THE' MORNING OREGONIAN, TTTESDAT, DECESIBER 19;' 1916. Ptototoantho EUWER ON "RHYMES OF OUR GALLEY, LINCOLN"H. S., TONIGHT AT 8:15 TICKETS 25 BOOK SHOP, BASEMENT BALCONY M. & F. Merchandise or Glove -Orders solve the Gift Problem. Issued for $1 or more. Redeemable in merchandise, any department, any time. Santa Claus Here Daily 10-12 and 2-5. Free Souvenir House With Candy to Chil dren Accompanied by Grown-up, 10 A. M. to 13 M.Sixth Floor. v U. S. Postal Sub-Station, Express Office and Accommodation Bureau, Basement Balcony packages wrapped free. Shop on a transfer the convenient way. 16 Passenger Elevators and seven Esca lators transport you quickly from floor to floor. Over 40 delivery vehicles bring our Xmas stocks to your doors. irTS E-5T. isar jZ Jf- i J The Quality Store or Portland Just 5 Days for Holiday Buying Shop in the Morning if Possible Shop Any Time j During the Day The Store of the Christmas Spirit Will Not Be Open Evenings 23 Sale Women's $5.00 to $8.00 Corsets TUESDAY $2.98 Broken lines of .standard makes of women's corsets. Both medium and low styles are included and all are good", new models. Not all sizes in every style. While the lot lasts special $2.98. $2.0j:$2.50 BRASSIERES, $1.29 A good Tuesday special in splendid bras sieres. In front-hook style, brassieres that are trimmed with embroidery and lace. ' , 75c GIFT APRONS TUESDAY 59c A special" sale of white -apronsstyles suitable for maids' and nurses' wear also sewing and fancy afternoon aprons. Both styles with and without bibs, in dainty effects. Special 59c Third Floor, Sixth Street MEN'S BELTS With German tJI Silver Buckle Give "HIM" something practical one of these belts is a most fitting gift for any man. And, besides, these are exceptional values! Good quality belts with engine turned German silver buckles in many 'beautiful designs. Sure to please the re cipient from an artistic standpoint, with the added advantage of being always use ful. All sizes. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor Women's and Misses $42.50-$45 I Suits $32.5.0 TWO STYLES ILLUSTRATED Both plain and fancy models are included in this sale. Our smartest, most desirable and newest models are here in such materials as SERGE, GABARDINE, BROADCLOTH AND NOVELTY FABRICS The very swagger, loose and belted models are shown, and many have large fur or velvet collars. Black, navy, brown, green, ruby, gTay and all the other popular shades are here, and sizes range from misses' 16 to wom en's .54. Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. $2 Embroidered Envelope Day Pillow Cases-Pair A pair of these cases would make a most acceptable gift ! Fruit of the loom muslin size 45 by 31 inches embroid ered in pink, blue and white designs. Tuesday special, at pair, $2, Linen Shop, Second Floor Sale of Xmas Stationery FOR DAINTY GIFTS AND PERSONAL USE ' 65c .Blue Bird and Red Bird Box Stationery or Correspond ence Cards in dainty hand-painted box, 59c' Christmas Stationery two quires in attractive box, 98c. Fancy Stationery one quire in box, special 37c. Children's Stationery, in fancy boxes, 15c. $2.50 Brass and Other Metal Extension Book Racks; $1.49. Stationery Shop, Main Floor $3.50 Vanity Cases, $1.49 German silver vanity cases fitted with mirror, memoran dum pad, pencil, coin and powder compartment. These are especially appropriate for holiday gifts and are reduced Tuesday to $1.49. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor PP " Men's Warm Bath Robes Special $485-' Just in a belated shipment placed V on special sale Tuesday in time for holi day buying. Light-weight, warm, comfortable robes, made of full blankets, in handsome new colorings, in good patterns. With braid-bound shawl or notch col lar, finished with satin yoke at neck, and seams neatly bound. Large patch pockets. . An unusual robe Tuesday only $4.85. Men's Shop, Third Floor Choose From Our Fine Stocks of Sweaters t : : " : For Personal Wear and Gifts . . i For sports and for outdoor wear generally, now and during: the many cool weeks ahead, a good, warm sweat er will commend itself at once to men and boys. The sweaters we are featuring today are all of the most de pendable qualities and prices are in every instance the very lowest possible. Here are some particularly good gift suggestions: MEN'S ALL-WOOL SWEATERS, $3.30 NEW just in by express! AlJ-wool sweater coats in low V-neck style. Oxford, maroon, navy blue. MEN'S ALL-WOOL SWEATERS, $3.93 "Ruff IJeck," medium weight, all-wool sweater coats in plain knit style. Gray, cardinal, navy and maroon. All sizes. PURE WORSTED SWEATERS, $3.93 Medium weight, pure worsted sweater coats with ruffneck collars. Excellently made. Cardinal, navy, gray, green and maroon. PURE WORSTED SWEATERS, $7 , Extra fine "Shaker knit" worsted sweater coats, full fashioned, with knit-in pockets and ruffneck collars. 'Oxford gray, maroon, cardinal, navy and white. MEN'S "THERMO" KNIT COATS, $4.50 Light weight, popular for sports or under-the-coat wear. V-neck style with loose coat sleeves. Dark irrav and heather mixtures blue, green and red. BOYS' WORSTED PLAITED SWEATERS $1.59 Boys' worsted plaited sweater coats with ruffneck collars. Very serviceable garments in Oxford gray, cardinal, maroon. BOYS' ALL-WOOL SWEATERS, $2.50 - NEW just in by express! Boy's' medium weight all-wool sweater coats with ruffneck collars. Cardinal, maroon and Oxford grSy colors. BOYS' ALL-WOOL SWEATER COATS, $4 Boys' all-wool sweater coats in heavy "Shaker knit" style and medium weight jmre worsted sweater coats in plain knit style. Made with ruffneck collars." . Oxford gray, maroon, cardinal and navy. MEN'S PURE WORSTED V-NECK SWEATER COATS, $6.50 AND $7.50 AND FINE ANGORA SWEATERS $6 TO $12.50 HUNDREDS OF OTHER EXCELLENT GIFT SUGGES TIONS IN THIS SECTION Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor Hi i Dover" Knife and Fork Sets for Gifts $2.49 An inexpensive, yet most pleasing gift for any housewife ! The set consists of 6 medium knives and 6 medium forks in the very simple and pretty Dover pattern. Guaranteed for" 10 years. Silverware Shop, Main Floor Sl.85-S2.-20 Curtains, $1.69 About 200 pairs of excellent scrim curtains. Some have pretty 2-inch insertions and plain hems and others have lace edges. A splendid opportunity to buy good curtains at a saving ! " 40c-50c CRETONNES, YARD 33 Foliage cretonnes in many attractive colorings to make pleasing new hangings for your Winter windows. Special Tuesday 33c instead of 40c to 50c. ' Drapery Shop, Seventh Floor. New Boudoir Sets Reduced Quite the newest set for milady's boudoir dainty cap and slippers to match, made of crepe de chine, prettily lace and ribbon trimmed. $1.25-$1.50 Sets, 9Sc $2 Sets, $1.48 $2.50-$3 Sets, $1.9S Xeckwear Shop, Main Floor. Boys' $5.00 Suits Today Only $3.85 ONE ILLUSTRATED Good, serviceable suits for the little fellow! "Junior Norfolk" models in fancy striped serges. Brown and blue, with detachable Eton collar. Lined throughout coat and pants these are exceptionally fine 6uits at this very moderate price! Get the boy a new suit for the holiday season! Sizes 3 to 7 years Tuesday at $3.85. Boys' Clothing- Shop, Third Floor. Fiitei Tuesday's Grocery Specials Butter Royal Banquet; our own fresh churning; 2-lb. roll, 83. Coffee M. & F. Special; fsest quaKty, freshly roasted; 40c grade, 3 pounds, 8o; pound, 29?. , Pure Spices Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, mustard, pepper, all spice, sage and ginger; 2-ounce cans, 0. Baking Powder Rumford; none better; 1-pound cans, 2,5?. Mince Meat Atmore's; dozen, $1.05; package, 9?. Boiled Cider One of the purest; quarts, 29?; pints, IT'z?. "A Seeded Raisins New crop; Sun Maid, Monopole or Red Ribbon; large package, 10?. Not-a-Seed Raisins New crop; package, 14?. Citron Peel Best quality; the pound, 22?. Baking Chocolate Ghirardelli's Premium; 1-pound cakes, 35?. Fruit Peels Equal amounts of citron, orange and lemon mixed; pound, 22?. Currants Monopole; new crop; large package, 22?. Cluster Table Raisins New crop; No. 1 cartons, 12'2?. Ninth Floor, Fifth Street 75c Sterling Silver Deposit Vinegar Cruets 49c Dainty silver deposit vinegar cruets a neat Christmas gift 49?. $2.75 Mahogany Nut Bowls $2.18 Consist of $olidmahog any nut bowl, six nickel nut picks and cracker. $2.50 Nippon China Cake Sets, $1.69 Hand-decorated, neat de signs. Consist of 1 large & 6 individual cake plates. 75c Sterling Silver Deposit Salt and Pepper Shakers Pair at 49c Silver deposit salt and pepper shakers. Basement. In Our Toilet Goods Shop 25c Jergen's Christmas Perfumes, 19?. 10c Jergen's Crepe Paper Sachets, " 7?. Williams' Iridesca Guest Toilet Water, lO?. Williams' Iridesca Toilet Water, 75?. 50c Williams' Lilac, Rose and Violet Water, 29?. 50c 4711 Rose and Violet Toilet Water, 29?. 75c Ricksecker's Toilet Water, as sorted odors, 49?. 50c Incense Powder, 43. 50c Incense Burners, 43?. 10c Incense Sticks, 8?. SAFETY RAZORS, Gillette, $3 to $10. Auto Strop, ,S5 to $8. Gem Safety Razors, 81. Ever-Ready Razors, Jj51. Durham Duplex Razor in red leather case, Sjl. Twinplex Stropper for sharpening Gillette Blades. Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. 1 ; . . . " " '' mi . I t : ; : BATTERY VETERANS AID STORY OK, DESTITUTE FAMILY BE L1EVED RUSE FOR AGITATION. Slother Who Telephoned Asked to Make Herself Known Association and County Care For Many Cases. Search for the wife of a Battery A "artilleryman, who reported the desti tute condition of herself and two email children, has proved without avail. In quiry at the address given developed the fact that no such case was known ' of. If an error has been made and the wrong address given the mother who telephoned her story of want last Saturday is asked to make herself known. v Officials of the relief organization, the Veterans of Battery A Association, are inclined to think that the message .may have been sent by someone who desires to create sentiment for the early return of the soldiers from the border. Their orsranizati On It la b,M has been active In caring- for every case of destitution that has beeu re ported. x When the battery left for the border. 45 men signified that they had left dependents. After a few months of service, his list was increased to 90. The home organization called on all cases and selected 18, which were given financial assistance. In all $800 was disbursed from the county aid and funds raised by the organization. Later the Federal relief allotment was applied for by many, and a num ber of cases relieved through this me dium. The largest single allotment from the Federal fund was $216. The Veterans of Battery A, which "is composed of the membership suggested by its name, is planning personal visits to the homes of the absent ones on Christmas eve, when presents will be left for the little ones. Danish West Indies Resolution Up. COPENHAGEN, Dec. 18. via London. The Foregn Office today presented te Parliament the draft of a resolution for the cession of the Danish. West Indies to the United States. LUND FITS DESCRIPTION YOUTH ADMITS MACKIXAW TOLD OB" BY BARTHOLOMEW. Prosecution Believes Murder Suspect's Plaa to Fasten Crime on Another la Spoiled fcy Alibi. The trip 6T Oscar Lund from Los An geles to .Portland to clear himself of Imputed complicity In the murder of John Lind a year ago resulted in the dispelling at any suspicion with less delay than even he hoped for. The immediate disavowal of Edward Bar tholomew, the murder suspect, that Mr. Lund was the Paul Lund he had seen with Lind and who, he says, committed the slaying, cleared the atmosphere for Mr. Lund. Investigation by the District Attor ney's office yesterday showed no con nection of Mr. Lund with the green trunk murder. The description given by Bartholo mew of Paul Lund fits Oscar Lund to a dot. Oscar Lund admitted he mignt have been in Portland on November 18, 1915. when Lind was killed, as he was back and forth between Hillsboro and Portland that week. Bartholomew said- ?aul Lund wore a gray mackinaw. Oscar Lund admitted he had worn a gray mackinaw in Port land some of the time. - Bartholomew said Lind had pointed Paul Lund out to him in San Francisco, when Lind wasliving at a hotel at Third and Howard streets. Oscar Lund admitted living In San Francisco at Third and Mission streets, a block from where Lind had stayed, at a time which might have been coincident with the time Lind was in San Francisco. The prosecution is inclined to argue that Bartholomew actually had seen Oscar Lund somewhere in his travels and had tried to fasten the crime on him. Asa Paine, timber in an. Buried. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 18. Funeral services for Asa Paine, prominent In the brick and lumber trade In Minneapolis 20 years ago, who died at Vancouver, B. C. last Friday, were held today at Lakewood Cemetery. LIVELY ACTS ON BILL PANTACES HAS ESPECIALLY GOOD HOLIDAY OFFERI.VG Headline Is London Bell Ringers, Who Win High Share of Praise and Other Acts Please. If anyone happens to ask. there's a mighty good bill over at Panta'ges. with every act all to the mustard. A pretentious, big number tops the bill in the London Singing Bell Ringers. Five good-looking chaps, all dolled up in white evening clothes present a splendid big act. There's William Brewer and James Brewer, both tenors; Tom Morgan, baritone, and Leon Folger, basso, with Lloyd Garrett, contra tenor, to offer the singing. The "Betting Betseys" is another act that by reason of Its melody and mer riment and dance in a racy-pacy act, proves popular. Six pretty dancing girls, who change their frocks often. vie for attention as racetrack devotees, with Percy Chapman and Johnny Mor ris, clever eccentric comedians, who pose as touts at the track. Stanley and Burns are a couple of dancing fiends, who have an unusually attractive scenic background. There's a club and the night lights are burn ing and, these two merry chappies wan der along and' proceed to give a,dance exhibition, with song punctuations be fore they go in for the night. An attractive personality is that of Olive Briscoe, who presents exclusive songs and a line of fresh, happy chatter-patter. Smith and Kaufman present "A Mid night Occurrence," which is first a chance meeting between a "cop" and a belated clubman and then resolves it self into a Binging act. Sigsbee's acrobatic dogs are one of the bright luminaries on the bill. There are about a dozen smart little pups, who do all the old and accepted stunts and a lot of brand new achievements beside. The eighth episode of Helen Holmes' life as a "Lass of the Lumberlands" is on this week. And this week, by the way, is the 11th anniversary of the opening of the Pantages Theater in Portland. The Treatment of , Influenza or La Grippe . It Is qaite refreshing these das-s to read ot a clearly defined treatment forlnfiuenza or La Ortppe, In an article in the "Lancet Clinic," Dr. James Bell, of New York City, say he Is convinced that too much medica tion is both unnecessary and injurious. When called to a case of la grippe, the patient Is usually seen when the fever Is present, as the chill which occasionally ushers in the disease, has practically passed away. Dr. Bell then orders that the bowels be opened freely with salts. "Actolds" or citrate of magnesia. For the high fever, severe headache, pain and general soreness, one antl-kamnla tablet every three hours Is Quickly followed b.v complete relief. Alkfor A-K Tablets. Tbey are also unex celled for headache, neuralgia and all pains. 1THE MILK OF MAGNESIA' w Tooth Paste VTHE PATENTED ONE BSSSaSJBBBJSnBSJBBBBSaSaBBBBBBBSBBBBBSBO