Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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before Christmas - transcontinental
mall trains are almost always behind-
schedule. As the timing 61 local mail
delivery Is suited to the arrival of mail
trains there .will be some congestion
this week in mail handling.
The postal receipts of Monday' were
several hundred dollars in advance fo
the same day- in 1915. Postmaster
Myers estimated the receipts to be
$8500 in round numbers.
i.i . -
(Greata Butterfield) was a din
ner host last night complimen
tary to her 'brother, Horace E. Butter
; i field, who will leave on December 27
lor-. Racine. Wis., where he will as
; aume bis duties with . the Mitchell
! ! Automobile Company.
The table' was decked with Christ
mas favors and novelties, the central
feature being a basket of luscious
fruits in the deep red, orange and
brown shades.
Covers were nlaced for Jack Day.
I Ir. Noyes, Joseph Hammond, Walter
, H. Korell. Lieutenant Oswald Day. and
' the honoree, the guests all being for
1; tner schoolmates of Mr. Butterfield.
5 J To honor Miss Evelina Magruder, the
j latest of the season's debutantes. Miss
1 Helen Piatt yesterday entertained with
; a charming tea. About 30 of the
,; ; younger contingent shared in the' fes-
j tivlty, the charming hostess being as
j j sisted by Miss Isabella Gauld and
i Miss Evelyn Carey in the drawing
; ; room. Presiding at the tea table,
"1 ' "which was decked artistically with
j Christmas greenery and flaming poin
1 ' settias, were Mrs. Charles Thornton
Ladd and Mrs. Henry Wessinger. As
:i slsting in the dining-room were Misses
; j Amy Robinson, Dorinne Wyld, Martha
: ; Hoy t and Consuela McMillan.
Miss Mary Butler, of Boston, Is the
truest of Dr. and Mrs. R F. James, f
496 East Fifty-first street. North, for
the holidays. Miss Butler has been
visiting relatives in Boise, Idaho,
well as relatives in this city, and she
is planning to leave here immediately
after Christmas for California. From
there she will go to New Orleans and
visit other interesting places before
returning to her home in Boston,
which she will reach .bout July.
Mrs. Otto A. Cook's tea, which will
be an event of next Thursday, De
cember 27, is to honor her eister, Mrs.
David K.- Brace, a charming young
matron, formerly a student of Reed
College. Mrs. Brace Is planning to
' leave soon for China, where she will
remain for three years at least.
Oregon Alumni members are making
elaborate preparations for a big Christ-
To Choose
The Novelty,
. Box or
For the
Make it a point to
see our display of
these dainty novel
ties and place your
order for Christmas
delivery at once.
3 ; ' Morrison St, . ( !
mas dance which will be held on
Thursday evening, December 8, at Mult
nomah Hotel. Each year the Alumni
are hosts for a large function for the
women's fund of the Oregon Univer
sity. last 'year.'s huge skating party
still lingering in the minds of Fort
land society.
Mrs. Agnes Benson Beach. Elmer
Furuset and L. .R. Alderman are on
the general committee, who will name
sub-committees to make this dance one
of the most notable events of the year.
It will be distinctly a college-affair,
and all the folk home from either
Southern, Eastern or sourrounding col
leges or schools will participate in
this big festivity.
The committees selected at yester
day's meeting are:
Floor Mrs. Beach, chairman: Mrs.
Louis Gerllnger, Jr. Mrs. Kate Stan
field. Miss Grace Mackenzie, Miss
Bertha Masters, Miss Henrietta Lauer
Miss Florence Kendall, Miss Ruby
Hammerstein. Miss Beatrice Locke,
Miss Cecil Miller, Miss Esther Maegley,
Miss Mae Norton.
Refreshment Miss Norton, chairman
Publicity Miss Clara Wold. Mrs.
Alice Benson Beach.
Finance Roy Ferry, chairman, and
uscar rairuset.
A large and formal party is planned
for the close of the gaieties given dur
ing the month of December at Irving
ton Club for the members and their
friends. Mrs. J. L. Bowman is the new
chairman of the social committee, as
suming the duties for the rest of the
season, as Mrs. A. H. Cousins, who
has so efficiently acted in this ca
paclty, is leaving for another city to
make her home. The party will be
Christmas event and will be held Fri
day night, which also is to be known
as "guest night." Patronnesses for the
affair are: Mrs. C. C. Colt, Mrs. Frank
Kerr. Mrs. W. J. Hofmann. Mrs. IJ. M,
Haller. Mrs. J. B. Ettinger, Mrs. W
E. Cameron, Mrs. J. R. Burke and Mrs
A. C. Ewlng.
Company C, of the Third Infantry,
Oregon National Guard, will hold, an
other of its enjoyable military dancing
parties at the Portland Armory
Wednesday night. December 27. The
last party given by Company C was
one of the most successful National
Guard affairs ever held in the city,
more than 100 couples attending the
The coming dance is in charge of the
following committee from the company:
Sergeants John Somerville, Grant Red
dick, U. A. Keppinger and Robert DeV.
Morse. Corporal A. L. Mitchell and Pri
vates Emmett O'Brien, Vernon Libelle,
Hugh McDonald, John Tuma, Harold
Frederlckson, Joe Peterson and J.
Shane. V
The marriage of Cecil C. Ireland to
Miss Hazel Talbert was solemnized at
Kalama, Wash., on December 12. Miss
Talbert is tho charming dmughter of
Mayor and Mrs. C. O. Talbert, of Kel
so, Wash. The wedding was a corny
plete surprise to the friends of the
young couple. Mr. Ireland is with the
Union Oil Company at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. .Ireland are at home at
786 Peninsula street. .Portland Heights.
The Junior Stepping Club will give
their - next party Saturday night at
Vincent's Hall. It will be a hard times
feffair, masquerade costumes to be the
order or the evening. A large attend
ance is anticipated. The committee is:
Misses Laura Shay, Ruth Diehl, Lois
Macy, Eunice Cowgill, Audrey Collins.
Beatrice Cather, Mary Rawlings, Ed
wlna Clough, Edith Pirie. Dorothy Fee
naughty and Earl Larimore, Louis
Freeberg; Wendal Hurlburt, George
Muller, Clarence Grey, George Ross,
Ransome Cook, Donald Cook and Myr
troe Hollinger.
Ben ButleT Post and Corps will hold
their annual Christmas bazaar tomor
row at Dawley'a Hall. East Thirty
fourth and Yamhill streets. A cafete
ria luncheon will be served from 11:30
tq 2:30 o'clock, after which a regular
corps meeting will follow.
The letter men of Washington High
School will entertain the alumni letter
men of the gymnasium oni Friday even
ing, December 29. at 8:30 o'clock.
West Side Lavender Club Cen
tral Library, 2:30 o'clock.
Woman's Society White Tem
ple, 2:30 o'clock.
Central W. C. T. U. Library, 2
o'clock. " - - .
Llewellyn Parent-Teacher As
sociation Meeting at 2:45 o'clock.
Psychology Circle With Mrs.
Alice Welster, Fifteenth and Sis
kiyou streets, 2 o'clock.
Coterte Club--Hotel Multnomah,
11 A.M.
T71RANCE" will he the subject of
X Friday's meeting of the Port
land Woman's Club. The Rev. Father
Langlard, of Seattle, will give the ad
aress. This programme is one of a
series In which the various leading na
tions of the world are being exploited
in tong and story in the club. Dr,
Langlard has a wide circle of friends
who will be glad to hear him on Frl
day. The musical programme will be
directed by Mrs. Warren E. -Thomas.
Mrs. Jane Burns Albert will sing a
group of French songs.
A business session will open at 2
o'clock; programme at 3 o'clock, and
social hour at 4 o clock.
A business meeting of the Woman
Society of the White Temple -will be
held today at 2:30 P. M. ,
" Central W. C. T. TJ. will meet at 2
o'clock today In room A. Library. At 3
o'clock a programme will be presented.
Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden will preside.. -
The West Side Lavender Cfub " will
meet today in the Central Library
Women over 50 years of age are eli
gible to membership. A number of
prominent matrons are planning to at
tend. '
The Llewellyn Parent-Teacher Asso-
elation will hold its regular meeting ii
the schoolhouse' this afternoon at 2:4!
o'clock. Miss Harriet Wood, school 11.
brarian, will give a talk on Christmas
books. A representative of the Gil
lespie School of Expression will enter
tain with readings, and a short musical
programme .will be given. Parents are
urged to attend.
Mrs. Frederic Schoff, of Philadelphia.
president of the National Congress of
luotners and Parent-Teacher Associa
tions, has issued an appeal to the moth
ers throughout the United States ask
ing that they remember the motherless
boys who are stationed along the Mex
lean border and see that each one has
a personal greeting on Christmas day.
message tnat shows that somebodv
cares for them. She says: "A Christmas
card isn t much,, but it helps to cheer
when you are lonely, and these boys
are giving not only their time and their
lives to protect us in our homes, but
they, in countless numbers, have sac
rificed their business future to serve
their country. We mothers have an
opportunity to show our appreciation
and regard for this service by taking
to tnem tne motner-iove and Influence
which every boy needs.
At the Homemaker's cpnferenee, Cor
vallls, January 2 to 6. Mrs. Arlstine
Felts, Mrs. George W. McMath, Mrs. C
W. Hayhurst and Mrs. Millie Trum
bull will be among the speakers. They
are memoers or the Doard of the Ore
gon Congress of Mothers.
Domestic Science
By Lilian Tlngle.
Postal Receipts Much Heavier Than
This Time Last Year.
The fast mail train. No. 5, was more
than 12 hours late yesterday, and in
consequence all the Eastern mail will
PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 7. Min r,Ill
Tingle: Will you please publish recipes for
apricot nougat, cnocoiate chips and ilutfy
rumes, using glucose
fHOCOLATE CHIPS Boil 2 cups light
VJ Drown sugar, -cup glucose.
tablespoonful butter and H-cup water,
to 290 or 300 degrees Fahrenheit, or to
the "crack." Pull in the usual way,
but finally 6tretch the candy into very
thin, flat strips about one inch wid
and cut in two-inch lengths. Whe
quite cold and crisp, dip in chocolate.
The most important points in choco
late dipping are: 1. Skill and practice.
Do not expect to become an expert
aipper Dy reading a recipe. 2. Good
dipping chocolate. 3. Correct tern
perature of the "dip." Never heat
chocolate above ble-od heat and only
11 kl ulfei
"Can I get ANY size I want?"
You can! Any size that East
man makes.
' v . ' . '
"How much .will 1.1 have to
pay 1 " . Pleasa " ydur self ; we
have them from 75 cents to $65;
most ' people pay jseven, " eight
and ten dollars.' fr '. ..
. "Will you do developing for
me?" Madame, "developing" is
our middle , name and WE
IT I Two and three men, busy
in our, dark rooms all the time.
"Which size would you recom
mend my getting?" Please come
in and let us talk with you per
sonally about this; the answer
is -much too interesting and too
long to print here.
145 Sixth Street.
Phone Marshall 819.
. - ... . a Merry '. M M I
'' Otrisimas- (JryKr.' lf
W ssW ssV -S.
In your home this Christmas!
What better gift what happier thought than this wonder musical instrument
the very best of its type a VICTROLA to provide music any time all the
time to listen to or to dance by.
A word of warning the popular styles in certain woods go quickly
therefore, why not select f he very Victrola you want to give and have it put
. aside for delivery Christmas week?
.We have Victrolas at all prices from $15 up and we gladly arrange
easy terms of payment if desired.
. Open Evenings This Week
Slterman feay& X(5.
Sixth and Morrison Streets
Victrola Department on First Floor
SteiriTva) and Other Good Pianos,
Pianola Pianos, Victrolas and Rec
ords, Player Music, Cabinets, etc.
over warm .(not boiling) water. 4.
Thorough . working and mixing before
beginning to dip. Learn to recognize
the correct texture for dipping.
Rapid cooling. Dip in a very cool
room and chill the chocolates at once.
I hope' the following is what you
mean: -
', Fluffy Ruffles Fudge Two cups su
gar, -cup glucose, Jfc-cup water, 2 egg
whites, 1 cup .black walnut meats. Vi
teasponful clove extract, a few dropti
pink coloring. Boll the sugar, glucose
and water together to about 2 de
grees, or to the "small., clack." Pour
on the stiff, beaten whites of the eggs
and beat well, adding the flavoring,'
coloring and nut meats. Pour into a
tin. lined with paraffine paper and cut
in squares; or beat a little stiff er and
drop in "blobs" or "rocks" - on paraf
fine paper, as preferred. Other nute
and flavoring may be used if liked.
Apricot Nougat Two cups thick.
smooth pulp from canned (or dried and
soaked) apricots, z cups sugar. 1M
level tablespoonfuls gelatine, soaked in
i-cup cold water and dissolved over
hot water, H-pound (or more) blanched
and cut-up almonds. Cook the- pulp
and sugar until it drops in little lumps
from the spoon, or "sets" when dropped
on a cold plate. ' Then add the dissolved
gelatine and almonds, mix thoroughly,
and turn into a greased pan dusted
with cornstarch or lined with rice-
wafer sheets. When cold turn from
the pan and. cut in bars or squares, if
the wafer-eheet is not UBed. roll the
canity In cornstarch or dip in chocolate
or in fondant. This is the only recipe
I have under this name, but ordinary
white nougat (for which the recipe was
given very recently) may have cut-up
glace apricots in it instead of or with
nut meats, and might then be called
apricot nougat.
Whatou Can Make
At Home
" By Mrs. Portland.
ffTSN'T It really wonderful,", said
1 Mrs. M. to me when I " ran in
there the other day to borrow a pat
tern, "how children like home-made
toys so much better than
you buy them?"
"Now there are the rag dolls that
a dear old lady down at the beach
the ones
A Christmas Special
The . Guardians of . the Columbia
Half Price
A beautifully illustrated and delightfully writ
teh book about the Columbia River the moun
tains and forest$ Historical and Legendary
Oregon. An ideal gift see special prices below:
Cloth Edi
tion, regular
price $1.50,
special now. .
Paper Edi-1
tion, regular
price 75c
special now. J
last Summer made for Midget and her
little chum. Do you know they think
far more of them than any of their
expensive bought dollsY . The old lady
told them about a' wonderful dollhouve
she had when she was a tiny girl;
everything in- it was made by her
sisters and brothers and father and
mother and other relatives, and .Midget
has been begging Us to make her dolly
some furniture like the dear old lady's
dollies had. So Mack and I have been
hard at work on some things for her
n that line. And we've been Just
like two chUdren ourselves over it
we have enjoyed it so." t
"Here's a set of drawers a chif
fonier. I suppose you might call it
that I am making. As you ' see. I am
using small- match boxes to -make it.
I set six boxes togetherin a couple
of tiers of -three each .nd glued them
together. T took 'some thin strips of
wood from the top of" an old basket
and- fastened one at each corner of
tne,. boxes, allowing them to ex
tend below far enough to make the
feet, and the two strips of wood
at tho back extend up far- enough to
make a frame for the tiny mirror
which I cut with a glass cutter from
some pieces of broken looking glass.
I put two pieces of the wood' strips
across at the back between the two
high upright pieces and that completed
the frame for the mirror, which I
pasted to a piece of pasteboard and
fastened to the frame. This ceiling
paper with the tiny pink and blue
stars on a cream ground is just the
right color for Midget's belongings, so
I covered the sides, top and front of
the boxes with it and painted the cor
ners and the wood strips with gilt
paint. And I am sure that Midget
will think when she sees it Christ
mas morning that it is just the place
to keep her dolly's belongings."
l'ortlaiul Bank Sues at Koscburg.
KOSEBURCt, Or., Dec." 10. (Special.)
The Fast Side Bank, of Portland, has
filed suit here to recover $14f.O from
W. D. sileep. also of Portland, on a
promissory note executed in Portland
July 7. 1911. Besides a judgment for
the principal, the bank asks for In
terest, attorney fees and an order au
thorizing the foreclosure of a mortgage
on property owned by Mr. Sleep in
Douglas County.
The Rev. lavid Jordan lliggins, or
Pasadena, Cal., former Oeneva M. K.
Church pastor, was US September 17. He
is believed to be the oldest minister in
the United States who Is still active
as a minister snd n writer. ,
H. Od. Imperial Hotel. I I" """ IJ"I' ' ' ' "' ' ' 1 ''rw.-s
J. Brisulsrl, llolrl Multno- I - - - -- - . . . .. I
Famous Chefs Who
Use "Dependable"
Chan. Kleffer. Ar llif ton
Jsrk Krlta. University Club.
Henry Thtele. Hotel lim
it. Oda. Imperial Hotel.
J. Brisulsrl, Hotel Multno
mah. - .
O.-W. R. A . ninlnsr Cam.
S. P. st: . Dining I'ara.
Portland & San Francisco
s. s. Co.
- ....
Better Coffee
The "Tricolator" fits on any coffee .
pot or percolator. Makes delicious
French drip coffee. To aid in better
coffee-making, we send this "Tri
colator" postpaid on receipt of $1
and a trade-mark from the "Depend
able" can. The trade-mark has no
value merely shows you are using
Dependable. Send to Dwight Ed
wards Company, 34 N. Front St.,
Portland. -. .
"Dependable" Makes Your
Christmas Dinner Better
Every hostess' knows that the success of her
Christmas dinner depends on good coffee. She
knows, too, that no other coffee can approach
"Dependable" for strength, flavor and fresh
ness. For many years back this fine, old brand of -coffee
has maintained the same rich uniform
quality. It is favored by the finest hotels and
clubs in Portland.
Have your grocer deliver a tin of "Dependable"
for Christmas you'll be assured of a complete
success in your Christmas dinner. 40c in .
1-pound tins in 3-pound tins $1.10.
' Boxed and Initialed Sta
tionery, Leather Novelties
Bridge and Whist Sets
Brass .Desk Novelties Myr
tle - Wood Novelties Games
Character Dolls Mec
cano and Erector for the
mechanically inclined boy
Globe - Wernicke Sectional
Book Cases, etc.
The J.K.GiluCo.
Books llsrs. Stationers
,and Comploto Offico
Outf ittsrs
in Doubt Give a Gill Gift Certificate
-Tastes better goes further
rbQ a day, late in, delivery, . A fa, days