Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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DECEMBER 22, 1916.
Grlove and
Positively Our Store Will Not Open Evenings Until Xmas the Business Hours of This Store Will Be From 9 A. M.
- , (Not Before) Until 6 P. M. (Not Later).
German Consul-General's De
fense Is That Work Was
, to Ferret Out Plots.
Busy i oiks, woo nave uiue time to anop triZ-f'
arotmd for Christmas gifts, will find It S
Shopping in the Early Morning Sours
Will invite a much more leisurely Inspection and assures greater certainty of
satisfaction to the one who receives on Christmas day. We earnestly advise
you to come early. Early gift buying is desirable. Make it a pleasure and not
a task. The absence of the inevitable holiday crowd during the morning hoars
should appeal at once as a Terr necessary feature attendant upon the satisfac
tory selection.
of distinct advantage to e-ive clove or mer- -i -;
chandise orders for any amount they wish
to spend. And such an order from Roberta
Bros, carries with it the knowledge that it
will purchase nothing but quality merchan
dise. Glove and merchandise bonds issued
for any amount at accommodation dealt.
The Most in ValueThe Best in Quality
Wl V aF m m M W m m. M - -
Plans of Prosecution TTpset by Ad
tnlsslop of Employment of Agents
and Payment to Them of
Earns of Money.
Bopp, German consul-general here, on
trial In the United States District
Court with six others on charges of
conspiracy to violate the neutrality of
the United States by alleged blowing
up of munitions of war consigned to
the allied governments, took the wit
ness stand In his own behalf late to
day. Bopp admitted that Vice-Consul von
Fchack had employed C. C. Crowley, a
detective, and Louis J. Smith, a former
dynamite factory hand, in the absence
of Bopp in Europe in the early months
of the war. He insisted, however. In
line with the general policy of the de
fense, that the two men were engaged
as confidential agents to furnish evi
dence of entente violations of American
neutrality and not to plant bombs in
enemy ships, trains and tunnels.
Boy Witness In Convulsions.
Bopp's accession to the stand fol
lowed the sudden fainting In court of
Alonzo Smith, a nephew of Louis J.
Smith, who has testified that Smith had
boasted of expecting to receive $20,000
from the United States Government
for his testimony. The lad completed
his brief bit of evidence, then let his
head fall on his chest, later going into
convulsions. He was removed to a hos
pital. Earlier In the day a searching cross
examination of Von Schack by the
prosecution had elicited that Bopp
alone had access to the strong box In
the consulate safe. On July 28, 1915,
the date when Smith says $1,254 was
paid him for alleged attempts to blow
up ships and tunnels, Bopp alone, ac
cording to Von Schack, was author
ized to extract the necessary sum.
Previously he had characterized
Smith's demands upon the consulate as
Expert Dynamite Packer Wanted
"Why, if at all, was Crowley hired
by the German consulate?" Attorney
Theodore Roche, for the defense, asked
"He was engaged by Von Schack In
my absence," Bopp said.
"Why was Smith hired at a later
"We heard that he was an expert
dynamite packer and I considered that
this would enable him to investigate
suspected cases where dynamite was
being shipped to our enemies under
false manifests."
By admitting the employment of
Crowley and Smith and admitting the
payment of sums to them. Including a
large cash payment to Smith by Lieu
tenant von Brlncken In the Palace Ho
tel on July 28, 1915, the defense has
upset some o the Government's cal
culations. The prosecution will now make every
effort to prove that these sums were
paid for the alleged blowing up of
tunnels, railways and ships, based on,
a false report which Smith has testi
fied he and Crowley presented to Von
Cross-examination of Bopp Is ex
pected to occupy tomorrow's morning
Advancement of Flying Threatened,
Says Aero Club.
NEW YORK. Dec. 21. The Aero Club
of America, through its board of gov
ernors, has decided to place before the
Council of National Defense the facts
Involved in the decision of two of the
leading airplane companies to demand
royalties from all concerns engaged in
the manufacture of airplanes. It was
announced here today.
The royalty demand has caused con
siderable confusion In the Industry and,
according to aeronautical experts, seri
ously threatens the advancement of
aviation In this country.
The appeal to the Council of National
Defence is in response to requests made
to the Aero Club by virtually all the
email companies, who assert It will be
Impossible for them to fill the orders
they now hold from the Government If
they are forced to pay a heavy royalty.
Helena Assembly Invites All Con
sumers to Join. Campaign.
HELENA, Mont.. Dec. 21. The Hel
ena Trades and Labor Assembly last
xiignt tooic tne lirst step In what is
Intended to be a vigorous campaign to
reduce the high cost of living of Hel
ena, and the assembly has Invited all
consumers of Helena who are oppressed
y the famine prices that prevail for
coal, potatoes, butter, eggs, flour and
other absolute necessities of life to Join
the labor people, whose organizations
are centralized In the assembly. In
the proposed campaign.
The assembly will hold Its first meet
ing next week for the purpose of or
ganizing a plan of operations.
Seattle Company Fined for Holding
Druggists' Stocks.
SEATTLE, Wash., Deo. 21 Judge
Ben Sheeks In the Superior Court to
day decided that a storage company
may neither receive nor store more
than the legal amount of liquor. Judge
(Sheeks fined the Eyres Storage A Dis
tributing Company $50 tpr having more
than the legal amount of liquor In its
I possession.
Several drayloads of liquor were
seized in the Eyres warehouse May 11
last, after search warrants had been
Issued from a Justice court. The stor
age oompany alleged that the liquor
belonged to various drug companies.
Robber Holds Vp Banlc Cashier,
NORA 8PR1NG3, la.. Dso. .si, A lone
robber entered the First State Bank of
Nora Springs today and forced the
cashier. Clifford Moody, to hand over
the contents of the cash drawer, $1000.
The robber escaped.
Salving qf 11-3 Stopped, "
EUREKA, Cal., Dec 81. (Special.)
Eailvage work on the submarine H-S
has been abandoned temporarily. It
Is bellaved the salvage contract will
be let to a privaio company.
A Friday
Holiday Special!
Of Beacon FlanneL SSIQ
and $1.50 Lines OJG
A Delightful Gift! One Sure to
Please Little People.
Because we are overstocked we
offer these attractive, warm and
"comfy" bath robes at about
one-half their real worth. They
are well made, of fine quality
Beacon flannel and are shown in
pretty pink and blue colored pat
terns. All sizes for children
from 1 to 6 years of age. A
more acceptable gift could
not be found. Regular $1.25
and $1.50 lines on BaleJQ
Bargain Friday at OaC
lily Two More Slioppiui
ays Until Olairistma
Come, Make This Great Store Your Holiday Store Everything Has Been
Arranged to Serve You Promptly, Courteously and Efficiently
for Xmas
$3.50 to $6.00
Never before such a great vari
ety as now in the newest color
ings, both plain and bordered
silks, and with handles of
malacca. Prince of Wales, ma
lacca and bacalite. Handles to
match the color of the silk. Oth
er novelties are ebonine with
cord, sterling silver handles,
leather straps and pearl buckles,
sterling trimmed chain and ring
handle, etc
Special values from $3.50-$6.00
Great Christmas Sale
Thousands to Choose From
k r
Prices Considerably
An nnequaled showing of thousands and thousands of Christmas hand
kerchiefs for women and children. The variety of styles is so complete
that we can suit every taste, and they are so arranged that you can se
lect speedily and effectively. Most all come in attractive holiday boxes,
and many of the lines are considerably underpriced.
Qualities Selling Regularly to 25c Each, at
Unlimited variety of embroidered effects to select from they come in
white and in the popular Dresden colors fine linen handker-"! C
chiefs selling regularly to 25c, on sale, Bargain Friday at .IOC
75c to $1.00 Lines
Women's all linen handkerchiefs
embroidered in pretty designs.
They come four in fancy holiday
box. Regular 75c to Si-OOCQ.-,
lines. Bargain Friday at..OC
Regular 19c Grade
Dainty Jap silk handkerchiefs
shown in a full- assortment of
novelty patterns. They are very
attractive and regularly sold at
19c. To close. Bargain
Friday at
75c to $1-00 Lines
Women's all linen handkerchiefs
embroidered in pretty Dresden
colors three in a fancy holiday
box. Regular 75c to $1.00 CQ
lines, Bargain Friday at...fC
BOX OF 3 TO 60
75c to 89c Lines
Women's sheer lawn handker
chiefs shown in embroidered pat
terns in white and colors. Three,
four or six in a fancy holiday box.
75c to 89c lines, Bargain
Friday at
Beautiful Gifts
Ribbon Wovelties
at' Half Price
An extensive variety to select from dozens of styles and
color combinations in all sorts of Ribbon Novelties, especi
ally suitable for gift purposes. Included are fancy bags,
coat hangers, sachet bags, pin cushions, etc. Our entire
stock, without reserve, on sale BARGAIN FRIDAY AT
ular $1.25 Value, Sp'l for Friday's Sale Only OJ7C
Each set comes in a neat box and you have a splendid assort
ment to select from in pink and blue colors. They are made
of fine silks, with ribbon-trimmings and are exceptionally
attractive and desirable for gift purposes the kind q f
regularly sold at $1.25 a set Bargain Friday OatC
CHIFFON SCARFS in Regular $1.25 and QQ
$1.50 Values, Specially Priced for Friday at IvOC
Fine Silk Chiffon Scarfs, shown in dozens of styles and
colorings, in printed patterns. Made full size and aq
sell regularly at $1.25 and $1.50 Bargain Friday at J70C
MERCERIZED SCARFS in Regular 65c and on
75c Values, Special Priced for Friday Only 0 17 C
Fine, full size Scarfs of mereerized Seco Silk, shown in the
best plain eolor3 and in pretty printed designs the q r
kind regularly sold at 65c and 75c Bargain Friday OiC
BOUDOIR CAPS, Regular Values to 50c, oe
Special Price Friday to Close Them Out at OC
At this great price reduction we are closing out several
broken lines of Boudoir Caps. Most all wanted styles 4-5
ana colors, values to ouc, to ciose bargain jcriaay jaji.
Hero Is tne Place to Purchase
Christmas Slippers
For Men, Women and Children
On the Main Floor, Morrison-Street Entrance, we've ar
ranged a special showing and a sale of Women's, Misses' and
Children's Felt Juliets and Slippers that it will pay you
well to investigate.
All Sizes for. Women, specially priced, pair O90
Sizes 6Y1 to 2 for Misses, special, pair 890
Sizes 5 to 8, for Children, special at, pair 790
Selling Regularly to $1.50
It is the best and most complete assortment we have ever shown.
Included are the most popular styles and colors in fur or ribbon
trimmed Juliets, with fine belting leather, hand-turned soles, all
colors. Also the padded sole moccasins.
Women's Felt Slippers in regular $175 lines at only $1.19
Men's $00 Leather Slippers in all styles priced at $1.10
Men's $1.75 Leather Slippers in all styles specially priced at... $1.49
Men's $2.00 Leather Slippers In all styles priced at .$1.75
Men's $260 Leather Slippers in all styles priced at $1.98
- f
A Friday Holiday Special !
Fancy Turkish Towels
At 25c
Choice From
All Our
33c to 40c Lines
At 50c
Choice From
AH Our
60c and 75c Lines
At 75c
Choice From
All Our
90c and $1.25 Lines
In our domestic section we place on sale our entire stock of fancy
Turkish towels. Included are all styles and sizes. They come in
pink, blue, gold, helio and green. A gift that will be sure to please.
The kind regularly sold from 50s up to $1.25 arranged in three
great lots and priced for Bargain Friday
At 25, at 50 and at 75 Each
For the Bath or Bedroom '
Bag Bugs
at 35c iEacli
.3 for $1.00
Best 50c Grade
About 150 rag rugs to close
out at this price reduction. They
come in pretty colorings and 18
by 36 inches. Regular 60o grade
at 3 for $1.00 or S5 each.
Bag Bugs
at 69c Eacli
A Large Size
Best "$1.00 Grade
Less than 100 rag rugs to close
at this price reduction. They
come in attractive colorings and
25 by 60 inches. Regular $1.00
grade. While they last at 69
ilk Hosiery!
An Ideal Christmas Grift
Every woman of taste prizes
Silk Hosiery whether of
her own purchasing or re
ceived as a gift. Here you'll
find a complete line in staple
colors, black and the popular
new shades. One or more
pair will make an ideal Xmas
gift at a moderate price
The Phoenix Silk Hose at 80 and $1.05 Pair
These high-grade, celebrated Silk Hose are shown here
in all wanted new and staple colors, including white and
black They are perfect fitting, durable stockings. Shown
at two prices 80 1111(1 S1.05 a pair.
Pure Ingrain Silk Hose at $1.50 a Pair
The very best of pure ingrain Bilk Stockings, shown in
the most popular colors and all sizes. They come in the
perfect-fitting leg, reinforced heel and toe. rf r"f
Unxnatchable quality at, the pair ,,,,,,,,,, D A 3 J
Women's Fiber ff
Silk Hose, Pair OUC
A fine, perfect - fitting
Stocking, all sizes, in
black, white, tan, blue,
fold, purple, etc, f
pecial,- the pair OUC
Women's S 1 1 k gj f
Boot, Hose, Pair OUC
A special sale of fine silk
boot Hose most all de
sirable colors, but not all
sizes to o 1 o s e gyg
Friday, the pair OUC
j v.
Latest New Styles in Women's
Sweaters on Sale at $4.98
A manufacturer's sample line just received. Included are
all the late styles and colors nobby fiber silk t y r o
Sweaters. Values to $6.50 Bargain Friday at JJi70
An Unsurpassed Opportunity for
Advantageous Buying of
Practical and.
for Men
Gift Things of Beauty, of Usefulness, in Fascinat
ing Variety, Priced to Please Most Frugal Buyers.
25 500 $1.00 for
Men's Silk Four-in-Hand
Ties A complete new as
sortment of patterns to se
lect from in light and dark
500 750 $1.00 for
Men's Fine Elastic Suspen
ders The best styles and
colors. Each pair in a fan
cy holiday box. A welcome
91.25 $1.50 81.75 for Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas Neat ap
pearing, well made garments, in popular styles and in all sizes.
700 and $1.25 for Men's Suspenders and Garter Sets Neat and at
tractive colorings in many different patterns. Each set in a fancy holi
day box.
250 and 500 for Men's Fancy Silk Elastic Arm Bands Pleasing
styles and colors. Each pair put up in a fancy holiday box.
$2.98 up to $5.98 for Men's Custom Made Bath Robes An unsur
passed showing of the most popular styles in all wanted patterns and
Men's Hand&ercliiefs in
an Unlimited Variety
The items listed here are only a small part of the many special holiday
offerings which abound in this department.
250 and 300 each for Men's Fine
Plain White All Linen Handker
chiefs. 250 and 300 each for Men's Fine
All Linen Initial Handkerchiefs.
490 for box of 3 Men's All Linen
Handkerchiefs in a fancy box.
650 for box of 3 Men's All Linen
Handkerchiefs in a fancy box.
650 a pair for Boy Scout Fleeced
Lined Gloves, in all sizes.
500 and 600 a pair for Men's
Fine - Wool Gloves, all sizes.
50 each 6 for 250 for Men's
Plain White Handkerchiefs with
neat hem. ,
100 each 3 for 250 for Men's
Initial or Plain White Handker
chiefs. 150 each 2 for 250 for Men's
Initial or Plain White Handker
chiefs. 200 each 3 for 500 for Men's
Fine Plain White All Linen Handkerchiefs.
D oils, Books. No velti's
Remarkable Price Concessions
Are These:
505 Mama Dolls q q
Friday only at. . . . ; .3iC
75 Teddy Bears,
tnday only at. . .
15 Paint Books
Friday only at. . .
50d 18-in. Charac- on
ter Dolls, Friday at oiC
S2.50 Kest- qq
ner'a Baby Dolls JJ X t70
SI Large Painted sr
Balls, Friday only at OlvC
50d Kewple Dolls,
i nday only at
S1.00 Mama Dolls, x
Friday only at iC
25c4 Boys' and f
Girls' Books, Friday 1 ZJ C
S2 S-pc Metal t - Af
Toilet Sets, Fri. 3 1
S2 7-pc Ivory ft a r
Manicure Sets J X CTJ
S2.25 Shav- t.-. CQ
ing Sets, Friday sD i Oi
S1.(0 6-pc. Ivory qq
Manicure Sets, Fn. JOC
SI Cigar'te, Match 7f
Safe Set, Friday at OC
In Our Ready-to-Wear Section
Two Attractive
Christmas Gifts
Especially Underpriced for Friday!
Bath Eobes 85.00
Fos Values to $6.50
Only a limited number, Women's
bath robes made of the celebrated
Beacon blankets, They come in
the best styles in desirable color
ings and in all sizes. They are"
attractively trimmed, perfectly
finished parments selling regular
ly to $6.50. On sale
Bargain Friday at
Silk Waists $3.35
- For Values to $4.50
Unlimited choice from beautiful
crepe da chine waists, in plain
white, flesh er in novelty color
ings, They are strictly high-class
waists celling regularly to $4.60.
A gift any woman would appre
ciate, On sale Bar-flQ QC
gain Friday at
I 3