18 THE MOItXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1010. AUCXIOX SALES TODAY. Ford Auction. House. 191 2d st. Furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 2 P. SI. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-171 Second St. MEETING NOTICES. , PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 3. R. A. M. Stated annual convo vocatlon Wednesday evening. De cember 20. 1916, 8 o'clock. Elec tion and Installation of officers, payment of dues and other im portant business to be transacted. A ful 1 attendance of members requested. Vis- Itora weicome. v. p. ANDREWS, Secretary. MT. TABOR LODGE, NO. 42. An F. AND A. M. There will be a special meeting In their lodgeroom at 2 P. M. Wednes day, and another meeting at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday. There will be -work in the M. M. degree at both communications Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order of J. C. HEXKLE, W. M. PALESTINE LODGE, NO. 141. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening at Arleta (on ML Scott carllne) at 7 o'clock. P. C. decree, election. Installation. refreshments. Visiting brethren welcome. Members and unaffiliated urged to attend. By order of the W. M. W. S. TOWN'SEND. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication 1:43 P. 11. (Thurs day), for the purpose of con ducting the funeral of our late brother. G. W. Wilshlre, for Ashland Lodge, No. 23. Brothers who can, please bring autos. Order W. M. C. M. STEADMAN, Seo. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening 7:30, East 8th and Burnslde. Election of officers and payment of dues. Visitors welcome. J. H. Kldi-MU-NU, seo. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 160. A. F. AND A. M., B. 43d and Sandy blvd. Special com. munlcation this (Wednesday) evening. 7:80. Work In M. M. decree. Visiting brethren Wei ll. F. CHAPIN, Secretary. REGULAR MEETING this (Wednesday) even ing. East Sixth and Alder streets. Visitors cordially invited. Third degree. EOBEST C. CHRIS MAN. N. G. W. W. TERRT. Seo. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting Wednesday at 8 P. M. at I. O. O. V Temnle. 226 Alder street. Vis itors always welcome. R. OSVOLD, Cec. E. J. ELMGREN. N. O. ' PORTLAND COMPANY, NO. 107, W. O. W., will give a CCH) and dance party Wednesday December 20, at W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th St.- Union music, good prizes. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger iiros. 131-3 Sixth, st. FRIXDLANDER'S, Jewelers, for Emblems, Class Fins and Presentation Medals. Design and estimates furnished free. 310 Wash. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Koora 153 Courthuose, Mil-street Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5 Main 378. Home Phone A 265. NiKlit call after office hour. Main 700. Report all caBes of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one dosUing: a dog or other nets, communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no more city pound. Just Oregon J-Iiimnne poclt-ty NEW TO OAT. Universal Tractor Attachment OPPORTtTXITY WITH BIG FCTIRK. Tour automobile and our Universal tractor attachment will make you big money. Agents selling one a day. Big demand. Big: profits for you. driving through the country taking o.'ders frr the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile in a few hours" time. Exclusive territory. Write or call at once. GERLIXGEU MOTOR CAR CO., South Fife and Hood Streets, Tacoma. Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city ..property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LARGE LOANS SMSl'IAL RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. (17-218 Northwestern Hank liulldlnc. Marshall 4114, A 4118 MORTGAGE LOANS Money to refund present loans or for making new Investment in amounts to please from $500 to $50,000. Inquiries Invited.1 GEO. If. THOMAS, 267 Oak. Room 2 Ainsworth Bids. 6 Loans of $10,000 and Tp on Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB, 243 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private Fundi at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 807-fc Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED $2,000.00 for two years, at reasonable interest rates, and privilege to pay interest quarterly and to retire loan at the ex piration of two years. This will be backed by $20,000 worth of security. ADDRESS A.V 291, ORGGOMAN. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. ftar Own Money at Carrent Itatea, WCNICIPAL AKD CORPORATION BONDS. FARM A. XI) CITY LOANS. b4 Vssrtk St.. Board of Trad Bids, GOUDEYXQ 6 7 I a. cr OKI MORTGAGE SECURITY KOHTHWtSIERN BANK BUILDING MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oressn Investment A Mortfrng;e Caw, UfUces 202-4 170 Third St. come. 'U0A7 EBOE jVEW TODAY. or Sale, Potatoes, f 1 Per Sack, f. o. b. Jefferson, Or. Small but good. E. O. Beckley REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses. lots, tracts and acreage In this choice district; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. LARGE, beautiful view home site. West Side, for $359, $10 cash balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 503 Corbett bldg. 'or Sale Houses. FIVE! ROOMS. MODERN COTTAGE. AT A SACRIFICE. Located In Waverly Heights, 8 blocks from 26th st., 2 blocks from Clinton, built for my own home. The cottage contains all the latest Im provements. Oak paneled walls and beam ceilings, china buffet, every room tinted, surrounded with fruit trees, berry bushes and shrubbery, completing a home not to be du plicated for the money. Telephone Broadway 8033 and I will take you over the property, or write X 995. Oregonian. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con, struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually ave you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc., Contracting Ar chitects. 324 Ablngton bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst. the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office 270V4 Stark st. Main 170O, A 1515. THIS MEAN'S $1000 TO YOU. ITnva o rn rt I saoh on..4ttf In n Am A-awnm I bungalow in Laurelhurst of S2000. Strictly personal reasons necessitate a quirk turn for cash; $1000 will buy It;- $15 pr month carries mortgage pttereat. House will rent for $30. Will show house Sun day P. M., or later upon request. Phone Tabor 1712. TWO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Have two flno STRICTLY modern homes. 6 rooms each. One In PIEDMOXT, the other In PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Can sell $2000 to $3d00 below value. These are REAL SACRIFICES. Fulton. 621 Yeon bids. CHRISTMAS GIFT. Home at Peninsula, 4 rooms, barn, two lots, fruit, berries, garden, dandy location, not far from shipyards; will give this away for $950 this week. See Badley, 621 Yeon bldg. M. 4S1. THREE-ROOM house, fireplace modern con veniences, sleeping porch, sightly lot, good district. $S50, $2u0 cash. I need a little money and will sacrifice this. For full particulars call at 4-04 Piatt bldg. MODERN bungalow, four rooms and bath, full cement basement, gas and electrlo lights, corner lot. street and sewer assess ments paid in full; Westmoreland district; price $900. See owner, 918 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 3292. TREMENDOUS sacrifice. 6-room modern bungalow, nearly new. furnace, hardwood floors and all bullt-ln conveniences; $S00 equity for $200 quick cash Mr. Hageman, 808 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 1658. 4-ROOM house, lot 50x100; fruit trees, 214 blocks from car: $S50. $100 cash. baL terms. Owner. 355 E. Burnslde st. EQUITY In 8-r. house value $3000. CoL 216. 905 Lombard st. St. Johns car. WE build and finance. E & C. Lovegren, 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. Suburban Home Property. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOMESITE. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well developed community; 80 minutes out. with 10 big red steel trains daily each way through it. Buy now at our low prices and easy pay ments. Let us show you. THH SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Mars , ins 5 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON, Owner. For Sale -Acreage. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; 175 to $200 per acre: easy terms; best soil: farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland. BARGAINS. SMALL FARMS. Near city, 1 acre unimproved: 64 acres Improved. 306 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 1638. For Sale -Farms. PROSPERITY IN CANADA Thousands of farmers In Western Canada have sold their crops this year for more than the total cost of their land. Land at (15 to $30 an acre has produced crops worth (40 to $73 an acre. Stock raising and dairying are equally profitable hogs and beef highest In country's history. Irrigation districts producing more alfalfa and fodder crope than ever before. Get your farm home from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Last year 1 asked you to take advantage of this oppor tunity you might have paid for your farm with the 1016 crop again I extend the Invitation. Good land from $11 to $30 per acre; Irrigated land from $35; 20 years to pay; government guarantees land and water titles. Pay In full at any time If de sired. IVe will lend you up to $2000 In Im provements in certain districts, with no security other than the land. Ready-made farms sold on special easy terms. Loan for livestock after one year's occupation, subject to certain reasonable conditions explained on request. Low taxes; no taxes on improvements. Free schools; full re ligious liberty; good climate, and the best neighbors in the world. Other farmers be coming rich in Western Canada; you have the same opportunity. Buy direct from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Write for free book and full Information. J. S. Dennis, assistant to the president, Canadian Pa--ciflc Railway, 64 Ninth ave, Calgary, Al berta. Canada. SOME SNAP. 15 acres of the choicest potato land, mostly In clover, a fine new 7-room bun galow, plastered, beamed ceilings, built-in fixtures, oak furniture, fine piano, range, heater and oil stove, cooking utensils, dishes, linen, everything to keep House, bath, toilet, city water, canned fruit, large two-story barn, $400 worth of hay, loO bu. spuds, 10 sicks apples, all farm and garden tools, gentle Jersey cow, 50 full blood chickens, wagon, harness and two years' wood. This place cost $7tK the way It stands. I will sell for $5500; take $3000 cash, $2300 In 6 years at 6 per cent. Fine level land outside city limits of Carson. Wash. Take Mineral Springs Jit ney to our door Address Mrs. F. E. Gra ham, Carson, Wash. 100 ACRES near Molalla, quarter-mile to elec. car; 50 acres in cultivation; $S00O, good terms. 40 acres, one mile from station. 50e car fare from Fortland: good house and barn; sandy loam soil: 2S00. tprmq lO acres; house cost $150u, two years' ulu. u in cultivation; one mile from good town; will sell for half regular price terms. Dean, 202 Wticox bldg. A SIX-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Fertile and well improved, roses, flow ers, fruit trees and berries, electric and fine auto road both pass bv house-. 7 miles from Vancouver, station "less than 50 rods; Inquire about this place. It may be what you want. S. D. Williams, 513 i eon bldg. ACRES. Clarke County. Wash., near Washousral, about 15 A. clear. 40 A. small brush, easily cleared, bal. timber several thousand cords wood: good stream runs through all year round: chickens, cows, hogs, horses, etc., $53 per acre. AP 993, Oregonian. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $3 monthly; no interest or taxes: highly pro ductive land; close to three bie markets. Write for photographs and full informa tion. Munger. A-241 N. T. Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for iiimp ing lurauon. terms, etc. WEYERHAETTSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy xeriris. r or miormauon write or See W E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. SO ACRES. SO cult.. 4b miles to good town, 2 hours to Portland. 6 rood cows sheen hogs. team. mach.. feed, buildings, mail route end school, $4200. Box 97, Castle jtcock. wasn. HIGHLY Improved 80 acres on I-wIs River stock and Implements Included, for only ivi per acre; mis is reailv cheap. W, C. Bccktell, 515 Corbett bldg. LOGGED-OFF stump land. $10 acre up; terms; good soli, running water, markets, employment. Mr. Sharpe. S3i 3d. rm. 557. DAIRY FARM, near, church, school, cheese factory. Owner, 107 Shaver. Wdl. 22. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have a few buyers for good Improved farms of from 50 to 100 acres, reasonably priced. R. F. Bryan, 609 Chamber of Com merce. Main 1963. WE have buyers for anything good In close in city property farms or nearby acreage R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. STANDARD ABSTRACT CO.. and W. R Has lln Co.. 405-6 Stock Ex. bldg. Main 0774. WE buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE YOU A CLEAR LOTT I need a clear lot to build on. Can give you good trade for It In house leased for $30 per month. Phone J. M. REEVES. Tabor 1792 or Main 1700. WE make copies of deeds, mortgages, de crees divorce, probate matter, etc.. $1 up. J. S. Knauss. title examiner, 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS. 160 ACRES, 83 acres In cultivation, very rich soil, 2 miles from Beaverton, to lease for 3 years, reasonable cash rent. 6O0 Cham, of Com. Main 1D63. 80 ACRES, 25 acres la cultivation, near Sherwood; good bldgs.. Implements, fur nished; rent $150. Mr. Jouno. 205-207 Board of Trade bldg. 44 ACRES, 85 acres In cultivation, near Knappa; rent $176; stock and Implements $475. Mr. Jouno, 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER or lots wanted In exchange for 9 room house In Sunnyelde district. Prentiss, 505 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. I WANT timber. Northwest Oregon; give full information (cruise, legal description and price). AC 886. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. X MCRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. WASTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL exchange $7500 Irvlngton home, un incumbered, for desirable timber; esti mates, etc., must be guaranteed. J lb4, Oregonian. FARMS WASTED. WE have a few buyers for good Improved farms of from 60 to 100 acres, reasona bly priced. R. F. Brvan, 5u9 Chamber of Commerce. .Main 1063. WILL PAY CASH. Want from 15 to 30 acres, not over 10 miles from St. Heiens; would prefer bldgs. Mr Jouno. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Stock ranch; will trade $40,000 3-story brick building, good income. W. C. Becktell, BD 041, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL "ESTATE. GOOD TRADES. Will trade several residences for flats or small apartment-house. Want Colorado property to about $6000 In exchange for Portland preperty. Will trade city property or land for Home Telephone bonds or Paclflo States Insurance stock Want farm clear, or clear seml-buslness property In Portland, In exchange for clear residence $40OO. clear land $4000. and $5550 equity in two splendid residences. E. J. ROBERSON. 703 Title & Trust Bldg. BEAUTIFUL seven-room, large, full attic, modern throughout house, acre of land, fine location on interurban line, 40 min utes from Portland; . valuation $6500, to trade for city property: no agents or com mission. F 9S3, Oregonian. 65 ACRES. Hood River, free of Incumbrance, one-half cleared free water, buildings and bearing orchard. Exchange for Portland property. 306 Selling bldg. Marshall 2410. WANTED Properties of merit to match our large lists of improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated values considered. CALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon bldg. 1000 ACRES of unimproved land. In 80 and 160-acre tracts, from $7.5o to $30 i,er acre: clear of Incumbrance; will consiuer seml-buslness property and assume. W. C. Becktell. 615 Corbett bldg. DANDY 80-acre farm near The Dalles. 10 acres fruit, new house and barn; this Is cheap at $3000: four years ago this piace was valued at $12,000. W. C. Becktell, 515 Corbett bldg. W KLL Improved 10 acres near Madras. Central Oregon, worth $10O); will con sider house and lot not over $4O00 W. C. Becktell. 515 Corbett bllg. Sr.OO EQUITY In good Rose City Park house and $500 cash for (rood timber claim. W. C. Becktell. 515 Corbett bldg 2 LARGE, modern. S-room houses, mortgage $4X)0, 7 per cent, on East 12th, near Burn slde; make offer for equity. P. O. box 2004. city.. S. PORTLAND lot, 50x100; also 20 acres at Corbett, no Incumbrance; exchange for small bungalow. Owner. Hall, 211 Wash ington et. 160 ACRE'S, unimproved. 25 miles west of Hty. for rooming-house or small grocery, $1200. Rlhorn. 202 Wilcox bldg. 10 ACRES fine berry land at Newberg; what have you? Dean, 202 Wilcox bldg. 960 ACRES. Sherman County, sale or trade. Alexander, 723 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. A GOOD banio for lady's coat, size 36, or guitar. AB 901, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Humes, Etc. FOR SALEWagcns and horses cheap. sS E. 7th st. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE At a bargain, 1 heavy spring wagon, good as new, at 893 Davis. GOOD mule, eight years old, 1030; works double or single. Tabor 4SC..S. , FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness. Etc. spAN of very blocky-bullt mares, sound and true. 4 and S yrs. old; wt, 2550 lbs.. $230. Seven-year-old mare and four-year-old rtlding, free of blemishes and true to work; wt.. 25O0 lbs., $200. Bay 6-yr.-old gelding. 1450 lbs.: a little footsore. $50. Also a new shipment of s-ll-slze horses. Model Stables. 5th and Davis. TiAM of blocky mares. 2300 lbs., team "09 an(1 harness, have taken on deal; win sell very cheap. S49 E. 25th st. Woodstock car to 2ath and Gladstone. 3 blocks west. 1 south. FOR SALE Pair matched blockv mares, about 2400 lbs., one In foal; well broken ana gentle, handy and useful for ranch purposes and very cheap at $125. Phone Marshall 8130. HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP. . rotting on trucks, we have one good porse left; see him and make us an of- fr; mu!'t Bel1- Edwards Co., 84 6th st. Main 1327. CAPITAL STABLES. 2R7 FRONT 8T. Just received. 22 head of horses and mares from Eastern Oregon, all first-class ?-'Kk from 5 to 7 years old. from 110O to l'OO lbs. H. Glearman, prop. DEAD horses taken; $5 and up for dead cows: cash for down-and-out horses. Call me up without falL Mllwaukle 69-J. FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star Sand Co.. barn Delay st., beC Goldsmith and Russell. DEAD horses taken free; $5 paid for dead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon Bone Meal Works, Lents, Or. Tabor 4203. BLOCKY team of mares. 1200 lbs each, good harness and ranch wagon, $135. Marshall 403a. 1 HORSE, harness and light delivery wagon for sale cheap. 370 N. 23d St. HORSES for hire by day or month. C W. Townser.d Co.. 3SO Front. Main 157L HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. 1'imion. Organs anil Mimical Instruments. NICHOLL9 PIANO CO. Frisco stock and used pianos and player-pianos, tale now In progress. . OUR VSEU PIANOS. $250 Upright pianos $65 310 Upright pianos 05 3 ) Upright pianos 135 425 Upright pianos 163 . OUR 1915 MODELS. $ .25 Upright pianos $195 373 Upright pianos 233 400 Upright pianos '263 450 Upright pianos 290 . OUR 1913 PLATER-PIANOS. $i50 SS-note Players $383 600 88-note Players 393 7O0 88-note Players 433 775 8o-note Players 493 - OUR 1918 PLAYER-PIANO. $650 Player-Pianos $435 750 Player-Pianos 495 850 Player-Pianos 633 OUR USED GRANDS. $750 Grands, mahogany $345 650 Grands, rosewood 493 1100 Grands, rosewood 695 -r. OUR 1915 MODEL $50 Baby Grands ....$595 950 Baby Grands 693 Terms cash, or $i or more monthly. No interest. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. EEVRITT STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 375 F. & c. Fischer upright, cash $ 95 275 F. & C. Fischer, old model, cash. 35 450 Steinway & Sons, old model, cash, 110 0 Angelus Player, old model, cash, 25 27o Coliard & Collard upright 43 Crown Organ, oak 20 425 Smith & Barnes, upright 110 You have heretofore paid Inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our stor. age prices. However, compare our Stein way, etc.. $65 or $95 pianos, with pianos sold at $133 and $165 elsewhere and you will realize what we are still doing for piano buvera. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 108 Fourth 8t. MUST BE SOLD TODAY: FINE MILTON PIANO: GOOD AS NEW: MAKE FINE CHRISTMAS PRESENT; MAKE. OFFER. W CASH. $ monthly, beginning In January, 191., buys $330 1917 model Christmas piano at $265, without interest for 2V years, at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $309 mis MODEL, upright piano for $135, in the sale of the Doriand bankrupt stock, at Eilers Music House. 131-3 Fourth St., corner Morrison. Two new phonographs left. $S.60; we buy and sell used phonographs and records. Phonograph and Record Exchange. 106 Tenth st. HCJ5??TALKINa MACHINE AND 20 DER ' 10' 128 1ST- NEAR AL- PAANOS stored. 5uc monthly; will sell at your price or buy for cash. Security Stor age Co.. 109 4th st. FOR SALE Piano. McPhail. mahogany case, late model; terms given. Phone Main t 7a 1. -NEW $750 player piano for $435. delivered. Phone Tabor 6716. Mr. Webster. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AXD30 RECORDS 9. 128 1ST.. NEAR ALDER. ' 3.".0 PIANO. $140 cash: real ivory keys, not a stencil. Harold S. Gilbert. 3!4 Yamhill st. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Uil bert. 3S4 Yamhill St. EDISON AND COLUMBIA RECORDS; 1000 jv. n.'u . ... j r. -v ri . lo r IKS I . $1S BUYS $100 parlor organ for Christmas st Security Storage Co.. TOO 4th st. HIGH-GRADE Emerson piano. In fine con ditlon: no trade. Phone Main 2004. LEAVING TOWN, WILL S E LL M Y $100 ORGAN' FOR $25. 128 FIRST. Furniture for Sal ?. FOR SALE Second-hand oak and mahog any office furniture of all kinds; filing cabinets and safes. Ktlham Stat'y & Pt'g Co.. Fifth and Oak SAME OLD STORY. FOR SALE. Furnitnre for Sale. ELEGANT overstuffed Martha Washington parlor set, consisting of settee, rocker and arm chair, upholstered In rich, expensive blue velour, used less than a month. Cost $125 a few weeks ago. We have Instruc tion to sell for $87.50. Gevurtx Furniture Co.. 185 1st st-. near Yamhill. HERE'S a chance for young couple Com plete nearly new furnishings, s rooms. 4 rooms rented permanently; pay entire rent, light, water bills; $1(K cash, balance $175. weekly $2.50; cost $700. WA cars. 306 Hancock. Dotrs, Birds and Fet Stock. CHRISTMAS sale of all kinds of dogs at the Leltrlm Boarding Kennels. 93d and Last Stark; Russian wolf hounds. Irish setter pup. Boston terriers, great Danes. Airedale pups, pointers trained- Tabor 125. C. Campion. LIVING Christmas presents, St. Andrewsberg Roller canaries, males and females; also some Buttercup chickens. Woodlawn 293. blX Boston terrier puppies for Christmas presents: male and female. Prlsco Ken nels, East 14th and Morrison. East 1307. BUY her a puppy for Christmas; beautiful French poodle puppies, 2 months old. 148 Graham ave., Alblna. XMAS AIREDALE PUPPIES. LADD1X KENNELS. ESTACADA, OR. BEAUTIFUL toy bat-ear bull. $20. East 3698. Poultry. EAT YOUR BROODER. Capons, the real mothers, serve as meat when chicks are raised. $3. Also 1 pair Standard White Hol land turkeys at $7, and pen of Pekin ducks for best offer. 1140 Central avenue North. St. Johns. Or. Livestock. HORSE. $75; cow, $45: five sheep. $50; two brood sows, $43. H. G. Starkweather, Rls ley Station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. 25 HEAD of high-grade dairy cows. Just fresh. Big young cow, big milker. 274 East Seventh, near Hawthorne. FRESH cows, milking 6 gallons dally, and 1 high-grade Holsteln bull. Emll Aalt. Barton. Or. Estacada line. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap Xlylng on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 moa. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE PALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Wash. St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co., agents. HO 6th st. Automobiles. USED CARS Hudson, Overlands, Chandler Steams; during this week we are going to actually quote prices $100 below the market; doesn't cost anything to look. Bee ""gERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. 363 Oregon. LIGHT BCICK, 1913. a bargain at $375: also Cadillacs, Fords and many other good used cars. We have a large stock to select from COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Wash. sts. Main 6244. SEE. WE HAVB a 1914 electrlo started and lighted 6-pass. Carter Car. newly painted and in good shape, for only $300. Broad way Garage. E. 84th and Broadway. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st ana Washington. Main 6244. 1916 OVERLAND model 83,5-pass.. In A-l condition, run but short distance, $550; will take Ford or good roadster In trade. Phone evenings. Woodlawn 3231. MAXWELL, with special body, at a price that will solve the Christmas problem for the entire family. Pay-as-you-rlde terms. Phone Broadway 87. or call 331 Couch ft. FEDERAL REBUILT; two for immediate delivery. If you are In the market lor truck, see them before you buy. GER LINGER MOTOR CAR CO. 1916 STL'DEBAKER. 4-cyl., 7-pass.. In best of condition, cheap for rash or terms. East 3331. B 31 8S. Acme Fuel Co. FEDERAL TON AND HALF; recently over hauled: a dandy bargain for $550. 863 Oregon. East 7222. . $3ti WILL buv a Mitchell Six. fine condi tion. If taken bl- Dec. 22, 1916. Tabor 4:12s. UNUSED 1917 Ford touring car at discount. Also Ford roadster, excellent condition. Make offer. HO Fourth st. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $1 each: vul canlzed. 23c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. KELLY TRUCK If you want a bargain, see this one. 363 Oregon. East 7222J WANTE Ford for cash, that needs over hauimg R. F. D. 1. box 1'J, Sherwood. Or. 1916 MAXWELL, first-class condition, $495. Broadway 1640. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Autl Wrecking Co.. -89 N. Broadway. 225 WILL buy a good Ford 5-past.enger ar. Al crcKonmn, BUICK 1917, $175 extra equipment. Main 4355. ( PEERLESS chassis, J300. 46 20th street; per fect condition. - 1917 BUICK, mechanically perfect. $875. 1911 Chalmers. $300. Main 4335. OVERLAND TOURING; lights and starter; will sacrifice. 3J Oregon, tan i;--. LIMOUSINE body. $200. Main 4355. FOR SALE. Automobiles. USED CAR BARGAINS. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. 1915 HUP, newly painted $no 1912 CHALMERS 4X REO, 4-pass.. light car 2"o 1913 MICHIGAN 23J 19IO MITCHELL car -i ARKEX SO. electric lights 275 CHALMERS 30. 5-pass 225 HUDSON 37. fine condition 430 1916 GRANT SIX. run less than 3O0 miles 650 1915 MAXWELL, fine condition 415 1913 CADILLAC, 6-pass 40U ABOVE CARS ARK ALL LV GOOD COX- UTION. Liberal Terms on all Used Cads. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. MANLET AUTO CO.. New Location, Cor. 11th and Burnslde Sts. THET ARE ALL EQUIPPED WITH ELEC TRIC LIGHTS AND STARTERS. AND QTJARANTEED IX FXRST-CLASS ME CHANICAL CONDITION: 11 6-paasenger Bulck. D-45. looks like new sso 1914 Bulck. 6-pass.. B-37 5:' 1914 Bulck. 6-pass.. B-25 " 4Uo 1913 6-pasa Bulck, C-23. Just re painted goo 1916 Overland, 6-pass., M-S3. cloth upholstering Peo roadster. Just repainted..";.." 373 1914 o-pass. overland M-79 400 We have other models at cheaper prices. Remember. It pays to buv where you can depend on the cars being as repre sented. HOWARD AUTO CO.. 14th and Davis Fts. USED CAR SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. FORD DELIVERY. eood shape $223 GREAT WESTERN, electric system. wire wheels $300 STUDEBAKER. starter and lights, flve-passenper $450 5,'tJHj i- Ia,e modei ;65o MI1C11LLL 6. late model (u7o ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. JIT?"1 LEWIS A ST AVER CO. L. 72,2 E. 1st and E. Morrison B 1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 118 Ford touring $295 1916 Ford roadster $293 1914 Ford touring $225 1914 Ford roadster $225 1916 Ford touring sl".5 1915 Ford touring $295 1914 Ford touring (;.-.i 1916 Ford touring $i95 1916 Ford touring $295 Don t fail to see these cars before you buy, as they are In finest condition and cannot be told from new. Terms $100 down, ba.ance $25 per month and a year s free service on all minor adjustments FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. . Authorized Ford Agent, Bast 1199. East ISth and Hawthorne ave. OAKLAND SIX touring car. 1918. 6-pass. In good condition. OAKLAND roadster, 1916. good as new: a bargain. OAKLAND sVUTO SALES CO.. 16th and Alder. Puoue Mala 414. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay ments. RUSHLIGHT. RANSOM & PENNEY Authorized Ford Agents Phr.ne E. 7950. 275 Union ave.. cor. lfc -TON Federal truck with freight bodv. top and curtains, price $1000; terms. 226 Ash st. Automobiles Wanted. W ILL exchange notes payable $10 monthlv. l',"c,tted, by "ortKaKe. for auto up to (3ob. w ill discount. Adiiiess iioTjaa, Lents. Or. 6 LOTS in good little town in Washington. 4 miles from Portland, to trade for auto A L 993. Oregonian. FORDS bought, sold and exchanged R fl SHORT i CO., Automobile repairing. "333 K. 11th. E. 4I10. ; J'"1. pay ,a"u ,or latB model Fords DodKe Bros., or Bulrk aulos. Boone & Co 514 Alder st. Main 39t;ri WANTED Two Ford cats; must be cneap fr canh; will bo at 5oi Alder until the CA,?l1. for llsht cars. Fords preferred. 31ain 316 asli st. Garage. WANTED 2-unlt starting and lighting system Adcox. .ISS Bui nslrte at. b k CASH for old autos; must be cheap P ' 9S3. Oregonian. , Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any kind of work by mouth or jearlv contrac le are agents for Wichita trucks and tractors. Also have three rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Long rffc sllvn. 4H2 Hawthorne ave. East tl0. 1916 SAXON 6. hihuay. depots, touring calling. shopping; reasonable. East 45S2! 1916 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring caTT Ing and ohopplng. Main 74S5. AITO.S without driver for hire. Long A Mlva. 4f,2 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. i40. AUTOS for rent without drivers. Ti0E. Hawthorne. East 162. Motorcycles. iJ?,TO,KCTxOL.F; SUPPLY CO.. 209 th St. Harlev-Daviason inot..rcvc:s and ac cessories Largest exclusive- dealers In motorcycles In the state Main 7-X9 .Machinery. AJT EXCEPTIONAL, OPPORTUNITY In a Fully Equipped Machine Shop. For Sale by ths ALASKA JUNK COMPANY. 1 CARROLL JAMIEPON 15x6 LATHE 1 5-H. P. H. C. MOTOR 1 OHIO 18-INCH SHAPER. 1 MARVEL SHOP SAW. 1 BURR KEY SEATER. 1 PRENTISS 20-INCH W. 4 L. DRILL 1 LARGE COMBINATION GRINDER AND 1 FORGE. 1 31-32 3-FLUTED DRILL. 1 17-32 S-FLUTED DRILL. 1 BREAST DRILL 1 BLOWER. 1 SPINNEL. 1 PIPE VISE. Complete set of' Blacksmith's Tools. Besides the above the equipment In cludes: Stock nnd dies, block and tackle. Ftillson wrenches, hammers, planers, bolt setters, etc.. making full set of toi.ls. Everythlng to make up a well-stocked ma chine shop Is Included chucks, shafting, counter-shafts, bangers, belting and a.l transmission, complete. Phone Mnln 4110. FRONT AND TAYLOR. 201-5 Front St. I HAVE 2 11x13 Willamette Iron & Steel Works yarders. equipped with extended firebox boilers and straw line drum, for sale; Doth machines have been used less than two years and are in first-class con dition: must have cash; a bargaiu Bt 993. Oregonian. SOAP-MAKING MACHINERY Mixer, plod der, mill, chipper, potter mixer, cutting ta ble. Iron tunks, trays, scales, die stamper, etc.; also four wooden tanks, r.oo to InOO rations each. L. A. Marsh, Main 4907. 811 Worcester bldg .M I ?-e I In nro u . CASH REGICTERS s'.K'htly used; our pri.'e are lower. Cash Register Exchange. 351 Va Washington st. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, locking and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 76 1st, Main 2:l;3. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale: all grades; large selection. Pacific Stat'y Jk Ptg. Co.. 10T 2d st. Main 1971. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde ct. Broadway or A 3"'74. TWO beautiful diamonds. 1 -karats each. $250 each. Beldlnr. the Jeweler, L'45-. Alder st. Main 169i .-ai.k A hand-embroidered centerpiece or cainornia poppies; also a mandolin zither, phone Woodlnwn 3143. TWO riut-tot desks. 1 roll-top desk, 1 filing cabinet: also chairs. 91 Park st. X BARGAIN In a handsome bearskin rug. only $15. Mish Furniture Co., 14 1st. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. Portland Cash Register Co.. let fc Yamhill. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. gtark-DavIs Co.. 212 3d St. Main "97. MACHINERY bought, sold and r. paired N. W. Lead & Machinery Co.. 311 Front st. SWELL tcol chest, cheap; would make good Christmas rreeent. 559 N. Union ave. " CHRIRTM A sTtRE E All size. Phone Tabor 5"66- GIRL'S bicycle for sale. 127 13th. FOR BALK. M iM.'ellaneotis. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and Second-hand, told for lees. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew perfect and guranteed; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE Ell i'ORU'M. 190 Sd near Taylor st. A 3626. Main 943L USEFUL XMAS PRESENT. Cyclone Vacu um Sweeper; buy Girect from factory, save agents' and dealers' profit; $2 now. baL later; trading stamps or lobeicco coupons taken, f. V. S. Co.. 192 1st st. Main 3.-35. SEWING MACHINES 20u sightly used sewing machines, all makes, wlil be closed out. Drupiit-acs, $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. s. sieel. two stores. 383 Alder rt. and 242 Aider st HIGHEST cash pries paid for rifles ana. shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses; bought. s.-ld and exchar.gt-d. Hochfeld's Camera Exchange. 83 3d st. Main 8381. A CAKROMA folding carom and pocket billiard table, with complete outfit, nearly new, cntt me $95- will sell for $of. Phone East 7110. 4:i3 K. 10l!i st. North. COUNTER showcases and mirrors for sals. 127 13th. ROOKS renewed under process; 10-year guar antee; (15. 60S Tourney blug. Main 6?e6. FURNITURE WANTED. MONET TALK3. WE pay the best cesh prices for house hold or office furniture, rups. carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone. GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC.. 13 to 191 1st St. Mar. 59M. A S2?4 FKLDSTICIN FURNITURE CO. wants all kirn. of second-hand furniture. We also buy m rchanclse stocks of any descrip tion. l(.6-irs First su bet. Morrison aud lairhlil Main 4C33. CASH for your used furniture. ruKs. carpets and rar.ges. Faulkner. Main 57oS. PARTY would like to buy household goods. rugs, etc.. lor cash. Marshall 3S-J2. IF YOU want to turn your furniture into money and get all it's worth, cail Mish Furniture Co.. 14 Finst st. Main 5768. We render prompt service. HIGHEST prices paid for your furniture, stoves r.d carpets. Gevurtz Furniture Store. 2"7 1st st. Marshall r,7. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any descrij'l ln : have the r-:iviy cash; phone today. Main 4ttu7 or 204 First st. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, chip out town; can pay more than Port land dealers. WaNlo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER CO., Masonic Temple bldn.. pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc. Phone Main 3332. HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture an. I mdse. stocks. J. M. Simmoruls. E. 6S6S. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co., Main 8931. 191 2d su WILL ray cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshal! 47!-3. . WANTED-MlSClZLLWrOVS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy our used furniture and aii kinds of tools and pay you all it Is worth. Our THREE LAF.ilE STORKS are ample proof that we handle nearly evertnlng you need. In the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-23 Front St. I'lione Main IK'li SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. METER, THE TAILOR. PAYS S7.5' AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS Vol' M"KE FOR SHOES AND tLOTlllNG. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. JUNK WANTED. All descriptions of Junk bought; highest price paid for old metal and Iron. Call Marshal 322... CLEAN up for the new year. Machinery, s.-raptroii. supplies, metal or Junk. See M. Baruo & Sons. 24 'years in Portland- Main tii;:. Front and Main stsJ ORIENTAL RUG WANTED I will Luy Oriental ruir. about 9x12. at fair price: must be good condition. Addrtss AM 992, Oresor.iau. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonian bldg. BICYCLE waiHe-l, must be n bargain. Ap p'y it: Wasuliifitoii St.. Imperial Shine Parlor. WANTED Diamond riim. ai-cut 1 kt; must b- cheep. O 9S2. Ureyonlnn. WANTED National cash register. Main tio;. ;i,-i-. WasiiitiKton st. SECOND - ''AND CLOTHING WAN TED. CALL MAIN 4T70. OR ;4 FIRST ST. W F. buy and sell new- ana second-hand suit cases snd trunks. Main 9172. WANTED Younc parrot; must be cheap; good home. Broadway 0O. WANTED A small machinist lathe. H H93, oregonian. WANTED Child's bed Main 3 .".. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Drivinir. we. ding, ignition, battery work, machine shop practice, 111 best equipped -..I ........ U .1 -K.l auto si-hod in tuo country; es'.aul:l.ct juua; rt(nn MUCiewiui graauates. e m:.p students earn tlietr lUlri. Write for our FREE Twelfth Anilivelkary olt'er. Na tional School of i-rig.nee.ring, Los An geles, cai. GENERAL insurance agency; we have art opening for a young man in the automobile and accllt-iit tlepartui. nt is outsivle so licitor; we want A live wire an.i a pro uucer with S'-'llini; experience. Wt.I fur nish plenty 01 live piosp-cte and Kive tho liuht man un ailiacuvo proi'u.-ii-on. S 992. Oi-epoi:ian. HIGH-GRADE SUITS, OVERCOATS. All the famous makes In r.-ady-to-w-e ir clothes: $25 suits and overcoats lor $15 and $30 suits ami overcoats for..u. jimmy Dunn. 2d floor Eilers builuing, cat-ty corner fr-m I'mitaties Theaier. CHlKr' DRAUGHTSMAN wanted for ship building and engineering works; mut be thoroughly conversant with marine, engine anil boiler works, design and pipe arrangements. State salary expected, ex perience. Hire ami when at liberty. Box AV 2':i. orcijniilan. DO YOU want sure Job, log l.aj , lasy hours, rapid aiivam. merit ? Write for big tree, book DW 3'.9. tells how you can get cool G verrmient position. Earl Hopkins. Washington. D. C MENS SUITS, OVERCOATS, $3.."i if. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. Stark, cornrr Park. OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 TILL 9. RAILWAY mail P. O. clerks, carriers, cus-iiuti-houso inr!''e; $75 to $l.'.o a momli; life Joys; no strides, no lavoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Pacitic States School. McKay bicig.. city. bCHOoL boe. now- Is toe time to piuce jour a;I,lleations for erriploj nit nt during ihe Christmas and New Year's holidays; good pay and clean out-of-tloors woik. Western U nion Telegraph Company. A SPLENDID career open to good mechan ic ; praetic-ar courses ia all branches of eni;iiteerliig ; Illustrated catalogue from Seattle Engineering School, Koy street. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 4 15 Hawthorne Ave. Practical Experience on Real A utomol.iles and Gas Tractors. WANTED - First-cia;. sawmill superinten dent; state Hie. mechanical anility and lumber experience; gje references. Ad dress AV 311. Oregonian. W NT!CI. out 7t Portland. hU-h-grrtrti. w ell-experienced male stenographer; luni-t-er know leuge preferred. Address A 97, 01 eiioiuan, MORTGAGE man for outside wanted in es-lahl'-ciied financial house: state, experience and remuneration wanted. Replies conti- ieutal. Y' 993. Oregonian. AUK THET A I LO R buys your ol,!, now clothing, shoes; high est cash prices. Marshall ;'-'25 or 2"0 Madison St. W N T E D Experienced cutt-rw for harness factory. Apply box 410 Calsarj, Aila . Canada. WANTED Experienced auto washer and night man in garage. Give relerences. Y U95. Oregonian. SD-11AN1) CLOTHING BUYER. FULL VALUE PAID FOR MEN'S CLOTHING. MAIN 734. 201 '3 FIRST ST. PAPER HANGER. 40c per hour. If you can't make good don t answer. M. J. Bradford, lleppner. Or. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners paid $120 month: permanent; no strikes. Railway, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced tle-niakers; loutf job. Address Standard Timber Co., L -anston, Wyo. LoY with wheel, steady work, good pay. .2I stark. WANT man with $."o. nice little business. el5 per week. Marshall 239. PI. AN EH.. I AN. S4: tall' 111.111, $2.73. N. Lnbor Aeeticy, 3 4 N. 2d. ELMVAT' l: boy wanted. Apply Lang Co.. 1st and Ankeny. WANTED, agent. Apply Tlipolino Co.. Main. WANTED 12 boys to work after school a nd on Saturday. 410 Aider st. WANTED A barber at 246'-; Couch St. WANTED First-class barber. 73 N. 6th st. I lionti -Mam i'v 1 SECONIi-H AND L'LOTHlX.i. $7.50 PAID FOU MEN S HI ITS $7.5 HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID F'"R LADIES' AM" GENTS' SUITS, sHOKS, AND EVERYTHING IN MEKi'HANDlSK MAIN 2"'. GLOBE STOKE. MAIN' 2- SO. 25 FIKST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. A A