THE .'MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1916. . i ; " This directory la for the Information of the public, to Ive as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any information which cannot be found here will be eladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 609a. House 40. ACCORDION PLKAT1NO. K. STEPHAX, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, jiicie pleat, buttona covered; mall crdera. l-itiock block. Broadway 10MB. AGATK ClIIEBS. id. 1874. Mfg. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Mlllera. a43j Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. ASSAIEKS AND AN.VLYSTa. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Qold. eilver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. . IW. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written oplnionsfurnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bltlg. Main 5748. LAWYER, 618 Pittook block. No charge for preliminary consultation. 1 D. 1IAHOXE, lawyer, 402 Panama bids. Marshall S333. CAFETERIAS. J-'URITAN, 4th and Stark; good eais; vocal and orchestral music, noon and evenings. CANCER. I M. Jones, M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg., 18th & Alberta. Wdln. 4106. CARPET WEAVER. IXITF RUGS FROM OLL CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North west Rug Co.. 18a E. tsth St. Both phones. CEm'LOU) BUTTONS, BADGES. THE IRWIX-HODSON" COMPANY. 887 Washington 6t. Main 312 and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. .William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, the only scientific chiropoaista In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger blug., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. ELIMINATING medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without drugs or scars. Dr. McMahon making good. 31 adjustments $15. Macleay bdg. and Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Knockers boost. Case questions free. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 6822. 100 letters multigraphed tor tl. COLIJSCTiNG AGENCY. JsETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collection, no charge; established 1900. - PANCUW. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 8514 6th, bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, $2; A. M., P. M., eve; latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs., Sat, eve., 7-8:30. Bdwy. 2160. HEATH'S SCHOOL LesBons dally; class Tues.. Frl. eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 3205. Lessons 25c. DETECTfVES. EXPERIENCED, reliable; consultation free. K. L. Kellogg, Jr., box 2U5, Oregon City, Or. EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT, LUNGS. Treatment by specialist: glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d & Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BIWiV TOPS. BUBRTJILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 2d St. AUTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. a. -Viti?. and repalr- J-AHER SPRINQCOing: 400O springs carried in stock. 15th & Couch sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED' AT HOME. FaggHse & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. .UKX UUVVUiherlock Bldg L DinKclspid CfO. Third.corner Oak! GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOLSErt, Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERS. WAD HAMS & CO.. tii-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSKR HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL,, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BiiOS., 191 Front street. MAN I FACTURUKS LADIES' NECKWEAR EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. fc" y Sthst PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FI LLER fe CO., 12th and Davis sts. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Kord Auction House. 191 2d st. Furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A, M. Furniture. 169-171 Second St. PIED. RICHARDSON In this city. Dee. 13, Mary E. Richardson, aged 60 years, beloved wife of G. L. Richardson, of Chelan, Wash. Remains forwarded by the Holman Under taking Co. to Chelan, where funeral serv ices will be held, and interment at Chelan, HOWELL Deo. 14, at 1692 Gloucester St., Lee A, Rowell, aged 23 years. Remains are at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. Funeral an nouncement later. ITXEML NOTICES. ETAMBAUGH At the family residence. 4533 Th irt v-nint h avenue Southeast. December 12, Samuel R. Stambaugh. aged 79 years, 4 months 11 days, comrade or ueorge Wright Post. G. A. R-, beloved husband of Sarah A- Stambaugh, father of Fanny M. Sutherland and Frank B. Stambaugh. , Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will ba held at Holman'B funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday). Dec. 16. Con cluding services at the Portland Crema torium. WILLIAMS At 3230 51st St. S. E.. Dec. 12, Edward E. Williams, aged 39 years. Fu neral services wiii be conducted Friday, Dec 15, at ll o'clock A. M., in the mor tuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5SU2-04 92d st. S. E., in Lents. Friends invited to attend. Interment 'Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. COAKLET In this city December 14. James Coakley, aged 91 years. Mass will be offered at th chapel of the Homo for the Aged tomorrow (Saturday), December 16 at 7 o'clock. Funeral will take place at 9 A. M. Friends invited. Interment ft. Mary's Cemetery. Remains at Dun ning & McEntee's parlors. LARS EN At th residence, 2153 Stark St., Dec. 13. Carrie Larsen, age 65 years. Fu neral services will be held at the above residence, Saturday. December 16, at 11 A. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Re mains can be viewed today (Friday), De cember 15, at the- residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. Washington at Ella st. WRIGHT At Union, Or Delia M. Wright, aged ftS years, widow of the late John T. Wright. The funeral will take place at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dun ring, Inc., East Side funeral directors, today (Friday), at 2 P. M. Friends in vited. Interment in Lone Fir Cemetery. MONACO In this city December 14, Louis Monaco, aged 2 years, beloved eon of Mr. and Mrs. B. Monaco. Funeral will take place from Dunning & McEntee's chapel today (Friday) at 1 P. M. Services at St. Philip Neri Church, 1:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery, BROUN Near Oak Grove, Dec. 12, Charles Adam Broun, aged i2 years 7 months. Fu neral services will be held today (Friday). Dec. 15. at 2:30 o'clock P. M. from the family at the junction of Oat- Tiem ana uounney roaas. Friends In vited. Interment Riverview Cemetery. HUTCH INGS The funeral services of the late Leona M. Hutchii,gs will be held today (Friday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. p. Fin- ley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invitea. interment at Greenwood Corn- tier y. GRAHAM The funeral service of the late John J. Graham will be held at P. L Lerch funeral parlors, East 11th and Clay streets. Saturday at 10 A, M. Friends In vitea. CREMATORIUMS. Mount scott park Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. 61. IXOKISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO. Florists. 854 Washington. Mln 269. a 1269. Flowers Tor ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florlsta. 287 Morrison st Main or A 18US. Fine (lowers and floral oesigns. io Drancn stores. liAX M. SMITH. Main T215, A 2121. SeU- xng DiQg.. stn ana Aiaer sts. TONSETH FLORAL. CO., 285 Washington . l. , Deiwecn no ina oa. jnain OAUZ. A 1 X U 1. montmests. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 26A-266 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8584. Philip neu S sons lor memorials. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63, A 2153. MUSICAL. EMII IHIELHORX, Violin Teacher, PUP'I gevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. Marshall 18-a. ' OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. wuv PAV MORE? A SAVING OF 25 TO S0. gSJ- Properly fitted glasses as low as tl.oO; 4000 satlslied customers; satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. Good- man, optometrist, 20 Morrison. Mala 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years experience TJ. 3. and foreign patents. 601 Uekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. - DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. AHsky bldg. Get my new booklet, "Chronic Disease"; it's, free. REED-FRJENCII PIANO CO. 10TH AND SJ'ARli STS. .UARHAIJ. S3 A 1255 PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100H Front au, corner Stark. Main or A 1418. RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGSk Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets jj ingrain, Brussels, Smyrna, Auulnater, rag rugs, all sizes; mall orders prompt; booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-56 Union ave.. N. East 6516, B 1475 real, estate dealers. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., 404 Wilcox bid. SAFES. JOHN E. DAVIS. Phone Main 4234. Stand ard makes. Cor. Morrison and 1st. STORAGE AM) TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Office 105 Park St. Main 5195. A 1051. Warehouse 44-48 E. 8th St. N. ALWAYS " PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists ; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 598. A 1986. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1189. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. MADISON ST."DOCK"AXD WAREHOUSE. Office, 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. WOOD, GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 6899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING UEYEKAGJtS. WEiNiiAHU'S GULbli.N AMBER NSCTAR. Henry Weinhard plant, 13Lh and Burnside sts. Phone Main 7-, A 1172. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSfeEN & CO., 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, fc-i-fcti Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SLPPLLES. M. L. KLINE. Si-Stt Front st. PRINTING DDIUTIMfiS". W. BALXES & COMPANY. I Itlill IIIU First & Oak sts. Main 100, A 1165 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co.. 12-8 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDlAG & FAR R ELL, 140 Front St. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND-" GLASS." W. p. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALT. PAPE1L MORGAN W.M.L PAPEP. CO., 230 2d St. FUNERAL, DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets JMain 507, A 1511 PERFECT FCNKKAL bLUMCLS FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Enneral Directors. Lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella St.. Bet. 20th and 21st. Main 2ti'Jl, A 7885. West Side. DUNNIN3 & M'ENIEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad way 30. A 4joo. Laay aitenuant. A. R. ZELLER & CO., $U2 WILLIAMS AVfi, Day and night service. J. P. FINLBX & SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTliOiMERJf AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 52. B 2529. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M n 41u2. A 2321. Lady attendant MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E 80th and Gllsan. Tab. 4313. EKICSOX Residence Undertaking Parlors. lztn ana Aiorrison sts. Main ouo, a zzjo. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. x 1888. BREEZE & SNOOK lu.ti Belmont at 34th. KBW -TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS fin f m nmvArl oitv nvnn a Jt t -' a. in cum euuui uh.ii luaiiis H. I (.untuijia lea. i-iueidi repayment privi legres allowed. No delays. iAiiUli LUAAS M'ECIAL RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. C17-2I Aortbweitern llnk Building, 6 Loans of S10.O0O and T7p on Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purpose). J. P. LIPSCOMB, 42 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private FmUa a 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Korthvreatern Bank Bids. WANTED $2,000.00 for two years, at reasonable interest rates, ana privilege to pay " interes quarterly ana to retire loan at the ex plration of two years. This will be CacKed Dy xzu.uug worth of security, ADDRESS AV 291, OREGO.IA. Vv estern Bond & Mortgage Co.' Oar Own Money at csrnst Katea. MCXICIPAL AND CUHfUHATlUH BONDS. FARH All) CITY LOAM BO S-owrth at., il.u-d ot Xrada ld MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment A Morrr"ae Cs. Office 202-4 170 Talrd SU NEW TODAY. ra : -f frrL. , -t Vr VW-f Universal Tractor Attachment Ol'I'OKT UNITY WITH BIG FUTURE. Your automobile and our Universal tractor attachment will make you big money. Agents selling- one a day. Big demand. Big- profits for you, driving through the country taking orders frr the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile In a few hours' time. Exclusive territory. Write or call at once. GER11GER MOTOR CAR CO., South Fife and Hood Streets, Tacoma, Washington, DLGOUDEYCO G "7 LOANS OKI MORTGAGE SECURITY MORTHWtSlCRN BANK BUlLDlNd REAL ESTATE. For Sali -Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage in this choice district; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. GRAND, beautiful, large view homesite. West Side; a real bargain at $350; terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. For Sale Houses. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME 7 WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Inc.. Contracting Ar chltects. 824 Abington bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst. the Addition of Beautiful Homes, tho show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office 270 Stark St. Main 1700. A 1515. A REAL SNAP. 1 acre, all in cultivation, fair house, on E. 82d street; a chance to double your money; walking distance from Twohy xros. car lactory. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 207 Board of Trade Bldg. THINK OP THIS. Sunnysldo home for $23.0. Seven large rooms, tine neighborhood, paved streets, block to car, near 33d; every thluj? goes, including $200 worth of carpets, for -.jijv, iiis. cj'.e it. BADLEY, 621 Yeon Bldg. Main 4S1. MODERN bungalow, four rooms and bath run cement basement, gas and electric iignie, corner lot, street ana sewer assess ments paid in full; Westmoreland district: price $;hjO. See owner, 918 Northwestern cans oiag. Alain atf.- ""R Will Bell modern n-rnnm Vmnvnlnw in good East Side residence district at $800 "riyJ,w voiuc, small payment down and uatance litte rent, fcee w. E. P., 67 Broad way, bet. Oak and Ankeny. SACRIFICE 6-room bungalow and four lots uxmu; party leaving city and must sell: siyjii, worth $4000. G. R. Smith, 409 liners oiatr. .tk.h uliujii,uw on Tlst street, near Gllsan: nearly new, modern, price $luyo. (Cost $2400.) Easy terms. Umbdenstock os jargon, tfim uaK at. Fbone Bdwy. 1658. OWNER will sell modern 6-room house .. .1I.C1J1I1B waaiwiigT UlSianCO, East Side, on very easy terms. Will take ,m no ya.i . pciyilieiH. mone ,aSt lOlO -ROOM house, lot 75x100, 2 blocks from car, iruit trees: $s.u, $iuo cash, bal. terms. uwner, iioo li. fcsurnside St. ALUUhKN bungalow, must sell: will take jouu ii so:o at once; sooo cash. G. R. initn. tint fliers Diagr. BPLEXD1D 10-rooni home, lot 100x100, Irv- ffiiw". location, reasonaDie oner accepted. t.ast 73. w. H. Herdman. ST. JOHNS (Modern 5-room huni?a.lnw. tautlt. in cup-coara. ?juy casn, balance like rent. w - Kienmona st. Columbia 149. il.NB b-room house, 32d and E. Main, lot f.ou'j, ouu casn win nanaie; tnu is a snnp.- G. R. Smith. 40! Eilers bldg HOUSE and lot, 8 blocks from carline, $200 chsii. ait yei, iregonian. W build and finance. E. & C. Lovegren, wjyMCAay Diag. marshal! 5O0. FOR SALE A fine piece of property, cheap. omo anu see. o-- can Raiacl. suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALT!' AC.KVX Good soil, good water, close to car'.lne, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. r-none Jiar , i.-r.- or sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON, Owner. For Sale Acreage FIVE acres and 5-room bungalow, rich soil, nail in cmiivanon, mile OI city limits, on carline, near fine school. $3750: small payment, balance straight morteatre: will divkle. O. W. Bryan. 009 Chamber of v.uiiiniffrci;. JMain llHi.t, or r4'.17. I ACRE near city limits: out-of-tnwn nwn win sacriuce equity ror $100: balance $400 tn easy terms, duo uajc st. Phone Broad CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES lear Portland; $75 to $200 per acre easy terms; best soli; farms for sale, all sizes, mm anana. 50a Yeon bldg.. Portland MUST SELL. Five acres, near Portland, all clear Torced sale. $flo0. all cash. G. R. Smith, rjiiere Diag. For Sale: Farms. 480 ACRES Morrow County wheat land, in iwu. - o., rt. r.. : aDOut 4UO a. tillable. bal. pasture; fenced with wire; 4-room house; stabling for 10 horses; spring on farm. Soil is of the best and clean f weeds. Yield 1916. 9000 bushels; worth now $13,000 ; 9 miles south of lone. School near by and In good neighborhood. Price $25 per pig. xerms. ol rtotncnild Diag. Alain 7677, FINE HOME WITH IvmvR at Underwood, Wash. 30 acres, 10 acres in bearing commercial apples, 3 acres bear ing peaches, modern bungalow, gravity water svstem. nronertv annraheil t tif; . O00 three years ago: must sell at once uecause ot suaaen illness; price $5000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $5 illuming , nj iiiieiesi or taxes; nigniv pro ductive land; close to 3 big ma'rkets. me ior pnoiograpns and lull lnforma tlon. il unger. A-.I41 N. Y. Life bldg. Kansas iij, ivio. 6OO0 ACRES in Southwestern Washington for saie. to ewiuers oiuy, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map Bui'ftinir location, terms, etc. WEY EUHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, xacoma rtiag., -lacoma, wa6h. 00 ACRES rich farm land. 4 acres In cnl tivation. good house and barn, orchard, wells and cistern, good team horses. sl3 cows, some tarm implements; $1500 cash, 10 years to pay balance at 5 ner cent in. terest. R. F. Bryan. 609 Cham, of Com. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, eastern Montana, at $2.oo to $18 per acre suitable tor farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W. is. Holt. Miles Ulty, Mont. MUST HAVE MONET. Will take $000 for $3O00 equity in 80 acres 10 miles from Portland; see me at once ana you will Duy It- G. R. Smith 4')H tillers tiiag. FOR SALE About 600 tons of alfalfa hav 000 sacks of barley, feed-lots and mangers ready to feed beef cattle; ranch 13 miles a. w. ot heno. t;. p. Bowman, Echo. Or. LOGGED-OFF ctump land. $10 acre up terms; eooa 81. running water, markets emp'oyment. Mr. Sharpe, b3 3d, rm. 337. WANTEI REAL, ESTATE. WAMhD Unimproved land, large or sma tracts; I have a very attractive proposi tion to oner. e.. j. RODerson. 7W3 Title Trust bldg. Marshall 240. LOGGED-OFF stump land for Irvlngton Home; preler tt. Helena diet. East 2544 or BC 9X2. oregonian. GOOD building lots for acreage. E. A Lovegren. homa builders, 609 McKay bide jusriasu .touu. til! WANTED REAL, ESTATE. WANT GOOD HOME. OR SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTY. If you have a good home and you have a mortgage on it and want to get some first-class clear property and will make your price right, see me at once. . r FULTON. 621 Yeon Bldg. STOP PAYING TAXES on that vacant lot which is bringing in nothing.' I can use good clear lot. Have new Laurelhurst bungalow to trade. Will rent for $30. J. M. Reeves. Tabor 1792 evenings, or Main 1700 daytime. WILL, trade 6 horses nd 1 Jersey cow and cair lor equity near Portland or for bouse and lots. See owner. Jacob iiaaa, Dekum E have buyers for anything good In cloae ln city property, farms or 'nearby acreage. R. F. Bryan. 609 Cham, of Com. CLIENT wants $3000, residence, Ladd's Ad aption; value .oOo; no commission, itoyai. attorney, Henry bids. Main 6t02. "WE buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama WANTED TO RENT FARMS. SMALL farm near Portland, suitable for poultry and gardening. BD Orego nlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SMALL tract timber tributary to Columbia stiver; oest ot logginjc c nances; can get at It Immediately; big margin of profit. Call or write. Timber. 605 Concord bids., city. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. .T. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAT BLDG. FOR SALE 20OO cords No. 1 fir wood, also several cars o&K, mi. R. R. AR 84, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL, ESTATE. WANTED Good farm for merchandise stork, store building- -and residence in lood town, Eastern Or., invoice, includ ing real estate, about $23,000. Want wheat farm for 65 acres, highly Improved, with modern buildings, near good town in Willamette Valley, valued at 15.00iX ATKINSON & NICHOLS, 112 West Sixth street, Vancouver, Wash. WANT hous.j. 4 or 5 rooms, up to $3300. free of debt, in exchange for modern res idence on East 37th street. Rose City Park; Sot 75x100, on corner, with both streets paved and paid; house of 6 rooms; has furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, breakfast-room, three bed rooms md bath; price $(3000; mortgage of $2300 at 7 per cent. Goddard & Wiedrlck, S!43 Stark St. ERY desirable 6-room cottage command ing spienuia view, centrally located on Portland Heights, very accessible; for sale or exchange. Address E. L. Thomp Bon. owner, room 4, Chamb. of Com, Jldg. I WANT A HOME. Must be clear and In good locality, 20O0 to $5000; will give In exchange deed to city property in Bend, the future Spo kane of Oregon. AJ 971. Oregonian. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated values considered. CALLAN & KASE11, 414 Oregon bldg. 160 ACRES In Christmas Lake Valley for i-oruana property; no equities considered; value $3200. 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. LARGE, modern, 6-room houses, mortgage $4000, 7 per cent, on East 12th, near Burn side; make offer for equity. P. O. box 2064, city. $t50M LAURELHURST home for lota or acreage. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 207 Board of Trade Bldg. J500 EQUITY in gilt-edge property. Haw- tnurne uisinct. uwner, 4Ui StOCit ex change bldg. COTTAGE wanted at Tillamook. Beach In exchange for Woodlawn lot and cash. State terms. K 983, Oregonian. EQUITY in 4-room house to trade for Ford or otner small car. owner, 3i E. Burn side St. LOTS in Milwaukee. Wis $1600, to trade ioraiarm or cows. 1. s., 3136 63d st. 8. E. 1916 7-PASSENGER Studebaker, fine con- aition. o u.), oregonian. FINE Valley farm, clear, to exchange for city income. ai. Hj. L,ee, quo tjorbett bldg. 90O ACRES, Sherman County, sale or trade. Aieianoer. ij tnamDer ot commerce. FOR PALE. Horses. Vehicles, Harness, Etc. SPAN gray, blocky built mares. 4 and S years old, well broken, free of blemishes ana true; wt. .'oyu: szg. Gray 4-year-old gelding, wt. 1300, free of blemishes, true to work; $90. Bay gelding 5 years old, a little street sore, but right out of hard work, $50. Also several other cheap horses, all sizes. Model E?taoies, otn ana juavis. WE have lot of good farm horses for sale mat we naa on tne transfer wazona whnn we bought auto trucks, and they are all ior saie, ana narness also. COlumbl Stables, 302 Front st. FOR SALE Horses, 3 head fat chunks: wagon and harness. East 6th st. and Haw thorne Barn. Address 192 Grand ave., room -o. ruone .cast TEAM of burros for sale, 4 and 5 years old, oroKe to arive ana pack: gentle for any body to handle; sell cheap or trade for FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star sana uo., barn ueiay st,, bet. Uoldsmltn ana tuseeii. DEAD horses taken; $5 and up for dead cows: cash for down-and-out horses. Call me up without fall. Milwaukle 69-J. DEAD horses taken free; $5 paid for dead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon uone Meal vv orks. Lents, or. Tabor 4203. CAPITAL STABLES. 2-S7 FRONT ST. Just received a carload of horses and mares, uoo to looo lbs. FOR SALEWagcns and horses cheap. 88 Oj. itn st. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. oo'3iawn roruanq Rendering Co. FOR SALE or exchange. heavy wood wagon. xaoor 1 HORSE, "harness and light delivery wagon ior sale cueap. oiu aa St. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W. lownsend to., aso Front. Main 1371. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. FERTILIZER manure for sale; plowing done. Phone E. 814. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. AT EILERS STORAGE AND FOR WARDING DEPARTMENT, 151-153 Fourth St. CLOSING OUT. $600 Stelnway & Sons, old model, cash. $96.00. $375 McCammon. upright, cash, $110. $375 J. & C. Fischer, old model, cash, $35 $250 Angelus player, mahogany, cash, $950 Hallett ft Davis, finest mahogany player, cash, $275. $S63 genuine Autoplano, mahogany, cash, $265. $230 Boudoir, neat upright, cash, $40. $1000 New York concert grand, cash. Substantial cottage organ, cash, $9 Fine-toned parlor organ, cost $90, cash. Fire-damaged Hobart M. Cable piano, cost $335. with refinished quarter-oak ex tension dining table, quarter-sawed oak chiffonier and oak commode, all for, cash. Very fine-toned Esty organ, cash, $28. These and a large number of others equally low priced now being closed out at Eilers storage and forwarding department 151-3 Fourth St., cor. Morrison. Fourth floor. AS we have the finest facilities for storing and moving pianos we are making posi tively the lowest rates for reliable service; small sizes and organs stored for 26 cents a month; larger .pianos. 50 cents; cartage rates very reasonable; or will sell your piano for you on commission or buy It outright for cash. Telephone Eilers Music House. Main 1123. ' $1 CASH, then $5 or $6 monthly, beginning next year, buys best brand new latest 1917 model Christmas piano, well worth $3"5 now only $238; genuine ivory keys. Eilers Music House. 151-3 Fourth st.. near Mor rison. V A LLE-Y GEM Piano. $137.50 1 Hi-vhai- tS Cable piano $173. Practically new player piano at one-half former price. Loweet prices for new p'lanos of any store in Portland. Soule Bros., 166- 10th st-, near Morrison. $17 BUYS excellent parlor organ. Priced when new. $165. Eilers Storage and For warding Department. 161-163 Fourth st fourth floor. $5 CASH.- $6 monthly, beginning In January, 1917, buys $350 1917 model Christmas piano at $265, without interest for years, at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. $350 1915 MODEL upright piano for $143 cash during closing out sale of Nlcholla Piano Co., San Francisco stock at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St. PIANOS stored. 50c monthly; will sell at your price or buy for cash. Seourlty Stor age Co.. 109 4th st. CASH BUYER WANTS VICTROLA OR GRANANOLA. PHONE MAIN 4403. 128 FIRST. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent player piano; will pay good rent and Insure apainst damage, phone Bdwy. 423. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert. 384 Yamhill st. WANTED To rent piano," Must be cheap. BD 884, Oregonian. $1S BUYS $100 parlor organ for Christmas at Security fetorage Co.. 100 4th v FOR SALE. Piano. Ontani and Musical Instrument. AT FILERS STORAGE AND FOR WARDING DEPARTMENT. 151-153 Fourth St. CLOSING OUT. $600 Stelnway & Sons old model, cash $96.00. $375 Kohler & Chase modern upright. cash $110. $373 J. & C. Fischer old model, cash. $35. $250 Angelua player, mahogany, cash, $23. $950 Hallett & Davis, finest mahogany player, cash $275. $865 genuine Autoplano. mahogany, cash $265. $230 Boudoir, neat upright, cash $40. $1000 New York concert grand, cash $155, Fancy Earhuff parlor organ, cash $12. Substantial Western cottage organ, cash $9.00. Beautiful quartered oak extension din ing tabie. $8.50. Splendid quartered oak chiffonier, $3.75. Oak commode, $2.50. These . and a large number of others equally low priced now being closed out at Eilers storage and forwarding department, 151-3 Fourth st, cor. Morrison. Fourth floor. SEtmiTr STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 y. & O. Fischer upright, cash .$ 95 275 F. & C. Fischer, old model, cash. B5 450 Stelnway & Sons, old model, cash, 110 250 Angelus Player, old model, cash, 25 273 Collard & Collard upright...... 45 Crown Organ, oak 20 423 Smith & Barnes, upright 110 You have heretofore paid inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our stor age prices. However, compare our Stein- way, etc., $65 or $95 pianos, with pianos sold at $135 and $165 elsewhere and you will realize what we are still doing for piano buyers. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 Fourth St. $359 1915 MODEL upright piano for $133, in tne sale of the Doriand bankrupt stock, at Eilers Music House. 151-3 Fourth St.. corner Morrison. DIAMOND RING OR LADY'S GOLD WATCH; TRADE FOR HORNLESS TALKING MACHINE. MAIN 4495. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock. LIVING Christmas presents, St. Andrewsberg ftolier canaries, males ana remaies; also some Buttercup chickens. Woodlawn 295. XMAS AIREDALE PUPPIES. LADDIX KENNELS, EST AC AD A. OR. Furniture for Sale. WE have all kinds of furniture, consisting Moves, ranges, Deaaing, sheets, chairs, dining tables, carpets, etc.; will sell cheap or exchange. 126 1st. Main 9011. FOR SALE Second-hand oak and mahog any office furniture of all kinds; filing cabinets and safes. Kliham Stat'y & Pt'g Co.. Fifth and Oak. Poultry. LOT of fine Plymouth Rock pullets, now laying; reasonable. 80 hi. lotn st. N. Livestock. 3 REGISTERED Holsteln bull calves cheap: sell or trade for cattle. Farmers Feed Yard, 2d and Main, Vancouver, Wash. 6 FRESH cows with calves all heavy milk ers, at U. S. Stables, 248 Front st. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. Other wodels less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can -save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes ot typewriters; send lor our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Wash. st. WANT best typewriter that $23 will buy; must be snap and good make; give lull particulars. J 9S8, Oregonian. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. u. Co., stark st. Main I4U CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 'o. vy . fcaee t;o., agents, iiv otn st. I.minrhra intl Hoata. A LAUNCH BARGAIN. 40-fU. 23-h p. launch. "Blue Belle.1 completely fitted out, for sale cheap. In quire A. x. Whitman, root ot Maaison. Automobiles. FORDS . FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. . .$296 ..$295 ..$225 ,..$250 . . .$295 ,..$295 ...$295 .. .$295 . .$295 1916 FORD ROADSTER 1916 FORD TOURING . 1914 FORD ROADSTER 1914 FORD TOURING . 1915 FORD TOURING . 1916 FORD TOURING . 1918 FORD TOURING . 1916 FORD TOURING . 1915 FORD ROADSTER Terms $100 down, balance $25 per month, and a year's free service on all minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne ava. OAKLAND 6-cyi. roadster; like new; at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO., 16th and Alder Sts. Main 414. FORDS. FORDS. FORD3. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay ments. RUSHLIGHT, RANSOM & PENNEY, Authorized Ford Agents, E. 79-30. 275 Union ave., cor. Wasco. FORD. Late model, with $200 in equipment including a starter. See it at the Covey Motor car -o.. Main 644. 21st and Wash. 1917 WILLY'S-KNIGHT. brand new. extra tires, tire covers, set of chains. This car was taken in trade and never been rnn to speak of. Will trade for good first mortgage or take light car as first pay ment, wltn some caen. Make terms on balance. My price Is $loO under list. Phone Marshall 40L'. Ask Ior Montgomery. SEE. We have a 1914. electric started and lighted 5-pass Carer Car, newly painted and in good shape, for only $300. Broad way Garage, L. 24th and Broadway. 1913 OVERLAND roadster, late model, good tires, x extra, only .)tu. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO.. 16th and Alder Sis. Main 414. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st ana vvasnington. aiam 044, 191B MAXWELL, strictly ud to date, light car. Just overhauled, new tires, seat cov ers, biggest Dargain you ever saw; price $475 cash or terms. Mar. 4022 ask for Montgomery. LATE model Ford, new tires, good condition mechanically; looks fine; price $275 cash or terms, phone Marshall 4022, ask. for Montgomery. FEDERAL REBUILT: two for Immediate delivery. If you're In the market for truck, see them before you buy. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO. ' OAKLAND 6. 1916 touring car. 6-pasa, in first-class condition. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO.. 16th and Alder. Phone Main 414. CHEVROLET ROADSTER, 1916 Perfect condition ana a aanay car. Must sell once. Can arrange for terms. Call Mr. Whittlesey, Y. M. C. A.' Phone Main 7i3. 1916 OVERLAND, model 83. 5-pass.. in A condition, run but short distance, $550: will take Ford or good roaaeter In Zrade. Phon evenings, woodlawn 0-01. EXCHANGE E M F 6-pass,.ln Kod runnln order, with almost new tires, and cash fo late model Ford. Inquire C. R. Vedder, 45 E. 16th st. North. FEDERAL TON AND HALF; recently over hauled; a dandy bargain for someone. 363 Oregon. East 7222. UNUSED 1917 Ford touring car at discount. Also Ford roadster, excellent condition. Make oner, bo rourtn st. FOR SALE, cash, 1916 7-passenger Stude baker, good order, like new; price $700, V VM, uregoiuaii. PORD touring. 1916 mod-1, ruj 4000 -miles. 5 brand new tires, extra inner tubes, for casn only, oen. ovw. GREAT bargain; H4-ton truck, overhauled, new tires. $875; terms to responsible oartv. Frank C. Rlgga Company. 23d and Wash. $325 BUYS 5-pass. automobile, good tires. oiectric iisnui, cvcitBui vuumuoo, sroaa way 5174. BTl'DEBAKER "20," 5-pass. auto. $115 if taken at once, oee car, tau at bo'-i union ave., room n. ' CHALMERS SO: owner will sell this at much less than it is worth, for cash or terms. Phone Broadway fcS-7. 1916 SAXON, used only few months. Just like new- must seii. win give terms. Marshall aiau. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each: vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. AUI3 wrecKing o., on in. rjroaaway. 1916 MODEL 83 Overland, like new, $550. Hrosaway KELLY TRUCK. If you want a bargain see tills one. 363 'Oregon. East 7222. HUDSON 54; Just out of paint shop; 7-pass. ,au r.ast 1-. OVERLAND TOURING; lights snd starter Till sacrifice. ao Oregon. East 7223. FOR SALE. Automobiles. TJSED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. STUDEBAKER, fair condition 800 STUDEBAKER, 4,-cyl.. etc. starter and lights 4B0 MITCHELL touring car. late model. 650 MITCHELL coupe, late model, fine for Winter use 1000 FORD delivery 250 Also several others. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO.. B 1216. East 7272. Morrison st& 1st and E. FORD BUG, $135. Washington Public Garage. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Light car. In good repair, or will repair myself; must be cheap. AM 982, Oregonian. WILL, take good car part payment on splen did lot. model no older than 1915. AR 981. Oregonian. WANTED Cheap Ford for cash, in any condition; also 1916 Ford roadster body. Box 131, Sherwood. Or. WE will pay caeh for late model Fords. uoage ijros.. or J3ulcK autos. 13oone & t;o., 314 Alder st. Main 3966. WANTED Two Ford cars; must be cheap ior cash; will be at 605 Alder until toe 20th. WE wreck old automobiles for material. Call Marshall 3223. WANT second-hand Ford auto: state model, price and condition. BD 985, Oregonian. CASH for old autos: must be. cheap. 983. Oregonian. CASH for light cars. Fords preferred. Main ano. vvasn. M-Ciarage. R. L. SHORT & CO.. AUTOMOBILE RE PAIRING. 333 E. 11TH. E. 4010. Automobiles for Hire. 1916 SAXON 6, highway, depots, touring, cauing, shopping; reasonable. East 4582. 1916 8-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call- ing ana shopping. Main 7433. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long bllva, 42 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. Hawthorne. East 1628. . Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.. 2J)9 4th St. Harlev-Davldson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers in motorcycles in the state. Main 78S9. Machinery. SOAP-MAKING MACHINERY Mixer, plod aer, mm, chipper, power mixer, cutting ta ble, iron tanks, trays, scales, die stamper. etc; also four wooden tanks, 600 to 1000 gauons eacn. L. A. Marsh, Main 4907, 201 Worcester bldg. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for lees. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew perfect and guranteea; macnines repaired; ma chine, rented 12 mnnthlv SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d near Taylor st. A 3626, Main 9431. USEFUL XMAS PRESENT A Cyclone vacuum faweeper; buy direct from factory, save agents' and dealers' profits; $2 now. oai. later; traaing stamps or tobacco cou. pons taken U. V. S. Co., 192 1st at. Main HAVE 25 H. P., 1800 R. P. M.. 440-volt. 60- cycie, o-pnase General Electric motor witn pulley, base and compensator; brand new snape; name best casn price. R 984. ore gonian. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing macnines, an makes, will be closed our, Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. Slegel. two stores. 383 Alder st. and 242 Aider st. FOR SALE 75 H. P. Reeves automatic en gine, direct connected to 50 K. W. gener ator; A-l shape, only run a few months; win sacriuce. Aaaress Lrown -Meyer t-o. wu E. Morrison. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and snotgune. cameras. Kodaks ana lenses; bought, sold and exchanged. Hochfeld's Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. Main 8581. feet; cost $650. will sell for half. Address Q 968, oregonian. FLAT-TOP desk, sanitary base. 34x54 top mission finish, chair to match, all solid oak. $20. 9 E. 30th. CASH REGICTERS slightly used; our prices are lower, casn Kegister Lxcnange. 3ois Washington st. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kands machinery, rails, car; Railway Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363, SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or ealo: all grades; large selection. Pacific Stat'y & Ptg. Co., 107 2d st. Main 1971 FIRELES3 cooker, sewing machine, toy machine, excellent ctuiary singer, fc-ast 4153. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing, walker Electric WorKs, 413 Burnside ct. Broadway or A 674. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. 1 ortland cash Kegister Co.. let & lanintu. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 8d st. Main 717. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front et. DIAMOND rings and brooches at bargain. W m. Holl, room o W asnington blag. FOR SALE Wreckage wood, dry and clean. ?3 per load. t-ast -5i:o. $60 GROCERY order, will sell for $40.00. uati Mare nail aiw, FOR SALE Good bicycle, equipment, cheap for cash. &i East uaK. . CHRISTMAS TREES. All sizes. Phone Tabor 6066. FURNITURE WANTED. MONEY TALKS, We ray the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone GEVUKTZ FUBNITURE. IN'C. 185 to 191 1st st. Mar. 5081. A 8224. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants all klnos of secona-nana xurniture. we also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion. 106-108 First t. bet. Morrison and "Yamhill Main 4t33. IF YOU want to turn your furniture Into money ana get e.n it s worm, can isn Furniture Co.. 184 First st. Main G768. We render prompt service. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, chip out town; can pay more tnan .Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Masonic Temple bldg.. pay casn ror turniture, rugs, etc, none Main ii;i3Z. HIGH EST prices paid for your furniture, stoves and carpets- Gevurtz Furniture Store. 207 1st st. Marshall 5S7. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. BE WIS15 Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction co. .Mam suat. iui st. HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture and mdse. stocks, j. M. simmonaa. n-ast ots. CASH for your used furniture, rups, carpets find ranges, rauitcner. 3iain dtho. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4ibo WAKTEB MISCELLAXEOTJ9. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you all It Is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof mat we nanaie neariy everytning you neevl in tne nome or eisewnere. CAtH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phono Main tK)72. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. ME7EK, THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MAKSHA LL 12211. 2'J. MADISON ST. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Bny second-hand clothing, shoes and other merchandise. We need stock and pay for it. Call Marshall 3225, or 209 Mad ison. JUNK WANTED. All descriptions of junk bought; highest price paid ior oia metal ana iron, can Marshal. 3225. WANTED Second-hand X-Ray, wall plate, bake oven vibrator, lncandencent Ufthts, anything used by a physician. What have you? AJf tf&z. oregonian. WANTED To buy second-hand typewriter also used set office furniture; complete or part. AJ 954, oregonian. WANTED Used knitting machines. What have you? Must be bargain. Address AV 292, Oregonian. CASH for your oid gold, silver, platinum and nign-graae ore. ii. ai. ficKenng mfg. Jeweler, zib oregonian bldg. WANT first-class compound yarding engine. lxxiz oi- nxu. rsauonai iumoer & Mfg. Jo., rioquiam, vvasn, CASH paid for second-hand furniture. 120 first. Mam a r. WANTED National cash register. 606. 351 Vi Washington st. TALKING machine and records .wanted, cash or trade. Main 44o. 18 1st. WANTED BOY'S BICYCLE, ABOUT 18- I.NXH. r KAilt. AlAli lS IS L. SECOND" - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776. OR ?45 FIRST ST. WANTED Diamond ring about 1 must be cheap. O 9s2, Oregonfan. kt. FOLDING baby, carriage, Uwood. 210. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS. LHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2080 GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2O80. 2S5 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C. A. Conducted for the specific purpose of serving boys and young men seeking em ployment or advice. We are daily re ceiving many calls from employers for boys and men in clerical, technical and commercial lines. Every young man de siring employment or a better position should be registered In this department. Stanley Baker. Sec'y. BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOLS ior men, day or night. Over halt mlllion doljar plant equipment; expert, experi enced instructors; ideal conditions tor in creasing earning power; thia school main tained by leading business men of Port land, not for profit, but to produce effi cient men of character in business. Divt slon C, Dept. of Education, Y. M. C. A. high-g;axe suits, overcoats. All the famous makes In ready-to-wear clothes; $25 suits and overcoats for $15 and $au suits and overcoats for $- Jimmy Dunn, 2d floor Eilers building, cat-ty corner from Pantasts Theater. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Over one hun dred ships being constructed on Pacific Coast requiring two wireless operators each ; owners looking to Portland Y. M. C. A. for supply. School maintaining best equipment and instructors. Information Iiviion C. Dept. of Education, Y. M. C. A. CHIEF DRAUGHTSMAN wanted for ship- uuiiumg una. engineering worKs; must be thoroughly conversant with marine, engine and boiler works, design and pipe arrangements. State salary expected, ex perience, age and when at liberty. Box AV iitfii. Oregonian. MARRIED man. thoroughly familiar with city; laundry, milk or tea and coffee route experience necessary ; bond and reference required; must have some cash. Will pay salary and coir, mission to right party. Apply Grand Union Tea Co. WANTED Several capable young men t ecu w ti.Ati.ti4 v aluminum specialties direct to consumer in nearby Oregon towns; must bfa abe to furnish reference and psy own expenses for first two weeks, W tfM, Oregonian. WANTED Two graders and one feeder for planing mill work , must be fast workers and thoroughly understand grades; to the right men satisfactory wages will be paid. Crossett Western Lumber Company, Wauna, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Conducted on practical shop basis. Teachers thoroly con struction and operation of motor cars. Special reference to ignition and carbure tion. Division C, Dept. ot Education, Y. M. C- A. RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriers, custom-house employee; $75 to $150 a. month; life Jobs; no strikes, no layoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Pacific States School, McKay bldg., city. PORTLAND factory wants man with auto or rig In every county to handle our quick-selling specialties In country ana towns. Address Economy Mfg. Co., 25 Pine St., Portland, Or. SCHOOL bo ye. now la the time to place your applications for employment during the Christmas and New Year's holiday good pay and clean out-of-doors work. Western Union Telegraph Company. MACHINERY salesman with experience In selling a general line of heavy machinery (not agricultural) and capable ot handling big deals. Address, with record, Halildio Company, Spokane. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 TILL 9. WANTED A competent ad and Job man for county seat daily, S hours, good wages. Call in person, room 5, Oregonian bldg., t A. M. Friday. WANTED Live and neat appearing young man for general office work ; good pen man; state age and experience. K U&, QrcBonian. ANY live man can clear from $3 to $6 & day selling Venti-Vision Wind Shield attach ments to Ford owner. See R. W. Wood, 101 6th st. ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Day and night schools, laboratories unexcelled; instruct ors, practical engineers. Add ress Division D e pt. of Education, Y. M. C. A. TAKE engineering course, steam, gas. auto or electrical ; courses to suit all : full in formation from Seattle Engineering School, Roy st., Seattle. OFFICE man for small hotel; must under stand some bookkeeping, single, neat ap pearance: must be able to furnish bond ; $30, room and board. AO 182. Oregonian. WANTED -Partner in photo studio, good salary, experience not necessary, juarsnaii 239. WANTED Cleaner and presser. Informa tion write J. W. uenier, tan or, voaauu, Oregon. WANTED 10 experienced ship carpenters $4, 8 hours. Hanley Employment Agency, 28 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED presser on men's clothing; steady position, good wages. xrowua ville Woolen Mills. 2D-HAD CLOTHING BUYER. FULL VALUE PA1 1 run. ait-.N ti.uiai.i MAIN 734. 201 FIRST ST. WANTED Experienced tie-makers; long Job. Address bianciara urauer v-u., x.v anston, Wyo. WANTED Names men wiehing to become Portland malt carriers; commence foi month. AV 179, Oregonian. WANTED Three experienced solicitors, sal ary , steaoy wui o j wiii WANTED Flret-class hand shirt Ironer, Lace House Launary. i:u i. um st- COATMAKER wanted. Apply 16 N. 4th fat. at once. BARBER wanted, steady Job; no student. Inquire Sanitary snop, do uurnamo ot BOY wanted to work in plumbing shop; state age. tc uregoninn. VA-NT a strong boy to learn baker's trade. J 9ST. Oregonian. WANTED Shoe salesmen. APPiy ciraoa vage Store, First ana aiu r. BARBER wanted at 444 hi Waahington st. Help Wanted Agents. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. aU tinarq oi irauq lmb. Help Wanted Saletm en. SALESMEN Two hustlers, with clear rec ords, city road wont; gooa proposition m tight men. Ansonia Hotel, room 326, 0 to 8 P. M.. WANTED A salesman to handle Portland manufactured gooas. at ppo. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED waitress, $30; country, fare; family help. Howe's, room do, iiiui Washington. COMPETENT maid for general housework; must understand cooking. 794 Irving St., cor. of 24 th. WANTED Young girl to help wih care of children ; must live In; no second work required. Phone Main 1217. - WANTED-Good lady solicitors for per manent work. Call Washington Hotel, 12th and Wash. Mrs. McAulif fe. WIDOWER wants housekeeper, age between 25 and 3; have 3 children, aged 3 to 8 years: good wages". AP Hf7, Oregonian. GIRL or woman for light housework, good home, small wages. Call 82 Grand ave., apt. 5. East 300. THOROUGHLY competent maid, general housework; two In family; references re quired. Main 6039. WANTED 100 men and women to call room 423 Pittock block bldg. Feet examinations free. Dr. Buck, foot specialist. SCHOOL girl for llgnt housework; must be neat and clean. D 900, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework. 431 East 18th Norh. East 2HP2. GIRL, experienced with children ; reference required. 402 Highland Court Apt. LADIES to do crocheting at home; steady work. Call 2 to & 105 12th St., rm. 2t3. GIRL to assist with housework; no washing, $1Q a month. Tabor 916. GIRL for general housework. Apply Fri day morning. 689 Savler street. WANTED Competent girl, general house work; wages $30. Telephone Wdln. 947. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good housekeeper, for man and wife. BC '.3. Oregonian. RELIABLE girl to work for room and hoard, good home. Tabor 5056. WANTElb Waitress for restaurant. Apply 120 5th st. N. MRS. F. C. FRAN K Want to see y u about the place! WANT girl for general housework. Call Tabor 4422. GIKL wanted for plain cooking and house work; wages $25 to $30. phone Mar. 940. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. A 1S44. Main 6539. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman as nurse for small child. Apply S60 Marshall. WANTED Woman to work for room and board. Tabor 2492. PRIVATE home for children, anv age: 15 years' experience. 714 Evtrett. Mar 2162. MISS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand, . Typewriting $3 mo. 269 14th. Main SSB. I LADY fiABBER, 314 Eur aside at. I :: 2 TV