THE 3IOIIXIXG OREGOXIAX. TTTTTST A "V. TTT!Tv1TT?"PT? m mm BlwS1?hilI?.ory i",.for thi Information of the public, to lvt as far as pas Sn to u"."" uness which the average person rW find o?ca ACCOKUION fLEAIlKG. K. SIEpha.X, bemstltchlns. scalloping, ac cord, aide pleat, button covered;, mall orders. 228 flttock block. Broadway loaa. . AUATJS CUTTKBd. MV1.?,74- Mrs" Jewelers, expert watchmakers. . MlUerg. a43fr Wash., bet. Bdwy. and fark. ASSAYKBS AI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. .142 2d Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTOKNEYS. . J. Alakellm Frooate, real estate, mining ana corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions lurnlshed. 1434 Northwestern, Bank bldg. Main 674a. LAWYER, B18 Pittock block. No charge lor Preliminary consultation. nary consultation. MaV.htAHgg- 'aWyer- 402 Panm bId CAFETERIAS. l'Ii?iTA:,It 4th aod Stark; good eats; vocal . ana orchestral music, noon and evenings. CANCER. TiiJo,LlV M- - CANCER TREATED. Pwwer bldg.. 18th & Alberta. Wdln. 410a. CAltrKT EAVEK. rtlFi" RUGS FliO.U oU CARPETS. ?rf,et cleaning, refitting, etc. North - west R"g Co.. llws E. 8th st. Both phones. CELLULOID BUTTON 8, BADOE8. aoTHf" IRWIX-HOCSO-N' COMPANY rf87 Washington St. Main 3la and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William, Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny. ti:e only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phnn -Jain i3Ui. CHIROPRACTIC PHVSIfUNS ELIMINATING medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without 25 J?r "cara- Dr- McManon making good. 31 adjustments t-15. Macleay bldg. . Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Ji-nocKers boost. Case questions free. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CisE TirEH CO 810 N- w- ' Mar. QB22. lop letters multlgraphed for 1. COLLECTING AGENCY. KEXH & CO. No collection, no charge; established 1IHM. PAXCCfO. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 85 Oth 1 irStSrand ak: 4 Pate lessons. 2 Moii'" ' eve: lateat dances guaranteed; class Thurs.. Sat, eve.. 7-8:30. Bdwy. 216ol HEATH'S SCHOOL. Lessons dally; class Tues Fri eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. beL Wash, and Stark. Main 8205. Lessons 2So DETECTIVES. EXPERIENCED, reliable; consultation freSL i-. L. Kellogg. Jr.. box 285. Oregon City. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS. TrSat5lei?t by, specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. . F. Caaseday. 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d st Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. pacific states fireIxsuraxce co. WHOLESALERS AND ' AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PT-TBRtTIL,LE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2a St. AUTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. yilg, and repalr- J-AMER SPRING CAlng; 40UO springs carried in stock, loth & Couch sts. BAuu.iuf. tilLCKED AT HOME. Baggage omnibus Transfer. ParK tie. Davis. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L.Dinkelspiel Co. l)Zrmo& GRAIN; MERCHANTS. M. H. HOUSER, Board of Trade Bldg. GROCKRS. WAD HAMS & Cu t;7-7.j Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. HJDES, WOOL. CASCARA BARKl KAHn BROS.. 1U1 Front street. MAN I I'AtTl KKKS LADIES' NECKWEAR EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. XTy, oth st PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. p. FULLER & CO., 121h and Davis sts. ACCTIOJf BALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, Masonic Tem rle building. Yamhill and V. Park streets. Piano, furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4B. A. F. AND A. M. Snecial TnxJS communication today (Tuesday), XiVf Deo. 1:30) P. M.. East Eiehth and Burnside, to conduct the funeral of our late brother. Frederick Rlenecker. Your attendance is urgently requested. All M. M. invited. Please bring your autos. ay oraer or w. ju. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. A. AND A. S. RITE. AT.NSWORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX. NO. 1. Regular meeting In Memorial- Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order WISE MASTER. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. and A. M. Special ,1.1., )Tll.u4,vl evening, December 19, at 7:30 P. M v ora in tne - o -gree. Visiting brethren wel- C. B. MILLER. Secty. iinuTT 1 vn CHAPTER. NO. 97. O. E. S. tataiea communnja- tion this evening at W. O. W. uo, Q,..c.!l at PPCPnTlnll nan, oo- for Mount Hood Lodge. By order Hall, W. M. MARGARET J. IJ11.U, oc. IMPERIAL LODGE. NO. 159, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even ing. Dec 19, 7:30 o'clock. Work M 'm. degree. Visitors welcome. (D.) W. P. ANDRUS. aecretary. OREGON ELECTRIC COUN CIL, NO. 15S2, ROYAL AR CANUM, meets this (Tuesday) evening. Masonic Temple. Visit ing brothers welcome. O. O. HALL, Sec. REGULAR MEETING OF Washington Commandery No. 15, drill corps, Tuesday even ing, 7:30. ROBERT HAETTO. Recorder. MT. HOOD CTRCLE. NO. 151, W. OB" W., will have a Christmas entertainment at their regular meeting, Dec. 19. In their hall at 10th and Taylor. All members Invited. Re freshments. 'EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger Bios. 1S1-3 Sixth st. FKISDLAKDER'S, Jewelers, for Emblems, Class Pins and Presentation Medals. Designs and estimates furnished free. 310 Wash. DIED. GRANT In this city. December 18, 1918, at 5ood Samaritan Hospital, George Kenneth Grant, age 46 years. Deceased is survived ' y his mother and sister and five broth ers iu the Eastern states anJ Canada; also Dr. Daniel Grant, of this city. De ceased was a member of the L O. O. F. Remains are at the parlors of Skewes T'ndertaking Co., corner of Third and Clay. Funeral notice later. FIELD In San Francisco, Cal., December 1", Kasper Field, aged 43 years lo months 18 days, brother of Albert Field, of Gresh am. Or. Remains at the funeral parlors of F. S. Dunning, Incorporated, East Side funeral directors. Announcement of funer al services in a later issue. PA NT ALL In this city, December 18, John W. Pantall. a?e 48 years, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. J. T. Dixon, 363 Thir teenth street. The remains are at the resilience establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of fu neral hereafter. SANDERS In this city, December 18, at her late residence, 255 North lath street, Sarah F. Sanders, age 65 years. The re mains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. K1RKKAM At her home, 701 East' Twenty-first 'street. December 18, Elizabeth H. Kirkham, aged 05 years. Remains are at he F. S. Dunning, Incorporated. East Side funeral directors. Announcement of funeral services In a later issue. BECK At the family residence, K25 East Thirty-ninth street. December 18 Anna Thornton Beck, aifed 65 years 1 month 24 days, beloved wife of William G Beck. Announcement of funeral later. WARNER In this city. December 18. Sam uel G. Warner, of Wenatchee, Wash. Re mains are at Holman's funeral parlors Announcement of funeral later. LEONARD In this city, December 17 H C Leonard, aged 93 years 10 months if days." Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. 2 MESSENGER SEKV1CB. HASTY MESSENGER CO'. Motorcycles and bicycles. Fhons Main S3. A 2158. MCSICAL. EillL TH1ELHORN. Violin Teacher, pupil oevcm, zvt i?.iedner blag. Marsnau ov. OPTOMETRISTS AN1 OPTICIANS. r-T. "WHY PAY MORE? SN A SAVING OF 25 TO 60. Properly fitted - glasses as low as si. 50; 40UO satisfied customers satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa W Good- man, optometrist. 2uu Morrison. Main. 2124. , PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experiencs II. S. cm toreign patenli. tfoi Uekum bldg. PHlSICIAJia. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS.- Aiiskjc bldg. Get my " """n'gii iirunic xJiaesse ; it s;rree. PIANOS. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. 10TH AND STABKUTS. MARSHALL S3 A 1253 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and muce near ana lorK Bts. Main PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Ganrtnbeln, Mgr. riinimg &OU linotyping. i? ront - St., turner atarn. juain or A 1418. RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. II Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Ing'raln, Brussels, Smyrna, AxminBter, ra rugs, all sizes; mail orders prompt; booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. C4-56 Union ave., N. East 6516. B 14T5 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. SAFES. JOHN E. DAVIS.. Phone Main 4234. Stand- arq maaes. Jor. Morrison ana 1st. STORAGE AND-TRANSFER. " FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVINO. Telephone for our. proposition; we can save you money; stdrage. packing, mov ing, snipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Office 105 Park St. Main ol5. A 1031. warehouse 44-48 E. 6th st. N. ALWAYS PICK. THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship. ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special treignt rates to ail points. C. O. PICKL TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 5116, A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Giisan st corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1160. we own ana operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office, 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY 6LABWOOD, blo.-kwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main S720. A 58S9. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WElNriAKD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECTAR. Henty Weinhard plant, loth and Burnside sts. Phone- Alain 72. A 1172. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUS&EN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. fr4-brt Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. Sl-! Front st. PRINTING. DDIITIWOF. W. BALiES & COMPANY. rniiSl IllUFlrst & Oak bis. Main 165. A 1163 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co., 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS). EVEHLI1NG & KA11KELL 140 From St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS.' W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis gts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WAH. PAPER CO.. Tip 2d St. FUNERAL NOTICES. RIENECKER The funeral services of the late Frederick Rlenecker will take place at tne conservatory chapel or t . S. Dun ning, Inc., East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street, at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday), December 19, under the au spices of Washington Lodge A. F. and A. al. rrienua invited, interment li Mult nomah Cemetery. M'CARTHY At Harlowton. Mont, rw--em ber 12, Arthur Charles McCarthy, age 34 years. The funeral services will be con ducted in St. Peters' Church, Lents, today (Tuesday), December 19, at 9 A. M. Friends invited to attend. Interment Mount Scott parK uemetery. The remains at the fu neral parlors of A. D Kemworthy - Co 5S02-5&04 Ninety-second street S. E., in SCHOLTZ The funeral service ot Mrs. Ma. "u oD'iuiis win De neiu. at tne conserva tory chapel of the East Side Funeral Di rectors, 414 East Alder street, at 2 P. M. Wednesday. December 20. Vrlenri lnvit-i Concluding services at" the Portland Cro- CARL The funeral services of the ' late -rcenry i. jan win be held Wednesday, December 20. at lo o'clock a -vi t,r tin. residence establishment of J. P. Finley & , J" ifiuiuci y m rinn. f rienas ln- wtea. interment at Rivervlew Cemetery. KEEP Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Keep, 260 North Twentieth street, De cember 17. Funeral from Holman funeral parlors today (Tuesday), December 19. In terment rciverview cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A 1511 ' PERFECT FUNERAL SEKV ILES FOB LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors, Lady AsMHtant.- Wash. at Ells St.. Bet. 20th and 21st. Main 2691. A 7 has. West Side. DUNN1.NJ M'ENTEE. funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Road way 430. A 455S. Lady attendant, w A- R. ZELLER & CO.. 592 WILLIAMS AVR East lotto, C loas. - Lady attendant. Day and night service. J. P. FINLEY & SOU, Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors 414 East Alder street. East 52. B 2525. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. M'n 4152. 'A 2321. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E bOth and Giisan. Tab. 4313 ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Main 6133. A 2235. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. H 1888. BREEZE & SNOOK 1026 Belmont at S4 th. fREMATO RIUM 3. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D 6L FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists 3C4 Washington. Main 269. A 1269. Flowers mr ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., Florists, 287 Morrison st Main or A 1803. Fine flowers and floral MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 212L Sell- e m"s.. im Aiuer eta TONSETH FLORAL CO., 285 Washington St.. between 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 110L MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 2B4-2M 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Keu A Sons for memorials. - . . Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 i A 6095 tm today. Universal Tractor Attachment OPPORTUNITY WITH BIO FUTURE. "Four automobile anrl mir TTn1,r.t tractor attachment will make you big money. Agents selling one a day. Big demand. Big profits for you. drivintr through the country taking o.'ders frr the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile In a few hours' time Exclusive territory. "Write or-call at once. GERLIGEU MOTOR OAR CO, South Fife and Hood Streets. ' Tacosu, Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved City oronertir at C nrl 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. .LIDeral repayment privi leges allowed. No delaysi LAUf.K LOANS si'ECL4L RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. (17-219 Northwestern JUanlc Ilulldlng. Marshall 4114, A 4118 rans or $10,000 and Up on Im proved BiiNinesn property (or for Improvement I'urpoees). . J. P. LTPSCOMB, 242 Stark Street. Property Management We give careful and efficient attention to apartment-nouses, office Dulldlnxs. leases, rentals, all property supervialuo. Coe A. McKerlna & Co. General Real Esrtate. 727 Chamber of Cemmcrfs MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private Fuda at and 77c ROBERTSON & ENG 2Q7-8 Xorthvrestern Hank Bldif. WANTED S2.000.00 for two years, at reasonahla inferos rates, and privilege to pay interest quarterly and to retire loan at the ex- ijii nun vi two years. xnis will be uacKca rjy jzu.ouu worth of security. AUlJlvr.35 A 21, OIlliliOlAA. vestern Bond Sc Mortgage Co. Ostr Own Money at Oarrent Itatev. HCKICIFAL A.U COHPOUA'fIO.1 BONUS. K A II SI AM CITV LOA.V1 ho iDuMj St.. Board or Trad, as Ida. 6. 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY MORTHWCglCRN BANK BUILD ihaj MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Orctton Investment A Mortcaga Cev. UfUeca 1 17U Third at. Jor Sale. Potatoes, SI Per Sack, f. o. b. Jefferson. Or. Small But good. iJ. O. Berkley HEAL. ESTATE. Kiir bale -Lots. SNAP OX IX)TS. Lots in Montlceilo, Wheatland and Pruuedale additions, at less than one-half former prices for limited time only. ORE. INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 202 Stock Exch.. lio 3d st PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage In this rl.oire rlistr'ct; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4SJ7. BROOKE. A i50 LOT 50x100, E. 10th and Shaver. All improvements paid. Ore. lnv. & Mortgage Co., 202 Mock Exch., 170 3d St. LARGE, beautiful view home site. West Side, jor a-io casn, oaiance so per montn, M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. A FIXE Laurelhurst lot. J4."0, S1S0 cash, nai. a years. 3t fanama Mdg. Main 1410. For bale Hounes. CHARMING LAURELHURST HOMR. Nature has endowed Laurelhurst with advantages no other section has to offer. It doesn t cost any more to live here where you can enjoy the finest air charged with the fragrant scent of health giving fir balsam. You return to your worn eacn aay run or new life and vigor. DO YOU KNOW that I'll .nil vnn mv beautiful, new 6-room home, right near para ana ciud. with tne very latest built in conveniences. including garage on paved alley, for $4000? Pay me what you can spare down and M0 monthly will carry everything. Location: 1234 E. Burnside St., near B. 42d st. I'll be there Sunday afternoon to show It. During week call W. T. DOWNING, Main 1700. THIS MEANS J1000 TO YOU. Have actual cash equity in new 6-room bungalow in Laurelhurst of $2000. strictly personal reasons necessitate a qulk turn for cash; $1000 will buy It; $1S psv month carries mortgage interest. House will rent tor $:to. Will show house Sun day P. M., or later upon request. Phone Tabor 17lt2. THAT VACANT LOT. "WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con structien; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc.. Contracting Ar chltects. 324 Ablngton bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst. the Addition of Beautiful Homes, tho show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office 270 u. Stark St. Main 1700. A 1515. TWO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Have two fine STRICTLY modern homes. 6 rooms each. One In PIEDMONT the other in PORTLAND HEIGHTS Can sell J20OO to 300O below value. These are REAL SACRIFICES. Fulton 621 Yeon bldg. MODERN bungalow, four rooms and bath. tun cement liasement, gas and electric lights, corner lot, street and sewer assess ments paid In full; Westmoreland district price tVMo. See owner, U18 Northwestern Bant bldg. Main 3292. TREMENDOUS sacrifice. 6-room modern bungalow, nearly new. furnane h.,-. floors and all built-in conveniences- S800 equity for $200 quick cash Mr. Hageman 3l)8 Oak gt. Phone Bdwy. 1658. THREE-ROOM house, fireplace, modern con veniences. sleeping porch, sightly lot, good district. S50. ?200 cash. I need a little money and will sacrifice this. For full particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. 4-KUOM house, lot 50x100; fruit trees 24 bloc'Ks from car; SS50. fiwt cash, bal terms. Owner, 355 E. Burnside st. WE build and finance. E. & C. Lovearren 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. EQUITY in 8-r. house, value $3000 Col. 216. SOS Lombard St. St. Johns -nr. FX. f REAL ESTATE. 1'or ale -Houses. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS LAURELHURST BARGAIN. I own a new 6-room bungalow close to Laurelhurst Park on beautiful corner lot. Finished in old -4vory with tapestry paper. It's considered one of the handsomest places in the district. Am going to leave Portland, and no reasonable offer will be . refused. No agents or commis sions. Phone owner. Tabor 5845. SICKNESS compels me to raise some money. W'lll sacrifice my 5-room modern home, all built-in conveniences, elec. fixtures, "plen ty of fruit; ti3d and Woodstock ave.; for $1850. Small amount down. bal. terms. See Rlchanbach & Co.. 707 Lewis bldg. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. - - Good soil, good water, close to earllna, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Mars , ibss or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. For Sale Acrcsga CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; $75 to 20O per acre; easy terms: best soil; farms for sale, all sizes.- IcFarland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland. BARGAINS. SMALL FARMS. N'far city. 1 acre unimproved: 64 acres Improved. SOB Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 1658. For rale -Farms. PROSPERITY IN CANADA Thousand of farmers in Western Canada have sold their crops this year for more than the total cost ot their '.and. Land at $Je to $30 an acre has produced crops worth $40 to $75 an acre. Stock raising and dairying are equally profitable hogs and beef highest in country's history. Irrigation districts producing more .alfalfa and fodder crops than ever before. Get your farm home from the Canadian Paclflo Railway. Last year I asked you to take advantage of this oppor tunity you might have paid for your farm with the 1916 crop again I extend the invitation. Good land from $11 to $30 per acre; irrigated land from $35; 20 years to pay; government guarantees land and water titles. Pay in full at any time If de sired. We'wlll lend you up to $2000 m im provements In certain districts, with no security other than the land. Ready-made .us iDia on special easy terms. Loan for ivesioca arter one year's occupation. I subject to certain reasnnnh! .nnitinn. explained on request. Low taxes; no taxes i On ImorOvementM K-T-a .1 1.. llglous liberty; good climate, and the beat neighbors In the world. Other farmers be coming rich In Western Canada; you have the same opportunity. Buy direct from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Write for free book and full information. J. s. Dennis, assistant to the president, Canadian Pa cific Railway. Ii4 Ninth ave.. Calgary, Al berta. Canada SOME SNAP. ' IB acres of the choicest potato land, mostly In clover, a fine new 7-room bun galow, plastered, beamed celling, built-in fixtures, oak furniture, fine piano, range, heater and oil stove, cooking utensils, dishes, linen, everything to kep uouse. bath, toilet, city water, canned fruit, large two-story barn, . $400 worth of hay. io0 bu. spuds 1J sacks apples, all farm and garden tobls, gentle Jersey cow, 50 full blood chickens, wagon, harness and two years' wood. This place cost $7iX the way it stands. I will sell for $5500; take $300 cash. $2500 in 6 years at a per cent. 1-ine level land outside city limits of CarSOn. Wash. Talu Uinml Cnrltn., S ney to our door. Address Mrs. F. E. Gra- nam. Carson. Wash. 11 ACKES. Whitman County wheat ranch. 80 per cent tillable, 160 acres Winter wheat.- 000 acres ready for Spring sowing; two sets farm buildings, plenty of water, fenced, good heavy soil; close to two ship ping points. Leased to good tenants. A splendid investment at the price. $58,000. No trade. Write us for Washington wheat lands priced at frorn $13 to $15 per acre, owned by mortgage company. Spangler Land Co., 207 Hutton bldg.. Spokane. Wash. loo ACRES near Molalla, quarter-mile to elec. car; 5o acres la cultivation; $S000, good terms. 40 acres, one mils from station, BOo ear. fare from Portland: good house and barn; sandy loam soil: $2800, terms. ,10- acres: house cost $15o0 two years old; all in cultivation: one mile from good town; will sell for half regular price terms. Dean. 202 Wilcox bldg. 155 ACRES. Clarke- County. Wash., near Mashougal, about 15 A. clear. 40 A. small brush, easily cleared, bal. timber, several thousand cords wood: good stream- runs through all year round: chickens, cows, hogs, horses, etc., $55 per acre. AP 0U3. Oregonian. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $5 monthly; nj interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land: close to 3 Mg markets. rite for photographs and full informa tion. Hunger. A-211 N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City. Mo. 5'tlO ACRES In Southwestern Washington for aale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEVEP.HAEUSEIt TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. eastern Montana, at S2.0O to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing: easy terms. For Information-' write or seo "V. E. Holt. Miles City. Mont, HIGHLY Improved 80 acres on Iewls River. stoctt ana Implements Included, for only $10 per acre; this is really cheap. W. C. Becktell. 515 Corbett bldg. LOGOED-OFF stump land, $10 acre up: terms; good soil, running water, markets, employment. Mr. Sharpe. 83 3d. rm. 557. 20O-ACRE farm, partly Improved. Southern urcRon, on i-acinc Highway; great sac rlflce. J. R. Sharp. r..17 Sherlock bldg. DAIRY FARM, near church, school, cheese jaciury. uwner, mi Shaver. Wdl. 202. WANTED REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND PROPERTY WANTED. Have highly Improved farm in fine dis trict, excellent buildings, slock and equip ment, clear of incumbrance; price $4 0 000 will trade for Portland property and as sume $2.000 to $30,0u0: can put in other clear farm on larger deal; will consider Income property, any good district, or va cant property in district between Wash ington and Yamhill. Broadway and 10th LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG graduate architect will design vour future home, furnish plans, specifications and superintend construction work for a price far below that charged bv other architects. Advice given free. Address X 481. Oregonian. . APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Have wheat farm worth $30,000 to give as..,,jayment on br!"! apartment house; will assume up to $15.xio additional. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE YOU A CLEAR LOT? I need a clear lot to build on. Can give you good trade for it in house jedfor $30 per month. Phone J. M. REEVES. Tabor 1792 or Main 1700. WE have buyers for anything good in close in city property, farms or nearbv acreage. rt. r: nryan, 5Ufl Chamber of Commerce. E buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama hldg. WANTED TO REST FARMS. WANTED To rent farm about en n Will buy stock and Implements. Wilbur F. Jouno. 674 Glrard street. SMALL farm Dear Portland, suitable tar poultry and gardening. BU 8L Orego nian. FOR SALE TIMBER LAJS'DS. ' ...... Lfa. C. X M-CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. 160 ACRES. 90 cordwood timber, land near -'- v,uou son. .Bargain, j Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg. J' WAVTTI -TUlppn T.NTS. WILL exchange $7500 Irvlngton home, un- .uvuiuucicu. ior uesiraoie timber; esti mates, etc.. must bo guaranteed. J 984. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. WB have a few buyers for good improved """" oi irom du to lOO acres, reasona- cy1Ced- R- .F- ,B' ! Chamber of Commerce. Main 11X13. TO EXTHAWF-RFU. ESTATE. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated values considered. - . vicana OlUg. 1"ilJnACRKi of unlmP"ved land.ln"sO-and A...,-ie uncu, irara t, .oo to J30 per acre; clear of Incumbrance; will consider semi-business property and assume W C DANDY 80-acre farm near The Dalles. 10 uuu, iit-yv uouse ana Darn; this is cheap at $5000: four years ago this Dlace Coar9betat'Ubldgat il2-U- W- C' BeC" "3 e'rfT,jANE lot. 50x100: also 20 acres at "J, '"tuiuorance; exchange for small bungalow. Owner, Hali. 211 Wash- lngton st. WELL improved 1G0 acres near Madras Central Oregon, worth $4000; will con sider house and lot not over $4000 W C. Beckett, 515 Corbett bldg. WHEAT land In Christmas Lake Valley Lake Co.. to exchange for used car late model. Call Tabor 6058 or address Y 983 Oregonian. ' 2 LARGE, modern, 8-room Tiouses. mortgage $4000. 7 per cent, on ast 12th. near Burn side; snake offer for equity. P. O. box 2064 city. - $2500 EQUITY in good Rose City Park house and $500 cash for good timber claim. W. C. Beckett. 615 Corbett bldg 960 ACRES, Sherman County, sale or trade Alexander, 723 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD TRADES. Will trade several residences for flats or small apartment-house. Want Colorado property to about 10000 In exchange for Portland, nrsfcierty. Will trade city property or land for Home Telephone bonds or Paclflo States Insurance stock. Want farm clear, or clear seml-buslness property in Porrtawid. in exchange for clear residence 4(Kh). clear land $40uO. and fooOO equity in two splendid residences. E. J. ROBERSON. 703 Title jc Trust Bldg. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is fer exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no In flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Oeo. P. Henry. 329 Henry bldg. Ref.. Portland Realty Board. BEAUTIFUL seven-room, large, full attic, modern throughout house, acre of land, fine location on interurban line. 40 min ute! from Portland; valuation $6500. to trade for city property; no agents or com misFlon. F 9S3, Oregonian. BUSINESS corner. 50x100. near the Broad way bridge, which is carrying a $4500 mortgage; has a large old house. Will trade my equity for a modern 5-room cot tage or bungalow. See my attorney at 404 Plutt bldg. AUTO WANTED. $1000 equity in South Portland lot with two houses, mortgage $1SOO, 7 per cent, ren'a for $16. formerly $30; will take auto for the d?ed. Main 11155. 85 ACRES, Hood River, free of Incumbrance, one-half cleared, free water, buildings and bearing orchard. Exchange for Portland property. 306 Selling bldg. Marshall 2416. - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest Income property in the city. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Harness, Etc. SPAN of verv lloekv-bilt mre mm true. 4 and o yrs. old: wt., 2550 lbs., $230. Seven-year-old mare and four-year-old gelding, free of blemishes and true to work; wt., 2.VH) lbs $200. Bay O-yr.-old gelding, 1450 lbs.: a little footsore, $50. Also a new shipment of all size hoVses. Model Stables, 5th and Davis. i GOOD, sound, well broke mare, 1100 lbs.. nirni aeuvery wagon, nearly new. and har nvss. tun), If sold at once. Layman. 527 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE cheep, four teams horses Star tand Co., barn Delay at., bet. Goldsmith and Runsell. DEAD hordes taken free: $5-paid for dead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon Bone Meal Works. Ints. Or. Tabnr 4203 DEAD horses taken; $5 and up for dead cows: cash for down-and-out horses. Call me up without fall. Milwaukle 6i-J. rV' li E. SALEWagcni s and horses cheap. 8S 7th st. North DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Wootllawn 2Q. Portland Rendering Co. 1 HORSE, harness and light delivery magon for sale cheap. 370 N. 23d st, HOUSES for hire by day or month. C W. Toisend Co.. 3SO Front. Main 137L HOUSES, wagons, huggU-s and harneasf or p:tlc. Apply 20 Grand ave. $100 BUYS large team with heavy harness. Tabor 426. FOR SALE At a bargain. 1 heavy spring wagon, good as new, at 303 Davis. 13H0 LBS.. BAY HORsT-".-llghtrnii-ri wagon and harness. $'15. Marshall 403C. I'iwiios. Oriennw anil Muwi-al Instrument. NICHOLLS PIANO CO. Frisco stock and used pianos and player-pianos. Sale now In progress. OUR USED PIANOS $250 Upright pianos t 3 o'M) Upright pianos i5 S".0 Upright pianos 135 425 Upright pianos 105 OUR 1!U5 MODELS. $2.' Upright piano:, $195 375 Upright pianos 235 400 Uprii;ht pianos , 2rt5 450 L'prlght pianos 2'J0 OUR 11115 PLAYER-PIANOS. $.'.r.o 5-note P:ayers $365 600 S-note Players 3-5 7.0 88-note Piayers 435 775 68-note Players 4y5 OUR 3!1 PLAYER-PIANO. $."n Player-Pianos $43." 750 Player-Pianos 4:5 850 Player-Pianos " 55 OUR USED GRANDS. $ 5 Grands, mahogany $345 854 Oramis, rosewood ............... 4M5 1100 Grand, rosewood 5l5 OUR 1J15 MODEL . $50 Baby Grands $.".05 L'50 p.ahy Gralnls 015 Terms cash, or $' or more monthly. .o interest. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. BE' "'T'RITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 1375 F. & C. Fischer upright. cash....$ 5 275 F. & C. Fischer, old model, cash. .5 4.HI Mem way Sons, old model, cash, 110 -'u Angeius riayi-r. old moqel. cash. 2.1 275 Collard & Collard upright 4.1 crown orcan, oak 20 425 Smith rfC- Barnes, upright HO 1 o nave nereloiore paid Inflated piano store prices nowvreduccd to meet our stor age prices. However, compare our Stein way, etc., $85 or $'-." pianos, with pianos sold at $135 and 1 1 05 elsewhere and you will realize what we are still doing for SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 Fourth St. TE A M of blocky mares, 23O0 lbs., team -i"v ana names, nave taken on deal will sell very cheap. 8'J E. "5th t Woodstock car to 2sth and Gladstone, 3 " " i. 1 r'Miin. $5 CASH $ monthly, beginning in January. 1!17, buys $350 1917 model Christmas viauo m wunout interest for Zh years, at Schwan Piano Co, 111 4th st. $3..9 1915 MODEL upright piano for $135. in the sale of the Dor:and bankrupt stock, st Eilers Music House. 151-3 Fourth bl. PIANOS stored, 50c monthly; will sell al your price or buy for cash. Security Stor age Co.. 10!) 4th at. CASH BUYER WANTS VICTROLA OR GRAN AN OLA, PHONE MAIN 44U5. 128 r irta i. rOR SALi Piano. McPhail, mahogany case, mie moaei; terms given. Phone Main 01 si. NEW $750 player piano for $435. delivered. Phone Tabor 5716. Mr. Webster. $30 PIANO. $140 cash: real ivory keys, not xiaiom uiinert. AZrt lamtiin st. I PAY casn for used pianos, bert. Ss4 Yamhill st. $18 BUYS $100 parlor organ for Christmas ai c-ijcuniy storage Co.. 100 4th st. Furniture for Sale. CHEAPER THAN AT AUCTION. Furniture of all kinds, consisting of ranges, gas stoves, new heaters at $1 40 and up; stovepipe, in to 20 cents; comforts as low as 35 cents: sheets, cuses. beds. uiiiuiB-wiuicB, cuairs, rockers, buffets. treasurers, carpets, showcases. electric lamps, grafonola and cabinet, 50-plece set namanu cuiiia, nan at CSSSiay. 126 1st st,. bet. Washington and Alder. FOR SALE About 400 yards used BIgelow Axmlnlater carpet, all the same pattern. Weinhard Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. HERE'S a chance for young couple Com plete nearly new furnishings. S rooms. 4 rooms rented permanently; pay entire re'nt. light, water bills; $10O cash, balance $175 weekly $2.50; cost $700. WA cars 306 Hancock. FOR SALE Second-hand oak and mahog any oflice furV.iture of all kinds; filing . cabinets and safes. Kilham Stat y & pt'g Co.. Fifth and Oak. ltg, Birds, and Pet Stock. CHRISTMAS sale of ell kinds of dogs at the Leltrlm Boarding Kennels. 93d and East Stark; Russian wolf bounds Irish setter pup. Boston terriers, great Danes, Airedale pups, pointers trained. Tabor 125. C. Campion. LIVING Christmas presents. St. Andrewsberg Roller canaries, males and females; also some Buttercup chickens. Woodiawn 295 SIX Boston terrier puppies for Christmas presents: ma!e and female. Prlsco Ken nels. East 14th and Morrison. East 13o7 BUY her a puppy for Christmas: beautiful French poodle puppies. 2 months old. 148 Graham ave.. Alblna. XMAS AIREDALE PUPPIES. LADD1X. KENNELS, ESTACADA, OR. Poultry. 8 ANCOXA hens. 14S Graham ave.. Alblna Livestock. FOR SALE Very fine team, wagon and har ness, 5 select tnlich cows, new lot of farm ing implements: will sell all in one lot to responsible buyer. Mrs. Window, on John Manning place, on Base Line road, 3 mi. east of city limits, near Barker road. 25 HEAD of high-grade dairy cows, lust fresh. Big young cow. big milker. 274 East Seventh, near Hawthorne 6 FRESH cows with calves, all heavy milk ers, at U. S. Stables, 248 Front st. Good Jersey cow for sale or trade. 1U22 E'lvlsion st. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase: visible models 3 mo $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less Rem ington Typewriter Company. b6 Bloadway Broadway 62L NEW, re'iullt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark at. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main v. rca agents, xau otil at. FOR SALE. Typewr! t ers. E can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLK SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Wssh. St. Automobiles. "USED CAR SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. FORD DELIVERY, good shape..-. $225 GREAT WESTERN, electrio system. wire whee'.s $300 STUD E BAKER, starter and lights. five-passenger ...$450 MITCHELL 4. late model $t0 MITCHELL 6. late model $73 ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL. LEWIS ST AVER CO. E. 7272 E. 1st and E. Morrison B 1218. FORDS 101T FORDS New and Used Fords en Easy Payments. We will trade yonr used Ford la on a new one or pay cash for it. We also have ""nu larger cars wnich nave been left was us xor sale. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorised Ford Agents. 22 d and Kearney Sts. Main IK). OAKLAND touring car. 1P16, "Lrttlo Six." " . ui suttu conuition. OAK LAND roadster, 118, rood as new; OVERLAND roadster. 191 K. in good snape;xgooa tires, one extra; $350. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO.. lflth and Alder. Phone Main 414. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay ments. RUSHLIGHT. RANSOM St PENNBT. Authorized Ford Agents. Phcne E. 75U. 275 Union ave. cor. Wasco. ' USED CARS Hudson. Overlande. Chsndler- teams; during this week we are goin to actually quote prices $100 below the market; doesn't cost anything to look. See mem. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO., 363 Oregon. SEE. " We have a 1914. electrio rtsrted and lighted 5-pass Carter Car, newly painted a 111 bwb inapa, lor only 13road way Gsrage. E. 24th and Broadway. FOR USED CARS Come to the Cover Motor Car Co.. 21st 1916 OVERLAND, model 83. 5-pass . in A-l condition, run but short distance, $550; will take Ford or good roatiet.-r in trade. Phone emngg. weoaiawn j'ul. iou can ouy a gold standard Reo 5-pass In thoroughly oerhauled condition; will guarantee mis exacl.y as represented terms. Goodfellow, 331 Couch st. FEDERAL REBUILT: two for Immediate uenery. ir you are in tne market for a irucic. F ini-tn Detnre you btiy PER LINGER MOTOR CAR CO UNUSED 1917 Ford touring car at discount. viso foru roar-sier. excellent condition. .'uim oiler. cw rourin at. LiiALMLIi!) .i-passenger touring car, model .11. one conoyion, aauu. ois pittock blk. IWiG STUDEBAKER. 4-cyl.. 7-pass., In best . eunwjtion. cneap lor rssri or terms. 1 .,- 1. i-i vit. Acme hue I Co. FEDERAL TON AND HALF; recently ov. nautea; a aanily bargain for $550. 363 SLIGHTLY used tlre.s $3 to $10 each; vub, vainzeq. ..c; tire repairing. 207 Madison KELLY TRI CK If you want a bargain, see 1UH1 MAXWELL, first-class Broadway 1640. coudition. $415. or.u Al Til PARTS at less than ha:f price. ..m.j ...ct.. 0.. . . itroaiiuay. 225 WIU. 1m car. AH Pn; a gixM r ord o-pasen.Ker , i'-'H. t-axon roadster. Must l,r'"M- i---, iemn st. r. ii M), ..-pass, automobile, price . .---'u ivjmuhhi. laoor lai.- LUK'iv 1U17, $175 extra equipment. Main OVEIiLAND TOURING: lights and starter will sacrifice. 363 Oregon. . Esst 7222. Automobiles Wanted. j T . r , car- Bo"d condition, late ...u..ei, i.. kiyc in ticnanse wheat land in wine v-oumy, near new Mrahorn R R Call Tabor 0058 or address AG 963 Ore gonian FORDS bought, sold and exchanged. R. I SHORT A- CO.. Automobile repairing. 333 Wil.L exchange notes payable tio monthlv r.M'.. l,y mortgage, for auto up to $3O0 S 111 discount. Addre33 Hoi 656, Lents. Or. . win pay cash for late model Fords Dodge Bros., or Bulck autos. Boone & Co. 514 Alder st. Main 3966 ' A.-vir.ii two b oru cars; must be cheap Ti , o -aiuer until the 5 LOTS in good Utile town in Vuiiinr,i 4t miles from Portland, to trade lor auto. u ....., uirKuniaii- "an i .D --'-unit, , starting and lighting CASH for old autos; must be cheap. !.3. Oregonian. WANTED at once, Ford, pay cash. Main 8774. 1914 model; will CAf-H for light cars. Fords preferred. Main quo, wasn. ot. jjsrage. Automobiles for Hire. NWE E can furnish any kind of truck for any Kind Of work hv nmnth r.r vnal, . We aro agents tor Wichita trucks and tractors Also have three rebuilt trucks S , ,""c Payments. Long & Mivs. 4i2 Hawthorne ave. East 6S40. 1916 SAXON 6, highway, depots, tourli.g. calling. shopping; reasonable. East 452. 1918 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call Ing and chopping. Main 7435. alios wltinut driver for hire Sllva. 4t2 Hawthorne ave. Phone Long A E. 1.840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. Hawthorne. East 11128. Motorcycle MOTORCY' LE & SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th St. Harlev-Davtcson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers ia motorcycles In the state. Main 7SS9 Machinery, AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTtTNTTY In a Fully Squirmed Machine Shop. For Salo by the ALASKA JT7NK COMPANY. 1 CARROLL JAMTEPON 15x6 LATHE. 1 5-H. P. H. C. MOTOR. 1 OHIO 18-INCH SHAPER. 1 MARVEL SHOP SAW. 1 BURR KEY SEATER. 1 PRENTISS 20. INCH W. I,. DRILL. 1 LARGE COMBINATION GRINDER AND BUFFER. 1 FORGE. 1 31-32 3-FLUTED DRTT.L. 1 17-32 3-FLUTKO DRILL. 1 BREAST DRILL. 1 BLOWER. 1 PPINNEL. 1 PIPE VISE. Complete set ot Blacksmith's Tools Resides the above the equipment In cludes: Stock and dies, block ami tackle. Stillson wrenches, hammers, planers, bolt setters, etc.- making full set of tools. F.verything to make up a well-stocked ma chine shop is included chucks, shafting, counter-shafts, dangers, belting und all transmission, complete. Phone Mnln 4110. FRONT AND TAYLOR. 201-5 Front St. HAVE 2 11x13 "Willamette Iron & Steel Works yarders, equipped with extended firebox boilers and straw line drum, for sale; both machines have been used less than two years and are In flrst-clafs con dition; must have cash ; a bargain, BF tWi, Oregonian. SOAP-MAKING MACHINERY Mixer, plod, der, mill, clipper, power mixer, cutting ta ble. Iron tanks, trays, scales, die stamper, etc.; alto four wooden tanks. 50 to looo ti a lions each. L. A. Marsh. Main 4507, Uni Worcester bldg. M iMcellaneouH. CORDWOOD for sale, one hour out with truck, hard-surface road. Write Brush Prairie, route 1. box 9 FOR SALE Gas range In good condition. oi- c. oiin i.., near u roan way. ABOUT 3000 cords of wood at 30c stump- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for Ks. Xo agents em ployed; ail machines sent out sew perfect and guranteed; machines repaired: ma chines rented $2 monthly SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Sd near Taylor st. A S626. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINES 2l0 slightly used sewing machines, ail makes, will be closed out. Iiropheads. 5 and ui-; box tops. $2. and up. s. S. Si-s 1. two siores, 3SJ Alder tt and 242 Aider st. USEFUL XMAS PEsljNT-Cyclone Vacu um Sweeper: buy direct from faciory, save agents' and deslirs' profits; $2 now, bal. later; trading stamps or tobacco coupons taken. V. V. S. Co.. 1'.'2 1st st. Main ;i.s.-w. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and. fchotguns. cameras, kodaks and lenses; bought, sold und exchanged. Hochlld's Camera Exchange. fr5 3J st. Mam 35S1. GENTLEMAN'S raincoat, new, size : will sell tor $5. T.ace bed fcet, new. reason able. East 324. FOR tho best coal and briauets at rearozi- able prices phono your orders to Sell- wooa imi. CASH RKGICTERS sllchtly used; our price ara lower. Cash Register Exchange, 351 !r WashinKton st. Main t0Q. BKAL'TIFt'L JAPANESE KIMONO. CALL MAIN 2J!':. SKE AT 17j BROADWAY. COK, YAMHILL. FOR SALK or rent, loacinB and rr.Rln?s. all Icin Js Tnaciitnry. rails, cars. Railway Kviuipmont Co.. Ti 1st. Main 2.i3 SECONE-HANDofflce furnltun for rent or ealo; all prades; larp sKetlon. Faclflo Stafy A Ftg. Co.. 107 lid st. Main 1971. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rni" expert ropalrlriK. Walker Electric Worits. 413 H urn si tie ct. Broadway or A 5074. TWO pool tables, complete; 1 wail cas, 1 clpar case, to sell cheap or trado for auto. SIS Union ave. N. CASH REGISTERS, safes! Btoro fixtures. Portland Cash UeplHU'r Co., lst & Yamhill. Pl.l'MISlNXi supplies at wholesale prices. iark-DavIa C-.. 2 1 2 Hd wt. Main 707. MACHINERY bought, aoi.l and repaired. N. W. Li-ad & Machlnory Co., 311 Front t. PERFECT diamond stick, pin, -karat, $50. J inn. Qrogoi'.ian . FOR SALE Wr-'ckagt wood, dry and cloan $3 jer had. V'.ast 43-... WOOD ttl co;il ran Re, with water coils; pbonogrnph. 1 Alblr.a ave. for sai.k ; Tabor 4..74. sacks select navy beans. 10c. CHRISTMAS TKER Atl Bigt-g. Thone Tabor LI'i salvage stock of toys, dolji, loc and -."c. 1-S 1st., near Alder. ITKMTIKE H VTKI. MONEY TALKS, "We ray the be?t cash prices for hou hfld or office furniture, rups, carpets, itoves and ranges. For prompt attention, phone r-E"T'TZ FX'EN'ITURK. INC. to Isl st. M tr. r.isi. A "224. FKLKMT.IN FURNITURE CO. wants all kirn. of S'-cond-b.and furniture. We alno buy xnrrchani'.fse atick3 ot any descrip tion. H ti- J lirst st. bet. Morrison tad airhtll Main tWU IF YOU wart t'J turn your furniture into money and ct all its w orth, cail MUli Furniture Co.. I. Firvt st. Main 6i6.'. We render prompt service. H 1 1 ; H KST prices paid t-r your furniture. Moves and car;etn- .lvurtr. Furniture-htort-. 2V7 J5t st. Marshall TS7. CAN I ' ? GOOD FURNITURE of any description; hive the ready cash; phope today. ..lain 4t"C7 or -04 First st. W A N T second-hand furniture and carpets, rhip out town ; ran pay more than i'ort lan 1 dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. UEoT UAKKH A CO.. Masonic Temple MdiT. pav cah !ur furniture, rus?, etc pbou Main :;:i32. lilOHET cash prh e paid for furniture and mo-. stocks. .1. M. Mmmonci. au StJi. . u'd r. rues, caipets Fa til Kne rJ T a 1 nT-7. IiE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auitt'n Co. M:in S'.'.-l. l'.tl 2d at. 1A HT Y would like to buy household goods. niK., etc., lor ca.-li. Man-hull WILL ray cish tor -J-ban J l urnlLure. Ca.ll Ms. ahbu rn. llursi.'ai; 47-3. WANT KD MIfKI.L.M-;Ol 3. LEVIN hAHbWAlit: At Kl'iiNlTLRE CO. will buy our ust-d furniture and ail kit,ia of tool and pay you alt it la worth. Our THKEE UliUK fcTtliE3 aro nmpie proof thy t we handle m-ar.y ei iij tuiut; ua neest iu the home or elsewhere. CAbU cut EXCHANGE. -'L'l-;. Krout St. I'liono Main 1H7. ?Ei'OM'- H AND nX)THIrj. $7.n l'AlP FtU MENS SLITS $7.5". H I'lVEST CASH F KICKS PAID FOR I-AIHES- AM" i ii. NTS SUITS, i HOES. AM' e v tt;. tuim; in m k.kchan li s MAIN Ol.nBK STOKi:. MAIN -Mtsu. 1! ,'. Fil : ST ST., N E A 1 : J EFFEltS ON. SKCONI) - 1IANP CL"THixl WANTEU J. MKi'Lli. THE T.J I .OR, FAYS $ 7 .'. 0 AND FOR SF. OM-llAND SUITS. HE' PAYS YOU MiRE FcIi SHOES AND rLOTIIIN.l. THE KF.I.IAfU.K HI'YEK. NT A KSH Ai.l, TJ'Jp. C-" M A PI SON ST. JUNK WANTED. ATI descriptions of Junk bought; highest rriee pahl for old metal and iron. Cail ORIENTAL, RUO WANTED L will buy Oriental rue. about lxl-. at fair pric i must bo pood condition. Address AM OHgoilau. WANTED Used knlttinif maehtnes. What have you ? M ust bo bargain. Address AV Orego n 1 a n CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and hiph-i;rale ore. H. M. Pickering, nif. jr-.v.-ifr. :'1S ore e--r. ia n bide. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN -1770. CIi :Mi FIRST ST. WANTED Diamond rim Pbout 1 kt. ; must b cheap. O itMi, Oregonian. WANTED National casn register. 6oiV 3a"fli Waablngton st. x WE buy your old bicycles and parts. Main 44V. US 1st. near Alder. WANTED A small machinist lathe. Oreeuttian. h ro. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Two youni; siiile men, over .Jl, of neat appearance, to trawl with crew of live solicitor-; must be wiliing to work.; men f rom out of town preferred ; chance for advancement; expenses advanced. Call at Hotel Chi Hon, from i to a today, asK. for Mr. Gray. WANTED -Two j'nuns; slut-'Ie men. over i'l. of mat appearance, to travel wl:h crew of lie solieito. s; must b uildntr j.o work; men f rum out of i'wn p refer red ; c banco f'r rfiv;tneme:;t; expens-s advanced. Call at H 'it el carl ion, iroiu U to J today, ask for MrjGray. DOCTOR wanted to locate in a farmlnff community, house and office furnished and small salary ; closest doctor 18 miles ; can run a drug store in connection; young mar ried man preferred. Apply at the Oregon Hotel Monday morn In a. RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriers, cus-iom-bouse employe; $70 to $10O a. month; life Jobs ; co strikes, no layoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. 'Free Book.," Faciilo btates School, McKay bide., city. bCUOOL bot. now is the time to place your applications for employment during th Christmas and New Year's holidays; jcood pay and cK-an out-of-doors work. Western Union Tel graph Company. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, Tluriij-ide St. Call or write lor information. A SPLENDID career open to good mechan ic ; practical courses in ai i branches or ennineerinn ; iilu.-trated catalogue from Feat i '.a Engineering School, Koy street, S--aitle. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS. J3.50 CP. Drop In and look th em over. Orpheura Cleaners. 3"r. Stark, corner Park. OPEN EYENlNcSS FROM 7 TILL, 8. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 44." Hawthorne Ave. Practical Experience on Peal Auiomouilcs and Gas Tractors. WANTELt. out of Portland. hUh-grad. weli -experienced male yiiorap her ; lum ber knowledge preicrred. Address A 107, Oresonirwi. WANTED Experienced sutters for harness factory. Appiy box 410 Calgary. Alta,, Canada. Man and wife on ranch, ifr.n. room and board; mut bo German or twlss. Colum- bia Em p. Co. FIKEMEN, l.rakf men, boglrnera paid $Ui month; permanent; no strikes. Railway. C'r-Konmn. W A N TED Experienced tie-makers; long Job. Address Standard Timber Co., Ev ans ton, Wyo. 2D-H AND C LOTH ING BUYER. FULL V ALL'S PAID FOR MEN'S CLOTHING. MAIN 73-L -J01 FIRST ST. LoY with wheel, steady work, good pay. "I'l stark. BA H I'.EK wanted. Pittock Block Barber Shop. EXPERIENCED pants operator wanted. Ray Bnrkhurst. ;th and Stark sts. EX. P D ad solicitors, payers, com. Clyde 211 Stock Ex. HA V E steady work. Buy a bicycle. See us for bargains. 12 1st. CATHOLIC young- men. Applv 7 Chamber of Commerce, between & aud. 10 A. id. A A 1