-a ere tract, ail in cultivation, adjoining North Flams; s-room house, lara barn ; owner's va.ue $ouu. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chain, of Com. LIBERAL discount on $JS0O 6 per cent mtg. on OA-acre rarm a miles irom nainier. or. Perfect title. N. W. Merrifield, OlO Wash ington st., Vancouver, Wash.- $-000 FIRST mortgage loan on income bear ing city property; no commission. AE 911, Oi'egouiau. WANTED $75o0 on West Side property wortn -'U.U'.M; wlil pay per cent. Mar shall 216J. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy km itch, 2 Sep.. ...$1.50 -4-inch wavy ucft, a Sep L00 All-around ti aniormation 1.45 Hairaressing, snaiupooing. face message, hair bobotntt. manicuring, 2oc. Hair re moved by e.ectric neeaie, switch made of combings, Uoo. We buy your combings. Sanitary Pa nor. 4XH41J Dekum blag., lid and Washington. Marshall 17 uA REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI will open a church and society at Arcanum Hall, 10i IStn tot., SunuM8 3 P. M., continuing until 1 P. M-; ail inteiesLed In occult work in vited ; bririjf your luncn, we serve coffee ; consults with you uaily. Beverly, lb Park ex.. Marshall 57s iih;TKiCAL. TREATMENTS give best re sults in gome, ium ,-, constipation, pilea. neurasthenia, varicose veins and facial Memianes; lvgular licensed physician. Box 167. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and loupe maker.; Iiutst stock human hair goous; hairure.sfiing, manicuring, lace- and scalp treatment. Removed to 340 Alder, near Broadway. Main 546. LOL' ISE N ETZEL, German trained nurse a nd masseuse, gives treatments for rheu matism. lumDugo, neuralgia, etc, massage and baths; iaay assuint; now located at 3l' Park st. Marsiia,' 5'33. Open Sundays. GERMAN nurs, matS-se. electric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumDigo, neu ra.gia, etc.; lady trained nurse assistant. ."rf 11th st. Open Sundays. Marsna.l 3o7. Ch ltUiJiiALl'l.; steam bat ha, light, heat electric and viLraiory massage. Dr. Mar garet Ha nig. M7 Swetland. Main 17tfS. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massage. Of lice 49, 3d f.oor, 145 1 Broad wa y. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation rheumatism, lumbago, iac and scalp; sat baths. 4U6 Clay st. Main ioi. TEACHER of llle reading, Hart Apt.. 17o V k'd Ht., cor. Yamiml, apt. 15, 4th floor. Marshall 631. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by multiple-needle met hod ; consultation free. Mlie. DfLong. 5t4 Swetland bldg. AZA H. RIBBECr-E. feutursl correctionist. face snd scalp massage. 1-9 12th St. near Wash. Mar. Advice free. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental. Ji Tourney bldg.. 10 tc questions Wed., 7:45 P. spiritual scientist. 4 daily. Written M. Mar. 3096. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A, Price, circe Tuesday, t and h P. M. and Sun. a P. M. I rt ad ing dally. Clay. Ma ran all 3060. ASC APSO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. sPi RITUALISM Rev. Mary U La' Mar teaches octuit science aud palmistry. At homo daily. :M5 5th st. PA L LI N E DARE, from the East; facial, siai.j. iuaMe. -07 Wash. Rm. tt2. Hours 2 to 7. M AGN ETI healr; treatments dally. 170Vj I'd et.. Hart A jits., apt. H. Mar. 497. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nur-V-. 3" 3d. Apt. C. Main 104. FUANCila DE MAYO, scalp specialist. iialVs Morrison st. of lice 31. LADY barber; fuel ma.5afif. shave, a5c 32 Ifc; hair cut, 15c; ; l!san at. MANICURING, ladies and gentlemen. Morrison st. Office 10. SOiW ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of fice 215, 850 w Morrison at. MISS NEV1NS. chiropody, niaasage and light magnetic. Appointments only. Main 504. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. ROSENA TAYLOR Masseuse and eoalp ape ciallBt. 16- Park st. Marshall 3136 MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hin. 4-0 FUedne r bl d g. Mai n 1473. BALM OF FIGS COMPOIND. Royal TonlO Tablets. 5-jO Hoyt st. Phone Main 2393. 1 Ywmm Jf j;: . . fc i 1 ga 1 1 1.2, T