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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1916)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1916. IWvt FREE BAKING EXHIBIT TODAY, 2 TO 5, ON SIMPLEX UNIVERSAL COMBINATION RANGE "NUT BREAD" SIXTH FLOOR 22 phe btore or the Christmas bpirit WILL JNOT Open Any LvenmglJ 5 "r Y?1 Price Toy Store in the Base- U. S. Postal Sub-Station, Express Office - -iSU; X -xf &4 A Meier & Frank Glove or Merchandise "Silk Maid" hose for gifts America's d ment, bixth btreet, offers you splendid and Accommodation Bureau, Basement Bal- 3g$ffl iW2fjfZAW Order solves the Gift Problem- Issued in premier hosiery for men and women. Worn- 5 g choosing in toys of all kinds, dolls and cony packages checked and wrapped free. S$$ 1. iVfl amount, $1 or more. : Redeemable for en's "Silk" Maid" hose priced, pair $1.15. K rA .games at 5c, 10c, 15c nothing oyer 15c Shop on a transfer, the convenient way. jtBt tm onvsms otpSd merchandise, 'any department, any time. Men's "Silk Maid', sox, pr. 50c Main Floor, g Immense 'New Stocks of .Worthy Holiday Merchandise at Prices You Wish to Pay -More Than A " : ' - : : i 2200 Efficient, Willing Employes 16 Passenger Elevators 7 Escalators 40 Delivery Vehicles $ fThis Great Organization to M eet Every Demand of These Bast 4 Day s Santa Claus Is Here Today On our Sixth Floor, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Santa Claus will give a souvenir of his house, containing candy, to children accompanied by grown-ups, 10-12 only. $8.00 to $10 Full Fancy Silk Petticoats Today $6.98 ONE STYLE PICTURED Fine quality of taffe.ta petticoats, made with full, fancy flounces. Some with two flounces, others with tier of three set on with wide bands of shirring to make the flounces fuller. In all the most popular shades for evening .and street wear! Dainty and most accept able gifts on sale Wednesday at $6.98. HANDSOME NEW BLANKET ROBES Warm, comfortable lounging or bath robes. Made of a good quality, soft blanket, in styles with and without large sailor collars. Some are satin ribbon trimmed, others with cord. All are finished with cord at waist. Special at $2.98, $3.95 and $5.95 Third Floor. Sixth Street TAKE ESCALATOR. 7F i." j r v. Great Christmas Sale of Men's Throw Scarfs This announcement will furnish hundreds with a satisfactory solu- tion, of that puzzling question, "what to give a man." These Throw Scarf 3 are firmly established in popular favor and, 'besides proving de sirable accessories of dress, have a distinct practical use. Men are -buying them for wear, on all outdoor occasions street, auto, etc and they are especially favored with evening or dress clothes. The lowered prices for this event will mean that these scarfs will be quickly snapped up by discerning gift-buyers the values are phenomenal at this time. $1.00 Scarfs 49c Bright satin-finish Throw " -"" V.' Scarfs in the ever-popular black and white stripes in different widths. Worn by women as well as men. $1.00 values reduced to 49c. '11111 $1.00 WARM WOOL Throw Scarfs 65c Shown in a number of pleasing shades. Popular for men's and womenff wear. $6.50 FINE, PURE Silk Scarfs $5.00 Beautiful Scarfs of pure silk in the wanted accordion weave black and red, black and blue, eta., combinations. $1.50 AND $2.00 WOOL Throw Scarfs $1.15 Fine quality eoft, warm wool Scarfs in different colors and com binations. $3.50 FINE TUBULAR Silk Scarfs $1.98 Silk Scarfs in tubular style in ef fective striped combinations. Ex cellent values all greatly under priced. Men's Furnishings Shop. Main Floor A New Addition to Our Christmas Service Bureau, Western - Union1 Branch Office on Basement Balcony MEIER & FRANK'S, THE ONLY STORE HAVING DIRECT WIRE CONNECTION WITH THE OUTSIDE "Merry Christmas" Day and Night Letters and Packages' Accepted Now for Delivery Xmas Day by Uniformed Messengers Put on Charge Accounts if Desired. THEY MAKE STAYING AT HOME A PLEASURE! Men's Eiderdown Bath- Robes for $3.98 One of these fine eiderdown blanket bath robes as illustrated. A gift that is sure to receive a hearty welcome from any man. Anything that contributes to a man's com fort arouses his appreciation and these robes are good looking, roomy, manlike creations. Made with sailor collar, rope tie at neck and heavy rope girdle at waist. All seams welted and piped, satin yoke at neck, two large patch pockets. Fancy pattern trim ming at cuffs and bottom. All sizes in all colors and combinations, including stripes, floral effects, overplaids and Indian designs. Excellent at $3.98. Other bath and lounging robes at $2.98, $4.85, $5.85, $6.85, $7.50 to $30. Smoking jackets in broadcloth, silk and velvet all sizes 36 to 50 at $5, $6.50, $7.50, $10 to $25. . Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR 1 1 New'Novelty JEWELRY 25c-50c Rose Beads, Lavallieres, Brooches, Bar Pins, Cuff Links, Hat Pins,- Rings and a great variety ipf pretty jewelry a whole big table in the center aisle main floor filled with novelty gift jewelry at 25c and 50c. 75c SILVERWARE ON SALE AT 59 A big table of odd pieces of silverware marmalade, 'mus tard and horse radish jars, vases, lemon dishes, sugar baskets, etc. Special at 59c. Center Aisle, Main Floor. Special Sale! Boys' $5.00 Overcoats $2.95 - ONE LIKE ILLUSTRATION Just 100 overcoats in this great special purchase! The coats have just been unpacked and we can safely say you have never seen such splen did values at the price ! PINCH BACK AND HALF BELT MODELS EVERY COAT FLANNEL -LINED The colors are tans, browns, greys, blues and green, in plain colors, and fancy mix tures. The fabrics are herringbones, diag onals and fancy cheviots also a few grey chinchilla coats. Sizes 2 to 8 years spe cial, Wednesday only, at $2.93. , Third Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. A Christmas Vision Perfect vision the most priceless of all possessions! KRYPTOK glasses the most useful of all gifts for any one who needs double vision glasses T Kryptoks afford perfect vision to men and women who must remove their glasses every time they look at distant objects, or who fuss with, two pairs of glasses. KRyptok" JA. GLASSES JL1. THE OHIY INVISIBLE BIFOCAL. . combine near and far vision in one solid lens. No troublesome shifting. The wearer of these glasses sees distant objects as clearly and dis tinctly as the type on the printed page. Kryptoks (pronounced Crip tocks) are entirely free from the dis figuring line, seam or blur of "old fashioned" bifocals. 1 Kryptok glasses are priced from $8 to $15 pair. Optical Shop, Balcony, Sixth Street. $7.50-8.8:50 Whiting Davis Mesh Bags $4.39 A timely holiday offering! These famous Whiting Davis Bags were bought from a prominent jobber at an advantageous price concession, and this low priqe makes them doubly attractive' for holiday giving! -Bags with all the appearance of" sterling silver, made of fine German silver, in machine-wrought mesh, with every link soldered in such a manner as to be practically indestructible. Plain and fancy engraved frames, 4 and 4 inches long with many fancy touches. . Wednesday, only $4.39. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor Gifts in Toilet Goods The gift of sweet odors is as old as civilization perfumes and toilet trticles have always been highly prized. Here are a few suggestions for your gift choosing that are snre to please the recipient. Hundreds of other choice gift articles in this. section: Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs Perfume, bot. $4, $7, $14 Houbigant's Ideal Perfume, $2.85, $4.90 Houbigant's Ideal Toilet Wa ter, $4.65 Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs Toilet Water, $7, $12.50 Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs Bath Salts, $1.50 Coty's-L'Origan Extract, $4, $5, $10. Coty's Toilet Water, $3, $5 Coty's Face Powder, $2, $3.2 ' , Hair Brushes, ladies' large size, pure bristles, with gen uine ebony back, $3 Hard rubber Dressing Combs, 9-in. long, 50 Razors, best steel, guaran teed, $1.50, $3.75 Razor Strops, priced 4J1, $5 Toilet Goods Shop, Main Flooi Christmas Grocery Suggestions Demonstration today and all this week of Island; Salad and Mayonnaise Dressing; Plum, Mrs. Porter's Fig or Fruit fuaaing. ine qui- i'u p en, 81.40; can. Mrs. Porter's Plum Pudding, No. 1 cans Butter, "Victor." finest quality, freshly churned butter, two-pound 7Q roll, at Seedlena Rataln. Califor nia new crop, me i nound at. Cluster Table Ralnfns, guaranteed new crop, I A n the round ' Cloltcr Table Ralaina, new California "Imperial" s 1 x - crown clusters, Oflfi J5o grade. pound....U ?.25c jauior- Sultana Ralaln. finest qua llty bleached, I 71 p new crop, pound.. I I 2u Cranberries, Cape Cod.Mn finest quality, pound., Jap Oranges, sweet CCn and Juicy, box OJO Maraachtno Cherrlea, Lyon's fine brand., 85o size, 65; 45o size, Ortn 35: 30c size, lb Uu Mince meat, "None Such," guaranteed newin stock, package. ...... I U Aaparagua Tips, Califor nia "Griffon" brand. No. lhi size. dor. f2.20;Qn the can 19" Mrs. Porter's Thousand Fruit and Fig Pudding;. White Asparagns, one of the best brands. No. 2V4 size, dozen, $2.35; Oflo large can. Uu Imported Mushroom a, -pieces and stems, OQ n dozen, 84. 60; can...uub Coffee, "Tea Room" 40c blend, freshly roast-OCp ed, the pound U ' Chicken Tamalea, Taylor's Spanish, put up in I C husks, 20c can low Noodles, M u e 1 1 e rs best Eastern make.-the Q dozen, SI .05: pkg 0 Tana Fish, Monopole or Van Camp's, the dozen, 81. 70; No. 1 tinsC at only. . . t. Ju Ninth Floor. 6th St. Holiday Gifts at Lowest Prices Today OS3 casart m rn BIRDS - VUiUU A sweet singing canary would make a most charm ing gift for Christmas morning. Fine singers here today at 3.60. 1.0O-S1.5O FANCY CQr PLATES OOu Over 200 Fancy China Plates, including Haviland and other. fine makes. Many are beautifully deco rated some in colors and others In gold. - j. S2.25 METAL I I 7 CIGAR JARS Willi Tobacco and Cigar Jars In bronze finished metal. Many with pretty inlaid designs, others with appropriate "smoVer" suggestions. 175 Suits for Women and Misses Best $19.50to$22.50 Suits at $15.65 ONE ILLUSTRATED Good models in serge and poplin tailored suits. Attractive styles and pretty shades of navy, brown and green, as well as black. The new midwinter styles loose, semi-fitted and belted are shown in all sizes. Some have velvet and fur trimmed collars others are plain tai lored. All are exceptional values Wednesday at $15.65. Fourth Floor TAKE ESCALATOR 65c-75c Cretonne Dresser Cabinets 49c Attractive little boxes to place on one's dressing table or chiffonier for gloves, collars, handkerchiefs, etc. Pretty for gifts, on special sale Wednesday at 49c. 98c-$1.25 ' SEWING BOXES, ONLY 75 Cunning little cretonne-covered sewing boxes, fitted with scissors, thimble, etc Practical gift sug gestion at 75c. 98c TO $1.50 GIFT , NOVELTIES FOR 500 Candy boxes, whisk broom hold ers, favors, vases- and scores of other novelties for gift-giving. Just a few of each kind so early choos ing is advisable. 2d Floor TAKE ESCALATOR. $14 and $15 Traveling Bags $11.45 A practical, durable holiday gift thai will be appreciated and enjoyed for years to be purchased today at special savings! These tan and filack Traveling Bags are of fine quality leather, leather-lined throughout and finished with sewed frames and corners. Sizes for both women and men. $20 TO $22.50 TRAVELING BAGS, $16.80 Tan cowhide Traveling Bags made of the best quality leather. With big heavy frames and leather linings. Frames and corners hand-sewed. In 17 and 18-inch sizes. $8.50 OREGON CITY INDIAN ROBES, $6.75 Handsome Robes in the newest patterns all in fast colors. Size 64x78 inches Robes that will not shrink. Special at $6.75. $18.50 TO $20.00 COWHIDE SUIT CASES, $14.95 Best grade leather suit cases, with and without straps. Medium, large and extra large sizes. Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor. 33c BOe VASES AT 0LY Six-Inch Thin-Blown Glass Vases, in beautifully cut designs. Dainty rose pat tern as illustrated. Today at 33c. Basement, Take Escalator.- Christmas Books "Printed in .Oregon" Thoughts From Oregon to Greet a Friend (Kathleen Durham), 50c. Northern Lights, Alaska Poems (Platinum BUI), $1. Past, Present and Future, His Plan (Cordule), 25c. Columbia Highway (Samuel Lancaster), $2.50. When Mother Was a Little Girl (E. W. Paris), 25c. NEW ARRIVALS FOR CHILDREN Boy Mechanics, $1.50. New Mutt and Jeff, 50c. Boy Scout Year Book, $1.50. Billy Whiskers, 80c. Oz Books, $1. In Addition to These Hundreds of New Christmas Books .and Holiday Reading of All Good Kinds Book Shop, Basement Balcony. 8 ! ! I