i 18 THE MORXINGr OltEGOXIAX. FRIDAY. DECE3IBER 22, 1916. ; Tl I . CREMATORIUMS. j REAL ESTATE. I I ! I " Thl. ytt. . . .. mki 7k Ji,, ' 1 ,. r miormauon or ma public, to fflve as far aa pos- S?', different lines of business which the average person may find occa 10 , Any Information which cannot be found here will be sladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCORDION PLEATING - 6TEPHAN. hemstitch In scalloping, ac cord, side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 2x8 Plttock block. Broadway 1UU9. AGATE CPIIEBa. -. n, expert watonmsJcers. Millers, mis hi Waaa., bet. Bdwy. and Perk. in. 1 , . ONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 ad Gold, llVer and 11 i u I ! 11 11 m V. w " mwuaa C iV liver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. IV. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law . abstract and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 Jlmrthnr..!.. Li. .1. i i .. . . , . . . . .. mfc umg. att.o 0149. I-AWYER, 618 Plttock block. Ks charge tor preliminary conaultatlon. CANCER. Jonea, M D. CANCER TREATED. rswer bloc.. I8tn at Alberta. Wdin. 4106. CAKpKX WEAVER. XXCFF BIGS FROM OLD CARPETS. ..?ret cleaning, refitting, etc North- West Kug Co.. la& E. 8th st. Both phones. CELLLLOID BUTTONS. BADGES. 8I Washington at. Main 812 and A 1204. " .William. Eatelle andf VVliUam. Jr.. Deveny. the onl aclentltlo chiropodists In the city, if" 802 Gerllnger blag., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. 111 ...... f HlUniilf 11 1 11 mi. ... 1 11 ...... M. .1 , OlViafl Q. ELIMI.NATINO medicines and operations. permanently restoring health without or Jcar- Dr. McManon making f?2 3it adjustments 815. Macleay bldg. A 1, Sahitarlum. Patients satisfied. - knockers boost. Case questions free. CIRC i: LAB LETTERS. CE fTFKR CO- 10 N. W. bldg. Mar. cmi. 100 letters muitlgraphed lor $1. , COLl.fccll.U AGENCY. ! KETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1798 fto collection, no charge; established 1900." DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 86 Bth, bet .Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons. $2 r?"of.'"n-K.' evei 1"tMt dMCM guaranteed; " "'" co.t -o:oo. jjqwy. 2160. "-auoL Leasons dally; class Tues Frl eve.. 8 to 10. 108 2d sr.. be " Wash, and Stark. Main 8206. Lessons 23a DETECTIVES. EXPERIENCED. reUable; oonsultaUon frei L. Kellogg. Jr.. box 293. Oregon Cltf. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LCXG8, " TrBtraent by specialist; glasses ritted. T7. F. F . Casaeday. 517 Dekum bldg.. 8d A Wn! fire ixsurxcr. Pacific states fire insurance cq". WHOLESALERS AIMD AUTO AJJD BUGGY TOPS. DTJBRPILLE BUGGY TOP Cp" 209 3U St. AUXO bPKLNG MAN IJFACTIJrTngI . - Mlg. and reoslr. lAnr-FJ SPRING Ing; 40uo springs carried In stock. 15th & Couch sua. IIAbbiiui, CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage fc omnlbua Transfer, pant dr. Davla DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L.Dini.elsPielCo. ORA1i MERCHANTS. M. H. HOtaEH, Bottrd of Trade Bldg. GKOCEKS. WADHAMS & Cu tti-75 Fourth street. HAIa AND CAPS. THAKHAUSEH HAT CO.. 58-55 Front st. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARkT KAHN BROS., ml Front street. MANC c ACTUREKS LADIES' NECK. WEAK EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. Ho hi 5th at PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davla sts. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Per islQe. O110 time ...... ...lia feain ad two conHrcutlvc time ,22o ttwne U tlirce codmcuUvo times ....... , .StM buif mU h.x or even i'ouecutive times fitit Xhe cbove rate appty to advertisemeDta under "ew TuUay" huu all olUar claiJf4C tioiiM except tae follow lust fcltuatioDs Wanted Male. feituatioiiH Wanted 1-fmale. lor itent Koouis 1'rivate families. Hoard aud Koumg irivute Famllie. Itouaekeepioc Koomit Private JbaniUlea. Kaie on tU- above clawiXicationa la 1 cent ft Uue eacli insertion. Xtae Oretfoniaa will accept claMlfted Tertienieuct over tHe teieptione, provided the advert. tier im a subMcrlber ot either phone. o price will be quo tea over the pbone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether aubbequent advertisements will be accepted over the pit one depend upon th rrouiptneiM of payment of telephone adver. meuiontif. "itautiont, W anted'' and ler aonal" advertioements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Insertion only Hill be accepted lor "Furniture for feale," Bu bin ,( Opportuultles," 'ltoouilnK Uoutifs" and "Uanwd to Itent. Serious errors in advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not oe mnde where th error does not materially ftffe?t the value of the advertisement. Canceilntloa of orders over the telephone aot recojfn-zed uniuos confirmed the same duy In wrltinK City ISews In Brief advertisements most lie presented for publication for The Sunday Oregonian before A o'clock Saturday after noon for other days publication before a o'clock . Al. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN ATJCTIOX BALES TODAY. Kord Auction House. 191 2d st. FTirnlture. carpets, etc Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A M. Furniture. 169-171 Second t. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated . alon Saturday, December 23, at 8 P. M.. Masonic Templo, West Park and Yamhill ats. Election of officers and representatives to the im perial council. Visiting no bles cordially Invited. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. NO. "1 f(0 A T7 -VT-a. A T L.' a I n 1 communication tonight Friday) at t .ou o ciock ror tne purpose ox Ul 1111I1K), All IllClilUi i V I lilt) ICI" iuw d.i l (cam capecmuy Ciueeted to be present. By order of W. M. E. R. IVIE, Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15, O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening in Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Xmaa tree for members and their families. By order W. M. JENNIE H. G ALLOW AT, See SELLWOOD LODGE, No. 131, A. F. & A M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening, 8 o'clock, Sellwood Masonic Hall. Visitors wel come. Ey order, W. M-, J. ti. UUILUK, Secretary. . REGULAR meeting this even WA;yVT0 ing at 7:30 o'clock in L O. O. sS F Tempie. work in the third "TiilE3f3x degree. Visitors welcome. ILwotsxa r - tUiti-NS, itec. sec, . LO.OtF: HAMILTON JOHNSTONE, N. G. CLAN MACLEAY. No. 123. Order of Scot tish Clans, meets In Masonic Temple, 7:30 P. M., tonight (Friday). December 22. After business meeting, Clansmens' children will liave Xrnu tree and entertainment. JAMEa GALT, . i Secretary. PJiEtTiiAND LODGE, NO. 85. X F AND A M. Special com munication 7:30, this (Friday) evening Work in M. M. degree. VIBIUIV ' ...... ... .... C. M. STEADilAN. Sec. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. 65. WOODMEN rtv THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W O. W. Temple. 128 llth street. All members welcome. Kum to Kamp Friday m. A- L. BARBUR. Clerk. X. WOODWARD. Consul Commander. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. Mew designs. Jaeger Ejoj. 131-3 Sixth sr. FRIHiDLANDER'S. Jewelers, for Emblema Class Fins and Presentation Medals. Designs and estimates furalsued free, aio Wasb. . . MESataoEB BEKVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle and bicycles. Phone Main S3. A 2158. . ' MUSICAL. SMIL THIELHORN, Violin Teacher, pupil Sevclk. 3Q7 Fliedncr bldg. Marshall 1629 OPTOMETRISTS" AM) OPTICIANS. A RAVI.Vn OF 25 TO 00. Properly fitted glasses as low satisfaction guaranteed. Cha W. Good man, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. JPATBXT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years experience U. 8. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PUYSlCIAa OR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Allsky bldg. Get my new booklet. "Chronic Ilsease"; It's free. PIANOS. KEED-FREJNCH PIANO CO. 10 IH AVI) h'lARK bTci. MARSHALL 63 A 1553 PIPE. PORTLAN'p WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office nirar 24th and York sts. Main 8489. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein Mgr. Printing and linotyping, looi Front sc. umi n. muni u 1 mo. RAO BUGS AD FLCFF BCG8. II Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets ji I II H m I II T4.-tliu.ulB lmir-n. . n. I . n WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-D6 Union ave.. Is. East 6516. B 1476 keal estate uealebd. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid'. STORAGE AXU 1KAXSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. lelepbone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Briclp Etorags Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Office 105 Park st. Main 6195, A 103L Warehouse 44-48 E. 6th sr. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, shlp- uw.dv vr auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine ets. Broadway 698, A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan st corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1169! We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest ln surance rates in the city. MADISON ST D O C K A N D WA REHOUSE. Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, phone Main 769L WOOD, GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. "Hi v. ama 01 A oevv. MANUFACTUHER3 NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WE1.SHAHD S GOLDEN AMBER 1SECTAR. Henry Welnhard plant, loth and Burnside sts. Phony Main 72, A 1172. pi,T,f?N1S- 01LS ASL GLASS! RABMU&aEN at CO.. 2d and laimr sta 1U'', Vt1" FITTING AND V ALVES M. L. KL1.E, e4-hli Front St. ., PLUMBING AND STKAU SUPPLIES. M. L. KL.1NE. 81-S6 Front su PK1NTIN;. .' U 1 I 'I I.' O ..mm . ' PR NT Nfi?-. w, BALiEa till! 1 iliv lrst ' .J.J VAJUT'UII I. iFlrst & Oak sts. Main 165, A 1163 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so llclted. Union Produce Cjoaa Union eve. PUODUCK COMMISSION; SUiRCllANTS. EVEHDIXU & F ARK ELL. 140 Front St. if oi.iiJiij AWVATSE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14thand Northmp. W. P. FILLER & CO.. 12th and Davis at. WALL PAPER. ' " MORGAN WALL PAPEH CO.. g30 8d St. 111111L. .... DIED. JXTCHEMICH At the residence, 24T Condor ?SU?V December 21. Joseph Juohemlch. aged 45 rears, beioved husoand of Mattle ihelcti- 'athw of Irene, Frank and Joseph Jucheralch. Notice of InneraJ later. Remains are at the reaidential aflla st'reeMtiUer & Wa.hlng4on OLLER Maqulna A Oiler, aged 81 reara ; ilJ Bas N'nth 8treet- The remains are at the residence establishment of J p till y, Son. Mhtgomery at Fifth. No tice of funeral hereafter. , 8HCRTLEFP Ellen M. Shurtleff aged T3 jears. in this city. December il, it her rrTSS dence' 1509 Sandy boulevard. The remain, are at the residence establishment Ff.h" , nle?-& Son- Montgomery at 1 llth. Notice Of (nn.ral . . r. W.t5NoEIlr:I"lhls-cI'?' December 18. Sam- " : , ui yenaicnee, wash. Re- It" frwardi y the Holman Under mnLS Compan5r to Wenatche. for Inter- i"M.i'5I'Vr"At Jhe residence. 628 Salmon cnnl-iiDecem,ber.21- Mra- Caroline l!SnS Connell, aged 3d years. Funeral an nouncement later. uuerai an- FUNERAL NOTICES. MHl,".D-ef.e.mr iS-, . residence. 331 ' I., alia. Hiiien jueyer. axed 64 years, beloved wife of Julian Meyer and mother of George Meyer. Mrs My?tle th Iv.f .. f.?1 servic be held at the above residence tomorrow (Saturday) December 23. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. ,n"tea ANDERSON December 20, Emma E Anl derson. aged 49 years, beloved mother of George c. and E. C. Anderson. Remains will be shipped from Dunning &m0. Entee s parlors to FLshers, Wash . where De;Vimbe?'i23be torao" (Saturday)! HUoSY"T,RBt i1 aKed CO years, be loved wife of James Hussey. Funeral will take place from Dunning & McEntee'a cnapel today (Friday) December 22 a, 10 Cai;MaryFcreen?ftVyU.VUei lntermen' t OULAIS December 19. George Oulals. aged H 'eara- F"neral services will be held at Dunning & McEntee's chapel tomorrow (Saturday. December 23, at 10 A M ete'eyldi Invited. Interment Rose City Cem- RIDDERS Adeline Rldders, aged 29 years in this city, December 21. The remain, will be forwarded thii rFrlday) mormnj by J P. Flnley & Son. to Suver. Or . wherf services will be held and Interment maoe! MALONE December 21 at St Vinpenf. Hospital. Jack Malone. aged 6 year? 2 months, beloved son of E. J, and Jessie Brooke Malone. Remains at P L Lerch undertaking parlors. Interment private FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. EDWARD H0L1VIAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A 1511 PERFECT IXNERAL SERVICES FOB LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors, Lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella St.. Bet. 20th and 21st. Main 26U1. A 7883. West Side. DUNNIN3 & M'ENTEE. funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad- A R. ZELLER & CO.. 592 WILLIAMS AVlf r n.fc .vi-ii, w "un. uuy mieuusilL Day and night service. J. P. FIN LEY ec SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. East Side Funeral Directors 414 East Alder street- East 52. B 252.1. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Ciay. M'l I'n 4152. A 2d21. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral eervice. E both and Glisan. Tab. 4313, ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parlors 12th and Morrison sta. Main 6138. A 2235. P. L. LERCH. East llth and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781, B 1888. BREEZE & SNOOK ; MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D 61. IXOR1STS. MARTIN A FORBES COi Florists. 864 Washington. Main 269. A 1269. Flowers tor an occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 Morrison stl Main or A 1&05. Fine flowers and floral u t.l ft II n. u utauvu IIUI F MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. SsIE Ing bldg.. tith and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL. CO, 285 Washington St., between 4th and 6th. Main 6102. A lluL MOXl'METS. POIITLAN-D MARBLE WORKS. 2B4-266 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Neo cfc Sons for memorials. IcfbSLAESING GRANITE! CO. I U THIRD y-r MADISON JTREET. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Boom 153 Courthouse,' Cth-street Entrance. Phone from 8 to IV Main 38, Home Fbone A 2525. Night call after office hours. Main 2706. Keport all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric letbal chamber for small animals. Hors ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one dosl. In ir a dog or other pets, communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. JTEW TODAY. Universal Tractor Attachment OPPORTTJJflTX WITH BIO FUTURE. Tour automobile and our Universal tractor attachment will make you big; mono v. Aarents aAllinir nn. . iav n demand. .Bis; profits for you. driving mroum tne country taking: o.'dere frr the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile in a few hours' time, exclusive territory. Write or call at once. CEHXIGER MOTOR CAR CO. Seuth Fife and Hood Streets, Tacoma. Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LARGE, LOAN'S Sl'KCIAL RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. (17-210 North western Bank: Bull din a. Marshall 4114. A 4118 Loans ef tlO.ooo and rrp en Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes), J. P. LIPSCOMB. 142 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private l ands at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWTNG 3Q7-8 Northwestern Bans: Bids;. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. r Own Money at Current listen, C.'ICIPAL ASiI COKPOHAllol BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOA.f. SO Fasrfa St.. Hoard of Trade 11 Ida- "a W J-- saaans J VI -fcJi ON MORTGAGE. SECURITY NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILD1N4 MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment A Hortgaga la. Offices 02-4 170 Third St. For Sale, Potatoes, $1 Per nacVt, f. o. b. Jefferson. Or. Small but good. E. o. Beckley REAL ESTATE. For tial -Lota, LARGE, beautiful view homesite, Weat Side, city water and gas: bargain at toiO, SIO cash, balance $.1 per month. M. E. Lee, 005 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage In this cl.oioe district; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 38.19. FOR SALE Corner lot. E. 17th and Davis sts.; Improvements In and paid for. Phone East 2704. For Sale Houses. THAT VACANT LOT WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc., Contracting Ar chitects, 324 Abington bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere inspect our list of exquisite homes just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office 2TOI, Stark st. Main 1700, A 1515. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Quarter acre, with 2-room house fur nished, garage. 3-year fruit trees and young hedge on two sides, chickens. Bull Run water and gas, 5-cent carline. 15 min utes. West Side; bargain for $550; J1O0 cash, balance $10 per month at 6 per cent Interest. AG frj3. Oregonlan. 4-ROOM house, lot 75x100; fruit trees, 2 bloclfcs from car; $S5t, $190 cash, baL terms. Owner. 855 E. Burnside it. FINE residence, paved Btreet, 1117 Cleveland ave.; owner; $5000; Piedmont district; $2000 down. EQUITY in 8-r. house, value $3000. Col. 216. 005 Lombard st. St. Johns car. 4-ltOOM house and half acre, $1250 Owner Tabor 4SS3- WE build and finance. E & C Lovcgren. 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. ror Sale Business Property. SNAP. $5000 cash buys equity In fine piece of West Side business property; will pay 10 per cent net on investment; leased to good tenants; on corner in one of citv's best districts: deal direct with owner. BC 9U2 Oregonian. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, clop to carline. easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Han ' . 15S3 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. For Bale -Acreage. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; J75 to $200 per acre: easy terms; best soil; farms for sale all sixes. McFarland, 605 Yeon bldg., Portland. ii - i i . v uu-uu. r tiK w: a n For Sal Farms. Planoa. Organ. and Musical toWnuniU. J Automobile. I MlWilaneonT SOME SNAP. 16 acres ef the choicest potato land, mostly In clover, a fine new v-room bun galow, plastered, beamed ceilings, built-in fixtures, oak furniture, fine piano, rang., heater and oil stove, cooking utensils, dishes, linen, everything to keep tiouse, bath, toilet, city water, canned fruit, large two-story barn. $44'0 worth of hay, loO bu. spuds. Id sacks apples, all farm and garden tools, gentle Jersey cow, 60 full lood chickens, wagon, herneaa and two yeara wood. Thla plaoe coat $7oOO the way It statida. I will aell for $5500; take $3000 cash, $2500 In 6 years at a per cent. Fin. level land outside city limits of Carson, Wash. Take Mineral Springs Jit ney to our door Address Mrs. F. E. Gra ham. Car.on. Wash. RARE BARGAIN. BT OWNER. 21 acres black loam soil. 30 acres till able and level. 17 acres in hay thla year, good family orchard of about 70 bearing treea. larpe barn, amall houae. matched team black horses, weight about 1200 lbs. each, also harneaa, wagon, plow, harrow, elder mill, small tools, good cow. l dos, chickens and 10 tons hay: 1 H miles from Carson. Wash., also near Mineral and St. Martin Hot Springs, on good level road, 2 miles from R. R. station and bnatlandlng; good rosds. Th. above cost $45K; owing to lit health, will sell for $300O. Call on or address Mrs. May M. Hawley. Born. V alley. Wash. SMALL MTSSOTTRI FARM, $10 CASH and $5 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land: close to three big marketa Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. A-241 JJ. Y. Life bldg. Kansas City. Mo. 8000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. J 5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, eto WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. TO CLOSE estate will sell 400-acre wheat ranch In Nebraska. $20 per acre; $11 25 Swn'. baL 10 Buit Purchaser; look this up. This land is worth at least $45 per acre. Heirenreter. Warren, Or. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. 480 ACRES, or part of It. Morrow County wheat lard, practically all tillable and level, good well. R. R. station. 7 ml ; 115 Ser acre. $2000 down, balance terms. wrer. AV 812. Oregonian. BO ACRES. 80 cult., 4 miles to good town, . 2 hours to Portland. 6 good cows, sheep, hogs. team. mach.. feed, buildings, mall route and school. $4200. Box 97 Castle Rock. Wash. FOR SALE 865-acre farm. Linn County $20 per acr.; good terms. Address Goo. W Wright. Albany, Oregon. LOGGED-OFF stump land, $10 acre up; terma; good aoll. running water, markets. employment, Mr. Sharps. 83 H 3d. rm. 557. DAIRY FARM, near ohuroh. sohool. cheese factory. Owner, 107 6haver. Wdl. 202. WAXTBD REA L ESTATE. WANTED 10 acrea or more, within 12 miles of Portland and on good road; buildings not necessary; offer a $7000 modern resi dence on 80x120 lot. In exchange. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, &13 Chamber of Commerce. WE have a few buyers for good Improved farms of from 60 to 100 acres, reasonably priced. .R. F. Bryan, 609 Chamber of Com meroe. Main lit8. WE buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. FARMS WASTED, WE have a few buyers for good Improved farms of from 60 to 100 acres, reasona bly priced. R. F. Bryan. 6o9 Chamber of Commerce. Main liMM. to exchange: REAL estate. WANT 8 or 9-room modern house In first class nolghbornood : must have hardwood floors, very largo living-room and library; will trade for Income Berkeley property In most fashionable district. Answer only by letter. T. H. Williams, See, Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. DAIRY FARM WANTED. I own two Willamette Valley farms over ZOO acres in each; fine buildings, well lo cated: want to trade for farm near Port land of 200 acres or more: must be im proved and have tooil buildings. Give full particulars Addresa AV 315, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL seven-room, large, full attlcT modern throughout house, acre of land fine location on interurban line. 40 min utes from Portland: valuation $0500. to trado for citij property; no agents or com mission. F BS3. Oregonian. FK ECrfANGE 10-room 3-f!at building for . alifornia. Arizona or Colorado. Consider ranch anywhere. Look at 8J1 So. 18th and mako proposition. Don't disturb tenants Mortgage $5000. 6(4 per cent. Owner. 2224 Ocean View. Loa Argeles. Cal WMA57ln?ood-rE?t,1, ,an,;L J from McMinnvllle. Tillamook County, to trade bid " Rlchanbach fc Co.. 707 Lewis RE, "ood Rlyr. free of Incumbrance. "'ha" cle?re -freo water, buildings and bearing orchard. Exchange for Portland ?Perty. 800 Selling 'bldg. MaraiSll WANTED Properties of merit to' match .our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income ?'A0rP?r2 5:un-S t'?'5ted. ,valu considered. C ALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon bldg. PARTIES have made, offers, but no one has Ty v4S0" aCre" tnat ral,!ed 13.000 rV?,:LWh.eat ,n 191a' ou " have It ini. on part. .Main 7677. b' FOltTLAND lot. 50x100; also 20 acres al Corbett. no incumbrance; exchange for small bungalow. Owner, Hall, 211 Wash ington st. 980 ACRES. Sherman County, aale or trade. '"A - utAmoer or commerce. TO EXCHANGE riSCELLANEOra. W? -l,d,lz d Prtect your roof 10 yeara !?ZJr5- ,,Tno r?.of. wm Protect you. 80S Tourny bldg. Main OSSo. East 7972. ' " W"UD FOK SALE. Horses. Vehl lea. HurnpNO, Etc. TAii of ya"8 matched bay mare.. od limbs and feet, weight 2760. price $"5 one bay filly, one bar gelding 7 sets double-breeching harness, 2 saddles. Call and make offer. Transfer Stable, East Uth and Flanders. F(K,S.AoSvr",fKlr matched blocky mares. "Ut 24?, '' on ,n foa': broker! Bentle. handy and useful for ranch MaTsha" 3?30.Very " 125- Phne T.H.ORSB FOR SALE CHEAP. . ,? on trucks. we have one good horse left; see him and make us an of- f " 0?'.e, m,V.lt- seI1' Edwards Co.. 84 6th at. Main 1:27. CAPITAL STABLES. 2S7 FRONT ST. Just received. 22 head of horses and mares from Eastern Oregon, all first-class i-nn ,lrom s. to 7 ers old. from 1100 to ljOO lbs. H. Glewrman. nron GDOp, serviceable ranch team; also fast, well-bltd driving horse at any reasonable v e?r?I lce Co' table. 84th and fc-ast Yamnlll sta FARMER-HORSEMAN Want one or two standard-bred mares to breed on shares. av Blze. and breeding. Address AV .jlG. Oregonian. DEAD horses taken; $3 and up for dead cows: cash for down-and-out horses. Call ... -uimm ian. jinwauKle oy-J. FOR SALE cheap. -four teams horses. Star Band Co.. barn Delay st., bet. Goldsmith and Russell. DEAD horses taken free: $5 paid for dead cows, crippied. worn-out horses. Oregon -""i m w. AriiLg. yjr. labor 42U3. WANTED Team. waon weight over 2400; must be unquestionably true. Call Tlmmons. Main 8250. naD1y BLOCKY team of mares. 1200 lbs each, good harries and ranch wagon. $135. Marshall 40o5. 1 HORSE, harness and lightdellvery wagon . O . U .on St. HORSES for hire by day or month C W Townser.d Co.. 3S0 Front. Main 1571.' HORSES, wagons, buggies and"harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE or exchange, a heavy wood wagon. Tabor 2492. ' FOR SALEWagcns and horses cheap s E. 7th St. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled awsy free Wood lawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. I'ianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. $350 PIANO. $140 cash: real ivorv keys, not a stencil. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill Bt. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S Gii bert. 3S4 Yamhill at. $18 BUYS $100 parlor organ for Christmas at Security Storage Co.. 10O 4th at. HIGH-GRADE Emerson piano. In fine con ditlon: no trade. Phone Main 2004. WM. KNABE. "the world's best "piano." big bargain, like new. Tabor 181. Planus. Organs and Musical Instruments. AT BILERS STORAGE AND rOR WARD1.NG DEPARTMENT, 151-163 FOURTH ST, NEAR MOkRISON. MUST CLOSE OUT. $800 BTEINWAT A 60NS. eld modei. $08: and $370 J. C FISCHER, .15. $250 A-N'GELUS playar, mahogany. -. Genuine mahogany pianola with 135 muslo rolls, $115. Alao apeclal for a well-to-do horns. $950 HALLET & DAVIS finest ma hogany player, 27S. and $S05 genu ine autoplano. manogany. 1285. tilO M'CA3110-N. upright, cash, (550 KIMBALL concert- used, now $200. . $!0i.'0 NEW YORK concert grand, cash. $155. ,1'U.re"daraaKed HOB ART M. CA BLE piano, coat 33. with refln lahed quarter - oak extenalon dining tabic, quarter-sawed oak chiffonier and oak commode, all for $65. National cash register, fine condi tion, $35. Hand-made gooseneck truck, cost originally 400. to close out. $97.60. K0 Reglna muato-box. $3 50 cash. Bass viol. $I0O value, to close out Tor $21; also very fine violin, com plete with bow and case, said to have cost $150. to close out. $20. A baritone horn, slightly dented, but splendid tone. $.73. " A phonogrsph. original cost $90. closing out for $20; another one for on!y $16. aSectr,'c co,ncert Phonograph, cost $50t) wll take $100; another older model. $ii0. These and a large number of others equally low priced now closed out at Eliers'storage ani warding department, 151-8 F being and for- at l.M-fl rnii.1 v. st, cor. Morrison, fourth floor. KICHOLLS PIANO CO. Frlaco stock uaed pianos and player-ptanoa. Sale In progress. aKnr- .uyR rsE0 PIANOS. $250 L priRht pianos 800 UpriKht pianos ' 8(.0 Upright pianos . . .'. "I" 41 Uprigltt pianos - , ?UR 1015 MODELS. $325 Upright pianos 873 Upright pianos ! " 400 Upright pianos 4o0 Upright pianos s'.nVH 1!"5 FLAYER-PIANOS. $550 s-note Players ... 600 SS-note players ". . 700 SS-note Players 773 88-note Players txn r.PUR 916 FLAYER-PIANO. $950 Player-Pianos 7B0 Player-Pianos ' 850 Player-Pianos ' IIII."' -sr. yLR l'SED GRANDS. '55 Grands, mahogany 8oo Grands, rosewood 1100 Grands, rosewood .. k OUR 1815 MODEL $5H0 Baby Granda .... k60 Baby Granda .'. Terms cash, or $4 or more monthly, , No Interest. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. and now $ 3 06 135 165 $195 2435 23 200 $363 3D5 435 495 $435 45 535 $345 493 AWS $595 895 l? BTORAGH CO. CLOSINQ OUT. 27? F i 9.- Z.BC" uPrlht. cash $ 95 Hn I;-? C' F'sher. old model, cash. 85 450 Stelnway & Sons, old model, cash. 110 SS2 A.nelu Player, old model, cash, 25 273 Col.ard & Collard upright....! 43 Crown organ, oak ............ 20 4.3 Smith & Barnes, upright. ... '. '. 110 .n?e2U i v nre'oforo paid Inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our nor. PI,-eS' .tloweier- compare our Slein S'., i',A65 T 1'5 Pnos. with pianos sold at J135 and $103 elaowhere and you planorebu'"rsW'lt W" M ,U" doln or SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 Fourth St. o1iLel"e,hlVh-grd"eaCrCneofDeaU,t,rul- -very hSCt. . J fa"0 ifj Co.. 350 Aide? mt laiklng Machine S11kihuy.miy;Bb,S'',nlr'c ,n January". Tenth st. Record Exchange. loO "ia0 ",a,nyt .gno for ,145 lanSI a'-k .ft lc'hCwan CgCuLVIe1nA-N;?.ryPiRn.irU'!!' '" Ish. Only $"5 ji Z.. '.', mahogany fin 850 Alder si dOWn' x " week. Call AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT A full Un. of record mhi.m. Iu" "ne Talking Machine" co.J a. Tl '. HSH----rtf'rI ,30R TKAl)E Vte"" F9R CASH 1ST. v AlvL 128 Istrubr $35 EDISON PHONOGRAPH FRCP- i, buy $7.50 worth of Vecorda La 1st. " y" Purniture fur Sale. SPECIAL FOR XMA8 THE MISH PrRNlTURB OO.. a o-a fllBr. o r "pfeSfne.r'iy-new 'ZrlrZ: rooms-rented permanently; ply enUr. rent iS-'-iFcH'S FOR SALE Second-hand oak and maho. any oiflce 'furniture of all klnus"? cabim-ts and safes. Kllham Stat'y P?S Co.. Fifth and Oak ' " "'" Birds and Pet Kt.JT gofJfisf ' C-h'risarTr'-pS B fedie -urB.?' De7"y, "L c" Ro-t- JSSfnlsaM.J.sit MOrrioa d Alder. CHRISTMAS sale of all win. rf' " K' V Scf'.a'd r.asx. totarlc; Russian wolf hmmria tTi-vt Alradl.USun?0!lt .", ,err,S"- "real'-Dine C. Campion. polntcr trained. Tabor 12s! S1m- JLViX? 'rr.rI" .'"'en.,., iiels. East 4,h . ' , Cr"c .en- J .. .mj.naun. n.ast 1307. Btt'T-il.eKr a p"PPy 'or Christmas: beautiful Graham Pd'e Z?"- " t oli'liS "V"fAC a ? r r r- .r LATDIX K ENNLLS, E.STA A I jl OR. BIin:L "t-r bull. $2U. East Livestock. JERSEY family cows, fresh two weeksl trade for diamond rlns or Victrola. 6osi i-i Q J (J &VA, HORSE, $7o; cow, $45; five sheep, $50: two brood sows. $45. H. G. Starkweather. Ri. ley t-tatlon. Phone Oak Grove 1-X WHAT have you in horses or buggies to ex change for handsome young Jersey cow t I029 E. Yamhill st. Type w- liters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN with manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase: visible models $3 mo $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, bo Broadway Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department HOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 14o7. CORONA portable folding typewriter Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. agents. 110 6th at. CORONA folding typewriter and caae for sale. 620 Hotel Carlton. Automobiles. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main 6244. SLIGHTLY' used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul canlzed. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1916 MAXWELL, first-class condition, $495. Broadway 1640. USED AI'TO PARTS at less than half price. n mi j ii i ri.iiiiii p.. riroaoHiy. HAVE -ton Garford truck for sale cheap r win cue ioi roru. o;,-j jnonians ave 5-PASSEN'GER Ford. A 1 condition, with ex tras. $225. Tabor 6478. I MUST sell mv 1913 car today; electric lights and starter. Wdln. 1645. ONE Ford ear, $200. 86lTverett st. USED CAR SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. GREAT WESTERN, electric system. wire wheels $300 STUDEBAKER. startsr and lights. rive-passenger 450 MITCHELL 4. iat. model 650 MITCHELL , late model 7i ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. .MJ.XHELL- LEWIS A STAVE R CO. E. 7.. 2 E. 1st and E. Morrison B 121 . IORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1916 Ford touring $295 119 Ford roadster $Jl3 1914 Ford touring $225 w 1914 Ford roadster $-'-'5 1316 Ford touring Jrt5 li15 Ford touring $215 1914 Ford touring t2Z,0 1U18 Ford touring $2l5 1916 Ford touring $295 Don t fail to aee these car. before you Buy, as they are In finest condition and cannot be told from new. Terms $100 down, ba.ance $23 per month and a year's tree service on all minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, . . Authorized Ford Agent, East 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne are. OAKLAND SIX touring car, IMS. B-pasa.. la good condition. OAKLAND roadster. ii, good aa new; a bargain. . OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO.. loth and Alder. Phone Main 414. 191T WILLT 3-KNIGHT, brand new. extra Wres. tire covara. set of chalna. This oar was taken in trade and never been run to speak of. Will trade for good first mortgage or take light car aa flrat pay un aome ciah. Make terma on balance My price is $160 under Hat. Phone Marshall liV1'' ,,w e i - u......... FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easr pay ments. KLSHUGHT. RANSOM A PENNEY. Authorized Ford Agents Pbcne E. 7950. 275 Union avs. cor. . Wasco. wlA'."alt pou ,n Betting a oontract with .... iruca you can Duy her. on very easy terma Every concern needs reliable hau,lng. Why not profit by this permanent " ' -.iiu roi in Business ror yourself? Northwest Auto Co. used car dept.. 331 Couch sr SAXON SIX roadster. 1B1A mnn.l .n.i. 1 color; prettiest little car In city; this car " M owaea oy a iaay ana she was afraid to drive it; It is here for aale at th. big Beet bargain In city. Call at 825 Davis su or phone Broadway 821. REMOVAL NOTICE Kennedy Auto Painting Co.' win remove January 1 to Broadway and Couch, with Keats Auto Co. LATE model Ford, new tires, good condition mechanically: looka fine: nrlc. il7.i bk or terma. Phone Marahall 4022. Aak lor .nuinguiiiary. CADILLAC 30. Haa Tlmken axles; car is in goou running order. Must sell: $200. 21H Fargo st. ONE FORD touring car In good oondltlon. Reasonable. Inquire Long sc SUvs, 402 Hawthorne ave. lii-TOX Federal tmelr nits r -...,. . v. . .. top and curtains, price $lo00; terma 22a Automobiles Wanted. 5 LOTs in good little town In Washington, 40 miles from Portland, to trade for auto AL 993. Oregonian. , FORDS bought, sold and exchanged It L. SHORT sico. Automobile repairing. 833 Py cash for late model Forda. Dodge Broa . or Butck autoa. Boone & Co.. 614 Aider at. Main 30O6 FORD delivery; owner wlshea hauling for n., t. j-. ,o. 1. iroutdale. WANTED Ford for caah, that needs over l:au'.;ng R F. D. 1. box 12. Sherwood, ur. CAi-tn "ght cara. Fords preferred. Main WANTED 2-unlt starting and lighting system. Adcox. 3S8 Burnside at- Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any kind of work by month or yearly contract Ve are agents for Wichita trucks and" tractors Also have three rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Lon Ae Sllva. 42 Hawthorne ave. East 6S4o! 1W16 SAXON 6. highway, depots, touring" call'ng. shopping; reasonable. East 4582. 1916 5-PASS. Dodge for" hire, touring, call- ."i. jnam 4co. ALTOS without driver for YilrT. Long A fellva. 4H2 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6S40. AUTOS for rent without drlvera 430E. Hawthorne. East 1628. .Motorcycles. MOTORCY' LE A SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th stl Harlev-Davloson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers In motoroclea in the state. Main 7v.t" Machinery. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY In a Fully Equipped Machine Shop. For Sale by the ALASKA JUNK COMPANY. 1 CARROLL JAMIESOX 15x6 LATHE. 1 6-H. P. H. C. MOTOR 1 OHIO 1S-INCH SHARER, 1 MARVEL SHOP SAW. 1 BURR KEY" SKATER. 1 PFKNT1SS 20-INCH W. & L. DRILL. 1 LARGE COMBINATION GRI.N'DEK AND 1 FORGE. 1 81-32 8 -FLUTED DRILL. 1 17-32 8-FLCTED DRILL. 1 BREAST DRILL 1 BLOWER. 1 SPINNEL. 1 PIPE VISE. Complete set of Blacksmith's Toola Besides the above the equipment In cludes: Stock and dies, block and tackle. Stlllson wrenches, hammers, pinners, holt setters, etc.. making full set of toola Everything to make up a w-ell-stocked ma chine shop Is Included chucks, shafting, counter-shafts, bangers, belting aud all transmission, complete. Phone Main 4110. FRONT AND TAYLOR, 201-5 Front St. llceilaneou. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Drupheads. $5 and ui; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. Slegel. two stores. 383 Alder tt. and 242 Aider st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles end shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses; lought. sold and exchanged. Hoehfeld's Camera Exchange. S3 3d St. Main 85S1. 20-INCH boy's bicycle, new tires, box bars, spring saddle, rubber pedals: nearly new $15. Joe's Bicycle Repair Shop. 200 Taylor st. A $.10 EDISON Amberol phonograph free i.' you buy my b2 recorda; machine and records almost new. A. J. Deckerman, 131 17th St.. cor Morrison. CASH REGICTERS slightly used; our prlc.-s are lower. Cash Register Exchange. 331 Va Washington st. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging and huibtlnf engines, ail klnda machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2l13 LEAVING TOWN: WILL TRADE $10O DIA MOND F.IN-3 FOR HORNLESS TALK ING MACHINE. BC 900, OREGONIAN $25 LADY'S GOLD WATCH TO TRADE 1U1'. HUKNLtf 1 ALhlNu MACHINE BC 089. OREGONIAN. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale: all grades; large selection. Paclflo Stat'y Pit. Co.. lo7 2d st. Main 1971. DIAMOND sacrifice: make a Christmas present of my diamond, worth $235. for $143. AG 994. Oregonian. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; txpert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 418 Burnside ct. Broadway or A .V174. EDISON AND COLUMBIA RECORDS; 10O0 10 AND 15C EACH. 12S FIRST. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. Portland Cash Register Co.. 1st it YamhllC PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Mark-Davis Co . 212 3d st. Main 797. IMPORTED POLLS AND TOY'S H ALF PRICE: OPEN EVENINGS. 12S 1ST. FINE BICYCLE, must be sold today; nice Christmas gift. 128 1st. HANDSOME pair amethyst ear rings; made to order; $lo. Woodlawn 3S50. ELECTRIC vibrator. $5; two pair low tan shoes, 9s, $4. East S2. l-:iknrat diamond. A bargain. Apply 4-9 HOWARD gold watch. 23 jewels, cost $150 will take $60. AR 9"4. Oregonian. MACHINERY bought, sol. I and repaired N. W. Lead A Machinery Co.. 311 Front t. a L P AC motor for sale. Call Maia 17.1.6. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, aold for leas. No agents em ployed; all machines aent out aew perfect and guranteed; machines repaired- ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 10 Sd hear Taylor at. A 362d, Main 9431. rCRXnTRE WANTED. MONEY TALKS. WE pay the beat cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention pbone. OEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC. 1S5 to 191 1st si. Mar. 6ysl. A 8224 FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants all klncs of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion, lttt-liis 1 irst su bet. Morrison and Yarr.hl.l Main j633 HIGHEST prices raid" for your furniture, stoves and carpels. Gevurta Furniture Store. 2o7 1st st. Marshall 647. CAN U.E GOOD FUR-NITURB of any description; have the ready caah I phone today. Main 4627 or 204 Flrat st WANT second-hand furniture and carpte. chip out town: can pav more than Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773 GEO. BAKER & CO.. Masonic Temple bldg.. lay cash lor furniture, rugs, etc. Phone Main 3332. HIGHEST cash price paid for furnltur. and mdse. stocks. J. M. Slmmor.da. E. 6S8. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. Main 81nJ. 191 2d at. PARTY would like to buv household goods rUKa. etc.. for caih. Marshall 1822. WlLLr pay cash for 2d-hand furnltura. Call Mr. nhbiirn. Marshall 47t8. W ANTED M ISBI-LAXBOrS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and ail klnda of too: a and pay you all It Is worth. Our THREE LARO.E STORKS are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need In the home or elsewhere CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front tt. Phone Main 9072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.60 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $T tW HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND tiKNTS' SUITS, SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 2"80. C.LOHB STORE. MAIN 2O0; 2S3 FIRST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. .VEYF.R. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7 SO AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS HE PAYS YOU MORE For SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. HIGHEST CASH PBICB PAID TOR ALL KINDS TALKING MACHINES, RECORDS AND OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 12S FIRST. MAIN 4495. JUNK WANTED. AH descriptions of Junk bought; highest price paid lor old metal and iron. Call Marshal. 8223. ORIENTAL RUG WANTED I will Eur Oriental rug. about 9x12. at fair price: must be good condition. Addresa AM 892, Oregonian. CASH for. your old gold, allver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Ji we.er. 21S Oregonian Mag. WANTED National cash register. Main ". 351 H Washington St. WANTED Highest price paid for swill or table acraps. Main 3016. WANTED imnieiilately, I00 common brick and 1000 fire brick. Phone Eaat 10. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED! CALL MAIN 4776. OR 246 FIRST ST. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y'. M. C. A. You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. We caa tell you how or send you to It. During past 7 years we have placed or helped plaoe themselves, over ll.uuO men and boys. This service a privilege of membership In the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment, or refund of member frhlp fi-e. See Secretary Stanley Baker. BUYER FOR-WOMEN'S HIGH-CLASS APPAREL. The leading and oldest specialty bouse of Pittsburg. Pa., requires the service of a buyer ot women's suits, coats, waists and furs. Must have specialty rather than de partment store experience. Correspondence confidential. Aduress Buyer, TOO Peoples Bank bldg., Pltu-burg. Pa. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 42:1-31 BELMONT PRACTICAL INSTKUCTIOX IN RE PA I KING, DRIVING. IGNITION, CAR HURETION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. STUDENTS ASSISTED. EARN BOARD AND ROOM. INVESTIGATION SO LICITED. WANTED Young men of good character to enlist iu the Machine Gun Company, Third Oregon Infantry. Oregon Guard not dis organized and service now oft'ers unusual opportunities for advancement. See Lieut, pilisbury at Armory Monday or Friday evening- MENS SUITS, OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. i53 Stark, corner Park. OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 TILL RAILWAY' mall P. O. clerks, carriers, cua-om-4iouso employee: $75 to $l.vi a month; lite Joes; no strikes, no luyotfs: eama. snnouuced Jan. 15. "Free Hook," Paclflo r-tates School. McKay bldg., city. fcCHciOL boe. now Is the time to plac. your applications for erapiojmtnt during th. Christmas and New Year's holidays; good pay and clean out-of-doors work. Western Union Telegraph Company. A SPLENDID career open to good mechan ics; practical courses in all branches of engineering: Illustrated catalogue from Seatt.e Engineering School, Roy atreet. Seat 1 1 e. WANTED First-class sawmill auperjnlen dent: atate uge, mechanical ability and lumber experience; give references. Ad dress AV 311. Oregonian. ACCURATE and energetic bookkeeper, 23 to 26 yeara of age: must be pood penman. Apply in own writing, Kiviug referencea and telephone number. All 914. Oregonian. WANT ED Stout lad to help with janitor work in exchanKo for course in Business College: &lr.i, nnin to do kaisominlng and varnishing lor course. AR 995. Oregonian. CARPENTER wanted as partner on Gov ernment job already secured; must be re sponsible and have small amount of cash at once. AG 9'.ll, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 Hawthorne Ave. Practical Experience on Real Automohjlea and Gas Tractors. WANTED. out of Portland. hWh-grade, well-cxpt rinced male stenographer; lum ber knowledge preferred. Address A 967, orrgonlun. ARE THE TAILOR buys your old, new clothing, shoes; high eat cash pries. Mai shall ;i-'2." or 209 Madison at. WANTED Cour.tr ar.d city al,-eman, com mission basis, $10 easiiy marie; will trad, county right for Ford car. The Perfection r-Vack Holder Co.. 714 Couch bldg. FIRST CLASS barber wunt.-d from 3 to 7 P. M. natl.v; s.-nd application and refer ences to AF 9v. OrcKoiilan. $1.50 per day guaranteed Loys with wheels or motors; $4 run he made; come prepared to work. 41o Alder. BOY' with motorcycle, fur delivery; must know the city, earn Fiddle, 145 Broad way. WANTED For Christmas rush, boys with wheels, for packace delivery. Main 1808. A 2404. l.- N. 12th St. EX PERI ENCKD tailor or talioress at Peo ple s Clothing Store. lo4 3d at. bet. Wash inclim and Stnrk sts. WANTED Experienced cutters for harness factory. Apply box 410 Calgary, Alia.. Canada. WANTED PARTNER for good paying busi ness; small investment required. A J 994, Oregonian. PATT K R N M A K I : I : : state experience and ttagts xpcled in firvt letter. Dun ning v Krlch. Harrington. Wash . WANTED Experienced tie-makers; long Job. Address standard Timber Co.. Ev anston. Wyo. A MAN who understands building a mrjoern whaling station. Address Hopkins. 220 Gra n d ave., Portland, Or. WANT man with ..'''. nice little business. $15 per week. Marshall 23!. HOTEL clerk, experienced. Give phone number. BC 9'.1, Oregonian. TWO toys with whee.s. Apply 324 Stark street. WANTED Japanese boy for housework. Ap ply 37 E. Morrison st, BARBER wanted for Saturday. 205 Morrl eon street. BARBER wanted; W'aaea guaranteed. 266 1st st. AI'TO ti-uck freiRht business and milk route for sale. Sellwood 1552. WANTED, agent. ApplyTripollne Co.. 2-9 Main. W A N T '. 1 A ir.;in to work for room and retard, in country. Tabor 2492. HA It BE it wanted for Saturday atS77 Sta-k. W A N'Tin 1- ii' Hit ''lack. 432Wasrilngi"on st. if a k pi:,: iint- !. :.'".(; first st. llelo Ulnteil Afrom. AGENTS Salary ur commission. $10O a month guaranteed. Anthony Fisher. Salt LaJtM. Utah. A