THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, TUESDAY, DECE3IBER 19, 1916. mi Ml A Grafonola for Christmas No Interest . t Schwan Piano Co. I The House That Charges no Interest V IT brings to mansion and to modest home alike the supreme joy of music. Makes no difference if the wind DOES howl and the sleet "pat-pats" against the window panes these long, cold Winter nights. A Talking Machine assures you that the evening hours will fly with speed and pleasantness. For, around your own warm fireside Without question, the Christmas Gift with family or with friends makes no of ALL Gifts is the Talking- Machine. difference where or when you can It's a gift a man's wife will most appre- brins: forth instantly for your enjoy- ciate: it s an educative and most wel- ment the master artists of the age. The come gift for children; it's the gift ideal. most alluring singers, bands and or- for one good friend to present to an- chestras of first renown, funniest come- other. And it's a Christmas present dians you'll find them all awaiting to that rib one may hesitate to buy, for obey your every wish, no matter wheth- very easy terms of payment may be had er momentary whim may call for classic any of the houses in this ann'ounce- or the latest rag. ment will be glad to explain. lffi mm "fe- ,T7 M hi The Columbia Grafonola . You may fill your home with music on Christmas day! Read and take advantage of this special Christ mas offer: . Leader Grafonola- in oak, mahogany or satin walnut case, 20 Columbia Selections, 300 Needles $ 1 5 0 Come to Our Store Remember Our Grafonola Stock Is Complete You can see the least expen sive. You can see the most expensive. uiiiiiimimmiiiiiiimimimiimmiiimu Buy your Phonograph and what Records you want, don't be misled by bargain combinations. rimiiiimmiiiiiiiitmimimmmmmiin Our Price is the Lowest. MIGNONETTE Only $5 Down $5 a Month We can supply you with any Columbia Record. New Records Received Every Month. Grafonolas $15 to $350 Rift n LEADER y It pays to deal at headquar ters. Agencies having but one make and a few records to choose from do not offer op portunity for adequate comparison. Every model, every size, every finish may be compared at Eilers Music Houses. The Eilers Houses two stores Broadway at Alder or Morrison at Fourth are undis puted phonograph headquarters. Everything to be obtained anywhere is here, and also much that is not obtainable anywhere else. The Eilers stores are unquestionably in bet ter position to take care of every phonograph or other musical demand than any other institu tion. Inquire, investigate and decide now. Mail us a postcard and we will send Illustrated Catalogues; will also ship Talking Machines and Records on Free Trial. Merely Address Eilers, Portland. enry Jenning & Sons The Home of Good Furniture Washington at Fifth Street j Phonograph Headquarters j, VV MV IX PORTLAND vT II it wiriniT- ALL G And All the AFONOLA Records for Same r MANUFACTURING C0.V Twelfth at Stark ?o7 ? - J; Are Always Phonograph Headquarters on Sale at the Great Establishments of Two Great Music Houses in Portland Morrison at Fourth Broadway at Alder Stores Everywhere Stores Open Now Consolidated With Every Evening MUSIC CO. Two Superb Main Floor Talking Machine Salesrooms The Columbia Grafonola is the "gift supreme" a gift around which more dreams are woven, which brings more pleasure day after day to all the family. There is no gift like it, none that can give a more lasting joy. Columbia Grafonolas range in price from $15 to $350. Jfl in Talking Machine Company 350 ALDER Main 6896 A 3277 535 Come in and Hear the World's Three Greatest Talking Machines BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. WHOLESALE Manufacturers RETAIL PORTLAND STORE 433-435 WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER TWELFTH M