THE MORNING OliEGONIAN, THURSDAY, HECE3IBER 21, 1916. V NI5D00- IN 3 DAYS NEEDED BY BUREAU Welfare Workers Hope to Col lect All of $25,000 Budget for Year in One Effort. FINAL APPEAL IS MADE ' prepared a statement showing that the word "rural" in the title of an act or the 1915 Legislature providing- for credit unions and co-operative associa tions, is misleading and he desires that the act be changed. He suggests that the following amendments be made to the act in question; First Chance the title of the act to har- monlza with the Intent and Dumoses of the law, -ty using the words ''Co-operative Credit Unions." Second Confine such organizations to a limited field of operation. Third Restrict the membership to inti mates and associates, in close touch with one another, requiring; each member to be identified with the basic unit upon which the union Is founded. Fourth Make specflo provision for ex aminations by the department, which la only implied by the present act. Fifth inasmuch as one of the purposes for which credit unions are organized is the payment of dividends to shareholders, and the state Is put to considerable expense of examination and supervision, it would also seem advisable that section S.s nf tha mr-t. which exempts such credit unions from the payment or taxes, be repealed. dhrlstmnisis ' P-ireseofcs Elefga.m1L audi' Useful for Elegant Homes Jlcturns Are Coming In Fast, but Mill Have to Come In Faster It Mark Is to Be Attained. Christmas Check Asked. BULLET GRAZES HEAD CHUM OF MYRTLE WHITE NARROW. LY ESCAPES DEATH. An emergency exists in the Public , .. n Welfare Rur..... which was formerly LIUlaB KJghtllnger Telia How Com. the Associated Charities and which has Widened and deepened its work since I reorganization, and is trying to do this! increased work on the same-sized budget It used to have, $25,000. The amounts that have come in to the h This migh Jt mi to th panion Arranged Cartridges on Dreaser Early in Day. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 20. Special.) Da- the fund thus far have not yet reached velopments today in the double tragedy 910.000, and there are Just three days! or yesterday, in which Myrtle White, left in which to complete the fund, if young Portland girl, shot and killed the hope of the Bureau is to be realized. I Thomas W. Cummlngs, night clerk of hope was that the whole fund the Marion Hotel, at the hotel in this might be made up at this time and that city, show that the bullet which went ght be unnecessary for it to appeal wild from Miss White's gun passed to the public of Portland again for a through the wall of the room into the whole year. I bathroom, where Lillian Klghtllnger Fifteen thousand dollars needed and I had gone from the bedroom, passed three days until Christmas. I through Miss Klghtllnger s hair and Can the generous people or Portland! lodged in the wall of the bathroom. contribute $3000 a day for those three For this reason, it is said. Miss days? I Klghtllnger may have been so fright- The returns are coming In fast, butlened she offered, no attempt to take they will have to come much faster If I the gun away from Miss White before this Is to be done. I that girl committed suicide. In your Christmas shopping, the I But little new arose today to change Public Welfare- Bureau asks you to any of the lacts first gathered in. ref- draw a check and send It to help com-lerence to the circumstances surround- plete the fund that will mean relief to ing the double killing. the needy of Portland for a whole year. I Miss Ivlghtlinger, after cross-ex- The check on the contributions up animation by .District Attorney Rlngo lo date, as reported yesterday by the I and Police Matron Shank, varied, her follows: I statements In nowise. Bhe added Previously reported, $8,474.22. H. X,. pit- However, that Miss White, the morning tock, $10; Gustav Simon, $10; W. CJ. Mc-1 that they retired In the room at the jherson. if. n. Averin. $a; Aiirea r. Marlon Hotel, had carefully arranged w h? .nE5-S,45:HC-AhSrXxr: flve cartridges around a small clock on S5; F. W. Kobinson, $5; W. II. Ambler, $5; v. - ,3 ..,. ... . 1 . . r, ,.. r,, i;, v K,.Arir. the dresser in the room. Cm, a com es; a. E. palmer, so; FranR s. Ullbect, $s; I . n.i6uiiuiSci, J. F. Graham. $5; Bev. Luther R. Dyott, $3; wnite passed, some remark as to "need- Friend. $3; L. - H. Hoffman, $:i; M. i. ing ' them. From this and other de- Montrezza & Co.. $2.50: W. R. Ladd. $2.50: 1 tails of the shootlnsr. the nolle, h t' , V. , erV.?X50 JJ- -yer;,,ff.orn" I 1Jeve tnat tne r'rl Planned the shoot- a ":-r.r-.,p?Au.,"r,"i" ing before coming to Salem. U. Lee. $2: keimeth O'Loane. $2;'james H. I Th? odjy of Mr. Cummlngs will be KUlo. $1; R. Lutke, $1; L. A. B., $; ilra. I i"".ui 1 u w 10 xiajsey, ur., "William H. Daughtry. $2; L. K. Kern. $2; where the funeral and burial will take W. H. Cbatten, $2; W. K. Da Mert, $2; H. place. The funeral of Miss Myrtle K. Parkhurst. $1.50: Z. Swett. $1; S. W. Ot- White will be held tomorrow morning Vx, vj-,.. 10-30 -r,lorlc from nTiilHaVh u Inner. ! C. G Patllson. II: E. J. Mann. I . . . . . Si; John F. Card, $1; 8. B. Stuart. $1: J. J, Jennings, $1; Cash. $1; W. B. Mann. $1 ; C J. Kauffman. $1; Leroy D. Walker, $1 Supple Iock Company, $1; K. C. Gtettler Alanuracturlnsr Company. $1: John H. Hopp, 1; James Cormack, $1; V. Schneider, $1; O. O. Tlcknor. $1; W. H. Dutton. $1: C. K. ZUly, $2; A. T. Matthew, $1; H. Kempnenlch. ffi: j-'ranK uayton, j. s. i-'orestel, $1; William Adams, $1; F. E. Reed, trustee, $1 Herbert Goldsmith. $1; J. B. Schaefer. $1 A. L. Flnley, $1; Robert W. Etubbs. $1; F. W. ChauBse, $1; F. W. Nelson, $1; Belle Pllverfleld, $1; F. S. Kelly, $1; A. M. Clark, $1; J. H. Irvine, $1; A. A. Morse, $1; H. D. Carter & Co., $1-. Cash, $1: H. ti. Reed, $1 A. Rea, $1: Leo P. Cummlsky, $1; K. H. Merce. $1; Arnold 8. Rothwell, $1; G. N rease, 51. D., $1: J. C. Wolf, $1; K. C. Eld- idste. Jr., $1; George B. Viets, $1; Edward T. Swindells. $1: Art W. Barendrlck. $1 James Mcl. Wood & Co, $5: A. Strong. $5; OTTAWA, Dec. 20. Sir Robert I Kdward Lyons, $5; rank K. Kerr. $,"i; E. J. I tsorden, Canadian Premier, sent the fol Brannlck. $5: S. A. and E. C. Brown. $5; lowing message to David Lloyd George STciaS Jam P. GraV. VL 1 rom thehe rt Krims. $2; W. J. Hawkins. $2; Charles ,recelved tro- the head of the JH. Green. $2; Clauda McColIoch. $1; J. Gil- r '" ev-ciumcui go assuming me lison, $1; Louis B. Benosky. $1; J. E. Thorn- I Premiership: s. $1; M. A. Hackett. $1; M. Baruh, $1; On behalf of the Canadian people T J. S. Eag-leton. $1: Edgar E. Frank. $1; send to our kinsmen of the mnthnrlanrf J. Beckman. $1: P. Lowenjrart fl: nnr H.1r,,..,i . .. . , jsialr. $1; Jonas Johnson. Gresham. Or.. Jl; T ... ,g " SclvM fn tha empires Charles E. Wolverton. $1; Hamilton F Cor- "allle ,ln lwo years ago. tett. $1; William Shepherd, $1; A. Courts,! lour message reached me In the i; casn. $1: u. x. Hoiticlaw, bo tickets I western provinces of Canada while en 1?. ciZc9 Theater; Charles E. Wolverton. gaged in supporting proposals for bet L.fB:,l. VPntracco Macninery ter organization of our national aerv., - ""man congregational tr nd fni- ff..i ..tin I, Church, $7.50: Arthur W. Chance $6; E W. , Bna ?p mora effectual utilization Amesbury, $5; Dr. Henry E. Jones. $5; of our natural resources from the At- Teresa K. Saunders $5; Laurelhurst Congre- lantic to the Pacific. I have found aatlonal Church. $2.65; G. H. and Kathryn everywhere the strongest determination C. Street. $2. Total. $8,769.37. that hnth Km T ., " j. n.m 1 1 1 a national resources of this dominion CONFIRMATION. IS BLOCKED tw "the sr-tSX WSZS: fft!! in? siruggie, lors In this city. CANADA IS LOYAL UNIT SIR ROBERT BORDEJT BENDS MES SAGE TO DAVID LLOTD GEORGE. "Effecraal Utilization of Reaonrcea From Atlantic to Pacific- Re . ported In Allies' Canae. RED SEAL RECORDS: ' Virtually every great artist may now be heard in every home. Eilers Music Houses supply not merely the records of one manufacturer, but every record ever made in this country and many from abroad. A bundle of choice records is a truly appreciated Christmas gift. Let our record department experts get together just the right selection for you. Merely phone. EDISON'S SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT: The new Edison laboratory model, diamond-point disc phonograph the highest development of tone re-creation perfect at last ask any musician or critic who has heard one of these latest musical marvels. Price $250; other less elaborate models for less. THE CHICKERING GRAND: There is a thrill of pride in the ownership and a constant source of deepest enjoyment in the possession of that supreme achievement of Boston piano-making genius the Chickering Grand which is an ever-recurring source of remembrance "when that piano came." A Chickering is indeed the supreme Christmas gift to a talented daughter, wife or to anyone musical. Some beauties for $1050; others for only $950, $865, etc. iBfi.Wiiiiiiiiiiit.mii Oft SWT 0 -Lo' stmns This Chickering Small Grand is a most beautiful piano for the home where music is ap preciated. fmffWtmmwrrrnwinmtimMKTTi rtimtmtmwi wmmmm mn rmmwmmwmimtiimiiimiiin How to Pay We demand no fixed terms of payment ; no restrictions. These instruments are to bring greatest joy and happiness enter tainment, education into the home. Pay as convenient. It is impossible to obtain like values for so little money else where. We guarantee positively more musical value at a lower price than ever heretofore. Eilers Music Houses are not mere agents for one or another make of instruments or machines or records. All that is best and worthiest is on sale at Eilers stores and may be readily compared side by side. Don't go from one agency to another, hearing one and then an- si 1 rf 1 ' j T-1 -1 HC - - T T . TT 11 - M a otner maxe. ume to fliers music xiouses. xiear aii unpen -tially side by side. Compare for tone and for beauty of design and construction. Then, and then only, can you make proper choice, and determine as to which is best for your purpose and for your purse. It pays to investigate. It pays to make careful comparison. Every purchaser at Eilers Music Houses is sure to be a satisfied purchaser, for every transaction, great or small, is covered by our now famous unconditional money-back guarantee. Phonograph Headquarters THE PLAYER PIANO DE LUXE: The sweetest-tone and most satisfactory player piano of them ali a veritable "open sesame" to a wonderfully beautiful world of music to every member of the family, irrespective of whether the study of music has been hitherto" carried on by them or not. Some for $855 ; the cunning little Bungalow types for only $535. THE CHICKERING ARTIGRAPHIC: A modern miracle piano you touch the button, and an invisible Godowski, a Busoni, or many another master pianist strikes the keys employs even the pedals reproduces his or her own and actual piano playing in every minutest detail of "phrasing;" "touch" and "expression." Price $1500, and some for $1250. All now on sale at Eilers Music Houses two complete' musical instrument and music service establishments in Portland, with stores in many other important .Western cities. 1 mwMifr IglllBflilffir The truly wonderful Edison Laboratory Model Greatest variety at Eilers Stores . Hear this musical marvel. Every well-to-do home really needs Edison's superb official laboratory model, price $250, the latest and most exquisitely perfected tone reproducing apparatus with its new diamond-point needle and the new indestructible record. 'At Reglna and at Brandon I read your words to two great gatherings and the response which they evoked was splendid and Inspiring. We shall Indeed tread the path side by side In full realization thatrthe sacrifice, how ever great. Is for a cause transcending even the interests and destiny of our empire and in supreme confidence that tnis path alone can lead to the ultt- feonate Minority Opposes Commerce Commission Appointee, i WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Confirma tion of Wlnthrop M. Daniels, of New Jersey, to succeed himself as a member rf the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, was presented in tne ibtate today who blocked confirmation for two'"m?.n of democracy, liberty and tv.- r t-.-. . civilisation .-... -."j " ii jui, xyaiiicis iirsi was nominated for the Commission In 1914. "SVX" ieir RIGHT-OF-WAY PETITIONED opposition to rullncrs made hv Mr Daniels when he was Public Utilities Hood River Expects Work on Mitch Commissioner of New Jersey, but his . iriends said tonight they were confi-l ell's l'olnt-lt usliton Hill Stretch. cent ne ultimately would be confirmed. 'ine benate today confirmed Edwin faweet as Assistant Secretary of Commerce. BAKER DISTRIBUTES CANDY Court of Honor Dedicated and Bal loons Carry Gifts to Pupils. BAKER, Or.. Dec. 20. (Special.) Fanta ciaus ana children dedicated HOOD RIVER. Qr.. Dec. 20 clal.) In order to facilitate immediate construction work should the State Highway Commission decide early next year 10 open mo stretcn or the Colum bia Klver Highway between the Mitch ell's Point tunnel on the Edgar Locke piace ana tne top or Kuthton Hill, citi zens here are circulating petitions to tne county court for the right of way between these two points. The survey for the -Columbia River I Vl4hwov n.Q.t . 1... Baker's Christmas court of honor this 1914 nv J A Elliott f afternoon. Three hundred and fifty L"" rW rivi he state en pupils of the sixth and seventh graded be oJT W' Ina:"hed. til" maln tree' sinSing Morton, owning land over ich a nor: uro a as u vv weni. I As they stood around the tree, Santa tion of the route extends, is opposed to the survey, and a condemnation suit may be necessary. Oaus appeared on the CJeiser Grand Hotel balcony. He then went to the hotel roof and released more than 100 small balloons ACUI AMR CI rTfTC nrPlfirno to each of which was attached a bag of "O fl L.MIM U tLLUlO UrrlUtno candy and there was a scrambling: of the yonugsters for the floating, elusive C. B. Lamkin Is Mayor; Three Char- criits. no iaen oaae inem gooa-oye promising to return next Saturday fori the social workers' tree for the poor. tcr Amendments Carried. FOREST GROVE PLANS TREE yiunlclpal Programme to Be Held on Next Saturday. ASHLAND, Or.. Dec 20. (Special.) At the city election Tuesday C. B. Lamkin was elected Mayor; John B. Winter, Re corder, and G. G. Eubanks, Treasurer. R. P. Cornelius and A. L. Lamb were elected Councilmen from the First and Third Wards, respectively, and W. W. FOREST GROVE, Or., Dec. 20. (Spe- Caldwell from the Second Ward. O clal.) Everything is in readiness for s. Butler. F. E. Watson and W. B, r orest urois s "tsi municipal Lonsi- Ho men were lotoH TarV r-nrr,ni- nas tree Saturday afternoon and even- sioners. and Georsre O. Jarvln. Knrr. 4 T-tAAiKA Q V. a r.,,nnl I . , ' 0 '"6. v. , ...... . . commissioner. ine Christmas Three charter smnXm.nt. December 23, of the Woman's Club. tree has been erected on . the church Vidinff for abolishing the Springs Com quare in the ft of the busxness misaion. one retaining the Park Com- niSLricT. EQa win 09 uccoraiea una 1 mission nH Annthi- onthArUi-- .t,. sBUwW 1 lease or excess mmara.1 wn rra far 2K a li t-& 1 a. 1 11 111 no. j wecu ai 1 auxcu ui i r4 -wirti a rr Uii inuBio hiiu Bonss. j. ne j? urest urovn band will furnish music. School chil dren will take part in the carol sing-I Dallas Drops Fee System. r I xne 01a iee system as a basis for nav AMENDMENTS ARE WANTED thf CUvTrXrerfortheT, servcesU AVord -Rural" -lu-Credlte LaW Is Une?, 'nB,"," laC,e- Declared Misleading. clty- heBe two officials are to be land Police Judge Is to receive $75 FALBM, "or., Dec zo. f special.1 I per month, ana toe Treasurer. 25 a Euperlntcnaent of. gasks fcargent taalmonui. STORES EVERYWHERE Two Great Music Houses in Portland Morrison at Fourth Broadway at Alder. Now Consolidated With GRAVES MUSIC GO. Two Superb Main Floor Talking Machine Salesrooms. Stores Open Every Evening The Player Piano De Luxe, the genuine autopiano player piano and the Bungalow player piano (with liberal supply of music rolls, now free by Eilers Music Houses). What more acceptable and never-to-be-forgotten Christmas gift for every member of the family can there possibly be? SHIP MONOPOLY WANTED BRITONS ITTEBPBET ANNOUNCE- HEJfT BY 1XOYD GEORGE. Snppoaed Flam la to Korbtd Cargoes In British Vessels Not Intended for Subjects of Empire. NEW YORK, . Dec 20. A deBlre of the British government to mobilize under one general head the entire ocean cargo-carrying facilities of the tmlted Kingdom for the exclusive benefit or the allied armies and the great civilian populations of the allied countries. Is the reason behind the statement of Premier Lloyd George that the shipping of Great Britain will be "nationalized." according to leading British shipping men here. For some time one of the represent ative steamship men said today, all British vessels have had about one third of their cargo space comman deered for grain. This space has re cently been increased to such an extent now the New York agent has about one-third of his ship available to pri vate shippers. The same authority added that It Is his belief more space would be con trolled by the government by regula tlons requiring that all cargo be of ficially designated. Designation of cargo will mean that the shipping in British bottoms of any commodity other than that necessary for malnte nance of army and civil life will be forbidden. It Is also deemed not unlikely that British ships now engaged in trade between neutral countries will called on to take their place In the line of ships engaged in carrying sup plies to Great Britain and her allies. PAPER REPORT AWAITED Federal Commissioners Believe) Pan ic Caused Higher Prices. WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Members of the Federal Trade Commission said to day that at least a week would elapse before complete answers were received to inquiries sent out yesterday to ascertain if an actual news-print paper shortage exists. When the Informa tion Is returned, paper manufacturers, jobbers and newspaper publishers will be called for a final conference to discuss a distribution plan proposed by manufacturers to Insure small publish ers a proper supply of paper. Some trade commission officials be lieve that panic among publishers who feared their wants would not bo sup plied contributed to the high prices charged. Manufacturers now have agreed to 'sell to small publishers at the average contract price charged large publishers. 4,273,000 ACRES FARMED Commission Reports Two Million Acres In Valleys . May Bo Drained. total farm lands, or three-fifths of Its Improved lands on farms. In the Willamette Valley and other valleys of Western Oregon, the report says there are 2,000.000 acres that can be drained. The report suggests that the problem of Winter unemployment might be largely solved by removing stumps from logged-off lands. Motion lor New Trial Denied. ROSEBTTRO. Or.. Dec 20 (Special.) Judge J. W. Hamilton today denied a motion for a new trial in the case brought by F. W. Howe, of Kugene. against Dr. O. E. Patterson, of Suther- lin. Mr. Howe asked for damages In the sum of $25,000 from Dr. Patterson on the grounds that the latter alienated the affections of his wife. At the time SAX.EM. Or, Deo. 20. (Special.) In a report of the Oregon Conserva tion Commission. Just filed with the Governor, it is estimated that there are 4,273,000 acres of improved farm lands in Oregon, and that at least S,- 000,000 acres In the state can be im proved or reclaimed by drainage. "This be is estimated at one-fourth of the state's $25 Reward for Stolen Ford Touring 1916 model; factory number, 1200750; Oregon license number, 26324; one U. S. chain tire and one Nobby Tread tire on rear wheels; Kelly Springfield smooth tread on front wheels; equipped with Klaxon horn and speedometer. MARYLAND MOTORCAR INSURANCE COMPANY Hartman & Thompson Main 208 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. A-2050 of the trial here a few weeks ago the plaintiff was given a Judgment in the sum of $1050. Mr. and Mr.. Howe and Dr. Patterson formerly lived at Spring field, where the offense is alleged to have been committed. Agricultural BUI Completed. WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. The agri cultural appropriation bill, carrying about $25,500,000, was completed today by the House agricultural committee. It will be acted on in the House after the holiday recess. was cashier of the Joseph National Bank, is d-ad here. He had been In 111 health for several years, but his death was unexpected. He is survived by a widow. Elks will officiate at the funeral tomorrow. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. Vale. Athlete Dies at La Grande. LA GRANDE, Or, Dec. 20 (Special.) Wilbur McCully. who gained fame as a Vale athlete and for several years 5i Holly and Mistletoe It wouldn't be Christmas without a bit of holly or mistletoe. Wa offer wreaths, cut hiJly, mlBtletoe, all heavily berried, at most at tractive prices. Holly Trees and Plants Holly Trees, $1.60 up. Palms, $1 up. Ferns and Plants, 25 cents up. Rubber Plants, $1 up. Poinsettias, 60 cents up. If you cannot call. phone. We will select and deliver. Front and Yamhill S. E. Corner. tttfmm 1 Telephones : Main 4040, A 6015. H V5flk wa .rHtoitCX ThAT M