13 ThereWillBeNoEvening Shoppi Only Eight More Shopping Days to Christmas This Great Store Stands Ready to Supply Your Holiday Needs at the Lowest Possible Prices Do Your Shopping in the Morning, if Possible. We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases Amounting to 10 Cents or More Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash in Gift Room, 4th Floor Tea Room on the 4th Floor. PARCELS CHECKED AND HELD UNTIL CALLED FOR FREE AT THE DESK, MAIN FLOOR. Merchandise Bonds and Glove Orders Gifts that never fail to give pleasure to the recipient. Give an OWK Mer chandise Bond or Glove Order this Xmas. For sale at Special Booth, Main Floor. XMAS GREETING CARDS POST CARDS CALENDARS STATIONERY FAVORS ' DECORATIONS. 1ST FLOOR. EE38EX3S3E3 SPECIAL SHOWING - OF ART NEEDLEWORK NOVELTEES SUITABLE FOR XMAS GIFTS ON THE 2D FLOOR. GIVE HER AN OHIO STANDARD ELECTRIC CLEANER FOR XMAS. 3D FLOOR. Iher Staodtxpcf Stare af 'fie 'FfarifnanEsi Branch Express Office In the Basement Parcels forwarded to all parts of the world. Rates and other information cheerfully given. Customers are invited to make use of this service. Alder-St. "Beliabfe Mercrj andlse Reliable Methods ouble Stamps Today WITH CASH PURCHASES All Over the Store! THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, , DECEMBER 15, 1916. I Olds 9Wort Knur 1 D $4 to $6 Shoes $3.29 Scores of Popular Styles. Shoe Department, Main Floor A rare bargain in women's high-grade footwear. Smart, up-to-date styles; enameled colt in button effects with extension soles and medium Cuban heels; suede and buck Shoes with military or low heels; tan Russia calf Shoes in several patterns and numerous short lines of good dependable grades. Shoes C"2 OQ of standard . $4.00 to $6.00 qualities, priced very special at PJ.' BOYS AND YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOES in button or lace styles. Sizes 9 to 13 V2, $2.39 pair; sizes 1 to 2, $2.50; sizes ZVi to 6, $2.89 Men's $5 Silk Shirts $3.50 Attractive Stripe Patterns Main Floor Special line of men's high-class Silk Shirts priced for quick selling. Sizes 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17 and 18. Shown in neat stripe pat terns in various colors. Soft-cuff styles, r"2 Cfl standard $5.00 Shirts, specially priced at PJ.OU Xmas Gifts for Men. Flannelette Night Robes, priced 85 to $1.50 Flannelette Pajamas $1.25, $1.50, $2,$2.50 Men's Coat Sweaters priced $3.50 to $8.50 Initial Handkerchiefs, priced 250, 350, 500 Garter and Belt Sets, boxed, 750 to $1.25 Boxed Interwoven Hosiery 250, 350 and 500 Suspenders in Holiday Boxes $1, $1.50, $2 MEN'S BATHROBES in all the popular new styles, fabrics and col ors. Make selection now while sizes are complete. $3.50 to $18.00 MEN'S HOUSE COATS in great variety of attractive new styles, colors and patterns. Gifts all men appreciate. Priced $3.95 to $15 New Broadcloth Collars $1.25 Main Floor Made up in the popular large styles with deep back. Dainty embroidered pat terns in various designs. See these new collars Qy choice, while they last, P-I-.wJ Ma n d k.e rch ief Specials WOMEN'S Linen Handker chiefs with neat colored initial. Full assortment of letters. Well worth 20c Friday spe- 1 cial at low price of only J-JC WOMEN'S Kerchiefs of fine sheer lawn with pretty one-corner embroidery design. Neatly put up three in a box specially priced, the box Xmas Ribbons Main Floor Novelty Ribbons for-, hairbows, sashes and Xmas fancywork. 250 to $1.50 yard. New Veils & Veilings IN LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS Main Floor Veils make appropriate gifts. We show all the latest novelties advertised in Vogue and various other periodicals. New shipment just received. Black, white, brown, navy, purple, taupe, etc. Exceptionally pretty effects-at 65c to $5 each. Our Veiling Department is now conveniently located near the elevators on the Main Floor. 65c to $1.00 Veilings 59c Yard SPECIAL LOT high-grade Veilings. Mill lengths, ranging from 1 to 1 yards to the piece. Veilings usually selling at 65c up CQ, to $1.00 the yard. Priced special at the low price of, the piece Sale of Electric Lamps, Cut Glass, Desk Furnishings Entire Stock Libbey Cut Glass 20 Off Third Floor Every piece of Libbey Cut Glass has the name etched thereon, which is a guarantee of the world's best. Why not choose Cut Glass for that Xmas present? SUGARS AND CREAMERS Regular 6.00 kind now $4.80 Regular $ 8.0& kind now $0.4 O Regular $10.00 kind now $8.00 Regular $12.00 kind now $9.60 BERRY, SALAD BOWLS Regular $ 5.00 kind now $4.00 Regular $ 8.00 kind now $6.40 Regular $11.00 kind now $8.80 Regular $12.00 kind now $9.60 , Regular $36.00 kind now $28.80 WATER PITCHERS Regular $10.00 kind now $8.00 Regular $16.00 kind now $12.80 Regular $20.00 kind now $16.00 TABLE TUMBLERS Regular $10.00 set of 6 at $8.00 Regular $15.00 set of 6, $12.00 Regular $18.00 set of 6, $14.40 Cut Glass Oils, Celeries, Vases, Jellies, Plates, Comports, Goblets, all on 6ale now at reduced prices. - X $12.00 Lamps $730 y $220 Lamps $1625 Third Floor An exceptional opportunity to choose beautiful new Electric Lamps at a substantial re duction. Scores of different styles and sizes with latest silk shades in every wanted color. $12.00 Lamps $7.50 1 $21.00 Lamps $13.25 $18.00 Lamps $11.25 1 $22.50 Lamps $16.25 Community Silver 50-Year Guarantee Third Floor Here is a gift suggestion that will find favor with all who plan to give lasting gifts: Community Silver Plate, beautiful Patrician design. PRICES ARE FOR SET OF SIX Lamp Dept., 3d Floor. Tea Spoons, set, $2.50 Dessert Spoons $4.50 Table Spoons at $5.00 Soup Spoons with round bowl. Six, $5.00 Dessert Forks at $4.50 ITALIAN MARBLES at one-half price. Prices $260. Choice of over 100 beauty to the home. Table Forks, set, $5.00 Oyster Forks, set $3.25 Salad Forks, set, $4.75 Butter Spreaders $4.00 Model Knives, the set, priced special at $3.75 ALL REDUCED Some range from $1.75 up to subjects. Gifts that add Statuary Salons, 3d Fir. Entire Stock Desk Furnishings At V2 Price Third Floor Desk Sets, Ink Stands, Calendars, Paper Knives, Stamp Boxes, Pen Trays, Pen Wipers, Letter Clips, Bill Files, Blotters, Desk Pads and other articles in Xmas sale at . price $ 3.00 Desk Sets now at $1.50 $ 3.50 Desk Sets now at $1.75 $15.00 Desk Sets now at $7.50 $20.00 Desk Sets now at $10.00 $26.00 Desk Sets now at 013.00 saz.uu uesk Sets now at $16.00 $1.00 Ink Stands now at 500 $1.75 Ink Stands now at 880 $2.00 Ink Stands now at $1.00 $3.00 Ink Stands now at Si no $4.00 Ink Stands now' at $2.00 ouc Desk Calendars now at 250 80c Desk Calendars now at. An $1.35 Desk Calendars now 680 vx.to jjesK calendars now He $2.00 Desk Calendars at $1.00 50c Paper Knives now at UTitS 75c Paper Knives now at 380 Odd Lines Nickel and Brass Wares A Price Friday Special Showing of Women's Bath Robes At $3.98, $5, $7.50 WOMEN'S and Misses' Blanket Bath Robes of splendid grade ma terial. Shown in attractive new designs, floral and conventional. Light or dark colors. Very latest styles. Medium weight. (P"? QC Priced special today at PJ.yQ Garment Dept., Second Floor. BATH ROBES in regular and extra sizes. Floral and conven tional designs, trimmed with satin bands. Sizes range from ff 36 up to 54. Priced at PJ.vJV BATH ROBES in great range of styles, patterns and colors. Large collars or V-necks, $6 to $7.50 Kimonos for Gifts Second Floor Our showing of Women's and Misses Kimonos and Neg ligees is complete with the season's latest models, in various materials. These make excellent gifts for mother, sister, wife, daughter. Purchases made now will be held and delivered at any time desired. Shop early. Kimonos and Negligees of chif fon, laces, crepe de china figured silks, challies and albatross. The prices range $5.50 to $37.50 Japanese Kimonos in rich em bordered designs $7.98 to $35 Special display of Women's Ki monos in many pretty styles, made up in belted effects odd lines and samples. Many are trimmed with lace and embroidery. On sale at special $3.98 up to $11.95 Infants' & Children's Wear Special Offerings for Friday INFANTS' KNIT SUITS, con sisting of cap, sweater and leg gings. Made of fine soft C"2 QO white wool. Special, set JV).'0 INFANTS' BEACON Blankets in pink and blue.' Neat pat- "2 Q terns. Priced special at-' CHILDREN'S COATS in colors. Copenhagen, brown and red. Ages 2 to 6 years. Now at one-fourth off. $ 7.25 Coats now priced $5.44 $10.50 Coats now priced $7.88 $17.50 Coats now priced $13.12 $21.50 Coats now priced $15.12 Christmas Aprons WOMEN'S Coverall Aprons of splendid quality percale. Open on side-front or in back. Good full styles and exceptionally well made. Attractive patterns. Priced fJQ very special for today at FANCY TEA APRONS of dainty lawns and Swisses. Lace and em boidery trimmed. 250 to $1.75 MAIDS' APRONS with fancy bibs of lace and embroidery. Prices range from 390, 490 up to $2.25 WAITRESSES' APRONS with fitted or full skirts and large or small fane; bibs. Plain or trimmed. Priced at 490, 650 up to $2.25 Leather Bags and Purses Special Showing at $3.50 Main Floor If priced according to present market conditions these Bags would sell at-$4.50 and $5.00. Great variety of different styles, shapes and finishes. Real seal leather. All have newest linings and inside fit tings of coin purse, mirror and other toilet articles. Buy now (C"2 Cf for Christmas, while assortments are at their best, your choice P-'-'VJ Manicure Sets Purses and Bags At $1.00 Main Floor Women's back-strap Purses of first quality leather and real seal. Also Hand Bags in as sorted shapes 'and styles. Bags and Purses of unusual (PI Art merit. Priced for this sale P J.IA At y4 Off Main Floor Real Leather Cases and Roll-ups fitted with from 3 to 12 articles in mother-of-pearl, eb ony or ivory. Manicure Sets rang ing in price from $1 1. Off to $15.00 now at 4 Buy Him a Gillette for Xmas Main Floor We have all styles in celebrated Gillette Razors also the Gem Junior and Auto Strop Razors. Special Weller Razor -with safe ty straight blade and ivory handles. Razor, with 6 blades, special 500 M J Santa Claus Is Here! Jolly, rollicking old Santa with his snowy-white hair and sparkling eyes greets the children in Toyland, Fourth Floor, every day from 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Let the little ones come and have a chat with Santa. $2.50 Machine Gun $1.89 "Big Dick" Machine Gun shoots just like real gun. - Wooden bullets strung on tape and each turn of crank shoots bullet. Wood barrel, 18 inches long, strong metal frame. Simple in action. Regular G1 QQ $2.50 Toy special now at P-L.O' Toy Trains $1.19 Fourth Floor Engine, tender and 2 coaches with 8 sections circular track. Total length 23 inches. Regular price is $1.50, CM 1 Q specially priced today at P-I-.-l' CROKINOLE Game Board in oc tagon shape front Crokinole, back checker squares. Size 26x26 QO inches. $1.25 Board today at L. Colonial Hams 20c lb. Model Grocery, Fourth Floor Colonial sugar-cured Hams put up expressly for this store. Nice medium sizes, weighing -lA. 10 to 12 lbs. Special, lb. VJC Glenwood Butter 2 lbs. 80c OWK SPECIAL But- 77 ter, special 2-lb. square ' Fancy Oregon Prunes (1 1 f for mailing the box P1.U Fancy Apples, 24 to box, $1 Mail or express a box of Ap ples to your friends. We will attend to all shipping details. Y.W. CI CROWD GROWS MISS A. V. RICK, OF NEW VORK, AD DRESSES CONFERENCE. ernoons at 2:S0 o'clock and In the even ings at 7. The committee has prepared the programme so as to provide a splendid opportunity not only for teach ers of religious topics, but also for all young women. Personal Evangelism" Is Topic of Vl- . Itor Dr. Stnnsfield and Other I Speakers Are Heard. A larger attendance than on the opening day was registered at the ses sions of the T. W. C. A. mid-Winter conference. "Efforts to N teach and help young people In religious matters will fall vnless we present our plea In modern terms," said Miss Anna V. Rice, who rpoke on "Personal Evangelism." Miss Rice, of New York, one of the National secretaries. Is devoting her time in Portland to the work of the confer ence, and her lectures are for the girls In general, and. not only for the work ers. Howeve., Miss Rice appealed to these who are In the work to look out lor girls. "You cannot hope to present religion Jn an attractive, taking m:'.nner to the young unless we make It conform with the present age. You must be a student of human nature, and the Bible, an 1 a reader, to be able to know and under stand youth.' Dr. Joshua Stansfleld continued his talk on "Christian Conceptions About the Bible." Christianity, he said," was a growing thing. Miss Jane Neill Scott spoke In the evening. Last night at 7 o'clock Miss Helen Donovan held a class in Bible study and Mrs. Boudinot Eeeley gave mission tudy. The meetings begin In the aft' MRS. RISTMAN RE-WEDS SCHOOL PLAY PLEASES "HANSEL V"IJ GRETEl" IS GIVEN BY FAILING CHILDREN. Vancouver Bride Is Widow of Jitney Man Who Was Killed. Mrs. Fred Rlstman. widow of the Jitney driver who was murdered near Tualatin by Bennett Thompson last May, was married in Vancouver Wednesday night to Michael Rltter. a blacksmith living at 164 Russell street. The couple bad been acquainted a long while. Rev. Mr. Nelson, pastor of the Van couver Methodist Church, performed the ceremony, Rlstman was the unfortunate Jltneur who drove Thompson from Portland the night Mrs. Helen Jennings was mur dered at her home near Sherwood. Rist man's body was found 10 days after, in the woods two miles from the Jen nings home. He had been killed first by Thompson, who was convicted of second-degree murder in Hillsboro last September and sentenced to a life term. Orchestra of 30 Pieces Entertains and Girls and Boys Present Pretty Drills to Bis; Crowd. Esther Layton. Lillie Schokell. Delia Hanks and Kred Coloway. "Hiawatha's Childhood" was an at tractive woodland pantomlne given by the children from Miss Madge Cra mer's room. Miss Madge O'Conner's girls gave a parasol drill and Miss I Ruth Dunne's boys a cowboy sketch. CADET EXAMINATION TODAY West Point and Annapolis Aspirants Will Take Tests. Centrallan Burled by Veterans. CENTRALIA, Wash.. Dec 14. (Spe cial.) The funeral of Charles Reeves, an old resident of Centralis who died Monday, was held yesterday afternoon Members of the Spanish War Veterans acted as pallbearers and six G. A. R. veterans as honorary pallbearers. Mr. Reeves was 78 years of age and had been a resident of Centralis, sine 1888. A large audience at night and: about BOO children In the afternoon saw the presentation of "Hansel t und. Gretel" and other features at the Falling School yesterday. The fairy story, with its pretty setting and fanciful plot, formed a refreshing entertainment and the children played their parts well. The entertainment was given under the direction of the teachers and decorations and new scenery made the production most attractive. The school orchestra of almost SO pieces, under the direction of Albert Creltz. a student, had a large part in the success of the affair. Appearing in "Hansel und Gretel" were: Richard Twlneham, Alice Fos ter, Leonard Baker, Gussle Lakeflsh, Marvin Iseberg, Edmund Kefskyv Rose Bonventurn and a . group of little fairies. The following were in the orchestra: Albert Creltz, director; Harry Ranell. B. Mayerousky, Luella Ferguson, Philip Epstein. Isadore Hornsteln, Sam Cohen, Harry Zohn. Worth Sherman, Atie Zohn, Bessie Welsblatt, Elsie Wank. Joe Zohn, Frieda Linger, Barney Spevack, Harry Kessler. Morris Sholnlck. Henry Panders. Abe Bercovitz. Jake Davis. Sam Goldstein, Gilbert Zimmerman, The examination of young men who aspire to enter West Point or Annapo lis will be held today at 9 o'clock In tho Commercial High School. Fifth and Harrison streets, under the direction of Superintendent Alderman, of the city school system. There are about 20 applicants and those making the best showing will be certified for appointment to the Army or Navy academies as vacancies arise. In January, at the same place, another examination, limited to mem bers of the Oregon National Guard, will be held to get eliglbles for ap pointment to the military academy at West Point. SEALS ARE 111 DEL1 RED CROSS - ANTI-TCBEHCCLOS1S WORKERS ARE BUSY. against tuberculosis which is being car ried on by the Oregon Association ior the Prevention of Tuberculosis. The sale today will be in charge of the Portland Parent-Teacher associa tions. Other women, whose names Campaign Goes on All s er Oregon and Sales Mount I" More Local Women Join Forces. All Oregon is evidencing Interest in the campaign for the sale of Red Cross Christmas eeals. Organizations in 100 different com munities are active. Reorders keep the headquarters at the Oregon Asso ciation for the Prevention of Tubercu losis in Portland busy. It Is safe to say that 600,000 pieces of mail, Christmas packages and so forth, will be .stamped with Red Cross Christmas seals this month. Each seal 4s in itself a warn ing against the disease that takes the life of one of every 12 people who die In Oregon. The proceeds from the sale of the seals at a penny each go entirely, ex cept for the 10 per cent that pays the American Red Cross for printing and other expense, to the organized fight Centralia Plans Christmas Carols. CENTRALIA, Wash., Deo. 14. (Spe cial.) Plans have been completed for the singing or Christmas carols in Cen tralia on Christmas eve, the singing to start at midnight. The plan was lounched by the Presbyterian Sunday school, but all of the other Sunday schools have been invited to partici pate. The singers will hold their first rehearsal Sunday under the direction of Miss Blanch Klllen. ySKlNG OF ALL, McTAL POU iM tS Keep sVutmobileflttiDgsnewand make all metis pleasure to icxKf. iiwomy 1 pJIilj have not heretofore been used and who will aid, maintaining" a booth at the Imperial Hotel, are: Mrs. R. R. Rohr, Mm. Fannie II. Carey. Mrs. J. F. Mulay, Mrs. Iee Davenport, Mrs. J. L. Bo we, Tiss Mae Kyle. r 1 1 mm fa wtliaH inw slnmlnnm. flatoilsr no acid or ammonia QsMmI. Made of tbe vVtai rlr nnifklv sLnrl sriVAnl a last ing polioh. Cold in two siea cans by all Crrooary, Hardware and Drue Btorea Effort Brings Results Effort always brings results and the results of the' Saving Habit are very much worth while. With yesterday gone forever and tomorrow yet to come, today is the time for action. Start that account now today. lumbermens National. Bank Fifth and Stark 3 on savings.