THE MORNING OEEGONIA3T, FRIDAY DECEMBER 22, 1916. 1? B FREE BAKING EXHIBIT ON SIMPLEX UNIVERSAL COMBINATION. RANGE, 2-5 P. M. TODAY MAHOGANY CAKE SIXTH FLOOR j This Store Will NOT Be Open Tonight; We Close at 6 P. M. Shop Early; Morning Hours Are Best jj ijSave Time and Money Do AU Your Xmas Shopping at Meier & Frank's I 1 Western Union Branch Office on Mezzanine Floor Meier & Frank's Is the Only Store Having Direct Wire Connection With the Outside "Merry Christmas" Messages and Packages Accepted Now for Delivery Christmas Day by Uniformed Messengers Put on Charge Accounts if Desired. U. S. I$stal Sub-Station, Express Office and Accommodation Bureau, Basement Balcony Packages Checked and Wrapped Free. Shop on a Transfer. 16 Passenger Elevators and 7 Escalators Transport You Quickly From Floor to Floor. 40 Delivery Vehicles Bring Our Christmas Stocks to Your Doors. E-5T. - -"" 1837 JTJJlVX Twv OiiautY Stobe or Portland Choose Gifts Today at Good Savings -Meier & Frank's 29 1402dF no ayS taroo seSa J-L Hundreds of Other Christmas Surprises Not Advertised 1402 O FRIDAY SURPRISE The Best $6-$6.50 Umbrellas at $3.98 Women's gift umbrellas made with steel Paragon frames and covered with fine silk taffeta. Black, rainproof. Main Floor 1402IJ FRIDAY SURPRISES Choice of Women's 35c Kerchiefs 25c You may choose any 35c hand kerchief from our entire stocks of women's dainty kerchiefs Friday only 25c Main Floor 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES Women's $1.25 Silk Fancy Stockings 90c The daintiest of silk hose. All white with silk embroidered boots and clockings in black. Reinforced lisle tips. Main Floor 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES $3.50 to $4.00 Gift Waists, Friday $2.95 Some exceptional values in waists broken lines of lace-trim'd voiles, crepe de chines and taffetas. Fourth Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. 140SD FRIDAY SURPRISES $2 Crepe de Chine Camisoles at $1.59 -Pretty gift and holiday camisoles in flesh and white crepe de chine, daintily trimmed in Val. laces and ribbons. Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. 140SD FRIDAY SURPRISES $1.50 Silkand Wool Poplin, Yard at 98c Good heavy quality, full 40 inches wide. In navy blue only. A very acceptable Xmas gift. Friday, yard, 98c. Second Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. 1402 U FRIDAY SURPRISES Boys' $3.50-$4.00 Bath Robes $2.98 Fine, warm eiderdown bath robes, with large collar, rope tie and girdle. All colors. Sizes 4 to 13 Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES $1.35 to $1.75 Wide Fancy Ribbons 68c Pretty ribbons that enable you to make bags of various kinds and other novelties with but little trouble. Yard, 68c. Main Floor. Yi02D FRIDAY SURPRISES Children's 12c Kerchiefs, Box 5c Dainty little imported J apanese novelty handkerchiefs in wooden boxes. Two handkerchiefs in each box only 5c Main Floor 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES Women's $1.50Pure Silk Hose for $1.29 Pure thread silk hose in black only. Made with green topped welt, reinforced tips and foot. 3 pairs $3.50. Main Floor 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES $8 Chiffon Taffeta Petticoats for $5.95 In dark and light changeable shades. AH new styles. Made with full, fancy flounces. Special Friday, $5.95. Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES $7.50 Corduroy Gift Lounge Robes '5 .95 Delicate shades of rose, Copen, light blue and pink. All well made and lined throughout. Friday only $5.95. Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. 1402U FRIDAY SURPRISES Large Table of Good Books 19c Books for boys and girls gift books, boxed novelty books, cal endars, picture and paint books. Basement Balcony TAKE ESCALATOR. I402D FRIDAY SURPRISE! 50c Limp Leather Books, Special 39c Scores of good titles in poetry, fiction, novelties, etc. Each one bound in limp leather and neatly boxed. Basement Balcony TAKE ESCALATOR. SIEIEIt & FRANK'S 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES SALES A Great Sale of Women's Evening Coats At $20.00 .Many of these coats have sold for four or five times the price asked today! Silks, velvets, broadcloths and fancy fabrics in many instances the fur trimming alone is worth more than the present price of the coat. Besides the evening coats are models for afternoon wear. The colors are black, brown, mahogany, deep rose, green and bright blue. Positively None C. O. D. None on Approval Fourth Floor TAKE ESCALATOR EXTRA! Just Received and Unpacked Men's 50c Silk Ties at 25c 100 dozen of these beautiful new four-in-hand silk ties just received in time for thi3 sale. Pure silk knitted scarfs in accordion effects and a variety of strikingly smart designs two-tone combinations in plain colors and mixtures, vertical and horizontal stripes, etc. Choose for self and gifts today and to morrow while any of 100 dozen remain at 25c instead of 50c Men's Fine $1.50 Shirts i Men buying for personal wear or for gifts and women seeking gifts for men will appreciate the desirability of purchas- t ing such excellent shirts as these during the two (Yrt LmT -, days this big reduction is in effect. Included are soft and laundered cuff styles in imported woven Lsw madras, Anderson Scotch madras, rep, crepe, fine percales and fancy fabrics. New woven and striped designs in blue, lav ender, striking combinations and a host of black and white stripes. Men's Furnishings Shop. Main Fir. BIEIEH. Jt FRANK'S 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISES SALES Great Holiday Sale of Fine French Hand- Embroidered GOWNS Needless to tell you how very rare dainty French handwork has become since the war or how difficult it will be to ob tain it for a long time ! This sale affords an excellent opportunity for discriminat ing women to supply their needs, and offers the most acceptable holiday gifts at good savings ! $7.50 Gowns . $10.00 Gowns 12.00 Gowns. $15.00 Gowns. $5.95 $7.95 $8.95 $12.50 $16.50 Gowns $18.00 Gowns $20.00 Gowns $23.00 Gowns $13.50 $15.00 $17.50 $22.50 1 Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR Your Christmas Candies Here in greatest too from our own abundance! Genuinely good, pure wholesome candy, candy kitchen. The children and the groim folk can be sure that it's as safe as it is good. M. & F. Hand-Made Chocolates, the pound 23i. French Mixture, pound 25f. Cream Mixture, pound 20J, Broken Mixture, pound 15e. Plain Mixture, pound X5. Ribbon Mixture, pound 25i6. Candy Canes, all sizes, 5c to 40C. Christmas Candles boxes 50 Delicious Candies In fancy boxes from Melba Chocolates. clous, pound 75 Society Chocolates, ways, pound SOC. in fancy gift t .25. many different 75. . ... pure ana aen- a favorite al- Main and Ninth Floors and Basement Balcony. MEIER & FRANK'S 140SD FRIDAY SURPRISE' SALES . Men's $4.50 Bath Robes at $3.15 Big, comfortable eiderdown blanket bath robes in a fine variety of designs and colors. Good looking, well made and finished, with sailor col lar, rope tie at neck and heavy rope girdle at waist to match. Two large patch pockets. All seams welted and satin piped, finished at neck with satin yoke. An excellent gift suggestion. Other bath robes $2.98, $4.85, $5.85, $6.85, $7.50 to $15. Lounging robes, including the famous "Oregon City" Indian robes, $1Q to $30. Smoking jackets in fancy plaid back broadcloth, silk and velvet, $5 to $25. Mackinaw coats $7.50, $10, $12.50. Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR Many Surprises Await You in TOYTOWN The Home of a Hundred Thousand Dolls and Toys. Santa Claus Here today, Sixth Floor, 10-12 and 2-5. Bring the little ones. MEIER & FRANK'S TOYTOWN IS GREATEST IN THE WEST. Fifth B'loor. 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISE Basement Surprises $2.75 Nickel Casseroles C0 O special for yMtlO $2.50 Nickel Casseroles Cf QQ special for P A e O 27 $2.00 Nickel Casseroles OQ special for pi.OU $1.25 Thin Crystal Glass QQ Comports ZJOC 75c German China Salad CQ Bowls ' VC Basement TAKE ESCALATOR 140SD FRIDAY SURPRISE Extra Special! 6 Oregon City9 Pillow Tops 81.25 Value 59c Useful, durable, good-looking pillow tops with taped and fringed edges, in many effective designs and fast colors. Com plete with backs, ready to put pillow in. Buy for gifts today while a limited quantity remains at 59c. Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. Center Aisle. Main Floor 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISE XMAS GROCERIES Butter, Royal Banquet, churned fresh daily in our own modern sanitary churn, 2-lb. roll 83$. Coffee, Victor blend, freshly roast ed, our 30c grade, lb. 23 Layer Figs, best quality California, new crop, lb. 150. Cranberries, Cape Cod, finest qual ity, lb. 12,c Plum Pudding, Atmore's, No. 2 cans 50c; No. 1 cans 300. Walnuts, soft shell, new crop Cali fornia, lb. 2O0. Navel Oranges, fine quality, thin skinned and juicy, doz. 29c, 25c, 150. Walnuts, medium hard shell, new crop, large size, lb. 140. Plain Pudding, Richardson & Rob bins, large cans 50c, medium 25c, small cans 100. Cluster Table Raisins, guaranteed new crop, lb. 90. Seeded Raisins, new crop, dozen $1.05, large pkg. 90. Seedless Raisins, new California, lb. 120. Sun Maid Raisins, doz. $1.10, pkg. 100. Currants, Monopole, large pk. 220 Mince Meat, Atmore's bulk, lb. for 140. Pumpkin, solid pack, 15c large cans 100. Peels, equal amounts of citron, orange and lemon mixed, lb. for 220. Mixed Nuts, best quality, new crop, lb. 220. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. Notice! Xmas Enlargements will be finished by 2 P. M., Saturday, if orders are brought to us any time before 6 o'clock this evening. Work guaranteed satisfactory. Let us make enlargements from your film or plate negatives. 8x10 Black and White Enlargements 25c 8x10 Sepia Enlargements Priced at 40c Larger sizes in proportion. Kodaks $1.25 to $66. Choose for gifts. Kodak Shop, Alain Floor MEIER fc FRANK'S 1402D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $12.50to$13.50TeaSets At $7.49 Silverware an ideal gift for Christ mas! And here are some irresistible reductions on lovely tea sets. Two styles: One set, of the famous Rogers manu facture, consisting of teapot, creamer, sugar bowl and spoon holder, decorated in beautiful wreath design. Another set, on. plain lines, consists of three pieces with 14-inch tray. In bright or satin finish. Just a limited quantity at $7.49. $7.50 Silver Toilet Cases $5.98 Just received a large special shipment of these cases. Toilet cases of silver, fitted with comb, brush and mirror. A charming gift for the traveler. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. fcsv-K I JREE-F1RE WARNING OUT 'State Insurance Department Asks tor Christmas Precautions. Harvey "Wells, State Insurance Cora "jnlssioner, has sent out his annual '-warning to g-uard againet possible fires "due to Christmas celebrations. The dangers that lurk. In the candle-lighted Christmas tree are proverbial and have "raused much damap-e and the loss of -many lives. Mr. Wells -warning for this year followe: Heretofore the Insurance Department of Oregon has issued a Christmas warning- con-'-talnlng many "don'ts.'" but we now feel that ' The citizens of our state have heeded these -w.-nin- to the extent that we will net re- "peat them, only we will ask you to take T wvery precaution as:alnt possible fires In decorating the Christmas trse, the church. or any public place where Christmas enter tainments will be held. Try to eliminate the highly Inflammable material that is usually used for decorations. ana do not permit the small children to light candles on the Christmas tree, as they fre quently set fire te their clothing, and the tree Itself wlIF burn, as It Is highly in flammable. When the candles are lighted on the tsee the doors should remain closed, because of the danger from drafts swaying the branches. Watch the gas Jets to protect curtains and clothing, and don't make the slightest change in electric wiring without consulting an electrical inspector. An elec tric bulb will set fire to anything too near it. Use a little common sense and fore thought, and you will do your part in pre venting the happiest day In the year for children from being turned into one of sorrow and suffering. Well diggers near Athens, Wis., while down at the depth of 77 feet, struck a good-sized log. This is the second log to be struck by well diggers In the vicinity of Athena. PUPILS TO HEAR OF SKIES Arthur D. Carpenter to Speak Today at Shattuck School. Arthur D. Carpenter, .of Seattle, lec turer, traveler and writer, will give an illustrated talk this morning at 9 o'clock at Shattuck School. Park and College streets, on "Celestial Mechan ics and Popular Astronomy, especially as they are manifest in the changes of the seasons, the tides, the trade winds, the ocean currents and the eclipses of the sun and moon. The lecture is especially for the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, and is arranged under the direction of the school authorities and Is free. Mr. Carpenter's lectures have been highly indorsed by school authorities as explaining In popular terms many of the scientific "mysteries." The lec ture is amply Illustrated. Klamath Bridge Is Open. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Dec 21. (Special.) The new steel bridge across Link River, in this city, was opened to traffic Tuesday. The old bridge was closed to traffic 32 days ago and only ferry accommodation has been provided since. During this time more than 900o persons, 1005 automobiles and 825 teams with vehicles were carried. Prlnevllle Officers Re-elected. PRIXEVILLB. Or, Dec 21. (Special.) The city election passed off Quietly Tuesday, the Mayor and three Council men being re-elected without contest George Euston was elected Recorder over George Whitels by a small margin. FOUR SUE FOR. SEPARATION J. G. Kirk, It. E. Perry, Emma Mc intosh, Alpha Zetlin Ask Divorce. James G. Kirk filed suit In the Cir cuit Court yesterday for divorce from Ruth Kirk. They were married in 1914. The plaintiff charged that his wife had been arrested in a moral squad raid on the Van Gorder Hotel and also had seen the Inside of the City Jail when taken Into custody for intoxication. Alpha M. Zetlin, who says she mar ried Morris Zetlin, when he went un der the name of Julian Morris, filed suit for divorce, alleging desertion. Emma Mcintosh wishes a divorce from John Mcintosh, whom she mar ried in 1892. He entered the saloon business in Huntington. Or, drank to excess and abused her, she alleges. Ralph Edmond Perry filed suit for divorce from Nellie Anne Perry, whom he married In Chicago In 1S9S. He alleges desertion. Oregon Rosebushes Sent East. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Dec. 21. (Special.) Three thousand Oregon rosebushes have gone to Pennsylvania from Cottage Grove during the past few weeks. The shipments were made bv John Bader. formerly a florist of Pittsburg. The bushes went to Mr. Bader's son-in-law, who is continuing the business formerly owned by Mr. Bader. which operates at Onalaska one of the largest sawmills In Southwest Wash ington, yesterday petitioned the Lewia County Superior Court for a voluntary dissolution of the corporation. The concern was incorporated several years ago as a subsidiary of the Carllsle Pennell Lumber Company. In the fu ture it is planned to operate the plant under the latter name. Read The Orea:rnlan classified ads. Onalaska Plant to Reorganize. CENTRALIA, Wash.. Dec 21. (Spe cial.) The Onalaska Lumber Company, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of