THE OKEGOXIAX, SATTTRDAT. DECEMBER 16. 1916. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS SATURDAY IN OUR CORSET SHOP, THIRD FLOOR This Store Will Not Be Open Any Evening: We Close at 6 P. M. Shop Early in the Day: Morning Hours Are Best I A Meier & Frank Merchandise or Glove Order sojves the Gift Problem. Issued in any amount, $1 or more. Redeemable in merchandise, any department, any time. U. S. PostarSub-Station, Express Office and Accommodation Bureau, Basement Balcony packages checked and wrapped free of charge. Shop, on a transfer. Sole Oregon Distributors Wright & Dit son Athletic Goods. Striking Bags, Box ing Gloves and Footballs reduced today Sporting Goods, Basement Balcony. Anthony Euwer on "Rhymes of Our Valley," Lincoln High School, Tuesdaj', December 19, at 8:15, auspices Portland Educational Association. Tickets 25c on sale in our Book Shop. EST. " 1&37 Sj.jA-X the quality Store or Portland i SEVEN DAYS NOW Christmas Is Just Around the Corner! I 8 20 t j $ FROM GREAT ASSORTMENTS OF HOLIDAY CLOTHING WE FEATURE Men's . Suits and Overcoats at $25 Certain it is that this men's store is THE holiday store as it is the all-the-year-round store of the man who is particular about his clothes, and, among all the wonderful display of Christmas stocks we have ready today at varying prices, perhaps our twenty five dollar garments lead in popularity- America's best known and most reliable tailors to men have sent us their best for this wonderful $25 "Standard" line. Here are suits and overcoats from such famous makers as ADLER-ROCHESTER HICKEY-FREEMAN , ROGERS PEET "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES in all sizes to fit men of every build. ( Advanced and conservative dressers alike will find in these suits and overcoats at $25 a bigger and better selec tion than they have ever known before at the price. Come in today and be convinced and SATISFIED. LOOK FOR uO I 9 41 I , 1 THE LABEL O 8. Ill p C C K Ll 1 O t II C S FOR BOYS are now, as always, "The Standard of America" in boys' clothing. ' Sampeck suits and overcoats are made with the same careful attention to detail and from the same high grades of ma terials and trimmings as distinguish quality clothing for grown-ups. These "Correct Posture" garments encourage upright, manly bearing, while allowing ample room for the expansion of healthy young limbs' and muscles. A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO "THE AMERICAN BOY" FREE with every purchase of a Sampeck suit or overcoat in our boys' chop today. 2 to 18 years, $7.50 to $20. Third Floor, A Few Good, Practical Holiday Gift Suggestions From Our -Children's Shop ALL CHILDREN'S $3.95-$12.95 HATS Vt OFF Velvet, silk and beaver hats for little folk 2 to 8 years. All smart est styles included. Hats and bon nets. Today at off. ALL CHILDREN'S $7.50-$33.50 COATS V OFF Sizes 6 to 15. Several different' Etyles and many colors. Coats of velour, kersey, zibeline, astrachan and novelty fabrics. Plain and straight-line styles, many with con vertible collars. NEW HOLIDAY APPAREL THAT WILL APPEAL TO LITTLE FOLK $3.95-$6.49 DRESSES, S4.95 Sizes 6 to 14 years. School dresses made of checked plaid and navy serges. One and two-piece styles. MISSES' $20.00 SUITS, 15 Smart little suits of brown and blue checked serge and blue and green corduroy. With large convertible collars and fancy pockets. Sizes 14 and 16. RAINCOAT FOR DOLLY'S CHRISTMAS FREE WITH EACH PURCHASE OF THESE RAINCOATS AND CAPES RAIN CAPES, S2.9S Sizes 4 to 14. Made of good quality rubberized sateen. Cut full and wide, with hood attached and lined with plaid silk. Red and blue, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SCARF SETS ONLY $2.23 White and striped Angora wool sets long scarf with fringe and full crown cap, finished with fancy buttons. RAIN COATS AND HATS $4.95 AND $6.49 A special sale of rubberized tweed raincoats. Brown and black mixtures and dark plaids. Double and single-breasted styles. Sizes 6 to 14. CHILDREN'S SWEATERS SPECIAL AT $1.98 Ruffneck styles in heavy flat weave, with ' elastic cuffs and two pockets. Sizes 3 to 8 years. Cardi nal and Oxford. $2.49 HAND-EMBROIDERED DRESSES $1.79 Good qualities of heavy Japanese crepe kimono dresses. White, pink, blue and canary. Scalloped neck and sleeves. Sizes 2 to 5. Girls Shop, Second Floor. Women's and Children's Holiday Hosiery Special Sale in Three Pair Groups Today Women's $1.50 Pure Thread Silk Hose Black and col ors, three pairs S4.15. Women's 60c Boot Silk Hose Black and colors, three pairs today S1.65. Women's- 40c Mercerized Lisle Hose Black only, all sizes ; three pairs 1. Women's 25c Seamless Burson Jldse Black only, three pairs today 67. Women's $1.29 Pure Thread Silk Hose With emerald green tipped welt; three pairs today S3. 50. Misses' 35c Black Cat Hose Mercerized lisle, black and white, sizes 6 to 10, three pairs today 90. Children's 25c Merc erized ' Lisle Hose Black and white, three pairs 68J. Boys' and Girls' 25c Black Cat Hose Medium weight, sizes 6 to 9V; three pairs today 70. Infants' 60c Pure Thread Silk Hose White "only, sizes 4 to 6i2; three pairs S1.65. Hosiery Shop. MUn Kloof. w omen s Gift NECKWEAR Gift suggestions at special prices. Dainty neckwear in the most distinctive of the new shapes. Georgette crepe, sheer organdy and voile; the season's most popular novel ties. Buy now for gifts. Lot 1 Special, 9Sc? Lot 2 Special, 79c? Lot 3 Special, 55c $1.25 to $1.50 SPORTS SETS 98c Clever sets made from smart, warm scarfing cloth in fancy checks, plaids and stripes. Ass6rted colors. Scarfs finished with wide fringed ends. With cap to natch set, 98c Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. Children's Kid Gloves for Gifts Fleece-Lined Kid Gloves and Mit tens, 750. Fleece-Lined Gloves witji fur tops, priced at 850. Children's Cape Tan Gloves, pair, priced at $1.00. Children's Gray Mocha Gloves, the pair, $1.00. Fancy and Plain Gray Mocha Gloves, pair, $1.25. Washable Kid Gloves, light shades, pair, $1.25. Children's "Wash-Rite" Gloves, the pair, 1.50. Glove Shop, Main Floor. CANDIES 40c English Toffee, the pound, 290 30c Iced Cocoanut Caramels, the pound, 210. 25c Special Mixture, pound, 190 30c Peanut Brittle, the pound, 230 Special French Mixture, lb., 250 Fancy Plain Mixture, pound, 150 Main, XI nth Floors, Bas'm'nt Balc'ny. Laces for Xmas SewingReduced Val Edges and Insertions or French and round mesh laces, yard, 5 and 10. Shadow and Piatt Val Edges and insertions, yard, 5. Shadow and Piatt Val Cot ton cluny and linen Bar man lace, yard, 10. Shadow Laces Edges and flouncings, 12 to 22 inches ; bands 6 to 10 inches ; values to 65c yard, at 25. ACCEPTABLE GIFTS IN AUTO VEILS What more pleasing than a good motor veil? See our complete stocks of chiffon auto veils in all popular shades 1 yards, 75c to 98c. 1 yards, $1.25 to $2.50. 2 yards, $3.00. Alain Floor, Fifth Street. EYEGLASSES Special at $5.00 Deep-curved toric lenses in gold filled mountings. Eyes examined by our registered optometrists and glasses prescribed (only when needed) to your individual require ments. Today only $5. Lorgnettes for Christmas, $2.50 to $16.50. Optical Shop. Balcony Sixth St. MEN'S $1.50 AND $2.00 SHIRTS 95c CRISP, NEW WINTER SHIRTS IN SOFT AND STIFF CUFF STYLES This sale offers you a wonderful opportunity to save on your Winter's supply of shirts, and, better than that, it affords an un usual chance to buy a man a holiday gift that he will appreciate and enjoy. Why not several of these shirts for "His" gift? There are fine qualities of woven madras, rep, crepe, Anderson Scotch madras, fine percales and fancy fabrics. All the most ef fective new woven and striped designs are to be found in the popular colors. Choose these $1.50 and $2 shirts; today only, at 95c MEN'S TUB SILK SHIRTS, S2.45 Shirts 'that are fine in quality and workmanship all sizes, newest stripe effects. Special at $2.45. $3.00 Pure S3. 65. $6.00 Pure S4.65. Silk Shirts for Silk Shirts for $6.00 Crepe de Chine Shirts, S4.95. $6.50 Pussy Willow Shirts for $7.50 Crepe de Chine Shirts, S6.85. $8.50 Finest Silk Shirts for S7.49. Christmas Sale of Men's Silk Hosiery The most-favored-gift for men. You are sure to please a man when you give him hose ! See these splendid specials. Fiber Silk Sox, only 25 d 50c Thread Silk Sox, Some "Mill Runs," only 35 $1.00 Onyx Silk Sox, Some "Mill Runs," priced at 69 C $1.00 Pure Silk Sox, 75c MEN'S NEW HATS WITH PUGGAREE BAND ARE HERE, S3 This is but one of the new arrivals in men's smart felt hats for Holiday wear. In greens, browns and grays hats that will add a note of distinction to the most fastidiously chosen costume ! Come in and try on a few of the newest models M. & F. Special Hats at $2.00 Mallory Cravenette Proofed Hats, $3.30. Mossant's (Imported) Hats, $5. Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats, $4 and $5. Knox Soft and Stiff Hats, $3. Main Floor Santa Claus Is Here Today 6th Floor From 10 to 12 and again from 2 to 5 the kiddies can see and talk to Santa, who always makes his Portland headquarters at Meier & Frank's. And just one floor below is Toytown, the home of a hundred thousand toys and dolls, which will attract thousands of little ones and grownups bent on selecting Christmas play things today. Come to Toytown and see its myriad wonders ! ICTOE Get This Set for Your The Toy Like Structural Steel UVJ J. tUO ttlt Hello, boys, do you own a set of Erector, the toy for the live-wire boy, the boy with ability and imagination? Erector gives you the greatest fun in the world and while you are playing you are learning engineering. Illustrated is Erector set No. 4, the one most boys choose. Contains every essential engineering part for building thousands of models; has fine electric motor, big girders, wheels, pulleys, geers and many other parts. Packed in a hardwood cabinet complete for $5. Other Erector sets $1 to $25. Get your set of Erector today, or one of tlie accessory outfits if you already have an Erector. You will be eligible to compete in the big $5000 Erector prize contest with an automobile as first prize and many other excellent prizes 500 In all. FREE "Erector Tips" magazine for boys to every boy who asks for same in Toytown today. Erector Electrical Sets teach electricity. Sets with all parts for building motor and other apparatus com plete for $5 and book containing elementary course in electricity included. Brik-tor a new toy that is the sensation of the year "The Toy for Young Architects" has just arrived. You can "brick-in" the walls, foundation and roof of your Erector buildings with steel bricks in beautiful color combinations. Price, $5.- Come in today and see Brik-tor. Become an "Erector Master Engineer." Win degrees, honors, handsome diplomas, many prizes and a salary through free membership in the Gilbert Institute of Erector Engineering. Doubles your enjoyment of Erector, Brik-tor and the Erector Electrical Set. Ask for particulars in Toytown. Fifth Floor. Some Gift Suggestions in Toiletries $1.00 Mme. Yale Combination A!- Oriental Cream, trial size bottle Colgate's Package Perfumes priced mond Blossom Cream and 2 priced 150. from 250 to $2.50. Cakes Soap 190. 50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, spe- Hanson & Jenk's Package Per- 25c Massatta Talcum Powder, 2 for cial :SQ?. fumes 50, $1 -!?2.:j.. o.-j Mary Garden Face Powder, priced Hanson & Jenk's Toilet Water 25c"saiiitol Tooth Powder today for atJj?l. priced 7." f to $2.25. Oc. Mavis Toilet Water priced at 750 75c Ivory Hair Receiver and 75c 25c" Swansdown Face Powder, spe- Lady Mary Toilet Water priced at Puff Box, $1.50 combination 980 cial 150. $1.50. 75c Ivory Perfume Holder Sets 25c Complexion Cream, reduced to Colgate's Toilet Water, assorted with three bottles, 590. 10. " odors, 500. $1.25 Ivory Manicure Set, 4-piece, 25c Jergen's Benzoin and .Almond Ivory Toilet Sets Mirror, Hair while any remain, 790. Lotion 190. Brush and Comb 3-piece set, $1.75 Ivory Shallow Trays $1.19 50c Sempre Giovine, reduced, 390 special $0.25. Toilet Goods Shop. Main Floor. THIS $2.50 NICKEL Casserole $1.50 Two hundred nickel cas seroles with brown and white fireproof lining. Choice of 7-inch oval or 8-inch round sizes. $3.50-$3.90 CHOCOLATE Sets $2.67 Just 100 ctiocolate sets of Nippon and German china in neat floral decorations. Set consists of six cups and sau cers and pot. Make ideal gifts. Today, $2.67. $4.50 Carving Sets $2.98 Three-piece carving sets of good quality William A. Rogers brand steel. Set con sists of carving knife, fork and steel. Packed in a neat box.' . . Basement Butter,2-Lb.Roll,79c FRESH Oregon creamery butter, guaranteed finest quality. Special today, 2-lb. roll 790. Butter, fancy Oregon cream ery, 2-lb. roll, 730. Coffee, Superior blend, our regular 35c grade, 2 lbs. 55c, lb. 280. Figs, finest quality, new California layer figs, lb. 180. Catsup, Blue Label, dozen $2.20, large bottle, 190. Olives, California ripe, in bulk, none delivered, qt. 30c, pint 150. Pure Spices, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, pepper, etc. 2-oz. cans, 60. Oranges, new shipment sweet, juicy, thin-skinned California navel oranges, large size, case $3.45, doz. 250; extra large, case $2.85, dozen 290. Ginger Snaps,freshly baked, lb. 100. Raisins, cluster table, new crop, 5-lb. box 950. Wienerwursts, fresh each day, lb. 140. Boiled Ham, sliced, lb. 350 Smoked Shoulders, average 6 to 8 lbs. each, lb. 140 Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. 2-c Autographic Kodak Jr. $14 Fitted with rapid rectilinear lens. With F. 7 7 anastigmat lens, $19. The size of picture is 2x4 inches an ideal size -for an album. This is a splendid Christ mas gift for any m member of the family. Complete stocks Kodaks ,from - $6 to $66. ' Albums and Calendars to fit any size pic ture. Kodak Shop. Main Floor. $10 Auto Robes $7.35 Warm and durable plaid wool Steamer and Auto Kobes, in size 64x76, with fringe. . Sat urday at only $7.35. $15-$17.50 Suitcases $11.75 Ladies' black suit cases of fine leather in different grains, silk lined in 18, 20, 22 and 24-inch sizes. A beautiful and useful gift for a lady. Saturday, $11.75. $3.30 STEAMER AND AUTO ROBES, S4.49 Excellent steamer and auto robes in plain colors and plaids. Made with or without fringe. See these regu lar $5.50 robes today at $4.49. $7.50 and $3.50 Steamer and Auto Robes, many pat terns, $0.5. Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. ,FREE BAKING EXHIBIT ON SIMPLEX UNIVERSAL RANGE, 2-5 P. M. TODAY GINGER BREAD AND SPICE CAKE SIXTH FLOOR I ! ! I I I