Hi22L!"nfor nf?natlon of tba public, to stve'as far as poa Slon to ,,.1 Arent.1,,ne" buBlne which the average person may find occa Sik se- Any Information which cannot be found here will be Eladly lur Plshed by phoning Main 70?0 or A 6096. House 40. ' ACtOKUIOX PLEATXXG. K. STEPHAX, hemstitching", scalloping, ac cord, aide pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 22I& fittoclt block. Broadway 10U8. AGATE Of TUSKS. M. 1874. ilfB. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Millers. 3434 Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. AggAVEKS AX1 AXAH8T3. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles mmlnud; written opinions furnished. 1434 ' .. fc.ms- aittm unn LAWYER. 618 Pittock block. No charge for .-. ............. j uniuaaiiuii. MA.H?NE lwer, 402 Panama bid. Marshall 6383. CAFETERIAS. HiHITAX, 4th and stark; good eats; vocal t and orchestral music, noon and evenings. CAN C KB. Jones, M. D. CANCER TREATED. lrewer bldg., 18th & Alberta. Wdln. 4106. JCARPET WEAVER. tXlFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cieaning, refitting, etc North west Rug Co.. 188 E. 8th st. Both phones. CKLLtLOlD RLTTON8. RADGES. THR IDU7TV II,.,.,.... . B87 Washington st. Main 812 and A 1204. .William. Eatelle and William.- Jr.. Deveny. . t,inIy,"S'?n'dfl0 chiropodists in the city. Jif1?? 805 nger bldg., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. : ELIMINATING medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without Sr"5" r cr- Dr. McManon making good. 81 adjustments 15. Macleay bldg. t,"nnvnitarlum-- Patients satisfied. Knockers boost. Case questions free. CIRCULAR LETT ER8. Cio82N2E E.TTEK CO" 610 -N- W- ldg. Mar! B822. 100 letters multlgraphed for tl. COLLECTING aOENCV. "?TH co- Worcester bldg. Main 17fl collection, no charge; established lsoo! BANCING. MAN.C?.ESIER Dancing Academy. 85 6th bet Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons. " rr.iS' M- e2e; latest dances guaranteed class Thurs.. Sat, eve.. 7-8:30. Bdwy. 216o) HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily; class Tues FrI eve.. 8 to 10. 108 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 8205. Lessons 25c! DETECTIVES. EXPERIENCED, reliable; consultation free". Qf Kellogg. Jr.. box 285. Oregon City. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS. Trat5le,nt b' specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. lasseday. 617 Dekum bldg.. 3d A Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. WHOLESALERS AMD AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DtTBRTTILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2& st. AUTO SPRING SLINLFACTURING. . ; 1 i. and repair. .tAMER SPRING CO lng; 40UO springs carried in stock. 15th & Couch sts. IJAGCj.Yo. CHECKED AT HOME. BaggaKe & Omnibus Transfer. Park A Pavla. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L. Dinkelspiel Co. lrShd. GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOLSlilt, Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERS. " WADHAMS & Cu.. B7-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 03-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA UARKi KAHN BHOS.. nil Front street. MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWEAR EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 83 ft 5th st PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. ARTISAN EXHIBIT ENDS GENERAL GOOD TIME CLOSES AF FAIR AT WOODMEN'S HALL. Concert by Junior Band of 31 Pieces Features Programme Children j Have Entire Charge. The Junior Artisans from practically every assembly In the city closed their two-day exhibit In the Woodmen's Hall at 116 East Sixth street Saturday night, with a rousing programme and a good night dance. The handiwork of the youthful entrants ranging from two to 17 years represented almost every con ceivable vocation. There were toothsome delicacies, rare bits of endeavor In woodwork, needle craft art, paintings In oil, drawings and many other products of child Industry. The programme featured a concert by the Junior Artisan Band of 81 pieces, a Junior chorus of 35 girls, and two short comedy sketches. The whole af fair was in the hands of the children and It was truly a merry event for the little ones and their Interested and proud parents literally flocked to the hall. A fancy dance by Miss Andre Bayley and several recitations, topped off . an excellent evening:. In the awarding- of the prizes for the best booths which took place the first day. Advance Assembly captured first honors for the best exhibit, with Montavilla second, and Arleta third. The first prize was a banquet to all the members of ' the winning assembly, the second a framed charter and the third a silk flag. The best individual exhibit was that by Miss Morelock, daughter of Patrol man Morelock. DEPOSITS LARGEST EVER Gain In Washington for 12 Months Is $32,207,157. OLYJIPIA, Wash.. Deo. 17. (Special.) According to a report issued today by W. E. Hanson, State Bank Examiner, 1179 state banks and nine trust com panies in Washington return a total gain of $32,207,157 in deposits for the year ending November 17, 1916. Total deposits on the latter date amounted to $133,851,536, the increase noted being by far the greatest ever recorded In the state. Present state banking conditions show an aggregate reserve of 30 per cent, where the legal requirement Is only 15. Total resources returned at date of the last call show total state bank resources of $159,605,449. VETERAN'S BODY IS FOUND 'Victim in Seattle Thought to Be Joseph Smith. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 17. The dead body of a Civil War veteran, believed to be Joseph Smith, with the skull fractured in several places, was found today in a thicket of trees near Bitter Lake, about six miles north of here. A small, blood-stained sledge hammer was lying near the body. In the Coro ner's opinion, the crime was commit ted about six weeks ago. 1 A purse containing $1.46 in coin and a bank book showing that a deposit ?760' had been made October 16 in a fcettie oanit were round in the poc kets of the dead man. German Ship Breaks Blockade. BERLIN, Deo. 17. Bjr wlreles to MESSENGER SEKV1CE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main S3. A 2153. MISICAI EMIL THIELHORX, .Violin Teacher, pupil Sevcik. 207FUedner bldg. Marshall 1629. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE ? A SAVING OF .25 TO 60. f Properly fitted glasses as low , $1.50; 4000 satisJied customers; satisfaction guaranteed. Chas W. Good man, optometrist. 2ua Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C- WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Allsky bldg. Get my new booklet. "Chronlo Disease"; It's free. PIANOS. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. 10TII AND STARK STS. MARSHALL S3 A 1263 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 8489. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln Mgr Printing and linotyping. 100 W Front stj corner Stark. Main or A 1418. RAO RUGS ANPFLCFF RUGS. ' Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Ingrain, Brussels. Smyrna. Axmlnster. ras rugs, all sizes; mall orders prompt: booklet. B4-58 Union ave.. N. East 6516, B 14T5 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. SAFES. JOHN E. DAVIS. Phone Main 4234. Stand- arq makes. Cor. Morrison and 1st. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE UOVINO. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Office 105 Park St. Main S195, A 1051. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST RouhiM goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping anu moving; norse or auto vans special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., Zd and Pine sts. Broadway S96. A 1U96. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner join leiepnone juain 5 or A 116V. We own and operate two large class warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest la surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise ana rorwaroing agents. Phone Main 7681. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blorkwood. i-anama r'uei up. Main O i J, A 5899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WE1NUAKUS GOUltX AMUKk XK.'TiH lieniy Welnhard plant, lath and Hurnside rnonp Alain i A 1172. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASAtUS&EN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. S4-tti Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. Sl-sa Front St. PRINTING '. BALTE: PR INTERS-. W- BALllid & COMPANY. First & Oak sts. Main 165. A 1165 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so llclted. Union Produce Co., lis Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKD1NG & FARRELL. 140 Front St. Portland Cordage Co.. nth and JSorthrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASSj ' W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davie sts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN W.Ll. PAPEI-. CO.. 23Q 2d st. Sayvllle, N. T.) The German ship Prlnz Friederichs Wllhelm, which had been anchored at Odde, near Bergen, Nor way, since the beginning of the war, has arrived at Stavanger, according to a dispatch from Christiannia, "after having broken the British blockade outside Bergen." Motion pictures showing both front and back views of noted orchestra lead ers at work have been taken and com bined so that other musical organiza tions can be led by them, while audi ences can see them as usual at the same time. . AMUSEMENTS. J TICKET SALE I Ol'LNS TOUAV HEILIC Itroadway at Taylor Main 1 and A 1123 NEXT JKlT- EVENINGS DEC. 21-22 SPECIAL PRICE MAT. - -SAT.- No Performance "Saturday Night. BRILLIANT COMEDY SUCCESS, 4 TWIN BEDS" Splendid Cast and Production. Evenings. $1.50, $1. 75c. 5lc. Sat. Mat., $1, 75c, 00c. a5c. 20c. BAKER ? THEATER roadway Morrison Only Exclusive Home of Spoken Drama. THE POPCLAR ALCAZAR PLAYERS. Tonight All Week Mats. Wed. Sat. Oeorse Broadhurst'a Gripping Drama, THE PRICE As played by Helen Ware. Beautiful production, splendidly acted. Evenings 2r,c, r.Oc, 75c; Mats.. 2-,c. BOc. Tonight and Wed. Mat., all seats 23c only Christmas Week "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." lOUAl NELLIE V. NICHOLS rive Belgium Ulrla. link's Mules. MR. & MRS. JIMMY BARRY. Rena Parker. Orpheum Travel Weekly. Concert Orchestra. THE VOL- I "LOTS AND LNTEEItS. I LOIS OK IT." ANTAGES MATINEE DAILY 2:30 LONDON SIXGIXG BEIX RTNGEBS A Remarkable Musical Feature. "THE BETTING BETTYS," a. biff musical comedy; and 4 other big- acta. 33 ox e 3 and loges reserved by phooe. Curtain 2:?K. ? ar.fl R OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 153 Courthouse, Sth-street Kntrance. Phone from 8 to S Main 378, Home Phone A 25X5. Night call after office hours. Main 2706. Iteport all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one dosl.ing a dog or other pets, communi cate with us. Call for ali -lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no mora city pound, just Oregon Humane Sooifcty. DIRECTORY YULCAN COAL CO. : HOT, CLEAN COAL : $5.50 to $10.50 tox : Domestic and Fonndrr Coke Wain 2776, A 2776. "THAT GOOD COAX." Call Broadway 70. ALL, KINDS WOOD. 801 Oak Street. NATIONAL FUELC0.ngrSa.3Sra? I'""! ELl Slabwnoff. nnrtl d.r r o a 4 ft. Ions;, delivered in three-mile dis- ...mn nirnacr wood. tQemt 2041. : LIBERTY " COAL: : & ICE CO. : BAST THIRD AND ASH. : the : : CLEANEST GOAL : : IN THE WORLD : CALL E 62, B 6148. $6WEAE$11 LUAL OWL CREEK. PEACOCK. ROCK SPRINGS, JUNO, COAL BUIQUETS, RED OAK. Call A llOO or Main 1109 STANDARD BRICK & TILE CO, 81 Fourth Street, Henry BIdr, at Oak. CME FUEL CO.'! T TOUR SERVICED wood & coal; east 3551 B 3188 a East 28th & Holladay Ave. CLASSIFIED AD. KATES Daily and tyundmy. Per Line. One time lani0 dd two consecutive time ..... S io bume ad three consecutive times .Stfe bunt c hU bix o" i-even contecutiTe timea 6tte llie i-bove ratm apply to advertisement under "rw louay" and ali olUer ciaaiiiica liont except tlie tullowiiis; bituation Wanted Mate. bit iiMtiuna Wanted t emale. Jror Kent Kuiuo liivat famlllea. Hoard and Kouina Private Famille. Housekeeping- Koouia Private u. mi Ilea. Kate on tun above clattkiiicatioua i 1 cent a tine each insertion. Xbe Oreieunian will accept damnified aW rertihenteuiH over tlie telcplione. provided tbe advertier ta a ubstc-rllter o either piiune. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered tbe following da jr. Whether subfequeut ad vertlsenieot will b accepted over the phone depends upon the proDiptamtt of payment of telephone adver tiseinouta. ''Situation W anted ' and "Per sonal" advertifementi will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only vt ill be accepted for "Furniture for bale." "iSuHinet.N Upitort unities ''iiooinlnic ilouMs" and "Wanted to Kent." berlous errors in advertisements will he rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not be made where the error does not materially affect the value of the advertisement. Cancellation of orders over ibe telephone not recognized unie confirmed the same day In writing. Clty Mews in Brief" advertisements mimt be, preMeiited for publicatioa for The Sunday OreKoniun befor 6 o'clock Saturday after noon for other days publication before 9 o'clock 1. M. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Ford Auction House. 191 2d st. Furniture. carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A M. Furniture. 169-171 Second st. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON" LODGE, KO. 4. A. F. AND A. M. dneclal communication tomorrow (Tues day) Lec. ly, l.ao P. M., Kast 8th and Burnside, to conduct tn funeral of our late brother, Frederick Kienecker. Your at tendance Is urgently reu uestt-d. All M. M. invited. Wea.se brine your auioa 13 y order of W. At J. 11. KtUHMUND, tec. CAME1-1A CHAPTER, NO. 27, O. E. S. Stated commupnication this (Monday) evening. Degrees and reunion. Social. JBy order of w . m MARIETTB ROBINSON, Bee. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger Bros. 131-3 Sixth st. FRIHDLAXDER'S. Jewelers, for Emblems, Class i'lns and Presentation Medals. Designs and estimates furnlsned free. 3lo Wash. r'K. STEX December 17. Ruben E. Eten. ancd i yeans tf monins. iieiovea son or Mr. and Mrs. John Sten and brother of Fla.v ius. Helen. Ethel. Agda, John. Marlon and Amy isten. Remains at Dunning & Mc Entee's parlors, from where they will be shipped to St. Helens, Or. HOLLAND In this city. Dec. IT. at her late ii-wiiciitc, Jti &uik st., v 101a iiouana, aged 61 years. The. remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. i'lnley & Son, Montgomery at 5th st. W'ELSHIKE In this city, Dec. 17. O. W. vv eisnin-. agea ba years. The remains ara at the resldeuce establishment of J. f. Ilnley & Son-. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. ri'XEBAL NOTICES. MORGAN" December 15. at 615 E. Holman st.. Airs. Mary Ann Morgan, age 57 years. Holoved wife of Albert J. Morgan, mother of Louisa Morgan, Portland: Albert E., RidgefifUl. Wash.; Mrs. J. A. McHolland. Portland; Georire H. Morgan, Zerwood. Saa.. Canada; Walter J. and Charles H., of Portland. The funeral services will be held at the Methodist Church, East 10th st. N., near Holman, today oMoivday), Dec. "18. at 2 P. M. Friends are incited. In terment Rose City Cemetery. KALI'S At the family residence. 140 East ui u-oc.ciiui nueev, uecemDer lo, Louise Kalus. aged CU years, beloved wife of Charles A." Kalus, mother of Mrs. Christ Wenger. Victoria, B C. : A. W. and Emll Glutsch. of Portland. Friends Invited to attend funeral service, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:30 P. M. today (Mon day), December 18. Concluding services at Rivervlew Abbey mausoleum. JTCLINCT In this city, Dec. 16. st the res idence of Dr. W. G. Cole. 675 East Broad way, Thomas W. McClincy aged i0 vears. The funeral .cervices will' be held "today (Monday). Dec. IS, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the residence establishment of J. P. Fin lev & Son. Montgomery at 5th. Friends in. vited. interment at River-view Cemetery. 6CHOLTZ The funeral services of the late Marion Scl.oltz has been postponed until Wednesday at 10:30 A. M., Dec. 20. It will take place at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., East Side Funeral Directors. Friends Invited. Incineration at The Portland Crematorium. Dl'KICH The funeral services of the late John Duklch will be held at Dunning & McEntee's chapel today (Monday) at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Kose Cltx Cametary. ASK , (jlfljfo I ti EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets 'Main 507, A 1511 PERFECT FUXEKAL biiVl..Ud FOB LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Director, LMtiy AuiUuit. Wash, at Ella St.. Bet. 20th and 21st. Main 26!) 1. A 78S5. West Side. CU.NN1NJ & M'KNTKE. funeral directors. kray 43U. A 4ios. Laay attendant. A. K. & CO.. b2 WIULIAMd AVH East lui. C lObs. Lady au&udaat. Lay and night service. J. P. FINLEV SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East tilde Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. Kas t2. a 2525. SKEWES UNDEKTAKINO COMPANY. Sd ana Liay. a n -tip-, a -ox. may attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E both and Gllsan. Tab. 4S1S EK1CSON Residence Undertaking parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main 0133. A 22i. P. Lu LERCH, East Ilth and Clay street. Lady attendant. East 7bl. B 1888. BREEZE & SNOOK 10-tZout CREMATORIUMS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D 81. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES COl Florists 834 'Washington. Main 260. A 126U. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists, 287 Morrison st! Main or A 1S05. Fine flowers and floral ' designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Ssll- , tug dims., bin ana Aiaer sts. TOXSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington! St.. between 4th and Sth. Main S102, A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 2R4-2SS 4th St., opposite City Hall. Main 85tJ4. .Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. E BLAE5ING GRAND F r-n XFW TODAY. 1 V ' A l . . -W. Tl I 1 .. . Universal Tractor Attachment OPPORTUNITY WITH BIO FUTURE. Your automobile and our Universal tractor attachment will make you big money. Agents selling one a day. Big demand. Big profits for you, driving through the country taking o-'ders frr the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile in a few hours' time. Exclusive territorj-. Write or call at once. GEBLIXGER MOTOR CAR CO, South Fife and Hood Streets, Tacoma, "Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oreicen Investment 4k Mortgags Cat, Offices, t 17U Third tit. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LARUK LOANS Sl'iOCIAI RATES A. II. BIRRELL CO. X17-21U .Northwestern Hank Ilulldlns;. Marahall 4114, A 4118 6 liw of (10,000 and Up on Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB. Z43 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Si Private Knot! at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING Xorthweatern Bank IlldK. WANTED $2,000.00 for two years, at reasonable Interest rates, and privilege to pay interest quarterly and to retire loan at the ex piration of two years. This will be backed by $20,000 worth of security. ADDRESS AV 281. OUKGOMAN. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. ftmr Own Money at Carrent Hales, MCIVICIl'AL, AK1 COKroltATIOM BONDS, FAH11 AS1) CITY LOMs O Vusrth tit.. Hoard of Trad UiLaV EDH0E.G 6i 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY MORTHWCSIERM BANK BUILOIN for Sale. Potatoes. t Per Sack. f. o. b. Jefferson. Or. timall but good. K. O. itecltley REAL EStATE. I'or hale lotsT" POHTLAXU HEIGHTS EXCLl'SIV'ELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage In this choice diHtr'ct; a few sucrifices. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 389. A FIXE Laurelhurst lot. 4."V0, 10U cash. bal. 3 yeara. 3w 1'anania bldg. Main I-tlO. I'or 8ale HouMeit. MODERN bungalow, four rooms and bath, full cement basement, gas and electrio lights, corner lot. street and sewer assess ments paid in full: Westmoreland district; price $'.H. See owner. 818 Northwestern Bank bldg. Alain S292. TREMENDOUS sacrifice. 6-room modern bungalow, nearly new, furnace, hardwood floors and all built-in conveniences: $800 equity for tuO quick cash Mr. Hageman. 3U0 Oak st. PhoneBdwy. 1058. THREE-ROOM house, fireplace. modeVnToiT veniences. sleeping porch, sightly lot, good district. $850. 2D0 cash. I need a little money and will sacrifice this. For full particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. WE build and finance. E. St C. Lovegreo. 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. IRV1NGTON Swell and cneap homes easy payments. See Delahunt. Ph. East 1273. EQL'IiT in 8-r house, value $rMn. CoC 210. tK& Lombard, sc. St. Johns car. - . Fi" r".55- i.'AwT-"- .' "s'i i - - " s" 1,'v," iCTvi vS '"' 'v 'W'' ....ir-yv .? r: ;..... QuDEYiO NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS I own a new tt-room bungalow close to i.nureinursi i-arK on beautiful corner lot. Finished in old ivory with tapestry paper. It's considered one of the handsomest places in the district. Am ri.mw m leave Portland, and no reasonable offer win o reiuseu. .no agents or commis slons. Phone owner. Tabor 584.1. FOR SALE or rent, a new five-room bun aalnw. with sun porch, sleeping porch, hot water heat, fireplace, laundry trays, bard- wo'ju uoors. auto garage street improve ments all in. S4UOO. rent s"3o: also new (81 eight-room, 2-story house, on a beautiful view tot, iirepiace, hardwood floors, heated with latest modern Hector system; all modern conveniences; ideal home, tf.-0; rent l per mouth. Phone owner. Tabor 6809. THAT VACANT Ij-T WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD A.M. -iiii.-M-. resiaeuce to factory, or any con struction: Sketches lnrt .tlmalKi frM fur nish the money it desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you I VT"'V, - reputation your protection. dailc.1 -u.. inc., uontracuna ar chltects. a4 Ablngton bldg. -'EW Iaurelhurst home, six large rooms, breakfast nook, aaraee: thorouirhiv mod. ern and up to date in every respect; nice lawn and flowers. This Is positively one - ' 1 " " mmich ana weu-ouiit homes or Its class to be found. Located at 11U9 Has salo. near 3!)th. Open during the day. or phone Tabor 5875. See this before buy ing your home. I. A I'D 1-"T IHDT Before purchasing; elsewhere inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst. the Addition of i eaut Homes, tho show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property In the world. Main office iiOH Stark st. Main 17U0. A 1.115. Sobortiao Home Property. G1BSOV hai.v irnirs Good soil, goad water, close to carllne. j t.rnia, win nuiia to suit' purchaser. Phone ll-r 1.1S5 or Sellwood To. JOHN GIB.-ON. Owner. For Sale Acreage. . FRUIT. I A It n F V nivrupa Near Portland; $75 to $1'00 per aore; easy terms: best soil; farms for sale all sizes. McFarland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland BARGAINS SMALL FARMS Near city, 1 aero unimproved: 64 acres mi ii v.TTn. o'jn uaa st. mono uawy. lo5s. For Sale -Farms. SOME SNAP. IS acres of tn choicest potato land, mostly In clover, a fine new ,-room bun galow, plastered, beamed ceillnKs. built-in fixtures, oak furniture, fine piano, range, heater and oil stove, cooking utensils, dishes, linen, everything to k ep House, bath, toilet, city water, canned fruit, large two-story barn. $40u worth of hay, 10 bu. spuds, lv sacks apples, all farm and garden tools, gentle Jersey cow. 50 full blood chickens, wagon, harness and two years" wood. This place cost $7ooO the way it stands. I will sell for $.".5oO: take $00 cash. $500 In 6 years at 6 per cent. Fln level land outside city limits of Carson. Wash. Take Mineral Springs Jit ney to our door Address Mrs. F. E. Gra ham, Carson, Wash. HARE BARGAIN. BY OWNER. 21 acres black loam soil, 20 acres till able and level, 17 acres in hay this year, good family orchard of about 70 bearing trees, large barn, small house, matched team black horses weight about 1200 ibe. each, also harness, wagon, plow, harrow, cider mill, small tools, good cow, 1 dog, chickens and 10 tons hay; 1H miles from Carson, Wash, al&o near Mineral and tit. Martin Hot Springs, on good level road, 2 miles from R. It. station and bnatlandlng: good roads. The above coat $4."rt0: owing to 111 health, will sell for $30l. Call on or addrese Mrs. May M. Bawley, Borne Valley. Wash. .bl'o ACRES, Whitman County wheat ranch fcO per cent tillsbie, lno acres Winter wheat, 900 acres ready for Spring sowing; two sets farm buildings, plenty of water, fenced, good heavy soil; close to two ship ping points. Leased to good tenants. A splendid investment st the price, $5S.O00. No trade. Write us for Washington wheat lands priced at from $12 to $li per acre, owned by mortgage company. Spangler Land Co., 207 Button bldg.. Spokane, Wash. SMALL MISSOI RI FARM. $10 CASH ar.d $5 iiiuiiinij, luicicat or taxes; nigniy pro ductive land: close to 3 big markets. " "ic iHiuiumiitns anu xuii iritorm tlon ion. Munger. A-241 N. Y. ijfe bldg.. vansas City. Mo. K 5OU0 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for eaie, to settlors only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing It. cation, terms, etc. WEYKCHAEl'SEU TIMHEil COMPANY. Tacoina Bids. Tacoma. Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. eastern Montana, at s.o to $18 pr acre suitable for farming or grazing; eaay terms. For Information write or see 'V. E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. LCMl-GKD-OKF stump land. $10 acre up; i-iiii. ku"i sou, running waier, markets, employment. Mr. Sliarpe. 8)i, 3d. rm. 557. 20O-ACRE farm, partly Improved. Southern Oregon, on I'ncuic Highway; great sac rifice. ,T. . R. Sharp. 5.'.7 Sherlock bldg. DAIRY FARM, near church, school, cheese factory. Owne"v 107 Shaver. Wdl. 2o2. WANTED RF.AI, ESTATE. WE buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama bldg. WAXTKH TO REST FARMS. SMALL farm near Portland, suitable for poultry and gardening. BD U81, Orego nlan. FOR SALE TIMBER EANDS. TIMnrn LANDS. ROl'illIT AND SOLD. C. .T. M'CKACKEX. 304 M'KAY Ttf.TXI. 100 ACRES. 90 cordwood timber, land near Scappoose. Ciood soil. .Bargain. J. K. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg. WATm TttaF I. vna. WILL exchange $7500 Irvlngton home, un incumbered, for desirable timber; esti mates, etc., must bo guaranteed. J Hb4, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. 85 ACRES. Hood River, free of Incumbrance, one-hair cleared, free water, buildings and beurlng orchard. Exchange for i'ortland property. SOo Selling bldg. Marshall WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of improved city, farm and Income properties: no Inflated values considered. CALUN & KASKR. 414 Oregon bldg BEAUTIFUL seven-room, large, full attic, iiiuuvrn iiiiuuKHuui iiouse, acre or lanu fine location on interurban line, AO min- utej from Portland; valuation $0500, to trauo lor city property: no agetits or com mission, F HS3. Oregonian. b. PORTLAND lot. 50x100; also 20 acres at Corbett. no lncum lra.nce : exchange for small bungalow. Owner, Hall, 211 Wash ington st. WHEAT land in Christmas Lake Valley Lake Co., to exchange for used car. late moaei. call labor 0008 or address Y 13, Oregonian. 2 LARGE, modern, S-room houses, mortgage two. per cent, on cast iztn. near Hum side; make offer for equity, p. O. box 2004 city. 900 ACRES. Sherman County, sale or trade. Aiexanuer, i -.1 unamDer or commerce.- FOR SALS. llorfces. Vehicles, Harness, Etc. FOR SALE Pair matched blocky mares. about 24O0 lbe., one In foal; well broken and gentle, bandy and useful for ranch purposes a.id very cheap at $125. Phone Marshall 4055. AUCTION. . HORSES TODA1. 2 O'CLOCK. 808-310 FRONT ST. FOR SALE cheap, four trams horses. Star tiand Co., Lara Dwlay st.. bet. Goldsmith and RusselL ONE pair of sorrel geldings, weighing 2500 10a. must be sold to square feed bl;l Price $11K Jack Hardy. 5 Second st N lc"A Ll horses taken free; $5 paid for dead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon Bone Meal Works. Inta. Or. Tabor 40"1 DEAD horses taken; $5 and up for dead cows; cash for down-and-out horses. Call me up without fall. Mllwaukie CJ-J. FOR. SALE Va;-iis and nurses cheap E. 7th st. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE or exchange, a heavy wood wagon. Tabor 24U2. 1 HORSE, harness and light delivery wagon for sale cheap. 370 X. 23d su HORSES for hire by day or month. C W Townsend Co.. 3so Front. Main 1571. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness f or safe. Apply 2Q Grand ave. $100 BUYS large. team with heavy harness. Tabor 4"2V 13O0 LBS.. BAY HORSE, light ranch wagon and harness, $05. Marshall 4055. l'iam. Organs and Musical Instruments. $350 PIANO. $140 cash: real Ivory keys, not a stencil Harold S fillh.rt 1 -i v.muin i PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert. 8S4 Yamhill st. $16 BUl'b $100 parlor organ for Christinas at Security Storage Co.. loo 4th, st. AT TTTI.ETtS- STORAGE AND FOB WARDING DEPARTMENT. 151-153 FOURTH ST., NEAR MORRISON. MUST CLOSE OCT. $nn STEINWAT SONS, old model. $uo: and 373 J. A C FISCHER. $25o ANGELUS player, mahogany. Uenuine mahoganv pianola, with, $35 music rolls. $115. Also special tor a well-to-do home. $'.150 HALI.uT DAVIS finest ma hogany plaver. $275, and $S5 genu ine autopiano. mahogany, $'Jo. $2.-.o mil"IH)II(. neat upright. $30. $.0 M'CAMMON, upright, cash, $-of3 KrMBAii' concert, used, now $100A new YORK concert grand. ca.h, $15.-. A substantial cottage organ, cash, $0; and a fine-toued parlor organ, cost $tH. $12. Fire-damaged ITvr ART M. C -BL" piano, cost $3S5. with refln Ished quarter oak extension dlnlng table, quarter-sawed oak chiffonier and oak commode, all for $S5 . A Ji!rr'' tine-loned ESTEY organ lor $2. j National cash register, fine condi tion. $35. Hand-mad gooseneck truck, cost originally $400. to close out. $7 50 Nearly new Remington tvpcwrlter, sells new for $100. now $'-'2..".n cash. $100 Roglna music-box. $3.VVeash Uass viol. $loo value, to close out for $21: also very thin violin, com plete with bow and case, said to have cost $150. to close out, $20. A baritone horn, slightly dented, but splendid tone. SO. 75. A phonograph, originally cost $90. closing out for $20; another one for only $10. Electric concert phonograph, cost $.'. Wi taka, jl0o; another older model. $60. These and a large number of others equally low priced now belni closed out at Filers' storage and for warding department. 151-153 Fourth '.. cor, jiorrison. r-ourth floor. NlCHOLLS PIANO CO. Frisco stock and used pianos and player-pianos, bale now in progress. . OUR UfED PIANOS. $250 Vprlght pianos $ s 3'0 Upright pianos Ki . 8. 0 Upright pianos 135 425 Upright pianos 165 OUR 1U15 MODELS. $:2. fprlght pianos $l.1 375 Upright pianos i35 4UO Upright pianos 2tl5 450 Upright pianos 21KI OUR 1S15 PLAYER-PIANOS. j. 10 sn-note Players J.ie. tiiMi j-s-note Players 3:15 Too SS-note Players 4.'i5 775 bS-note PTayera 4U5 ol K lino PLAYEK-PIAJSO. $6.0 Piayer-Ptanos $4.35 750 Player-Pianos asij 000 x-iayer-nanos 55 . OUR USED GRANDS. $.50 Grands, mahogany $345 oi Grands, rosewood 4;t5 110O Grands, rosewood 5y5 our laii MODEL. $50 Rahy Grands $;.!5 s.iw Liany uranCS ty5 serins casn. or yt or more monthly. No Interest. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 111 4th St. BECI-RITT STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. r" o. Fischer upright. rash....$ 95 - F. & C. Fischer, old madel. cash. 35 4..0 Steinway & Sons, old model, cash, 110 -.0 Angelus Player, old model, cash. 25 2.o Collard & Collard upright 4.1 Crown organ, oak 20 425 Smith & Barnes, upright I 110 iuu nave, neretorore paid Inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our stor age prices. However, compare our Stem way, etc., $05 or $:i5 pianos, with pianos sold at $133 and $105 elsewhere and you will realise what we are still doing for p'ann buyers. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 10 Fourth St. i,r,A.sHt. f,i monihiy. beginning In January. lHli. buys $350 1!U7 model Christmas ..w.v. at .f,,,, witnout interest for 2 W years, at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $3.-i'J MODEL, upright piano for $133. . iia oi ins Lioriana oankrupt stock, at l.ilers Music House. 151-3 Fourth St. comer Morrison. PIANOS stored. 5"c monthly; will se.l at jour price or buy for cash. Security stor age Co.. 10!t 4th st. CASH BUYER WANTS VICTROLA. OR FlR-iT PHONE MAIN 44U5. 128 Furniture tor Sale. CHEAPER THAN AT AUCTION. " Furniture of all kinds, consisting of ranges, gas stoves, new heaters at Jl 40 and up; stovepipe, 10 to 20 cents: comforts as low as 35 cents: sheets, cuses. beds, dining-tnbles. chairs. rockers, buffets treasurers. carpets, showcases. electric lamps, grafonola and cabinet. 50-pIece set Havtland china. Hall t Casslay, 126 1st St.. bet. Washington and Alder. FOR SALE About 40O yards used Blgelow ""u""""7r ,"ri:i. an me same pattern. N eiuhard Hotel, Astoria. Oregon. HERE'S a chance for young couple Com- ... ,,cw lurnienings. e rooms 4 rooms rented permanently; pay entire ret light, water bills; $lno cash balance $17".' weekly $2.50; cost $7o0. WA cars 3oo Hancock. FOR SALE Second-hand oak and mahog- oinie luiniture or ail kinds; filing cabinets and safes. Kilham Slat y & Pt g Co.. Fifth and Oak SALE, cheap ; rooms of good fur. .",. .luuae Keeping suites. Iioune tm I; in go.d loi-atn.ii. lss 14th st. Dg. ltirds and lt Stock. CHRISTMAS sale of all kinds of dogs at i.eiirim Hoarding Kennels. !i:id and Last stark: Russian wolf hounds. Irish setter pup. Boston terriers, great Dams .Airedale pups, pointers trained. Tabor 1"5 Campion. LIVING Christmas presents. St. Andrewst.erg oner canaries, males and females- also sume Buttercup chickens. Woodlawn 2115. BUY her a puppy for Christmas: h....nt..l French poodle puppies. 2 months old 14s Graham ave., Albina. XMAS AIREDALE PUPPIES LADD1.X KENNELS. ESJTACADA. OR. BI. AXURB1V canary birds for sale. SOU N 2"th. Phone A 4128. 1'oiillry. 8 AXl'QNA hens. 14S Grain ave.. Albina. J.i rntork. FOR SALE Very fine team, wagon and bur. ntss. 5 select milch cows, new lot of funn ing implements: will aeli'ail In one lot to responsible buyer. Mrs. Window, on John Manning place on Base Line road, 3 mL east of city limits, near Barker road. ioK lAi.K Nino head Jersey heifers, some yearlings, soma 2 years and better E li Close, route 2. B.averton. Or. 6 FRESH cows with calves, all heavy milk ers, at U. s. Stable. 248 Front st. GvjoD Jersey cow for sIe or trade. l'j ' Division st. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers- guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo $....0 for S mi Other models leas. Rem ington Typewriter Company, bd Broadway -elephr.re Brosdwav flvl W I"" vtJrm.5 ta""Z' P" m on all msKes of tepewrlters: send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLK- NEW. re'iullt. second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. D. Co.. 231 jtarkBt.Maln 14.17. C.K5iN P?,rlbl folding tvpewrlTer. Main 22s5. E W. Pease ( " o .... . . REMINGTON typewriter. No. 0 $17- ooj condition. O. Townsend. 55 Union axe Jaaelimerv. AN EXCEPTION'AL OPPORTUXITT In a. Fully Equipped Machine Shop. For Sale by th - ALASKA. JUNK COMPANY. 1 CARROLL JAMTKPON 15x6 LATHE. 1 B-H. P. H. C. MOTOR. 1 "HIO 1S-INCH SHAPKR. 1 MAIU'EI, SHOP SAW. 1 ItlltR KRY SKATKlt. 1 PHKNTISS Ct.-INCH W. L. HRTT-T 1 LARCH COMBINATIOaN' UHlN'lJKlt AND Kl'KKKR. 1 FOrtGK. 1 .1-Fl.rTKD rRTLTw 1 17-li 3-FLl'TKD DRILL. 1 PRKAST DRILL. 1 PLOWKR. 1 HP1NNEL. 1 PIPK VISE. Complete set of Blacksmith's Tools. RfSef the above the equipment In cludes : Stock end. dies, block and tackle. Ptlllson wrenches, rammen lanora, bolt etters, etc., ma kin if full pet of tool. Kverythine to make up a well-stoi ked ma chine rhop Is included churki. sliaftiar. counter-Hhafts. bHiiKra, beitiiis and m.1 traxuimiatiion. complete. Phone Main 4110. FRONT AND TAT LOR. Front St. S.OAP-MAK1XO MACHINERY Mixer, plod der, mill, cnipper. power mixer, cutting ta ble, iron tanks, trays, scales, dte stamper, etc ; also four wooden tanks. 500 to K'OO jrallons each. L. a. Marsa. Mala 4907. 2"l Worcester bldg. FOR SALE 5 General Elect, motors, Tib volts, on direct current: 1700 speed all In good condition: 4 motors of 1-6 horse power: 1 motor of U horsepower. Food Main 31H!. ymotoiilf. FORDS 191T FORDS New and Used Forda on Easy Payments W will trade' your used Ford In on a. new one or pay cash for It- We also have several larger cars which have been left with us tor sale. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorised Ford Agents. 22d and Kearney tits. Main UO. OAKLAND touring car. 1916. "Little Six." 6-pass., in good condition. OAKLAND roadster. 1018, good as new; a bargain. OVERLAND roadster. H15. In good shape; good tires, one extra; $350. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO., loth and Alder. Phone Main 414. FORDS. FORD 3. FORD 3. New and used Fords sold on easy var ments. RUSHLIGHT. RANSOM & PESXST, Authorized Ford Agents Fhcne E. 7!)50. 275 Union ave. cor. Wasco. OVEP.LANTJ TOTTRINO CAR, $O0. Looks and runs Ilka new; cost $1200 last yearr terms. SAXON MOTOR SALES "CO.. 52i Washington St.. near lath. GOOD Duy tor city salesman: Saxon road ster. In fine condition: this Is a bargain. If you are using streetcars or walking, thla car will pay for itself. SAXON MOTOR SALES CO.. 521 Washington, near 1th. SEE. We have a 1014, electrio stsrted and lighted 5-pass Carter Car, newlv painted and In good shape, for only $3u. Broad- way Garage. E. 24tn and Broadw a y . FOR t'SED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main, 6244. WE HAVE for sale a special Harmon, 4 cyl. that Is the most remarkable buy on the Coast today at $5oi. Phone, that you are coming. Broadway bS7. 531 Couch'st. Goodfellow . 1918 OVERLAND, model 8n. 5-pass . In A-l condition, run but short distance. $.15o; will take. Ford or good roadst.-r in Uaue. Phone evenings. Woodlawn 3251. UNUSED 1917 Ford touring car at discount. Also Ford roadster, excellent condition. Make offer, hd Fourth st. t'UKU touring. 1116 mod-l. ruj 4"O0 miles. 5 brand new tires, extra inner tubes, for cash only. Sell. :iOI. CHALMERS 5-passengT touring car. model M. line coniiUiou. $30O. 618 Pillock b.k. llroa.lway 5175. OVERLAND TulKING: lights and starler; will smrifice. 3;: Oregon. East 7222. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $10 each; vul canlzed. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. USED AI'TO PARTS at less than half priced Aut) Wrecking Co.. el N. Broadway. ONE Ford touring car. $2kt. que Fold road ster. o. oM Everett. KKI.LY TRUCK If you want a bargain, see this one. 5H-i or.vn. East 7222. loll l.'.o-A Ml'E RIO Hxl.le battery. practi cally new. .Mr. M-irgan, M. 0244. Automobile Wanted. WANTED Use.i car, good condition, late model; wi:i give in exchange wheat land in Lake County, near new Mraliorn K. It. Call 'labor 0u56 or aduress AC l)3. Ore gonian. WANTED Light car. in good repair, or will repair myse.f; must be cheap. AM ls2, Oregonian. FOR I S bought, sold and exchanged. R. L. SHORT i CO.. Automobile, repairing. 333 K lllh. E. 4010. WE will pay cah for late niod-'l For-ls. Dodge Bio... or HuU'k ntitos. Boone & Co., 514 Alder st. Main o'.Hiti. WANTED Two Ford cars; must be cliiap for cash; will be at 0o5 Aluer uutil the 20th. CASH for old autos; must be cheap. P '.3. Or.-gonian. CAHI1 for light cars. Fords preferred. Main 3.18. Wash. St. Garage. Automobiles fur Hire. can furnish anv kind can turnlsn any Klml r trucn lor any We are agents for Wichita trunks and tractors. Also havo three rebuilt trucks and se!I on time payments. ling Ac Silvn. 4lJ H.-lwth--rTi,. ave. Inst i"i40. lyld SAXON 11. highway, depots, touring. caning, shopping; rt asonaiie. a.ast 4-. lftltl 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, louring, call ing and shopping. Main 7435. Al T is without driver for hire. Long & SHa. 4'. 2 Hawthorne ave. phone E. .140. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 E. Hawthorne. Knst 1'2. .Motorcycle MOTORCYCLE RIDERS. NOTICE. Why take chnnces, when we positively guarantee all repair work? EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE CO.. New Store. Cor. 3d and Ash Sts. INDIAN RIDERS. ATTENTION A com plete line of Indian motorcycle parls and first-class repair work, posuivelv guaran teed. Union. Ave. Cyciery, 51S Union ave. N. MOTOR. "VI. F (it SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th st. Harlev-Daviiison motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers in Ti-.otorc cle in the state. Main 7:. l ihcelluneoita. SEWING MACHINES of ail makes, new and second -hand. -o!l for les. No agents em -ploe1; al! machin.-s s.iit out sew perfect and guranteed: macht:o-s repaired; ma chines rented f - monthlv. SEWING MACHINE KAl'i'tlRII'M. 190 3d mar Taylor St. A ;ljll. Main 11431. SEWING MACHINES 2"0 sightly us.d sewing machines, nil makes, will be closed out. DroMieaos. and u;; box tops. S2 and up. s. slel. two stores. 3b3 Alder St. and 242 Aider st. USEFUL XMAS PRESENT Cyclone Vacu um Sweent-r; buy direct from factory, save agents' and dealers' profits; $2 now. bal. later; trading stamps or tobacco coupons taken. U. V. S. Co., 112 1st st. Msin 3s55. 1 i i 1 .: 1 1 K.ST cash !ri-e. paid fur rif Ua an.i hliOttunw cam ras, kddaks ami Uns; 1 uuKt, S'(i and exehu n gt-d. hi chlVMs Camera Kxch?inio. Si bii t. Slain S.'.Sl. FuK tlie bvst coal and briquets at reason Hbln phone your order, to JSeli wood isil HOI.LY. t2". two to fiv Xvvt, takes tho lot. Wo.i.iiaw n 1 ."7 CASH HKCICTKKS H,U'niiy u. i ; our pr; . ar lovvi-r. C a:i UoKisti-r Uxctiaut. iiil Va ValllnKton st. Main ti"tt. FOR SAL.K or rt'.it. IohkIhk miJ hoist mi? ncinet. all kncls maciiljn ry. rails, cars. Rail ay Kquipnurit Co.. i lt- Main S F.'UN L- II A N I offire. furnltur. for nni or al ; all prads ; larc s.-tt' tion. ia--lf io Stat'y At tK- 'o-. l-' -1 st. Main 11-71. EI. H "TRIC motors for na'.e. trade or r-nt; txpt-rt rppairinK. 'a:k-r Klwiric Works, 413 Hurtlrlilg r,t. Broadway or A r74. COI.DWOOl for fale, one hmir out w it !i tru-k. hard-surface road. Writt Brush F'raii io. rtnit 1. t ox t CASii KKGlTKKS. Paf.. store fixtures. 1 ortJand Cas.i Register Co.. li & Vamhill, ri-l'MBINO suppli at -ho!e price a. tark-L'avls Co., '2 '2 :d st. Main 7i7. MA CHIN KRY bought, sold and r-paired. V. Ltail Sl Machinery Co., 311 Front t. FOU SALE Wr'-ckaR" wood, dry and clean", $3 i.er 1ad. Kast 48 1'.'. VCOD and co. 1 1 rai.Ke, wltii n--ittr coi.e Ti'mnoeriipb, $ J 71 A IbLna ave. Lll alv;4i;e bto. k of tos, ;'."c. I lt., near A hit- r. do! ia, 16c and F R SA I.K (ins raiirfo in sraod cotidillon. 1'a ;;ss K. .7th N.. nea r Hrd way. A 15 L'T aiooa wis of wood at ,UV st ump ag4 Cord. T. V. Urepir, UiJisboro. It. :v. CHRISTMAS TKI-KS All six"1. Photi Tator .".im;;. Fl K NI T I KE MA NTKI . IF YOT7 war.t to t'jrn our furniture lnti money a?ld pet ell It's orth. c.-ii M Furniture Co.. 14 Firt st- Main 7tA. We rt.-r.der l"0?1 .r1''- lili'.HF.ST prices paid fr our furniture. to ea a nd carr-eis o vurt z Furniture Store. 1T 1st st. MarshRM 57. C A N VS E C, O O D F C RN ITURC c-f any dfFrriptlon ; lnve th roadv eash; Phone today. Main 427 or 204 First at. BE W1S10 Sell your furniture to tbe Ford Auction Co Main ?M. 1!M 2d Ht. WILL, pav cash tor 2d-haud furniture. CUl Mr. Washburn. Marshall A A