14 TnE 3IORMXG OltEGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1910. WBBag9eeeeoB9efle66fl99986fta96eOB99a9e'aa9te9ee66o6ooeooo9flooa Wuf jnnnnni HSU IT nH-r m-m h- 'ir mini GERTRUDE F. c orb; o oooogoo oooooo OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ItKLSUMi VISITOR IN rORTLAND WHO IS BEING MUCH EN- the spirit and feeling of the old-time TEKTAINED HERE. V' , w frf ' -.' 1 . -i j h f " ' 17 j J f ' t f jJ (':! - 4- V - f ! f A ' J PRKCEDIVO the Cinderella ball, which was a brilliant event of last night at the Benson Hotel, a erroup of the men were dinner hosts at the University Club, covers being placed for 27. Each girl took two men to the ball and 16 of the men Rave the dinner complimentary to their "hosts" before the ball. The party in cluded: Misses Ruth Teal, Claire "wil cox. Margaret Mears. Mary Stuart Smith. Rhoda Rumelin, Mary Brownlie. Ailaa MacMaster, Mrs. Hazel B. L,ltt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giesy, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Latourette, who acted as chaperones, John and Aubrey Watzek. Prescott Cooklngrham, Hamilton K. Corbett, Charles S-Holbrook, Maurice Dooly, Jr., Krnest Swigert, A. D. Wakeman. Alan Green. Philip V. W. Fry. -Merle Campbell. Jordan Zan. Holt Cooking ham and Lawrence Wheeler. ! Mrs. Max H. Houser. who returned the latter part of last week from a delightful trip In New York, yester day entertained a few old friends with a small tea party. A tiny Christmas tree. was a feature of the affair, each Kuest receiving a gift from the big metropolis. Mrs. Houser was accom panied by Miss Mabel Is'eal on her trip, which included California as well as New Tork, and Miss Neal left a few days ago to pass the holidays In San Francisco. Miss Gertrude May, Miss Celeste Foulkes and Miss Mildred Broughton returned yesterday from Eugene, where they are students at the University of Oregon. The Portland Heights Club will have a Christmas party tonight for all mem bers, including children. A beautiful tree has been decorated, and Santa Claus is expected to make a special trip some time today to load it with pres ents. The grand march for the little tots will start promptly at 7:30 o'clock, after which the presents will be dis tributed. Dancing for the older mem bers will begin at 9 o'clock. The De cember social committee Is Mrs. Jay Bmith. Mrs. A. T. Charlton and Mrs. J. E. Davidson. The patronesses for the evening will be Mrs. James A. Malarkey, Mrs. Rufus C. Holman, Mrs. Frank 1 Gollehur and Mrs. Edward B. Lab be. Mr. and Mrs. Folger Johnson left on Tuesday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Johnson's mother. Mrs. Clara H. "Waldo, who is at Long Beach, Cal., for the Winter. . Tonight there will be the regular club night for dancing. It will be a Leap Year dance, and an enjoyable time is anticipated. Last Tuesday aft ernoon the women of Laurelhurst Club met at the clubrooms, where bridge and five hundred were played. There was a good attendance and the honors of the afternoon were presented to Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. R. T. Starr In bridge and Mrs. Charles Purcell and Mrs. W. Reid in five hundred. Mrs. H. J. Faust and Mrs. W. Hugh Williamson were hostesses. The management of the Hotel' Wash ington has issued invitations to all its patrons and friends to attend a Christ mas dance to be given ' at the hotel tonight. Dr. Richard Dlllehunt left Wednes day for the East to pass the holidays with relatives in Decatur. 111. Before returning to Portland he will visit In Rochester, Minn., and New York. Mrs. A. L. Maxwell is planning to leave about the middle of January for Washington. D. C, to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max well Blake, of Tangier, Morocco, who are In the capital city for two months on official business. Mrs. Blake's friends and relatives in this city regret that she will not visit here during: her stay In this country. Miss Florence Holmes, who has been attending the Oregon Agricultural Col lege,, will arrive in town tomorrow to pass the holidays with, her mother's family. Miss Emily Louyse McCandllss, of the Pi Beta Phi fraternity. University of Oregon, will pass the holidays at the Hotel Portland with her mother. Dr. Frances McCandliss. A Christmas tree entertainment will be given by the Rose City Park Club tonight, the tree to be laden with pres ents furnished by the club children, the recipients to be BO children from the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, all under the age of 10 years. This will be attended by songs, games and readings, lasting for an hour and a half, when the dancing will begin. First-class music has been secured and a large attendance, as usual. Is assured. The programme will begin promptly at 8:30. The reception room and audito rium will be handsomely decorated suggestive of the Christmas holiday season. An attractive home wedding was sol emnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. La Follette, 863 East Gllsan street. Wednesday evening, when their daughter. Miss Corrine L. La Follette, was united in marriage with Lloyd U. Franzen, by Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D., of the Sunnyslde Congregational Church. The service was introduced with an Instrumental solo by Miss Grace Blied, followed by "O Promise Me" by Mrs. Roy Bevis, and the wedding hymn from Lohengrin. Miss Ima Lumsden was bridesmaid and Dr. E. Jewell acted as best man. The bride was charming in a traveling gown, and she carried a shower bouquet of brides roses. After the service refreshments were Berved, Miss Imogene Jewell and Miss Ruth Pfaender presiding at the table. Women'sClubs ETEDimKNIGfiTflOLMEa 1 THE Girls' National Honor Guard will provide Christmas baskets for 23 poor families. The list of those who are worthy and needy will be compiled by the Public Welfare Bureau, and the girls will co-operate with that organization. All members of the guard who wish to help in filling these baskets should send their donations to the Girls' National Honor, Guard, Elec tric building, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Saturday. After 3 o'clock the girls will start out on "their eryands of mercy. They will carry the baskets and with them will take smiles, good wishes and sunshine that will gladden the hearts of their friends. The guard was formed as a branch of the National. - Helen Ladd was the local organizer. Ruth Benton is chair man of the Christmas donation com mittee, and Mrs. J. G. Keller is chair man of the distribution committee. The last meeting of the year for the Coterie was enjoyed greatly by the members. Miss Agnes Graves sang "Sing, Sing, Birds on Wing" (Godfrey Nutting), and "Land of the Sky-blue Water" (Cadman), and repeated the lat ter upon request. Miss Vivian De Lory showed splendid technique In the hand ling of the violin. She played "Reverie" (Vieuxtemps) and "Songs of Evening" (Christian Krlens). Miss Hulda Faust accompanied. Mrs. C. M. Kigglns' reading "Christ mas in the Quarters" was given with Southern darkey, making It very amus ing. Mrs. Kigglns-also gave "The White Gift." Important on today's calendar is the meetihg of the Portland Women's Club. At 1 o'clock the parliamentary depart ment will assemble with Mrs. Grace Watt Ross as leader. At 2 o'clock there wiH be a business session, and at 3 o'clock a progiamme. Father Lang lard, of Seaside, will give the address on "France," and Mrs. Jane Burns Albert will ping French songs. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas will direct the musical programme. Mrs. C. B. Sim mons will preside. " Under the direction of the parent teacher members and the Principal. C. A. Fry, Fernwood School will pro vide presents for all the little children of the wards, of St. Vincent's, Good Samaritan and Multnomah hospitals. Mrs. Edlof T. Hedlund is chairman of the committee. A short time ago Mrs. Hedlund went to all three hospitals and got a list of the children with their ages and condition added- For instance, on the list may be: "Annie, aged 6, crippled; Billy, aged 3. burns on arm." Today the nackaees will be taken from the school 'to the hospitals, and each little youngster will receive an- appropriate gitt that has been bought by some healthy, happy Fernwood child, and has been wrapped in a gay bundle and tied by loving fingers. Every toy is brand new, and In addi tion there are stockings In which are candy, oranges and: nuts. Mrs. Hed lund will be the Santa Claus who will distribute the gifts. Kerns Parent-Teacher Association has planned to give presents to the uoys and Girls' Aid Society. All this is done by the Parent Teacher Social Service Council. of which Mrs. C. J. Devereaux is general chairman and Mrs. W. L Swank, Is chairman of social service. HALF-PRICE i Special Christmas Sale of That Magnificent Western Book The Guardians of the Columbia The best written and most beautifully illustrated book of Ore gon's scenic attractions is full of interesting history and Ore gon legends. An ideal gift for the friends and family back East See the special prices belowf which &x& good ss long as the supply lasts. Marian Millers ANSWERS A WOMAN whose husband deserted her two years ago has written to ask me whether or not she should take him back now. He left her with two little children to look after and not a penny In the house. She put the chil dren In the Day Nursery every day while she worked as a Janltress. In the evening she called for her children, took them to the little home to dinner. did tho washing and othec household tasks. Day after day it was the same old grind and never a line did the man write to tell his whereabouts. A few weeks ago an aunt died and left the woman a few hundred dollars. By magic. It seemed, the husband came back and said she should take him back and give him at least half of that sum. Wasn't he her husband and head of the house? She should not take him "back. I Fay. unless he first makes good, by getting a Job and saving some money. When he can bring a bank book showing a decent balance and when he can prove that he has started a new life, she may. if she still loves him, take him ack. But not now. And not one cent of that inheritance should she give him. For men who desert their children I would advocate the whipping post. But may be I am a bit severe. The promises of a man who has left his family to strug gle along as this man did wouldn't weigh very heavily with me. Let him make good. ROSEBHRB. Or.. Dec. IS. Dear Marian Miller: I am a. young married woman and my husband can't afford to buy a sewing machine for me and my mother wants to give me on. My husband declares I shail not accept it from her. I need the ma chine -to sew for my baby. What shall I do? MRS. ANNIE B. I knew of Just such a case once and the young wife got the machine by asking her doctor to tell the husband she should have it. The doctor, who was a lodge brother, acted as arbi trator. You might give hubby a won derful dinner and then ask him to let you accept the machine or you might be firm and accept it anyway and tell him you refused to listen to his objec tions as they are unjust and illogical. From the text of the letter I Judge you don't know how to manage the good man and he is being Just a little tyrannical. Don't fight with him or nag him, but stand up for yourself. m m m PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 17. Dear Marian Miller: I am 17 years old. A man 45 years old wants to marry me and my father says he has money and It -would be all right. I don't want to marry him. Please advise me. EESSIE Is. My dear child, don't think of such a marriage. It would be a crime. The girl who sells herself can never find happiness. Be a care-free girl as long as you can. Even if you have to work and work hard, you will be happy as long as you do what Is right. . PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 10. Dear Miss Miller: I am about 21 and have, never worked before. The position I hold is that of bookkeeper in a small but rising and prosperous firm. My employers are an elder ly man and hi son. They have always been very good and gentlemanly to me and have frequently invited me to their home - to dinner or tea. Recently the son made love to me and has taken me to a number of affairs. We became engaged a week ago without the knowledge of his people. I have as good an education as he has and have a well established family. But be cause I work for them they treat me like an inferior now. Lo you tnlnK they have found out and disapprove, and will they be like that to me It I marry the man? 1 really care for him and it would break my heart to give him up. EUGENIE. By your fine womanliness and digni fied bearing, by your capability and in teliigence you will soon convince the Cloth Edi tion, regular price $1.50, special now. J Paper Edi tion, regnlar price 75c, special now. J Inexpensive Men's Gifts for Eleventh Hour Shoppers Leather Brief Cases. Encasement Books. Mem. Index Sets. T.ooae Leaf Appointment Books, Leese-Ijesf Account Book. Calendar Pads, Loose-Leaf Scrapbooks. Desk Sets. Desk Clocks, Desk and Office Novelties In Brass, Office Desk, Chair and Table, Hat and Coat Hark... Waste Basket, Traveling; Rolls, Ienell Boxes, Motor J 1 asses. Diaries. Pencil Boxes, Waste Basket In Wood. Metal or Wicker, Camera and Supplies, Leath er Trav.ll.r It nil f . - I.- Bill Book. Kn ir. r,ni.. if llrBWu ill li Books In Leather, Combined Ruler nnd Blotter for Desk, S c r a p b ook. Filing; Cabinet far the Desk. I The J. K.GiLLCa Bookssllers. Stotloitars and Com slats Office Outfitters flWristmas II wmbian ryptte On and off! On and off! Everlastingly at It! Tou have friends who are doing that with thir glasses; your elderly friends in particular. t.J1.!8. a eure Bien they're having trouble to see both near and far with the same glasses. And that means that they need KRYPTOKS ?nly invisible bifocals. Near and far vision in one pair! Never off the nose! .iSo! vour Christmas gift, why not send them the Columbian Optical Company's Gift Orders for KRYPTOKS? They present thes orders; we tit them perfectly. After their satisfaction is assured we send you the bill which won't be for much money, but wllf tme1Sen 1 ereatest Joy you ever bestowed at any Christmas- Columbian Optical Co. 14S Sixth Street. Phone Marshall 819. family that you are worthy of their Son. Don't take any rash step. Bide your time and you will soe the day when they will appreciate you and will be thankful their son loves a decent, honorable and ladylike frlrl. MARIAN MILLER. RAID DECLARED ILLEGAL Druggist, Accused of Alooliol Sale, Says Crime Is Xot Specified. A demurrer which maintains that no crime is set forth in the complaint and an answer which alleges that one bar rel and 17 bottles of alcohol and a demijohn of sherry .wine were seized Illegally, were filed yesterday In the case of J. A. Clemsen, who is charged with the Illegal sale of alcohol at his drugstore. Front and Morrison streets. The charge was filed against Mr. Clemsen December 2, when an agent of the Btate Pharmacy Board purchased a quart bottle of alcohol without the formality of signing an affidavit. It Is said. Hearing of the case was set for December 28 before District Judge Bell. Broccoli-Growing to B Urged. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Dec. 21. (Special.) The Cottage Grove Com mercial Club will attempt to net farm ers to experiment with broccoli grow ing, a meeting will be called, to which farmers and others interested will be Invited. David Sterlinir. who has taken much interest In trying to get the Industry .started, will be pres ent to answer questions In regard to the success of the culture of this product elsewhere. IE GRAKDDiTO HTER OP" EARLY ETJU CATOR TO WED YOUNG DOCTOR. Miss Leone GriffUt to Become Bride of Dr. 1U7 E. Pomeroy, Interna at St. Vincent's, Monday. Miss Leone Griffin, granddaughter of John W, Johnson, first president of the University of Oregon, and Dr. Ray E. Pomeroy, who was graduated from the medical department of that school last June, will be married at the home of Lr. pomeroy's mother In Salem at noon enrtstmas day. Since his graduation Dr. Pomeroy has Deen an interne at St. Vincent a Hos pital. Miss Griffin has been llvlnir with her mother, Mrs. Eugenia F. Griffin, at io si. ciair street. Dr. Pomero and Miss Griffin first met at a party given in the Multnomah Club by the Nu Phi Epsilon Sorority six months ago. Dr. Pomeroy was pres ent as a member of the Alpha Kappa Kappa Fraternity, and Miss Griffin was a guest of the sorority. Dr. Pomeroy is the son of Charles P. Pomeroy. a Jeweler in Salem, and Dr, M. E. Pomeroy. a woman physician in that city. He is a nephew of Dr. C. W. Cornelius, president of the Cornelius Hotel Company. After the wedding the young couple will make their home in the Stelwyn Apartments. - Mrs. Lizzie Akin Pelleton Dies. 65, An r.ngiisnman has Invented a cover I Mr. T.zzt Afci Plltnn - for hatchways on vessels that operates I died at her residence. 647 Third street! on the principle of a rolltop desk. I last nierht at 7 o'clock. She is survived aiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiniiiiiiuiiimniiuiiiitmiiiiutHiiiNiiiiinin THAT FINAL RUSH IS HERE SOMEBODY HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN BUT REMEMBER ELECTRICAL GIFTS Are AL WA YS Right WE HAVE THEM FROM 75c to $150 Some Good Tips for Every Body Electric Toaster $ 4.00 up Electric Grill $ 5.50 up Electric Iron $ 4.00 up Electric Curling Iron $ 3.50 up Electric Table Lamp $ 5.50 up Electric Percolator $ 7.50 up Electric Chafing Dish . . .$11.00 up Electric Heating Pad $ 7.50 up Electric Radiator $ 6.50 up Electric Milk Warmer. . .$ 7.50 up Electric Hot Water Cup.$ 7.50 up Electric Stove and Oven.$ 6.00 up Electric Sewing Machine Motor. $15.00 up Electric Hair Drier $15.00 up Electric Vibrator $11.50 up Electric Vacuum Cleaner $25.00 up Electric Washer S65.00 un Electric Tree Lighting Outfit $ 9;00 up And many, other equally attractive and useful articles for the home. OPEN TILL 9 P. M. ELECTRIC STORE ' ELECTRIC BUILDING Tiniimimiiuiintuuifumiiiunmiin EST On Christmas Morn HER JOY Will Be Complete if the Box of Sweets bears the stamp " Swetland's Select Her Box from the wonderful ar ray of Novelty Holiday Boxes we have ar ranged for your choosing. Deliveries Made as You Request IS X (Trad Mario 269-271 MORRISON ST. Main 419 Both Phones A 4213 by. two daughters. Mrs. John Ln- paugh and Mrs. Mamie Akin Hall, and one son, James R. Akin, all of Port land. The funeral will be held from Holman'a chapel, Saturday. Pacific "V" Extends Vacation. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Forest Grove. Or.. Dec. 2t. (Special.) At a meeting of the college faculty last night it was voted to extend the Christmas va cation from Tuesday. January 2, to the 3d. Tha announcement was wel comed by the students, for otherwise they would hate had to leave home on New Year's day to get back to school on time. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. Oiir- Annual Holiday Sale is now in progress are incomparable as gifts for ladies. They have a reputation of twenty years' standing for freshness and quality. Free City Delivery No Branch Store CLARKE BROS., Florists 287 MORRISON STREET Between 4th and 5th Streets. The IrvingtonPharmacy HAS PURCHASED Pangborn's Irvington Confectionery And the two businesses are now consolidated at 590 and 592 East Broadway x Near the corner of Fifteenth Street. We will continue to maintain and, if possible, improve the high standard of both lines and make trading at our store a pleasure and a profit to you. Our drug department will always carry a stock covering your every need. ' CONFECTIONERY DEPARTMENT ,We will give particular attention to Ice Cream orders for Parties, Weddings, Receptions, etc When unexpected guests come, phone us for what Ice Cream you need. Our own make candies fresh daily. It will be our constant effort to please and earn your continued patronage. FREE DELIVERY AT ALL TIMES Phones: East 5300 and East 2659 A