TTIE 3IOISXIXG OREGOXIAN, SATTJRDAT, IT: CEBITS "EF 1G, 1916. 17 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl ushers; must reside with parents and have good appearance ; none but those seeking permanent positions de aired. Apply 30 to 12 today. BaOADWAT theater. Broadway at Stark fet. lli.VaDALE'S Commercial School. Yamhill bldg., trains you well ; your positions secured for you. 403 Bdy.. you hold KKSPECTABLE middle-aged lady for gen eral housework, on farm. Mrs. L. Hamil ton, Ash wood. Or. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. THE OR1GIVAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trace in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a. set of toolL. scholarship and diploma, get you position ; S2 schools in U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. lid and Burnside. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL, wants men and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; position guaranteed ; tools free; paid while learning. Expert Instruc tors; scalp and face massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second flt. OKEflON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from l to $25 a week. Expert instructors, 20 years in business. 23a Madison St. LGENT In each loc; good commission, atohee. Wash. ility, steady work and Blaka Mfg. Co.. Wen- WANTED Solicitors, either sex; age Im material. Phone E. 502. or call 129 JS. tith.. near Morrison. Tilson A Co. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG., 3D A MORRISON STS. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. t NCI E SAM wants men-women, IS or over. Government clerks. $100 month. Write im mediately list positions now open. Frank lin Institute, IDpt&TA, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway mail clerks ; commence $75 a month. AV 301, Oregoniau. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. I AM a thorough, competent bookkeeper and cashier; can also use a typewriter. I want a temporary or part-time position. Can give first-class references and furnish bond if required. If you want someone to look after your books a part of the time, I am the man you want. BF 9-83, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by registered pharmacist of ability, 27 years' experience, 39 years of age ; can furnish Al references ; can leave city. J. F. Kurka, 672 E. Morrison. East 1308. Miscellaneous A-l DAIRYMAN, single, American, expe rienced in dairy work, wants position as dairyman, milker, dairy work. etc. ; no use for booze or tobacco; capable of foreman's Job. Apply Hotel Couch, 2M Couch st.. cor. 3d. Phone Broadway 1717 or write room 3"0. CHAUFFEUR Japanese, competent and car-ful driver, wants work afternoon for moderate wages, without found; good me chanic. West Side; dewirable, excellent ref erence. BC 0S1, Oregonlan. COOKS, man and wife, want work In camp; A No 1 on bread and nles: will consider anything. Call 3S7 Yamhill st.. R. 16, or phone Chas. Harold. Main 1310. WANTED HAULING. Have two-ton truck, would like contract or would accept day hauling. L 9S1, Ore Ionian. EXPERIENCED salesman desires complete line of Janitors' supplies, for coming; s-ea- eon; best references. Box S6S, North Yakima. Wash. WANTED Position by married man. sev eral years general business experience ; also store work: good habits; can furnish references. T 9S2, Ore Ron Ian. YOUNG JAPANESE desires...a position as cook, butler or general housework in fam ily. References. S. Hirota, B 881, Orego nlan. k NO. 1 baker, wishes employment ; best of references; either pastry or bread. Ad dress Charles Maloney, No. 19 E. Rose st., Walla Walla. Wash. 6TROXG, willing American man. married, wants dace as farm hand, grain ranch preferred. Reply during office hours, ;30 to 5:30, Main iiol. MAN with small family wants work on farm Would work on chares; wife can do In side work. E. 5913. 3-iOY. l with eood commercial education, , wants "work of any kind. M. J. Davis, Wood lawn 40i2. CARPENTER, concrete work, painting. tinting, shingling, remodeling. J 83, Ore gonian. YOUXG man and wife wish Janitor work. apt.-hous, experienced, understand boilers and repairs. K 882, Oregonlan. MAN with 3-ton White truck wants work hauling of any kind, by day or contract. Phone Tabor 6208. PAINTING, all branches, experienced work man, cheap. Phone Main 7324 or Main a 16?. JAPANESE man wishes day work, house cleaning, any kind. Phone A 2871. RELIABLE, experienced man wants Janitor work; city references. AM 9S5. Oregonlan. KXPERIENCED Japanese boy warts Job cook In private family. Main T861. KXPERIENCED Japanese couple want job in private family. Main 5S61. JANITOR, single, wants work; 3 la?t place. AR 082. Oregonlan. years In STEADY collecting wanted for concerns in any line of business. N 0S3. Oregonlan. PAIN i ING, cheap -y carpenter work. remodeling, contract. Phone Mar. 58S5. PAINTER, paperhanger. tinter, hi price 20 day; 20 y.-ara" experience, Sellwood 2772. EXPERIENCED man wants work, cook, por ter or Janitor. Phone Broadway 2163. GARDEN man. finest references, desires work. 204 Sheridan st. Main 4618. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. HIGH school girl wishes office work, some knowledge of shorthand; afternoons, even ings and Saturdays, $10 a month. AE 984, Oregonlan. D res unaKe rs. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied oi garments made to order. Marshall 3722. WILL exchange room. AE 0S3, sewing for Oregonlan. warm H. K. Nurse a. MRE, Christian Scientist, wants care of invaiia or cniidren; would assist house keeping. AE US2, Oregonlan Housekeepers. RESPECTABLE and refined young lady wisnes position as nouse Keeper for wid ower with children. In city. N 0S2, Orego nlan. SINGLE lar'.y wishes position as house keener. 375 Yamhill, corner 10th, room ity or cuuiury. RELIABLE middle-aged housekeeper desires poBiiion. toiumoia o-i. Domestics. luu,M woman cook. competent, expe rienced, desires position, hotel, ranch or camp. Phone Main 3o03, room 3. ADY. 86. wants work in boarding-house Tor seir ana nusoana s ooara and room; in city. in vm, jrgonian. ALL QtADi ir UK -Copyright, 1?1 6X bj KsyrtpnZ. Feftr5rTictlai. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. RE FIXED, intelligent woman desires work as companion to elderly lady no objection to some light houework. L yS2, Orego nian. CASHIER wants position; experienced store or restaurant; best references. Marshall ."175. WANTED Place as Janitrese by competent American woman; references. Marshall 5167. WIDOW wants work, washing or cleaning, Saturday or Monday. Main 4585. COM PETENT. willing woman wants day work. Main t492. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or by the hour. Main 2S26. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. TELEPHONE US AT ONCE. We need mora houses; beat rental service In city. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 5195. 105 Park St.. near Washington. A 1051. Apartments. WANTED Two or three-room furnished V 9S3, Oregonlan. apt. at once. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ELTON COURT HOTEL YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath in every room; private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 per week. Main 6053. HOTEL LIL-MER, tinder new management; Airs. Lillian Merry ; transient traae so licited, rates reasonable ; hot and cold water In every room. 270 Fourth st,, cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phono Mar shall 5355. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 4th at., cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephones, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sta.. brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 30th st. at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. STANDISH HOTEL. 5484 Washington st.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms. $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSHMARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, moaern rooms, steam heat, walking distance. $1.50 a week; $0 a month and up. 5651 Washington st. NICELY furnished front room walking dis tance ; both phones, reasonable. 402 1,4 3d fct. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st., at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up Running water. Free phones and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 260llth St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main 0472. A 4783. MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th; strictly modern. use of parlor; real home. $1.50 up. M. 1153. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder. Strictly mod ern. $1.50. $2 and $2.50 a week. AUTO express; trunks and baggage delivered, 2.1c. Phone East 3827, Marshall 8431. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful home, running: water, shower. 65.1 Everett st. CLEAN, furnace heated room, easy walking distance. 94 North 16th. $10 MODEUX furnished room lln Fordhara Apt., r.t-ar 23d and Wash. Marshall 132'J. BilAUTlrTJLLV furnished rooms in good home ; references. Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. NICELY furnished attiu room, modern con veniences, $l.u0 week. 404 Clay, near 10th, ONE well-furnished room. Main st. $1 week. 314 ONE large, well-furnished front room, run ning water and heat, $9 mo. 314 Main st. Rooms With Hoard. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 0283, A 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan ; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL. Broadway at Taylor. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. An attractive, homelike place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch; family hotel; rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Roo m a With Boa r d In Private Family. WIDOW lariy, alone, would like to rent to rerined emp.oyed persons, large furnished front room Good home, table, .and walk ing distance to business center. AP 665, Oregonian. WANTED Young man and young working giri to room and board In private home; all home privileges, freedom of whole house; good heat, phone and piano. Call East 2261. FINE large front room, well heated, excel lent Doard. moaern new house, piano, good location; 10 minutes" ride Hawthorne car. Rates low. 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne. Phone East 6036. LARGE furnished front room with excellent home cooking, home comforts and priv ileges. 18 per montii. two in room; walk ing distance. Mar. 4065. ROOM and board, everything modern, beet home cooking, 5 minutes walk from P. O. Marshall 3212 ROOM and board, modern home, large front room w ith fireplace ; use of piano. 57 Trinity Place. Marshall 406. NICE front room, hot and cold water, for 2 men, reasonable; good home cooking. 835 31th st. ROOM and board, refined, congenial family, home cooking, reasonable. 384 Park. Mar shall 3969. LAKGE room in modern home, board op tional. Marshall 4410. 431 W. Park St. ROOM, man. board, with sleeping porch; gentle 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. BOARD and room, price reasonable. modern, private Tabor 9S4. Furnished Aimrtmenta. AVALON. Modern furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, sleeping porches, corner Clacka mas and Ross sts. Phone East SI 72. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2". 3 4-room furnished and unfurnished. SI 3 up. 'W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. ARGYLE APTS. 341 14th; nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, phone; $16 up; new management. A TENANT desires to sublet his beautiful 6-room furnished apartment. See Janitor, 705 Davis at. ARCADIA 706 Everett, near 22d, 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance references. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat phone, gas light; $3t up. New Hart. 170 2d st. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th Reeervatlons taken for January 1. ONE front Highland 4-room newly furnished Court apts. Mar. 3181. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments, A HOC-SE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe, THE WHEELDON1 ANNETfc, popular 0ta and Salmon St, well known, of highest standing. t A house of quality, comfort and. se rv ice. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, ail outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on ths Pmcift Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking Distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled Interior; large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. ' lincoln apartments. 4th and lincoln. 2-p.oom modern furnished apts. lt TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by week or month. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 189 N. 23d Un der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone and bath; $20, $22 up. Marshall 2945. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 6-room apts. All outside rooms, fine view, close in, WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and 8-rm. apts.. $10 up ; heat, light, bath ; clean, respect able, yi Grand ave., cor. Washington. 2-ROOM steam-heated furnished apts., low rates. Harrison Court, 5th and Harrison. NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; $10 and $12. 11623 Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants ; references required 6SU Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. IRVINGTON Just vacated, upper corner flat. Apartment service always in demand. See Janitor in time, or you will be too late. 403 E. 16th st. N., cor. Hancock st. K. J. O'Neil. owner, 7lM Board of Trade bldg. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2059. Mod ern new building, 2, 3 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. FINE front 2-room apartments, with bath and dressing-rooms ; phone, hot-water heat; rent $1; waiking distance; brick bldg. 3o Chapman, corner Mill. A FEW of the iiew Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken; light and airy, unexcelled outlook; reception-room, large lawn, etc. Glisan. nea 23d. FINEST &-roora $30 apartment In city; Janl tor service; heat, hot and cold water; phone, lights, cooking gas, etc., free. Mar. 1 793. WINDSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms, unfur., clean, comfortable, homelike, 2 hlks. Car oline, walking distance. East "007. FORDHAM 170 Vista ave.; a 4 -room un furnished moderate-price apartment Mar. 1SS1. ' 3-ROOM, iront and rear porch, $15. 171 Green ave.. near 23d and Washington. SIX rooms, sit eplng porch, all outside rooms; references. 780 Irving. Mar. 1758. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 0. 6 rms., reas. M.7M6. A2676. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3, 4, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. 5-ROOM APT., wjth sleeping porch. Bryn 11 i . joj c. xoin sc.; ou. THE ORMONDE .1 rooms, all outside mod- ern ; o. Glanders, Nob Hill. Main 82.11. Furnished or 1 nf urniahed Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking uls- BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements lor permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2161 and 2U64. Walking mnancf, ist ana irving. WELLESLEY COURT, MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Kunnyside carllne, close In; 3 room ; desirable and reasonable. and 3- THb ELENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Kincuy moaern; all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 1091 and 1052. LUCRETlA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect in all details. 49 Lu cretia st. Marshall 1513, A 3637. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. Flats. $1S.50. INCLUDING water, modern 5-room upper; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 662 E. 19th st. N., cor. Davis. Wood lawn 4373. $10 A MONVH 4 rooms, desirable location. close to school and carllne. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202, FLAT of six rooms and bath 781 Hoyt st. Inqulre 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, and Washington sta. reasonable, near 23d Main .6989. $19.50 fla.t; -STEAM heated. beautiful 6-room gas range. East fculo. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating Co. 73 Kearney. Mar. 345i. 5-ROOM lower flat, E. Main and 18th. all outside East 2764. rooms. 662 $1 FIVE rooms, modern, corner flat. East 6th et. and Belmont. i'urnLsned Flats. li2 CHAPMAN Beautifully furnished five room flat, piano. $'J7.5; also 6-room flat. MODERN 5-room lower flat, all outside rooms, waiking distance. 424 Tlllainookt W E L L- F U R N I S HED five-room flat. $25, furnace and fireplace. Marshall 8168. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished steam heat, runninr hot and cold water, phone in every room. 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 291 Columbia St., near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites waiking distance, both phones: $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402 8d st. ti6wy 4BQ0T iT,M4? Ai466ltS DOaI' AJOBLt Vol I I MlTO IH Great EriUun richU rcserrwL Registered in U. S. MAGGIE SEVER ATTENDED A CO- 7:30 o'clock Saturday evenln g end 8:30 o'clock ether evening Is the closing hoar for accepting Classified Ads, for proper clasai fi cations for the next day's Lssnc Classified Advertisements ac cepted after these hours will bo run under the heading TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOB BENT. Housekeeping Rooms, 2-ROOM suite, first floor, very convenient and reasonable 055 Flanders st. 401 EAST MORP.ISON-Fumished one and two-rwrn housekeeping apts. reaaoname. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. $11, $12 EAST OR WEST SIDE Nice, large, sunshiny suites on lower rioor, com plete; electric lights, water, phone, yard, bath; walking distance. 134 Porter. Phone Sellwood 110V. FURNISH ED houseaoeptng apartments, two rooms, $2 week up. i .Montgomery, cor. 4 th. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close In, large grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. SINGLE rooms, heat, light, hot and cold water, $8 to $12 monthly. 655 Flanders. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor, yard and porch. 100 E. 18th at. FURNISHED-H. K. suites, cosy, clean, walk ing distance. East 192i. 13 E. 7th; cheap. LARGE room, $1.50- week gas, cook stove, free electricity, phone, bath. 392 4th St., LA ROE front room and kitchenette, $9; also a single room. 509 Davis. Mar. 6544. ONE large, well-furnished front U. K., iu- cludlng wood, $10 mo. 314 Main at. House. NEWLTWEDS, TAK2 NOTICE. ONX.Y $7 50. WATER INCLUDED. Little 4-room bungalow. 2 short blocks from Rose City Park car. Owner, 41S Ore gonlan bldg. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side, in perfect order, suitable for private residence or roomlng"-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg., uth and Mor rison. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt su. Broadway 708. BEST" RENTAL SERVICE IN CITY Call or phone. We save you time and trouble. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 5195. 105 park st., near Washington. A 1051. TWO modern cottages, cheap, by owner; also one to rent in exchange for labor. Main 6M76. 6-ROOM modern house, oak floors, furaace and up-to-date. 871 Clinton su Phone Tabor 119. WEST SIDE, 5-room modern, large yard, & mln. from uMness center. Manager Car lotta Court. 17th and Everett. SPLENDID 6 rooms, very modern, choice lo cation; elderly couple. East 273. Herd man. IRVlNGTOX Neat 6-room house, near both "IJ' and B" cars; rent very reason Die to right tenant. Main P4?9. COMFORTABLE 6-room home. West Side, walking distance; hot water, furnace, small yard. $20. 510 Market. Main 4MO. COMFORTABLE 6-room home. West Sldo, walking distance; hot water, furnace, small ard, $20. 510 Market. Main 4510. 6-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. FOR RENT Irvington. 1 room house E. 11th st. N. felS P!tock block. it 63T 5- ROOM cottage, gas. bath, electricity, ce ment base men t, yard, 350 Ivy. East 4475. 6- ROOM house, gaa. electricity, walking dis tance C97 Everett st. Phone East 8. 8 ROOMS, modern, 8V 24th st. N. Phone Main 5290; references; rent reasonable. 6 ROOMS, modern. No. 1 N. 72d St., rent $11. Main 4S92. 5 ROOMS, modern, with 5 lots. No. 50 62d st. ; rent $!. Main 4&z. MODERN 7 -room house. 245 23d street, near Marshall. fnone Jiarsnau iu. FOR RENT 9-rra. house. 708 Everett, cor. -la. su. FOR RENT 0-room. 2-story modern house. Holladay Park. Phone w oodlawn 66. Furnished Houses. BY Dec. 21. complete and up-to-date fur nlshed house in Piedmont, furnace, fire- nlace. Be win r machine, linen and silver. pianola; 3 large bedrooms; reasonable rent to responsible tenant if taken for long time. i2i i commercial. v ooaiawn li Ji SM ALL HOUSE $14, Including water. 916 Mllwaukle st. Key at 711 Mllwaukle. Phone Sell. IPS. FOR RENT Beautiful 30-room house, re sponsible parties, or will sell furniture. 455 Market st. Main 4237. 5-ROOM furnished or unfurnished bungalow, modern. In Overlook Add. 844 Colonial ave. RS car. FURNISHED house. Portland Hts 8 rooms, sleeping porch, antique mahogany and wal nut, excellent view. Main 2004 or Mar. 6013. $12 TO" $25 COTTAGES, bungalows, modern. Main 5411. Main 3072. 505 i eon bldg. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, 1033 Arnold st. Marshall 5236. MODERN, well-f urnlshed 4-room cottage, E. 25th. near Holgate. $15. Call East 8225. AT 068 Hawthorne. ' furnished complete, clean, 7 -room house, 8 bedrooms, furnace. FIVE rooms. E Oth, near Hawthorne; piano, cheap. Call 810 E. 9th. East 6051. MODERN furnished 7-room house, with gartge 4S3 E Oth st. N. FUHNISHED 6-room bungalow and garage. Phone East 4211. 5-ROOM modern bungalow and garage at 1430 E. Lincoln st., $18. Main 1166. POLLY AND HER V Patent Oflfice. RESPOXDE.YT SCHOOI -BT CZXFT 1 vr-s FOB KENT. Store. FINE location on Third and Yamhill, now occupied by Haines tea store; deeirable marxet location; present trade coffee, bakery goods and light lunch business; lease and reasonable rent to right party. Cohn Bros.. gu9 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR RENT Store on Morrison at., between 5th and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 feet deep ; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay & -o. Offices. WANTED Ground floor space for small of- iice ana winaow display in aowntown dis trict; tenant permanent. AF b4. Ore go nian. PRIVATE office, use of reception room and phone, or deskroom, reasonable. L. K. i onre, ji ( noara or Trade. W ELL-FURNISH ED private of f les, also deKk room. $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES JT up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. HaJls. NEATLY furnished danceball. corner Front ana oiods: reasonable; also large, well- wiuippcft, loage hau. Main 1511. BTSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. VERY profitable m!lk. Ice cream, candy business in a country town, best In the state; boomlnir at present: established years; plant includes modern ice cream. canay. milk oottllng and refrigerating ma chlnt'ry. 'J n tores, fully equipped with soda fountain etc., una 3 auto. My invest ment $.K-0; only because of ill health will sacrifice for $5iOO cash; am ready with full Information.. Invite thorough investigation; will stay 00 days with pur chaser. This is fine chance for two part ners, a. C. 4Jb, 742- Market St., Ban r ranclco. FOR SALE Genersl merchsndlse store. wII locsteu in illamette valley. bu raiies south of Portland; good farming country good roads; stock and fixtures will in voice about $10,000; will sell st Invoice price, though much of stock has advanced 25 per cent since bought; did $24.0n in business last year. Good reason for selling, .no traa ee. Address AV M. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL OR INVESTMENT. Another factory for Portland. Well known manufacturer, established S years, rorming new company, branch here. in veators $2000 to $5o00 Invited to partlcl pate. Safe and conservative. Principals oniy; no com. paid, d os, oregonlan. FOR SALE Oneofthe bVst" billiard lore in Astoria, the best town on the coast, in the main block; doing fine busl n ess : chean rtnt. Ion lease : new eouip ment: good reason fur selling; terms. AV L'lf'j, Oregonian. CAUTION BUYERS. Before ciosing deal for so-called Inter est in established real ea-tate business get aavice oi 1'ortiana Kesity ttoara. PALL A. COWGJLL. Sec 202 Henry Bldg, MOVIE SHOW Sle or trade, best buy In tn state : strict iy moaern. two machines, 4J5 strata; owner has other business taking an his time. Kreent manager leavinK can't depend "n anyone else. Owner; no agents. Lit hm. uregonian. PARTNER wwnted to wait on customers, sell gasoline, tc , In a solid auto garage own?r busv In repair shoo and can' t de pend on hired help; good pay and small Investment required. Call 24S,4 Stark st. PICTURE theater, best suburban theate in city for $750 cash if taken at one reply ur. less you mean business. AR w3, oregonian. HARNESS shop for sale; located In best nwn in v hitman Co.. wash.; no oppo sition; large country to draw from; about f4. x will handle stock snd machinery. Harness Shop. Lacrosse, wash. 12-ROoM hotel, furnished, grocery store an filing station, on Macadam St., $2u In quire H. K. Haak, 810 Lumbermen! bldg. Broadway 427, East 5.'o5, u.WLK, alone, wants a steady man to col lect and deliver goods, etc.. as partner pay S ! j week and share profits; $200 re- qutr,a. can Z4MH stark st. ACCOUNT owner's death, best wood and coal yard will be sold or traded for any thing woman can handle. Sekhers Wood t o., istn ana sugnn sts. 12-HOOM hotel, furnished, grocery store an II ting station, on Macadam St.. $20. In quire II. K. Haak. 30 Lumbermen! bldg. hroidway 4 . hast oaas. GROCERY store, cor. 1 3th and Jefferson doing cash business $2200. AF 0o0. Orego r lan. WE have 40 grocery stores from $40O to f 40,0O. cash and t-sne. Facirio Agency, Inc., si & bwetuna Diag. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell It; anything. Lay man. 527 Chsmoer or commerce. WANTED Partner for fruit ranch; business will stand investigation. AP 08O, Ore gonlan. GOOD. cU'an pressing shop, old p:i rent. 632 Mississippi. Wdln. 2422. GROCER Y and fixtures very cheap; neve an opportunity like this, bee store at 6142 roster roaa. 1-CHA1R barber shop for sale cheap. Call 301 i-i y. ifrq. FOR snaps in rooming-houses see Pacific Agency, inc.. niu weiianq Plug. PALS TH4T. VcJ wrrrS A fDDV TO DO ABoCf IT ? l ,1 9TERJUSTT. BrSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. A CASH business Sell lunches, cigars, soft drinks, etc ; mske a good living and good profits besides; only $150 required. Call 24v Stark st. -FOR SALE." Good Implement business; rood new stock. In food location; will sell at a bar gain. Address AL &45. Oregonlan, BC6I"EfilS OPPORTTMTIK8 WANTED. ELECTRIC light plant or repair ahopand salesroom In good town. Address A V 2y, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes to Invest up to J -.i0 and services in good, going business. Writs only. V. J. Tyra. 403 U'th at. WANT to buy a barber shop In a small town within 100 miles of Portland, AM 9k. Oregonlan. L'STLING young man has $250 or mors to invest In business that will give him good position. AV 26S, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOrSE. 75 (ONLY $10O cash, balsncs $2 50 wk.) buys my elegantly furnished modern 8 rooms; actual cost $700. "WA" or "B" cars 306 Hancock. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. B24 N. W. Bank Bldg . 6th and Morrison. HOTEL, up to date. 32 rooms, newly fur- rjisnea. rent $s75. easy terms. Call White Rouae. St. Johns. Or. FOR SALE 10-room apartment-house, good wcBUQn. o ruin st. iiain xi.. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ml see I lan eons. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Ore s' on, for the County of Multnomah Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the estate of Seld Back, deceased, by the County Court ine ataie or Oregon tor Multnomah County, and has Qualified. All nersona hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, duly verified as by law required to the undersigned at room 421 Mohawk bldg.. Portland. Or. within alx months from the date hereof. Dated and first published November 18. 191 6 CH 1 N G WAN. Executrix. J. J. FITZGERALD and SEID GAIN. Attorneys. BARGES for rent, capacity 500 tons. Main Bo. LOST AND FOCNJ. AJjfc. following artlch were found In cars oi tne foruand Kailwav. Licht A Power Com par. v. iec. 14. 1016: Package shirt, pair rubbers. 3 pmaea, coal bucket, Silcer. package post cards, package sowing, com pass, ring, packag- thread, 5 gloves, shoe, package cotton, rail file, calendar, lunch box, empty suit box. bird chart, satchel, paint bucket, grip. 4 umbrellas. Owners may obtuin property at station. First and Alder streets. THE following articles were found in the cars oi tne rortiana Kan-way, Lisnt A. Power Company : Dec 15. lOlii Book tickets. 3 purses, pin 5 gloves. 2 muffs, fur, shawl. 3 suitcases, handbag, bottle. 3 books, lamp, oil can, packaco dry goods, package paper, package drill, package ehirt. pair shoes, button, package books, cardcase, 3 umbrellas. Owners mav obtain property st station. First and Aider ets. LOST Handbag, with Rlverwood tickets, be tween vv ahlngton st. and tids. ortman & King's. Finder please return to d. P. O., 4tn and Yamhiil. Reward. LOST Small brown leather purse contain Ing 1 diamond rin p, 1 ruHy r;r g, 1 lode- stone setting. Return to Jutige Jones, Courthouse. WILL 2'arty who found umbrella in W'ood- stock 'ar Thursday, pleasd phone fc-ell-w.xd l--'3. Reward. JADE nexk lace w ith pennant of Jade. Re ward. Mrs. C. E. Saunders, Imperial Ho tel. FOUND Lady's crocheted handbag, contain- ing purse and money. Apply Letter Car rer No. 4. M aln I '05 toff ice. LOST Tuesdsy night, lady's nose srlasrrs, in black case, in Public Library on Kil lings worth ave. Call Woodlawn 5087. LOST or stolen. 5-pes. Overland; license No - Any one knowing whereabouts kind ly call Woodlawn S'.3. LOST Sunday nUht, between 3 and o'clock, a necklace. Please call Main 10 LOST Pearl lnva!!ier. Liberal reward. rhon Thoor 760. LOST 2 large gold shawl pins; reward, laoor 041. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property. 6 to 8 per cent. Business property. 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property. 7 to 8 Der cent. WHITMER-KELLT CO.. 711 Pittock Mk. Fl KST and second mortgages; also seller's interest in contracts purclissed; ore a; on or wn. h . fc.. ,Noiie. Lumbermens blag. WE BUY mortgages, bonds snd notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. So 4th St.,Board of Trade Bidg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis A Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to I-oan on Rral Folate. PER CENT loam will be made on central retail business properties, n and 7 per cent on otner securities. r.uv AHl ti. GuUUtV CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley xarm loans; no ceiay; no commissions. Uevereaux Mortgage Company, 60 7 Cou cord bldg., 2d and Stark ats. SEE US today for loans on Improved city property, o to s per cent; and up 1 eiars-.-viurion o., o-j xeon oiug. M O R TO A G E I.O A N S IN ANY A MOU N T OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. INC., mock oiag.. aa ana lamhin CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. o Fourth Street. Portland. Or. iONKY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY. WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 22. PRIVATE money to loan in ny city or farm, a and 7 per cent; property. N 00. Oregon Inn. smount describe $0, $io00 AND upwards on Improved rea: estate; lavoraoie terms ; no ce.ay ; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg 6 PER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. DKSHON A HAWK. MAIN 1106. 7J0 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $OoO TO $2000 up, 1 per cent. In sums to suit, loan on good farm or city security Vanduyn A Walton, 615 Chamber of Com, FARM and city loans. 8 4 per cent. No com mission. vi, oregonian. $200. 3r.O. WO. German A Co.. $1200, $1800. Fred W. 32 Chamber of Commerce. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. to 7 per cent. DQOLEY A CO.. 312 Board of Trade bidg. MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 pr cent! W. H. Seltz. 310 Spalding. Main 65S4. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNtT" Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PERC FNT" . LOU13BALOMON& CO., 300 OAK ST. HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M. Hlcke-. Atty., 82 N. W. Bank b;dg. $250, $400. $0O, n. $750. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission, p. Q. box 873. City. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A- H. Harding. 813 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm property. 3 per cent up. F. Fucha. 420 Cham, of Com. AL. im uell Call it ott.X f r39(?iT IT rtiM-mr 1 rAsi Awv FINANCIAL. Mod to Loan on Ral EM-ac, Ot'R Installment pn is the best and sursst method of palng a loan. $32 26 per month for 08 months or $21.4 for 60 months, or $15.17 for td months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on unproved city property. Or for bulld:r.g purposes. No com m 1 &s.on charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN A5SN 242 stark Screet, Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6H PER CENT. Any Amount, No delays. Rep,i ment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL CO., 305. 2u6 Northwestern Bank B.flg. , MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly el Attractive rej tying privileges A. H. CIKKELL A. CO. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidr. Marshal 4114. A 411S. 6 PER CENT money. 3 to 5 years, residence? property; w:il accept $lut or more oa principal at any interest period payment! ' S per cent money on business property. atne terms. Pacific Title & Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up eS going rate of Interest. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO 413 Chaaiber of Commerce. $200,000 TO LOAN In ums to suit; buUdins loans, lowest rates. W G. Beck, 315-316 Failing bldg. Phone Main 8407. . IF YOU want a loan, try Mann A Car' look. Marshall 555S. $Mn smi. fUMHi, $15vm; no com., no delay.' Ward. -407 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. CHRISTMAS MONEY. FURNITURE. BALART. LOANS. LOANS.; All that la necessary to establish credit with us is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that yuu are working either will do. HOURS: S A. M. TO 9 P. M. FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. LICENSED. 317 Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED XMAS MONEY, SEE U3 SALARIES .... CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income ; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. t Licensed). aotl-;i07 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portiand business men to pro tect borrower. c. My is liei nian. man ager, ot4 Stark st. Money loaned on aia monds. jewelery. piano, h. h. turniture. . ORGANIZED by salaried men. we make sal ary ana chattel laiii on ay tern. Home lnsi ailment Co.. McKay bidg. opexa . Saturday unti. a p. M. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal sinew l&ss. Dau Marx. 2Si Washington. PIANO a:id furniture; licensed by the itate. Geo Harvey. Tabor 3M.'0. Loans Wanted. wAMtl) $15uo for tnree years on 40 acres, five miles north of Vancouver. -V. ash.. on Pacific Highway. Pnone Woodlawn 1501 alter 6 or Sunday. CLIENT wants atnu loan, residence. Ladd's Addition ; v aluo $70im ; no commission. Ro ai, attorney, iitury blag'. Ma;n 0002. $atHe SIX per cent, t n rtv years, real estate securit. No cu;u;iiusioiJ. AE lfel. ore K01iiu.11. $2Mt, 3 ears on suburban acreage. A W7d, oregonian. l'LHO.N AL. HAIR GOODS. LOW EST PRICES. 30-iuca wavy switcii, 2 sip $l.Sv) 24-incn wavy switch, o cp 1.0 Ail-around trune forma tioii 1.4. JiAiraieasllifc'. e.:i a III pooil. . face 'massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 2Jc. Hair re moved b eeCUlC lieu Ole. W itch made ot com biist. ioc. We buy your coiubuiga. Sauitai Pai tors, -ut)--a 12 Dekum bidg., .id anu adlnugtou. Marshall 1U2. F E B V E T A HANKBtT, 1 a d i n g wig and loupe miktrr , nuest stock human hair goois; nairuressiug. luanicurnig. lace and clp tr at men 1. Kt-tuoveJ to 4U Alder, near B: i-aii ay. Mau i4ti. LOL ISE N KTZEL. German trained nurse and iuaeieLke, gives trmtmeut lor rheu inaiisiu, luiabatcj. neura.g.a. etc.. muuia and bths; iu aas. slant, now located at H 10 Park st. Marsuall OjJJ. Open Sundays. GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets snd bath tor rheu.uatiru, lumbago, neu ra.Kia. etc, ;ay t.aineu uura assistant. 26 11th st. Opeu Scnuays. Mrshaii o0o7. KEV. MKS. J. C. SCfioRl. cln re:iliaKf dail, qutMivr.i ai i'ark, cor. amhlii st. Mar. ; s b P. v ered. 16 Sc PLKFLL'Gl S ii Al R destroyed forever by muiwpe-ut eue iiminou . consultation free, DeLoiig. &04 Swetlsud BQg. . Mi.s. ci t t-.N.s, -4 )tr in Portland: 20t century aricnco m p.iiiiAity tauut; spirit ual t.-diiir dily. JiJ Tayiur st. A.Z A H. R1J :HU'KK, featural correct lonlat. face siid ca.p uiaae. l.'HS 12th st nmr Wash. Mar. o-'tic. A (3 vice free. SOPillA B. S.1P. mciuai. spiritual scentiu ai u Tourny uldg.. Ii to 4 Lsily Wr:ttea ctuestiona Wed., 7 :45 P. M. Mar Ik' tfd. sTl KlTCALlf M Kev. May A. Price clrc.e Tuesday and & P. M. and Sun. & P. M.; ., rauinr dailv . -'.'2 1 '!. y. a: y ha :i 3liS'. GRACE BELMONT. niAiiicurin. and vibra tory mas Oilice -au, luor, 14o Broadway. EXPERIENCED chiropodist and masseuse wisnes select patron. oi'G 1'auama bidg. Mam 9M&. LtiiA'TKl'.' irmimMs lor rheumatism. nmtMi;o, f.ic tat lis. 4i:rt i"mv frt M:i nor circulation, and scalp; a.t TEACHER of as-.i'Olujy, prt.:i.;try, elairoy ance. Hrt Aits.. pt. 10. 170 1, 2d su ar.d Yamhi:!. 4:h floor. Phcr.e Mtn ::i. ADA MS ASTROLOGICAL SCHOOu scien tific forecast atid instruction. Belt ref erences. SOuVs Morrison st. Write or call. ASCAPSO promptly re'.levta badacha, nevT raigla and la gr'.ppe. For saie by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. MOLE.-?. D. Hi superfluous hsir removed. Mrs. sC. -J9 Klledner bldg. Main 3473. MAY ANDREWS card reading. 2S tt aches phrenology and I park st. Main 7S49. RCPFVA TAYLOR Masseuse snd scalp spe cialist, lot Park at. Marshall 313ft. BALM OF "IGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonitt Tablets. J5i) Hoyt st. Phone Main 233. "MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. :WS 8i. Apt. C. Main 1049. CHIROPODY, msssa and" magnetics. Ap-P-Mntments or.IyMain o04. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bidg. M XNICI'RING. lCIs and gentlemen. 2Ulv Morrison st. Office 10. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp 231 Morrison at. Office 1 1. Pauline Dare, massage. 4 from the East. Facial .scalo r Wash.. Rm. 33. Hrs. 2 to 1. M 'fXETTO healer. treAtment dally. 170H 2d s t. Hart Apts , apt. W. M ar. 2497. THIS ad. and J"c good for massage or man icure. 4j7 P roaa way bldg. Phone M. 113. CHIROPODY, massace and magnetics. Ap pointments only. Main f04. T- J EPrCATIONAL. EXPERIENCED Italian teacher will give . private and class leseons. Main 47S5. Urc 1 Doit THE: A DlVORCE-